MONDAY the emotional energy is in Scorpio so needs for intimacy, deeper understanding, financial agreement, divorce momentum, or third party matters will be pushing just about everyone. It's frictional and involves what is occurring in the love life, with the kids, any creative projects, or recreational needs. Expect to have to push and motivate and don't let limits or 'no's' get you too down, it's par for the course today and there to show you just what still needs to be handled.
Mercury moves into Libra on MONDAY and will amp up the talks, offers, proposals, agreements, sales, short trips, ideas, meetings, and decisions involving partners, reps, clients, specialists, competitors, and other key people over the next 20 days. It will be about seeking balance or justice with or through others and with this shift today you may get a clue as to what these next 20 days will involve and who that person is going to be.
TUESDAY that Scorpio Moon energy aligns with some powerful opportunities for change and evolution. Get yourself into the financial matter that needs your attention, deal with divorce issues, get closer to someone intimately, or work through third parties. The good stuff will play out at home or around real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, roommates, work, organizing, health, pets, and paperwork.
WEDNESDAY sees Venus moving into Scorpio where she will begin to help smooth things out for you in the financial arena, with the divorce or in your sex life. A woman may be arriving on the scene that is beneficial to you in one or more of these areas or you may find that the love if flowing or the income is flowering now through shared interests here. Venus will travel here through October 7th so enjoy the trend while it lasts!
There are adjustments required on WEDNESDAY that will involve your lovers, kids, creative projects, partners, agents, attorneys, clients, competitors, opponents, or other key relationships. Do some give and take when it comes to the goals or power people and to what is going on behind the scenes. You should be able to broach the legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media interest with this person at some point.
THURSDAY those legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding interests will be front and center. Today this will mean some adjustments at home or with real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, roommates, or security needs and exactly what you need to show up for on the job or with work details, organization, health concerns or interests, or the pets. Tune in tonight for the Zoe Moon Astrology Show at 8pm eastern/ 5pm pacific!
FRIDAY is either goal oriented or all about career, the boss, parents, or other authority figures. Set goals high whatever they are since there is quite a bit of opportunity for you to achieve in the areas of finances, sex, divorce, or shared resources and the arts, spiritual practices, romantic getaways, hospitals, retreats, investigations, research, or development. There is one challenge today in talks or news involving partners, reps, clients, specialists, opponents, or other relationships so keep the focus on what you can achieve.
SATURDAY those goals, career matters or authority figures are part of the Grand Cross so there will be more action, passion and motivation going on here. Mercury squaring Pluto is going to amp this up big time and involve at least one very powerful conversation, meeting, decision, agreement, sale, or offer involving the partner, rep, client, opponent, or other key person. Expect this to be controlling, obsessional, manipulative, and frustrating, or sexy, passionate, intense, and steamy. Some adjustments arrive today around what's going on behind the scenes, with institutions, art, romance, spiritual pursuits, research, or retreat and will push things with the lover, kids, creative project, or recreational plans. Venus does get involved to help bring some love or money flow around that intense connection.
SUNDAY may be a bit tough. Social energy takes over which should be fun for friends, groups, the internet, and gatherings but this energy is squared by Venus and Saturn in Scorpio so issues involving finances, control, manipulation, love, sex, divorce, and limits will infringe somehow. It may be you must focus on these serious topics to the distraction of social needs or that you are having some issue with a friend or aspiration, etc. To make matters a bit more sensitive, Mercury will inconjunct Chiron so talks, news, thinking, or decisions involving partners, reps, clients, specialists, competitors, opponents, or others will be adjusting around wounds/the need for healing and what is going on behind closed doors. You may do best by excepting limitations and staying focused on what is possible rather than stressing over what is not occurring yet today. If you are ready to look into more detail with your own unique chart email for available dates and rates for a private reading with Zoe!
It's time to meet and talk with those specialists, partners, reps, clients, or competitors starting on MONDAY. You have 20 days to get it right so look at decisions, writing, sales, agreements, or ideas involving these people. Today there will be some issue popping up involving intense changes, financial matters, sex, reproduction, divorce, or control and push you a bit where love, creativity, kids, or recreation is concerned. TUESDAY these deeper themes of intimacy, finances, divorce, and control will move into positive alignment at home, with family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, roommates, health, work, paperwork, and pets so look at ways to work things out now. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into this arena so you should see a woman moving into position to help you with the finances, divorce, intimate needs, or changes and see that things begin to smooth out as love or income is wrapped up here. Adjustments with those key people and what's going on at a hospital, film, music, art, spiritual practice, romantic liaison, research project, or retreat is required and you will do well to also adjust with kids, lovers, creative projects, and the goals or authorities today. Talk it out with someone far away or make plans in the travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding arena. THURSDAY these travel, educational, wedding, legal, or media interests will mean making adjustments at home or with family, moves, roommates, real estate deals, renovations, security needs, and your health concerns, work situation, paperwork, or pets. FRIDAY is goal oriented or will thrust you out there on the career front or with the boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure. The aspects are positive so opportunities should be open to you if you are trying to make changes or go deeper, deal with the financial aspects or divorce and find time behind closed doors or with hospitals and other institutions, the artistic, spiritual or romantic need. There will be one challenging talk or bit of news from the partner, rep, specialist, client, or competitor or the frustration comes from not hearing today. SATURDAY amps things up with that goal, other person, home, and physical need. An intense meeting or talk transforms things here and may point out any powerful changes that are necessary. Adjustments with creative output, love, kids, and the institution, art, spiritual interest, romance, or research is necessary. Good things are in the mix with financial needs, sex or divorce. SUNDAY social needs or aspirations kick in but there is stressful energy around that financial, sexual or divorce matter so it may be a friend or internet issue that focuses on this or your own division between needs in these areas. News you get today or decisions you make involve adjustments and the specialist, partner, rep, client, competitor, and hospital matter, film, music, art, meditation, yoga, romance, addiction, retreat, rest, recuperation, research, investigation, or development. Look at wounds and healing. If you are ready to look into more detail with your own unique chart email for available dates and rates for a private reading with Zoe!
MONDAY opens things up on a new level with work, organization, paperwork, health, and pets, and this trend will last 20 days! It is going to bring more ideas, offers, news, talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, and decisions about these matters so pick up the phone, write the email, send out the resume, you get the idea. Expect some issues or added motivation today via the partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, or other key person and what is going on at home, with real estate, moves, renovations, family, roommates, parents, or security needs. TUESDAY is a much better day for these relationships when things will open up in talks, meetings, with agreements, sales, and decisions as well as connect to your sense of love, your creativity, recreational pursuits, or interactions with kids. WEDNESDAY your ruler, Venus, is moving into new territory which usually means you feel like shifting your focus to these new topics. In this case it will involve your sexual interests, what's going on with your loans, investments, insurance, taxes, settlements, commissions, and other financial interests, or divorce proceedings. You have this energy working on your behalf to smooth things out or help you attract the love or money between now and Oct 7th so get into the flow. Today will bring adjustments as well in different areas of life; around home, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, real estate deals, and any legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media needs, as well as with the job, paperwork, health, or pets and what is going on behind closed doors. THURSDAY the deep emotional energy around sex, divorce or the finances will involve talks, meetings, agreements, sales, or decisions that require more finessing and adjustments and will put you in a position that stretches you somewhat where love, kids, creative projects, or recreational needs are concerned. Step up and do what it takes. FRIDAY opens up some rather expansive arenas for you in the higher minded areas of life so look to legal matters, educational pursuits, travel plans, foreign interests, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, weddings, or your sense of adventure. Here you can move in concert with partners, attorneys, agents, specialists, clients, or in dealing with the competition and pursue aspirations or involve causes, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gahterings in positive ways. You will however, feel challenged to have your say over paperwork, the job, health, or pets. SATURDAY the Grand Cross is triggered over your legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media needs so things will amp up and get busy. This most strongly will push you hard over the job, paperwork, health matter, or animals in the mix, again regarding what is said or heard, written or agreed upon, sold or decided. Adjustments today involve home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates and the aspirations, friends, gatherings, internet, or sense of independence. The positive flow is with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or dealing with the competition. SUNDAY brings more focus on the work, paperwork, health, or pets and the need to deal with any issues of wounding or healing in the mix, most likely tied to high expectations, your friends, groups, the internet, or some need for freedom. There is a serious, possibly somber tone, to what is going on with the partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, opponent, or other key relationship. Saturn wants a commitment long term or an ending, asking for you to mark a line in the sand while Venus wants it to focus on love or money, possibly a woman. Search your heart over goals and do what you can to choose wisely. If you are ready to look into more detail with your own unique chart email for available dates and rates for a private reading with Zoe!
MONDAY begins a trend of meetings and talks that will turn your focus towards falling in love or the needs of your lover, your creative projects and ideas, recreational pursuits, and what you want for children. This trend will last 20 days and will open up communications, meetings, writing, agreements, offers, proposals, sales, short trips, local activities, and decisions for you over these subjects. Expect the biggest tests over these matters to arrive this week to help get you on the right track. There is intense energy today around work, paperwork, health, or pets and whatever comes up about it will push you to passionately fight for something or motivate you into action locally. TUESDAY the work, health, paperwork, and pet needs mellow and fall into a flow that opens up your earning potential or helps you expand through what you do with possessions or purchases. You will find you are pouring more positive energy into the home or family, a move or renovation, parent or roommate today and it is working. WEDNESDAY Venus kicks off a new love and money cycle that will last until Oct 7th and most of this is going to play out on the job, in pursuit of work, with co-workers, people you hire to work for you, around health interests like working out, eating better, seeing your doctor or healthcare providers, or energy work, and while caring for your animals or getting involved with animals in general. She should help smooth things out during this period in these areas and may bring beneficial women on board or help you to attract the love or money more easily while in pursuit of these matters. Today there are adjustments called for regarding the financial picture, divorce, sex life, meetings, decisions, agreements, sales, local activities, love life, kids, creative projects, goals, career, and dealings with authority figures like bosses or parents. THURSDAY brings adjustments with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or other key people over income, possessions, purchases, property, home, real estate deals, renovations, moves, family, parents, or roommates. FRIDAY energy turns to your sex life, divorce or the big financial interests and there are lots of positive opportunities to move goals along here, deal with the authority on the matter, open things up on the career front, at work, with organization, paperwork, health, or the care of animals. One talk or bit of news involving a lover, child, creative project, or recreational need will push buttons letting you know what issues may need to be met. SATURDAY the Grand Cross triggers over the financial matter, sex life, third party situation, or divorce so expect lots of amped up action today that will bounce off of your possessions, income, purchases, friendships, gatherings, sense of fun, and love life. The most intense part of this will come through talks, meetings, agreements, sales, short trips, local activities, or decisions involving your lover, kids, creative projects, or recreational pursuits. Chiron seeks to point out any wounds or need for healing around goals today or it may be about career matters, the boss, parent or other authority figure, or your reputation, do what you can to talk things out and make adjustments. There is good flow here through the work you do, paperwork, healthy pursuits, or how you tend to animals. SUNDAY again brings up the wound/healing around career, goals, reputation, or authority figures and will require adjustments involving the love life, kids, creative pursuits, or recreational interests. The Venus/Saturn combination is bringing serious or sobering energy around work, health, paperwork, or pets and stressing emotions over the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding needs. Get real about what you need to commit to or end and be responsible, taking the lead as best you can. If you are ready to look into more detail with your own unique chart email for available dates and rates for a private reading with Zoe!
MONDAY information and decisions will begin to amp up over home matters, real estate deals, renovations, moves, roommates, family, or parents and this trend will last 20 days. It is your cue to have those discussions, make choices, meet, write things up, make agreements, sales, or get more active locally. Siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics, may play a part in what is going on here as well. Expect another source of energy amplification today around making money, purchases or your possessions and what is going on with your lover, kids, creative projects, or recreational needs, it's going to be intense. TUESDAY the energy with lovers, kids, creative projects, and recreation opens up to something big and beneficial that ties directly into you and your needs as well as allowing you some opportunity to talk things out or hear positive news or offers, all good. WEDNESDAY Venus kicks off a new love and money cycle that will play out through your lover, the pursuit of love, with creative projects, children, and recreational pursuits. This trend lasts until Oct 7th and will help you attract more love or money here or smooth things out in current situations. It will also potentially bring women into the scenario that are a positive influence in these areas. There are other trends today involving adjustments and they focus on income, possessions, purchases, and the partner, rep, client, specialist, or opponent, as well as with home, real estate deals, family, a parent, move, renovation, or roommate and the legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media needs. Get busy with some give and take! THURSDAY brings adjustments over work, paperwork, health, or pets and will push you out there locally, on short trips, with writing, talks, news, offers, meetings, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, transportation, electronics, or decisions. FRIDAY turns attention to key relationships and gets pretty good. This means you can connect with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, the competition, or other significant people in positive ways involving creative projects, love, kids, fun, weddings, travel plans, legal matters, educational pursuits, beliefs, media, marketing, publishing, or adventurous directions. The only challenge today with them involves information around the home, real estate, family, parent, move, renovation, or roommate. SATURDAY the Grand Cross is triggered so things are going to get very busy and amped up involving those relationships; partners, clients, specialists, reps, opponents, and the like. This will put more emphasis on what you are involved in and what is playing out over goals at home, with the move, renovation, roommate, parent, family, real estate deal, or security need. In fact, expect to have one conversation, meeting, agreement, sale, or decision focused here that will stress or change things on a deep level today. Adjustments are required involving the income, possessions or purchases tied to the travel or visitor, legal matter, educational pursuit, wedding plans, or media need. Once you do this there is positive flow around a woman, love need or the money flow and what you are doing creatively, for fun, with loved ones, or children. SUNDAY may be somewhat sobering or serious regarding lovers, kids, creative projects, or recreational pursuits and push you emotionally over sex life, divorce issues, death, birth, or some financial situation. Look at commitments, endings or ways to take on responsibilities. Adjustments are necessary in talks or decisions about home, moves, renovations, real estate deals, family, parents, or roommates and the travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding plans. If you are ready to look into more detail with your own unique chart email for available dates and rates for a private reading with Zoe!
MONDAY kicks off a new thinking period when ideas are at a premium for you and when offers may finally begin to pour in. Mercury is opening up this and the potential for sales, agreements, meetings, pitches, proposals, talks, short trips, local activities, dealing with vehicles, electronics, neighbors, siblings, and making decisions count. The trend lasts 20 days so get busy. The other energy at work today is intense and focused on real estate deals, home matters, family, a parent, roommates, renovations, moves, or your security needs and will light a fire underneath you here. TUESDAY those home, family, property, and roommate interests will smooth out and open things up behind the scenes, at hospitals, with the artistic pursuits, spiritual practices, romantic needs, and your place in there dealing with possessions, making purchases or earning money, all good. WEDNESDAY gears up another new influence as Venus moves into your home base. Here she will be smoothing things out, helping you attract more love or money, and possibly introducing women into the scenario that are beneficial, all focused on home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, roommates, family, parents, and your security needs. This is such a lovely period here and it lasts until Oct 7th so enjoy. Other energy at work today involves adjustments around the work, paperwork, health, pets, finances, divorce, sex life, and agreements or decisions, local activities or offers. THURSDAY turns your focus to your love life, kids, creative projects, or recreational pursuits. You may have started this last night. Today adjustments here involve what is going on behind the scenes, at hospitals, with research, film, music, art, meditation, yoga, addictions, romance, or development, and your part in making money, purchases or dealing with possessions. FRIDAY the focus is on work, paperwork, health, and pets and the energy is incredibly positive for what you do at home involving this or how it ties into real estate deals, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, loans, settlements, investments, insurance, taxes, commissions, alimony, child support, inheritance, bankruptcy, or some other financial interests, your sex life, divorce needs, or third party situations. The only glitch comes through a brother, sister, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, sale, agreement, or writing project tied to the job, paperwork, health interest, or pets, talk it out. SATURDAY the Grand Cross is activated so expect things to amp up and be very active around work, paperwork, health needs, people you hire, co-workers, or the animals. This will stimulate dynamic energy around retreat, rest, hospitals, addictions, behind the scenes efforts, artistry, romance, spirituality, research, local activities, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, writing, sales, agreements, and decisions and it may get intense. You will be taking action regarding a wound/healing situation and adjustment you need to make over the financial situation, sex life, divorce, death, birth, or third party situation. Once you do the energy involving the home, real estate deal, family, parent, roommate, move, renovation, or security need falls into harmonious alignment and you experience the love or money flow. SUNDAY again triggers news, decisions, short trips, sibling or neighbor interactions, vehicle or electronic issues, or talks that require adjustments when dealing with wounds/healing and the financial needs, sex life, divorce, death, birth, or third party situation. There is a serious energy that is moving around home, family, real estate deals, roommates, moves, renovations, or security needs today asking for a sobering or responsible look at commitments, endings or structuring and this will invoke emotions regarding the partner, attorney, agent, client, specialist, competitor, or other key relationship. If you are ready to look into more detail with your own unique chart email for available dates and rates for a private reading with Zoe!
MONDAY opens up a 20 day influence that is going to supercharge your talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, offers, and decisions regarding earned income, possessions and purchases. This may bring interests around siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics that tie into your earnings, possessions or purchases as well. Open up the dialogue! Today there is another energy at work that is about something serious going on at a hospital, prison or other institution, behind the scenes or behind your back, involving a film, music or other art project, your spiritual practices or healing energy, a clandestine romance, research, or investigations, and it will push you to action/reaction. TUESDAY the talks, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, writing, local activities, short trips, and decisions meet with better flow and will open things up where your aspirations are concerned or any friends, groups, internet interests, inventions, your freedom, causes, charities, astrology, or gatherings are involved. WEDNESDAY Venus kicks off a new love and money cycle focused in on your agreements, writing, ideas, sales, offers, meetings, short trips, local activities, proposals, and decisions between now and Oct 7th. This will help smooth things out in communications and transportation arenas, with siblings, neighbors, and out there locally or in nearby towns. It will also help you attract the love or money through your talks and offers coming your way. Today there is a need to make adjustments around what is going on behind the scenes, with the institutions, addictions, retreat, research, art, spiritual pursuit, romance, and the lover, kids, creative efforts, or recreational needs. You also need to adjust where income, possessions or purchases and the partner, rep, client, specialist, or opponent are concerned. THURSDAY home, real estate deals, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations take over your interests. You will need to adjust around aspirations today or with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, causes, gatherings, inventions, or freedom are concerned. FRIDAY turns attention to love, kids, recreation, and creative ventures. This looks exceptionally good where the talks, meetings, short trips, writing, sales, agreements, proposals, and decisions are concerned and should be inspiring involving partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or other key relationship principles are evident. The only glitch with the kids, lover, creation, or recreation comes around income, possessions or purchases so watch the wallet and the property today. SATURDAY the Grand Cross is activated so expect tons of energy playing out around the love life, lover, kids, creative project, and recreational interests. This will activate aspirations, social interests, intimacy, divorce, financially shared arenas, and most strongly push buttons over personal income, possessions or purchases. Expect at least one intense communication over this. Adjustments are playing out over wounds/healing involving the rep, client, partner, specialist, opponent, and what is going on at the hospital, prison, retreat, or regarding isolation, the arts, spiritual pursuits, clandestine romance, research, or investigations. There is potential for some rather positive talks or meetings involving this other person that point out the love or money. SUNDAY more adjustments involving income, possessions or purchases and the other person again ask that you adapt and heal wounds. There is a sobering influence today with Venus/Saturn that will want long term commitments, endings or more responsibility around love or money and this comes to you through talks, offers, proposals, news, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, transportation, electronics, or decisions triggering emotions over the work you need to do, job you want, people you hire, co-workers, paperwork, health, or pets. If you are ready to look into more detail with your own unique chart email for available dates and rates for a private reading with Zoe!
MONDAY brings Mercury into your sign where he will travel for the next 20 days opening up the talks, offers, agreements, sales, writing, ideas, meetings, short trips, local activities, and decisions that revolve around you. This means you should focus on what you would like to do for yourself, your image, body, brand, identity, name, or personal goals, and then communicate it or put these other opportunities into play. Siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics may also support your needs now. Today there is something that will poke you into action/reaction over making money, purchases, possessions, or feeling valued and tie into something serious with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, causes, your freedom, a party or event, or an invention. TUESDAY the earning, possession and purchasing energy is back on track and today it opens up some big goals or helps you on the career front or through a boss, parent or other authority. You shine in artistic, spiritual, romantic, or institutional directions. WEDNESDAY Venus kicks off a new love/income cycle that lasts until Oct 7th and highlights what is transpiring around your earnings, possessions and purchases. This will help smooth things out and give you more ability to attract in an easier manner, it may also bring beneficial women onto the scene. The only thing to watch for is a desire to buy luxury objects for your loved ones. Today there are adjustments necessary around friends, groups, the internet, social networking, and what is going on at home, with real estate, family, parents, roommates, renovations, or moves, as well as with what is going on with work, health, paperwork, or pets. THURSDAY the talks, agreements, offers, writing, sales, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, meetings, and decisions call you to adjust around big goals or something opening up on the career front, with fame or recognition, or involving a boss, parent or other authority figure. You will be pushing yourself behind the scenes. FRIDAY home, real estate, family, parents, moves, renovations, and roommates will hold your focus and the energy is quite good here involving possessions, purchases, income, work, health, paperwork, and pets. The only glitch is around something you want for yourself and the way you ask for or demand it so watch your words. SATURDAY the Grand Cross is activated which means more action amping up around home, real estate, moves, renovations, roommates, parents, family, and security needs. This will ping-pong around to partners, reps, clients, competitors, specialists, career, goals, reputation, achievements, authorities, and end up by pushing you again over your own needs. This will bring an intense conversation, sale, agreement, meeting, or decision involving you, your body, image, identity, name, brand, or ego into the mix over these home or real estate, family or roommate matters. Adjustments over the friend, aspiration, group, internet, astrology, charity, or freedom need and any wounds/healing over work, paperwork, health, or pets will be part of the day but there is positive inspiration and potential around making money, dealing with possessions or the purchases you make. SUNDAY adjustments in this work, health, paperwork, or pet arena is required. There is a sobering/serious energy around income, possessions or purchases today that will bring up any emotions tied to creative projects, the love life, kids, or recreational interests. This wants commitments, endings or structure so get real. If you are ready to look into more detail with your own unique chart email for available dates and rates for a private reading with Zoe!
Mercury enters the mystic on MONDAY for your sign and stays there for the next 20 days. This means ideas, offers, agreements, talks, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, and decisions will spin around behind the scenes activities, secrets, development, research, clandestine romantic time, spiritual practices, art, music, film, hospitals, addictions, prisons, retreat, and imagination. Choosing to trust your intuition during this phase will pay off. The other energy at work today challenges you to deal with limits or commitments, endings or responsibilities that push you over career, fame, authorities, or personal goals. TUESDAY your needs fall into alignment with legal, travel, educational, wedding, media, marketing, or publishing needs for growth and put you in the spotlight with friends, gatherings, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities in a good way. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into your sign kicking off a new love/income cycle focused on you! This lasts until Oct 7th so gear it up to charm the people, attract more easily that which you desire, and know that it is your image, brand, body, and identity that can generate this love and income now or that you may wish to spend it on your needs here to make things better. Adjustments also rule the day and play out over career, the boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure, fame, reputation, your agreements, writing, sales, talks, meetings, offers, and decisions, as well as between your creative projects, lovers, kids, or recreational needs and what is transpiring behind the scenes. THURSDAY the focus turns to income, possessions or purchases. You will need to make some adjustments with the legal, travel, educational, media, publishing, marketing, or wedding plans and deal with any challenges involving your place in a group, with a friend, online, with astrology, charities, or social networking. FRIDAY turns the focus to what you can do on short trips or locally, with writing, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, offers, talks, meetings, or decisions. This is all under very positive energy when it ties into your love life, kids, creative projects, recreation, and your own needs so get out there. The only glitch today is with a hospital, addiction, secret, film, music or art project, spiritual practice, clandestine romance, or hidden enemy and the news you hear about this. SATURDAY the Grand Cross is triggered so things amp up big time around news, talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, local activities, and decisions and this will activate the legal, travel, educational, media, wedding matter, as well as any work, paperwork, health, or pet need in the mix. But the real intense part of this Cross will bring up that hospital, addiction, retreat, film, music, art, spiritual, romantic, research, investigation, or development subject and something intense changing here. Adjustments are asked over career, fame, the boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure, or some personal goal, and any wounds/healing going on with the lover, kids, creative project, or recreational need. Venus shows that you can bring love or money together here once you do so. SUNDAY adjustments again arrive around kids, lovers, creative projects, fun, and the hospital, addiction, film, music, art, meditation, yoga, clandestine getaway, research, need for retreat, or feelings of isolation. Again looking at the wounds and healing is part of it. A sobering energy swirls around you today that is about getting real and setting limits, ending something, committing long term, or structuring it better so look at what you can do about yourself, your name, identity, image, body, presence in the situation, or personal goal and what is going on with your need for security, family or home. You may have to get real about a parent, real estate deal, renovation, move, or roommate as well. If you are ready to look into more detail with your own unique chart email for available dates and rates for a private reading with Zoe!
MONDAY opens up more invitations, meetings, talks, ideas, offers, sales, agreements, local activity, and short trips that will involve your aspirations or your friends, groups, social networking, parties, events, internet interests, astrology, or charities. This trend lasts 20 days so open up! Today there is action on a legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding matter that may frustrate or mean dealing with something serious going on behind the scenes, in the arts, with a hospital, retreat, spiritual practice, romantic getaway, or research. TUESDAY these areas smooth out and you should feel inspired as things open up sexually, financially, with the divorce, or with your goals, career or dealings with authority figures. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into the mystical part of your chart where she will stay through Oct 7th so you now have things smoothing out and more of an ability to attract love or money through efforts you make in private, behind closed doors, with hospitals or other institutions, involving art, music, film, dance, sculpture, poetry, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, romantic getaways, research, investigations, and development. Your intuition is on high over love or money here so trust it. Adjustments today revolve around legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, publishing, marketing, and income matters as well as between friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, and home, family, real estate, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. THURSDAY the adjustment involves sex, divorce, reproduction, death, birth, third parties, or financial interests and will push you to take the lead, get in there with the boss, parent or other authority, push on the career front, or achieve. FRIDAY things move into a lovely alignment for you to make money, deal with possessions or make purchases. Tie this into the artistic, spiritual, romantic, research, or institutional interest and what you can do at home, with family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or security needs. The only glitch comes around information involving a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, a party, or event. SATURDAY the Grand Cross is activated so things really amp up over making money, spending or possessions. this will trigger the outside financial resources, intimacy or divorce issues as well as push you with love, kids, creative potential, recreation, and aspiration. The biggest intensity of this configuration comes with news, offers, agreements, talks, or decisions involving a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or your need for freedom and a push to make changes around earnings, possessions or purchases. Adjustments come in through legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media needs and the home, family, roommates, move, renovations, real estate deals, or parent. You can work some love or money magic that ties positively into this at some point today. SUNDAY adjustments with the home, real estate, move, renovation, family, parent, or roommate and your friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or aspiration come up again. Look at healing of the wound and some give and take. There is a sobering energy around love or money needs behind the scenes and any hospital, addictions, film, music, art, spiritual pursuit, romantic getaway, research, or development need that will point out what you want when it comes to earning, possession, purchases, or feeling valued. Look at commitments, endings, structure, or responsibilities. If you are ready to look into more detail with your own unique chart email for available dates and rates for a private reading with Zoe!
MONDAY the communications and ideas energy turns to career, goals, achievements, recognition, fame, the boss, parent, and other authority figures in your life. This will amp up talks, meetings, ideas, offers, sales, agreements, writing, local activities, short trips, and decisions about these matters for the next 20 days so get in there and brew up those ideas. Today there is intense energy around what you do about the loan, debt, settlement, commission, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, investment, partners money, divorce, sex life, or third party situation and this is going to bring up serious matters with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, a party or gathering, or your freedom. It's a test, don't let it frustrate you too much. TUESDAY the friendship energy or focus on the group, internet, astrology, charity, gathering, or freedom moves into a much better alignment and opens up to something growth oriented involving a partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key relationship. you will find you are in the spotlight and taking the lead in legal, travel, wedding, media, marketing, publishing, or educational matters are concerned. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into your social sphere where she will stay through Oct 7th so you now have more positive and attracting energy playing out while you are socializing, with friends, groups, online, tied to astrology, charities, parties, your freedom, or original approach. This is where love and income will flow and where you may find that you have a new woman coming into the picture that is beneficial to you in one or more of these ways. Today there is adjustment energy around the financial picture, sex life, divorce, career, goals, boss, parent, judge, other authority figure, and the talks, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, or decisions in the mix so give and take. THURSDAY puts energy behind the scenes where you may be trying to rest, work on something in development, deal with a hospital or other institution, investigate, research, get inspired, connect with art, music, film, romance, or tackle some addiction or bad habit. This energy requires adjustments with partners, reps, clients, specialists, competitors, and other relationships as well as pushing yourself where your needs in legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media matters are concerned. FRIDAY the energy is about you and it is good. This is going to open up the positive channels around you with friends, socializing, parties, events, the internet, astrology, charities, your aspirations, and what you do locally or on a short trip, in writing, with sales, agreements, meetings, talks, offers, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and decisions. The only glitch today involves career, the boss, parent or other authority, or a personal goal and information about this coming in or going out. SATURDAY the Grand Cross is activated and it amps things up for you big time as you feel that personal need more strongly, deal with anything involving other people, home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, roommates, and the really intense part of it all focused on the career, goal, boss, parent, judge, or something you are trying to achieve. Information here changes things or you are pushing to evolve something heavy. Adjustments involve finances, sex, divorce, death, birth, or third parties. Your friends, groups, internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings are where the love or money is found today. SUNDAY more adjustments as you look at wounds/healing and the career, boss, goal, parent, judge, authority, and the news, offer, agreement, writing, sale, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, local action, short trip, electronic, or decision in the mix. It's a sobering day when it comes to the social interest or aspiration and what is going on with your income, possessions or purchases. It's about committing to something long term, ending it, setting up better structures, or taking on more responsibility. If you are ready to look into more detail with your own unique chart email for available dates and rates for a private reading with Zoe!
MONDAY the news, offers, agreements, meetings, talks, sales, or decisions start to open up around legal matters, travel plans, weddings, educational pursuits, media, marketing, or publishing deals, and your sense of adventure. This trend lasts 20 days and is your cue to communicate needs and choose your course! There is amped up energy today over a partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, or other key relationship over goals, career, reputation, status, dealing with an authority figure, or responsibilities and it will either motivate or frustrate you as things seem set in stone. TUESDAY the goals, career, authority figures, responsibilities, or ambitions smooth out and open up some positive doors through your work effort, people you hire, co-workers, paperwork, health interests, or pets and put you in the spotlight when dealing with financial matters, divorce, sex life, reproductive needs, or third party situations. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into your career midheaven and between now and Oct 7th she is going to do her best to smooth things out on the career front, over personal goals and ambitions, when dealing with the boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure, and when taking the lead in your life. She is about attracting love or money here more easily and may bring a woman onto the scene that can benefit your aims during this period. Today there are adjustments involving the partner, rep, client, specialist, opponent, and what is going on behind the scenes, with the institution, art, spiritual matter, romantic need, or research, as well as with what is going on legally, with travel plans, the wedding, education, or media need and your income, possessions or purchases. Give and take. THURSDAY puts your attention on the friend, group, internet, party, gathering, astrology, or charity and asks that you make adjustments at work, with the job, paperwork, people you hire, co-worker, health, or pets, as well as putting yourself out there when it comes to control, power, third party situations, shared financial interests, your sex life, or the divorce. FRIDAY draws you behind the scenes for some very nice romantic time, artistic pursuit, spiritual practice, rest, research, or dealings with hospitals or other institutions. There is potential here to reach love or money goals, to garner some recognition, and to get inspired over possessions, purchases or income, all good. The only glitch today involves decision about legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media needs. SATURDAY the Grand Cross is activated so you can expect lots more action around that behind the scenes activity. This will trigger work, health, paperwork, pets, talks, meetings, short trips, writing, agreements, sales, or sibling interaction but the real intensity will spring up around that legal, travel, wedding, educational, media, publishing, or marketing matter as things are pushed for change or evolution. Adjustments today involve partners, reps, clients, specialists, opponents, and the income, possessions or purchases. You should be able to reach a goal here once things smooth out, a little charm goes a long way. SUNDAY more adjustments over legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding needs and the income, possessions or purchases ensue. Look to wounds and healing as you give and take again. The sobering energy is around a love or money goal or what is transpiring on the career front, with a boss, parent or other authority figure, or your reputation or achievements. It's a day to look at your needs realistically and either push for commitments or end things. If you are ready to look into more detail with your own unique chart email for available dates and rates for a private reading with Zoe!
MONDAY opens up a new trend of talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, offers, and decisions that will focus more on your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, loans, settlements, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, commissions, alimony, child support, or other outside financial interests. You have 20 days from now to open up the dialogue and make choices! Today there is amped up energy around work, paperwork, people you hire, co-workers, health concerns or interest, and the pets. This will motivate or frustrate you when it comes to the trip, legal matter, wedding plans, educational pursuit, or media need. TUESDAY the travel, legal, media, wedding, and educational energy smoothes out and brings some real love or creative energy into play. You should feel good and find that you can involve your lover, kids, creative projects, or recreational needs in some growth oriented way as well as take the lead with a partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key relationship. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into the travel, legal, media, educational, and wedding arena where she will stay until Oct 7th. This period marks more love or money flow through these areas and may focus more on a woman or help you attract what you need here. Today there are adjustments required around work, paperwork, co-workers, employees, health, pets, and the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or gathering planned, as well as around any financial, sexual, divorce, or third party situation, give and take. THURSDAY turns your attention to career, goals, fame, status, ambitions, the parent, boss, other authority figure, or your own leadership abilities. You will need to make adjustments involving the child, lover, creative need, or recreational interest as well as deal with pushing yourself a bit more around the partner, rep, client, specialist, or competition. FRIDAY is about the friend, group, gathering, internet, astrology, or charities, and it looks really lovely. There is great energy here for any travel plans, visitors, legal needs, weddings, educational pursuits, media, marketing, or publishing deals, and your own needs and presence in the situation to be inspired. The only glitch today involves finances, sex or divorce issues so talk this out. SATURDAY the Grand Cross is activated so you can expect tons more energy around the friend, group, party, event, internet, astrology, charity, or aspiration. This will trigger energy around love, kids, creativity, recreation, possessions, earnings, purchases, but more than anything else it will amp up something intense when it comes to news, talks, meetings, agreements, or decisions involving the big financial matter, your sex life, divorce, a death, birth, or third party situation here. It's about change or evolution and going deeper. Adjustments involving work, paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, health, or pets is on slate for the day but things will be beautiful when it comes to travel, legal, wedding, educational, media, marketing, or publishing needs. SUNDAY adjustments over sex, divorce, death, birth, or shared financial interests is on tap, address the wound and healing aspect of this for yourself at the very least. There is a sobering energy around the legal, travel, wedding, educational, media, marketing, or publishing matter today that will point out the need for long term commitment, endings, limits, structure, or taking the lead. This will invoke your emotional need for rest or point out any retreat going on. Trust your intuition. If you are ready to look into more detail with your own unique chart email for available dates and rates for a private reading with Zoe!
CHECK OUT some of the GROOVY MAGAZINES and SITES that feature Zoe's horoscopes or support Zoe's efforts (in alphabetical order):
Beauty Under Cover
Bellesprit Magazine
The Cosmic Path
Manchester Gossip
Northwest Woman's Magazine
Out Impact Magazine
Quik Impressions
Sugarhigh and Lovestoned
Universal Film Magazine
Vicki Abelson's Women Who Write
Yahoo! Shine
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