MONDAY the Taurus Moon will keep you focused on what you value, making money, dealing with possessions, making purchases, or building something. This looks good when it comes to your home, family, move, renovation, or real estate deal but will point out any adjustments involving those talks or decisions with the other person (Mercury in Libra!).
TUESDAY the Gemini Moon takes over to make life a bit more inquisitive or flirty but the day itself holds some brain twisters. First there is some period of isolation pushing at you asking that you open up about a topic with another person and shift this paradigm in some way. You may hear news today about a hospital, addiction, film, music or art project, spiritual practice, Karmic situation, or unforeseen situation that rocks the boat a bit. There is a Finger of God/Yod formation that is pointing to this information and calls up changes and serious points that must be worked out, so give and take as best you can.
WEDNESDAY Gemini Moon continues to make it about adapting to the news or decisions and focuses this upon financial needs, death, birth, divorce, or sexual interests. The positive energy here is about what you can do about a creative project, love interest, child, or recreational outlet, go for it. The Sun adjusts to Neptune today as well, boy those adjustments are powerful this week! This means that your position with the partner, rep, client, specialist, opponent, or other player is in need of some adaptation and this will again point you in the direction of hospitals, addictions, retreat, research, investigation, film, music, art, spiritual practices, karmic influences, or development behind the scenes.
THURSDAY is your golden day this week. Venus and Jupiter get together in a harmonious alignment for love, money and growth opportunities that will best work out when you look for other people to involve, shared financial interests, dealing with the divorce, looking for intimacy, doing things in the home, working on real estate, moves, renovations, involving family, parents, or roommates, and putting down roots. Today that partner, rep, client, specialist, or other player is aligned beautifully to all of this so enjoy.
FRIDAY the Cancer Moon triggers the Uranus/Pluto square as it is bound to do now once each month for the next few years. Today this means shaking things up, making changes, introducing something new into the paradigm, evolving relationships with those in power positions, and striving to reach goals in interesting turns of events. You should be able to cement something in the financial, sexual or divorce zone.
SATURDAY Jupiter and Venus get involved with Cancer Moon so things look up, way up! It's about the love or money at home today or you may find love or money swirling around the move, renovation, real estate deal, family, parent, or roommate. Mars and Venus square adding some friction to the sexual/love dynamic or amping things up when it comes to the action taken around money matters or divorce, let it inspire passion or a fighting spirit (play fair).
SUNDAY Mercury leaves Libra and enters Scorpio and you are advised strongly to pay attention to what comes up right now regarding the information you receive, ideas you download, agreements on the table, sales pending, short trips planned, community activities, what's going on with brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics, and the decisions in the mix over financially shared interests, divorce proceedings, sex life, death, birth, or third party situations. Mercury will move forward now in these areas BUT Mercury is going to Retrograde in Scorpio on October 21st and take you back over everything so try to get it right now, be clear, regard the details and fine points, and know you will be working and then reworking these matters up ahead. Today gives you a clue as to what that will cover.
The Leo Moon takes over on Sunday and puts you in an emotional mood to have some fun, express your love, get creative, or do things with kids. This is always positive however today it is all tangled up with other needs that will demand your attention so don't let it get to you when you can't exactly get where you want to go on these themes. Instead look for ways to tweak the goals, career matters, dealings with mom, the boss, your reputation, and to get serious about any obvious obstacles emanating from the financial situation, divorce, sex life, or third party scenario.
Make MONDAY about earnings, spending or possessions and any adjustments you need to deal with here involving partners, reps, clients, specialists, or competitors. You have good flow in the home, with real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations so lean in this direction. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY will point out any choices that feel a bit intense for you. This may bring news or offers, agreements or sales, writing or speaking roles, talks or meetings, and decisions into the picture so that you can work out the financial situation (think loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurances, commissions, settlements, investments, or other forms of resources). You will need to adapt here and possibly deal with an authority figure like a boss, judge or parent in the mix. For those of you going through divorce, dealing with reproductive needs or sexual issues, the same adjustments are important now in talks or decision making. WEDNESDAY brings the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or opponent into the equation and asks for some adjustment going on with a hospital, addiction, Karmic relationship, artistic project, spiritual practice, or retreat. THURSDAY is the golden day and it focuses strongly on home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates and something big happening via love or money. The outside finances, divorce, sex life, or transformative situation (most likely third party involved) will align positively to all that is going on now and the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key player is in positive flow as well. FRIDAY the Uranus/Pluto square is activated stirring up action, surprise, change, and awakening at home, with family, moves, renovations, real estate, roommates, and the goals or career needs, authority figures, and your own personal or physical direction. As wild as this energy may be it seems that you are again in positive flow regarding the financial, sexual, reproductive, third party, or divorce scenario. SATURDAY keeps this going positively for you so expect some good things to resound here. Mars and Venus are getting up in each others grill so you will either find your passions stoked or anger stirred over lovers, kids, creative projects, or recreational activities. SUNDAY Mercury moves into Scorpio so you begin to get in there with the documents, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, talks, offers, and decisions pointing at financial arenas, sex life, reproductive needs, death, birth, or divorce. Remember this is where Mercury will Retrograde up ahead so be vigilant about details now. Adjustments with lovers, kids, creative pursuits, or recreational interests are par for the course today as these other matters seem to take priority. To learn more about your own unique pattern at work now and in the future a private reading based on your birth chart is the way to go. To find out about rates and dates and how to proceed email
MONDAY is going to be fueled with emotional energy focused on you, your body and your needs. To this end you would be wise to make some adjustments to accommodate your health or work situation and take care of any paperwork or the pets while you are at it. There is potential for some great news or big proposals or decisions today so keep the lines of communication open. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY will focus more on making money, dealing with possessions or purchases. There is a Finger of God involved so something fated and pushing you a bit regarding a partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, opponent, or other key person and the legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media slant is going to carry you through these 2 days. Give and take and work around what you can. It seems a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charity, or some social event will also play a part in the adjustments you make on these days so stay in adaptive mode. WEDNESDAY also brings up the health, work, paperwork, or pet need, putting you into the mix in a physical way and helping you to tweak things a bit more. THURSDAY is the golden day when the growth opportunity involves the offers, agreements, sales, writing, talks, meetings, or decisions with the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key person. Look for ways to open up the love or money flow here, it seems quite positive. The friend, group, social event, or internet matter is also in positive alignment today. As far as what you have been dealing with earlier in the week regarding income, purchases or possessions, that as well falls into easier flow now and may bring good news involving work, paperwork, health, or pets. FRIDAY triggers the Uranus/Pluto square so there will be surprises, changes, shocks, or awakenings for you around the legal, travel, wedding, educational, media, or marketing direction, the agreements, writing, proposals, offers, sales, or decisions in the mix, and what is going on behind the scenes or in secret, development or imaginative arenas. You can cement something serious with the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other important relationship today. SATURDAY continues this positive flow with relationships and opens up more love, money and growth opportunity. The Mars/Venus aspect brings more friction between love/passion or income/action and this will play out over home matters, renovations, real estate deals, family needs, moves, parents, roommates, and those key relationships. As always with Mars there may be more mojo or fighting spirit so opt for passion over anger. SUNDAY Mercury moves into your relationship zone which will begin a process of more meetings, talks, agreements, writing, local activities, proposals, news, offers, and decisions involving romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, competitors, opponents, and other key relationships in the weeks ahead. Note that Mercury will Retrograde back over this starting Oct 21st so do what you can to be clear now. To this end today brings up some serious limit, commitment, ending, or ambition with this person tied to home, family, the parent, roommate, renovation, or roommate and asks that you make adjustments over legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding needs. To learn more about your own unique pattern at work now and in the future a private reading based on your birth chart is the way to go. To find out about rates and dates and how to proceed email
MONDAY is about taking some time behind the scenes to work out your strategies or research, to delve into the imagination or tend to spiritual needs, and if you have any hospital appointments or need to rest and recharge batteries, again this focus will help you mend some fences. As you approach this energy note that opportunities are open to making money, dealing with possessions or making purchases but that you will need to adapt around news or decisions involving creative projects, kids, lovers, or recreational interests. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY are focused on you. This can mean your own personal needs are paramount or that your body, image, identity, brand, or name are in focus. There is a Finger of God pointing to what you do now asking that you make some adjustments here involving the paperwork, health, pets, job, outside resources, third party situations, sex life, death, birth, or divorce. The goal may be a bit cloudy these 2 days or you are dealing with someone in charge who is not being clear (on purpose?) and emotions will likely reflect this for you. WEDNESDAY do what you can to adapt where you stand in the creative project, love life, with the kids, or recreational need. THURSDAY is the golden day when big things come around income, possessions, gifts, purchases, what you are building, or being valued and open up the love or money tied to work, co-workers, people you hire, paperwork, health, and pets. Get inspired, and choose today to have your talk or meeting, sale or agreement, writing or offer, idea or decision involving the lover life, kids, creative projects, or fun. FRIDAY triggers the Uranus/Pluto square so you are going to have some shake ups around earning, possessions or purchases that involve the outside financial resources, divorce, sex life, death, birth, third party, friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, aspiration, or social gathering. You can cement things on the job, with the paperwork, health, or pets. SATURDAY again opens up positive flow around making money, purchases and possessions and the work, co-workers, employees, paperwork, health, and pets. The Mars/Venus combo will add more frictional heat to the talks, meetings, sales, agreements, offers, or decisions and involve work, health, paperwork, or pets. This may charge up passion/love dynamics or amp up the fighting spirit over money or love. SUNDAY Mercury moves into your work, health, paperwork, and pet zone where he will tour for the weeks ahead. Here he brings more choices, offers, sales, agreements, meetings, talks, ideas, writing, and decisions over these matters. Mercury will Retrograde on Oct 21st in these arenas so be as clear now as you can. Today that means getting real about it and setting limits, making commitments, ending things, getting more ambitious, and making adjustments over sex, divorce, shared/joint finances, and third party situations. To learn more about your own unique pattern at work now and in the future a private reading based on your birth chart is the way to go. To find out about rates and dates and how to proceed email
Keep the focus on your aspirations, friends, groups, online interests, the astrology, charities, causes, inventions, and social events on MONDAY. There is some luck or growth opportunity in it for you if you do. You will need to make some adjustment today involving your home, real estate deal, family, parent, roommate, move, or renovation so talk it out, meet about it, write it up, or look into the information at hand. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY will focus on something going on behind the scenes, behind your back, tied to film, music, art, research, investigations, hospitals, addictions, bad habits, romantic getaways, clandestine romance, magic, psychic abilities, spiritual practices, and development. There is a Finger of God pointing to this in some Fated way asking that you make some adjustments via a partner, rep, client, specialist, opponent, or other key player involving the creative projects, kids, lover, or recreational interest. There will also be something a bit foggy around legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans in the mix. WEDNESDAY do what you can to get in there personally or physically over home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations and adapt a bit around all of this. THURSDAY is the golden day when there are bound to be some blessings regarding your love life, creative efforts, kids, or recreational interests so look for ways to expand, open up the love or money flow and enjoy. Those legal, wedding, travel, educational, or media interests fall into place and the decisions made about home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations should please as well. FRIDAY the Uranus/Pluto square is triggered amping up the action, changes, surprises, and new influences around you, your relationships in romance or business, with specialists, partners, clients, reps, or others, and the goals, career, parent, boss, or reputation. You can cement something serious with the lover, child, creative project, or fun. SATURDAY the good vibe extends around you and your love life, kids, creative interests, and recreational outlets, again with growth potential, love or money flow. The Mars/Venus aspect will bring more friction to these areas over income, possessions or purchases so you can expect more passion or fighting spirit. SUNDAY Mercury moves into Scorpio and begins a cycle of offers, agreements, proposals, writing, sales, meetings, talks, local activities, short trips, and decisions focused on creative projects, recreation, your love life, lover, and the kids. This is where Mercury will Retrograde up ahead so be clear now and know you will be revisiting some of this up ahead. Today getting in there over the income, possessions or purchases will be important as you deal with any serious needs on a creative level, with the kids, lover or recreation and make adjustments with partners, reps, clients, specialists, and other key players. To learn more about your own unique pattern at work now and in the future a private reading based on your birth chart is the way to go. To find out about rates and dates and how to proceed email
MONDAY aims your attention on the career or some big personal goal and asks that you open something up artistically, spiritually, romantically, or with the institution or behind the scenes development. You will have some information coming in or a need to talk, meet, write, deal with sales, agreements, proposals, or decisions today in an adaptive way. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY will turn focus to aspirations and what you do with friends, groups, online, charities, causes, astrology, or social gatherings. There is a Finger of God that is pointing to this and asking that you give and take here via the work, health, paperwork, pets, home, family, move, renovation, real estate deal, roommate, or parent. Both days will also hold some strange energy around sex, divorce, third party situations, or some financial matter. This may be unclear or Karmic in some way but not obvious in reality. WEDNESDAY gives you the opportunity to talk it out, write it up, receive the information or make the decision but again being adaptive is important. THURSDAY is the golden day when something big is opening up behind the scenes, with hospitals, research, investigations, film, music, art, magic, spiritual practices, romantic getaways, or your imagination and flowing beautifully around money or love at home, through real estate, family, roommates, parents, renovations, or moves. Sex, divorce or financial dealings should go well and the talks, offers, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions you have involving aspirations, friends, groups, charities, astrology, the internet, or personal freedom should as well. FRIDAY the Uranus/Pluto square is triggered so shake-ups, changes, surprises, and awakenings are on tap today involving work, paperwork, health, animals, legal matters, education, media, marketing, publishing, weddings, and travel plans. You should be able to cement something involving home, family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, or roommates. SATURDAY this continues on with positive and expansive energy. Look for love or money flow in these areas and for things to amp up with the Mars/Venus combo in a love/sex passion or anger, or something involving income and the actions you take and your motivating forces in the mix. SUNDAY Mercury moves into Scorpio where information will now shift to focus your thoughts more on home, family, moves, renovations, roommates, parents, and real estate over the weeks ahead. This is now the target area for talks, meetings, offers, sales, agreements, writing, and decisions and where Mercury will Retrograde on Oct 21st so get clear now about what you are choosing since you will be revisiting it up ahead. Today means getting serious about some or all of this and making some adjustments where paperwork, organizing, cleaning, hired help, your job, health, or pets are concerned. To learn more about your own unique pattern at work now and in the future a private reading based on your birth chart is the way to go. To find out about rates and dates and how to proceed email
MONDAY calls for focus on the trip, legal matter, educational pursuit, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plan, and how you can opens things up around your aspirations here. You may involve a friend, group, cause, charity, invention, the internet, astrology, or social event to good measure but you will have to have a talk or deal with decisions involving income, possessions or purchases that require some adjustment today. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY will focus in on career, goals, achievements, the boss, parent, judge, or other authority figures, and asks for some adjustments here. There is a Finger of God pointing to this so something a bit Fated is happening and you should look at the agreements, sales, writing, offers, meetings, talks, brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, decisions, kids, lovers, creative efforts, and recreational outlets in the mix as you make those adaptations. There is soemthing foggy around a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other important person now so you should work on clarity or heed your gut over anything that seems deceptive or disillusioning. Wednesday it will put you into the mix with them over income, purchases or possessions and the adjustments you need to make. THURSDAY is the golden day where lucky, expansive things are concerned with your aspirations, internet interests, astrological pursuits, friends, groups, inventions, parties, events, social networking, and personal freedom are concerned. There is love or money flow for you here and some positive things falling into place around that partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, or other player. Offers, talks, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions about income, possessions or purchases flow as well. FRIDAY triggers the Uranus/Pluto square so things are changing, surprising, shocking, or awakening around creative projects, recreation, love life, kids, sex life, divorce, third party situations, and any big financial matters. This will again trigger your feelings about aspirations, social connections or outlets, inventions, causes, and the serious decisions being made today. SATURDAY continues on these themes in some positive, expansive way, opening up more around love or money here. The Mars/Venus square brings some passion, anger, friction, or motivation around what is going on behind the scenes so get ready! SUNDAY your ruler, Mercury, moves into Scorpio and turns your thoughts to sales, writing, agreements, ideas, brothers, sisters, neighbors, local activities, vehicles, electronics, short trips, offers, proposals, and decisions. You will be communicating much more now and interested in the information streaming in. Note that this is where Mercury will Retrograde on Oct 21st so you will be revisiting these themes and tweaking them up ahead, to that end be clear now. Today adjustment regarding hospitals, prisons, addictions, rest, retreat, research, music, art, film, spiritual practices, romance, and development are called for and involve serious choices as well as adaptive mode around the lover, kids, creative projects, or fun. To learn more about your own unique pattern at work now and in the future a private reading based on your birth chart is the way to go. To find out about rates and dates and how to proceed email
MONDAY will get you focused on financial considerations, divorce or sex life, opening up goals, helping you achieve, or bringing power people into play on the career front or other areas. You will have to adapt a bit on a personal or physical level. TUESDAY and Wednesday will be about legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, or publishing interests. There is a Finger of God here that is pointing to the matter in a somewhat Fated way asking that you adapt when it comes to the income, possessions, purchases, home, real estate, family, parent, roommate, renovation, or move. There is also something foggy going on at work, with co-workers, people you hire, health needs, pets, or paperwork on these days so you may not be seeing it clearly right now. WEDNESDAY this means again, you must make some adjustment and this may involve your presence in the situation, body, image, identity, brand, or personal needs. THURSDAY is the golden day involving growth to flow on the career front or around some big goal, with authority figures, reputation, fame, or achievements, and to tie in positively with income, possessions or purchases. The work, health, paperwork, or pet needs align a bit better and you should be able to have a talk or make a decision regarding the trip, legal matter, education, wedding, media, marketing or publishing deal. FRIDAY triggers the Uranus/Pluto square so expect shake-ups, surprises, changes, and awakenings around home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or competitors. You can cement something regarding income, possessions or purchases. SATURDAY again brings some positive things via career, goals, authorities, fame, and achievements and flows positively with earning money, purchases or possessions. The Mar/Venus friction will stir passions and love, action and income, or anger/fighting spirit in both and play out over income, possessions, feeling valued, purchases, aspirations, friends, parties, social events, group activities, the internet, astrology, or charities. SUNDAY Mercury moves into your income zone, possessions and purchases where he will travel over the weeks ahead and Retrograde on Oct 21st. To this end you will be thinking, talking, meeting, writing, dealing with agreements, sales, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, ideas, offers, and decisions over these topics and revisiting them during the Retrograde so get clear now about what you want. Today something serious is in the mix and ties into the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or aspiration while asking for adjustments where home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations are concerned. To learn more about your own unique pattern at work now and in the future a private reading based on your birth chart is the way to go. To find out about rates and dates and how to proceed email
MONDAY is about some key people, reaching out to partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or dealing with opponents, etc. In this you will find that there is some luck on your side in legal, travel, foreign, educational, media, publishing, marketing, wedding, or religious arenas but that you will need to make some adjustments regarding some talk, offer, writing, agreement, sale, or decision going on behind the scenes. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY will turn attention to your sex life, divorce or financial picture. There is a Finger of God pointing to this so something Fated is in the mix and adjustments here involving you, your needs, name, identity, brand, image, body, the agreements, writing, ideas, offers, sales, short trips, local action, speaking roles, or decisions. There is something foggy in the mix over creative projects, lovers, kids, or recreational pursuits so know that you aren't seeing the clear picture yet. WEDNESDAY this will mean personal or physical adjustments from you regarding what is going on behind closed doors, with the film, music, art, hospital, addiction, spiritual pursuit, romance, or imagination. THURSDAY is the golden day as things open up in lucky, expansive ways around legal, travel, foreign, educational, wedding, media, marketing, publishing, or broadcasting needs. Look for love or money flow here. You should find yourself inspired today over the lover, kids, creative potential, or recreational pursuit. The talks, agreements, sales, or decisions going on behind the scenes focused on sex, divorce or the financial picture are in flow as well. FRIDAY triggers the Uranus/Pluto square so more surprises, changes, shake-ups, or awakenings around offers, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, speaking roles, decisions, work, paperwork, health, or pets will get you amped up emotionally over the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans. You will be able to cement something here. SATURDAY the expansive energy is back around legal, travel, educational, wedding, and media matters so again look for love or income flow. The Mars/Venus energy amps up the dynamic around love/passion, income/action, or any anger brewing and aims it at your goals, status, fame, career, or achievements so get ready for some action. SUNDAY Mercury moves into your sign where he will tour in the weeks ahead and Retrograde on Oct 21st. This means thoughts turn to you, your body, personal needs, image, identity, name, and brand now. You should find yourself in more talks, meetings, sales, agreements, short trips, local activities, fielding offers, making proposals, and decisions during this period tied to you and your needs and you should get clear now about what you want since you will be backtracking up ahead. Today has emotional energy around career, reputation, fame, a parent, boss, judge, or personal goal and asks that you push for some personal or physical limit, commitment or ending while making adjustments over an agreement, offer, sale, the writing, meeting, talk, or decision. To learn more about your own unique pattern at work now and in the future a private reading based on your birth chart is the way to go. To find out about rates and dates and how to proceed email
MONDAY focuses you in on work needs, paperwork, health, or pets and opens something up in a transformational way. You may find the financial outlet, sexual interest or divorce is aligned with what you do but need to make some adjustment where a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charity, or aspiration is concerned. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY will be about the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or opponent. There is a Finger of God pointing to what is going on with this person now so something Fated is in the mix and you will again need to adjust here involving income, possessions, purchases, and what is going on behind the scenes, with addictions, hospitals, prisons, film, music, art, research, investigations, romance, or spiritual pursuits. There is something foggy around home, family, real estate, parents, roommates, renovations, or moves so do your best to get clear but know you aren't seeing it for real just yet. WEDNESDAY will put you in there over this foggy matter and ask for an adjustment involving the friend, aspiration, group, internet, astrology, charity, social event, or freedom. THURSDAY is the golden day when something big is opening up around sex, reproduction, financial matters, or divorce proceedings and tying into the love or money flow behind the scenes, with the hospital, addiction, artistic, spiritual or romantic interest, research, or development. The home matters, family, parents, real estate deals, moves, and renovations align much better today and there is potential for some positive communications around partners, reps, clients, specialists, and other key players. FRIDAY triggers the Uranus/Pluto square so shake-ups, shocks, surprises, changes, and awakenings are par for the course around money, possessions, purchases, lovers, kids, creative projects, recreational pursuits, and the feelings you have about sharing, joint accounts or interests, sex or divorce. You should be able to cement something behind the scenes today. SATURDAY again opens up the positive flow around sex, divorce or finances and the behind closed doors energy of love or money. Mars and Venus heat it up in the love/sex, income/action, or anger arenas and play out over travel, legal, media, educational, or wedding plans. SUNDAY Mercury moves into the mystical part of your chart where he will travel in the weeks ahead, Retrograding on Oct 21st and taking you back over the same topics and choices. To that end you want to start thinking about and making decisions regarding film, music, art, meditation, magic, psychic interests, hospitals, prisons, addictions, bad habits, clandestine romance, romantic getaways, research, investigations, or development. Today any limits, commitments or endings you can make around legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media needs will move you towards that while adjustments involve income, possessions or purchases today. To learn more about your own unique pattern at work now and in the future a private reading based on your birth chart is the way to go. To find out about rates and dates and how to proceed email
MONDAY is about your creative juices, love life, kids, or recreational pursuits and will align in some open way to the partners, reps, clients, specialists, or other key players so look for opportunities here. You will have to make an adjustment with career, goals, the boss, parent, judge, or other authority in the mix. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY are about work, paperwork, health, or pets. There is a Finger of God pointing to this so something Fated is in the mix. You will want to make adjustments involving your own needs, presence, identity, image, brand, ego, body, aspirations, a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, causes, freedom, or inventions. There is something foggy around an offer, agreement, sale, the writing, proposal, meeting, news, short trip, local action, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, or electronic now so note that you are not seeing it quite clearly yet. WEDNESDAY asks for an adjustment over it involving what you are doing as a leader, in the career matter, towards a goal or achievement, fame, or involving a parent, boss or other authority. THURSDAY is the golden day when something big is opening up with the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key player and connecting to the love or money flow through social activities, friends, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations. Now the agreement, offer, writing, sale, short trip, or decisions is aligning with this person and you will see something working with the career, goal, authority, and the job, paperwork, health, or pets. FRIDAY triggers the Uranus/Pluto square so things amp up, surprise, shock, change, or awaken around you, your image, identity, needs, body, brand, home, real estate deals, move, renovation, family, parent, roommate, or security needs and involve feelings about that partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, opponent, or other key player. You should be able to cement something with the friend, group, party, event, aspiration, internet, astrology, freedom, or charity. SATURDAY the positive energy continues around the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or opponent with love or money flow tied to aspirations here, friends, social events, the internet, groups, astrology, or charities. Mars and Venus amp it up between each other over love/passion, income/action, or anger and do so through financial realms, sex life or divorce proceedings. SUNDAY Mercury moves into Scorpio where he tours in the weeks ahead, Retrograding on Oct 21st and then taking you back over the ground you cover now. To that end you want to talk, meet, write, deal with sales, offers, proposals, ideas, agreements, short trips, local activities, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, and decisions involving your aspirations, friends, groups, internet interests, astrological pursuits, charities, causes, freedom, inventions, original ideas, and choices now. Today there will be some emotional focus on finances, sex or divorce with serious nods to the above mentioned areas and adjustments on a personal or physical level from you. To learn more about your own unique pattern at work now and in the future a private reading based on your birth chart is the way to go. To find out about rates and dates and how to proceed email
MONDAY is a good day to focus on the home, real estate needs, family, parent, roommate, move, or renovation. Things are opening up in a big way here involving the work you do or pursue, cleaning, organizing, your health interests, pets, and any paperwork. You will have to make an adjustment over travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding needs in the mix. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY will be about your love life or lover, the kids, your creative projects or interests, or recreational pursuits. There is a Finger of God pointing to this so something Fated is in the mix. To this end adjustments here involving what is going on behind the scenes, in secret, through romantic getaways or clandestine affairs, film, music, art, magic, psychic interests, imagination, fantasy, meditation, yoga, research, strategies, addictions, hospitals, retreat, investigations, or development, and the goals, status, career, parent, boss, judge, or ambition in the mix will be necessary. There is something foggy around an income, possession or purchase need so you aren't seeing this clearly yet. WEDNESDAY an adjustment around this will involve the legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media matter and your presence in the scenario. THURSDAY is the golden day when things open up on the work front, with people you hire, paperwork, health, or pets and love or income goals come into view. There is potential to now see the money, possession or purchase more clearly and to get inspired as your legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media interests tie in with your love life, kids, creative projects, or recreational interests. FRIDAY the Uranus/Pluto square is triggered so things shake up, change, surprise, or awaken around news, offers, meetings, talks, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, local activities, what's going on behind the scenes, in the romance, artistry, spiritual pursuit, with the hospital, addiction, research, retreat, or development. All of this focuses you in again on work, paperwork, health, or pets and helps you cement some goal. SATURDAY brings more luck and expansion around these work, paperwork, health, or pet interests and help you open up the love or money goals again. Mars and Venus are getting frictional with each other over love/passion, income/action or any anger in the mix so expect those partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, opponents, and other key people to mirror this for you. SUNDAY Mercury moves into Scorpio to travel for the weeks ahead, Retrograding on Oct 21st and then taking you back over the same ground again. To this end your thoughts turn to career, goals, ambitions, parents, bosses, judges, other authority figures, fame, reputation, status, and achievements. This period will bring more offers, sales, agreements, writing, meetings, talks, short trips, and decisions involving these things and you should get clear now about what you want since it will be revised or revamped in some way with the Retrograde. Today also focuses you in with that partner, rep, client, competitor, or specialist, pointing out any limits, endings, commitments, or ambitions around goals and authorities and asking for some adjustments behind the scenes. To learn more about your own unique pattern at work now and in the future a private reading based on your birth chart is the way to go. To find out about rates and dates and how to proceed email
MONDAY is about short trips, siblings, neighbors, local activities, writing, agreements, sales, vehicles, electronics, ideas, offers, meetings, talks, and decisions that focus on opportunities for creative projects, recreational activities, love, or kids. Adjustments involving the outside financial resources, divorce, reproductive needs, or sex life are on tap. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY will turn towards real estate deals, home matters, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. There is a Finger of God pointing to this so something Fated is in the mix. To this end adjustments involving the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, or religious ideal as well as the aspiration, friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity outlet is important. There is something foggy around you now, confusion or non-specific intent around your needs, body, image, identity, name, or brand that may put you a bit out of step for a bit. WEDNESDAY make adjustments via the financial, sexual, reproductive, or divorce needs to help you deal with it. THURSDAY is the golden day when things open up in your love life, creative projects, recreational pursuits, or with the kids. This is linked to love or money interests that involve legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans and bring you back into inspired/non-foggy personal/physical energy. There is positive flow around the talks or decisions involving financial, sexual or divorce needs for the home, real estate deal, move, renovation, family concern, parent involvement, or roommate situation as well. FRIDAY the Uranus/Pluto square is triggered so something shakes up, changes, surprises, or awakens involving income, possessions, purchases, the friend, aspiration, group, internet, astrology, charity, and how you feel about the creative direction, lover, child, or recreational need. You can cement something via legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media directions. SATURDAY this growth energy around love, kids, creativity, and fun is opening up again. The day offers alignment to love or money through travel, legal, educational, wedding, or media channels here. Mars and Venus kick up dust with love/passion, income/action or anger behind it all and work through what you do about the job at hand, paperwork, health, or pets in the mix. SUNDAY Mercury moves into Scorpio where he travels in the weeks ahead, Retrograding on Oct 21st to bring you back over territory you cover now. To this end be clear about offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, talks, proposals, ideas, and decisions focused on legal matters, travel plans, foreign interests, interests at a distance, weddings, media, marketing, publishing, or publicity needs, educational pursuits, religious interests, or your politics. Today the work, paperwork, health, or pets will occupy energy as you get serious about commitments, structure or endings involving that legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media matter. You will need to adjust around the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or aspiration. To learn more about your own unique pattern at work now and in the future a private reading based on your birth chart is the way to go. To find out about rates and dates and how to proceed email
CHECK OUT some of the GROOVY MAGAZINES and SITES that feature Zoe's horoscopes or support Zoe's efforts (in alphabetical order):
Beauty Under Cover
Bellesprit Magazine
The Cosmic Path
Manchester Gossip
Northwest Woman's Magazine
Out Impact Magazine
Quik Impressions
Sugarhigh and Lovestoned
Universal Film Magazine
Vicki Abelson's Women Who Write
Yahoo! Shine
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