The growth and opportunity that has been expanding our world or pushing us to expand our horizons ourselves has come from Jupiter as he has toured Gemini. Here he has done his best to open our minds, to get us to reconnect with our belief system by being put in situations where seeing two sides of the issue were key to reaching this clarity. He has helped us find luck or expansion through our ideas, writing, agreements, sales, decisions, talks, meetings, and what has transpired with brothers, sisters, neighbors, short trips, vehicles, electronics, and local activities.
He will give you 25 days of June to do what it is you would like to see grow over the next 12 years in these areas before taking his growth and protection into Cancer for a year. This means you should be a bit adventurous, open up, share ideas, make choices, and follow your thoughts regarding higher education, legal matters, media, publishing, marketing, weddings, travel, foreign interests, politics, or religion by invoking something here before we reach the 26th.
The Month starts out with Venus moving into Cancer on the 2nd, smoothing the way ahead for the other greater benefic to follow on the 25th. From this day you should begin to see things smooth out a bit at home, with parents, family, roommates, renovations, moves, real estate deals, and security needs. Venus here may bring love blossoming around these people and places, help you attract more income here or aid in an easy acquisition. It's a GREAT month for beautifying your surroundings.
It's important to note the 6th as it is one of the Eclipse Trigger Dates from last month's New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus. If there was to be another page to the story it will likely come up today. Remember this was about your fresh starts in areas of self-worth, possessions, income, acquisitions, and feeling valued, with an eye on eclipsing something out that could be holding you back here.
Neptune, the Lord of the Sea, your Karma, hidden agendas and enemies, self-sabotaging tendencies, addictions, and ruler of film, music, art, spiritual interests, magic, psychic abilities, clandestine romance, hospitals, prisons, retreats, investigations, research, and development, Retrogrades on the 7th. He will remain in backtracking mode until November 13th. This is your cue to work on imaginative work you already have in mind or in motion, to rework old projects in film, music or the arts, to revisit past hospital matters, investigations or research, to tune back into any psychic interests or magic, look at the clandestine romance you are involved in or issues that surround this epic in your life, and to spend from now until then on the reality of what you wish to do about any of it. If you feel something shifting in the days surrounding June 7th relating to one of these topics you know that the time period to readjust and come back on a new level will be November 13th.
June 8th is the NEW MOON in Gemini. I can't tell you HOW IMPORTANT the next 2 weeks are for you in these areas of life. Why? Because not only is this your one major doorway this year to new opportunities, fresh starts, new approaches, and next levels when it comes to writing, agreements, sales, meetings, talks, speaking roles, short trips, local activities, moves, ideas, flirtations, dual situations, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and decisions, BUT it is your last once a year fresh start in these areas for the next 12 years while Jupiter is in attendance. SO LAUNCH NOW. Jupiter wants to help you expand, will continue on with you to grow over the next decade plus if you seed it under his tutelage, and he rules luck, protection, happiness, and prosperity, so yeah, I've beat that topic over the head but hopefully you get's time.
Both Mars and Mercury are in weird aspects on this New Moon day so you may have to really prove it, want it, make it happen, or work through something in the way before the real action starts. Mars is geared up with Saturn in adjustments meaning you will need to take or deal with action regarding all of this and the big financial picture, divorce, death, sex life, reproductive need, or third party situation. Mercury is shaking it up with Uranus so some news or information is going to rock things in ways you weren't expecting. So you are armed with the info ahead of time, reflect, react and keep moving the best you can towards your desires.
As many of you know, Chiron, the wounded healer, has been traveling with Neptune through Pisces, influencing each other through the most mystical, Karmic time many of us will ever know. He too will Retrograde this month, turning in the celestial sky on the 16th where he will continue to backtrack through November 19th. The wounds and healing are up for review, you will be going back over old territory here to release. It is also your cue to go back and take up your personal guru energy to aid others in similar situations that you understand from your own experience to help them. You may note something comes up around this date of June 16th that will let you know what it is you should be work on during this period.
The 19th is bound to be an important day as the life-giving Sun comes to sit with Jupiter in Gemini, the very last conjunction they make together for 12 years. It's a day to physically step into the growth or adventure, or to see your identity, image, brand, ego, body, or personal goals hit some fresh new direction, as your mind aligns with what this will mean for you in the coming chapter. Take charge, let your faith or beliefs guide you, ask for it, receive the information coming, know in all of this you are under Divine Guidance.
Mars and Chiron will square today so the wound will be opened or the healing will begin, there is something pushing you or someone close to you now. This may be a day when those ready to cross over take their leave. Jupiter is the great protective energy of Faith and expansion and with Chiron in the mix there may be a great timing to it. It may also be when you give yourself the last push to do something about healing or helping others.
The Summer Solstice arrives on the 21st and with it a new emphasis on home, real estate, family, roommates, parents, renovations, moves, and security needs. For the next 30 days the Sun will travel through this energy field putting a spotlight on you and asking that you step up, take the lead and get more involved.
There is a second Eclipse Trigger date in June, this one for last month's Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and it arrives on the 22nd. You may have another part of the story peak today in some way and it would be focused on Sagittarius themes so any legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, religious, wedding, or political interests may hit their stride today. This one is about achieving goals and celebrating or marking endings in these arenas.
The FULL MOON on the 23rd is in Capricorn and will bring a big high point or ending around a goal you have been working on, your career status, reputation, ambitions, a boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure, or your own achievements. This Full Moon activates relationships with others as you are either celebrating these peak experiences or marking your endings. There is opportunity in what crests today to bring some Karmic balance and Fated events, work towards what you would like to see manifest during the month so you are able to feel the optimum results. If you are seeing something end that is challenging in some way know that there is much support from other people and opportunity to enter into the next Karmic cycle.
Jupiter enters the sign of Cancer on the 25th! Jupiter was last in this sign between July 12, 2001 and August 1, 2002. Cancer rules our home, land, security, family, real estate, country, roommates, parents, renovations, nurturing, and emotions. And yes, back then we had the attack on the towers and the seeds for homeland security based on Jupiter topics of religious intent, politics, foreign issues/people, the legal system, media, and something BIG. There were and are many positive things that can be done during this transit, you can think big when it comes to a move, purchasing or selling a home, you could exit one space and move into one much larger or have someone move out giving you the feeling of more space. You could start to teach what you know from home or take classes there, learn real estate and this could open up your world in some new way, or you could broadcast from your home, publish work about family, parenting, food, real estate, interior design, your early days, a move, roommate, country, or security. You could just find more enjoyment and happiness at home or with family this year ahead. You could decide to move to a foreign land or take in a foreign exchange student, get a new look in the home that is inspired from Tuscany or the French Riviera, or start to speak a second language with your roommates. Legal documents are usually favorable regarding property and family during this period but of course consult your attorney or financial planner first before moving ahead. This year may see you hosting some big events in your home and there should be a feeling that things are going to work out. Jupiter will travel through Cancer from June 25th, 2013 through July 16th, 2014. It is likely that as the energy moves into this new placement you will have something come up for you that will give you a clue as to what this transit will be about, look for it over the coming weeks.
Mercury Retrogrades on the very next day, taking us back into past issues or opportunities tied to home, family, roommates, moves, real estate, renovations, parents, nurturing, or security from June 26th through July 20th. This means you will be getting your do-over or given some space now to finesse anything tied to these topics, to rethink what you want, rewrite proposals or agreements, go back to the negotiating table, release anything or anyone that needs releasing, reconnect with those opportunities that you still can grasp, and look at past sales, ideas or decisions here. You may have a shift over an agreement or information that arrives now that takes what you were doing with property, family, or the rest and turns it about somewhat during this time frame. There can be more misunderstandings, mechanical breakdowns, transportation issues, and changes of mind as well, so note what you are thinking and hearing and process it during this phase before choosing your path in late July. It's a time to let things evolve and to realign yourself over these topics so don't rush something if you can just allow.
The last shift in June comes on the 27th as Venus moves into Leo. This will begin a period when true love, children, creativity, recreation, and self-expression will flow more easily, you will find you are attracting the love or earning in creative ways during this time. Women may be more beneficial to your interests in these areas as well. Venus will remain here until July 22nd so enjoy!
For those of you that would enjoy a more fine-tuned look into your own unique birth chart, you can email Zoe for rates and dates here
June is due to hold a lot of opportunity for fresh conversations and ideas, meetings that will open up the rest of the year for you in some way, writing projects, speaking roles, sales, or agreements that get you out there in some fresh design, and an emphasis on home, real estate, property matters, family, or moves.
This begins on the 2nd with Venus entering the root of your chart. Here she will spend the rest of the month helping to smooth things out at home or with family, bring income flow more easily around the house, real estate, renovations, property matters, moves, or roommates, and attract the love from these vantage points. A woman may become important to you this month in or about the home or property matter. You may take in a roommate or get a good real estate agent as examples. She should be good for you so be open to who shows up now.
Note that the 6th is a trigger date for last month's Solar Eclipse in Taurus. If there is to be another push from the cosmos for you regarding your income potential, some acquisition, valuables in the balance, something you are building upon, or your own sense of value, then expect it to show up now.
The 7th stands out as a day when she may hold some meaning for you or you may be looking at income or love tied to home, property, moves, renovations, family, or roommates. Neptune Retrogrades today so there is a powerful shift going on that may be felt through dreams you have, your artistic realm, your dealings with institutions, any addictive issues around you, your research or investigations, any strategies you are involved in, your spiritual interests, the time you've had in retreat or isolation, or what is going on with a private romance. Neptune will remain in Retrograde until November 17th so you may go back to past interests or people in these realms and rework things, or free yourself to just work on your own needs here for a while. You may also see a turnaround with a film, music or art project, spiritual pursuit, hospital or other institution, addiction, clandestine romance, or research project. If so the time period holds for working in that direction until things turn back around in November. Your intuition and the signs along the way around this date should be quite strong so tune in.
The NEW MOON in Gemini arrives on the 8th and is your cue to launch into new talks, to pursue new ideas, to take any writing projects to the next level or to begin writing, to push ahead on a sale, get into sales or take sales to the next level, to negotiate or deal with agreements, and to get out there in your local community or visit nearby towns to add some new interest to your life or take you further. This New Moon is also about any fresh starts you would like with a brother, sister or neighbor so you may want to plan something with them or extend the olive branch if things have been discordant. If you are in need of a vehicle or want to get into something transportation oriented, this 2 week period is great for what you do, and any electronic needs can be furthered now as well. The 2 weeks ahead are your best window of the year to seed things in the right direction with all of this so speak up, share ideas, make choices. Once caveat: today there is a somewhat frustrating adjustment to Saturn so you may have an issue with the bigger financial matter, the divorce, someone's passing, a birth, your sex life, a power struggle, or a third party. Remember that you have 2 weeks to move on your stuff so don't get heated if you can just get motivated.
Chiron Retrogrades on the 16th and will be in backtracking mode from today through November 19th. If there is any wounding or healing issues going on around hospitals, addictions, prisons, isolation, depression, or some artistic project like a film, music, painting, dance, sculpture, any spiritual interests like meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, a clandestine romance, your research, investigations, a strategy, or something you have in development, you will see things shift around that wound or healing now. With Chiron Retrograde you have a long period to lick your wounds and to work on an internal level over healing yourself or any matters pertaining to these themes. Is there a guru in you that touches on one or more of these topics? Can you bring that out and be ready to step into something that allows you to teach or heal others through your abilities here in the fall? Then work on that in the months ahead.
The 19th may be a testing day for the above mentioned Chiron themes so be ready to be active if you are consciously motivating on any of these topics. The 19th is also a big day for you as the Sun and Jupiter come together pushing you to stand out in some vocal or personal way. You may be speaking to a large number of people, writing something, sharing a big idea, making a large sale, or you may be involved in some community matter, a sibling or neighbors interests, or something regarding vehicles or electronics. There is growth in this and it may tweek your legal, travel, media, educational, political, religious, or wedding needs in positive ways as part of the combination. Feel like writing your political salvo? Signing some legal agreement? Voicing something in the media or through publishing? Selling/buying a car or electronic? Today may push this and more.
The Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st marking the summer solstice and putting a spotlight on home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, roommates, security needs, nurture, parents, or property needs in the 4 weeks ahead. This is about spotlighting you in these areas. It urges you to pour your physical energy and personal goals here, to be present, take the lead and shine. So knowing this you may want to plan for this period to be about what you do in your house, any interests you have regarding the real estate market or property matters, if you are planning a move this is the beginning phase, or if you want that fresh start with family or roommates, renovations or security needs, go after them now.
The 22nd is the second Eclipse Trigger date, this one for last month's Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius so you may have another chapter of that story peaking today, look to legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, publicity, wedding, or political interests culminating in some way.
The FULL MOON in Capricorn arrives on the next day, the 23rd, and brings a peak wrap up on the career front or with some serious goal. It may be about a boss, parent, judge or other authority figure and something big happening with/through them, or it could be about an ambition culminating in achievements or you are ending this story are ready to move on. Whatever it is for you it does again put you out there in the spotlight as you feel things peak.
One of the biggest pieces of news this month is Jupiter's move out of Gemini and into Cancer and it arrives on the 25th. This is also a major move into your home, real estate, family, roommate, moves, renovations, property needs, security interests, and grounding but this is from the lucky, protective, growth-oriented lord of happiness and prosperity and he is going to be staying for a year! This bodes for all kinds of lucky things moving into these areas of life for you so if you have wanted to put on that addition or move across country, rent out a space or fill your empty nest, get into real estate or settle a deal on property, learn interior design, all about mortgages or flipping houses, mend any fences on the property or with family, or start some family or in home business, this is your year! Get moving while the Sun shines on this arena.
Interestingly, Mercury Retrogrades on the 26th and will remain in backwards motion through July 20th in the same zone of home, property, family, moves, roommates, and renovations. This means that you can go back and claim something from the past or put it to rest so it does not hinder you as you advance in this expansive area up ahead. You may need to rethink something about a property or family matter or reconnect with someone from the past that holds influence here. It is about reworking what you can, releasing what you must and reclaiming something so you are ready for this next phase. If any changes occur in these areas during this period they are your protection to get something right that would have hurt you up ahead so take your time, go over details, revisit past people, issues or opportunities, and know that it will turn again in July when the Retrograde ends. If you must sign documents during this period double check everything because something will change, if it is at all possible to wait it out without losing out then do so. It is ok if you are signing something that was signed in the past however.
The last move of the month comes on the 27th when Venus enters Leo and brings some joy back to your love life, time with children, creative projects and interests, and recreational outlets. She will move here through July 22nd helping you to relax, smooth things out, attract more love or money in these areas, and possibly connect with women who are beneficial to your aims here. For those of you that would enjoy a more fine-tuned look into your own unique birth chart, you can email Zoe for rates and dates here
Your ruler, Venus, is going to kick things off right for you in June by moving into Cancer on the 2nd and bringing you easier pathways and more charm when it comes to your talks, meetings, pitches, sales, agreements, negotiations, writing, short trips, local activities, and anything you are doing for enjoyment with brothers, sisters, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics. She will help you attract love or money through these areas until June 27th so enjoy! Because Cancer rules the emotions, home, property matters, moves, family, and roommates, you may be aiming some of these joyful ideas and decision making these ways.
The last Trigger date for last month's Solar Eclipse in your sign arrives on the 6th so you may have another chapter to that story coming to a peak moment today. Look for anything involving your name, identity, image, body, or brand culminating. This may be a time of achievement or recognition for you or you could be ending something that has been going on, eclipsing some part of you out for a new and improved version.
Your ruling energy will be very active on the 7th focusing in on some upbeat talks or meetings, writing or agreements, sales or short trips, with partner, reps, clients, specialists, opponents, friends, groups, online, or about charities or astrology, all good. Neptune Retrogrades today and will remain in Retrograde motion until November 17th so you now are going to see some return to past inspired aspirations or friendships, online interests or group affiliations, or you may be ready to release something here. The Retrograde period will give you time to lighten up a bit on artistic, spiritual, romantic, or institutional needs that may have been an influence with these people or purposes and give you time to let the muse work on the inside as you mull over who your soul tribe really is and what it is you truly want to be. This is an important phase because you are morphing into something else and those closest to you may need to reflect this newer version of your evolution.
The NEW MOON on the 8th is in Gemini and it brings your best 2 week window of the year to launch in some new direction or take things to the next level where your income, possessions, acquisitions, what you are building upon, or needs for being valued are concerned. Today this will mean making some adjustment involving a partner, client, specialist, representative, or opponent. You will also need to think on your feet when you are hit with something you weren't expecting at all.
Chiron Retrogrades on the 16th and will remain Retrograde through November 19th so this period will take you back over any old wounds or healing that needs to be done involving those aspirations, friendships, group affiliations, internet interests, astrology, charities, social networking, or social events. This is a time to add this to your internal work and you may have something pop up now that indicates what direction this is to go for you. You may also find that you are capable and called to step into your personal guru to help heal/teach an old friend, group, etc, from your own painful experiences and if so step up.
The 19th is twofold bringing one of those big, expansive days with Sun and Jupiter combining in your income and possessions zone, helping you to step up and do something here that puts you out there in the spotlight in some protective, growth-oriented, or lucky way. Look to media, publishing, legal means, educational outlets, travel opportunities, foreign interests, import/export, weddings, or marketing outlets to help you further your aims to earn or acquire. The other part of the day may motivate or challenge as Mars and Chiron are at odds. This may stir your passion to make money or buy something but test you over painful issues with the friend, group, aspiration, internet, astrology, or charity. Or it can be your big move here to help heal the wound.
The Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st marking the Summer Solstice and putting a spotlight on you over the next 30 days with sales, writing, agreements, meetings, talks, pitches, proposals, offers, and decision making. You will be pouring more personal and physical energy here and again, as with Venus, you may be aiming much of this at home, real estate, family, roommates, moves, renovations, and security needs. It's your time to shine here, step up and take the lead, let 'em see what you've got. You may also be focusing more attention on siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, or local activities during this period as well.
The last Trigger date for last month's Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius falls on the 22nd so you may have another chapter to that story arrive today. For you this would be something culminating with a financial interest, divorce, death, birth, or sexual need. It would be bringing high points of achievement or endings.
The FULL MOON arrives the next day, the 23rd, bringing it's own climax and for you this will involve legal matters, travel plans, education, media, marketing, publishing, weddings, politics, or foreign interests. This will be about reaching some goal here, celebrating breakthroughs or wrapping things up and signing off.
Jupiter exits Gemini after a year-long stay and moves on over into Cancer on the 25th. This marks the beginning of one of the best years you've had in a while to sign agreements, write your masterpiece or get it sold, negotiate options, make a big sale or get into sales in a big way, move to some new place that opens up your world in bigger ways, get into big and lucky meetings or talks, come up with some great ideas, make decisions that will have happy results for you, do some things involving siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics that expand your sense of happiness or prosperity, or get active in a local interest or get into more short trips that open up your horizons. Again there may be home, property, real estate, family, moves, or roommate themes behind some of this for you but all of it will lend itself to a greater sense of security. Since the Sun just moved here a few days ago and is putting you out there over the first 30 days of this 1 year transit, jump in with both feet and make it happen.
And the cosmos has something from the past to be taken care of in this expansive arena because Mercury Retrogrades on the 26th bringing past people, issues, offers, and opportunities back around in the same arenas of sales, writing, agreements, meetings, talks, local activities, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, moves, and decisions. You should take from now through July 20th to access if anything or anyone should be revisited, reworked, reconnected with, released, or reconsidered. Take your time, this initial slow-down or backtracking could be the needed rewrite or re-pitch, turn around in a sale that saves you in some unforeseen way, second chance with your sibs or nearby peeps, or idea that you laid down that now seems to hold some real merit. Try to hold off on purchasing new vehicles or electronics or signing documents if you can safely wait the Retrograde out, unless it is with some situation that was already in play from the past.
The last energy shift of the month arrives on the 27th with your ruler Venus moving into Leo where she will tour through July 22nd. This energy is set to bring smoother sailing in the home or with real estate, family and roommates, moves and renovations. Here Venus will bring a fine esthetic to bear, inspire you to spend in these areas as well as earn, and will be where you will most want to share the love. You may have a female arrive on the scene or a current one take on more importance in these areas now and it should be beneficial. For those of you that would enjoy a more fine-tuned look into your own unique birth chart, you can email Zoe for rates and dates here
Get ready for June, Gemini, it's going to be big! It starts off on the 2nd as Venus exits your sign and moves into your money making arena. Here the goddess of goodies will help smooth things out, bring you more charm and ability to attract when it comes to earnings, acquisitions, possessions, and being valued, and may bring a female around that is beneficial to your aims here. Love will glow around objects of affection, enjoyment of the finer things in life and purchases so don't go overboard but do enjoy.
The last Trigger date for last month's Solar Eclipse arrives on the 6th and may bring a last chapter to something involving a clandestine romance or private tryst, something in the artistic realm like film, music or painting, a spiritual pursuit, meditation, yoga, or magical interests, something involving hospitals, prisons or other institutions, research or investigations, Karma or hidden matters, projects you have in development, or dreams and the imagination. This would be another level kicking in.
Friday the 7th will have that new Venus energy amping up over making money, spending it, building things, or feeling valued. Today this will include some positive and solid moments around goals or career aims, people in power positions and your work, health, paperwork, or pets. Neptune Retrogrades today as well and will remain in backwards motion through November 17th. This period will be your cue to take the imagination inward and work on goals, career aims, reputation, status, and ambitions with an eye on past artistry, spiritual direction, romantic need, institutional interests, research, or work behind the scenes. You may have an old boss return or something involving a parent or judge reawaken, but there is something magical happening during this period that will help you step out in the Fall in new ways.
The NEW MOON on the 8th is in your sign and rings in your new year! This is your best 2 week window to launch forward in new directions or take things to that next level and it has to do with your name, identity, image, body, brand, or personal desires. The cosmos is giving you the push you need if you are proactive and partner with your Moon. Join the gym, see the doctor, get the make-over, buy new wardrobe, get your brand out there, get married, get engaged, go back to school, change your name, it's up to you!
Today there will be some need to make adjustments around work, paperwork, co-workers, employees, health needs, or pets as you start your process. There will also be something surprising or changing that takes you off guard with an aspiration, friend, group, the internet, astrology, charity, or social networking that will involve your income or feeling valued, communicate.
Chiron Retrogrades on the 16th and will remain in Retrograde through November 19th. Chiron has been flagging Neptune in Pisces and will be playing out in the same ways but Chiron rules our wounds and healing abilities. So you may have something shift now that opens up a wound or helps you to heal, pushes you to reach for your inner guru to help others through your own painful experiences, and takes you into artistic realms, spiritual pursuits, hospitals or other institutions, addictions, clandestine romance, research, or development. Use this time to lay balm upon any wounds.
The 19th has 2 parts that are significant, the first being the Sun and Jupiter coming together in very lucky, expansive ways. This is happening in your sign and is amazing for you right before Jupiter exits your sign not to return for another 12 years. You can stand out today, take the lead, shine your light, and make it about you, your body, image, personality, name, brand, identity, or ego needs. With Jupiter in the mix it may involve legal channels, wedding plans, media, education, travel, or something adventurous, say yes! The other part of the day may be challenging as Mars bumps Chiron pushing on the wound and urging you do something personally or physically about your goals. This will be the nudge you need to face fears, don't hide.
The Sun enters Cancer on the 21st marking the Summer Solstice. Happy Summer :) For you this means that there is now a spotlight on your money making capabilities and offers, an added boost for you when stepping into leadership roles over income, acquisitions, building things, feeling valued, or dealing with possessions, and your turn to shine over the next 30 days here. Expect to pour more personal and physical energy into these topics.
The last Trigger date for last month's Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius arrives on the 22nd and may bring a last chapter to the climactic high points or endings around partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, opponents, advocates, or other key relationships.
The FULL MOON arrives on the next day, the 23rd, bringing its own climax around sexual interests, divorce, the big financial matters you are plowing through, a death or birth, third party situations, power struggles or people, and control. It's about celebrating achievements or wrapping things up as they peak.
Jupiter has blessed you with a new view of life over this past year as the lord of luck and expansion has toured your sign and on the 25th this wraps up and he moves into Cancer. Here he begins a huge new phase for you in the year ahead over earnings, possessions, acquisitions, anything you wish to build upon, and finding things that make you feel valued. This may have some flavor around home or real estate, moves or family, but will help you to exceed your current level. He won't be back for another 12 years here so jump in. Since the Sun just took up residence here and is putting you up front in the first leg of the yearlong transit you should be ready for the big things about to happen!
And as if the universe isn't full of enough energy here, on the 26th Mercury Retrogrades and will take you back over past opportunities, issues, relationships, and situations involving your income, possessions, acquisitions, and feeling valued between now and July 22nd. This period is your chance to clear the decks or air, revisit past ideas or money making schemes, review what you did or didn't do and what can be fixed or left behind, and then move on it once Mercury Retrograde is over. You should try to hold off on purchasing new electronics, vehicles or signing new documents during this phase if the wait won't hurt you in some way but it is ok to sign agreements with past offers coming back around.
The last energy shift of the month arrives on the 27th with Venus moving into Leo and moving the love into flirtatious play and your local neighborhoods or nearby towns. This brings more ease and attraction for love or income through talks, meetings, writing, agreements, and sales, and may smooth things out with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. You will definitely have the gift of gab and a few inspired invitations. For those of you that would enjoy a more fine-tuned look into your own unique birth chart, you can email Zoe for rates and dates here
There is so much coming your way by month's end Cancer and the first part of June is all about giving you some time behind the scenes to get things together to go for it! This starts on the 2nd with Venus moving into your sign. It's always a wonderful period when Venus smiles on you and here she does. You can find more love or earn money through efforts you make on yourself so look to getting fit and in shape, healthy and in tune with yourself. Make-overs and new styles may call your name or you may be considering changing your name in the name of love! It can bring good opportunities for your brand to monetize or help you with personal desires so leap into the flow, it's good times ahead.
The final Trigger date from last month's Solar Eclipse arrives on the 6th so you may have another chapter to that story show up today involving fresh starts and eclipsing out with aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or social media. Look at what evolves as part of the cosmic clock.
The 7th sees Venus getting amped up in her new placement and pushing you to move on any legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, love, children, or creative interests that benefit you. Keep communications open with partners, reps, clients, or other key people, it looks powerful. Neptune Retrogrades today and will backtrack between now and November 17th. This period will be about revisiting past inspiration or confusion with media interests, legal matters or offers, publishing deals, marketing, higher education, a learning curve, travel plans, weddings, or foreign interests. You may have something artistic to develop, a spiritual path to take here, some Karmic romance in the balance, hospitals or other institutions to consider, addictions to release, research to do, or development behind the scenes. Use this time to work on an inner level so you are ready in the Fall when things move forward. You may see something come up today fitting this description that gives you a clue as to what it is you need to go back and rework or release.
The NEW MOON on the 8th is your best 2 week window of the year to launch forward or take things to a new level in the areas of film, music, art, dance, yoga, meditation, magic, psychic interests, dreams, research, investigations, hospitals, prisons, retreats, work behind closed doors, development of projects, time away with your lover or some clandestine romance, and letting your imagination shine. Take advantage of offers coming in and be proactive in moving ahead here. Today there will be a need to adjust around creative issues or commitments, your love life or kids. Expect to have something pop up that you weren't expecting when it comes to career, goals, reputation, fame, bosses, parents, or others in charge, and ready yourself to respond on the spot.
Chiron Retrogrades on the 16th and will backtrack in Neptune's tracks between now and November 19th. This period will help you work on any wounds you feel and healing work you can do for others over artistic, spiritual, or romantic needs, hospitals, addictions, hidden agendas, secrets, dreams, research, investigations, and development. It's a time to revisit the past and develop anything of merit here. You may note that something painful comes to your attention now that points to what this will be about for you or you are called to utilize your guru energy in helping others.
The 19th will have 2 different high points to concern yourself with, the first being a big moment with the Sun/Jupiter conjunction in your 12th house. This puts you in the spotlight, points to your body, brand, image, or identity and something going on with that hospital, addiction, time with a romantic interest behind closed doors, research, investigation, film, music or other art interest, spiritual pursuit, meditation, magic, psychic interest, or yoga. This combo can help you step up and take the lead through media, education, legal channels, weddings, or travel. The other transit today involves Mars pushing that Chiron wound/healing energy so you may feel something push you over the top a bit involving Chiron's Retrograde phase today and motivate on it.
The Sun moves into your sign on the 21st marking the Summer Solstice and putting you in the spotlight over the next 30 days. This period will elevate you and help you pour more personal energy and physical action into your image, brand, body, and personal goals. It's time to step out into the light after much time behind closed doors. Take the lead in your own play and expect others to notice you now.
The final Trigger date for last month's Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius arrives on the 22nd and you may have a final chapter peak around health, work, paperwork, co-workers, people you hire to help you out, services you provide, an organizational situation, or pets.
The following day, the 23rd, is this month's FULL MOON and a climax coming for you regarding romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, advocates, opponents, or competitors. You will see one or more of these relationships culminate in celebrations, achievements or endings now. Much of what happens is based on commitments, ambitions and the direction you are going.
And it's finally here, the beginning of one of the most expansive times you've had in over a decade begins on the 25th as Jupiter moves into your sign to take up residence for a solid year. This is your year of growth so if that means taking on another name or identity, seeing your brand leap to new levels, getting your body into better physical condition, discovering any illnesses or weaknesses in the body so they can be healed, getting that new image together, or pursuing some big dream you have for yourself, today's the day to commence. With the Sun just recently in this arena you can be sure this first period of the year long transit will favor your efforts.
Interestingly, Mercury Retrogrades in this same zone on the 26th and will backtrack through your sign until July 20th so the universe believes there is some gold in going back and rethinking or reclaiming something, releasing or reworking it. Put some thought to past people, situations, issues, or offers and any writing, sales, agreements, talks, or decisions you can have to get this all straight so you are unencumbered and ready for the big launch in new directions after the Retrograde ends. It's best to hold off on new electronic or vehicle purchases or the signing of new documents during this period if you can do so without harming your interests. You are ok to sign or purchase past agreements or mechanical things if you feel compelled to do so now.
The last energy shift this month arrives on the 27th with Venus moving into Leo and adding charm and attractive abilities for you to earn money, make acquisitions, deal with possessions, and feel valued. She will tour here through July 22nd so look for easier times with money flow or women that may be able to help you. Love may percolate around objects of affection as well. For those of you that would enjoy a more fine-tuned look into your own unique birth chart, you can email Zoe for rates and dates here
If you are an artistic Leo, and most of you are, you are about to enter into one of the most prolific years of your life and it is coming your way at month's end! To get started Venus is taking up residence here on the 2nd where she will help you find more ease and enjoyment when it comes to film, music, dance, painting, art appreciation, concerts, museums, sculpture, and poetry. This territory also rules your spiritual life so you may find things begin to go well with meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interest, or any other pursuit you have to obtain bliss. Clandestine romances and well as finding time to secret away with your lover are favored by her placement here and she can also help you attract income through these channels as well as with hospitals, prisons, retreats, helping those with addictions, or in dream work. Start now to look at how your love or income flow is working in these areas because here is where the growth is coming. Women may be beneficial to you here during this month.
The last Trigger date to last month's Solar Eclipse arrives on the 6th so you may have another chapter to that story peaking now. Look to anything involving career, goals, reputation, fame, ambitions, leadership, status, bosses, parents, judges, or other authority figures to hit high points and launch you forward again.
Venus will be getting jiggy with it on the 7th so you may have a hay day for artistic pursuits, your private romantic needs, a spiritual cause, hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, or development. There are good links here to financial needs, divorce, sex life, home, real estate, moves, family needs, or roommates so push a bit. Neptune Retrogrades today and begins taking you back over past inspired interests or issues involving these sexual attractions or issues, financial matters, divorce issues, a death or birth, third party situation, and power or control needs. This period is all about finessing and reconnecting with the muse, doing your research and developing, releasing, reclaiming, or renewing anything still in the mix or left behind. You may note something coming to your attention today that will point in the right direction for this period.
The NEW MOON arrives on the 8th and is your best 2 week window of the year to launch ahead or take things to the next level with aspirations you hold dear, any friendships and projects you would like to commence with them or new friends you would like to take on, group affiliations and activities new or moving ahead on old ones, internet projects or interests, astrological interests, charities, causes, visionary ideas, social networking, or social events. You should be the hot topic on everyone's invite list and your ideas should be well received. Today however you will need to make an adjustment involving home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, or roommates. There will be some news or moment coming that surprises regarding travel, legal, media, publishing, marketing, educational, or wedding plans so be ready to field it in the moment.
Chiron Retrogrades on the 16th and will be in backtracking mode through November 19th, shadowing Neptune's trail through Pisces. This period is your cue to face any wounds you feel or have inflicted and healing that can be done again regarding your sex life, a divorce, a death or birth, some big financial matter, a third party situation, or the control you feel. You may call upon your own personal guru within to help others heal through your own experiences here. Something may come to the surface now that lets you see what you should go back and work on.
The 19th brings a very big aspect and a challenging one. The big aspect puts you in the spotlight in some big way with friends, groups, online, with a charity, over astrology, a cause, social networking, or your aspirations. This is your day to shine, step in and take the lead, there may be something involving expansion, travel, media, legal channels, education, or weddings that can be tapped into. The other challenging energy is around Mars nudging Chiron and pushing you to look at that financial matter, sexual need, divorce, death, birth, triangle, or control issue and what can be done about the aspiration, friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity in the mix.
The Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st lighting up your mystical zone and joining Venus there. This is the beginning of a 30 day cycle that puts you in the spotlight over film, music, art, spiritual interests, research, investigations, retreat, rest, imagination, dealing with addictions, hospitals or other institutions, time with that private romantic interest, and developing projects. You will be more physically and personally involved here during this period so pull back, you deserve some time to connect with your magical side.
The last Trigger date for last month's Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 22nd so you may have another chapter to that story peak around creative projects, children, love interests or issues, or recreational interests. This will be about achievements and endings.
The following day, on the 23rd, is this month's FULL MOON and it is highlighting your work, bringing some climax here or your health and reaching some goal or wrapping something up. It may involve co-workers or people you hire to help you and some culmination or pets or animal interests could reach a highpoint. Paperwork and organizational needs peak as well. If you've been waiting on an offer you could get it now.
And finally Jupiter makes his big move, entering your 12th house on the 25th and kicking off a major year for growth and luck around film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, prisons, retreats, research, investigations, time alone with your romantic love or clandestine affairs, beating addictions or bad habits, dreams, imagination, inspiration, Karmic opportunities, and development on projects. This is the best opportunity you have had in over a decade so with so much light on you from the Sun right now you should get cracking!
Interestingly enough, the next day Mercury Retrogrades in the same arena and will be backtracking from now through July 20th. Apparently the cosmos thinks there is something for you to still reclaim, release, rework, or revamp in these areas. Look at past decisions and agreements, writing and sales, talks and meetings, over artistic interests, spiritual pursuits, romance, hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, or development. You should be able to reframe the idea or get things working better so you are ready for this huge move forward. It's best to hold off on purchasing new electronics or vehicles or sign new agreements during this period if you can hold off without harming your situation but you are ok to do so if it is something from the past coming back around.
Venus moves into Leo on the 27th as the last energy shift of the month. Hosting Venus in your sign is a luxury that bestows some charm and attraction right down upon you! Use this to pamper yourself, put your image or brand forward to earn money, get present for love, do nice things for your image or body, and relax, it's your turn to enjoy the flow. For those of you that would enjoy a more fine-tuned look into your own unique birth chart, you can email Zoe for rates and dates here
June is going to start out with more affinity towards acceptance and joy around your true aspirations and this will include more good times with friends, group activities that can bring love or income to the top, positive flow on your internet pursuits, and any other social matter you might delve into. You can thank Venus as she takes up residence on the 2nd but she is just the beginning as you will see as this month progresses so start to dream big.
The final Trigger date from last month's Solar Eclipse arrives on the 6th so you may have another chapter to that story now involving a partner in romance or business, a representative like an agent, attorney or specialist, your clients, a competitor or opponent, or some other key relationship. This would then be a day when things culminate in achievements or endings.
The 7th will see Venus getting quite active for you so aim for today when putting your dreams into motion, involving your friends or groups, moving ahead online with projects, getting into astrology, charities or aviation, championing a cause, seeking freedom or expressing originality, or attending any social functions. The day holds promise in love or money here, again involving key people and ideas or decisions you can come to together. Neptune Retrogrades today and will remain in backwards motion from now through November 17th. This is keying in on these relationships so you may have a shift today with one or more of these people. The period is yours to delve back into the past opportunities or issues and work through them from now through the fall. It's good for holing up, developing projects, researching, balancing Karma, retreating and regrouping, resting, dreaming, finessing artistic projects, re-attuning to your spiritual nature, clearing any bad habits or addictions, or dealing with institutions like hospitals or prisons.
The NEW MOON on the 8th is your best 2 week window of the year to launch forward on new efforts or take current ones to the next level when it comes to your career, ambitions, reputation, fame, personal goals, leadership abilities, and any dealings with authority figures like your parents, bosses or a judge for example. Use this time to make your move, even a few steps in the right direction will help you to gain momentum in the year ahead. Today will bring some challenges to overcome a 'no' or some perceived limit you have in your mind. This may involve a brother, sister, neighbor, move, vehicle, or electronic need or be something in writing, about a sale or agreement. Things are shaking up where shared finances are concerned or outside resources need to be handled so be ready to step in with ideas when it comes knocking.
On the 16th Chiron Retrogrades and will shadow the Neptune Retrograde through Pisces from now through November 19th. This may bring up a wound now that shows you what should be dealt with, where healing needs to come, if you have a vulnerable spot it is best to know so pay attention to what you feel or hear now. You should work over these next month's to find ways to process this feeling and perhaps call upon yourself to help others through your own experience of painful situations.
The 19th will be a big day but possibly challenging as well with 2 very different configurations. The first is a great one pushing you to step up and shine in your leadership abilities, to promote your business or impress your image or brand upon us towards some goal. You may have an opportunity that comes through involving a big wig or power person or be able to take hold of some big ambition and go for it. Look to legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding interests to flavor what you can do. The challenging energy will be from Mars butting up against Chiron opening any wounds or vulnerability involving your aims and some other person like a partner, representative, opponent, client, etc. Mars can help motivate you to push things over the top if you jump in and are proactive.
The Sun glides into Cancer on the 21st marking the Summer Solstice and illuminating your social sphere. Here the vital life force of the Sun takes up what Venus has been paving and puts you personally or physically into the same social interests for the next 30 days. It is a great placement for you because you can stand out online, with groups, friends, associates, in the name of charities, causes, freedom, and change, and for any interests in astrology, social networking or aviation. Something about your home life or real estate and family may be coloring this period as you step up and make a few wishes come true.
The final Trigger date for last month's Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 22nd so you may have a final chapter to that story and it will involve your home, a move, real estate deals, family, roommates, renovations, or security needs. If this comes now it will be about achievements or endings in these areas.
This is followed closely by this month's FULL MOON on the 23rd and it will be bringing a climax for you around your creative projects, children, love life, or recreational interests. It is the year's big high point where you may be hearing some great news about a project that hits it's mark or you finally wrap up all the work you've been doing to finalize your creative efforts, a child may shine in some achievement or you may find out you are having your first child, or you may be falling in love, making the next move with your lover or ending a love relationship past it's expiration date. For you singles out there this can be a time when someone catches your eye and you theirs so enjoy the days leading up to this by getting out and about.
And here is the biggest news of the month, Jupiter, the lord of luck, expansion, happiness, and prosperity, is moving into the sign of Cancer on the 25th where he will tour the entire next year and he is now on board with helping you to get to a better situation regarding your dreams and aspirations for your life, to get you out there in the group dynamic or championing your cause, to bring beneficial friends and associates your way, help you and your friends to do something big, to help you with your online presence and interests, astrology, charities, aviation, original ideas and interests, breaking free from outworn situations, and any social networking or gatherings that please you. This will be a growth year for you here so if you are feeling the pull trust it. With the Sun shining so brightly upon you in the same arena in this first month you will have plenty you can set in motion right away so go for it.
And if that wasn't enough...your ruler, Mercury, Retrogrades the very next day on the 26th in the same part of your chart so the cosmos is telling you that part of this story involves someone or some opportunity or issue from the past and that you have 3 plus weeks, until July 20th, to rework, reclaim, release, or revamp something with a friend, group, internet interest, astrology, charity, cause, or aspiration. This is an important step that will help you pull everything together so slow down and retreat back over these areas, look at any decisions or agreements, writing or sales, ideas or meetings that you can work out or let go of entirely. A sibling, neighbor, move, electronic need, or vehicles/transportation may be significant to some of this as well. It's best to hold off on purchasing new electronics, vehicles or signing new documents during the Retrograde if it is possible to hold off without hurting your circumstances but it is ok to do so if it is something/someone coming back around from the past with another shot at something. If you do have to sign during this phase just know that there will be some change to the situation and be adaptable, same goes for purchases, buy the warranties!
The last energy shift of the month comes on the 27th as Venus moves on ahead to Leo and begins to call you to retreat a bit in the name of love or what you are developing for income purposes. You may have a woman that is Karmic in nature re-enter the picture during this phase that runs until July 22nd and if so will likely have to do with art, music, film, spiritual interests, hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, or some clandestine affair. Venus in this position will help you to enjoy some down time so take a break, you've earned it. For those of you that would enjoy a more fine-tuned look into your own unique birth chart, you can email Zoe for rates and dates here
Are you ready to see some amazingly great changes coming your way Libra? Well June is your month and I kid you not. It starts with Venus, your ruler, moving into your career Midheaven on the 2nd. Here Venus is going to help you attract more on the career front with greater ease while bringing beneficial women along that can help you in your aims here or with personal goals you have set. Love and money should definitely be aims you hold this month as Venus will help you to enjoy and flow with events and shine with a bit more charm and charisma!
The final Trigger date for last month's Solar Eclipse arrives on the 6th so you may have another chapter to that story peaking now and if so it will be about a loan, settlement, investment, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance matter, the taxes, your commissions or royalties, a refinance or mortgage, alimony or child support, a partner's money, or any other outside financial resource. This area also rules sexual attractions and issues, death, birth, and divorce so it could be round two in these stories as well.
Venus will get busy for you right away on the 7th when your career matters or goals get a wide open door and those in power positions are ready to help you. Focus on this day to get your work out there or further health or animal aims, go for personal goals and ways to be valued or earn money, it looks quite good. Neptune is Retrograding today and will spend from now through November 17th in backwards motion in the part of your chart associated with work, co-workers, people you hire, paperwork, health, and animals. That means you may see a noticeable shift around some of these themes now and that you are entering a period where you should slow down, backtrack and develop over the artistic, spiritual, romantic, or institutional needs. You may research more or work on an inner level to develop something within yourself but it is a prime period for working things up to introduce to the world up ahead.
The NEW MOON on the 8th is your best 2 week window of the year to launch in new directions or take current things to the next level when it comes to any legal matters, media projects, publishing deals, broadcasting or marketing interests, wedding plans, travel plans, foreign interests, import/export, educational pursuits be they teaching or learning, political causes, or religious affiliations. Today this will call for some adjustment involving income and a surprise that puts you on your feet involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other key person. Get on it Libra, you have so much to achieve!
Chiron Retrogrades on the 16th and will shadow Neptune on his Retrograde through Pisces from now through November 19th. Chiron rules our wounds and therefore you may feel something wounding coming up for you at this shift. If so it is to help you see clearly what you should be focusing on over these next months and where healing or mastery needs to come. You will be given an opportunity to call upon your own inner guru to help others based on your own past wounding experiences and what you connect with now and develop will help in that aim. For you this is best focused on anything you are doing in film, music, art, spiritual work, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic abilities, investigations, research, with hospitals, prisons, retreats, addictions, or development.
The 19th will be one heck of a day with a big positive alignment and one that may challenge. The big break is all about that legal, travel, media, educational, wedding, broadcasting, publishing, or marketing interest. The day calls upon you to step up, take the lead and shine in some big way, this is protective and expansive so up you go. The challenging energy is Mars poking Chiron so you may have that wound around work, health, paperwork, or animals to contend with and feel the push to motivate towards your goals or career regardless. Step into your guru mode.
The Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st marking the Summer Solstice and putting the now exceptional vital life-giving energy light upon you when it comes to career, goals, reputation, fame, authority figures, and ambitions. The next 30 days push you out there, urge more leadership, achievement and light from you so decide what you want to achieve and go for it.
The final Trigger of last month's Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 22nd so you may have another chapter to that story culminating now regarding an offer, big news, an agreement, sale, writing project, speaking role, brother, sister, neighbor, vehicle, electronic matter, local activity, short trip, meeting, or decision.
June's FULL MOON arrives the next day, on the 23rd, bringing another climax, this one involving your home, a move, real estate deals or property matters, a roommate, your family, or security needs. It's a time when things come through, are achieved or wrap up and end.
And the biggest news of the month arrives on the 25th as Jupiter, the bestower of great expansion and luck moves into Cancer for the first time in over a decade and begins a year-long tour of your career Midheaven. So what do you want again? With the Sun already here and Venus beside him, now Jupiter helming, you have one of the best periods of your life to expand your career horizons, set big goals in motion, get through to some big time people, move ahead with parents, bosses or judges, see your reputation or fame escalate on some level, and shine your light on the stage of life.
And it seems the cosmos has something in store here from the past right off the bat because on the 26th Mercury Retrogrades in the same area and will take you back into the past from now through July 20th. This period is crucial as you are being given a chance to fine-tune things, rework, revisit, release, or reclaim any ideas or decisions, agreements or sales, writing or talks over the career, boss, parent, judge, goal, or fame. You should see if there is anything/anyone that should be onboard for this big chapter awaiting and work on that during this period. If you need to clear the air with anyone do it now. It's best to hold off on signing new documents or purchasing new electronics or vehicles during the phase if you can hold off without harming your circumstances but ok to go ahead with any of this if it is something from the past coming back around. If you do have to forge ahead regardless just keep in mind something will change and prepare for the necessities.
The last shift of the month arrives on the 27th as your ruler, Venus, moves into Leo and turns enjoyment, love and income concerns towards your friendships, associates, group activities, the internet, astrology, charities, and causes. Things should smooth out here between now and July 22nd and you should be feeling pretty good about what you have in the works. For those of you that would enjoy a more fine-tuned look into your own unique birth chart, you can email Zoe for rates and dates here
Well, Scorpio, ready for a life-changing month? June is all about it and it begins on the 2nd as Venus moves into Cancer and begins to pave the way in what is to be a banner year for you regarding legal matters, media, publishing, marketing, broadcasting, publicity, higher education, weddings, travel plans, foreign interests, import/export, or political aims. What do you want from these fields? You better start asking now because it's heading that way and big time. With Venus first in you may have a woman arrive who is beneficial to your aims here or you may just start to see more love and potential income starting to flow all over the place through efforts you maintain.
The final Trigger date to last month's Solar Eclipse arrives on the 6th and may bring another chapter to that story regarding a peak with a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, manager, producer, competitor, advocate, opponent, or other key relationship. If so it will be about eclipsing out and starting fresh in some way.
Venus gets busy for you on the 7th bringing all kinds of harmonious flow for your legal, travel, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, wedding, broadcasting, educational, or political interests. Your creativity will be lit up as will love and kids and some serious moments all about you, your body, needs or brand. Neptune Retrogrades today as well and will be backtracking from now through November 17th. You may experience some shift today around creative projects, children, love life, or recreational interests as this pull begins. It is a period focused on retrieving something from the past or reworking it, releasing what should go, or reconnecting with Karmic situations here. You will do well by focusing on any artistic, spiritual or romantic needs, doing your research, retreating and working on an internal level, kicking up any dust over clandestine trysts, working through hospital or addiction issues, and getting into development.
The NEW MOON on the 8th is going to be your best 2 week window of the year to launch in new directions or take something current to the next level when it comes to loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlements, investments, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, commissions, royalties, a partner's money, divorce, sex life, a death you are dealing with or a birth. Today that will require some personal or physical adjustment and a surprise or change around work, paperwork, health, or pets that will have you in talks on the legal front or about the travel plans, media efforts, publishing deals, educational track, wedding plans, or political bent.
Chiron Retrogrades on the 16th and will shadow Neptune's Retrograde through Pisces from now through November 19th. Chiron is about our wound, where we feel vulnerable, so you may have something coming up as this energy turns in the sky and if so it is to show you where you will be doing the healing work over these next months and to inspire your own inner guru to come out in ways that could assist others if you were to step up and help based on your own painful experiences.
The 19th will be a big day with 2 very different influences. On the one hand you have an opportunity now to step up and put your identity, name, brand, body, or needs out there in some expansive way that is meant to help you grow and shine and involves the financial situation, divorce, sex life, death, birth, or third party situation. There may be legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or political influences around this for you and it is a big deal that you take the step. On the other hand Mars will poke Chiron so the wound may be felt where creativity, kids or lovers are concerned and what you are doing about all of the above. Motivate regardless.
The Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st marking the Summer Solstice and beaming a spotlight down on you in those areas that are about to transform your life: media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, higher education, law, weddings, travel, foreign interests, import/export, politics, or religion. For the next 30 days the Sun's light will make others take notice of you and you will find you are pouring more personal and physical energy into what you are doing here, standing out and taking the lead. Again you may be showing up in person, lending your name or brand, changing your identity, or enhancing your image through these means.
The 22nd brings the final Trigger date for last month's Lunar Eclipse so if another chapter to that story is meant to play out you may have some peak experience now regarding income, possessions, acquisitions, or feeling valued.
June's FULL MOON arrives the next day, on the 23rd, bringing another major climax but this one is about an offer, news, an agreement, writing, speaking roles, sales, meetings, talks, a sibling, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, short trip, or local interest. It's a time of high points with achievements or endings involved.
The biggest news that I hinted about at the top of your forecast arrives on the 25th as Jupiter moves into Cancer for the first time in over a decade bringing all of his power to expand, bring luck, happiness, and prosperity your way, and broaden your horizons. Again, Venus and the Sun went ahead to get you ready, now here you move into an entire year where the potential is all on your side to see growth through media, publicity, marketing, publishing, higher education, legal channels or interests, politics, religion, weddings, travel plans, foreign interests, import/export, and a new found sense of adventure.
The cosmos is throwing you one caveat; Mercury Retrogrades here on the 26th so from now through July 20th you are being asked to go back and rework something, reconnect with someone, release something, revisit agreements, writing, sales, talks, ideas, and decisions, and see what you can finesse, let go of or reclaim so you are ready for this significant push. Embrace any slow-downs now as your time to get this together, you want this last key to the puzzle in place. It is best to hold off on signing new agreements or purchasing electronics or vehicles during this phase if you can hold off without harming your situation but you are ok to go forward with any of this if it is something from the past coming back around. If you have to forge ahead regardless and sometimes you do, just leave a bit of leeway knowing something will change, buy the extended warranty or ask for some wiggle room in negotiations.
The last energy shift this month comes on the 27th as Venus moves on into Leo and begins to smooth the way on the career front or around any big goals you have for yourself. You may be aiming at earning money or big love and it should be easier now than it has been to achieve. A woman may arrive on the scene that is helpful as an authority figure, like mom, boss, judge, etc, or that can help you with the career or goals. Venus will travel here through July 22nd so enjoy. For those of you that would enjoy a more fine-tuned look into your own unique birth chart, you can email Zoe for rates and dates here
I hope you are feeling it Sage, the winds of change are blowing and it is about to get really big for you in some of the most powerful areas of life. This begins as soon as the 2nd when Venus moves into your 8th house and begins to pave the way for what is coming up ahead this month. Here she will help you attract more love or money, or possibly bring a woman or two onto the scene that are beneficial to you and it will all play out over financial institutions, loans, settlements, investments, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance needs, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, a partner's money, or any other outside financial interest, divorce, your sex life, a death or birth, or third party situations. Things should run more easily and towards your aims.
The final of last month's Trigger dates for the Solar Eclipse arrives on the 6th so if there is to be another chapter to the story it will focus on new beginnings and something eclipsing out tied to work, co-workers, employees, paperwork, health, or pets.
Venus gets right to work for you on the 7th, a day when you should be able to get things working for you in the financial arenas, sex life, divorce, or dealing with the death or birth. Focus on home, moves, real estate, family, roommates, and what you can do behind the scenes, in development, with hospitals or other institutions, addictions, research, investigations, film, music, art, spiritual pathways, or romantic needs. Neptune Retrogrades today and will begin to take you back over anything involving the home, real estate, family, roommates, moves, renovations, or security needs from now through November 17th. This period will be a big one for you to reclaim or rework any artistic projects here, do that research, recuperate, deal with hospitals or addictions, hole up with your private romantic liaison, and develop projects in these spaces or with these people. If any water needs or issues were meant to arise so you would be aware of them to jump in then this period will let you know.
The NEW MOON on the 8th is your best 2 week window of the year to launch in new directions or take something current to the next level and for you this one is all about what you do or see from romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, advocates, managers, producers, or any other significant relationship. Look to other people now and see how far you can go. Today there will be a need to make adjustments regarding that behind the scene activity, art, spiritual interest, romantic need, hospital, addiction, or research, and to be in the moment when it comes to fast changing topics with kids, creative projects or lovers, but you can do it.
Chiron will Retrograde on the 16th and shadow Neptune's Retrograde through Pisces from now through November 19th. Since Chiron rules wounds we feel and how our vulnerabilities play out you may have something rise to the surface now to point out what it is you will be working on healing during this phase. If it does take note and look for ways that you can bring your own past painful experiences to bear to help others besides doing your own internal processing. It will play out over home, moves, real estate, family, roommates, or security needs.
The 19th will be a big day with 2 very different energies at work. First there is a big moment for you to step up and do something big or support something big via the partner, agent, attorney, manager, client, specialist, competition, or some other key individual. This is your time to take the lead, shine and you may be involving something legal, or with the media, marketing, publishing, educational, travel, or wedding plans. Second Mars will poke Chiron so you will feel spurred on over the wound at home or with family, roommates, moves, renovations, real estate deals, or security needs, pushing things with that key relationship in the mix.
The Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st marking the Summer Solstice and adding momentum to the big change about to usher you forward into your breakthrough year. Here you will have 30 days of spotlight on your big financial interests, divorce, sex life, a death, birth, or third party situation. You will be pouring more personal and physical energy into these topics so get ready to go for the loan, deal with the debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, or taxes, field settlements or commissions, royalties or investments, and put yourself in the mix over sexual attractions or divorce needs.
The final Trigger date for last month's Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 22nd so if there is another chapter to that story it peaks again today and will involve you personally or physically. It will focus in on body, image, brand, name, identity, or ego and be about achievements, recognition, celebrations, or endings.
The next day, on the 23rd, is the FULL MOON that will also be about bringing things to a head and this one is focused on your earnings, possessions, acquisitions, and sense of self-worth or value. Again it is a time of achievements or endings as you wrap things up or see them come through.
The biggest day by far is the 25th as Jupiter, your ruler, and the lord of luck, faith, expansion, happiness, and prosperity moves into Cancer where he will be touring for the next entire year! Here you will see banner growth focused on those loans, taking care of debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlements, investments, refinancing, mortgages, insurance policies and payouts, taxes, commissions, royalties, partner's money, divorce, sex life, death, birth, and third party situations. It is time to go for something big here and with the Sun lighting up your place in all of this in the first part of Jupiter's journey you should be ready to step up and do it.
The cosmos does have one little thread involved that arrives on the 26th and that is that Mercury Retrogrades in the same arena and will be taking you backwards here through July 20th. This is an important part of the story for you because it is incumbent on you to now retrace ideas and decisions, look at past agreements, sales or situations that need revisiting, reworking, releasing, or reclaiming when it comes to financials, sexual attractions or issues, a death or birth, or the divorce. Work through it all now so you are ready for the big push coming up ahead. It is best to hold off on signing new documents or purchasing new electronics or vehicles during this phase if you can hold off without harming your situation but it is ok to go ahead and move on these if they are something from the past coming back around.
Venus makes the last energy shift of the month moving into Leo on the 27th and highlighting travel plans, people at a distance, legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, higher education, weddings, political interests, religious matters, and your sense of adventure. It will be here that love and income now flow and where women will seem to help in your aims. For those of you that would enjoy a more fine-tuned look into your own unique birth chart, you can email Zoe for rates and dates here
Well here you go Capricorn, a month that should have you smiling! It begins on the 2nd with Venus moving into your significant relationship zone where she will tour until the 27th. This is just the beginning gambit regarding how things are going to begin to go for you with romantic and business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, and other key people you are connecting with or that share aims with you. Venus will help you smooth things out, attract love or income more easily and may bring a woman onto the scene that in some way benefits, so start connecting with others, they are where it's at.
The final Trigger date for last month's Eclipse arrives on the 6th and may bring another chapter to that story. If so it will be about a lover, child, creative project, or recreational interest and feeling valued or money flow going on here.
Venus will be getting busy for you on the 7th so mark this day for those partners, reps, clients, or other key relationships. You should be able to have some talks that illuminate the situation or inspire, sign documents, make sales, come up with some stellar ideas, and cement something of an aspiration or involving social people or situations. Neptune Retrogrades today and will remain in backtracking mode through November 17th. You may note some shift in perception or feeling today as something comes up to point out what you will be reviewing and reworking during this phase. The focus will be on talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, decisions, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, short trips, local activities, the way you think, and electronic needs. With Neptune here you should look at all Karmic balance with people, hidden issues, addictions, research, the need to retreat, isolation, hospitals, film, music, art, spiritual needs, and romantic attractions that are private. Work on what you can to understand how these things are working/not working for you and when the fall comes you will be ready to move ahead.
The NEW MOON on the 8th is about fresh new directions and taking current situations to the next level on the work front, with co-workers, people you hire, any paperwork you are dealing with, organizational needs, health interests or concerns, and what you do with animals. You have the 2 best weeks of the year to launch forward so join the gym, see the nutritionist, trainer or doctor, start the diet, interview for the job you want, introduce new ideas at work, tackle that closest mess or attic and clean it out, meet the new co-worker or hire help, start some new project with someone at work, adopt a pet or donate time at a clinic, and get that paperwork off your desk!!! Today will bring the need to adjust around some of this with a friend, group, internet matter, charity, or aspiration. You may also be fielding some home, real estate, family, or roommate change last minute that requires some action from another person so stay on the toes.
Chiron is Retrograding on the 16th and will shadow Neptune's Retrograde through Pisces through November 19th. Chiron is about our wound so you may feel something coming up that is painful right now pointing out what you will be dealing with in the months ahead and where healing needs to take place. It may also be a time to renew your ability to tune into your own spiritual guru to help others going through similar situations you've experienced in the past. It will focus on brothers, sisters, neighbors, moves, electronics, vehicles, local activities or short trips, writing, agreements, offers, sales, meetings, or decisions.
The 19th may be twofold with a very big and expansive opportunity for you to step up on the work front or over health or pet needs and put yourself out there. You may be signing some big contract today or receiving a big offer, speaking at some event or taking the lead on something at work, making a significant and positive change to your health or for animals, and putting yourself more personally or physically into the mix. It's likely that legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding needs will influence this in a big way. The other side of the equation is that Mars will be poking Chiron so you may have to contend with that wound, heal something or step up to that guru ability on some level today.
The Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st marking the Summer Solstice and putting his spotlight on your relationships for the next 30 days. Venus is already here and now with the Solar vitality following you will be pouring more of you into the partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competition, clients, advocates, and other key relationships. It's time to be physically present, amp up the brand, image or body, and go for what you want.
The final Trigger for last month's Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 22nd so you may have another chapter to that story now and it would involve Karmic situations, isolation, retreat, clandestine romance, addictions, hospitals, research, spiritual pursuits, film, music, art, investigations, or something in development. Things would be peaking in achievements or endings here.
The very next day, the 23rd, is the FULL MOON in your sign! This is a high point for you when you reach some personal goal, are recognized for your efforts or being, end something that has been going on with your body or identity, celebrate some personal coo, or in some other way bring a peak around you and who you are.
And finally comes the big news which is Jupiter moving into Cancer for the first time in over a decade bringing his luck, expansion, happiness quotient, and prosperity making ways into your key relationship zone where he will travel now for a year! Venus and the Sun have paved the way and now you begin to open up to a year that is going to bring almost ALL of your luck and growth opportunities from serious romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, advocates, and even your competitors will go a bit easier on you or you will find some ways to meet them on their own turf. To this extent, be ready to embrace others gifts and look at anyone that exits now as protection for you to clear the way for what is meant to be in this fruitful year ahead.
Mercury will Retrograde the next day, on the 26th and will backtrack until July 20th and he is doing it in the Jupiter field of key relationships SO the cosmos believes you still need to go back to someone or review the decisions, talks, agreements, sales, writing, or ideas that colored the past with one or more of these people and see if there is something still to be worked out, revamped, released, or reclaimed before you are sent soaring out into new territory. So, do you need to talk to someone, revive an old idea or choice, purge a bit more, take this period seriously so you are ready for this golden year. As with all Mercury Retrogrades if you can hold off on purchasing new electronics or vehicles and the signing of new documents in a way that won't hurt you, you are advised to wait until the period is over but you are ok to sign or purchase anything coming back around from the past.
The last energy shift of the month occurs on the 27th as Venus moves into Leo and begins to smooth things out for you in your sex life, with divorce issues or any big financial matters you are addressing. Here she will help you attract more love or money and may bring helpful women on board. Look to the loans, investments, settlements, or other finances if you need them, choose this time to address harder issues in the divorce when things will be a bit more easy, and if you are interested in love/intimacy, this period bodes well for you. For those of you that would enjoy a more fine-tuned look into your own unique birth chart, you can email Zoe for rates and dates here
June gets off to a good start right from the 2nd of the month as Venus moves into Cancer and begins to smooth things out for you on the job or with the job search, with co-workers and people you hire, any paperwork or organization, your health needs, or pets. She will tour here through the 27th and is literally just paving the way for what is going to be the beginning of a banner year in these areas for you so look at what you would like to attract here and begin the efforts now. You may note that love is blossoming while tending to healthy lifestyle choices, on the job or out caring for the animals, or that you are finding more ways to earn.
The final Trigger date from last month's Solar Eclipse arrives on the 6th so if there is to be another chapter to that story it will be focused on home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, roommates, or security needs. Things can get another push forward and it can help you with any 'eclipsing' out going on to do so.
Venus gets busy for you on the 7th with the job, work at hand, paperwork, co-workers, employees, health, or pets. You should be able to earn money or find new ways to be valued, reach some higher-ups in impressive ways or cement some goal or career need, and feel in your flow. Neptune Retrogrades today and will backtrack through November 17th. This period will be about any shifts you are having with income, possessions, acquisitions, or values. It's a good time to go within, reconnect with your muse or magic and develop anything you feel needs some private time so it is ready in the fall to move forward.
The NEW MOON on the 8th is about a huge new beginning for you, the 2 week window you get this year, to launch forward in new ways or take something current to the next level and it is going to be focused on your love life, creative projects, children, or recreational interests. Singles jump in, get out there, lovers ask what you want to create together and get busy, you may start something cool for kids or see your kids begin a new interest, or the muse may smack you on the head with a great creative vision and you are all about it. Need to get away for fun and sun? Now's the time. Today there will be an adjustment to make involving goals, career, the boss, or some other authority figure and a bit of unexpected news or change involving work, health, paperwork, or pets, so be on your toes.
Chiron is going to Retrograde on the 16th and will be shadowing Neptune's Retrograde through Pisces between now and November 19th. Chiron represents our wound so you may have something painful come into view now so you know what it is you will be working on during this phase to heal. You may also see that you are now being asked to master your own inner guru to help others based on some past painful experience that gives you special insight. This will be about being valued, income, spending, or possessions.
The 19th is a big day when you will be stepping up in some way with a creative project, lover, child, or recreational interest. It's about you taking the lead or standing out in some way, expanding your horizons, and there may be something lucky around legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans in the mix. There is the combo of Mars poking Chiron though so you at some point will have to deal with that wound/healing over income or feeling valued.
The Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st marking the Summer Solstice and putting a spotlight on your work efforts, co-workers, employees, paperwork, health, and pets for the next 30 days. You will feel more like pouring your physical or personal energy here, stepping up, getting involved, and tying in any brand or image to the mix, possibly doing something about your identity too.
The final Trigger date for last month's Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 22nd and may bring another chapter to that story. If so it will be about an aspiration, friend, group, the internet, astrology, charity, social event, or cause. Things would be peaking in some achievement or ending.
The next day, the 23rd, is the FULL MOON for this month so there will be a major peak around something Karmic, that is going on behind the scenes, involves a hospital, retreat or other institution, an addiction, secret romance, magic, psychic interest, meditation, yoga, art, film, music, poetry, dance, research, investigation, or development. This will be about reaching those highs and accomplishments or wrapping things up and endings.
The big day of the month arrives on the 25th as Jupiter moves into Cancer for the first time in over a decade and begins his tour of expansion, luck, happiness, and prosperity for you through the work place, job search, work efforts at home, organizational side of life, services your provide or procure, co-workers, employees, paperwork you sign or deal with, health interests or issues, and animal interests. Venus and the Sun have opened the door and now Jupiter is set to give you an entire year to see growth here so set your goals HIGH. What do you want for your health? Do you need a raise or new job or do you want to start a business? Can you buy a pet or get involved with a clinic or animal charity? Is there paperwork that could be signed that would change things and who can you see for expert advice on this?
Mercury Retrogrades here on the 26th and will backtrack through July 20th so the cosmos thinks there is something from the past that needs to be revisited, released, reclaimed, or reworked before you head out strong towards new horizons. So is there a talk or decision, something in writing or sales oriented, that you need to look at regarding work, health, paperwork, co-workers, employees, or pets? Let things slow down and be receptive to working through issues or opportunities that are still there so you are ready to move ahead in July. As with all Mercury Retrogrades try to hold off on signing new agreements or purchasing new electronics or vehicles if doing so won't hurt your circumstances but you are ok to go forward if the agreements or purchases are from the past coming back around.
The last energy shift of the month arrives on the 27th with Venus moving into Leo where she will tour through July 22nd. Here she begins to smooth things out with partners, agents, attorneys, clients, competitors, opponents, specialists, and any other key relationships. She will help you attract love or income more easily through or with these people now so reach out. For those of you that would enjoy a more fine-tuned look into your own unique birth chart, you can email Zoe for rates and dates here
June is going to be major for you in the new direction of hope and expansion that are about to open up to you. It begins on the 2nd with Venus moving into Cancer and starting to smooth things out and help you attract what you want in your love relationships or the quest for love, with children, creative projects, and recreational interests. You have her here through July 27th and may benefit from women on your creative efforts or with the kids or pursuit of love. Know that she is just paving the way for what is coming so start now.
The final Trigger date for last month's Solar Eclipse arrives on the 6th so you may have another chapter to that story show up now regarding an offer, sale, agreement, writing project, speaking role, meeting, talk, short trip, local activity, vehicle, electronic matter, or big decision. If so you get another push now and may be 'eclipsing' out a bit to do so.
Venus gets working for you on the 7th so set it aside for love, fun, kids, or creative projects. You are in the spotlight and it looks good. Any travel, legal, media, educational, or wedding plans should go well with them too. Neptune Retrogrades today and will backtrack through November 17th so you may experience a shift now regarding your own needs, your body, image, brand, or identity. This period is about you pulling back a bit and reconnecting with who you are so nudge your muse, reclaim the magic in yourself. If you feel anything coming up within you now note that it is likely important as part of this period to work on.
The NEW MOON on the 8th gives you your best 2 week window of the year to launch forward in new directions or take current situations to the next level when it comes to your home, renovations, moves, real estate, property interests, family, roommates, nurturing, or security. Decide what you want to set in motion and begin now. Today there will be the need to adjust around travel, educational, legal, media, or wedding needs and to field some sudden change or surprise involving income and your kids, lover or creative project so stay sharp.
Chiron Retrogrades on the 16th and will shadow Neptune's Retrograde through Pisces from now through November 19th. Since Chiron rules our wounds you may feel something wounding coming up now to let you know what should be focused on during this cycle for healing. It may also be the moment when you begin to go to your inner guru and pull forth abilities to teach or heal others stemming from personal wounds of the past. This energy is as well working it's way through you and your body, image, identity, name, brand, and ego desires so put some thought into what you wish to heal and how you can step away from wounding experiences.
The 19th will likely be a big day as you get a very big push from the universe regarding your home, real estate, a move, renovation, roommate, or family matter. You are in a position now to step up, take the lead, and expand your horizons and it may be flavored with legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding interests. Mars will be poking Chiron today so any wounds or healing in the mix will be felt as you move through this.
The Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st marking the Summer Solstice and putting the spotlight on your love life, kids, creative projects, and recreational interests for the next 30 days. This is where you will want to pour more personal and physical energy, step up, take the lead, and align your image, brand, body, or identity. Get in there, things are only just starting to take off and are about to get much bigger, what do you want? The light is on YOU so let yourself be seen out there in the name of love or on your creative field or for the kids.
The final Trigger date for last month's Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 22nd so if there is to be another chapter to that story it may be felt today. For you this would be about a big goal or career matter peaking, something with a parent, boss or other authority figure hitting a high point, your reputation or fame cresting, or an ambition hitting the next level.
The very next day, the 23rd, is the FULL MOON and another major high point! This one will be about something social, a big gathering, a breakthrough or ending with a friend, something involving group activities or endings, any internet or astrology interests peaking, a charity or foundation climaxing in some way, or a big aspiration of yours hitting a high. It's a time for achievements, celebrations or endings here.
And then the big shift begins, Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion, prosperity, and happiness, and may I add a co-ruler of your sign, is changing signs, moving into Cancer, where he will tour for an entire year! He hasn't been here to help bring this kind of growth for you in 12 years. And now you know why Venus and the Sun have turned your attention towards the 5th house, Jupiter is now beginning a process that will bring you the biggest growth you can have when it comes to true love, children, creative projects, and recreational interests. Dream big, go big.
The very next day, the 26th, Mercury Retrogrades in this same area so the cosmos thinks it's a very important part of this process that you slow down for a few weeks at the start and go back over the past. Mercury will be Retrograde from now through July 20th so take this time seriously to review, rework, release, or reclaim anyone or anything from the past involved in your love life, with children, recreation, or creativity to see if it has merit moving forward or should be left there. Was something said, agreed upon, written, sold, or decided that you can work through now, is there a do-over or purge needed? As with all Mercury Retrogrades try to hold off on agreements, purchases of electronics and vehicles until after the cycle if you can do so without harming your situation. It is ok to go for it if it involves the past coming back around and if you do feel forced to go for something new during the cycle just know something will change and prepare for it, like buy the warranty or give yourself a bit of wiggle room.
The last energy shift this month arrives on the 27th with Venus moving into Leo where she will now tour through July 22nd. This is going to begin to smooth things out at work or in the pursuit of work, may bring a woman co-worker or employee onboard that is good for you, start some income flow or bring love on the job site, help you with attracting money or love through healthy life style and your own health, and bring good times with animals. For those of you that would enjoy a more fine-tuned look into your own unique birth chart, you can email Zoe for rates and dates here
CHECK OUT some of the GROOVY MAGAZINES and SITES that feature Zoe's horoscopes or support Zoe's efforts (in alphabetical order):
Beauty Under Cover
Bellesprit Magazine
The Cosmic Path
Manchester Gossip
Northwest Woman's Magazine
Out Impact Magazine
Quik Impressions
Sugarhigh and Lovestoned
Universal Film Magazine
Vicki Abelson's Women Who Write
Yahoo! Shine
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