THE MOON in the week ahead, (all times given are Eastern Standard Time, U.S.):
AQUARIUS MOON - Monday 12:00am - Tuesday 6:53pm - emotional needs to be free social or inventive
PISCES MOON - Tuesday 6:53pm - Thursday 9:48pm - emotional needs to retreat, heal or inspire ARIES MOON - Thursday 9:48pm - Sunday 12:48am - emotional needs to individuate, lead or fight. TAURUS MOON - Sunday 12:48am - Midnight - emotional needs to build, earn or create value.
VOID MOON in the week ahead, (all times given are Eastern Standard Time, U.S.):
MONDAY 8:09pm-midnight
TUESDAY 12:00am- 6:53pm
THURSDAY 11:31am -9:48pm
SATURDAY 6:26pm - midnight
SUNDAY 12:00am - 12:48am
MONDAY is jam-packed with opportunity for everyone via your aspirations and social interests so use this day to connect with friends, pursue your goals, gather in group activities, be proactive online, involve astrology, give time to charities, do your social networking, pursue original projects and ideas, or set a course towards your freedom. If any of this involves cementing something long term that includes your love life, income, women, or beauty, so much the better. You will find positive outlets for this in legal, travel, distant, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political directions.
TUESDAY will ask for a bit of adjustment from you when it comes to the details. You may need to reorganize something or get in there and do the clean-up, it may be about something on the job front, with co-workers or people you hire, it may focus on the health or pets, or it may be about simplifying somewhere where you've gone to over the top. Take a breath and just do it. Venus is in good spirits today which bodes well for love, women, income, and beauty pursuits.
WEDNESDAY calls forth our own personal journey with the Saturn/Neptune square. This has been happening once a month since the Fall when the Moon is in Pisces and sits with Neptune, activating the ongoing square to Saturn. A reminder, this is a rare configuration from these placements, you have never experienced it before in this lifetime and will not again, it lasts until September this year and is bringing some surreal feel around our lives, dreamy and inspired and ambitious some of the time, weepy, foggy, borderline ill, and sleepless/restless the other time. We must get back to our spiritual core, align our artistic abilities with something solid and foundational, tend to healing, hospitals and addictions/bad habits, face our karmic self in past life relationships that may bring some amount of clandestine activity or secrets revealed, and be the grown-up about it all. It's not an easy situation but centering one's self in the light of God and love of our fellow human beings is a good place to start. You don't have to figure it all out today but you MUST get real about what needs to end, where authority figures like the boss, judge or parent are in the mix, what responsibilities and limits you have to contend with, and how you are to structure support systems around it all. Finally, you have to see what is dissolving away because something is dissolving away. It may help you to get a piece of paper and make 9 columns, write a header across the top with the one major thing you must take care of to feel secure and then break it down into 9 things you will do, one each month between now and September to make it so. Now for the good news today, the Sun and Jupiter are aligning and this bodes quite well for showing up and making something big happen involving your needs and the work, health, paperwork, pets, co-workers, people you hire, and the goals you have set in legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes.
THURSDAY is hands down the best day for talks, agreements, meetings, news, offers, sales, writing, and decisions that affect you and your goals, parents, bosses, or other authority figures, the career, and anything going on with work, health, pets, paperwork, co-workers, hired helps, legal matters, travel, educational pursuits, marketing, media, weddings, politics, religion, or growth opportunities. It all happens in a Void Moon, at least between 11:31am-9:48pm eastern so there must be something that you need to hear or say or decide that is outside the constraints of preconceived outcomes and I would advise you dive in whole-heartedly and trust that there is a reason for this. However, for those of you plotting some outcome, you may wish to orchestrate before or after the Void for best affect.
FRIDAY Aries Moon is dynamic and kicking butt over making adjustments with the loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, commissions, alimony, child support, investments, settlements, divorce, sex life, reproductive needs, mortality issues, or third party situations. This is an ongoing theme today as we build to the Saturn alignment which will help us feel more stable and perhaps cement more about that legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, travel, or distant matter.
SATURDAY has Pluto squared and Uranus conjunct in the wee, wee hours so you may experience this as passion or outbursts late on FRIDAY night or you may wake with more passion or heat about something that propels you out into your day. Mercury Retrograde and the Sun are both square this Moon as well so news or talks may be challenging or mixed up/confusing or you may feel highly motivated over an idea and the forwarding of it in some way regarding past people or situations. You may run into someone from the past now or hear something that helps you let them go today, these frictional squares can go either way, challenging us to motivate or deal with obstacles.
SUNDAY the Taurus Moon takes over and we can find a bit more pleasure or stubborn focus on a goal that we can slow down and tackle regarding our purchases, income or possessions. There is engagement with Mars via another person so the afternoon is good for motivating via another person or for any passion or anger in the mix between you. There is good flow with Neptune today so imagination is strong, the muse on tap, romance possible, spiritual connection available, and healing or rest if that's what calls you. Don't forget tonight about that responsibility you have regarding those legal, travel, distant, media, marketing, educational, political, wedding, or religious themes, you'll need to make a little time for that before tipping your hat.
New Moon energy continues to propel you forward with goals, career, the boss, a parent, the judge, or other authority figures in the week ahead. It requires that you deal with past or ongoing issues here and rethink some choices that may impact your life direction, take them seriously. If you want to take some new direction to be part of this situation from the past or to deal with what it has left behind, it is important to be proactive now. This is one of the better weeks for talks, meetings, news, offers, interviews, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions that impact this as well as where you're going with work, health, pets, paperwork, co-workers, or hired help, so dive in. To read the day by day impact scroll up to the top where I list each day and its influence. Is it time to get a private reading to look at what is coming up ahead or how current trends are affecting you personally? To book a session or ask about the cost and what it involves, email There's never a better time than now to arm yourself with more insight about your new year!
READ your JANUARY MONTHLY Horoscopes here!
HEAR more JANUARY MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!
READ your 2016 YEARLY OVERVIEW here!
New Moon energy continues to propel you forward with authority types like the boss, parent or judge, your career needs, and any big personal goals you've set over legal matters, travel plans, people at a distance, media, marketing, educational, wedding, religious, or political themes. This is a big deal because the week ahead is open and opportune here as well as allowing you to tackle some issue or connection from the past here and set it on a new course. So get real about what you want to let go of, reclaim, rework, or revise and go for it. This is also one of the better weeks for getting the details right and going big with a creative venture, your love life/lover, the kids, or something recreational. Look at doing the work or getting healthy, tackling paperwork or hiring help here for best results. To read the day by day impact scroll up to the top where I list each day and its influence. Is it time to get a private reading to look at what is coming up ahead or how current trends are affecting you personally? To book a session or ask about the cost and what it involves, email There's never a better time than now to arm yourself with more insight about your new year!
READ your JANUARY MONTHLY Horoscopes here!
HEAR more JANUARY MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!
READ your 2016 YEARLY OVERVIEW here!
New Moon energy continues to propel you forward with the talks, meetings, offers, agreements, sales, writing, and decisions that tie into some past loan, debt, inheritance, tax, insurance, commission, alimony, child support, investment, settlement, divorce, sexual interest, reproductive need, mortality issue, controlling interest, or third party situation. You are being given the biggest boost forward of your year to do something about this so it is on a new course forward so take it seriously and look at what stays, what goes, and what you can do about it this week. This is also one of the better weeks for some kind of growth opportunity or happiness around home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, the parent, family, or roommate situation. It may be time to do the work, tend to the details, organize, clean, hire help, work with others, make it about health, or the pets, all good. To read the day by day impact scroll up to the top where I list each day and its influence. Is it time to get a private reading to look at what is coming up ahead or how current trends are affecting you personally? To book a session or ask about the cost and what it involves, email There's never a better time than now to arm yourself with more insight about your new year!
READ your JANUARY MONTHLY Horoscopes here!
HEAR more JANUARY MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!
READ your 2016 YEARLY OVERVIEW here!
New Moon energy continues to propel you forward when it comes to your agreements, sales, writing, offers, talks, meetings, interviews, and decisions involving partners, clients, specialists, opponents, competitors, agents, attorneys, and other key relationships. Look at your goals, career needs or how a boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure in the mix plays into it and then determine what it is from the past that you need to rework, release, reclaim, or rethink here so that you can move forward with or about this key partner, rep, client, opponent, specialist, or other player. This is your biggest boost from the cosmos this year about it and taking it seriously now means you can cement something important one way or the other. This is also a good week for making choices about the job, daily routine, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. If you need to review something with the siblings, neighbors, a short trip, those agreements, sales, writing, or what's going on with vehicles or electronics, dive in. To read the day by day impact scroll up to the top where I list each day and its influence. Is it time to get a private reading to look at what is coming up ahead or how current trends are affecting you personally? To book a session or ask about the cost and what it involves, email There's never a better time than now to arm yourself with more insight about your new year!
READ your JANUARY MONTHLY Horoscopes here!
HEAR more JANUARY MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!
READ your 2016 YEARLY OVERVIEW here!
New Moon energy continues to propel you forward this week when it comes to your job, co-workers or hired help, anything involving your health, pets or paperwork, and any organizing or details in the mix. It's an important week for looking at your goals here, for reaching out to authority figures like the boss, parent or judge in the mix or looking at how what's going on with them is going to affect these topics for you up ahead, and for getting real about your status and career. What is it from the past that you need to handle here so you can move forward? What can you talk about, write, sign, sell, or decide to move it ahead? This is also a good week for focusing on making money or the status of your income, what's going on with possessions and the purchases you make. Think about the details and how you'd like to expand this via any legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, travel, foreign, political, or religious channels. To read the day by day impact scroll up to the top where I list each day and its influence. Is it time to get a private reading to look at what is coming up ahead or how current trends are affecting you personally? To book a session or ask about the cost and what it involves, email There's never a better time than now to arm yourself with more insight about your new year!
READ your JANUARY MONTHLY Horoscopes here!
HEAR more JANUARY MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!
READ your 2016 YEARLY OVERVIEW here!
New Moon energy continues to propel you forward this week in creative arenas, with children, over love or with lovers, and in recreational directions. This is tied intimately with the past and some situation that requires your time to rethink it or release it, rework it or reconnect with it so that you may take things to the next chapter. So get real about any goals you have here, what is going on with authority types like the boss, judge, parent, or mentor in the mix or where your career is intertwined with these topics and use this propulsion to move past what is blocking or holding you back or to embrace and rework what can now go into new territory. It is also a good week for focusing on yourself Virgo and this may mean really getting in there over what is going on with your body or your image, or it may be about your name or title, it could mean that your brand or identity is on the line, or that you can now set some personal goals that can be met over or decided, it's got all kinds of positive energy around it so what do you want? To read the day by day impact scroll up to the top where I list each day and its influence. Is it time to get a private reading to look at what is coming up ahead or how current trends are affecting you personally? To book a session or ask about the cost and what it involves, email There's never a better time than now to arm yourself with more insight about your new year!
READ your JANUARY MONTHLY Horoscopes here!
HEAR more JANUARY MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!
READ your 2016 YEARLY OVERVIEW here!
New Moon energy continues to propel you forward in talks, meetings, offers, ideas, agreements, sales, writing, and decisions about your home, in your home, about real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates in the week ahead. In fact, it's one of the more important weeks of the year for you about these matters and it is asking that you look at something in the past or ongoing here that requires some review or rethinking. Look at the goals or career momentum and how this ties into it or look at the authority figure involved like the parent, judge, boss, or mentor and what you need to do about them. It's time to revise things so you are taking your choices here into that next chapter. It's also a good week for something big going on with health/healing, hospitals, addictions, or tackling bad habits so if you need to rest, recuperate or see a specialist about it go for it. This same zone rules research, development, artistic projects or interests in film, music, poetry, painting, dance, etc, any spiritual practices like meditation, prayer or yoga, your romantic trysts, magical interests, and psychic abilities, so you may find you can hammer some things out or enjoy what's going on here as well. To read the day by day impact scroll up to the top where I list each day and its influence. Is it time to get a private reading to look at what is coming up ahead or how current trends are affecting you personally? To book a session or ask about the cost and what it involves, email There's never a better time than now to arm yourself with more insight about your new year!
READ your JANUARY MONTHLY Horoscopes here!
HEAR more JANUARY MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!
READ your 2016 YEARLY OVERVIEW here!
New Moon energy continues to propel you forward when it comes to your talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, siblings, vehicles, electronics, neighbors, local activities, ideas, and decisions. This is one of the more important weeks you have this year to go back and include something from the past or some ongoing matter with the potential for taking it forward to the next level. It also works for you if you want to release something that is blocking forward growth here so look at ambitions, goals, authority figures in the mix, career needs, fame, and ways to rethink things, release them or reclaim them and move forward. It is also a good week for social interests and aspirations. There is big energy around what you open up via the friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, original ideas, and aspirations so make it a point to spend time in these areas as well. To read the day by day impact scroll up to the top where I list each day and its influence. Is it time to get a private reading to look at what is coming up ahead or how current trends are affecting you personally? To book a session or ask about the cost and what it involves, email There's never a better time than now to arm yourself with more insight about your new year!
READ your JANUARY MONTHLY Horoscopes here!
HEAR more JANUARY MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!
READ your 2016 YEARLY OVERVIEW here!'
New Moon energy continues to propel you forward in talks, meetings, interviews, offers, agreements, sales, writing, and decisions focused on the income, possessions or purchases. It's one of the more important weeks of the year to really look at what is past or ongoing here and what goals you have that can be reworked, released or reclaimed in the matter. Is there someone you need to reach out to or let go or is there an old idea or opportunity to rehash? Getting real about this and any authority types in the mix or with what's playing out with career and reputation will help you to forward your income, purchases or possessions during this period. It's also a good week for some growth opportunities on the career front, with personal goals or with these authorities like the boss, parent, judge, or mentor, so make certain you are in there with the details and forwarding what you can with job, paperwork, hired help, organizing, and health needs in the mix. To read the day by day impact scroll up to the top where I list each day and its influence. Is it time to get a private reading to look at what is coming up ahead or how current trends are affecting you personally? To book a session or ask about the cost and what it involves, email There's never a better time than now to arm yourself with more insight about your new year!
READ your JANUARY MONTHLY Horoscopes here!
HEAR more JANUARY MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!
READ your 2016 YEARLY OVERVIEW here!
New Moon energy continues to propel you forward this week as the focus in on the sign of Capricorn and the potential you now have to deal with something from your past to launch yourself into some new chapter. Focus therefore on any talks, meetings, ideas, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions that can take you into what you need on a physical or personal level, with your name, title, image, body, brand, or evolving identity, and be willing to rework things, release what blocks or is over, reconnect with those who hold a part of this future growth, and revise where need be. You have more power than you know right now. As in all things Capricorn related you may need to get real about your career, reputation, fame, status, ambitions, or dealings with authority types like the parent, boss or judge, as you head down this path. It is also a good week for what you are setting in motion via legal, travel, distant, wedding, educational, media, marketing, political, or religious themes so aim high, tend to details, involve hired help, work with others, make sure health, job and pets are getting what they need here, and be specific, all good. To read the day by day impact scroll up to the top where I list each day and its influence. Is it time to get a private reading to look at what is coming up ahead or how current trends are affecting you personally? To book a session or ask about the cost and what it involves, email There's never a better time than now to arm yourself with more insight about your new year!
READ your JANUARY MONTHLY Horoscopes here!
HEAR more JANUARY MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!
READ your 2016 YEARLY OVERVIEW here!
New Moon energy continues to propel you forward this week with karmic past life connections, clandestine romances, romantic getaways, spiritual pursuits, magical interests, psychic abilities, healing, hospitals, dealing with addictions, art, film, music, poetry, research, retreat, and development. It's a very important week for these topics and it is offering you a do-over or chance to go back over something or with someone past and rethink things so that you may move in the direction you desire. This may mean looking at the goals you have or dealing with career matters or authority figures in the mix as you release, reconnect or rework things to move ahead. If you want to talk about it, write it up, deal with agreements, sales, meetings, offers, or decisions in the mix, this is it. The week is also going to be big over what is going on with a financial matter like the loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, settlements, investments, alimony, child support, or other resources, or about your sex life, reproductive needs, mortality issues, divorce, or third party scenarios. Expect to tackle paperwork, hire help, focus on the job at hand, health needs, or pets in the matter or to be specific, simplify or to tend to details and aim high. To read the day by day impact scroll up to the top where I list each day and its influence. Is it time to get a private reading to look at what is coming up ahead or how current trends are affecting you personally? To book a session or ask about the cost and what it involves, email There's never a better time than now to arm yourself with more insight about your new year!
READ your JANUARY MONTHLY Horoscopes here!
HEAR more JANUARY MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!
READ your 2016 YEARLY OVERVIEW here!
New Moon energy continues to propel you forward when it comes to your personal aspirations and anything you do with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, social networking, your personal freedom, or original ideas. It's a rare week and an important one where you have cosmic backing to move forward in these areas while also getting to go back over something or with someone into the past and decide if you want to rethink things, rework them, reconnect with them, or if it's about releasing what is blocking so that you can move ahead. Look at where you are with personal goals here, how reputation or fame is at play, where career needs or the authority types are impacting, and what you want to do about it via these areas? The week is also good for something big that can happen with a partner, client, specialist, opponent, competitor, agent, attorney, or other key relationship. This may be about work, health, paperwork, pets, co-workers, hired help, the legal needs, media, marketing, educational, wedding, religious, travel, or political themes in the mix, and can help you aim high and tend to details here for personal growth. To read the day by day impact scroll up to the top where I list each day and its influence. Is it time to get a private reading to look at what is coming up ahead or how current trends are affecting you personally? To book a session or ask about the cost and what it involves, email There's never a better time than now to arm yourself with more insight about your new year!
READ your JANUARY MONTHLY Horoscopes here!
HEAR more JANUARY MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!
READ your 2016 YEARLY OVERVIEW here!
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