You can still read your DECEMBER MONTHLY FORECAST here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2014/11/zoe-moon-astrology-december-monthly.html
The Moon in the week ahead, all times given are eastern standard time, U.S.
If you are in Central Time subtract 1 hour, Mountain Time subtract 2 hours, Pacific Time subtract 3 hours, UK time add 5 hours:
ARIES MOON - Monday 12:01am - Wednesday 12:15am - emotional needs to individuate, lead or fight.
TAURUS MOON - Wednesday 12:15am - Friday 5:28am - emotional needs to build, earn or create value.
GEMINI MOON - Friday 5:28am - Sunday 12:34pm - emotional needs to learn, talk or flirt.
CANCER MOON - Sunday 12:34pm - Midnight- emotional needs to nurture, nest or connect with family.
VOID MOON in the week ahead, EST:
TUESDAY 9:42pm - midnight
WEDNESDAY 12:01am - 12:15am
FRIDAY 1:45am -5:28am
SUNDAY 4:52am - 12:34pm
This week builds to our FULL MOON in Gemini on Saturday so emotions will be stronger than usual about decisions, news we're waiting on, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, our brothers and sisters, neighbors and neighborhood, vehicles and electronics, talks and meetings, and any offers coming our way.
Mars is active this week as well, wrapping up what he wants to DO in Capricorn with goals, reputation, fame, career, and dealings with authority figures, before moving into Aquarius where he is going to be way more about the action with friends, gatherings, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. So let's see how this breaks down in general and then for each sign.
MONDAY mars kicks Saturn in the behind and says, 'Move it old dude, it's time father time, let's get this ball rolling!' What that means for you is action with those goals, the career, the authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, or mentor, or your quest for recognition meeting up with an opportunity to cement things involving finances, sex, divorce, mortality needs, reproductive needs, or third party concerns. Get serious about it.
TUESDAY the Aries Moon makes nice with Jupiter and adjusts to Saturn. That means adjustments around yesterday's Saturn themes of finances, sex, divorce, mortality issues, reproduction, or triangles, so give and take. The Jupiter energy is great and will bring positive flow around kids, lovers, the pursuit of love, creative projects, or recreation.
WEDNESDAY Taurus Moon takes over so we slow down and look at making money, dealing with possessions or purchases, and what we value. The muse is showing up today to help in your quest here so tune into your artistic talents, spiritual practices, romantic needs, healing or hospital interests, or research to help move this along. There is an adjustment regarding a talk or information with any legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding themes in the mix, again, give and take.
THURSDAY Mars exits Capricorn and enters Aquarius. This kicks off the weeks ahead that will be filled with more activity with friends, groups, aspirations, gatherings, original ideas, inventions, the internet, astrology, charities, causes, and your freedom. You may feel compelled to DO SOMETHING today towards some of this. Remember that Mars can stir passions or anger so you may experience some of this heating up around these themes as well.
THURSDAY is also about Venus meeting up with Jupiter for a very lucky hello. This brings love, women or income needs through the area of travel, legal, educational, media, political, religious, or wedding topics to the forefront and ties it in nicely with any big growth you are looking for with creative projects, the kids, your love life/lover, or recreational interests.
THURSDAY is also about the Sun/Uranus connection, another good energy combination that is calling for you to show up personally or get involved via your body, name, image, brand, or title over these themes and enjoy the excitement, surprise or new approach. Be spontaneous and willing to try the new or wild side.
FRIDAY the Gemini Moon kicks in and we are really feeling the big offer, agreement, sale, writing, interview, audition, short trip, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, or local theme coming to a head. We are building to tomorrow's Full Moon and today the connection to Mars will heat up that social vibe, turn up the aspirations and get you out there with friends, groups, the internet, gatherings, astrology, charities, or causes. There is a Mercury/Uranus combination that is positive so again with the surprises, excitement or changes that bring about awakening and tie in favorably to the talks or choices involving legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political themes.
SATURDAY is the FULL MOON in Gemini. This is epic climax time with the resolution to choices, offers, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, moves, local activities, sibling or neighbor topics, interests with vehicles or electronics, or with talks and meetings. It comes through, is celebrated, or wraps up and ends now. This is one of those Full Moons worth noting for its possibilities since it makes such amazing aspects with other energies. There is the opposition to Mercury which draws in another person into the situation and any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes. It ties into Uranus for more excitement, surprises or changes that open up potential. And finally it connects favorably to Jupiter which opens up potential with kids, lovers, creative endeavors, or fun.
SUNDAY divides between the wrap up of any more of your Full Moon themes in talks, meetings and decisions. Today make adjustments in this involving financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third party situations. Then the day moves into Cancer Moon territory and home, family, security, nurturing, real estate, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations take over emotional needs. You will need to make adjustments once this Moon is in effect regarding the social interests or with that friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or your aspirations.
Your ruler is changing territory this week so you may feel like concentrating on what you need to do about career, goals, the parent, boss, or other authority type, and any ambitions in the mix in the first part of the week, and then turn your attention to what you can do with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or your aspirations from Thursday onward. Mars will be giving you plenty of momentum to make things happen in these areas, it may even stir some hot passions, just watch for anger since it can easily go here as well. Cement what you can with the financial, sexual, divorce, or third party matter on MONDAY and make adjustments that are required about it on TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY will bring income or purchases and possessions to the forefront and get you inspired. Between today and Saturday a whole lot is going to point to the travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding needs and the aspects are such that you should be able to pull it together after initial adjustments on WEDNESDAY. You have extra luck on THURSDAY with love, kids, creative projects, or recreational outlets. Do meet or talk on FRIDAY and be in the moment, you may be surprised by what happens in a good way. SATURDAY's FULL MOON is all about the endings or achievements and celebrations around talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, moves, local activities, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions. Again you have quite a bit of luck on your side and should be open to talks and agreements. SUNDAY asks for adjustments over financial, sexual, divorce, morality, reproductive, or third party situations. You can wrap the day with home, family and friends with a bit of give and take. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!
Hustle over the travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding plans starting on MONDAY while you have Mars here helping you make things happen. You should be able to cement things one way or the other with a key individual if you do. TUESDAY may draw you behind the scenes to work on something in private or get your artistic, spiritual, romantic, research, or healing/hospital needs in gear. There is much you can accomplish at home or for security needs of family but adjustments with that partner, rep, client, specialist, or opponent will be necessary. WEDNESDAY gears you up in Taurus style, to step up, make it solid and connect with friends, associates, groups, the internet, or over aspirations that should flow for you. Again adjustments are called for but today it is about the financial, sexual, divorce, or third party situation. THURSDAY Mars moves into your Midheaven heating up activities over the weeks ahead regarding goals, career, status, reputation, fame, or dealings with authority types like the boss, parent or judge. You can make much happen here, spark a few passions, just watch for any anger surfacing. Today Venus, your ruler, is going to bring that sexual/romantic, or financial/shared/ themes together in some lucky way at home, over real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. You may express love, deal positively with women or make money through what transpires. FRIDAY gives you good momentum around earning money, dealing with possessions or purchases and achieving goals here. Talks, meetings or decisions about the sex life, divorce, finances, or third party situation should bring some excitement behind closed doors. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON climax involving your income, purchases or possessions. This is when things come through, are achieved or wrap up and end. The talks or information between you and another over shared financial matters, divorce, sex, or third party situations will play into it as will something exciting going on in private or involving the muse. Big things at home or with family, real estate, renovations, or moves is again on the table. SUNDAY asks for some adjustments with partners, reps, clients, specialists, or other key players over income, possessions or purchases. It will also ask that you give and take when it comes to the goals, career or authority figures you talk with or hear about. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!
One week a year you have the energy building up to a FULL MOON in your sign and this is that week Gemini! MONDAY you will want to dive into any financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party needs while you have Mars working to help you make things happen. You should be able to cement something involving health, work, paperwork, the details, or your animal needs. TUESDAY brings a need to connect with friends, groups, attend gatherings, do your thing on the internet, with astrology, charities, or your freedom. This is lucky in some way, most likely bringing a positive meeting, offer or decision. You will have to make adjustment today over that health, work, paperwork, or pet theme. WEDNESDAY pulls you behind the scenes to research, rest, enjoy some romance, get artistic, pursue spiritual interests, or heal/deal with hospitals. You should be able to reach goals and deal positively with authority types in the mix but you will have to adjust a bit around the information involving a partner, specialist, client, rep, or opponent. THURSDAY Mars moves into interests involving travel, legal, educational, media, religious, political, or wedding themes. He will tour here over the weeks ahead heating up the activity, bringing more passion and perhaps stirring some anger so expect to be busy and guard against any short fuses. Lucky Venus/Jupiter action is going down today as well focusing on your partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or other key player and the talks, meetings, news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions in the mix. Think big. You will also likely have a few exciting moments with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. FRIDAY is active again with travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding plans and this is in flow. More excitement or positive change involving partners, reps, clients, specialists, or other important relationships gear you up towards your aspirations or any social interests on tap. SATURDAY is your FULL MOON in Gemini and the climactic high point for you on a personal or physical level, with your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, ego, or personal needs. This is when things come through, are achieved and celebrated, or wrap up and end. This Moon ties into talks or news from that partner, specialist, client, attorney, agent, or opponent and bring more excitement with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations. Again, think big. SUNDAY you will be making some adjustment when it comes to work, health, paperwork, people you hire, co-workers, or pets. Once the Moon moves into Cancer your need to deal with possessions, purchases or earn money kicks in and you can make adjustments around travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding plans. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!
Well spitfire, I'm sure all your partners, clients, specialists, reps, and opponents have received a quota of your fire over the past weeks. You may have been quite active with or about them, found yourself focused on passions or dealing with anger and a short fuse. MONDAY is your last day to really give it a last Mars push so hone in on the one that matters and go for it. There should be something you can cement one way or the other regarding creative projects, kids, love, or fun. TUESDAY switches gears turning focus on career, goals or the authority figures in the mix. There is good energy here tied to earning money, dealing with possessions or your purchases. You will need to adapt a bit regarding that lover, child, creative project, or recreational pursuit. WEDNESDAY is about social interests or your aspirations. Focus on the friends, groups, internet, gatherings, astrology, charities, inventions, or your freedom. The muse is present through travel, distance, legal, educational, media, or wedding themes in the mix. Be ready to make adjustments around talks or decisions tied to work, health, pets, or paperwork. THURSDAY Mars moves into Aquarius where he will heat things up in your sex life, reproductive needs, mortality issues, divorce, financial picture, or third party situations over the weeks ahead. This is where the action will now reside, more passion, activity and sometimes anger pushing things forward. Today Venus and Jupiter get together for something big involving income, purchases or possessions and the work, health, pets, or paperwork, all good. Expect a surprise or two from the authority type in the mix or around the goals or career. FRIDAY is good for finding some sexy time away with another or for diving into research, finances, divorce needs, healing/hospitals, or meditation. You should be in talks or hearing news/making decisions about that job, health, hired help, co-worker, pet, or paperwork situation. This should bring some spur of the moment surprises or changes. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON bringing closure, endings, achievements, or celebrations to the choices and information around art, film, music, research, healing, hospitals, spiritual practices, romantic getaways, or projects in development. This will involve more talks, news or decisions from another person over health, work, paperwork, pets, co-workers, or people you hire. It will also bring some surprises or excitement with the authority type, career or goals, while opening up something big for you with income, possessions or purchases. SUNDAY will ask for some adjustments with kids, lovers, creative projects, or recreational interests. It will also ask for doing what needs doing with the finances, sex life, divorce, mortality issues, reproductive needs, or third party situation with a sense of give and take. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!
Mars has been doing all he could over these last weeks to make things happen when it comes to work, health, paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, the details, and being of service. MONDAY is your last big day with him behind the actions you take, the passion you express or any fighting spirit you have going for it. There is something you can cement one way or the other here involving home, real estate, family, a move, renovation, parent, or roommate. TUESDAY is great for travel, legal, media, educational, or wedding interests, go big. You will have to make some adjustments around what is going on with home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. WEDNESDAY turns focus to career, goals, reputation, fame, or authority types like the boss, parent or judge. You should be inspired by what is going on financially or in shared matters here but you will need to make adjustments over talks, meetings or decisions involving kids, lovers, creative projects, or fun. THURSDAY Mars moves into your relationship zone where he will tour for the weeks ahead. He hasn't been here in 2 years and now you will see more action, passion and anger heating things up with the partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, and other key players. This will get the ball rolling and bring much more activity. Venus and Jupiter embrace today over creative outlets, love, kids, or fun so expect some real expansive and feel good stuff here. You may also find out about something surprising or exciting involving a trip, the legal, educational, media, or wedding plans. FRIDAY gives you more momentum with the relationships and ties this into good vibes with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, inventions, or your aspirations. News, offers, agreements, sales, interviews, meetings, talks, or decisions focus on the love, kids, creative project, or fun today and bring more excitement or surprise via the media, travel, legal, educational, or wedding plans. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON in your social arena. This will be the climax with that friend, group, the internet, astrology, charity, gathering, invention, original approach, your freedom, or aspirations, as things come through, are achieved and celebrated, or wrap up and end. You will be in talks or hearing about something involving the kids, creative project, fun, or love tied to this and see more excitement through travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding plans. It's big for you, Jupiter is with you on this one. SUDNAY asks that you make adjustments at home, with real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. It will also ask for adjustments with partners, reps, specialists, clients, or other key relationships. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!
Mars may stir anger but it is THE energy for passion and making things happen through sheer will power and action packed momentum. It's focusing on heating things up with your creative projects, lover/love life, children, or recreational interests on MONDAY. This is going to help you cement things one way or the other regarding talks, meetings, offers, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, or decisions. TUESDAY turns your energy towards sex, reproductive needs, mortality issues, divorce, or some big financial matter. There is a lot that can open up behind the scenes, with romantic getaways, artistic pursuits, healing/hospitals, research, or spiritual approaches in this. You will have to give and take around that news, decision or talk. WEDNESDAY is about the travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding needs. There is inspired energy here tied to the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key player but you will have to give and take a bit regarding home, real estate, family, a parent, roommate, move, or renovation. THURSDAY Mars moves into your work, health, paperwork, co-workers, hired help, and pet zone for the first time in 2 years. This is going to gear up a lot more action over the weeks in these matters. It may also stir passions or anger so keep a chain on it if necessary. Today holds the Venus/Jupiter combo that is so positive for you with home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommate situations, and whatever you are doing behind the scenes, with your romantic, artistic, spiritual, healing, hospital, o research needs. The excitement factor is around sex, divorce, finances, or third party matters. FRIDAY stirs more action on the work front, with health, paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, or pets. This is in good alignment with goals, career or the authority types in the mix. There should be a good talk or bit of information regarding home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, roommates, or parents today, again tying into the surprises or excitement around financial matters, your sex life, divorce, or triangles. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON climax on the career front, with a major personal goal or with the authority type like the boss, parent, mentor, or judge. This is when the news comes in, the agreement is signed, the sale happens, the talk, meeting, offer, interview, audition, writing, short trip, or decision is made, and it's all about the achievement, celebration or ending. You will again be one on one with someone over home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, parents, roommates, or security needs. There is excitement or surprises involving finances, sex, divorce, or third parties, and big things stirring behind the scenes. SUNDAY asks for any last adjustments around any of your Full Moon choices. You will also be making adjustments around the health, work, paperwork, co-workers, hired help, or pet needs. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!
Ready, set, go, MONDAY is about what you can do about your health, the job, a co-worker, the paperwork, person you hired, or animals. The energy is opportune for cementing beneficial purchases, income or objects that tie into these themes. TUESDAY turns attention to your specialist, partner, agent, attorney, clients, opponents, or other key relationships. Big things are brewing in social arenas with or about them or you can expand aspirations via their input. You will have to make adjustments involving that income, possession or purchase today. WEDNESDAY will focus on the big financial needs, your divorce, sex life, or third party situation. This links positively with what is going on with those health or work needs, paperwork or pets, people you hire or co-workers, so get intimate or financial, you get the idea. One talk or piece of information comes with adjustments attached so give and take where necessary. THURSDAY Mars moves into your creative projects, love life, children, and recreational interests for the first time in 2 years. The weeks ahead will see a whole lot more activity in these matters. Mars will help you make things happen here, stir passions but can also bring out any anger that needs to be addressed so watch for short fuses. Today hosts the Venus/Jupiter combo which is quite lovely for talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, local action, or decisions involving friends, groups, the internet, your aspirations, or gatherings. Don't be surprised when some nice surprises or excitement pops up via the partner, client, specialist, rep, or other key player. FRIDAY continues that good Mars action with kids, lovers, creative endeavors, and fun. Today it ties in nicely with any legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans. Again there should be something exciting or positively changing regarding the clients, specialist, partners, representatives, or other relationships when it comes to agreements, sales, meetings, talks, writing, interviews, auditions, short trips, offers, or decisions. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON in your legal, travel, educational, media, and wedding zone. This brings the climactic end, wrap-up, celebration, or achievement in one or more of these areas so make certain to ask for it, send it in, sign it, sell it, choose it, talk about it, pitch it, or in any other way communicate and decide about these themes with others now. Again with the excitement or opportune moments out of the blue with partners, reps, clients, specialists, and the like on this Full Moon peak, as well as some big things brewing with friends, groups, the internet, charities, gatherings, or your aspirations. SUNDAY asks for an adjustment around that possession, purchase or income need, as well as some give and take when it comes to what you are doing or responding to with the kids, love life/lover, creative project, or recreational pursuit, bend to reach goals. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!
Be impassioned today when it comes to your words, talks, meetings, agreements, negotiations, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, offers, or decisions as Mars pushes for action and the cementing of something for you personally or physically one way or the other. If you have to fight for it take the high road in your wrangling. TUESDAY is about work, health, pets, paperwork, co-workers, or people you hire. Details count, effort matters, it's opportune when it comes to reaching or expanding goals, dealing with higher-ups and career advantage but you will have to make some personal or physical adjustments yourself. WEDNESDAY is about that specialist, client, partner, representative, competitor, or other key relationship. This should align positively with any inspired creative direction, your love life, the kids, or having fun. You will have to make adjustments around income, possessions or purchases today. THURSDAY Mars moves into your home base/family zone for the first time in 2 years. This is going to bring a whole lot more activity here over the weeks ahead, heating up the action in the home, with any real estate needs, moves, renovations, roommates, a parent, the family, or your security needs. You will have more drive, passion and anger here to motivate you, just guard against that short fuse and you should move mountains. The Venus/Jupiter combo today is lovely for making money and career goals, or for personal goals, dealing with authority types, your income, possessions or purchases, think big. You may get a surprise today regarding work, health, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. FRIDAY brings emotional depth into play and drives forward shared financial interests, sex, divorce, or third party themes tied to the home, real estate, family, parent, roommate, move, or renovation. There is more excitement going on with work, health, paperwork, pets, co-workers, people you hire, and the income, possessions or purchases, this should be positive. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON climax regarding your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, commissions, alimony, child support, partner's money, or any other big monetary matter. This is when things end, wrap up, are achieved, or celebrated. Talks and decisions tied to income with another person play a part or it could be about their possessions or purchases. More excitement with paperwork, job, health, co-workers, pets, or people you hire is opportune as is the big things happening with your aspirations, freedom or social interests. SUNDAY make adjustments on a personal or physical level and around what you need to do regarding home, family, parents, roommates, real estate, moves, or renovations. Bend a bit to reach goals. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!
MONDAY should be all about making money, dealing with possessions or your purchases and what you can accomplish. Mars is all geared up and in opportune aspect to what you do here cementing something one way or the other via music, art, film, spiritual practices, romantic interests, healing, hospitals, research, or development, go. TUESDAY turns attention to kids, lovers, creative projects, or recreation. You can expand horizons here through travel, legal, media, marketing, publishing, educational, political, religious, or wedding themes. Make adjustments where institutions or limiting artistry is indicated. WEDNESDAY is about work, health, pets, co-workers, people you hire, clean-ups, or paperwork. You can dive in and inspire in these matters at home or involving moves, renovations, real estate, family, parents, or roommates. You may need to ask for something or hear about some give and take in the matter. THURSDAY Mars moves into your communications zone for the first time in 2 years. Over the weeks ahead this will bring a whole lot more activity in your neighborhood, with neighbors, siblings, vehicles, short trips, electronics, writing, sales, agreements, meetings, talks, offers, interviews, auditions, and decisions. Mars will motivate you, stir passions and trigger any anger lurking so watch the short fuse, words have bit now. Today is also the lovely Venus/Jupiter alignment so focus any growth for yourself in travel, legal, media, marketing, educational, wedding, religious, or political fields. You may have a woman who is important to this or it may be about the love or income potential. Some excitement brews around creative projects, kids, lovers, and fun. FRIDAY brings good talks, offers or decisions with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or other key folk, dive in. There is also continued excitement around creative endeavors, the kids, lover/love life, or recreational pursuits. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON bringing a climax for you with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other key relationship. This is when things end, wrap up, are achieved, come through, or are celebrated. An agreement may be reached or offer on the table. The ongoing excitement with creative projects, lovers, kids, and recreational interests plays it's part as does more growth with these key people through legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, religious, or political channels. SUNDAY asks for adjustments with them involving rest, retreat, healing, hospitals, research, spiritual pursuits, artistic projects, or romantic needs. It is also going to bring passionate meetings or talks involving adjustments regarding the shared financial picture, sex life, divorce, or third party scenario. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!
Fired up much? MONDAY is stirring Mars in your sign so you have all the mojo you need to make things happen. Involve the aspirations, friends, groups, gatherings, your freedom, inventions, the internet, or a charity with an eye on cementing things one way or the other. This may be a passionate, driven or angry day but it is opportune. TUESDAY turns attention to home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. You can open things up in financial areas here or with divorce needs or intimacy. You will need to make adjustments regarding the friend, group, gathering, or internet. WEDNESDAY is about creative projects, the kids, your love life/lover, or having fun. You should have some inspired ideas or get into talks or meetings that ignite the muse or help with healing in some way. Just be willing to give and take when any adjustments come up. THURSDAY Mars moves into your income, possessions and purchases zone for the first time in 2 years. This heats up the drive you have to make things happen and will again stir passions or the fighting spirit so do let it motivate you but guard against short fuses. Today hosts the Venus/Jupiter alignment that is so lovely for what you are focusing on behind the scenes with any love/intimate interests, income/shared financial matters, divorce themes, healing, or research. Some excitement brews at home or over real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. FRIDAY will bring more action around making money, possessions or purchases and this is in harmony with the paperwork, job you do, health needs, and people you hire or work with, as well as any animal needs. More excitement brews around home, real estate, family, roommates, parents, moves, or renovations. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON climax bringing any endings, wrap-ups, celebrations, or achievements around your job, some work project you've been involved with, what's going on with a co-worker or your employees/hired help, any paperwork, a health concern or interest, or the pets. There should be some news, meetings or talks going on behind the scenes with someone tied to all of this peak energy, more excitement on the home front, with real estate, family, moves, renovations, roommates, or parents, and some growth potential financially or with your sex life, divorce or third party interests. SUNDAY requires some adjustments tied to gatherings, friends, groups, or the internet, as well as around your income, possessions or purchases and the partner, rep, client, specialist, or competition. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!
It seems you have a lot to do behind the scenes on MONDAY so get at it. You may feel driven to retreat and tend to your rest, recuperation or healing, you may want to tackle hospital needs or research, it may be about heating things up with a clandestine romance or romantic getaway, your artistic projects, or spiritual pursuits. Whatever it is for you know you can cement things one way or the other here involving goals, reputation, a higher-up/authority type, or with career needs. TUESDAY is about talks, meetings, sales, agreements, interviews, short trips, offers, or decisions involving partners, reps, clients, specialists, or other key relationships. This looks good for growth or happiness, just make adjustments regarding goals, career or those authority figures. WEDNESDAY is about home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. There is good flow here to making money, your purchases or possessions but when it comes to the friend, gathering, group, internet, or aspirations, you will need to give and take a bit. THURSDAY Mars moves into your sign for the first time in 2 years! This is going to give you a whole lot more energy, motivation, passion, fighting spirit, and drive over the weeks ahead. You can do what it takes when it comes to personal needs, your body, image, brand, name, title, or identity. It will be harder for others to deny you, just guard against that short fuse. Today is the Venus/Jupiter alignment that is so lovely for aspirations with women, love or income. For you this is social so grab a friend, get online, join a group, or attend a gathering, and see how that partner, rep, client, specialist, or other relationship grows from the vibe. FRIDAY puts a nice spin on what happens with you and a creative project, recreational pursuit, the kids, or your lover/love life, go for it. There is excitement with the talks, offers, agreements, meetings, news, talks, or decisions that bring aspirations into focus or involve that friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or gathering. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON climax for you in your love life, with a lover, with children, a creative project, or a recreational interest. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, are achieved, or celebrated. It will be social or involve aspirations, friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, or your freedom with another person and bring more exciting talks, meetings, news, or decisions. The growth with the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key relationship is fed as well. SUNDAY make adjustments involving the commitments or responsibilities with the career, boss, parent, other authority figure, or personal goal so you work out needs with the kids, lover, creative project, or recreational pursuit. You will also want to adapt between your own desires, need for action or anger and what needs to happen with paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, your job, health, or pets. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!
MONDAY is all Mars action, passion or anger driving you forward with aspirations, a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or gathering. Whatever you feel motivated to embark on here know that you should be able to cement something one way or the other when it comes to travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix. TUESDAY turns attention to earning money, purchases or possessions. Big things are brewing with the details, any efforts you put in, the job, health, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, or pets in the mix. You will need to make some adjustments around legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political needs. WEDNESDAY is about local activities, short trips, meetings, talks, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, writing, offers, and decisions. You are inspired and perhaps a bit more than magical. Talk it out with the boss, parent, judge, or other authority type or regarding career or goals but be willing to adapt around circumstances. THURSDAY Mars moves into your mystical, hidden realm for the first time in 2 years. Over the weeks ahead you will see a whole lot more activity in research, retreat, rest, art, film, music, poetry, meditation, yoga, healing, hospitals, dealing with addictions, romantic getaways or clandestine romance, strategies, or investigations. Mars gives you passion, fighting spirit and motivation to make things happen in these arenas, just watch that short fuse. Today is the Venus/Jupiter combo that is so lovely for goals you set involving women, love or income. It may favor career moves or higher-ups helping out, and definitely brings some growth or happiness via the work, paperwork, health, pets, co-workers, clean-ups, or people you hire. Some excitement is stirred today involving income, possessions/gifts or purchases. FRIDAY is going to motivate you with that Mars action over research, healing, hospitals, artistic, spiritual, or romantic interests, and will bring good feelings at home or with real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. More excitement brews around income, possessions/gifts or purchases and the talks, news, offers, or decisions involving goals, career or those authority figures. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON climax in the home, with real estate, a move, renovation, roommate, the family, a parent, or your security needs. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are achieved and celebrated. It will involve talks, news, offers, or decisions with a boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure about it or focused on career or goals in the mix with someone. There will be more excitement involving income, possessions/gifts or purchases and big things going on at work, with health, paperwork, c0-workers, people you hire, or the animals. SUNDAY make any adjustments over your Full Moon topic when it comes to limits or responsibilities in the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, political, or religious arena. How you feel about a lover, child, creative project, or recreational pursuit will drive what adjustments you make today with getaways, healing, hospitals, research, artistic pursuits, or spiritual practices. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!
Sunday, November 30, 2014
The last month of the year is not going to disappoint, it is brimming with energy shifts and turns. We enter the month with momentum from the end of November and it's New Moon in Sagittarius still propelling us forward. That means we should pay attention to any last push we need to give to our travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political needs. We have the first 6 days to tackle these themes and it's important because of what is coming at month's end, more on that in a moment.
Mars is the first energy to change signs this month, moving into Aquarius on the 4th. This is the first time in 2 years you've had this kind of fired up passion and motivation around your social agenda and aspirations. This is going to amp things up with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your original ideas, freedom, and aspirations. Mars will help you fight for what you want as well but do watch for outbursts if you want to exit this transit with your pals intact.
The FULL MOON in Gemini arrives on the 6th, effectively wrapping up any of that New Moon momentum and bringing a peak or climax around your ideas, offers, agreements, meetings, talks, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, short trips, or something involving a sibling, neighbor, vehicle, or electronic matter. Full Moon's bring things to a head so this could be about achievements and celebrations or about endings.
Jupiter Retrogrades on the 8th taking you back over past opportunities for growth, happiness and prosperity the rest of this month and into next year. Jupiter is traveling in Leo for the first time in 12 years so this backtracking period is giving you the chance to review any love interests, children's themes, creative projects, or recreational pursuits, and tweak them in ways over these months ahead so that they can blossom into the best possible situation for you. Pay attention to anything in the air around this date for clues as to what you should address.
Venus moves into serious Capricorn on the 10th opening up several weeks of love, income and focus on women playing out through this more ambitious and serious energy field. You may set goals now, look at commitments or limits, set up structures, or find you have some interest in an older, more established route.
The world has been moving through the tests and changes of the Uranus/Pluto square that began in 2012 and ends in March 2015. The last time we had anything close to it was in the 1960's with similar revolutionary shifts of consciousness and our reality. On the 15th we experience the 6th of 7 exact squares between these planets during this period, marking the next to the last turning point in our personal and world-wide evolution. This energy can bring sudden shake-ups and shocks, excitement and surprise, deep and powerful gear-shifts, and is meant in the end to bring an awakening. Look to your personal and physical needs, identity, image, body, and brand, as well as to the powers that be, your goal and career or direction in life for the setting.
Soon after this square, Uranus goes Direct in motion after many months in Retrograde. This occurs on the 21st and from now forward you will be moving into new personal and physical changes. Look closely at the aspirations that seem most important to you around this day since it will be calling you forward into new territory.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, day that the Sun moves into Capricorn and the NEW MOON in Capricorn! The Sun here begins a 30 day cycle meant to cast you in the lead when it comes to goals, career, leadership, authority figures like your parent, boss or a judge, your reputation, fame, and ambitions. You should show up and shine your light. The New Moon is your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new territory here or to take things to the next level. Be proactive.
And now the big news...every 29 years Saturn shows up in Sagittarius to take a 3 year tour meant to test us and push us to master something new when it comes to travel, foreign interests/people, import/export, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, education, legal matters, weddings, religion, and politics. On the 23rd, Saturn enters Sagittarius. The last tour through Sagittarius began in November 1985 and ended in November 1988. If you were around during that period you can think back to what you were learning and how you dealt with limits, loss, ambition, leadership, goals, and those authority types in the mix. This cycle begins now, however Saturn will dip back into Scorpio next year in the summer, from June - September for any last needs in the realm of sex, divorce, death, birth, or finances. Then as Saturn reappears in Sagittarius in September, he will remain for the rest of his journey this time until December 2017. Remember you cannot skirt Saturn transits, if you think there is something you need to attend to in the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, wedding, religious, or political arena, start tackling it from the beginning.
The 24th-25th are bound to be heightened when it comes to news, offers, agreements, meetings, talks, ideas, agreements, sales, and decisions. That is because Mercury is going to engage that Uranus/Pluto square. Expect it to be high-energy and all about you, your needs, name, body, image, brand, or identity, and the goal, career, parent, boss, mentor, judge, or other authority figure.

Keep the interests going with your travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, or political needs in the first 6 days of the month, you still have last month's New Moon helping you move ahead here if you partner with the energy.
Your ruler, Mars, is going to move into new territory on the 4th, starting his journey through your social interests and aspirations for the first time in 2 years. This means you will see a whole lot more activity with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, parties, gatherings, social networking, or your aspirations now. Mars gives you that added spark and others will notice. It may bring your passions to the surface at one of these gatherings or help you deal with any anger here, but it will motivate and keep you busy so enjoy.
If you've been waiting on a decision or offer, pushing for a talk, meeting, an agreement, sale, your writing, a short trip, or something with a sibling, neighbor, move, vehicle, electronic, or idea, the FULL MOON on the 6th is set to bring it to a close or high-point worthy of celebration. To that end you may wish to put energy into this in the days building up to it so you can make the most of this peak.
Jupiter Retrogrades on the 8th. He has been in Direct motion since early March and in his current sign, Leo, since late July. Now he is going to slow down and retrace any steps in the expansion you've been working on in areas of love, creative projects, children, or recreation. You may need to reconnect with someone or go back over an opportunity or issue so that you are ready for the next round of growth up ahead. Look at those Jupiter themes again; travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political needs in the mix. What can you review?
Venus is moving into Capricorn on the 10th. This marks the time when love, women and income needs become more serious. You will look at any limits and assess them, set up structures, focus your ambitions and goals, and possibly invest some time in career or with authority types like a boss, parent or judge, as you see what it is you need when it comes to a lover or love in general, your income or a woman in your life. This trend will help you smooth out issues and attract what you want a bit more easily through these matters, it should also bring a bit more enjoyment around those goals, career and authority figures.
You, like everyone else, have been going through some of your life's biggest changes since the Uranus/Pluto square began in 2012. You are very close to saying good-bye to this intense change agent in March 2015. It's the first time we've all been through this kind of upheaval and awakening since the late 1960's. During this current period, there are 7 exact squares between Uranus/Pluto. You are now at the 6th out of 7 of these squares on the 15th. If you need to turn another corner when it comes to changes on a personal or physical level, with your name, title, brand, image, goals, career, reputation, status, or dealings with authority figures like a boss, parent or judge, this is the time to see the marker.
Shortly after this, on the 21st, Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct. This means you are now ready to enter into new territory over the months ahead as you reinvent yourself or redefine parts of who you are becoming. Note any surprise that come into view now as they may hold clues to direction.
The Winter Solstice and NEW MOON in Capricorn also arrive on the 21st, as does the Sun's entry into Capricorn. This means you are getting a major boost from the cosmos forward into the next level with career, goals, the boss, parent, judge, reputation, fame, and ambitions. You have 2 weeks from today to make the most of it, step up and show up, it's your time.
The really big news this month is the arrival of Saturn in Sagittarius for the first time since 1985. This means the tests over finances, sex, divorce, death, birth, and third party situations wraps up until next June and you enter into a 3 year period where Saturn is going to test you and urge you to master the next level of responsibility and ambition when it comes to travel, foreign interests, import/export, legalities, higher education, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, weddings, religion, or politics. Note what is coming up for you as this energy kicks in since you will likely be dealing with it over these years ahead.
The 24-25th are going to be high energy days when it comes to talks, meetings, short trips, writing, offers, agreements, sales, news, or decisions focused on you and that boss, parent, judge, career matter, goal, or other authority figure in the mix. That is because Mercury is activating the Uranus/Pluto square on these days, expect lots of communications and transportation matters over these themes. Happy Holidays! For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
Last month's New Moon still has motion for you as you enter December so concentrate any last efforts in the first 6 days on financial, sexual, divorce, or third party interests while you have cosmic support to seed or further interests here. If you need to deal with any legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding themes in the mix here, so much the better.
Mars is moving into Aquarius for the first time in 2 years on the 4th. Mars is all about bringing more action to the matter at hand and for you this is going to amp things up on the career front, with personal goals, dealings with authority types like the boss, parents, or judge, and your leadership abilities. You may feel way more passionate about what you are doing and you may also have some anger or fighting spirit to address but overall this is about gearing you up to make things happen in the weeks ahead. You may find that social networking, friends, the internet, or groups can help.
The FULL MOON on the 6th is bringing a peak for you with your income, possessions or a purchase. This is going to bring news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, talks, and decisions that can mark endings here or help you achieve goals and celebrate what is climaxing for you. Since you know you get this highpoint, do what you can to build towards your aims in the days leading up to this moment.
Jupiter has been in Direct motion for months, now on the 8th Jupiter Retrogrades. This means the growth is going to slow down and you are going to get an opportunity to go back over things in the home, with real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, roommates, or security needs. Is there anything legal or educational you want to do about things that you left undone or is there a trip, wedding or marketing matter that could help you in growth here? Look back at anything you skimmed over and tackle it over these next month's so you are ready for the next round of growth.
Your ruler, Venus, is changing signs on the 10th. She is moving into the serious sign of Capricorn which may make you all that much more serious and ambitious. The focus, again, is going to be on goals, direction and authorities that involve legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political needs. Venus is going to help smooth some things out here and bring a woman into focus or help you express love or earn money during this transit in these matters.
You've been through 5 of the 7 squares between Uranus and Pluto that are forming from 2012 until March 2015. This month brings the 6th square on the 15th. These are about intense change and awakening of spirit, you have not had anything remotely like it since the late 1960's. So this 6th square is the next marker in the personal transformation that you've been going through around your own needs and identity and your goals, what's been transpiring in efforts behind the scenes, with healing, hospitals, addictions, research, rest, retreat, romance, spirituality, or artistic projects, and those legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, and political themes. If you still need more to evolve, expect it around this date.
Soon after this, Uranus goes Direct after months in Retrograde. So from this date forward you can expect to move into new personal or physical directions that are part of this awakening and again that it will play out around research, retreat, romance, spirituality, healing, hospitals, artistry, or development.
The 21st is also the day that the Sun moves into Capricorn, we mark the Winter Solstice and the NEW MOON arrives. This launches you into the next chapter when it comes to your legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, wedding, religious, and political interests. You have 2 strong weeks to make your move, partner with the cosmos and go for it.
The big news this month is that Saturn is exiting your relationship zone where it has been testing you greatly since 2012 with your partners, reps, clients, specialists, opponents, and other key relationships over sex, reproduction, divorce, death, birth, the third party situations you've found yourself juggling, and all financial matters. Now Saturn moves into Sagittarius on the 23rd where you begin a new series of tests and self-mastery. You haven't hosted this energy here since 1985-1988. now it is about your finances, sex life, divorce, mortality issues, birth, reproductive matters, and third party situations and how your legal situation stands, how any travel or people at a distance are involved, if you need to be educated or teach something here, if there is anything to market or further in media, how weddings, religion or politics is playing a part, and how any major growth spurt needs addressing. Start now, pay attention to what comes up for you since it will be on your plate mostly from now through 2017.
The 24-25th will be high energy when it comes to news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, talks, short trips, and decisions involving these legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes and what is going on behind the scenes, in healing, hospitals, research, romance, artistry, or spiritual pursuits. This is thanks to Mercury activating the Uranus/Pluto square. So keep communications open. Happy Holidays! For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
The end of November gave you a New Moon in your relationship zone that is still working for you as you enter December. To that end you should be proactive in seeking out and furthering any goals you have with partners, representatives, specialists, clients, competitors, or other key players. You have until the 6th to make it count.
The first shift of energy this month arrives on the 4th as Mars moves into Aquarius. Over the weeks ahead this is going to give you lots of activities, motivation, passion, and fighting spirit when it comes to your aspirations and social connections. For you this will focus in on travel or people at a distance, media, marketing, publishing, educational pursuits, legal matters, weddings, religion, or politics. You haven't had this kind of fired up spirit here in 2 years so get ready to be busy.
The FULL MOON on the 6th is in your sign. So something about you or for you is reaching a peak now. This may be about wrapping things up and marking endings or about achievements and celebrations. You are definitely in the spotlight so put your image, brand, name, title, personal needs, physical body, and identity out there, go for what you want to see climax now.
Jupiter entered Leo this last July and has been pushing you in creative and love ideas, your writing, agreements, sales, interviews, auditions, speaking roles, meetings, talks, offers, short trips, and with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. Now on the 8th Jupiter begins his Retrograde. This slows down the growth spurt here and asks that you go back over any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix so that you are ready to really take this where it's meant to go. So look for what is coming up for you now and dive in.
Venus is moving into Capricorn on the 10th and love, women and income needs are about to get more serious. The weeks ahead will help you to look at limits, endings, commitments, responsibilities, and ambitions here. For you this will play out over sexual interactions or needs, reproductive matters, a divorce, mortality issues, birth, or financial matters. Venus should help you to smooth things out and attract what you need a bit more easily as well as help you enjoy the process more.
Everyone has been going through the major life changes brought on by the 7 Uranus/Pluto squares active between 2012 and March 2015. We have not seen anything remotely like it since the late 1960's for revolutionary re-birthing. This month we are at #6 of the 7 squares and it arrives on the 15th. This means that you are evolving in some powerful and deep way tied to sex, divorce, death, birth, or financial goals and your own changing aspirations and social agenda. Expect to see some new corner turned around this period. The last square arrives next March.
Shortly after the square is activated, Uranus goes Direct on the 21st. So now you are ready to make that turnaround, to shake things up or find out something surprising, to make changes or approach things differently again. This is focused on you and your needs as they relate to aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your freedom, inventions, or causes.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the day the Sun moves into Capricorn and the NEW MOON in Capricorn. This means you are at the threshold of new potential when it comes to your goals and the authority figures in your life like the boss, parent or judge, and with your own responsibilities and leadership. Again it will play out with new chapters involving sex, reproduction, mortality, divorce, birth, third parties, or financial matters. You have the best 2 week window of the year to move on it.
The really big news this month is Saturn exiting Scorpio and moving into Sagittarius for the first time since 1985-1988. Saturn has been testing you over your health, job, paperwork, people you hire, co-workers, and pets since he entered Scorpio back in 2012. Now as he exits this territory he takes his tests and his push for some new level of self-mastery from you into your key relationships. This means you need to start to get serious about romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or other key players and focus that on the Sagittarius themes: legal, travel, educational, wedding, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, religious, or political interests. Saturn will ask that you step up, take on more, face any limits, structure things in a way that can be supportive, deal with any losses, and put your ambitions and leadership forward over these matters.
The 24-25th will be amped up when it comes to talks, news, offers, agreements, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, or decisions involving that sexual, financial, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party matter. That is because Mercury is going to activate your Uranus/Pluto square so it's about communicating about or for these changes and new approaches. Expect to be busy. Happy Holidays! For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
You head into December with last month's New Moon energy still pushing you towards your next chapter with health matters, your job or work situation, any paperwork you need to move on, the animals, your co-workers, and people you hire to help, so make the most of these last few days of cosmic boost here.
On the 4th Mars will move into Aquarius and for the first time in 2 years you will have real action again involving loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, bankruptcy, insurance, investments, settlements, commissions, alimony, child support, a partner's money, or other outside resources. This area is also about your sex life, divorce, mortality issues, or reproductive matters, so again Mars is bringing action here again as well. Mars is the activator, spurring you into action or bringing the action to you, it stirs passions and anger and brings on a fighting spirit and will motivate you to do something about things that need attention in these areas over these next weeks.
The FULL MOON on the 6th brings a climax for you with something involving art film, music, spiritual pursuits, healing, hospitals, addictions, clandestine romance, romantic getaways, research, investigations, or development. You may have been working to bring a close to one of these matters or towards an achievement, either way it is likely to peak around this time for you as things come through or wrap up.
You began feeling the blessings or expanse of Jupiter in Leo back in July when he showed up here for the first time in 12 years. For your sign it has been about growth opportunities around income, purchases or possessions. Now on the 8th Jupiter Retrogrades and over the next months this slows down or you really focus in on what has already occurred and hone it in some way. You may go back to a past opportunity to revise it now as well. Don't see the slow down as a bad thing, you need the time to get something right, most likely having to do with the creative side of things and any media, travel, foreign, educational, marketing, legal, or publishing needs in the mix.
Venus is going to arrive in your relationship zone on the 10th and really bring some lovely experiences for you via romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or other key relationships. Venus here may be a woman who becomes key for you over the weeks ahead or it may mean that love or income is the focus with these people and things are starting to smooth out or you find you can attract what you desire more easily. It's a time to enjoy with whomever it is you connect with so enjoy!
Every sign has been going through their own turmoil and deep changes since the Uranus/Pluto square began in 2012. This square has 7 exact points during its completion from 2012-March 2015. On the 15th we experience square #6 of those 7 and find ourselves at the next turning point with our evolution. Remember this configuration hasn't been experienced in any form like it since the late 1960's and before that the early 1930's. So your life is meant for an overhaul between these years and whatever is coming up for you now is part of that process. Some of you may have already gone through all you needed to, some still have some changes to embark upon. Your sign is moving through this with an awakened sense of identity based on what is changing around your goals, career, status, bosses, parents, leadership abilities, dealings with other authorities, and reputation. Stop and think about that for a minute. How has your perception of yourself and what is expected of you changed via these themes since 2012? You are working through this via powerful and deep changes involving partners, representatives, clients, specialists, opponents, competitors, and advocates. So note what is occurring in your world now, you have one last hurrah in March and then your world will begin to settle into a new pattern created by all of this change.
Soon after the square occurs, Uranus goes Direct on the 21st. This means another twist in the story around that goal, career matter, reputation, boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure, as you are now ready to move into the next surprise or change. You can turn attention away from past matters and focus on future needs.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the day the Sun moves into Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn! This marks your opening of a 2 week window meant to help you move out there into the next chapter with romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, opponents, clients, or advocates. Look at your real goals and take steps now to connect with the right people, perhaps some new people or the next level with current peeps, it's time!
The really big news for everyone this month is Saturn. Saturn shows up in a sign and stays for around 3 years, taking 29 years to get back to the sign once it leaves. Saturn tests us wherever he lands, asking that we grow up, take on more responsibility, deal with any limiting behaviors, endings, commitments, and ambitions. He helps us master something new through hard work and diligence. He has been touring Scorpio since 2012, aiming all of this at finances, sex, divorce, death, birth, and triangles. Now on the 23rd he exits this territory and moves into Sagittarius for the first time in 29 years (the last tour in Sagittarius was 1985-1988). So, you are now going to be asked to step up and take on more when it comes to work, health, paperwork, people you hire, co-workers, organization, details, and being of service. Sagittarius will aim this through legal, educational, media, marketing, travel, foreign, publishing, wedding, religious, or political arenas. So if for example you know you need to deal with the legalities of paperwork before you then this is it, you need to get real about it now. Or for example you need to relocate for work overseas, learn about new health procedures, hire someone to do marketing for you, hire someone to help you set up a way to teach what you know online or to get you up to speed so you can pass the tests to get back into school, or it's time to book tickets to Paris to get married, then again, this is it, it's time to put in effort here. Saturn is serious energy and will focus you where you need to be, you can look back to the last transit here for clues if you were around then. Note that Saturn will dip back into Scorpio next summer between June-Sept for the last Retrograde and Direct motion at the end of that sign and then come back into Sagittarius. This means if you still haven't handled all the serious stuff in the Scorpio field you will get one last boost then.
Mercury will activate the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24th-25th so these days will amp up with news, offers, agreements, sales, meetings, writing, talks, and decisions focused on a partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, or opponent. Again those goals, your career, status, reputation, or dealings with authority types like a boss, parent or judge, will play into it. It's a dynamic couple days so expect to hear or say it now. Happy Holidays! For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
Your first week of December should still be motivating you on creative fronts, with or for children, your love life, or just having fun. That is thanks to last month's New Moon that is still active through the 6th. Make certain if you are trying to plant seeds or further efforts here that you take advantage of the cosmic steam behind you now.
Mars is going to move into Aquarius for the first time in 2 years on the 4th. This is all kinds of active for you when it comes to partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, and other key relationships. Mars has not given you this kind of passion, motivation and fighting spirit here since 2012 so know that over these weeks ahead you will see much more happening. It may be you initiating it or they may, you may have new people showing up or finally seeing action from current players, it's go time!
There's a FULL MOON on the 6th that looks quite social for you Leo. You may be throwing or attending a party, involved in some big group activity or cause, doing your thing for a charity, seeing an online matter reach completion or hit its goal, peaking with an astrology matter, having a celebration or ending with a friend, or it may be about an epic peak with a personal aspiration or your freedom. Expect the news, meetings, offers, agreements, writing, talks, and decisions to reflect this climax.
You are the sign that received the lucky energy of Jupiter in July. This was the first time in 12 years that you got to host Jupiter in Leo for a 13 month cycle of growth. It has been moving forward through topics related to your body, image, identity, name, title, brand, and personal needs since then, helping open things up to a bigger playing field so you can find the happiness or prosperity you need for this next 12 year cycle. Now, on the 8th Jupiter is going to Retrograde. He will remain in your sign but be moving in a backwards motion over the months ahead. This means you can now slow down a bit and really hone in on anything that is already in motion for you or even go back to any past opportunities or issues and get them fine tuned so you are ready for the next bout of growth that will come once Jupiter begins Direct motion again in Leo.
On the 10th Venus will arrive in your work, health, paperwork, co-worker, hired help, and animal part of your chart. This may mean a woman is about to appear in relation to one or more of these themes to help you. It may mean that you are about to see things smooth out around income needs or love in these areas of life. Venus here will help you attract more easily so if you need to find work or heal yourself or do for animals or get that paperwork signed or introduce new ideas on the job or kick start the money or love needs in these matters, this is it. It should certainly be a bit more enjoyable in these matters than it has been for a while.
You, like all signs, have been going through the massive life changes brought about via the Uranus/Pluto square that began in 2012 and ends March, 2015. The last bout of these kind of changes and awakening occurred back in the late 1960's and before that in the early 1930's. So life is meant to overhaul and evolve now. Uranus and Pluto form 7 exact squares during this period between 2012-2015 and this month we find ourselves at the 6th of those 7 squares. This occurs on the 15th and is about reinventing yourself or awakening your identity through legal, travel, foreign, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, education, weddings, religion, or politics. It is also asking that you go deeper, purge and empower through work, health, animals, paperwork, people you hire, or co-workers as part of the process. So look at goals you have here and note how far you have come since this all began to rock back in 2012. Some of you will have been through all the necessary changes already, some of you still need a few more, so note what is happening and be part of your own evolution.
No sooner do we get this exact square than Uranus changes direction, going Direct on the 21st. This will add a bit more momentum to the changes coming and any personal or physical needs you have in the mix to revolutionize your spirit or direction in the matter.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the day the Sun moves into Capricorn and the NEW MOON in Capricorn. This is your start date of a 2 week period that can help you step up, take charge and move into new territory or take things to the next level when it comes to work, health, pets, paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, organizing, clean-ups, the details, or services offered. Set goals high and go for it.
The big news this month for everyone is that Saturn is finally leaving Scorpio, (although he will return here next summer from June-September for one last tweak). On the 23rd Saturn moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius for the first time since his last visit between 1985-1988. Where Saturn goes we grow up, take on more responsibility, deal with limits, losses, endings, commitments, ambitions, and authority. For Leo this means you are now entering a very serious period when you will be asked to take on more and master some new level when it comes to creative projects, children, true love, or recreational interests. So you may get engaged or wed during this period, decide to master some sport, take the helm of a creative effort, become a parent or start showing up for kids in some more grown-up way, or in any other way test yourself to take things seriously here and get real about what needs to be done. In Sagittarius it may mean going down legal channels, travel, education, media, marketing, publishing, weddings, religious interests, or politics that show you the way. Note what is calling you in these matters now, no it is not going to go away, it is important and serious and so should you be, time to commit, sever ties or step up and be responsible.
Mercury will activate the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24-25th so news you hear or talks, meetings, agreements, sales, short trips, writing, local activities, involvement with siblings or neighbors, or the transportation meets up with the change energy of Uranus/Pluto. It may bring a surprise or two your way so be adaptable. It plays out around work, health, pets, co-workers, people you hire, or paperwork, and will activate that travel plan, legal matter, educational pursuit, media matter, wedding, religious, or political theme. Happy Holidays! For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
You still have momentum behind anything you are moving forwards with on the home front, with family, a parent, roommate, real estate deal, move, or renovation as December begins, thanks in most part to New Moon energy from last months still working for you. So use the first 6 days to further your aims in these matters while you have cosmic backing.
You are about to get much, much busier at work or in pursuit of work, with co-workers or people you hire, with the paperwork and details, with your health interests and concerns, and with anything involving animals or environment. This begins on the 4th and is thanks to Mars arriving in these areas for the first time in 2 years. Mars will bring more action and also stir your passions and help you find your fighting spirit again over these matters (if you need it), so get ready to make things happen! If you can involve friends, groups, the internet, charities, your inventions/originality, or causes, so much the better.
The FULL MOON on the 6th will bring a climax around goals you've been working on as you see them conclude or come through, your career as it reaches new heights and brings about some recognition or you are marking an ending, your situations involving authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, mentor, or other higher-up, as you reach high-points with them and things wrap up or are celebrated, and with your reputation or fame is it hits some culmination or climax. Emotions build with this wave that peaks now.
Jupiter has been taking you out into wider territory since late July when it comes to the creative, kids or love developments behind the scenes, around healing or hospitals, research, artistic projects or interests, spiritual practices, or romantic interludes and getaways. You haven't had this kind of boost in 12 years and it's about growth for you so it's trying to push things further. Now on the 8th Jupiter Retrogrades so things will slow down over the months ahead as you get a chance to catch up to where you find yourself or you go back and reconnect with past potential here. It's a good time to fine-tune anything in these areas so you are ready for the next leap coming in the spring.
Venus enters fellow earth sign, Capricorn, on the 10th where she is going to bring the joy into your love life, creative projects, children's interests, or recreational pursuits over the weeks ahead. This may bring a woman around who can help or it may just amp up the love or earning potential tied to these themes. You should see this help smooth out any rough patches, attract what you want a bit more easily or just bring that joy back around.
Everyone has been working through the massive changes and awakenings brought about by the Uranus/Pluto squares of 2012-2015. We are in the midst of this upheaval and rebirthing energy that harkens back to the late 1960's and before that to the 1930's so we know our lives are being reinvented on some level and that it is important to go with the deeper feelings and changes occurring since they are somewhat written into our time. These 2 planets make 7 exact squares during this period and this month we reach #6 of these 7 on the 15th. So you are at another turning point, perhaps you have been through all the changes necessary and will breeze through this or perhaps you still have a couple more important shifts to experience in which case this is one of those times. It is about reinventing yourself or awakening on a personal level through sex, divorce, mortality issues, reproductive needs, a birth, third party situations, or any major financial matter for your sign. It is also about going deeper and evolving where goals involve true love, children, creative projects, or fun for you. So note what comes up and be willing to move through this next marker, the last one arrives in March 2015.
Soon after this square Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct on the 21st so this day may also bring some next turns and twists in the story for you as you are now ready to move ahead into the future and any new changes.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the Sun's move into Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn. That means today opens up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new territory or take things to the next level when it comes to love, kids, creative projects, and fun. You should think about what goals you have here and then be proactive in pursuing them so you can ride this momentum further than at others times of the year. The Sun's position here speaks of you taking the lead in matters and if you need to tie in your name, brand or just show up, do so.
The really big news for everyone this month is Saturn exiting Scorpio and moving into Sagittarius on the 23rd. Now, Saturn started his tour of Scorpio back in 2012 and has brought major tests for you in financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, birth, or third party matters involving your agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, transportation, electronic, writing, offers, meetings, talks, moves, and decisions since then. It wanted you to grow up, master something new, deal with endings and make commitments there. Saturn will return to that area next summer between June-Sept but then return to Sagittarius to stay through 2017. Saturn is only in a sign once every 29 years so it's a big deal as far as your responsibilities and ambitions are concerned. So now in Sagittarius you will be tested and asked to take on more and get serious about what you can commit to when it comes to home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, and your security needs. This is the foundation of your chart and you want to build it on solid ground so get real about what you need to do. Remember Sagittarius says you can go down legal avenues, look into marketing or media, teach or get educated, travel or involve foreign interests, wed, or focus on religious or political themes here. Whatever is on your plate as this trend begins will likely be important during the transit so again, bring out your serious side and begin.
Mercury will activate the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24-25th so expect amped up talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, sibling or neighbor interactions, transportation or electronic matters, news and decisions, focused on the kids, lover, creative needs, or fun. It will amplify any of those surprises coming through sex, reproduction, mortality issues, divorce, finances, or third party matters. Keep communications open, it's going to be energizing! Happy Holidays. For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
If you still need to move something ahead with a sibling, neighbor, agreement, sale, your writing, interviews, auditions, a move, short trip, your vehicles, electronics, offers, a talk, meeting, or decisions, jump in from day one in December, the first 6 days hold the most promise.
You are about to feel the fire heating things up with friends, associates, groups, the internet, and your aspirations regarding any creative projects, love, kids, or fun you are after. This begins on the 4th and is thanks to Mars showing up in Aquarius for the first time in 2 years. This gives you the drive and motivation to do things now and may stir passions or anger as well. So say yes to attending gatherings and spending time with friends, since you can see it will motivate action around creative interests, fun, true love, and kids for you. Do be willing to fight for what you feel is right and motivate on your interests here.
If you've been working on agreements, writing, sales, or decisions involving a trip, any legal matters, the media, marketing, publishing, or broadcasting arenas, a wedding, an educational pursuit, religion, or politics, note that you will see this climax with some kind of breakthrough, ending, achievement, or celebration by the FULL MOON on the 6th. To that end you may wish to push on these matters a bit in the first week building up to this so you play a part in the results you are after.
Jupiter has been touring Leo since later July, showing you the opening up of territory so you can have real growth in your life when it comes to friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, inventions, original ideas, causes, and your aspirations. This energy shows up here once every 12 years and is trying to broaden your life for more happiness or prosperity up ahead, as well as show you what you need to know about your faith. You may have had chance to focus in on some Jupiter in Leo themes with these matters; the love, fun or creativity and what is happening with travel, religion, faith, politics, media, marketing, weddings, education, or legalities in the matter. Now on the 8th Jupiter Retrogrades and begins to slow down all this push you've experienced so you can catch up to where you find yourself and to go back over anything that needs some honing or find-tuning. This is to prepare you for the next round coming next spring.
Venus moves into your home base on the 10th which is a very lovely energy to host here. This may bring a woman to your home or to help with home matters, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates, or it may show up as love or income potential now available in the home or through these other areas listed. The weeks ahead will help you smooth things out here and attract what you desire more easily. It's a great time to beautify your surroundings, earn from home, express your love of family, and enjoy where you are in life at present.
Everyone has been moving through the revolutionary change combination of Uranus/Pluto in square since 2012, a configuration that won't be complete until March 2015. We've all been asked to reinvent ourselves or awaken to some new version of life through changes that have been ongoing. The last time these planets interacted was the late 1960's, before that the 1930's. So it's a big deal what is happening. Ask anyone you know if there life is the same as it was before 2012. Uranus/Pluto make 7 exact squares during this period and this month we come to #6 of those 7 on the 15th. So you will be marking this turning point, if you have already gone through the changes you may breeze through this one, if you still have more changes to come then this is the period you will see more evolving. Your sign has been going through this with a focus on reinventing yourself and awakening on some personal level via the changes around partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, opponents, competitors, and advocates. You have also been going deeper and responding to powerful changes tied to home, real estate deal, property management, moves, renovations, family, early childhood issues, security needs, parents, or roommates. So at this sixth square look at how far you've come and what still needs to evolve and be courageous, you're almost done.
Soon after the square completes, Uranus goes Direct on the 21st. This will add momentum to any changes, excitement, surprises, or shake-ups involving the partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, opponent, or advocate. Onward you go!
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the Sun's move into Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn. This opens up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new territory or take things to the next level at home, with a move, a renovation, the real estate deal or property matter, the family, a parent, your roommates, or your security needs. Be proactive.
The big news this month for everyone is Saturn. He has been in Scorpio since 2012 and now on the 23rd he exits Scorpio and moves into Sagittarius. Where Saturn goes, so go the tests, limits, losses, responsibilities, endings, commitments, authority, leadership, and ambitions. Saturn only shows up once every 29 years in a sign and then stays close to 3 years. He exits Scorpio for Sagittarius but will return in Retrograde to Scorpio next summer between June-September for any last needs here. So let's look at these new tests and the pull for a new level of self-mastery (read that as the next level of growing up and getting real) about your third house where he will now reside. This is going to be a period dedicated to serious focus on talks, meetings, offers, agreements, news, writing, interviews, auditions, short trips, community or neighborhood activity, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, ideas, speaking roles, and decisions. Where Saturn in Scorpio tested you around income, possessions and purchases, you now get to move into these communications and local arenas and master something here. Do take it seriously, you will work harder but the harder you work on these new topics, the better the reward at the end of the transit. Note what comes up for you now for clues or look back to the last time Saturn traversed these chimes back between 1985-1988.
Mercury will activate the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24th-25th. These days will represent amped up talks, meetings, short trips, local activity, siblings, neighbors, offers, and decisions involving the home, family, move, renovation, real estate, parent, roommate, or childhood issues, and any key relationships like the partner, rep, client, specialist, opponent, or advocate. You'll be busy with information and what's going on right around you, for sure! Happy Holidays! For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
New Moon energy from late November is still pushing you forward as December gets underway so use this first week to complete your moves towards furthering your income, purchases or possessions in some way. Seeds you plant now have more potential for landing in fertile ground.
Your co-ruler, Mars, is moving into Aquarius for the first time in 2 years! This is great for amping up the energy and action with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, and your aspirations. For your sign it will play out in or about the home, any moves or renovations, real estate deals or family matters, parents or roommates, and security needs. Mars will motivate you when it comes to tying these matters together and making things happen. You may experience a younger male showing up to push this ahead or it may bring passion or anger into what is transpiring here. It's time to do what needs doing!
You've been building to some kind of climax in a sexual, divorce, financial, or third party situation this month and now on the FULL MOON of the 6th you should see a major ending or completion, celebration or achievement here. So look at those loans, the debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, settlement, investments, commissions, alimony, child support, divorce, sexual interest, reproductive need, birth, mortality issue, or third party and what you can work towards to see things come through or wrap up now.
Jupiter moved into Leo back in July and you began to feel the potential growth in the creative, kids or love goals you have for your life. You are in new territory, the first time you've hosted Jupiter here in 12 years, and there is a lot of promise to what can unfold with your personal goals, your career, reputation, fame, and dealings with higher-ups thanks to this energy. So look at what has transpired since July. Granted, you are still hosting Saturn so it may be that next year brings the biggest opportunities, but still, you must have noticed how things are starting to shift. On the 8th, Jupiter is going to Retrograde. This will slow things down enough that you can catch up with any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix and fine tune them over these months ahead. Do this so you are ready for what is going to open up once this energy moves again in the Spring. This period may also give you a do-over with someone or something here, if so, take it.
Venus moves into Capricorn on the 10th which is about bringing the love, women or income to your agreements, sales, writing, offers, interviews, auditions, short trips, talks, meetings, and anything involving electronics, vehicles, siblings, or neighbors. This is a charming and attracting energy that will help you smooth things out or bring what you need so enjoy.
Everyone has been going through the Uranus/Pluto square that began in 2012 and ends in March 2015. This is a revolutionary configuration meant to upturn our lives and help us reinvent, make changes and awaken by the time it's through. The last combo connected to this occurred in the late 1960's, before that in the 1930's. So you are not alone in going through life changes, ask anyone. During this transit Uranus and Pluto will form exact squares 7 times so these mark turning points. Look back to how your life was before 2012 and how far you've come since then. This month we reach #6 of the 7 squares on the 15th. If you still need more changes to get you where you're meant to be they will be noticeable now, if you've made all the major ones then you may move through this with more ease. Your sign is about personal changes, reinventing yourself and awakening/freeing through work, paperwork, health, pets, co-workers, and people you hire. You are about deep purging and transformational changes through talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, offers, ideas, interviews, auditions, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, and decisions. This all comes together in some personal way for you now, as you move past this 6th marker.
Shortly after this, on the 21st, Uranus changes motion, going Direct. This will add to the story, pushing for forward shifts, new territory, again out into awakening through paperwork, the job, health, pets, co-workers, or people you hire. Be in the moment.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the Sun's move into Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn! This opens up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new territory or take things to the next level when it comes to talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, offers, interviews, auditions, short trips, local/community activities, siblings, neighbors, electronics, vehicles, and decisions. Make it count.
The big news this month for everyone, but especially FOR YOU, is Saturn leaving Scorpio and moving into Sagittarius. You've hosted Saturn in your sign since 2012, arguably the most testing few years of a person's life, thank goodness it only comes around once every 29 years! Saturn will dip back into your sign next summer between June-Sept thanks to the Retrograde so you will have one last hurrah with any last details you need to tend to on a personal or physical level. However, Saturn, as of the 23rd, is now going to show up with tests and the next level of self-mastery in your house of earned income, possessions and purchases. This period will last until 2017 (except for that summer period next year). So you need to know that A) things in the rest of your life are about to ease up a great deal and B) you will now be asked to get real about earning money, dealing with any limits, losses, endings, commitments, leadership, and ambition around income, purchases and possessions, and to grow up here and be the responsible party. It is a cycle that repays hard work and dedication so aim ambition here. It will however test you greatly if you play around in these areas so that you learn Saturn's lessons. So if you are offered a job that fills your need to pay bills but is harder or not as glamorous, you may need to take it for now and learn something important in the process. You may be asked to take on someone else's job responsibilities on the job but still be paid the same or just a little more, not what you believe you are worth, but again there is something to the process. It may be about starting a business and just working extreme hours for the same pay since you really want it to succeed. It could also be that this period coincides with a time when you need to watch what you spend or spend only on items that further your goals, etc. On the positive side, Saturn is the natural ruler of your ideas, writing, agreements, sales, interviews, auditions, offers, meetings, talks, and decisions, so having it in your income and purchases zone is great for bringing these two areas together and may bring you a more responsible role here as you dive into any serious ambitions you have here. Decide what you need, get real about it and don't hold off on putting things in motion.
Mercury will trigger the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24-25th so expect amped up energy around talks, meetings, short trips, siblings, neighbors, agreements, sales, writing, offers, news, and decisions on these days. It ties into any health, work, paperwork, hire help, co-workers, or animal topics in the mix and all that excitement, change and awakening going on in your world. Happy Holidays! For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
You may enter December still feeling like you are on a high and that's a good thing Sage, it means that last month's New Moon is still giving you the boost it is meant to and that you can still take advantage of this momentum in the first 6 days of the month to further your personal needs, goals with your body, image, brand, name, title, or identity. Be proactive.
Mars is going to arrive in Aquarius on the 4th for the first time in 2 years and light up your words, ideas, thoughts, and decisions over the weeks ahead. Mars brings the passion, anger and motivation so expect to say it or hear it now. This territory holds sway over your writing, agreements, sales, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, interviews, auditions, offers, and meetings as well, so get ready to take action and go for it.
Weather you are building to something with a partner, representative, client/the clients, specialists, competitors, or other key players, it will be the FULL MOON on the 6th that marks your achievement, celebration or ending. So work towards wrapping things up with these people or towards that celebration you are yearning for, it's building to climax. And if you've been waiting to hear it from them, expect to know one way or the other where they're at by this point.
Your ruler, Jupiter, has been showing you just what kind of personal growth you were capable of through love, children, creativity, or fun since it entered Leo in July. Your sign has got to experience this through travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political arenas and hopefully you have opened up a few key potentials. Now on the 8th Jupiter Retrogrades and things start to slow down enough that you can catch up to where you find yourself. During the months ahead you can hone in and fine tune anything you've seen grow here as well as go back to any past opportunities to rekindle them.
Venus moves into Capricorn on the 10th where she will now tour over the weeks ahead. This is a great placement for finding more enjoyment when it comes to earning money, making purchases or dealing with your possessions/gifts. Women may benefit you here more now or you may find that you are attracting a bit more easily or smoothing things out and feeling the love here. It's all good, enjoy.
Everyone has been going through the Uranus/Pluto square that began in 2012 and ends in March 2015. This is a revolutionary configuration of change not felt since the late 1960's and before that the 1930's. So you should be seeing your life evolve quite dramatically during this period. These 2 planets make 7 exact squares during the 2012-2015 period and this month, on the 15th, we are at the 6th of these 7. So expect to see a turning point for yourself and any more changes if you still need more to evolve your situation. It is about awakening around children, love, creative projects, and recreational interests and these should have an exciting impact on who you are, your identity in some way. It is also about income, possessions, purchases, or what you value changing/evolving and this should make some profound impact on the way you approach your life up ahead. So note what occurs, you have just one square left next March.
Shortly after this Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct on the 21st so you are going to see another trigger at this point as you are ready to now dive in and move ahead on something in an exciting, unconventional or change oriented way. Again this focuses on the child, lover, creativity, or fun.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the day the Sun moves into Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn. This marks the opening of a 2 week window that can help you launch into new territory or take things to the next level when it comes to your income, possessions, purchases, or values. Be proactive!
The really big news this month is that Saturn is going to move into your sign on the 23rd for the first time in 29 years. You can think back to the last stint he pulled in your sign between 1985-1988 if you were around then and active. So let's break it down. You have been hosting Saturn in Scorpio and your 12th house since 2012. So you have been tested and asked to take on more responsibility, deal with limits or losses, commitments and ambitions, and to master some new level when it comes to retreat, rest, recuperation, healing, hospitals, spiritual practices, art, film, music, painting, poetry, romantic getaways or clandestine romance, research, and any addictions. You are now done with these tests except from next summer between June-September when Saturn will Retrograde back here for one last, brief review of any fine-tuning you need.
Then Saturn will be gone from these themes for another 29 years. So you've graduated from this passage. With Saturn now in your sign and whole new chapter of life is beginning. People redefine themselves during this transit, it is one of the most serious ones of your lifetime and you only get 3 of them if you live to be 90. So it is very important to note that you may and very likely will be asked to take on more during the time Saturn is in Sagittarius, from now through 2017 (with the exception of next summer June-Sept). You have to get real about what you want from yourself. Who do you want to be over the next 29 year chapter? Do you need to reinvent yourself in some manner, face an ending or commitment when it comes to your name, title or identity? Many people will get married or divorced during this cycle or they will decide 'student', 'doctor', 'business owner', etc is a title worth working towards. You will need to take your body seriously, do you need to get fit, hire a trainer, see a doctor, hire a nutritionist, join a gym, start a vegan lifestyle, take yoga, or in any other way tend to your body? Saturn is very good at showing you any issues you may have so that you can get real about dealing with them. Saturn rules the structures in life so in the body it can bring up bone, back, knees, joints, teeth, skin, or other structural parts so pay attention to anything you feel coming up for you here and tackle it straight away. Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs so you may also want to note anything physical here during this transit. Overall, it is a massive growing up period when you will commit to some things that are important to this new version of yourself, end what you have outgrown and take on more personal responsibilities for your life, letting your ambition lead you.
Mercury will activate the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24-25th so the holidays will be amped up with news, talks, meetings, ideas, agreements, short trips, siblings, neighbors, local activity, and decisions that tie into your values, income, possessions/gifts, or purchases. Again triggering anything with the kids, lover, creative interests, or recreation. For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
Take advantage of any research, healing, hospital matters, retreat, artistic development, romantic time, or spiritual period that you have in the first 6 days of December, you still have New Moon momentum behind efforts you make in these departments from last month! It's about partnering with the cosmos to make things happen here, now.
On the 4th, Mars moves into Aquarius for the first time in 2 years. This is going to give you a whole lot more energy, action and passion when it comes to your income needs, possessions or purchases over the weeks ahead. So expect to motivate, to fight for what you need and for others to dive in there with you so you can forward interests here. Your sign more than others can engage friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or original ideas to make this happen.
You will also be building to some culmination on the work front, with a health matter, your paperwork, a co-worker, person you hire, or the pets from the beginning of December and this climaxes by the FULL MOON on the 6th. You can expect to hear your news or offer, have that meeting or talk, make that sale or sign that agreement, or come to your decision about matters in these areas by this date. It will be a celebration and achievement or a wrapping up and ending of matters.
Jupiter has been touring Leo since late July and doing everything he can to help you open up your world when it comes to outside financial resources: loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, commissions, settlements, investments, alimony, child support, a partner's money, or any other financially viable interest. This is a major growth spurt for you, one you haven't seen in 12 years. He is also trying to open up expansion for you in your sex life, divorce, mortality issues, reproductive needs, a birth, or any third party situations before you. So now, on the 8th, Jupiter Retrogrades. This will slow down this outer growth for a few months and allow you to catch up to where you find yourself and fine tune anything that has happened so far so you are ready for the next major round that begins in the spring. To that end if you need to deal with any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political needs over these matters, do so now.
Some really good news is Venus arriving in your sign on the 10th. This is always a welcome energy for any sign as it brings some harmony, helps smooth things out for you personally, makes you more alluring, helps you attract the love or money more easily, and may bring women who can help. The aim is to funnel this through you and make it about you, so be open to expressing that love or beauty, putting yourself out there to earn money or deal with women, but also don't be afraid to spend a bit on yourself, your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs.
Every sign has been going through the upheavals and re-birthing process that began back in 2012 thanks to the Uranus/Pluto squares. These harken back to the late 1960's and before that to the 1930's. In our current incarnation of them we have until March 2015 to go through the freeing, awakening, deep purging, and changes that are meant to shift our life in some profound manner. Uranus/Pluto make 7 exact squares during this period and this month we are at our 6th of those 7. It arrives on the 15th so expect to mark the next turning point in your journey and that it will play out over surprises and excitement tied to your home, real estate, moves, renovations, foundations in life, security needs, nurturing, family, parents, roommates, and your childhood/history. It will also be about you, your personal empowerment and evolving idea of who you are in this world.
Shortly after this square Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct on the 21st. This will add to the momentum of changes you are going through and be good timing for any new ideas or directions you have in mind to initiate over those themes of home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or security needs.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the Sun's move into your sign, Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn! This is a huge push that the cosmos is giving you to move into new territory over the next 2 weeks or to take things to the next level when it comes to you and your needs, your body, your presence in a situation, your image, brand, name, title, or identity. It's about getting ambitious or taking the lead, being responsible and stepping up.
The big news this month, as if this all hasn't been big news, is that Saturn, your ruler, who has been spending the last 2 years in Scorpio, is going to move into Sagittarius for the first time in 29 years on the 23rd. So, over these last couple years you have been tested and asked to master something new when it comes to your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, your freedom, charities, causes, originality, inventions, associations, gatherings/events, and social networking. You may have dealt with limits, loss, endings, commitments, responsibilities, or ambitions in these areas but that period is wrapping up now. Next summer between June-September you will get one last run in these areas thanks to a Saturn Retrograde bringing him back for a short while but then it will be another 29 years before you get this kind of testing here. In his new placement of Sagittarius now you are going to be really getting serious about the mysteries of life, your spiritual growth, any healing or hospital matters you want to pursue, your romantic needs, any artistic talents or pursuits like painting, film, music, or poetry, research, investigations, strategies, retreat, rest, recuperation, isolation, addictions, and development. This is the behind the scenes, hidden part of your chart, it is mystical, magical and tuned to your Karma. This phase which will start now and last until late in 2017 (except for the brief interruption between June-Sept next year) will help you release a great deal in preparation for your next major cycle that begins when Saturn moves into Capricorn in 2017. You may feel like pulling back from the world a bit during this phase as what you are discovering about yourself and how you are redefining your vision of yourself unfolds in some magical ways. As with all Saturn transits you can fall prey to the tests if you don't get real about being responsible and working hard so be very aware of addictions, a tendency to hide out, clandestine romances that begin now that have some 'need' to be kept secret, hidden agendas (keep it all above board and demand this in others), and making certain that you do take healing and hospital needs seriously if they arise. Other than that you can trust that this period will somewhat lead you since the veil between worlds and the muse and Karma are very much in charge. So look at any artistic, spiritual, healing, romance, research, or developmental interests and be willing to commit your time and energy starting now.
The last energy combination this month arrives on the 24-25th as Mercury engages the Uranus/Pluto square. So these days will be amped up with messages, talks, meetings, ideas, short trips, siblings, neighbors, offers, sales, agreements, writing, and decisions that focus on you and your home, family, parent, roommate, move, renovation, real estate, or nurturing/security needs. You may be announcing something now or making some choices or hear from others in the same boat. For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
You still have New Moon momentum from last month driving you into the first days of December so buckle down and push ahead with aspirations, gatherings, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or your freedom. You have until the 6th to take things further.
Mars is moving into your sign for the first time in 2 years on the 4th. This is going to light a proverbial fire within you Aquarius so watch out! Here you come! It is about amping you up to do something over these weeks ahead to further your aims, do for your body, image, identity, ego, name, title, or interests. Mars brings more passion so you will be feeling that spark for sure. It also brings anger so you may be a bit more tightly wound or you may feel like fighting for something important to you. Overall, Mars brings motivation and activity so you are going to be busier than usual and feeling fired up to make things happen.
You will likely have been building all week to the FULL MOON on the 6th when you are going to finally reach that conclusion, see things wrap up or end, or when you are going to achieve your aims and celebrate this high point. For your sign it is all about your lover or love life or pursuit of love, your children or children's needs, a creative project or interest, or some recreational pursuit. So expect the peak in the situation to arrive around this date.
Jupiter entered Leo back in July for the first time in 12 years and is touring here until next August. This period is one of your greatest of growth via your romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, competitors, or other key relationships. It is a period that wants growth through love, kids, creativity, or fun, and will help you get there through legal channels, weddings, travel, people at a distance, education, media, marketing, religion, or politics. So you may have experienced some of your big expansive opportunities already or sensed what is available to you. Now on the 8th Jupiter Retrogrades so over these next few months that growth slows down outwardly so you can catch up to where you find yourself or go back over any past needs to fine tune things so you are ready for the next round of growth that begins in the spring. To that end, pay attention to any shifting perspectives around these themes now as they point to what you need to work on.
Venus moves into your hidden part of the chart on the 10th and over the weeks ahead will bring love, income or women into the clandestine romance or romantic getaway part of your life, as well as into any healing or hospital matter, your spiritual practices, artistic pursuits, research, and projects in development. So these areas will feel more joyful, smooth out a bit or help you attract what you need.
We have all been going through the massive life revival of the Uranus/Pluto square that started in 2012 and ends in March 2015. Not since the late 1960's and before that the 1930's have we seen this kind of upheaval and re-birthing in our lives. I'm sure you have experienced your own reinvention since you are ruled by Uranus it is affecting your identity as well as the placement in your chart. These planets make 7 exact configurations during their time here and this month we are at #6 of 7 on the 15th. To that end, any changes that still need to happen will be marked as you turn this corner. Expect it to come via excitement, sudden changes or surprises around news, decisions, agreements, meetings, sales, writing, talks, offers, short trips, siblings, neighbors, moves, electronics, vehicles, or ideas. It will also tie into the profound changes going on with romantic getaways or clandestine romance, healing or hospitals, addictions or retreat, research or investigations, art, film, music, or poetry, your spiritual practices, or projects in development.
Shortly after this, on the 21st, Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct so you will feel this as part of this shake-up or surprise and be ready to dive into new territory or move forward in some new way.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the Sun's move into Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn. This means a big launch forward, into new territory or the next level when it comes to the research, development, healing, hospitals, romantic getaway, clandestine romance, spiritual practice, artistic projects, or dealing with addictions. You have 2 weeks to move on what you would like to see happen.
The really big news this month is Saturn. Saturn is one of your co-rulers so again this shift is going to be felt personally as well as where he is placed for your sign. Saturn has been in Scorpio since 2012 testing you over career, your big personal goals like getting married, retiring, buying a house, etc, as well as over career, reputation, fame, and any dealings with authority figures like a parent, boss, judge, or mentor. It has tested your leadership abilities and responsibilities. It has done so through your sexual needs, divorce, financial interests, and third party situations. Now on the 23rd Saturn exits this area of testing until he Retrogrades back for one last fine-tuning between June-September next year. Then he will not come back to this sign for another 29 years. In the meantime, Saturn is now moving into Sagittarius where he will tour through 2017 (with the exception of June-Sept next summer). Here he is going to test you when it comes to your aspirations, freedom, causes, charities, gatherings, friends, groups, astrology, social networking, the internet, and any original ideas. Saturn is going to want you to face any endings or limits here, make commitments, take on responsibilities, grow up, take the lead, master something new, and he will do this through legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, or wedding themes in the mix. So note what comes up for you now since you will want to get real about it from the get-go.
Mercury will trigger the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24-25th so the holidays will be amped up with news, offers, meetings, talks, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and other communications topics going on behind the scenes and activating those intense and profound changes or evolutionary moves towards your life's reinvention. For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
Big goals should still be driving you or perhaps you have an authority type like your boss, parent or a judge that is your focus as December gets underway. Either way, your goals, career and authority interests are still getting last month's New Moon push so you if you have anything else to do to further your needs here, make the most of the first 6 days.
Mars is going to arrive in Aquarius for the first time in 2 years on the 4th. This lights a fire around things you want to do involving healing, hospitals, retreat, rest, recuperation, spiritual practices, romantic getaways, artistic projects, research, or developmental projects. Mars will tour here for many weeks so you can expect more activity kicking in over these themes. Your passions will be on high as will your anger so make that about a fighting spirit rather than an explosive fuse. You can make things happen here so focus on what you want.
You may also feel the emotional build-up to the FULL MOON on the 6th as your month gets underway and that is because something is gathering steam and will be wrapping up, ending, coming through, or reason for celebration and achievement by this date when it comes to your home, family, parent, real estate interests, move, renovation, or roommate situation. Expect the news of this period to carry these messages.
Jupiter moved into Leo back in late July for the first time in 12 years and began his journey to bring you something big via your health, work, pets, co-workers, people you hire, or services. Jupiter here will show us our faith and help us in growth, bring protection and move us towards more happiness or prosperity through the big thing that happens. So now on the 8th Jupiter will Retrograde and over the months ahead things will slow down with these matters and you will get a chance to go back over anything from the past to fine tune it so you are ready to move ahead once Jupiter goes Direct again in the spring. Look at anything you may need to do regarding lovers, kids, creative projects, fun, and the legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media channels in the mix.
Venus moves into Capricorn on the 10th bringing her charms and enjoyment to your social part of the chart. This may bring a connection with a female friend or it may bring more pleasure, income flow, love, and women around your group activities, social networking, internet interests, charities, friendships, aspirations, astrology, causes, freedom, or inventions. It should be a good time in these areas over the weeks ahead.
Everyone has been going through the Uranus/Pluto square that began in 2012 and ends in March 2015 as one of our lifetimes biggest periods of upheaval and change. The last links to these giants occurred in the late 1960's, before that in the 1930's. So know that you are not alone in the reinventing of your life that is underway and that during this period there are 7 exact squares marking turning points. Now on the 15th we reach #6 of 7 so if you have more changes to undergo this period marks that next evolution. For you this involves an awakening around your values and any changes occurring involving income, possessions or purchases. It is also bringing profound changes through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, freedom, and originality. These tie in with outside resources, intimacy, divorce, death, birth, and third party matters. So note what is coming up for you, if you've already gone through what you needed to then you may move through this period without cause but it may help you get over that next hurdle through changes that arrive now.
Shortly after this square Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct on the 21st so this adds to the momentum of change. Now you will see any next changes and things turning around in some way as you face forward and move into new territory. Again your values, possessions, income, or purchases and who you are, what is going on with you, your body, image, identity, name, or needs is where it's at.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the Sun's move into Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn. This opens up a 2 week window that can help launch you forward into the next chapter when it comes to your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, social networking, freedom, inventions, or causes. Be proactive and ambitious here, it's a good time to move forward.
The really big news this month is Saturn. He has spent since 2012 in Scorpio testing you over sex, divorce, finances, death, birth, reproductive needs, and triangles/third party matters. He has done this via any legal matters, travel plans, weddings, educational pursuits, media venues, marketing ideas, or religious interests. Saturn tests you once every 29 years in these areas and will finally be done on December 23rd. He will Retrograde back for any last fine tuning next summer between June-Sept and then leave for another 29 years. So let's look at where he goes now. On the 23rd Saturn moves into Sagittarius. The last time he toured here was 1985-1988 so if you were active then you can look back at how he tested you when it comes to your goals, career, status, reputation, fame, ambitions, achievements, or dealings with authority figures like your boss, parent, judge, or mentor. You are heading back into tests in these areas over the years ahead, until 2017 with the exception of June-Sept next summer. You will want to get real about endings, limits, commitments, responsibilities, and leadership abilities now when it comes to the goals you have set for your life and your career, authority figures and reputation. It's time to structure things and work hard and make the effort so decide what you want to make a plan. Saturn will help you achieve it if you come to the table with a will to do what it takes and to make a disciplined effort.
Mercury is going to activate the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24-25th so the holidays are going to have amped up news, talks, meetings, short trips, sibling or neighbor involvement, local activities, offers, sales, agreements, writing, or decisions. Again this may focus on value, income, possessions/gifts, purchases, and your aspirations, friends, groups, internet interests, charities, astrology, or gatherings. It's heightened and awakening and possibly about these changes you are going through. For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
The last month of the year is not going to disappoint, it is brimming with energy shifts and turns. We enter the month with momentum from the end of November and it's New Moon in Sagittarius still propelling us forward. That means we should pay attention to any last push we need to give to our travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political needs. We have the first 6 days to tackle these themes and it's important because of what is coming at month's end, more on that in a moment.
Mars is the first energy to change signs this month, moving into Aquarius on the 4th. This is the first time in 2 years you've had this kind of fired up passion and motivation around your social agenda and aspirations. This is going to amp things up with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your original ideas, freedom, and aspirations. Mars will help you fight for what you want as well but do watch for outbursts if you want to exit this transit with your pals intact.
The FULL MOON in Gemini arrives on the 6th, effectively wrapping up any of that New Moon momentum and bringing a peak or climax around your ideas, offers, agreements, meetings, talks, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, short trips, or something involving a sibling, neighbor, vehicle, or electronic matter. Full Moon's bring things to a head so this could be about achievements and celebrations or about endings.
Jupiter Retrogrades on the 8th taking you back over past opportunities for growth, happiness and prosperity the rest of this month and into next year. Jupiter is traveling in Leo for the first time in 12 years so this backtracking period is giving you the chance to review any love interests, children's themes, creative projects, or recreational pursuits, and tweak them in ways over these months ahead so that they can blossom into the best possible situation for you. Pay attention to anything in the air around this date for clues as to what you should address.
Venus moves into serious Capricorn on the 10th opening up several weeks of love, income and focus on women playing out through this more ambitious and serious energy field. You may set goals now, look at commitments or limits, set up structures, or find you have some interest in an older, more established route.
The world has been moving through the tests and changes of the Uranus/Pluto square that began in 2012 and ends in March 2015. The last time we had anything close to it was in the 1960's with similar revolutionary shifts of consciousness and our reality. On the 15th we experience the 6th of 7 exact squares between these planets during this period, marking the next to the last turning point in our personal and world-wide evolution. This energy can bring sudden shake-ups and shocks, excitement and surprise, deep and powerful gear-shifts, and is meant in the end to bring an awakening. Look to your personal and physical needs, identity, image, body, and brand, as well as to the powers that be, your goal and career or direction in life for the setting.
Soon after this square, Uranus goes Direct in motion after many months in Retrograde. This occurs on the 21st and from now forward you will be moving into new personal and physical changes. Look closely at the aspirations that seem most important to you around this day since it will be calling you forward into new territory.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, day that the Sun moves into Capricorn and the NEW MOON in Capricorn! The Sun here begins a 30 day cycle meant to cast you in the lead when it comes to goals, career, leadership, authority figures like your parent, boss or a judge, your reputation, fame, and ambitions. You should show up and shine your light. The New Moon is your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new territory here or to take things to the next level. Be proactive.
And now the big news...every 29 years Saturn shows up in Sagittarius to take a 3 year tour meant to test us and push us to master something new when it comes to travel, foreign interests/people, import/export, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, education, legal matters, weddings, religion, and politics. On the 23rd, Saturn enters Sagittarius. The last tour through Sagittarius began in November 1985 and ended in November 1988. If you were around during that period you can think back to what you were learning and how you dealt with limits, loss, ambition, leadership, goals, and those authority types in the mix. This cycle begins now, however Saturn will dip back into Scorpio next year in the summer, from June - September for any last needs in the realm of sex, divorce, death, birth, or finances. Then as Saturn reappears in Sagittarius in September, he will remain for the rest of his journey this time until December 2017. Remember you cannot skirt Saturn transits, if you think there is something you need to attend to in the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, wedding, religious, or political arena, start tackling it from the beginning.
The 24th-25th are bound to be heightened when it comes to news, offers, agreements, meetings, talks, ideas, agreements, sales, and decisions. That is because Mercury is going to engage that Uranus/Pluto square. Expect it to be high-energy and all about you, your needs, name, body, image, brand, or identity, and the goal, career, parent, boss, mentor, judge, or other authority figure.
Keep the interests going with your travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, or political needs in the first 6 days of the month, you still have last month's New Moon helping you move ahead here if you partner with the energy.
Your ruler, Mars, is going to move into new territory on the 4th, starting his journey through your social interests and aspirations for the first time in 2 years. This means you will see a whole lot more activity with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, parties, gatherings, social networking, or your aspirations now. Mars gives you that added spark and others will notice. It may bring your passions to the surface at one of these gatherings or help you deal with any anger here, but it will motivate and keep you busy so enjoy.
If you've been waiting on a decision or offer, pushing for a talk, meeting, an agreement, sale, your writing, a short trip, or something with a sibling, neighbor, move, vehicle, electronic, or idea, the FULL MOON on the 6th is set to bring it to a close or high-point worthy of celebration. To that end you may wish to put energy into this in the days building up to it so you can make the most of this peak.
Jupiter Retrogrades on the 8th. He has been in Direct motion since early March and in his current sign, Leo, since late July. Now he is going to slow down and retrace any steps in the expansion you've been working on in areas of love, creative projects, children, or recreation. You may need to reconnect with someone or go back over an opportunity or issue so that you are ready for the next round of growth up ahead. Look at those Jupiter themes again; travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political needs in the mix. What can you review?
Venus is moving into Capricorn on the 10th. This marks the time when love, women and income needs become more serious. You will look at any limits and assess them, set up structures, focus your ambitions and goals, and possibly invest some time in career or with authority types like a boss, parent or judge, as you see what it is you need when it comes to a lover or love in general, your income or a woman in your life. This trend will help you smooth out issues and attract what you want a bit more easily through these matters, it should also bring a bit more enjoyment around those goals, career and authority figures.
You, like everyone else, have been going through some of your life's biggest changes since the Uranus/Pluto square began in 2012. You are very close to saying good-bye to this intense change agent in March 2015. It's the first time we've all been through this kind of upheaval and awakening since the late 1960's. During this current period, there are 7 exact squares between Uranus/Pluto. You are now at the 6th out of 7 of these squares on the 15th. If you need to turn another corner when it comes to changes on a personal or physical level, with your name, title, brand, image, goals, career, reputation, status, or dealings with authority figures like a boss, parent or judge, this is the time to see the marker.
Shortly after this, on the 21st, Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct. This means you are now ready to enter into new territory over the months ahead as you reinvent yourself or redefine parts of who you are becoming. Note any surprise that come into view now as they may hold clues to direction.
The Winter Solstice and NEW MOON in Capricorn also arrive on the 21st, as does the Sun's entry into Capricorn. This means you are getting a major boost from the cosmos forward into the next level with career, goals, the boss, parent, judge, reputation, fame, and ambitions. You have 2 weeks from today to make the most of it, step up and show up, it's your time.
The really big news this month is the arrival of Saturn in Sagittarius for the first time since 1985. This means the tests over finances, sex, divorce, death, birth, and third party situations wraps up until next June and you enter into a 3 year period where Saturn is going to test you and urge you to master the next level of responsibility and ambition when it comes to travel, foreign interests, import/export, legalities, higher education, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, weddings, religion, or politics. Note what is coming up for you as this energy kicks in since you will likely be dealing with it over these years ahead.
The 24-25th are going to be high energy days when it comes to talks, meetings, short trips, writing, offers, agreements, sales, news, or decisions focused on you and that boss, parent, judge, career matter, goal, or other authority figure in the mix. That is because Mercury is activating the Uranus/Pluto square on these days, expect lots of communications and transportation matters over these themes. Happy Holidays! For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
Last month's New Moon still has motion for you as you enter December so concentrate any last efforts in the first 6 days on financial, sexual, divorce, or third party interests while you have cosmic support to seed or further interests here. If you need to deal with any legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding themes in the mix here, so much the better.
Mars is moving into Aquarius for the first time in 2 years on the 4th. Mars is all about bringing more action to the matter at hand and for you this is going to amp things up on the career front, with personal goals, dealings with authority types like the boss, parents, or judge, and your leadership abilities. You may feel way more passionate about what you are doing and you may also have some anger or fighting spirit to address but overall this is about gearing you up to make things happen in the weeks ahead. You may find that social networking, friends, the internet, or groups can help.
The FULL MOON on the 6th is bringing a peak for you with your income, possessions or a purchase. This is going to bring news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, talks, and decisions that can mark endings here or help you achieve goals and celebrate what is climaxing for you. Since you know you get this highpoint, do what you can to build towards your aims in the days leading up to this moment.
Jupiter has been in Direct motion for months, now on the 8th Jupiter Retrogrades. This means the growth is going to slow down and you are going to get an opportunity to go back over things in the home, with real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, roommates, or security needs. Is there anything legal or educational you want to do about things that you left undone or is there a trip, wedding or marketing matter that could help you in growth here? Look back at anything you skimmed over and tackle it over these next month's so you are ready for the next round of growth.
Your ruler, Venus, is changing signs on the 10th. She is moving into the serious sign of Capricorn which may make you all that much more serious and ambitious. The focus, again, is going to be on goals, direction and authorities that involve legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political needs. Venus is going to help smooth some things out here and bring a woman into focus or help you express love or earn money during this transit in these matters.
You've been through 5 of the 7 squares between Uranus and Pluto that are forming from 2012 until March 2015. This month brings the 6th square on the 15th. These are about intense change and awakening of spirit, you have not had anything remotely like it since the late 1960's. So this 6th square is the next marker in the personal transformation that you've been going through around your own needs and identity and your goals, what's been transpiring in efforts behind the scenes, with healing, hospitals, addictions, research, rest, retreat, romance, spirituality, or artistic projects, and those legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, and political themes. If you still need more to evolve, expect it around this date.
Soon after this, Uranus goes Direct after months in Retrograde. So from this date forward you can expect to move into new personal or physical directions that are part of this awakening and again that it will play out around research, retreat, romance, spirituality, healing, hospitals, artistry, or development.
The 21st is also the day that the Sun moves into Capricorn, we mark the Winter Solstice and the NEW MOON arrives. This launches you into the next chapter when it comes to your legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, wedding, religious, and political interests. You have 2 strong weeks to make your move, partner with the cosmos and go for it.
The big news this month is that Saturn is exiting your relationship zone where it has been testing you greatly since 2012 with your partners, reps, clients, specialists, opponents, and other key relationships over sex, reproduction, divorce, death, birth, the third party situations you've found yourself juggling, and all financial matters. Now Saturn moves into Sagittarius on the 23rd where you begin a new series of tests and self-mastery. You haven't hosted this energy here since 1985-1988. now it is about your finances, sex life, divorce, mortality issues, birth, reproductive matters, and third party situations and how your legal situation stands, how any travel or people at a distance are involved, if you need to be educated or teach something here, if there is anything to market or further in media, how weddings, religion or politics is playing a part, and how any major growth spurt needs addressing. Start now, pay attention to what comes up for you since it will be on your plate mostly from now through 2017.
The 24-25th will be high energy when it comes to news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, talks, short trips, and decisions involving these legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes and what is going on behind the scenes, in healing, hospitals, research, romance, artistry, or spiritual pursuits. This is thanks to Mercury activating the Uranus/Pluto square. So keep communications open. Happy Holidays! For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
The end of November gave you a New Moon in your relationship zone that is still working for you as you enter December. To that end you should be proactive in seeking out and furthering any goals you have with partners, representatives, specialists, clients, competitors, or other key players. You have until the 6th to make it count.
The first shift of energy this month arrives on the 4th as Mars moves into Aquarius. Over the weeks ahead this is going to give you lots of activities, motivation, passion, and fighting spirit when it comes to your aspirations and social connections. For you this will focus in on travel or people at a distance, media, marketing, publishing, educational pursuits, legal matters, weddings, religion, or politics. You haven't had this kind of fired up spirit here in 2 years so get ready to be busy.
The FULL MOON on the 6th is in your sign. So something about you or for you is reaching a peak now. This may be about wrapping things up and marking endings or about achievements and celebrations. You are definitely in the spotlight so put your image, brand, name, title, personal needs, physical body, and identity out there, go for what you want to see climax now.
Jupiter entered Leo this last July and has been pushing you in creative and love ideas, your writing, agreements, sales, interviews, auditions, speaking roles, meetings, talks, offers, short trips, and with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. Now on the 8th Jupiter begins his Retrograde. This slows down the growth spurt here and asks that you go back over any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix so that you are ready to really take this where it's meant to go. So look for what is coming up for you now and dive in.
Venus is moving into Capricorn on the 10th and love, women and income needs are about to get more serious. The weeks ahead will help you to look at limits, endings, commitments, responsibilities, and ambitions here. For you this will play out over sexual interactions or needs, reproductive matters, a divorce, mortality issues, birth, or financial matters. Venus should help you to smooth things out and attract what you need a bit more easily as well as help you enjoy the process more.
Everyone has been going through the major life changes brought on by the 7 Uranus/Pluto squares active between 2012 and March 2015. We have not seen anything remotely like it since the late 1960's for revolutionary re-birthing. This month we are at #6 of the 7 squares and it arrives on the 15th. This means that you are evolving in some powerful and deep way tied to sex, divorce, death, birth, or financial goals and your own changing aspirations and social agenda. Expect to see some new corner turned around this period. The last square arrives next March.
Shortly after the square is activated, Uranus goes Direct on the 21st. So now you are ready to make that turnaround, to shake things up or find out something surprising, to make changes or approach things differently again. This is focused on you and your needs as they relate to aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your freedom, inventions, or causes.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the day the Sun moves into Capricorn and the NEW MOON in Capricorn. This means you are at the threshold of new potential when it comes to your goals and the authority figures in your life like the boss, parent or judge, and with your own responsibilities and leadership. Again it will play out with new chapters involving sex, reproduction, mortality, divorce, birth, third parties, or financial matters. You have the best 2 week window of the year to move on it.
The really big news this month is Saturn exiting Scorpio and moving into Sagittarius for the first time since 1985-1988. Saturn has been testing you over your health, job, paperwork, people you hire, co-workers, and pets since he entered Scorpio back in 2012. Now as he exits this territory he takes his tests and his push for some new level of self-mastery from you into your key relationships. This means you need to start to get serious about romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or other key players and focus that on the Sagittarius themes: legal, travel, educational, wedding, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, religious, or political interests. Saturn will ask that you step up, take on more, face any limits, structure things in a way that can be supportive, deal with any losses, and put your ambitions and leadership forward over these matters.
The 24-25th will be amped up when it comes to talks, news, offers, agreements, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, or decisions involving that sexual, financial, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party matter. That is because Mercury is going to activate your Uranus/Pluto square so it's about communicating about or for these changes and new approaches. Expect to be busy. Happy Holidays! For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
You head into December with last month's New Moon energy still pushing you towards your next chapter with health matters, your job or work situation, any paperwork you need to move on, the animals, your co-workers, and people you hire to help, so make the most of these last few days of cosmic boost here.
On the 4th Mars will move into Aquarius and for the first time in 2 years you will have real action again involving loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, bankruptcy, insurance, investments, settlements, commissions, alimony, child support, a partner's money, or other outside resources. This area is also about your sex life, divorce, mortality issues, or reproductive matters, so again Mars is bringing action here again as well. Mars is the activator, spurring you into action or bringing the action to you, it stirs passions and anger and brings on a fighting spirit and will motivate you to do something about things that need attention in these areas over these next weeks.
The FULL MOON on the 6th brings a climax for you with something involving art film, music, spiritual pursuits, healing, hospitals, addictions, clandestine romance, romantic getaways, research, investigations, or development. You may have been working to bring a close to one of these matters or towards an achievement, either way it is likely to peak around this time for you as things come through or wrap up.
You began feeling the blessings or expanse of Jupiter in Leo back in July when he showed up here for the first time in 12 years. For your sign it has been about growth opportunities around income, purchases or possessions. Now on the 8th Jupiter Retrogrades and over the next months this slows down or you really focus in on what has already occurred and hone it in some way. You may go back to a past opportunity to revise it now as well. Don't see the slow down as a bad thing, you need the time to get something right, most likely having to do with the creative side of things and any media, travel, foreign, educational, marketing, legal, or publishing needs in the mix.
Venus is going to arrive in your relationship zone on the 10th and really bring some lovely experiences for you via romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or other key relationships. Venus here may be a woman who becomes key for you over the weeks ahead or it may mean that love or income is the focus with these people and things are starting to smooth out or you find you can attract what you desire more easily. It's a time to enjoy with whomever it is you connect with so enjoy!
Every sign has been going through their own turmoil and deep changes since the Uranus/Pluto square began in 2012. This square has 7 exact points during its completion from 2012-March 2015. On the 15th we experience square #6 of those 7 and find ourselves at the next turning point with our evolution. Remember this configuration hasn't been experienced in any form like it since the late 1960's and before that the early 1930's. So your life is meant for an overhaul between these years and whatever is coming up for you now is part of that process. Some of you may have already gone through all you needed to, some still have some changes to embark upon. Your sign is moving through this with an awakened sense of identity based on what is changing around your goals, career, status, bosses, parents, leadership abilities, dealings with other authorities, and reputation. Stop and think about that for a minute. How has your perception of yourself and what is expected of you changed via these themes since 2012? You are working through this via powerful and deep changes involving partners, representatives, clients, specialists, opponents, competitors, and advocates. So note what is occurring in your world now, you have one last hurrah in March and then your world will begin to settle into a new pattern created by all of this change.
Soon after the square occurs, Uranus goes Direct on the 21st. This means another twist in the story around that goal, career matter, reputation, boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure, as you are now ready to move into the next surprise or change. You can turn attention away from past matters and focus on future needs.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the day the Sun moves into Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn! This marks your opening of a 2 week window meant to help you move out there into the next chapter with romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, opponents, clients, or advocates. Look at your real goals and take steps now to connect with the right people, perhaps some new people or the next level with current peeps, it's time!
The really big news for everyone this month is Saturn. Saturn shows up in a sign and stays for around 3 years, taking 29 years to get back to the sign once it leaves. Saturn tests us wherever he lands, asking that we grow up, take on more responsibility, deal with any limiting behaviors, endings, commitments, and ambitions. He helps us master something new through hard work and diligence. He has been touring Scorpio since 2012, aiming all of this at finances, sex, divorce, death, birth, and triangles. Now on the 23rd he exits this territory and moves into Sagittarius for the first time in 29 years (the last tour in Sagittarius was 1985-1988). So, you are now going to be asked to step up and take on more when it comes to work, health, paperwork, people you hire, co-workers, organization, details, and being of service. Sagittarius will aim this through legal, educational, media, marketing, travel, foreign, publishing, wedding, religious, or political arenas. So if for example you know you need to deal with the legalities of paperwork before you then this is it, you need to get real about it now. Or for example you need to relocate for work overseas, learn about new health procedures, hire someone to do marketing for you, hire someone to help you set up a way to teach what you know online or to get you up to speed so you can pass the tests to get back into school, or it's time to book tickets to Paris to get married, then again, this is it, it's time to put in effort here. Saturn is serious energy and will focus you where you need to be, you can look back to the last transit here for clues if you were around then. Note that Saturn will dip back into Scorpio next summer between June-Sept for the last Retrograde and Direct motion at the end of that sign and then come back into Sagittarius. This means if you still haven't handled all the serious stuff in the Scorpio field you will get one last boost then.
Mercury will activate the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24th-25th so these days will amp up with news, offers, agreements, sales, meetings, writing, talks, and decisions focused on a partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, or opponent. Again those goals, your career, status, reputation, or dealings with authority types like a boss, parent or judge, will play into it. It's a dynamic couple days so expect to hear or say it now. Happy Holidays! For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
Your first week of December should still be motivating you on creative fronts, with or for children, your love life, or just having fun. That is thanks to last month's New Moon that is still active through the 6th. Make certain if you are trying to plant seeds or further efforts here that you take advantage of the cosmic steam behind you now.
Mars is going to move into Aquarius for the first time in 2 years on the 4th. This is all kinds of active for you when it comes to partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, and other key relationships. Mars has not given you this kind of passion, motivation and fighting spirit here since 2012 so know that over these weeks ahead you will see much more happening. It may be you initiating it or they may, you may have new people showing up or finally seeing action from current players, it's go time!
There's a FULL MOON on the 6th that looks quite social for you Leo. You may be throwing or attending a party, involved in some big group activity or cause, doing your thing for a charity, seeing an online matter reach completion or hit its goal, peaking with an astrology matter, having a celebration or ending with a friend, or it may be about an epic peak with a personal aspiration or your freedom. Expect the news, meetings, offers, agreements, writing, talks, and decisions to reflect this climax.
You are the sign that received the lucky energy of Jupiter in July. This was the first time in 12 years that you got to host Jupiter in Leo for a 13 month cycle of growth. It has been moving forward through topics related to your body, image, identity, name, title, brand, and personal needs since then, helping open things up to a bigger playing field so you can find the happiness or prosperity you need for this next 12 year cycle. Now, on the 8th Jupiter is going to Retrograde. He will remain in your sign but be moving in a backwards motion over the months ahead. This means you can now slow down a bit and really hone in on anything that is already in motion for you or even go back to any past opportunities or issues and get them fine tuned so you are ready for the next bout of growth that will come once Jupiter begins Direct motion again in Leo.
On the 10th Venus will arrive in your work, health, paperwork, co-worker, hired help, and animal part of your chart. This may mean a woman is about to appear in relation to one or more of these themes to help you. It may mean that you are about to see things smooth out around income needs or love in these areas of life. Venus here will help you attract more easily so if you need to find work or heal yourself or do for animals or get that paperwork signed or introduce new ideas on the job or kick start the money or love needs in these matters, this is it. It should certainly be a bit more enjoyable in these matters than it has been for a while.
You, like all signs, have been going through the massive life changes brought about via the Uranus/Pluto square that began in 2012 and ends March, 2015. The last bout of these kind of changes and awakening occurred back in the late 1960's and before that in the early 1930's. So life is meant to overhaul and evolve now. Uranus and Pluto form 7 exact squares during this period between 2012-2015 and this month we find ourselves at the 6th of those 7 squares. This occurs on the 15th and is about reinventing yourself or awakening your identity through legal, travel, foreign, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, education, weddings, religion, or politics. It is also asking that you go deeper, purge and empower through work, health, animals, paperwork, people you hire, or co-workers as part of the process. So look at goals you have here and note how far you have come since this all began to rock back in 2012. Some of you will have been through all the necessary changes already, some of you still need a few more, so note what is happening and be part of your own evolution.
No sooner do we get this exact square than Uranus changes direction, going Direct on the 21st. This will add a bit more momentum to the changes coming and any personal or physical needs you have in the mix to revolutionize your spirit or direction in the matter.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the day the Sun moves into Capricorn and the NEW MOON in Capricorn. This is your start date of a 2 week period that can help you step up, take charge and move into new territory or take things to the next level when it comes to work, health, pets, paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, organizing, clean-ups, the details, or services offered. Set goals high and go for it.
The big news this month for everyone is that Saturn is finally leaving Scorpio, (although he will return here next summer from June-September for one last tweak). On the 23rd Saturn moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius for the first time since his last visit between 1985-1988. Where Saturn goes we grow up, take on more responsibility, deal with limits, losses, endings, commitments, ambitions, and authority. For Leo this means you are now entering a very serious period when you will be asked to take on more and master some new level when it comes to creative projects, children, true love, or recreational interests. So you may get engaged or wed during this period, decide to master some sport, take the helm of a creative effort, become a parent or start showing up for kids in some more grown-up way, or in any other way test yourself to take things seriously here and get real about what needs to be done. In Sagittarius it may mean going down legal channels, travel, education, media, marketing, publishing, weddings, religious interests, or politics that show you the way. Note what is calling you in these matters now, no it is not going to go away, it is important and serious and so should you be, time to commit, sever ties or step up and be responsible.
Mercury will activate the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24-25th so news you hear or talks, meetings, agreements, sales, short trips, writing, local activities, involvement with siblings or neighbors, or the transportation meets up with the change energy of Uranus/Pluto. It may bring a surprise or two your way so be adaptable. It plays out around work, health, pets, co-workers, people you hire, or paperwork, and will activate that travel plan, legal matter, educational pursuit, media matter, wedding, religious, or political theme. Happy Holidays! For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
You still have momentum behind anything you are moving forwards with on the home front, with family, a parent, roommate, real estate deal, move, or renovation as December begins, thanks in most part to New Moon energy from last months still working for you. So use the first 6 days to further your aims in these matters while you have cosmic backing.
You are about to get much, much busier at work or in pursuit of work, with co-workers or people you hire, with the paperwork and details, with your health interests and concerns, and with anything involving animals or environment. This begins on the 4th and is thanks to Mars arriving in these areas for the first time in 2 years. Mars will bring more action and also stir your passions and help you find your fighting spirit again over these matters (if you need it), so get ready to make things happen! If you can involve friends, groups, the internet, charities, your inventions/originality, or causes, so much the better.
The FULL MOON on the 6th will bring a climax around goals you've been working on as you see them conclude or come through, your career as it reaches new heights and brings about some recognition or you are marking an ending, your situations involving authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, mentor, or other higher-up, as you reach high-points with them and things wrap up or are celebrated, and with your reputation or fame is it hits some culmination or climax. Emotions build with this wave that peaks now.
Jupiter has been taking you out into wider territory since late July when it comes to the creative, kids or love developments behind the scenes, around healing or hospitals, research, artistic projects or interests, spiritual practices, or romantic interludes and getaways. You haven't had this kind of boost in 12 years and it's about growth for you so it's trying to push things further. Now on the 8th Jupiter Retrogrades so things will slow down over the months ahead as you get a chance to catch up to where you find yourself or you go back and reconnect with past potential here. It's a good time to fine-tune anything in these areas so you are ready for the next leap coming in the spring.
Venus enters fellow earth sign, Capricorn, on the 10th where she is going to bring the joy into your love life, creative projects, children's interests, or recreational pursuits over the weeks ahead. This may bring a woman around who can help or it may just amp up the love or earning potential tied to these themes. You should see this help smooth out any rough patches, attract what you want a bit more easily or just bring that joy back around.
Everyone has been working through the massive changes and awakenings brought about by the Uranus/Pluto squares of 2012-2015. We are in the midst of this upheaval and rebirthing energy that harkens back to the late 1960's and before that to the 1930's so we know our lives are being reinvented on some level and that it is important to go with the deeper feelings and changes occurring since they are somewhat written into our time. These 2 planets make 7 exact squares during this period and this month we reach #6 of these 7 on the 15th. So you are at another turning point, perhaps you have been through all the changes necessary and will breeze through this or perhaps you still have a couple more important shifts to experience in which case this is one of those times. It is about reinventing yourself or awakening on a personal level through sex, divorce, mortality issues, reproductive needs, a birth, third party situations, or any major financial matter for your sign. It is also about going deeper and evolving where goals involve true love, children, creative projects, or fun for you. So note what comes up and be willing to move through this next marker, the last one arrives in March 2015.
Soon after this square Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct on the 21st so this day may also bring some next turns and twists in the story for you as you are now ready to move ahead into the future and any new changes.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the Sun's move into Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn. That means today opens up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new territory or take things to the next level when it comes to love, kids, creative projects, and fun. You should think about what goals you have here and then be proactive in pursuing them so you can ride this momentum further than at others times of the year. The Sun's position here speaks of you taking the lead in matters and if you need to tie in your name, brand or just show up, do so.
The really big news for everyone this month is Saturn exiting Scorpio and moving into Sagittarius on the 23rd. Now, Saturn started his tour of Scorpio back in 2012 and has brought major tests for you in financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, birth, or third party matters involving your agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, transportation, electronic, writing, offers, meetings, talks, moves, and decisions since then. It wanted you to grow up, master something new, deal with endings and make commitments there. Saturn will return to that area next summer between June-Sept but then return to Sagittarius to stay through 2017. Saturn is only in a sign once every 29 years so it's a big deal as far as your responsibilities and ambitions are concerned. So now in Sagittarius you will be tested and asked to take on more and get serious about what you can commit to when it comes to home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, and your security needs. This is the foundation of your chart and you want to build it on solid ground so get real about what you need to do. Remember Sagittarius says you can go down legal avenues, look into marketing or media, teach or get educated, travel or involve foreign interests, wed, or focus on religious or political themes here. Whatever is on your plate as this trend begins will likely be important during the transit so again, bring out your serious side and begin.
Mercury will activate the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24-25th so expect amped up talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, sibling or neighbor interactions, transportation or electronic matters, news and decisions, focused on the kids, lover, creative needs, or fun. It will amplify any of those surprises coming through sex, reproduction, mortality issues, divorce, finances, or third party matters. Keep communications open, it's going to be energizing! Happy Holidays. For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
If you still need to move something ahead with a sibling, neighbor, agreement, sale, your writing, interviews, auditions, a move, short trip, your vehicles, electronics, offers, a talk, meeting, or decisions, jump in from day one in December, the first 6 days hold the most promise.
You are about to feel the fire heating things up with friends, associates, groups, the internet, and your aspirations regarding any creative projects, love, kids, or fun you are after. This begins on the 4th and is thanks to Mars showing up in Aquarius for the first time in 2 years. This gives you the drive and motivation to do things now and may stir passions or anger as well. So say yes to attending gatherings and spending time with friends, since you can see it will motivate action around creative interests, fun, true love, and kids for you. Do be willing to fight for what you feel is right and motivate on your interests here.
If you've been working on agreements, writing, sales, or decisions involving a trip, any legal matters, the media, marketing, publishing, or broadcasting arenas, a wedding, an educational pursuit, religion, or politics, note that you will see this climax with some kind of breakthrough, ending, achievement, or celebration by the FULL MOON on the 6th. To that end you may wish to push on these matters a bit in the first week building up to this so you play a part in the results you are after.
Jupiter has been touring Leo since later July, showing you the opening up of territory so you can have real growth in your life when it comes to friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, inventions, original ideas, causes, and your aspirations. This energy shows up here once every 12 years and is trying to broaden your life for more happiness or prosperity up ahead, as well as show you what you need to know about your faith. You may have had chance to focus in on some Jupiter in Leo themes with these matters; the love, fun or creativity and what is happening with travel, religion, faith, politics, media, marketing, weddings, education, or legalities in the matter. Now on the 8th Jupiter Retrogrades and begins to slow down all this push you've experienced so you can catch up to where you find yourself and to go back over anything that needs some honing or find-tuning. This is to prepare you for the next round coming next spring.
Venus moves into your home base on the 10th which is a very lovely energy to host here. This may bring a woman to your home or to help with home matters, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates, or it may show up as love or income potential now available in the home or through these other areas listed. The weeks ahead will help you smooth things out here and attract what you desire more easily. It's a great time to beautify your surroundings, earn from home, express your love of family, and enjoy where you are in life at present.
Everyone has been moving through the revolutionary change combination of Uranus/Pluto in square since 2012, a configuration that won't be complete until March 2015. We've all been asked to reinvent ourselves or awaken to some new version of life through changes that have been ongoing. The last time these planets interacted was the late 1960's, before that the 1930's. So it's a big deal what is happening. Ask anyone you know if there life is the same as it was before 2012. Uranus/Pluto make 7 exact squares during this period and this month we come to #6 of those 7 on the 15th. So you will be marking this turning point, if you have already gone through the changes you may breeze through this one, if you still have more changes to come then this is the period you will see more evolving. Your sign has been going through this with a focus on reinventing yourself and awakening on some personal level via the changes around partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, opponents, competitors, and advocates. You have also been going deeper and responding to powerful changes tied to home, real estate deal, property management, moves, renovations, family, early childhood issues, security needs, parents, or roommates. So at this sixth square look at how far you've come and what still needs to evolve and be courageous, you're almost done.
Soon after the square completes, Uranus goes Direct on the 21st. This will add momentum to any changes, excitement, surprises, or shake-ups involving the partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, opponent, or advocate. Onward you go!
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the Sun's move into Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn. This opens up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new territory or take things to the next level at home, with a move, a renovation, the real estate deal or property matter, the family, a parent, your roommates, or your security needs. Be proactive.
The big news this month for everyone is Saturn. He has been in Scorpio since 2012 and now on the 23rd he exits Scorpio and moves into Sagittarius. Where Saturn goes, so go the tests, limits, losses, responsibilities, endings, commitments, authority, leadership, and ambitions. Saturn only shows up once every 29 years in a sign and then stays close to 3 years. He exits Scorpio for Sagittarius but will return in Retrograde to Scorpio next summer between June-September for any last needs here. So let's look at these new tests and the pull for a new level of self-mastery (read that as the next level of growing up and getting real) about your third house where he will now reside. This is going to be a period dedicated to serious focus on talks, meetings, offers, agreements, news, writing, interviews, auditions, short trips, community or neighborhood activity, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, ideas, speaking roles, and decisions. Where Saturn in Scorpio tested you around income, possessions and purchases, you now get to move into these communications and local arenas and master something here. Do take it seriously, you will work harder but the harder you work on these new topics, the better the reward at the end of the transit. Note what comes up for you now for clues or look back to the last time Saturn traversed these chimes back between 1985-1988.
Mercury will activate the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24th-25th. These days will represent amped up talks, meetings, short trips, local activity, siblings, neighbors, offers, and decisions involving the home, family, move, renovation, real estate, parent, roommate, or childhood issues, and any key relationships like the partner, rep, client, specialist, opponent, or advocate. You'll be busy with information and what's going on right around you, for sure! Happy Holidays! For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
New Moon energy from late November is still pushing you forward as December gets underway so use this first week to complete your moves towards furthering your income, purchases or possessions in some way. Seeds you plant now have more potential for landing in fertile ground.
Your co-ruler, Mars, is moving into Aquarius for the first time in 2 years! This is great for amping up the energy and action with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, and your aspirations. For your sign it will play out in or about the home, any moves or renovations, real estate deals or family matters, parents or roommates, and security needs. Mars will motivate you when it comes to tying these matters together and making things happen. You may experience a younger male showing up to push this ahead or it may bring passion or anger into what is transpiring here. It's time to do what needs doing!
You've been building to some kind of climax in a sexual, divorce, financial, or third party situation this month and now on the FULL MOON of the 6th you should see a major ending or completion, celebration or achievement here. So look at those loans, the debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, settlement, investments, commissions, alimony, child support, divorce, sexual interest, reproductive need, birth, mortality issue, or third party and what you can work towards to see things come through or wrap up now.
Jupiter moved into Leo back in July and you began to feel the potential growth in the creative, kids or love goals you have for your life. You are in new territory, the first time you've hosted Jupiter here in 12 years, and there is a lot of promise to what can unfold with your personal goals, your career, reputation, fame, and dealings with higher-ups thanks to this energy. So look at what has transpired since July. Granted, you are still hosting Saturn so it may be that next year brings the biggest opportunities, but still, you must have noticed how things are starting to shift. On the 8th, Jupiter is going to Retrograde. This will slow things down enough that you can catch up with any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix and fine tune them over these months ahead. Do this so you are ready for what is going to open up once this energy moves again in the Spring. This period may also give you a do-over with someone or something here, if so, take it.
Venus moves into Capricorn on the 10th which is about bringing the love, women or income to your agreements, sales, writing, offers, interviews, auditions, short trips, talks, meetings, and anything involving electronics, vehicles, siblings, or neighbors. This is a charming and attracting energy that will help you smooth things out or bring what you need so enjoy.
Everyone has been going through the Uranus/Pluto square that began in 2012 and ends in March 2015. This is a revolutionary configuration meant to upturn our lives and help us reinvent, make changes and awaken by the time it's through. The last combo connected to this occurred in the late 1960's, before that in the 1930's. So you are not alone in going through life changes, ask anyone. During this transit Uranus and Pluto will form exact squares 7 times so these mark turning points. Look back to how your life was before 2012 and how far you've come since then. This month we reach #6 of the 7 squares on the 15th. If you still need more changes to get you where you're meant to be they will be noticeable now, if you've made all the major ones then you may move through this with more ease. Your sign is about personal changes, reinventing yourself and awakening/freeing through work, paperwork, health, pets, co-workers, and people you hire. You are about deep purging and transformational changes through talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, offers, ideas, interviews, auditions, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, and decisions. This all comes together in some personal way for you now, as you move past this 6th marker.
Shortly after this, on the 21st, Uranus changes motion, going Direct. This will add to the story, pushing for forward shifts, new territory, again out into awakening through paperwork, the job, health, pets, co-workers, or people you hire. Be in the moment.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the Sun's move into Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn! This opens up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new territory or take things to the next level when it comes to talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, offers, interviews, auditions, short trips, local/community activities, siblings, neighbors, electronics, vehicles, and decisions. Make it count.
The big news this month for everyone, but especially FOR YOU, is Saturn leaving Scorpio and moving into Sagittarius. You've hosted Saturn in your sign since 2012, arguably the most testing few years of a person's life, thank goodness it only comes around once every 29 years! Saturn will dip back into your sign next summer between June-Sept thanks to the Retrograde so you will have one last hurrah with any last details you need to tend to on a personal or physical level. However, Saturn, as of the 23rd, is now going to show up with tests and the next level of self-mastery in your house of earned income, possessions and purchases. This period will last until 2017 (except for that summer period next year). So you need to know that A) things in the rest of your life are about to ease up a great deal and B) you will now be asked to get real about earning money, dealing with any limits, losses, endings, commitments, leadership, and ambition around income, purchases and possessions, and to grow up here and be the responsible party. It is a cycle that repays hard work and dedication so aim ambition here. It will however test you greatly if you play around in these areas so that you learn Saturn's lessons. So if you are offered a job that fills your need to pay bills but is harder or not as glamorous, you may need to take it for now and learn something important in the process. You may be asked to take on someone else's job responsibilities on the job but still be paid the same or just a little more, not what you believe you are worth, but again there is something to the process. It may be about starting a business and just working extreme hours for the same pay since you really want it to succeed. It could also be that this period coincides with a time when you need to watch what you spend or spend only on items that further your goals, etc. On the positive side, Saturn is the natural ruler of your ideas, writing, agreements, sales, interviews, auditions, offers, meetings, talks, and decisions, so having it in your income and purchases zone is great for bringing these two areas together and may bring you a more responsible role here as you dive into any serious ambitions you have here. Decide what you need, get real about it and don't hold off on putting things in motion.
Mercury will trigger the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24-25th so expect amped up energy around talks, meetings, short trips, siblings, neighbors, agreements, sales, writing, offers, news, and decisions on these days. It ties into any health, work, paperwork, hire help, co-workers, or animal topics in the mix and all that excitement, change and awakening going on in your world. Happy Holidays! For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
You may enter December still feeling like you are on a high and that's a good thing Sage, it means that last month's New Moon is still giving you the boost it is meant to and that you can still take advantage of this momentum in the first 6 days of the month to further your personal needs, goals with your body, image, brand, name, title, or identity. Be proactive.
Mars is going to arrive in Aquarius on the 4th for the first time in 2 years and light up your words, ideas, thoughts, and decisions over the weeks ahead. Mars brings the passion, anger and motivation so expect to say it or hear it now. This territory holds sway over your writing, agreements, sales, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, interviews, auditions, offers, and meetings as well, so get ready to take action and go for it.
Weather you are building to something with a partner, representative, client/the clients, specialists, competitors, or other key players, it will be the FULL MOON on the 6th that marks your achievement, celebration or ending. So work towards wrapping things up with these people or towards that celebration you are yearning for, it's building to climax. And if you've been waiting to hear it from them, expect to know one way or the other where they're at by this point.
Your ruler, Jupiter, has been showing you just what kind of personal growth you were capable of through love, children, creativity, or fun since it entered Leo in July. Your sign has got to experience this through travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political arenas and hopefully you have opened up a few key potentials. Now on the 8th Jupiter Retrogrades and things start to slow down enough that you can catch up to where you find yourself. During the months ahead you can hone in and fine tune anything you've seen grow here as well as go back to any past opportunities to rekindle them.
Venus moves into Capricorn on the 10th where she will now tour over the weeks ahead. This is a great placement for finding more enjoyment when it comes to earning money, making purchases or dealing with your possessions/gifts. Women may benefit you here more now or you may find that you are attracting a bit more easily or smoothing things out and feeling the love here. It's all good, enjoy.
Everyone has been going through the Uranus/Pluto square that began in 2012 and ends in March 2015. This is a revolutionary configuration of change not felt since the late 1960's and before that the 1930's. So you should be seeing your life evolve quite dramatically during this period. These 2 planets make 7 exact squares during the 2012-2015 period and this month, on the 15th, we are at the 6th of these 7. So expect to see a turning point for yourself and any more changes if you still need more to evolve your situation. It is about awakening around children, love, creative projects, and recreational interests and these should have an exciting impact on who you are, your identity in some way. It is also about income, possessions, purchases, or what you value changing/evolving and this should make some profound impact on the way you approach your life up ahead. So note what occurs, you have just one square left next March.
Shortly after this Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct on the 21st so you are going to see another trigger at this point as you are ready to now dive in and move ahead on something in an exciting, unconventional or change oriented way. Again this focuses on the child, lover, creativity, or fun.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the day the Sun moves into Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn. This marks the opening of a 2 week window that can help you launch into new territory or take things to the next level when it comes to your income, possessions, purchases, or values. Be proactive!
The really big news this month is that Saturn is going to move into your sign on the 23rd for the first time in 29 years. You can think back to the last stint he pulled in your sign between 1985-1988 if you were around then and active. So let's break it down. You have been hosting Saturn in Scorpio and your 12th house since 2012. So you have been tested and asked to take on more responsibility, deal with limits or losses, commitments and ambitions, and to master some new level when it comes to retreat, rest, recuperation, healing, hospitals, spiritual practices, art, film, music, painting, poetry, romantic getaways or clandestine romance, research, and any addictions. You are now done with these tests except from next summer between June-September when Saturn will Retrograde back here for one last, brief review of any fine-tuning you need.
Then Saturn will be gone from these themes for another 29 years. So you've graduated from this passage. With Saturn now in your sign and whole new chapter of life is beginning. People redefine themselves during this transit, it is one of the most serious ones of your lifetime and you only get 3 of them if you live to be 90. So it is very important to note that you may and very likely will be asked to take on more during the time Saturn is in Sagittarius, from now through 2017 (with the exception of next summer June-Sept). You have to get real about what you want from yourself. Who do you want to be over the next 29 year chapter? Do you need to reinvent yourself in some manner, face an ending or commitment when it comes to your name, title or identity? Many people will get married or divorced during this cycle or they will decide 'student', 'doctor', 'business owner', etc is a title worth working towards. You will need to take your body seriously, do you need to get fit, hire a trainer, see a doctor, hire a nutritionist, join a gym, start a vegan lifestyle, take yoga, or in any other way tend to your body? Saturn is very good at showing you any issues you may have so that you can get real about dealing with them. Saturn rules the structures in life so in the body it can bring up bone, back, knees, joints, teeth, skin, or other structural parts so pay attention to anything you feel coming up for you here and tackle it straight away. Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs so you may also want to note anything physical here during this transit. Overall, it is a massive growing up period when you will commit to some things that are important to this new version of yourself, end what you have outgrown and take on more personal responsibilities for your life, letting your ambition lead you.
Mercury will activate the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24-25th so the holidays will be amped up with news, talks, meetings, ideas, agreements, short trips, siblings, neighbors, local activity, and decisions that tie into your values, income, possessions/gifts, or purchases. Again triggering anything with the kids, lover, creative interests, or recreation. For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
Take advantage of any research, healing, hospital matters, retreat, artistic development, romantic time, or spiritual period that you have in the first 6 days of December, you still have New Moon momentum behind efforts you make in these departments from last month! It's about partnering with the cosmos to make things happen here, now.
On the 4th, Mars moves into Aquarius for the first time in 2 years. This is going to give you a whole lot more energy, action and passion when it comes to your income needs, possessions or purchases over the weeks ahead. So expect to motivate, to fight for what you need and for others to dive in there with you so you can forward interests here. Your sign more than others can engage friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or original ideas to make this happen.
You will also be building to some culmination on the work front, with a health matter, your paperwork, a co-worker, person you hire, or the pets from the beginning of December and this climaxes by the FULL MOON on the 6th. You can expect to hear your news or offer, have that meeting or talk, make that sale or sign that agreement, or come to your decision about matters in these areas by this date. It will be a celebration and achievement or a wrapping up and ending of matters.
Jupiter has been touring Leo since late July and doing everything he can to help you open up your world when it comes to outside financial resources: loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, commissions, settlements, investments, alimony, child support, a partner's money, or any other financially viable interest. This is a major growth spurt for you, one you haven't seen in 12 years. He is also trying to open up expansion for you in your sex life, divorce, mortality issues, reproductive needs, a birth, or any third party situations before you. So now, on the 8th, Jupiter Retrogrades. This will slow down this outer growth for a few months and allow you to catch up to where you find yourself and fine tune anything that has happened so far so you are ready for the next major round that begins in the spring. To that end if you need to deal with any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political needs over these matters, do so now.
Some really good news is Venus arriving in your sign on the 10th. This is always a welcome energy for any sign as it brings some harmony, helps smooth things out for you personally, makes you more alluring, helps you attract the love or money more easily, and may bring women who can help. The aim is to funnel this through you and make it about you, so be open to expressing that love or beauty, putting yourself out there to earn money or deal with women, but also don't be afraid to spend a bit on yourself, your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs.
Every sign has been going through the upheavals and re-birthing process that began back in 2012 thanks to the Uranus/Pluto squares. These harken back to the late 1960's and before that to the 1930's. In our current incarnation of them we have until March 2015 to go through the freeing, awakening, deep purging, and changes that are meant to shift our life in some profound manner. Uranus/Pluto make 7 exact squares during this period and this month we are at our 6th of those 7. It arrives on the 15th so expect to mark the next turning point in your journey and that it will play out over surprises and excitement tied to your home, real estate, moves, renovations, foundations in life, security needs, nurturing, family, parents, roommates, and your childhood/history. It will also be about you, your personal empowerment and evolving idea of who you are in this world.
Shortly after this square Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct on the 21st. This will add to the momentum of changes you are going through and be good timing for any new ideas or directions you have in mind to initiate over those themes of home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or security needs.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the Sun's move into your sign, Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn! This is a huge push that the cosmos is giving you to move into new territory over the next 2 weeks or to take things to the next level when it comes to you and your needs, your body, your presence in a situation, your image, brand, name, title, or identity. It's about getting ambitious or taking the lead, being responsible and stepping up.
The big news this month, as if this all hasn't been big news, is that Saturn, your ruler, who has been spending the last 2 years in Scorpio, is going to move into Sagittarius for the first time in 29 years on the 23rd. So, over these last couple years you have been tested and asked to master something new when it comes to your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, your freedom, charities, causes, originality, inventions, associations, gatherings/events, and social networking. You may have dealt with limits, loss, endings, commitments, responsibilities, or ambitions in these areas but that period is wrapping up now. Next summer between June-September you will get one last run in these areas thanks to a Saturn Retrograde bringing him back for a short while but then it will be another 29 years before you get this kind of testing here. In his new placement of Sagittarius now you are going to be really getting serious about the mysteries of life, your spiritual growth, any healing or hospital matters you want to pursue, your romantic needs, any artistic talents or pursuits like painting, film, music, or poetry, research, investigations, strategies, retreat, rest, recuperation, isolation, addictions, and development. This is the behind the scenes, hidden part of your chart, it is mystical, magical and tuned to your Karma. This phase which will start now and last until late in 2017 (except for the brief interruption between June-Sept next year) will help you release a great deal in preparation for your next major cycle that begins when Saturn moves into Capricorn in 2017. You may feel like pulling back from the world a bit during this phase as what you are discovering about yourself and how you are redefining your vision of yourself unfolds in some magical ways. As with all Saturn transits you can fall prey to the tests if you don't get real about being responsible and working hard so be very aware of addictions, a tendency to hide out, clandestine romances that begin now that have some 'need' to be kept secret, hidden agendas (keep it all above board and demand this in others), and making certain that you do take healing and hospital needs seriously if they arise. Other than that you can trust that this period will somewhat lead you since the veil between worlds and the muse and Karma are very much in charge. So look at any artistic, spiritual, healing, romance, research, or developmental interests and be willing to commit your time and energy starting now.
The last energy combination this month arrives on the 24-25th as Mercury engages the Uranus/Pluto square. So these days will be amped up with messages, talks, meetings, ideas, short trips, siblings, neighbors, offers, sales, agreements, writing, and decisions that focus on you and your home, family, parent, roommate, move, renovation, real estate, or nurturing/security needs. You may be announcing something now or making some choices or hear from others in the same boat. For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
You still have New Moon momentum from last month driving you into the first days of December so buckle down and push ahead with aspirations, gatherings, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or your freedom. You have until the 6th to take things further.
Mars is moving into your sign for the first time in 2 years on the 4th. This is going to light a proverbial fire within you Aquarius so watch out! Here you come! It is about amping you up to do something over these weeks ahead to further your aims, do for your body, image, identity, ego, name, title, or interests. Mars brings more passion so you will be feeling that spark for sure. It also brings anger so you may be a bit more tightly wound or you may feel like fighting for something important to you. Overall, Mars brings motivation and activity so you are going to be busier than usual and feeling fired up to make things happen.
You will likely have been building all week to the FULL MOON on the 6th when you are going to finally reach that conclusion, see things wrap up or end, or when you are going to achieve your aims and celebrate this high point. For your sign it is all about your lover or love life or pursuit of love, your children or children's needs, a creative project or interest, or some recreational pursuit. So expect the peak in the situation to arrive around this date.
Jupiter entered Leo back in July for the first time in 12 years and is touring here until next August. This period is one of your greatest of growth via your romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, competitors, or other key relationships. It is a period that wants growth through love, kids, creativity, or fun, and will help you get there through legal channels, weddings, travel, people at a distance, education, media, marketing, religion, or politics. So you may have experienced some of your big expansive opportunities already or sensed what is available to you. Now on the 8th Jupiter Retrogrades so over these next few months that growth slows down outwardly so you can catch up to where you find yourself or go back over any past needs to fine tune things so you are ready for the next round of growth that begins in the spring. To that end, pay attention to any shifting perspectives around these themes now as they point to what you need to work on.
Venus moves into your hidden part of the chart on the 10th and over the weeks ahead will bring love, income or women into the clandestine romance or romantic getaway part of your life, as well as into any healing or hospital matter, your spiritual practices, artistic pursuits, research, and projects in development. So these areas will feel more joyful, smooth out a bit or help you attract what you need.
We have all been going through the massive life revival of the Uranus/Pluto square that started in 2012 and ends in March 2015. Not since the late 1960's and before that the 1930's have we seen this kind of upheaval and re-birthing in our lives. I'm sure you have experienced your own reinvention since you are ruled by Uranus it is affecting your identity as well as the placement in your chart. These planets make 7 exact configurations during their time here and this month we are at #6 of 7 on the 15th. To that end, any changes that still need to happen will be marked as you turn this corner. Expect it to come via excitement, sudden changes or surprises around news, decisions, agreements, meetings, sales, writing, talks, offers, short trips, siblings, neighbors, moves, electronics, vehicles, or ideas. It will also tie into the profound changes going on with romantic getaways or clandestine romance, healing or hospitals, addictions or retreat, research or investigations, art, film, music, or poetry, your spiritual practices, or projects in development.
Shortly after this, on the 21st, Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct so you will feel this as part of this shake-up or surprise and be ready to dive into new territory or move forward in some new way.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the Sun's move into Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn. This means a big launch forward, into new territory or the next level when it comes to the research, development, healing, hospitals, romantic getaway, clandestine romance, spiritual practice, artistic projects, or dealing with addictions. You have 2 weeks to move on what you would like to see happen.
The really big news this month is Saturn. Saturn is one of your co-rulers so again this shift is going to be felt personally as well as where he is placed for your sign. Saturn has been in Scorpio since 2012 testing you over career, your big personal goals like getting married, retiring, buying a house, etc, as well as over career, reputation, fame, and any dealings with authority figures like a parent, boss, judge, or mentor. It has tested your leadership abilities and responsibilities. It has done so through your sexual needs, divorce, financial interests, and third party situations. Now on the 23rd Saturn exits this area of testing until he Retrogrades back for one last fine-tuning between June-September next year. Then he will not come back to this sign for another 29 years. In the meantime, Saturn is now moving into Sagittarius where he will tour through 2017 (with the exception of June-Sept next summer). Here he is going to test you when it comes to your aspirations, freedom, causes, charities, gatherings, friends, groups, astrology, social networking, the internet, and any original ideas. Saturn is going to want you to face any endings or limits here, make commitments, take on responsibilities, grow up, take the lead, master something new, and he will do this through legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, or wedding themes in the mix. So note what comes up for you now since you will want to get real about it from the get-go.
Mercury will trigger the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24-25th so the holidays will be amped up with news, offers, meetings, talks, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and other communications topics going on behind the scenes and activating those intense and profound changes or evolutionary moves towards your life's reinvention. For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
Big goals should still be driving you or perhaps you have an authority type like your boss, parent or a judge that is your focus as December gets underway. Either way, your goals, career and authority interests are still getting last month's New Moon push so you if you have anything else to do to further your needs here, make the most of the first 6 days.
Mars is going to arrive in Aquarius for the first time in 2 years on the 4th. This lights a fire around things you want to do involving healing, hospitals, retreat, rest, recuperation, spiritual practices, romantic getaways, artistic projects, research, or developmental projects. Mars will tour here for many weeks so you can expect more activity kicking in over these themes. Your passions will be on high as will your anger so make that about a fighting spirit rather than an explosive fuse. You can make things happen here so focus on what you want.
You may also feel the emotional build-up to the FULL MOON on the 6th as your month gets underway and that is because something is gathering steam and will be wrapping up, ending, coming through, or reason for celebration and achievement by this date when it comes to your home, family, parent, real estate interests, move, renovation, or roommate situation. Expect the news of this period to carry these messages.
Jupiter moved into Leo back in late July for the first time in 12 years and began his journey to bring you something big via your health, work, pets, co-workers, people you hire, or services. Jupiter here will show us our faith and help us in growth, bring protection and move us towards more happiness or prosperity through the big thing that happens. So now on the 8th Jupiter will Retrograde and over the months ahead things will slow down with these matters and you will get a chance to go back over anything from the past to fine tune it so you are ready to move ahead once Jupiter goes Direct again in the spring. Look at anything you may need to do regarding lovers, kids, creative projects, fun, and the legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media channels in the mix.
Venus moves into Capricorn on the 10th bringing her charms and enjoyment to your social part of the chart. This may bring a connection with a female friend or it may bring more pleasure, income flow, love, and women around your group activities, social networking, internet interests, charities, friendships, aspirations, astrology, causes, freedom, or inventions. It should be a good time in these areas over the weeks ahead.
Everyone has been going through the Uranus/Pluto square that began in 2012 and ends in March 2015 as one of our lifetimes biggest periods of upheaval and change. The last links to these giants occurred in the late 1960's, before that in the 1930's. So know that you are not alone in the reinventing of your life that is underway and that during this period there are 7 exact squares marking turning points. Now on the 15th we reach #6 of 7 so if you have more changes to undergo this period marks that next evolution. For you this involves an awakening around your values and any changes occurring involving income, possessions or purchases. It is also bringing profound changes through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, freedom, and originality. These tie in with outside resources, intimacy, divorce, death, birth, and third party matters. So note what is coming up for you, if you've already gone through what you needed to then you may move through this period without cause but it may help you get over that next hurdle through changes that arrive now.
Shortly after this square Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct on the 21st so this adds to the momentum of change. Now you will see any next changes and things turning around in some way as you face forward and move into new territory. Again your values, possessions, income, or purchases and who you are, what is going on with you, your body, image, identity, name, or needs is where it's at.
The 21st is also the Winter Solstice, the Sun's move into Capricorn, and the NEW MOON in Capricorn. This opens up a 2 week window that can help launch you forward into the next chapter when it comes to your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, social networking, freedom, inventions, or causes. Be proactive and ambitious here, it's a good time to move forward.
The really big news this month is Saturn. He has spent since 2012 in Scorpio testing you over sex, divorce, finances, death, birth, reproductive needs, and triangles/third party matters. He has done this via any legal matters, travel plans, weddings, educational pursuits, media venues, marketing ideas, or religious interests. Saturn tests you once every 29 years in these areas and will finally be done on December 23rd. He will Retrograde back for any last fine tuning next summer between June-Sept and then leave for another 29 years. So let's look at where he goes now. On the 23rd Saturn moves into Sagittarius. The last time he toured here was 1985-1988 so if you were active then you can look back at how he tested you when it comes to your goals, career, status, reputation, fame, ambitions, achievements, or dealings with authority figures like your boss, parent, judge, or mentor. You are heading back into tests in these areas over the years ahead, until 2017 with the exception of June-Sept next summer. You will want to get real about endings, limits, commitments, responsibilities, and leadership abilities now when it comes to the goals you have set for your life and your career, authority figures and reputation. It's time to structure things and work hard and make the effort so decide what you want to make a plan. Saturn will help you achieve it if you come to the table with a will to do what it takes and to make a disciplined effort.
Mercury is going to activate the Uranus/Pluto square on the 24-25th so the holidays are going to have amped up news, talks, meetings, short trips, sibling or neighbor involvement, local activities, offers, sales, agreements, writing, or decisions. Again this may focus on value, income, possessions/gifts, purchases, and your aspirations, friends, groups, internet interests, charities, astrology, or gatherings. It's heightened and awakening and possibly about these changes you are going through. For a look at your chart and what to expect in December and the year ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about pricing for a private reading!
Catch Zoe's RADIO SHOW every Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific or scroll through the podcasts to hear past shows.
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