There will be a big shift in direction as PLUTO RETROGRADES affecting one of these things for you: your career, a major personal goal, what is going on with a boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure in your life, or your leadership abilities. It begins on MONDAY and in the months ahead you will have a chance to work out the financial ramifications, deal with anyone's passing or a new birth, or work out sexual or divorce needs in the mix.
MERCURY ACTIVATES the GRAND CROSS on MONDAY and TUESDAY. That means there will be major news, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing opportunities, offers, and decisions these two days that are going to bring on that massive GRAND CROSS change. Since Mercury is in the sign of 'you', your body, image, or needs, expect that you will be that catalyst for others as well as remembering that you may need to ask for something or say it now.
The FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE peaks on TUESDAY in the relationship sign, Libra. This is bringing a powerful ending or achievement via the romantic partner, business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, clients, competitor, opponent, or other key relationship. If it ends today, it's over. If you've been working hard to reach a goal with or through this person, it should arrive now. Trigger dates to Eclipse points arrive one month to the day before and after as well as 5 days to the day before and after. So you can look at these dates to see if you had peak experiences with key relationships on March 18th, April 10th, April 20th,or up ahead on May 13th.
VENUS will meet up with JUPITER and PLUTO on THURSDAY and FRIDAY. She is bringing focus to a woman and the evolutionary moment you are having with her through more changes. This will involve home, family, parents, real estate deals, and your goals again. Since Venus rules love and money one of these themes will be tied up in the connection these two days. This energy is positive for purging, releasing, healing, and growth.
The SUN moves into TAURUS on SATURDAY where he will tour the next 30 days. Here he will push us to pour more personal and physical energy into being valued, earning money, dealing with possessions, or making purchases. So your focus on your own needs begins to shift towards these more grounded needs.
JUPITER officially begins his perfected triggering of the GRAND CROSS by impacting Uranus and Pluto on SUNDAY. This day starts the 4 day massive turning point with home, parents, real estate, moves, renovations, family, roommates, and security needs, your own needs, body, image, identity, or brand, the career, goals, or higher-ups that you are dealing with, and the key relationships involved in all this change. Expect events to reflect it in your life.
You simply have not had a week like this in years. There will be upheaval on the global level tied to these changes. Uranus, Pluto and Mars are always active when there are big earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, fires, or other environmental events. Jupiter is the 4th corner of that Grand Cross and is in the sign of land, country and home. So it is terribly likely that there will be some massive earth changes triggered at this time. If you live in a volatile area please make sure you have your back-up kits together and emergency numbers ready just in case. Because Pluto rules investments and financial power, the shake-ups may be in the market place. Because Jupiter in Cancer rules religious fanaticism tied to country, the shake-ups may be terror based. Because Uranus rules revolutions, the shake-ups may be mass related. Do you see why astrologers are so focused on this week?!!!
While Mars is active on a personal level and makes his trip around the zodiac every 2 years, the other planets involved in this Cross took 12 years, 84 years and 240 years to get here so it's a big deal. Since this is overlapped with Pluto shifting direction and shifting the direction of the tide of things, at the same time a Lunar Eclipse brings things to an epic peak, well, you get it. So, in your own life, on a personal level, know it is a week when things come through, end, move along, and it is all in flow with what is meant to be happening now. Do your best to stay grounded. Use the Cross to ride the big goals up and over the top, be passionate but don't lock horns with others if you can possibly side step it, everyone will be feeling it. So, how will your sign feel it?
MONDAY your goals, career or someone like a boss, parent, judge, etc, are being swept up in a turnabout of energy. This can mean a reversal, slow-down or need to work through something hanging out there. Look for clues; what's slowing down, is there something you need to stop and deal with financially or intimately so you can reach goals or further career, is there someone in the past you need to connect with or release, what opportunities or issues from the past still hang over you regarding that parent, boss or other higher-up? You have until September to figure it out so pay attention to what is happening today since it will lead the way in the months ahead. MONDAY and TUESDAY you can absolutely expect to either be initiating talks, offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, or decisions, or for others to be engaging you...these are BIG communications days. What needs do you have, what can you stand up for or against? What needs to evolve? Is there something big involving home, real estate, family, moves, parents, or roommates in the mix? If you need to post it, list it, write it, sign it, sell it, or talk about it, this is it-give voice to it now. This communications energy is volatile, you can be passionate or angry, take care when expressing points that you are aware of how intense it will be on all sides. It may just be that there is some big opportunity in which case do your best to let them hear what you've got going on! The FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on TUESDAY is bringing a very big ending or achievement for you involving some key relationship so look to your romantic or business partners, an agent, attorney, specialist, client, manager, producer, competitor, or other key player. Is there a line in the sand, an end to the story, a really big moment you've been waiting on, or some other end or celebration? Eclipses tend to be definitive, no going back, keep that in mind when choosing and note if anything occurred on the trigger back on March 18th for clues. WEDNESDAY will bring any last talks, offers, agreements, meetings, writing, sales, or decisions regarding this person and again, note, it may be highly motivating, very passionate or quite angry, depending on what is transpiring in your relationships now in your own life, so keep that in mind when having it out with them, making demands, proposing ideas, or meeting up. You'll know if this is going to help you push things through, rev up the heat in a good way or fire up combative emotions. THURSDAY and FRIDAY open up something with a woman or regarding your love or income needs behind the scenes. You may use these days to research or develop what you need with women, love or money, or you may find that you are doing well here when it comes to film, music, art, spiritual practices like meditation or yoga, any healing or hospital matters, a romantic getaway or time away for romance, or these days can just be great for tuning into your intuition when it comes to this woman, love or income need. SATURDAY begins a 30 cycle putting you back in the saddle when it comes to earnings, possessions or purchases. You will be pouring more personal or physical energy here so step up and take the lead. SUNDAY begins the 4 day GRAND CROSS peak. That means that from today into next week everything is hitting the fan, good or bad, it's changing and changing in a big way. For you, again, the home, family, real estate, move, renovation, parent, roommate, childhood issues, history, land, or security needs will play a bit part. There will be changes coming through or about you, your needs, and the goals, career or authority figures in the mix like the boss, parent, judge, regulator, inspector, or other power person. Do what you can to work with rather than against the changes because change they must. Finally, know that no one has seen a week as powerful and change oriented as this one in years, everyone will be experiencing some major shifts, allow it to transport you and others to their destinations and you will come out the other side less scathed. It is also important to note that there will be global events on financial, political and earth related shake-ups like volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, etc, so if you feel you are in the path of any of these worldly changes, back up your safety kits and be careful out there! Grand Cross energy can be harnessed to help you move things that have been stuck for a long while so to that end, the more you partner with the universe right here and now to further progress in these matters, the more you will see finally shakes loose and awakens or evolves. Private readings with Zoe are available if you are interested in looking into how all of this will be affecting your own unique chart patterns. You can email to inquire about rates and available dates.
MONDAY brings a turnaround of direction or return to the past regarding legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, political, or religious needs. What deeper meaning, personal empowerment or profound change are you evolving through these expansive channels in your life? Figure out which of these topics are important to you and what you can do about financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, birth, or third party needs in the mix. Whatever is front and center today in all of this will be the area of revamping, revising, reconnecting, or releasing from now through September. It's your time to figure it all out so you are ready in the fall to move into new territory or take things further along. MONDAY and TUESDAY will bring heightened talks, offers, agreements, sales, short trips, writing, news, writing, or decisions. I have to say this is BIG and quite Karmic for you. Take that to heart, make certain that if you are the one choosing or demanding that you are coming from the high road and balancing Karma not creating it, if you are on the receiving end do yourself a favor and really listen to what the other party needs rather than just digging in. There is potential that something big in healing, hospitals, research, film, music, artistry, spiritual interests, romantic needs, or a project in development will be at the center of this matter for you and there will be potential for major changes if you keep your head. If a trip, legal need, educational pursuit, media or marketing interest, or wedding are again in this mix, be clear, state your case, get specialists input, and choose your course. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE. This is bringing a very big ending or achievement for you involving a key person and the job, clean-up, organizing, work at hand, co-workers, person you hired, a health matter, or the animals. You may have work come through or wrap up, an employee or co-worker finish their efforts, quit or get fired, a health concern end or a health goal achieved, the interview call back with the job, a promotion or your own decision to exit a dead-end job, or whatever you've been doing with animals culminating now. WEDNESDAY brings the last meeting, news, offer, agreement, sale, writing, talk, or decision with them about these themes. It's intense. THURSDAY and FRIDAY Venus is going to be helping you via the female friend or associate or Venus will help you through ways to reach for love or earn money via that friend, a group, the internet, a charity, or social networking. This is good news for you and may help with that legal need, any travel plans, educational pursuits, media or marketing interests, or the wedding. SATURDAY the Sun moves into your sign and will tour here the next 30 days. This puts a spotlight on you and your needs. It's a good period to be noticed more, to take care of your body or health, to promote your goals or brand, or do something about your identity, name or title. It's all about you right now, take advantage of it! SUNDAY begins the 4 day peak of the GRAND CROSS so expect larger than life talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, and decisions focused on growth and any legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans. There will be more going on with your home, real estate needs, move, renovations, parent, roommates, or family. And there will finally be time to see some real shifts between the 4 corners of these topics. The changes you will see have been a long time coming, you will push for them or react to them, but here they come! It is also important to note that there will be global events on financial, political and earth related shake-ups like volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, etc, so if you feel you are in the path of any of these worldly changes, back up your safety kits and be careful out there! Grand Cross energy can be harnessed to help you move things that have been stuck for a long while so to that end, the more you partner with the universe right here and now to further progress in these matters, the more you will see finally shakes loose and awakens or evolves. Private readings with Zoe are available if you are interested in looking into how all of this will be affecting your own unique chart patterns. You can email to inquire about rates and available dates.
MONDAY begins your whopper of a week, Gemini. It starts today with a turnaround of energy when it comes to sex, divorce, finances, mortality issues, a birth, or third party situations. It's intense. If you've been dealing with heavy issues in these areas, this shift should release you from some of that, if you've been wanting to go back and fix something or wrap it up, this is your starting gun. You have until September to get it together, go deeper, purge, release, evolve, or make changes involving past situations or people in the mix so you are ready for the next chapter in the fall. MONDAY and TUESDAY are going to bring an intense focus on the talks, offers, news, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, or decisions. This is communications in overdrive and for your sign it will focus on your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, original ideas or inventions, your freedom, or any gatherings you are planning or attending. It's ramping up so whether you are initiating or responding to the flow of information, know it is meant to help move things along. It's important that you are clear about what you value here and that if there is any money need in the mix you are clear about that as well. You could all too easily find yourself caught in the middle of the crossfire over sex, mortality issues, a birth, or divorce with that friend or online, etc, so be....clear...! TUESDAY is the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE bringing a huge ending or achievement now regarding you lovers/your love life, the kids, a creative project, or some recreational interest. This is when things come through, climax, wrap up, or are over. You will feel this on Monday as it is building up and emotions are building right along with it, for clues as to how your Eclipse will pan out look back at what was going on March 18th. WEDNESDAY brings any last talks, meetings, agreements, news, offers, sales, writing, or decisions with that other person over these Eclipse topics. It may be motivating, heated or passionate so choose words wisely when dealing with kids, love, creative interests, or what you're doing for fun. Again your aspirations or what is going on in a social realm may play a part, as may your freedom or visionary ideas. THURSDAY and FRIDAY will bring Venus on board to help when it comes to your career, a personal goal, your reputation, fame, or dealings with an authority figure like the boss, parent or judge. Since Venus rules women, love and income, there may be opportunity to reach or express love or further your money goals, or you may find that a woman is benefitting your aims. If goals are personal, this is sexy and romantic wrapped up together. SATURDAY sees the Sun moving into Taurus where he will tour the next 30 days so you are embarking on a solar cycle that will see you pouring more personal or physical energy into pulling back, researching, resting, recuperating, looking into healing or hospitals, developing projects, getting away on romantic interludes, delving deep into your artistic projects like film, music, painting, or poetry, or getting back to spiritual practices like meditation or yoga. SUNDAY begins the 4 day peak of the GRAND CROSS so things start to hit the fan now when it comes to values, earnings, possessions, and purchases. It may bring changes, sudden turnabouts or excitement with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings, as well as some deeper evolution around outside financial resources, your sex life, divorce, mortality issues, a birth, or third party situations. Change, change, change. It is also important to note that there will be global events on financial, political and earth related shake-ups like volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, etc, so if you feel you are in the path of any of these worldly changes, back up your safety kits and be careful out there! Grand Cross energy can be harnessed to help you move things that have been stuck for a long while so to that end, the more you partner with the universe right here and now to further progress in these matters, the more you will see finally shakes loose and awakens or evolves. Private readings with Zoe are available if you are interested in looking into how all of this will be affecting your own unique chart patterns. You can email to inquire about rates and available dates.
Ready, set, something is about to shift, slow down or revert to the past with the business partner, romantic partner, agent, attorney, specialist, clients, competitor, or other key relationship on MONDAY! This is where the profound energy has been meeting you head on since 2008, doing its best to get you to go deeper, look at your intimacy needs, face mortality issues, make choices about reproductive matters, face a divorce, work through third party situations, or deal with major financial themes like investments, inheritance, loans, bankruptcy, alimony, your partner's money, or any other shared resource. So as this energy shifts today, you will notice which one of these people will be the key focus for you from now through September in working out whatever is still left dangling unfinished. You want a fresh new chapter to begin in the fall so figure out what it will be about for you and then what it is you want to do with or about that person in the mix. MONDAY and TUESDAY bring some heavy duty talks, offers, agreements, news, writing, sales, meetings, or decisions that are going to focus on your career, reputation, fame, goals, or some authority figure like the boss, parent or judge. This is intense communications energy and it introduces even more change and push to these days. So whether you are the one initiating or you are responding, speak up, listen, sign it, write it, sell it, make your choice, the info is important when it comes to the next stage of evolution with that parent, boss, career need, or major goal. TUESDAY the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE brings the big ending or achievement when it comes to the home, real estate deal, renovation, move, family, parent, or roommate. As part of all the change, this high point 'eclipses' out something to reach this height so that may be eclipsing out some stagnant period or issue or bring an ending that frees you or it could be this is the time something major comes through for you. Look back to March 18th for clues about your topic that is climaxing now. WEDNESDAY will bring any last talks, offers, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions tied to this Eclipse theme peaking over home, real estate deals, family, renovations, moves, the parent, or roommate and it will bring action, passion or anger to bear via that other person over your goals, career, boss or other authority figure in the mix. Since you know this can aid you in moving things forward or get you caught up in heated moments, choose your words wisely and then act. THURSDAY and FRIDAY Venus shows up and she's working on your behalf regarding legal matters, educational pursuits, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, travel, or wedding needs. That means there may be a woman who is benefiting your aims in these matters or there may be a way to attract love or income through efforts made here. Again, key relationships are integral, bring the other person on board. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Taurus and kicks off a 30 day cycle aimed at putting you out there more with friends, groups, on the internet, at gatherings, social networking, through astrology, charities, inventions, or over your aspirations. You are going to find that you are pouring more personal or physical energy into these social aims, taking the lead, or getting your name, brand or image out there. You will shine, don't hold back. SUNDAY begins the 4 day peak of the GRAND CROSS energy. That means starting today it all starts to hit the fan when it comes to your growth, your body, image, identity, brand, name, title, and personal needs. It will bring up the changes going on with career, goals, reputation, fame, bosses, parents, judges, or other authority figures. It will go deeper or help you evolve things further via partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or other key relationships. Finally, it will affect your home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, roommates, or family growth. It is also important to note that there will be global events on financial, political and earth related shake-ups like volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, etc, so if you feel you are in the path of any of these worldly changes, back up your safety kits and be careful out there! Grand Cross energy can be harnessed to help you move things that have been stuck for a long while so to that end, the more you partner with the universe right here and now to further progress in these matters, the more you will see finally shakes loose and awakens or evolves. Private readings with Zoe are available if you are interested in looking into how all of this will be affecting your own unique chart patterns. You can email to inquire about rates and available dates.
MONDAY begins a slow down, potential reversal or backtracking over any work needs, paperwork, co-workers, employees, health matters, or pet needs. It's a shift in energy flow around these themes so if you have been battling uphill this should give you some reprieve, if there is still something hanging out there then this is your time to wrap it up. You have until September to get it together. It's important to look at how any loans, commissions, debt, insurance, taxes, investments, or other financial themes are influencing that work, health, paperwork or animal need. What can you change or evolve here so you are in a stronger position in the fall? It may also have a bit more personal vibe to it meaning you may need to deal with a sexual fling or attraction, a divorce, birth, or mortality issue in the mix, again, is it that co-worker, job, paperwork, or health concern affected and what do you need to do about it? MONDAY and TUESDAY are going to be weighted heavily with news, offers, talks, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, or decisions that will focus in on legal matters, travel plans, people at a distance, media, marketing, publishing, educational interests, or wedding plans. This is intense, it's all ramping up now, whether you are the one initiating the communication flow or you are responding to it coming in, it's time to voice it, sign it, pitch it, field it, sell it, or choose. Again this is tying into big changes on the work front, through paperwork, health matters, or pets as well as what's developing behind the scenes or behind closed doors. TUESDAY is also the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLISPE and it is bringing a huge ending or achievement around your writing, interview, audition, speaking role, agreement, sales, sibling, neighbor, move, vehicles, short trips, local activities, electronics, meeting, talk, an offer, or decisions. So, what are you building towards here? Expect it to peak now and expect some key person to be involved in this emotional high point. Any last debating, meeting, choices, or offers regarding legal, travel, education, media, marketing, publishing, weddings, or distance will bring it on with that partner, rep, client, opponent, or other key player on WEDNESDAY, this day will motivate or stir passions or anger. THURSDAY and FRIDAY Venus gets involved which is good for you when it comes to expressing the love, earning the money or focusing on one special woman. The topic will be about transformation, mortality/crossings, births, sexual interests, divorce, big financial needs, or third party interests. So look for the connection here and for things to go well in Karmic areas, with hospitals or releasing, with artistry or romance, spirituality, and the details. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Taurus putting you into a leadership role for the next 30 days, ready? Well, the cosmos thinks you are so step up, set goals, reach for career needs, or focus all that personal power on the boss, parent, judge or other authority figure in the mix. You may find there is some recognition coming your way during this period as well. SUNDAY begins the 4 day GRAND CROSS that changes everything. Well, it at least puts you on that path through changes going on right now. They are big. For your sign it is about what it expanding your world through hospitals, healing, addictions, rest, recuperation, withdrawal from the fray of the world, research, Karmic balancing, your spiritual growth, romantic needs, or artistic projects. There will be amped up focus on the home, family, parent, real estate, move, renovation, roommate, and any childhood issues. It will trigger travel or people at a distance, the legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, or your beliefs about this world. It will stimulate work, health, pet, or paperwork needs. This is why it's so powerful, many areas of life are getting directly shifted to help you forge ahead, make changes and evolve. It is also important to note that there will be global events on financial, political and earth related shake-ups like volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, etc, so if you feel you are in the path of any of these worldly changes, back up your safety kits and be careful out there! Grand Cross energy can be harnessed to help you move things that have been stuck for a long while so to that end, the more you partner with the universe right here and now to further progress in these matters, the more you will see finally shakes loose and awakens or evolves. Private readings with Zoe are available if you are interested in looking into how all of this will be affecting your own unique chart patterns. You can email to inquire about rates and available dates.
There is a turnaround of energy flow on MONDAY involving your lover or need for love, the kids, creative projects, or your recreational interests. You may have been pushing through some heavy stuff here, looking to purge or release, go deeper, get more intimate, deal with divorce issues, or face some third party or financial matters in the mix but now that energy is going to slow down so that you can use the next few months, until mid-September, to either go back and revise or release energy here or to tackle what's still left hanging out there so you are ready to move forward in the fall. You may wish to pay special attention to what in these areas is coming up for you today since it will likely be the main player over the months ahead. Expect the communications to go over the top on MONDAY and TUESDAY. This means talks, meetings, offers, news, agreements, sales, writing, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and decisions, amped up big time baby! Again, the focus is financial, sexual, divorce oriented, about mortality or birth needs, or any third party situations. Whether you are initiating all this or on the receiving end, there is much that needs to change or evolve so listen, speak your mind, write it, sign it, sell it, make those choices. The FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE peaks on TUESDAY. This is a huge ending or achievement when it comes to being valued, your income, possessions, or a purchase, and it will come involving one other key person. So, note that emotions will be building on Monday towards this peak and will crest on Tuesday as it perfects and something is 'eclipsed' out to reach this celebratory culmination or wrap-up. Any last talks, offers, meetings, talks, writing, agreements, sales, or choices with that other person over money, possessions, purchases, intimacy, divorce, third parties, mortality, birth, or shared interests will fire up on WEDNESDAY. This has the potential to motivate parties involved or it will lead to passionate or angry exchanges. THURSDAY and FRIDAY bring Venus on board and she is showing up via a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or other key relationship. Venus is about helping you when it comes to the woman, love or income so reach out to these people, see how you can open things up through social arenas, around aspirations, inventions, breaking out of ruts, and transforming the love, creative potential, what's going on with the kids, or fun now. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Taurus putting a spotlight on you over the next 30 days when it comes to you showing up, taking the lead, standing out, or putting your name or brand into the mix in legal matters, with travel plans, people at a distance, educational pursuits, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, weddings, or political interests. You shine here, step up. SUNDAY begins the 4 day height of the GRAND CROSS and its massive changes to the background of your life. This means starting now the proverbial fan is hit when it comes to the big growth through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, causes, inventions, your freedom, aspirations, or gatherings. It will involve changes or evolving situations on financial, sexual, divorce, third party, love, children, creative, or recreational interests. Being valued is at the core, perhaps earning money or evolving through your possessions or purchases chimes in as well. It is also important to note that there will be global events on financial, political and earth related shake-ups like volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, etc, so if you feel you are in the path of any of these worldly changes, back up your safety kits and be careful out there! Grand Cross energy can be harnessed to help you move things that have been stuck for a long while so to that end, the more you partner with the universe right here and now to further progress in these matters, the more you will see finally shakes loose and awakens or evolves. Private readings with Zoe are available if you are interested in looking into how all of this will be affecting your own unique chart patterns. You can email to inquire about rates and available dates.
MONDAY brings a turnaround of energy flow when it comes to the home, real estate deal, move, renovation, family, parent, or roommate situation. This is about the heavy changes or evolution that you've been striving to handle or push through and it is now slowing down so you can look over anything still left hanging out there and tackle it. Topics to consider; finances, sexual needs, divorce, mortality issues, a birth, or third parties involved. It may be that the intensity at home, over property matters, moves, renovations, family, the parent, roommate, or security needs will ease a bit from now through September or you will be released from powerful changes going on here, or you may need to really get in there over figuring it all out for yourself, how the divorce is affecting family or home matters, how loans, insurance, debt, taxes, alimony, or other financial resources are playing into real estate or family themes, if there is a mortality issue to face with the parent or roommate, etc, this is the time so you are ready to move into a more empowered situation in the fall. MONDAY and TUESDAY bring very intense communications, ideas, news, offers, agreements, meetings, talks, writing, sales, or decisions around a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other key relationship. So you, dear Libra, are going to be coming from an intense position or they will. With that in mind, listen carefully, speak clearly and concisely, and again, if there is something you need to address about your needs or involvement, the family, home, real estate, move, renovation, parent, or roommates, then do so. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE and what a whopper for you! It's in your sign. That means this is an exaggerated peak for you personally or physically, that it is bringing a big ending or achievement your way focused on your needs, your body, image, brand, identity, name, title, or drive. As you reach this zenith, be willing to 'eclipse' out any part of your old patterns or self to achieve this new level for yourself. WEDNESDAY will wrap up any last meetings, talks, writing, offers, agreements, sales, or decisions between you and that partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, or other key relationship. This is bound to motivate action or stir up passions or anger, forewarned is forearmed. THURSDAY and FRIDAY allow Venus to help out via a woman, the love or income. This shows up on the job or helping organize or clean up, tackle errands, deal with health issues or interests, care for animals, or handle paperwork. So look for ways to earn or express love or seek out that female who can help! SATURDAY the Sun moves into Taurus where he will travel the next 30 days. This begins a cycle that will see you more personally or physically involved in your sex life, divorce proceedings, financial interests, mortality issues, a birth, or third party situations. You should take the lead, show up, attach your name or image, make your presence known, and shine that light. SUNDAY begins the 4 day peak of the GRAND CROSS and the tremendous changes in the background of your life starting with growth and evolution around your career, goals, reputation, fame, dealings with authority figures like the boss, parent or judge. It will affect excitement or sudden shifts around partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or other key relationships. It will also trigger energy around a move, real estate deals, family, parents, roommates, renovations, or home. Honing in on who you are and who you are meant to become is key. It is also important to note that there will be global events on financial, political and earth related shake-ups like volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, etc, so if you feel you are in the path of any of these worldly changes, back up your safety kits and be careful out there! Grand Cross energy can be harnessed to help you move things that have been stuck for a long while so to that end, the more you partner with the universe right here and now to further progress in these matters, the more you will see finally shakes loose and awakens or evolves. Private readings with Zoe are available if you are interested in looking into how all of this will be affecting your own unique chart patterns. You can email to inquire about rates and available dates.
Ready for the big guns Scorpio? Your week starts with your ruler, Pluto, Retrograding on MONDAY. That means that there is going to be a palpable turnaround for you in the way you are thinking about or choosing when it comes to sex, divorce, financially shared interests, third party situations, mortality, birth, or controlling interest in matters. You are getting some slow-down to go back and work out anything still hanging regarding writing, agreements, sales, important meetings or talks, offers or proposals, or on a more mundane level, anything involving your siblings, neighbors, move, short trips, vehicles, community activities, or electronics in the mix. It starts today, you have until September to wrap it up. So what agreements or choices are there to hammer out when it comes to financial needs, a divorce, your sex life, a mortality issue, birth, or third party? MONDAY and TUESDAY will amp up information, choices and ideas about work, health, pets, paperwork, a big clean-up or organizing matter, or services you are dealing with now as well. This is intense and may involve power struggles or a huge push to usher in changes you are determined to see happen. There will be focus on distant people or situations, travel, legal needs, learning curves, media, marketing, weddings, or growth from these decisions as well as what you can work out behind the scenes. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in the Karmic part of your chart. That means a very big ending or achievement focused on Karmic situations or people, a healing or hospital matter, retreat or recuperation, research or investigations, film, music or artistic interest, spiritual pursuits, romantic getaways, or a project in development. Note that you will definitely feel this emotionally building on Monday as it is mounting in energy to its peak on Tuesday, either day bringing it to fruition, celebration and its end. WEDNESDAY a big push with another person over these Eclipse themes is slated, again with choices and actions that ramp up the work, health, paperwork, or animal needs in the mix. Today's energy will egg you on to make demands or have heated exchanges, it could be passionate, angry or motivating, so choose those words wisely. THURSDAY and FRIDAY Venus shows up to help. That means a woman may be beneficial with a creative project, the kids, your love life, or some recreational pursuit. It may also mean that Venus is helping you to express the love or make money in creative or fun ways. Powerful talks and decisions link positively into this as well as something opening up through legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding venues. SATURDAY the Sun moves into your opposite sign of Taurus and spotlights partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, and other key relationships for the next 30 days. This is where you will now be more personally or physically involved in showing up, getting your name out there or on the dotted line, making your needs known, and leading the way. SUNDAY begins the 4 day peak of the GRAND CROSS. For you that is the major push to get over that legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, political, or publicity need. It pushes you to take advantage of any big changes that could benefit you regarding real estate deals, family, moves, renovations, parents, roommates, or home. It pushes you to jump into the fray when it comes to sudden changes or deep shifts regarding work, health, pets, paperwork, people you work with or hire to help, organizing, and clean-ups, as well as around the details, writing, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, offers, and decisions! Make it count. It is also important to note that there will be global events on financial, political and earth related shake-ups like volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, etc, so if you feel you are in the path of any of these worldly changes, back up your safety kits and be careful out there! Grand Cross energy can be harnessed to help you move things that have been stuck for a long while so to that end, the more you partner with the universe right here and now to further progress in these matters, the more you will see finally shakes loose and awakens or evolves. Private readings with Zoe are available if you are interested in looking into how all of this will be affecting your own unique chart patterns. You can email to inquire about rates and available dates.
There is a turnaround of energy arriving on MONDAY regarding your income, possessions or purchases in the months ahead, you have until mid-September. That means if you still have something powerful to initiate, perhaps back-end deals or perks, or if there is a settlement, tax situation, insurance, commission, loan, bankruptcy, or investment you need to work out, this is your time to do so. You may have some shifts in the above areas due to a pregnancy, divorce or third party interest as well so whatever you feel needs your attention, look for ways to evolve the situation so you are in a more empowered way to make your living or deal with those possessions or purchases going forward this fall. MONDAY and TUESDAY bring some very intense communications; offers, agreements, sales, meetings, talks, writing, or decisions to the table. For you it will focus on love, kids, creative ventures, or fun. Look at how that money matter or the possessions are fueling this as well as how you can expand your horizons by reaching out to others for the changes you need in these creative ventures or love and children's topics. The FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE arrives on TUESDAY, you'll feel it all day Monday in the build-up, and it is bringing a very big ending or achievement involving an aspiration, friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, gatherings or parties, your freedom, an invention, or your original ideas. It's time to wrap it up and call it a day or celebrate what you've managed to accomplish. WEDNESDAY brings talks, decisions, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, and actions over these Eclipse themes to yet another peak with someone significant in the mix. Since Mars is all over this day it may mean what is said, heard or decided motivates action or that there will be passion or anger involved with you and that other person, choose words wisely. THRUSDAY and FRIDAY Venus will show up to help out at home, with real estate deals, family, a parent, roommates, a move, or renovations. That means things should go well for you here and her influence will either mean a woman is helpful in these matters or that you can attract love or income here. Again, if there are any changes or next level of things to get to, do it now. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Taurus and illuminates your health, work, paperwork, and pet needs over the next 30 days. This is your cue to step up and get more personally or physically involved in these matters, take the lead, shine your light, you're on! Out of your year, it will be this period where you will be most readily noticed for that job, health, paperwork, or pet need. SUNDAY begins the 4 day peak of the GRAND CROSS. For you it will be about the very big changes and evolvement around loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, investments, settlements, commissions, royalties, a partner's money, your sex life, divorce, a mortality issue, birth, or third party situation. It is pushing you to open up your life in these areas, perhaps tied to what is going on at home or with real estate or family, perhaps around moves, renovations or roommates. There will be shake-ups and deep changes going on with your lover, kids, love life, creative projects, fun, income, possessions, and purchases as part of this growth as well. Check your emotions about the group, friend, aspiration, internet, or gathering, it's time to move forward. It is also important to note that there will be global events on financial, political and earth related shake-ups like volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, etc, so if you feel you are in the path of any of these worldly changes, back up your safety kits and be careful out there! Grand Cross energy can be harnessed to help you move things that have been stuck for a long while so to that end, the more you partner with the universe right here and now to further progress in these matters, the more you will see finally shakes loose and awakens or evolves. Private readings with Zoe are available if you are interested in looking into how all of this will be affecting your own unique chart patterns. You can email to inquire about rates and available dates.
MONDAY starts your whopper of a week as Pluto Retrogrades in your sign. That is a turnaround of energy you are likely to feel. It is giving you a chance to slow down with some of the massive change/push energy that has been fueling your desire to transform your body, image, name, or brand and giving you time now to catch up with where you find yourself or to wrap up anything still left hanging out there so you are ready for the next big venture when Pluto goes Direct in September. For some of you it hasn't been about you initiating these changes but you having to face intense change from without that affects you personally or physically. Again, the turnaround of this energy will give you some breathing room. You will want to look at the Pluto themes for yourself in all of this so focus in on the past and sexual attractions or issues, control issues, triangles, reproductive needs, mortality issues, divorce, or the big financial picture to influence choices and to steer you back over it all. MONDAY and TUESDAY bring intense talks, offers, agreements, meetings, sales, writing, or decisions focused on the home, real estate deals, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. These are dynamic energy moments meant to get you in there in some expansive way with the client, agent, attorney, partner, specialist, or competition, as well as to invoke more of your moxi, in other words, it ends with you, what do you want? The FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE peaks on TUESDAY although you will feel it strongly in the build-up on MONDAY. That means there is a very big ending or achievement regarding your career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, or dealings with an authority figure like the boss, parent or judge. This is when it comes through or wraps up. Amped up talks, choices or actions over these Eclipse topics will spur action with another person on WEDNESDAY so get ready to rock and roll with them. That means ask for it, write it, meet about it, demand it, sign it, sell it, or decide, all with the intention of motivating action via that partner, client, attorney, specialist, opponent, or other player. Note that since this is Mars it may well stir passions or anger, choose your words accordingly. THURSDAY and FRIDAY Venus shows up to help you smooth out talks or agreements, attract the love or money through what is said, decided, written, sold, signed, or offered, and may bring a woman around who is beneficial to your aims. This links in nicely with that partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key relationship and should feel good for you. Anything you need to do for yourself these days is going to activate all of this positive energy so tackle it while the energy supports positive change. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Taurus to illuminate your love life, kids, creative projects, and fun zone for the next 30 days, lucky you! That means you will now find you are pouring more personal or physical energy into these interests and that you will be noticed, so take the lead, shine your light, step up. SUNDAY begins the 4 day peak of the GRAND CROSS. For you this is going to push for any last big changes or evolvement with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, managers, producers, opponents, or other key relationships. It may be all about what is going on with them on the home front or with real estate or family, a move, renovation or roommate. It may amp up how you can deal with the needs in legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding arenas here. If something isn't working don't be surprised if there is a sudden shift now. If you are ready to go deeper on a personal or physical level, it is possible to overhaul a situation. Keep your emotional energy on your goals, status, career needs, and those authorities in the mix, and make it happen. It is also important to note that there will be global events on financial, political and earth related shake-ups like volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, etc, so if you feel you are in the path of any of these worldly changes, back up your safety kits and be careful out there! Grand Cross energy can be harnessed to help you move things that have been stuck for a long while so to that end, the more you partner with the universe right here and now to further progress in these matters, the more you will see finally shakes loose and awakens or evolves. Private readings with Zoe are available if you are interested in looking into how all of this will be affecting your own unique chart patterns. You can email to inquire about rates and available dates.
There is a powerful turnaround of energy on MONDAY involving your Karmic balance with others, the efforts you are making privately or behind closed doors, the research, healing, hospitals, romantic getaways or clandestine romance, spiritual pursuits, and artistic projects. You have had some intense experiences here but now you can take some time to go back and deal with any financial needs in the mix or it may be that you are having a more personal experience in these matters and you can now look at any past sexual attractions or issues, triangles or divorce needs still needing attention. You have until mid-September to figure it out, then you begin to move into fresh territory. MONDAY and TUESDAY bring some very powerful or intense conversations, offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, proposals, or decisions. As you field these or initiate them, head into them again with that change energy in mind. Look at what potential there is with that paperwork, health need, job, or the animals, and go deeper. You may feel you need to fight for something or defend it or that you are just all excited about pushing ahead on ideas, agreements or choices here. The FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE peaks on TUESDAY although you will feel the build-up MONDAY as well. This is bringing a very big ending or achievement around legal matters, a wedding, travel plans, some situation at a distance, media, marketing or publishing interests, educational pursuits, your religious needs, or a political matter. This is when it wraps up or comes through, expect emotions to run high. If there is some action involving another person that still needs to be activated over these Eclipse themes, they arrive on WEDNESDAY as you hear or choose something to do about it. Mars is all over this exchange with the other person so know it may bring action but it may also bring passions or anger. THURSDAY and FRIDAY Venus shows up to help you with feeling valued, making money, dealing with possessions, or making purchases. She may show up as a woman who can aid you here or she may show up as an ability to attract/express the love or earn that money more easily. Beauty products are favored these days if you are earning your living in this way. There is good flow to work, paperwork, health, pets, and what you do behind the scenes. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Taurus to illuminate your rooted part of the chart for the next 30 days. That means you will be pouring more personal or physical energy into home, moves, renovations, real estate deals, family, parents, or roommates during this period. It's about you taking the lead, making certain your needs are met, signing papers, making your presence known, and shining your light. SUNDAY begins the 4 day peak of the GRAND CROSS. This is about the big growth around your job, job search, routine work you are trying to catch up on, paperwork, what you do with co-workers or people you hire, any health needs or interests, and what's going on with your animals. There will likely be some snap decisions, surprising offers, meetings or talks, or changes around agreements or sales. It will also trigger deep evolvement or change around what is going on secretly or privately, with clandestine romance, spiritual interests, artistic projects, healing, hospitals, research, or development. Your emotional needs regarding that distant situation, trip, legal matter, wedding, educational pursuit, media outlet, or religious belief will fuel it forward. It is also important to note that there will be global events on financial, political and earth related shake-ups like volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, etc, so if you feel you are in the path of any of these worldly changes, back up your safety kits and be careful out there! Grand Cross energy can be harnessed to help you move things that have been stuck for a long while so to that end, the more you partner with the universe right here and now to further progress in these matters, the more you will see finally shakes loose and awakens or evolves. Private readings with Zoe are available if you are interested in looking into how all of this will be affecting your own unique chart patterns. You can email to inquire about rates and available dates.
There is a big turnaround of energy on MONDAY regarding your aspirations, a friend, group, the internet, a party or event you are planning, your freedom, an invention, or your original visionary direction. There has been some weighty energy with these people or situations for a while now tied into what you need financially or it may have its footing in the personal side of your psyche around mortality, birth, divorce, or sexual upheavals and changes. So, do you have aspirations that involve big financial matters, triangles, divorce, etc, or is there something big like this playing out with your friendships, online, with groups, etc? Today that starts to shift in some way giving you time over the months ahead to catch up and to wrap up anything with them that is still hanging out there so you are ready to move ahead mid-September. MONDAY and TUESDAY will bring very intense news, offers, writing, agreements, sales, meetings, talks, or decisions focused on feeling valued, your income, possessions, or purchases. This is going to push at that friend, group, internet, charity, etc, as well as bring up the big things going on with a child, your lover/love life, a creative venture, or recreational needs. Whether you are on the receiving end of this information or you are initiating contact to open things up or bring about change, it is going to be important to go deep and move it along. What do you want? The FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE builds all day Monday and peaks on TUESDAY. This is bringing a major ending or achievement via your sex life, reproductive needs, a divorce, someone's mortality, a birth, or through major financial topics like the loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlement, investment, insurance, taxes, partner's money, alimony, child support, or other key resource. Emotions are high as the climax is felt. If you still need to say more or make another choice over these Eclipse themes involving another person and your income, possessions or purchases, WEDNESDAY is the day to say it, ask for it, demand it, write it, sign it, sell it, or decide it. Mars in the mix means action will come of it and that other person will be motivated or perhaps Mars will fuel passions or anger, in which case, choose words wisely. THURSDAY and FRIDAY Venus shows up to help by getting you into a more relaxed vibe or showing you how you can attract the love or income more easily. A woman may be beneficial to you now. There are positive connections with something big going on in your love life, with a child, a creative project, or fun, as well as some positive next move with the friend, group, internet, freedom, charity, aspiration, or invention. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Taurus where he will highlight your ideas, meetings, siblings, neighborhood, vehicles, writing, offers, agreements, sales, short trips, interviews, auditions, and decision making over the next 30 days. This is where you will shine. It is about pouring more personal and physical energy into these themes and taking the lead. Since a lot of this is communication oriented, you may just find that you are on the receiving end of a lot more invitations and offers. SUNDAY begins the 4 day peak of the GRAND CROSS. This is going to bring any last big changes around the love life, children, creative projects, or recreational needs. It will trigger changes or evolvement with income, possessions, and purchases. It will also bring in focus on the friend, group, internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, freedom, inventions, or aspirations. Your emotions will be keyed in on the deeper stuff like the big financial picture, sex life, reproductive needs, mortality issues, divorce, or third party situations. Make your move, make your changes. It is also important to note that there will be global events on financial, political and earth related shake-ups like volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, etc, so if you feel you are in the path of any of these worldly changes, back up your safety kits and be careful out there! Grand Cross energy can be harnessed to help you move things that have been stuck for a long while so to that end, the more you partner with the universe right here and now to further progress in these matters, the more you will see finally shakes loose and awakens or evolves. Private readings with Zoe are available if you are interested in looking into how all of this will be affecting your own unique chart patterns. You can email to inquire about rates and available dates.
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