This is the LAST WEEK of balancing Karma in the Taurean energy field. You have made it through a year and a half, this week wraps it up and you won't return to this Karmic influence again for another 18 years. To that end, look at any Taurus signs or Taurus Rising signs around you and ask if you feel things are in balance? Look at what you are building, how you are being valued, your income, possessions, and purchases. What would you like to do this week to balance Karma with others or within situations so you are setting off into the next 18 year cycle in a strong position?
This is the LAST WEEK of Destiny calling you through the Scorpio energy field. You have made it through a year and a half, this week wraps it up and you won't return to this Destined place again for another 18 years. To that end, look at any Scorpios or Scorpio Rising signs around you and ask if you feel Destined to do something with or about them? Look at the shared financial situation with others or with institutions, do you need a loan, to pay down debt, deal with inheritance, file bankruptcy, tackle insurance, taxes, settlements, investments, alimony, child support, commissions, or a partner's money? Is there something sexual, reproductive, about the divorce, mortality issues, or a birth that is calling you? Make the last week here count.
If you want to look back, the last time we wrapped up the Taurus/Scorpio Karma/Destiny cycle was August 1995, (it ran Feb 1994-Aug 1995). Next week we move into a new Karma and Destiny cycle, one that has not been here since 1995-1997. I will look more closely at this in next week's forecast. For now, know relationships will become the most important focus of our next year and a half, mirroring some parts of what happened back during this last period. If you would like to go read up ahead about it, I did go into this some in the February Monthly Forecast here!
MONDAY offers good opportunity for decisions involving finances, intimacy or divorce needs. These should help you feel more grounded or secure or tie in with home, real estate, family, or roommates positively. The Uranian energy will be strong today and may make you act out or have a sudden urge to break free. Utilize this combo as you see fit.
TUESDAY the issues at home, with real estate, family, a parent, roommate, move, or renovation will be getting a lot of personal attention and involve at least one other key person. Big changes are needed, does it involve the goal, career, or a parent or other authority figure? You will be doing double duty today because the Sun is highlighting your aspirations, friendships, group activities, online presence, and any causes you may champion, asking you to get involved regarding a financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, or third party issue. Do you need to set some limits, commit to something or mark and ending here?
WEDNESDAY is the last day with the heat on at home, with family, parents, real estate, moves, renovations, or roommates. Today it gets amped up involving the partner, client, specialist, attorney, agent, or competitor. Mercury Retrograde backs into Aquarius in the evening and the past now returns around friends, groups, causes, freedom, the internet, astrology, charities, or inventive ideas. Between now and the 28th you can rethink things here, run into past people or situations, and rewrite how you want things to go to some extent.
THURSDAY the Leo Moon takes over and we begin to feel the promise of the Valentine's Day Full Moon that arrives on Friday. The aspects today are positive, opening up potential around love, children, creative projects, and fun. Listen to Zoe's RADIO SHOW tonight at 8pm est/5pm pst!
FRIDAY is the FULL MOON in Leo, Happy Valentine's Day! Today we reach a peak, a celebratory level with our love life, lover, children, creative projects, or recreational pursuits. It's a day when things come through or achievements are noted. It can also be a peak when things are ending, so bad affairs of the heart bow out or you end a long cycle of bad relationships or a dry spell is over. The same goes for creative efforts or what's going on with the kids, you may be marking something that is wrapping up with these topics now. The Sun and Mars are together today bringing more action and passion, good flow with the partners, reps, clients, specialists, friends, groups, internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. Enjoy!
SATURDAY the Virgo Moon asks that we pay attention to what needs to happen with the other person and the work, health concern, pets, or paperwork. The Sun and Mercury Retrograde meet on the same degree marking the mid-point in your Retrograde journey. This is usually accompanied by an important decision or piece of information and will again tie in with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, your freedom, aspirations, or causes.
SUNDAY Mercury and Mars get busy, a good day to launch into action with the partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, or other key person over those Retrograde themes. Virgo Moon is making nice with the career, personal goals or authority figure in the mix so tackle the work, health interests, animal needs, or paperwork, again, all good.
Valentine's week has Love sitting with Pluto in the goal area of your chart so you are going through a deeply transformational period around what it is you need on a deeper level when it comes to love. You may be setting goals focused around more intimacy, facing divorce issues, reproductive needs, mortality issues, or financial concerns, getting real about what needs to change or evolve. If you are looking now you may find that you are more attracted to power types, someone who can help support the direction of your life rather than just share in it or you may feel more ambitious with your love interest. You are unwilling to do it the same way anymore, you are feeling a bit rebellious as a matter of fact and won't suffer boring or the same ole, same ole for too long. Because the Sun rules true love in your chart and the Sun spends the week in a square to Saturn you may feel extremely serious about what is transpiring in one or more of these matters, pushing yourself to make a long term commitment, end something for good, set up structures, or get more ambitious in the name of love. So, do you seal the deal with someone or say it's time to move on? The Full Moon in true love Leo says you are going to choose the right thing for you this time and that the celebration or ending is going to be beneficial to your need for love in the long run. I might also add that there IS an opportunity for healing at play alongside all this serious flow as well as some big things transpiring on the home front. May you find your inner love bomb! The last week of Taurus Karma means this is it for Karmic debt around income, possessions or purchases. The last week of Destiny in Scorpio means this is it for destined events involving sex, divorce, power, control, big financial matters, reproductive needs, mortality issues, birth, or third party situations. Do what you will to make the week count in these areas. A private reading with Zoe will give you much more information based solely on your unique birth chart and current transiting energy and progressive alignments. If you would like to inquire about rates and available dates email
Your Valentine's Week is very much focused on heading straight into your past and either letting go of something that blocks the door to true love going forward or rethinking some of the things you've done in the past to either release or reclaim what has eluded you thus far in the game of love. I must tell you that there is something you are not fully conscious about, something that is ingrained within you, most likely tied to early childhood traumas or experiences, or further back into past life patterns, that is ready to go by the wayside so that you may move into a more profound sense of love up ahead. The question is, are you willing to look at it and do the purging? For some of you this may be about letting go of a specific relationship or relinquishing habits that make you feel 'safe' and for others it may be about getting in there to get it right with someone you care deeply about but are withholding some key element out of this ingrained pattern of action. The road to a lot of this involves control. You may look at third party situations around you and legal channels, educational pursuits, media ventures, wedding plans, or travel. But the way you navigate this has to do with how in control you feel and how controlling you are being in an attempt at being loved, (loved in the general sense, not some specific body before you, but your true, deeper needs). So, how much control can you let go of and how much are you willing to look at where it all comes from? If you want to be in love, the real deal, you first need to fall. The Full Moon in Leo means you can celebrate achievements or wrap things up in the home, with real estate, renovations, moves, roommates, family, or parents as part of the package. The last week of Taurus Karma means this is it for Karmic debt around you, this may focus on your name, identity, title, brand, body, image, ego, or personal goals. The last week of Destiny in Scorpio means this is it for destined events involving romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, opponents, or other relationships. Do what you will to make the week count in these areas. A private reading with Zoe will give you much more information based solely on your unique birth chart and current transiting energy and progressive alignments. If you would like to inquire about rates and available dates email
Valentine's Week builds towards the Full Moon peak and takes you into more profound experiences and heady flirtations if you are so inclined, and let's face it, most Gemini's show talent for these things! You have Mars working things up with quick passions and lovely pursuits, heating things up in a way that seems almost too easy for you, that's not anger is it? The imagination giant, Neptune, is infusing fantasy around any amours that intrigue and may bring a party or two your way that delight (unless that was anger, in which case you will definitely need to review honesty/deception thanks to Neptune). It's a week to make big proclamations in the name of love and to run into it when you move from place to place. That Full Moon in Leo is trying to push for a big decision, talk or offer. At the same time all this ardor is at your door, Venus is working up a steam with Pluto in your house of sexual experience, divorce and deeper intimacy. This may go one of two ways, you may find a triangle or secret is threading through the involvements occurring now and decide this is the perfect week to bring that to a head as you waltz out of a relationship in the name of being truly loved. On the other hand, this may be about making some major change in the power structure that benefits a deeper connection with another, evolving the situation to more powerful levels of intimacy, and letting go when it comes to the balance of power. Either way, expect some big decisions or intense conversations, offers, proposals, or agreements, as love hits another high. Oh, and if you find yourself solo at this time know that you may use this energy at your disposal to find more things you love by being proactive, looking at anything you can release where finances or divorce are concerned, and vowing to have some fun in the here and now. The last week of Taurus Karma means this is it for Karmic debt around hospitals, healing, addictions, bad habits, research, investigations, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, clandestine romance, art, film, music, poetry, dreams, and isolation. The last week of Destiny in Scorpio means this is it for destined events involving health, work, paperwork, or animals. Do what you will to make the week count in these areas. A private reading with Zoe will give you much more information based solely on your unique birth chart and current transiting energy and progressive alignments. If you would like to inquire about rates and available dates email
Your Valentine's Week is two-sided Cancer. On the one hand, it seems things are going very positively for you when it comes to your love interest, the space you are creating for love or the pursuit of love and the things you are doing at home, with living conditions, family, or security needs. This bodes well for cozying up with someone by the hearth or for pouring all that passion into renovations, moves, or clearing out space around you to allow for love to arrive up ahead. On the other hand, Venus and Pluto embrace this week in your relationship zone so upheavals or powerful rebirthing are on tap when it comes to the balance of power, things you are trying to change, the way you handle finances, the third party situation that has a hold on intimacy, the way you share, divorce topics, mortality issues, or reproductive needs. At the same time, a square between the Sun and Saturn in your house of true love means that career, goals, a parent, boss, or other authority figure is bearing down in a serious way, putting some obstacles in your path that the universe wants you to get real about. If you are brave enough to face some of this head on with your significant other you may find some healing is available. If you are single and brave enough to reach out to someone to help you sort through what is in the way of happiness or a closer union, again, healing is available. With the Full Moon peak a high point around feeling valued or the ways that values align will be part of it, as will any objects of affections, purchases, possessions, or income needs reaching a zenith. For those wishing to avoid the love and frills altogether this week, note that there is just as much energy around creative projects or what you do with or for the kids, and you just have to love that, now don't you?! The last week of Taurus Karma means this is it for Karmic debt around aspirations, freedom, original ideas, inventions, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and gatherings. The last week of Destiny in Scorpio means this is it for destined events involving true love, children, creative projects, and recreational interests. Do what you will to make the week count in these areas. A private reading with Zoe will give you much more information based solely on your unique birth chart and current transiting energy and progressive alignments. If you would like to inquire about rates and available dates email
Valentine's Week for Leo may sound a bit like I'm trying to psychoanalyze you but trust me, I'm not, it just delves into areas this profession loves to utilize. In truth, Leo is under a love influence that is begging you to stop thinking and to let yourself experience emotions regarding love and your mother or your relationship to being nurtured/giving nurture. For some of you where the parental dynamics were reversed it may have been fatherly love that is now in question. Barf, right? Well, sorry, I'm just the messenger, so if you are so inclined there seems to be a rather large gift for you in journeying down that road this week to uncover anything that may be buried within you about your lovability from your golden youth and how that is influencing what you can give and accept now in the name of love. It is a time of release for you so whether that means just making a list of what comes to mind so that you can review it, like, "When I cried my parent...." and "When I laughed my parent..." and when I hugged my parent they...". Then look at who you are attracting and any walls in between you and anyone else. Your parent could have been great, the best, perhaps they flooded you with so much attention that no one else compares? The thing is, you have more at your disposal for purging anything harmful and embracing the best of Jupiter's gifts right here, right now, than you've had in over a decade or will have again for another 12 years, you may wish to at least open to it a bit. Question secrets or habits, listen to dreams and the signs along the road. At the same time this is going on, you are reaching a personal summit regarding identity and needs, it's about you! Simplifying, tending to the details, doing the work, getting healthy, or signing paperwork, these areas Venus is asking you to define love and make changes or evolve the who you are in the dance of love! With so much focus on you don't be surprised if there are some great moments with others as they let you know just how much you mean to them. Venus is also strongest on the work front, in health arenas, with paperwork, or pets this week so you may be evolving some romantic attraction with a co-worker or signing paperwork that changes the love dynamic in some way, you could meet love while getting healthy or out caring for animals, or reach a new summit with a lover on some work project. The last week of Taurus Karma means this is it for Karmic debt around career, status, reputation, fame, personal goals, responsibilities, ambitions, the boss, a parent, the judge, or other authority figures. The last week of Destiny in Scorpio means this is it for destined events involving home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, a parent, or roommates. Do what you will to make the week count in these areas. A private reading with Zoe will give you much more information based solely on your unique birth chart and current transiting energy and progressive alignments. If you would like to inquire about rates and available dates email
Virgo, your sign has the most complicated or intense love energetic out there at present so your Valentine's Week should mirror that for you, ready? First, you are going back to the drawing board to reassess decisions, open those talks or proposals back up, get real about agreements, sales, moves, siblings, transportation, or ideas that in any way are influencing the love. It seems that you are at an epic turning point, very serious, it's time for something to end or for a long term commitment, it needs structure, ambitions are evolving, there is something about responsibilities and what you need to happen to define the boundaries and make it solid. You need to open up the past and talk about it, then make some choices. It is possible that this week finds at least one Karmic union wrapping up, that could be with a friend, sibling, relationship, you name it, but it's influence again has a bearing on what is going on with your ability to love or receive love. As with all signs this week, power struggles, control issues, financially shared topics, divorce, or deeper intimacy/sexual desire will play at the forefront of the love life. Your sign has a good amount of support from partners, reps, specialists, clients, and the like, to receive some healing over these topics if you reach out, but that doesn't negate the fact that you will need to go deeper this week and get real about the bottom line when it comes to your heart and what you will commit to or what has reached its zenith. With the Leo Full Moon activating romantic getaways you may want to plan a short trip out of town or hole up in private for some one-on-one time. Things peak around institutions, a period of isolation, research, film, music, art, spiritual interests, and fantasy at this time so Valentine's Day may embrace some of this for you as well. If single it has to be good news that a period of isolation is ending. The last week of Taurus Karma means this is it for Karmic debt around legal matters, travel plans, foreign interests, educational pursuits, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, weddings, religion, or politics. The last week of Destiny in Scorpio means this is it for destined events involving brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, short trips, community action, electronics, writing, offers, proposals, meetings, speaking roles, interviews, auditions, and decisions. Do what you will to make the week count in these areas. A private reading with Zoe will give you much more information based solely on your unique birth chart and current transiting energy and progressive alignments. If you would like to inquire about rates and available dates email
Libra, you are a spitfire this week, and the best motto I can give you is separation of church and state, you of course being the holy see this Valentine's Week. Why? Well, because Mars is all kinds of passionate and motivated within your sign all week, making nice with lots of other co-conspirators, amping up your level of sex appeal and lighting your mojo along the way. Do watch out this isn't turned to Mars dark side of anger unless you really want to go down that road, you have a whole lot of energy here. You do seem to be overly involved in some deep transformation brewing in the home or with your living conditions so you may feel engrossed to the point of no return there but this can as well be used to go deeper with your love interest on the home front, to light intimacy levels and make changes that profoundly enliven your current paradigm. If you are single and wish to use this energy then pretty much all you have to do is put yourself out there in your highly vibrant way and allow nature to take its course. Don't let the concern over income, possessions or purchases derail you, yes, you need to be serious about what is transpiring or needs to transpire here but you can also set plenty of time aside to glow. Since both rulers of your house of true love are in T-squares, you can go over the top or use this to eradicate anything in your way to the love that will truly support you. Finally, since that ruler of True love sits within your relationship zone and is under frictional energy you will feel a strong need for something different this week. This can be a good thing driving you to step out of the comfort zone and do something you haven't done before with them or in pursuit of your desired one, or it can mean you are right here, right now, ready to break out of some rut or stale situation and free yourself. This energy will as well be strong. It won't be boring. The last week of Taurus Karma means this is it for Karmic debt around big financial matters, sex or divorce. The last week of Destiny in Scorpio means this is it for destined events involving income, possessions or purchases and the way you feel valued. Do what you will to make the week count in these areas. A private reading with Zoe will give you much more information based solely on your unique birth chart and current transiting energy and progressive alignments. If you would like to inquire about rates and available dates email
Scorpio, this Valentine's week, the absolute only thing standing in the way of a truly love enriched experience is the commitment to yourself via Saturn. If you have cleared the serious matter involving your name, identity, title, brand, or body via Saturn's work to limit, end things, commit long term, and be ambitious, then the aspects aligned around your ruler of true love are off the charts. If you still need to make some of these themes real regarding yourself, then do what it takes to be true to you. There is no fast track to getting around this, Saturn demands you are serious and goal oreinted to any endings or ambitious commitments that define who you are and who you are becoming. If you find yourself in the position of limitation around love due to these needs then promise to use the amazing love energy to love yourself, actually plan out something magical, purchase some great music, have a film marathon, soak in the hot tub or bath, plan a massage, treat yourself to a fine dinner, you get the idea. For those of you in love, travel may be the way to go or doing something recreational or with kids, could celebrate the love. Venus is engaged in some powerful agreement, sale, writing, negotiation, or decision this week for you so again, love may be held up over coming to terms or getting ideas out there or you can use this energy to transform a love situation by having the talk or offering/accepting the proposal. Since the Full Moon arrives in goal and career arenas for you on the same day you may be reaching goals in love or focusing the love on achieving important stages in the career. Finally, a Grand Trine engages both the old and newer ruler of your house of True Love in a most magical way that says love is coming or evolving through friends, groups, ideas, the internet, artistry, spiritual definition, and following/trusting the signs along the road, you haven't had something like this percolating for a very long time so wherever you find yourself, trust that this background energy is one to notice and stay true to as you open your heart to the possibilities. The last week of Taurus Karma means this is it for Karmic debt around marriage partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, opponents, and other key relationships. The last week of Destiny in Scorpio means this is it for destined events involving your name, title, identity, brand, body, or personal needs. Do what you will to make the week count in these areas. A private reading with Zoe will give you much more information based solely on your unique birth chart and current transiting energy and progressive alignments. If you would like to inquire about rates and available dates email
Valentine's Week brings you some real excitement, sudden changes or surprise that you just didn't see coming and it's thanks to Uranus in T-square in your house of true love. You may decide to do something spontaneous or you may be ready to change your mind about what is going on in your love life. The ruler of this house is Mars and Mars is all kind of busy this week in your social sector, making some pretty astounding alignments that should get you out there with friends, involved in groups, at parties or gatherings, online, or involved in charities or causes, all that will bring you into close proximity to love. So if single, call up your pals and get out there or sign up for a dating site (hopefully one you tried or thought about trying before since Mercury is still Retrograde). If you are involved, find something socially stimulating to do, and if you would like to utilize this energy to take the relationship to the next level, express your aspirations with your amour, you should be well received. Proposals are in store for some Sages and your house of intimacy is part of a Grand Trine bringing some lovely indicators for you. If the relationship is not suiting you anymore the Full Moon can help you end it and with the positive aspects to the 'divorce' house you should be able to separate to the benefit of both parties. This Full Moon brings legal, travel, educational, media, and wedding peaks around love for Sage so choose a topic and go for it. If you want to blow off all the love energy do yourself a favor and focus creative projects or children's needs into these Full Moon arenas. The last week of Taurus Karma means this is it for Karmic debt around health, work, paperwork, animals, co-workers, or people you hire. The last week of Destiny in Scorpio means this is it for destined events involving hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, imagination, film, music, art, romantic getaways or clandestine romance, spiritual practices, or projects in development. Do what you will to make the week count in these areas. A private reading with Zoe will give you much more information based solely on your unique birth chart and current transiting energy and progressive alignments. If you would like to inquire about rates and available dates email
Valentine's Week is a big one when it comes to your understanding about loving yourself. This may manifest as someone drowning you in roses and chocolates but it can just as easily stem from this powerful, new awareness that is evolving deep within you about your worth. This is because you are the sign hosting Venus and Venus is embracing Pluto here so it is epic as far as turning points. There is a T-square making for some big dynamics around this and focusing on the home, real estate, family, a parent, roommate, move, or renovation and the changes that are coming from this and affecting potential for you in love. You've recently learned so much more about who you truly are and what you are made of, stay true to that as you mark this peak in the love arena. Is it time to make a change to your name through marriage or divorce? The combination of energies can help you do this now. Is it time to reach the next step with your reinvention of yourself, your brand, body, or image, ditto. The other point to the T-square involves Jupiter in your committed relationship zone so partnership and growth opportunities as well as any relationships that may be pulling on your attention from business partners, clients, specialists, competitors, or others, will fuel what transpires. Jupiter wants to open this up wide so the right person can bring growth in your life and you are nearing the last months of this influence so look carefully at who stays, who goes. The Full Moon in Leo highlights climactic events in your sex life, with a divorce or in some big financial arena that plays out on the same day as Valentine's Day so things peak or wrap up here. On the other hand, if you are in a mind-set to swear off love at this moment in time then you may apply your focus on income since Venus is in charge of that as well and focus developments in these other departments on your bottom line. The last week of Taurus Karma means this is it for Karmic debt around your love life, lovers or the pursuit of love, children, creative projects, and the animals. The last week of Destiny in Scorpio means this is it for destined events involving your aspirations, freedom, original ideas, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, causes, and independence. Do what you will to make the week count in these areas. A private reading with Zoe will give you much more information based solely on your unique birth chart and current transiting energy and progressive alignments. If you would like to inquire about rates and available dates email
Aquarius, boy are you complicated this Valentine's Week! First of all, Mercury rules your love life and is Retrograde. So you may be rethinking some love affairs or doing your part to return to past issues or opportunities to review love in some new way. The questions that arise in the first half of the week are about being valued or focus in on a gift, possessions, purchases, or your income. Once Mercury backs into your sign you are more or less coming home for some aha moment about what you have to give when it comes to love and what it is you need. There is something that needs to be said or agreed upon, you may want to focus on name, title, your body, or personal needs, but it's important to connect to something past and release or reclaim. Perhaps you will go see a past love or retreat to an inn that was fabulous in the past, etc, or perhaps you will undergo some complete change in the way you embrace the love. Proposals are a very major theme for many this time around as can be children or creative needs. The Full Moon on Valentine's Day highlights some climax with a partner so you may be celebrating a major peak with them or deciding it's time to end things. Other key relationships of note will involve attorneys, agents, clients, specialists, and competitors. It seems a serious goal or career matter plays into which way this goes. And all along the way your ruler is highly charged up this week with ideas, meetings, out there on the road or with vehicles, siblings, or neighbors, writing or coming to terms on something, and truly interested in awakening old paradigms. The last week of Taurus Karma means this is it for Karmic debt around home needs, renovations, moves, roommates, family, parents, real estate deals, and security issues. Yeah, it's complicated but promising. The last week of Destiny in Scorpio means this is it for destined events involving major personal goals, ambitions, career, status, reputation, fame, achievements, parents, bosses, judges, or other authority figures. Do what you will to make the week count in these areas. A private reading with Zoe will give you much more information based solely on your unique birth chart and current transiting energy and progressive alignments. If you would like to inquire about rates and available dates email
Valentine's Week has Jupiter, the lucky and expansive energy force, at work in your house of true love. Jupiter is Retrograde so it is saying that something big can happen here with someone you already know or with delving into past themes regarding love and your beliefs about love or through letting go. So how much do you want? There is a T-square that says a big part of what is transpiring has to do with how you feel valued and what your true aspirations are, it is pushing you hard to figure this out for yourself. To that end it may bring income changes or focus on possessions or purchases and tie in with a power struggle going on with a friend or some major change involving a group, the internet, a charity, or your independence/freedom. These areas can bring strong sexual dynamics as well so you may find yourself playing out an attraction online or with that pal. There really is something magical in the air right now if you get this right so do the hard stuff. Chiron is promising some inner healing if you meditate on it and go deeper about who you are and how you've been hurt in the past. The Full Moon that accompanies this peak in love revolves around high points at work, with health, paperwork, or animals so you may have something coming through or wrapping up here. If you are not so inclined to pursue the hearts and cupids this time around or if you are single and looking, getting social is where it's at but do know that although this can be healing, anyone new you meet this week may have some entanglement that needs to be resolved or something financial that is intensely transforming in their lives so go in with eyes open. The last week of Taurus Karma means this is it for Karmic debt around talks, meetings, writing, offers, proposals, agreements, sales, local activities, short trips, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, and ideas. The last week of Destiny in Scorpio means this is it for destined events involving legal matters, travel plans, foreign interests, religion, politics, weddings, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, and education. Do what you will to make the week count in these areas. A private reading with Zoe will give you much more information based solely on your unique birth chart and current transiting energy and progressive alignments. If you would like to inquire about rates and available dates email
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