On the 11th Neptune ends his Retrograde cycle that began on June 4th and retraced the first 3 degrees of Pisces. With this giant going Direct we are now ready to move ahead with artistic projects such as films, music, fine art, dance, or sculpture, we are ready to move into a new phase of spiritual journey, start the yoga class or take up meditation, deal with addictions in new ways or tune into our psychic or magical abilities, ready to move ahead on some new level with any romance that has been kept quiet or secret up until now, ready to move into new phases with hospitals, prisons, retreats, psychiatric wards, or other institutions, ready to move into any interests behind the scenes, in development or through research and investigation, and ready to let our imaginations, fantasy life and dreams take on new life.
The 13th brings a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE New Moon in Scorpio. This is a big one because it is opening a huge new doorway for us with finances, the sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, and dealing with anyone’s passing. The New beginning is your best 2 week window to seed new intentions in these areas of life. With this new start you can expect that something or someone will be eclipsed out to make room for the forward growth. This New Moon is the territory being retraced starting tomorrow on the 14th with the Mercury Retrograde so something from the past must be dealt with in this scenario. This is also where the North Node of Destiny and Saturn are working their fated moments, so all in all it’s a really big deal that you get serious about what is going on here and move ahead on things.
Mars changes signs on the 16th exiting Sagittarius and entering Capricorn where he will tour through December 25th. This means that we will now have more motivation and action playing out over goals, career, ambitions, reputation, fame, father, the boss, and with other authority figures. It will also allow for the expression of passion and dealing with anger over these topics. Ask yourself what you would like to achieve since you will have the added mojo to go after it during this period.
The 21st has the Sun moving into Sagittarius and Venus moving into Scorpio. Two personal energies changing fields on the same day will be felt in your world so consider what the shift will mean. The Sun will put a spotlight on your position in a legal matter or interest, any media, marketing or publishing needs, your educational interests, wedding or travel plans, or with people at a distance. This is where you will want to pour your personal and physical energy over the next 30 days and where you will shine. It will affect a different area of life for each sign as explained below. Venus in Scorpio is another personal energy joining the party and helping to smooth things out with the divorce, sex life, death, or financial picture. She will help to attract love or personal income tied to these themes and may bring a female onto the scene that benefits your aims between now and January 8th, 2013.
You may want to take note of the 23rd on your calendar since this day brings Mars and Uranus together in a jolting kind of way. Mars brings action, fights, anger, passion, or motivating forces up against the shock and change energy of Uranus. It plays out between your own personal needs or body and authority figures or goals, career, or ambitions. Surprise actions may shift things considerably and awaken you to what needs to change.
Mercury goes Direct on the 26th and you now have a green light to sign the contracts, launch new ideas, make agreements, purchase vehicles or electronics, and move forward. This may have a definite affect on the divorce, finances, sex life, or triangles in play today.
Mars and Pluto embrace on the 27th bringing action, passion, anger, and upheaval, rebirth, power plays, elimination, or transformation together. It’s very powerful energy that has dynamic energy behind it and will affect your career, boss, dad, ambitions, goals, reputation, fame, or authority figures. If you feel attacked on this day try to take the high road and if you feel volatile yourself, remember what’s it’s about, effecting change that puts you into a better position in the long haul. This day may also mark an achievement you’ve been working on for some time hitting a peak.
This intense configuration is followed closely by a FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 28th in Gemini. This brings a major peak, ending, celebration, or achievement around agreements, writing projects, sales, decisions, brothers, sisters, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, offers, proposals, or ideas. Again there is an ‘eclipsing’ flavor to what crests now.
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November brings a Mercury Retrograde starting on the 6th that will take you over past legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational needs between the 6th-14th so that you can rework, rewrite, renegotiate, or rethink the people, situations or interests involved. Mercury will then Retrograde back into Scorpio and continue to retrace the past between this date and the 26th. This period will turn your attention on finances, sex, reproduction, or divorce needs and let you rework anything there. Do not make new electronic or vehicle purchases during this phase if you can wait but do connect with anyone or thing that can help you tweak out past issues in these arenas.
Neptune has been Retrograde since June and on the 11th he faces forward and you should feel ready to move ahead again on film, music, art, or spiritual projects or interests, any hospital matters, research projects or investigations, take a clandestine affair into another arena, or deal with addictions in some new way.
The NEW MOON on the 13th is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in Scorpio! This is going to give you your best 2 week window to launch new financial objectives, secure loans, gain settlements or put things in play with taxes, insurance, commissions, alimony, child support, inheritance, bankruptcy, or a partner’s money. Something will be ‘eclipsed’ out to make for the new beginning. This arena also rules your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce needs, and triangles that are active in your life. The same goes here, you may meet a hot new person that you begin an intimate relationship with ‘eclipsing’ out the past, find resolutions to sexual or reproductive needs ‘eclipsing’ out past issues, or start the divorce ‘eclipsing’ out the marriage. Eclipses can trigger one month to the day either side of the event so look back at Oct. 16th and ahead to Dec. 11th for more on the story.
Mars enters Capricorn on the 16th turning your physical passions and actions towards ambitions and goals, firing up your fighting spirit with authority figures or career needs, and helping you express your passions in pursuit of achievement, fame or in dealing with the boss or on dad’s behalf. You have from now through Dec. 25th to make things happen so get moving!
The 21st is an interesting day because 2 planets are changing energy fields and will be felt on a personal level by you. First the Sun enters Sagittarius putting the spotlight on legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, and educational pursuits over the next 30 days. This is where you will now wish to pour your physical and personal energy and where you will shine, take the lead and step out. Second, Venus moves into Scorpio. Here she will do her best to smooth things over in the sex life, with the divorce or with any of those big financial needs. She should help you attract the love or income through these areas more easily and may bring a female onto the scene that can benefit your aims here.
Mars is going to get edgy on the 23rd and 27th. Both of these days have the potential to be volatile and at the least will be big event oriented days. Mars squares Uranus on the 23rd and you will see something unexpected or changing with the needs you have, your input or your brand and the boss, career, goal, ambition, reputation, authority figure, or fame. Mars sits down with Pluto on the 27th bringing a total new beginning built on the ashes of what blows up on the career front, with the boss, authority figure, dad, reputation, fame, goal, or ambition. This is powerful and may transform something big for you, jump in and do what you can to reach for that brass ring.
Mercury goes Direct on the 26th and you are now in the all clear to buy electronics, vehicles, or sign agreements. You should now be ready to make some choices involving the big financial matter, sexual attraction or issue, reproductive need, or divorce.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is a LUNAR ECLPISE in Gemini! This is bringing a major peak, ending, celebration, or achievement around talks, meetings, offers, sales, news, agreements, writing, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics. Again the ‘eclipsing’ out of something as you reach that climactic point is part of the moment. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own personal configurations you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
The Mercury Retrograde is going to kick off on the 6th of November taking you back into the past to rethink, rework or revisit your sexual attractions or needs, reproductive needs or issues, divorce, loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, insurance or tax matters, commissions, royalties, or partner’s money. This Retrograde has 2 parts and this one lasts until the 14th. On the 14th through the 26th Mercury will back into Scorpio and you will be revisiting past ideas, people or situations tied to marriage partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents. It’s not the time to make new commitments, sign documents regarding these topics or purchase new vehicles or electronics but it is the time to look at what came before here.
Neptune has been Retrograde since June and on the 11th he turns Direct in your social arena. This is going to move you ahead again with new friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities in the months ahead and spark your artistic, spiritual, romantic, or institutional interests here. Just guard against addictive behaviors or self-sabotaging through these ends.
The NEW MOON SOLAR ELCIPSE on the 13th is your best 2 week window of the year to launch new projects with partners, clients or other key people, to make new key relationships, to land an attorney or agent to move something forward, to deal with the competition or opponent on new terms, or to commit to a relationship. Something will be ‘eclipsed’ out to make for this fresh start. Eclipses can be felt one month to the day before or after so look back at Oct 16th and forward to Dec 11th for more to the story.
Mars moves into Capricorn on the 16th where he will tour through the 25th of Dec. and spark your drive and passion around legal matters, travel, media or marketing interests, publishing, weddings, higher education, politics, or religion. This is going to be a hotbed of activity and will all you to express yourself and get motivated. You just have to watch for anger stirring in these areas.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 21st where he will shine a light on your sexual interests, divorce needs or the big financial matters you are involved with over the next 30 days. This is where you will pour most of your physical and personal energy and where you will take the lead and stand out. Venus moves into Scorpio today as well and she is going to help smooth things over with marriage partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, and competitors over the weeks ahead. This may bring a female onto the scene as one of these roles or just help you attract the love and income through these people.
Mars is going to be very wound up on the 23rd and 27th causing some real change to take place. Mars squares Uranus on the 23rd shaking things up behind the scenes and bringing all kinds of action around changes taking place in secret or unexpectedly tied to legal, travel, media, marketing, wedding, publishing, or educational matters. Mars sits with Pluto on the 27th bringing upheaval and rebirth in these same legal, travel, media, marketing, wedding, publishing, or educational matters. This may be powerful and intense and motivate you to make something big happen now.
Mercury goes Direct on the 26th and you are in the clear after today to sign agreements, make new pitches or proposals, start new writing projects, purchase new vehicles or electronics, and make your decisions involving your marriage or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents.
The FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 28th is a major climax for you involving income. This will be a peak moment when you reach a goal, celebrate achievements or mark endings tied to the money you make. Something will be ‘eclipsed’ out alongside this high point, agreements and decisions will play a key part. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own personal configurations you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
November is a big month for you Gemini kicking off with your ruler, Mercury, entering his 3rd Retrograde of the year on the 6th. He is going to take you back into the past to rework, revisit and rethink romantic or business partnerships, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents. You will have between the 6th and 14th to look back here. From the 14th through the 26th Mercury Retrogrades back into Scorpio and you will enter a period of revisiting past work opportunities or decisions, old paperwork, past health matters, or interests involving animals. Again you want to revisit, rework, rewrite, release, reconnect, or rethink these areas. Don’t purchase new electronics or vehicles during this phase or sign new contracts if you can hold off but do get back to these past interests.
Neptune has been Retrograde since June and he finally goes Direct on the 11th, the angel number (11/11). This is your cue to start moving ahead with new career interests, the direction of your life, new achievements, to authority figures, your father, the boss, your own leadership abilities, reputation and fame, and the goals and ambitions you wish to have in play. Bring your artistic or spiritual inspiration, imagination, research abilities, institutional connections, or dreams into the direction you take, and get inspired.
The NEW MOON on the 13th is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in Scorpio! This is your best 2 week window of the year to launch new work projects, get new co-workers or hire people to work for you, to start new health regimes, adopt new animals or get involved in things that benefit animals, and to launch new services. Something will be ‘eclipsed’ out for this to move ahead. Eclipses can be felt one month to the day before or after so look back at Oct 16th and forward to Dec 11th for more to the story.
Mars moves into Capricorn on the 16th where he will fire things up through Dec. 25th. For you this is going to amp up your sex life, bring more passion or anger here, stir your actions on the divorce, or prompt you to go after that loan, investment, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commission, settlement, royalty, insurance policy, investment, deal with the taxes, or do something involving your partner’s money. You can get things moving here now so move!
The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 21st where he will tour for the next 30 days. This illuminates relationships in your romantic life and business life, your partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, competitors, and opponents. It’s about you pouring your physical and personal energy into these key relationships, taking the lead and shining your light. Venus moves into Scorpio today, changing energy fields as well. Here she will be helping to smooth things out at work, in the pursuit of work, with paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, health needs, and pets in the weeks ahead. She may bring a female onto the scene that can benefit your aims here or just help you to attract more love or income through these avenues. If you’ve been looking for a job this should definitely help you land one.
Mars is going to get all out there and wired up on the 23rd and 27th. These are days to note because they will be very active and event oriented. For you the 23rd will be about something powerful happening with your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, financial arena, and the changes this will involve tied to your friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations. The 27th will bring about an upheaval and rebirth involving the sex, divorce, reproduction, financial matter, or someone’s passing. It’s a powerful change that marks endings and beginnings here.
Mercury goes Direct on the 26th and you are in the clear after today to sign agreements, make new pitches or proposals, start new writing projects, purchase new vehicles or electronics, and make your decisions involving your work, paperwork, health, co-workers, employees, or animals.
The FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPE on the 28th is a huge climax for you since it occurs in GEMINI. This is all about reaching a major goal on a personal level, or seeing something peak with your body, image, identity, or brand. You may be celebrating achievements or marking endings here. Something will be ‘eclipsed’ out at this point as things culminate. An example would be a peak with your identity as you go from single to married, the single life being eclipsed out. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own personal configurations you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
November is going to be powerful and it begins with Mercury Retrograding on the 6th and taking you back to rework, revisit or rethink the past through work, jobs, paperwork, organization, health, co-workers, people you hire, and pets. You have from the 6th – 14th to reconnect with past people, situations or ideas and see if you want to take things forward or release them. On the 14th Mercury Retrogrades back into Scorpio where he will finish out this cycle on the 26th. During this second phase you will back track into past love interests, love issues, anything involving children, and your past creative projects. Again it is about rethinking, rewriting, revisiting, reconnecting, or releasing. Don’t sign new agreements, purchase new cars or electronics until this has passed if you can hold off. Do be open to revisiting what still need attention in the above mentioned topics.
Neptune has been Retrograde since June and he turns in the sky to go Direct on the 11th. This is your cue to begin to move ahead on the legal, travel, media, marketing, educational, wedding, or publishing needs you have for your romantic life, artistic projects, spiritual interests, dealings with institutions, addictions, research, or investigations in the months ahead. Let your imagination be your guide.
The NEW MOON on the 13th is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE occurring in your house of true love, children, recreational activities, speculation, and creative projects. This is your best 2 week window of the year to launch new creative projects or get your current project out there, to fall in love with someone new or begin some new project with your lover, to take your current love to the next level or start something for children. Something will be ‘eclipsed’ out to make way for this fresh start. Eclipses can be felt one month to the day before or after so look back at Oct 16th and forward to Dec 11th for more to the story.
Mars moves into Capricorn on the 16th and from now through Dec 25th he is going to stir passions and motivate you greatly with romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, clients, and opponents. This will help you make things happen, help you express your needs, these people may help you fight for what you need, but Mars here may also stir anger between you and key people so take it easy.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 21st where he will shine his light over the next 30 days illuminating your work, job, paperwork, co-workers, employees, health, and pets. This is where you will want to pour your personal and physical energy and where you can take the lead and shine. Venus also changes signs today moving into Scorpio. Here she will help smooth things out with your love life, help you attract more love, bring an ease with children and creative projects, and help you attract the income you need to move creative ventures forward. A female may enter the scene that can benefit your aims in these areas during this time.
Note that the 23rd and 27th are going to be intense and active days that will likely bring events into play that change things or move them along a great deal. The 23rd will focus in on the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or opponent and your career, reputation, fame, goals, ambitions, status, or dealings with the boss, dad or other authority figures. Expect sudden shifts, excitement, shock, or change. The 27th will be about total upheaval and rebirth in some powerful way with the romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, opponent, or competitor. This is about eliminating things and making deep, intense changes to empower.
Mercury goes Direct on the 26th and you are in the clear after today to sign agreements, make new pitches or proposals, start new writing projects, purchase new vehicles or electronics, and make your decisions involving your love life, lover, creative projects, children, or recreational interests.
The FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 28th is all about a huge peak for you with endings, hospitals or other institutions, addictions, film, music or other artistic projects, spiritual interests, meditation, yoga, psychic abilities, magic, a clandestine romance, research project, investigation, or something you have in development. Expect something to be ‘eclipsed’ out emotionally as you reach this peak and for this to be a time of celebrations, achievements or endings in these areas. An example would be your time at a hospital is eclipsed out as you are cured and celebrate being healed. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own personal configurations you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
November starts out with Mercury slowing in the sky preparing for his Retrograde cycle that kicks in on the 6th. From the 6th through the 14th Mercury Retrogrades through Sagittarius and takes you back over past issues, potentials, ideas, people, and situations involving your love life, children and creative projects. This is your window to rethink what happened, rewrite, renegotiate, rework, reconnect, or release. From the 14th through the 26th Mercury Retrogrades into Scorpio where you will turn your attention to past home issues or needs, roommates, family matters, moves, real estate deals, renovations, or what occurred with mom. Do not purchase new electronics or vehicles or sign new contracts during this phase if you can wait but do rework, rethink and reconnect over these topics.
Neptune has been in Retrograde mode since June and on the 11th he goes Direct, waking from his slumber and beginning to move ahead in areas that will affect your sex life, divorce proceedings or financial interests. Neptune can bring imagination, fantasy and Karmic connections into all of this or put an emphasis on artistic, spiritual and hidden romantic needs, hospitals and other institutions, addictions, hidden agendas, research, investigations, and development.
The NEW MOON on the 13th is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in your home arena. This is huge for fresh starts in the home, with real estate, moves, property matters, renovations, roommates, family, or mom. You have the best 2 week window of the year to launch new game plans here but know that something will be ‘eclipsed’ out to make this fresh start. Eclipses can be felt one month to the day before or after so look back at Oct 16th and forward to Dec 11th for more to the story.
Mars moves into Capricorn on the 16th where he will tour through Dec 25th. This is your added fuel to motivate on getting a job, tackling work at hand, expressing more passion at work, doing more things with co-workers, going out and hiring people to work for you, taking your health by the horns and doing something about it, or gearing up with animals on activities. It’s dynamic and can help you get things going but just watch for anger flaring up since this is the warrior energy, it can make you want to fight the establishment or boss, or overdo the work-out routines.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 21st which begins a 30 day cycle with a spotlight on your love life, children and creative projects. This is where you will want to pour most of your personal and physical energy and where you will shine, take the lead and step out. Venus changes signs today as well, moving into Scorpio where she will help smooth things out with mom, family, at home, with real estate, moves, or roommates. She will also help you attract more love or income flow through these realms and may bring a woman onto the scene that will benefit your aims here.
The 23rd and 27th are going to be intense when a whole lot will happen and things will shake up, change and evolve. The 23rd is about the actions you take or react to at work, in pursuit of work, with paperwork, co-workers, employees, health, or pets, and the legal, travel, foreign, media, marketing, educational, publishing, or wedding plans in the mix. This is about freeing things up, making changes, awakening, fighting, and motivating. The 27th is completely focused on upheaval and rebirth or some powerful transformation happening tied to work, health, paperwork, or animals. Actions taken here are part of an overhaul and evolution.
Mercury goes Direct on the 26th and you are in the clear after today to sign agreements, make new pitches or proposals, start new writing projects, purchase new vehicles or electronics, and make your decisions involving your home, move, real estate needs, family, mom, or roommates.
Right after this major Mars combination comes the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 28th that brings a major culmination for you with an aspiration, friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity. This is about a huge peak, celebration, achievement, or ending and something will be ‘eclipsed’ out as you reach this high point. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own personal configurations you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Mercury is your ruling energy and he is going to Retrograde in November backtracking through 2 different signs! This means that from the 6th through the 26th you will be more focused on rethinking, rewriting, reconnecting, releasing, or reworking things involving past people, ideas or situations than at other times. This is your opportunity to change something so it works better moving up ahead. From the 6th – 14th Mercury Retrogrades through Sagittarius and helps you look back at past decisions and agreements involving your home, real estate deals, renovations, property settlements, moves, roommates, family matters, or things involving mom. From the 14th – 26th Mercury backs into Scorpio where you will be focused on brothers, sisters, neighbors, moves, writing, agreements, negotiations, offers, sales, vehicles, electronics, talks, and meetings. Again this time is to review the past and rework it but not the time to make new purchases of electronics or cars nor to sign documents if you can hold off unless they are from the past.
Neptune has been Retrograde since June and on the 11th he will go Direct in your relationship zone. This means that all the inner processing and slow-downs that have been tied to key people in your life and the clandestine nature of the romance, artistic or spiritual pursuits the two of you are focused on, institutions you’ve been dealing with, addictions you are tackling, research or investigations that are ongoing, or development of a project that has been in the works, will now begin to move ahead again. Dream big.
The NEW MOON on the 13th is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE that is happening in your house of communications, transportation, siblings, neighbors, and sales. This is about a huge new beginning for you and marks the beginning of the best 2 week window of the year for you to launch new agendas or projects with these people, to begin a writing project, put agreements into play, move, get a fresh start with your brother, sister or neighbor, begin some new local activity or start to make more short trips. Since your ruler is Retrograde and about to move into this arena tomorrow you will have something tied to the past in all of this new start. Something will be ‘eclipsed’ out to make way as you go.
Mars moves into Capricorn on the 16th where he will activate things through the 25th of December. For you this means more passion, action, anger, and drive pouring into your house of true love, children and creative projects. You may gear up to pursue a love interest, start something active with your lover, deal with anger issues, become more passionate, get involved with kids projects, or pour on the creative juices. It’s go time.
The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 21st where he will shine his light over the next 30 days. This is going to put a focus on your home, moves, real estate deals, mom, family, or roommates during this phase and this is where you will stand out, pour most of your personal or physical energy, tie your identity into the mix, and shine your light. Venus changes signs today as well moving into Scorpio where she will help smooth things out with brothers, sisters, neighbors, moves, sales, vehicles, electronics, agreements, writing projects, short trips, local activities, and decisions. She will help attract more love or income through these realms and may bring a female onto the scene that benefits your aims here.
Take note that the 23rd and 27th will be volatile days when much will happen. ON the 23rd this is going to gear things up big time with lovers, kids or creative projects and bring something surprising or changing around sex, divorce or a big financial matter. You will be challenged to rise to the occasion and move on what occurs. The 27th will be about an upheaval and rebirth affecting your love life, children or creative projects. This is powerful and about deconstruction, power, your sex life, the finances, the divorce, triangles, and the evolution taking place in your life with endings and beginnings.
Mercury goes Direct on the 26th and you are in the clear after today to sign agreements, make new pitches or proposals, start new writing projects, purchase new vehicles or electronics, get your sales moving again, launch ahead with brothers, sisters or neighbors, make your move, and make your new decisions.
Right on the heels of this intense Mars energy comes the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 28th bringing a major culmination around your career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, status, dealings with authority figures, dad or the boss, and your leadership style. This is about celebrating achievements or marking endings, and something will be ‘eclipsed’ out as you reach this summit. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own personal configurations you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Having Mercury Retrograde in the third house of communication and transportation is like a double wammy and that is exactly what your sign is getting in November. Starting on the 6th and lasting until the 14th you will be retracing steps in writing projects, with agreements, decisions, sales, talks, meetings, pitches, offers, news, proposals, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, short trips, local activities, and ideas. It’s a time to reconnect with people, ideas or situations in these areas and rethink things, rework them, or release them. From the 14th through the 26th Mercury will back into Scorpio and you will shift your backwards glance now to income. During this phase you may have a past position or opportunity come back around or revisit ideas or offers here, you may also quit a current situation or see things slow down. Watch for miscommunications, writing, agreements, and decisions involving your personal earnings. Wait on signing new agreements, purchasing new vehicles or electronics but you are good to do so if it is tied to past situations.
Neptune has been Retrograde since June and on the 11th he is going to begin to move ahead again. This means that if your imagination, artistic talents or projects, spiritual or psychic interests, magical abilities, research or investigations, development, secret romances, or intuition has been stagnant on the job or you haven’t been able to bring any of this to your work, it should start to move ahead again. Health and animal interests will as well get the benefit of these topics moving ahead again. Any of you battling addictions should find that you can see some progress now.
The NEW MOON on the 13th is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in your income zone. This is your best 2 week window of the year to launch new ways to make money, to increase salary, find income producing opportunities, make a major purchase, or get your values aligned with the right people or situations. Since Mercury backs into this arena tomorrow you can rest assured that something from the past is part of this fresh start. You can also be assured that something will be ‘eclipsed’ out to make room for this new beginning. Eclipses can be felt one month to the day before or after so look back at Oct 16th and forward to Dec 11th for more to the story.
Mars moves into Capricorn on the 16th and will stir the embers at home, over real estate, with moves, family, roommates, mom, or renovations from now through the 25th of December. This is very active, dynamic energy that will motivate you to do things here, to express your passions more intensely in these areas and to deal with any anger that stems from these arenas.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 21st putting a spotlight on the talks, writing, agreements, decisions, sales, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, moves, and ideas for the next 30 days. This is going to put you out there in these areas, where you will want to pour more of your physical and personal energy and where you will shine the brightest. Venus also changes signs today moving into Scorpio. Here she will help smooth things out with your income, help you attract money more easily or love what you are doing to make money, and she may bring a female onto the scene that benefits your bottom line.
Note the 23rd and 27th when Mars is going to get very intense and when you can expect some real action, surprise, change, and rebirth. The 23rd will be about what happens at home, with a move, renovation, real estate deal, property matter, mom, family, or roommates and the shake-ups involving partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or opponents. The 27th will be about a complete upheaval and rebirth at home, with the home, real estate deal, move, mom, family, or roommate. If things have been sluggish here not so on these days.
Mercury goes Direct on the 26th and you have the green light to sign documents, purchase vehicles or electronics, or make decisions involving your income in the days and weeks ahead.
The FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 28th is going to bring a major peak for you with a legal matter or interest, an educational matter, a trip, an import/export topic, with a foreign interest or person, with media, marketing or publishing needs, with a wedding, or with your beliefs. This is about celebrating achievements or marking endings. Something will be emotionally ‘eclipsed’ out as you reach this zenith. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own personal configurations you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
November opens with Mercury stationed in the sky preparing for his Retrograde that begins on the 6th. From this time through the 14th he will be retracing steps for you through decisions, agreements, writing, sales, short trips, local activities, or ideas that involve income. It’s your time to revisit these areas, connect with past people or situations, rewrite, rework, or release things so that your money making potential is in a better position. You may have a past offer come back around or decide to exit a job that no longer suits you. From the 14th through the 26th Mercury backs into your sign and during this phase you will be rethinking or revisiting your identity, image, body, brand, or personal goals to tweak these out and rework what you need to rework. Because you are hosting this part of the Retrograde you will need to be extra vigilant over miscommunications and any agreements, transportation or mechanical/technical matters that are close to you. Don’t sign new documents or purchase new vehicles or electronics during this phase if you can wait but you are ok to do so if it is a past offer or situation coming back around.
Neptune has been Retrograde since June and on the 11th he is going to go Direct. This means that any stagnation or backtracking you have had in your love life, with creative projects or the kids will begin to pick up again and the energy here is all about hidden romance, artistic talents, spiritual interests, Karmic connections, secret agendas, hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, or development. It’s magic time again.
The NEW MOON on the 13th is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in your sign. This is your best 2 week window of the year for launching the new ‘you’. It can mean a new identity, such as ‘married’, ‘single’, ‘divorced’, ‘student’, etc, or it can mean a whole new body that you decide to start working on, a new image, wardrobe, hairstyle, etc, or launching your brand out there in some big new way. Something will be ‘eclipsed’ out for this new beginning to take place. Eclipses can be felt one month to the day before or after so look back at Oct 16th and forward to Dec 11th for more to the story.
Mars moves into Capricorn on the 16th where he will fire things up through Dec. 25th. This is going to be very dynamic for you with writing projects, agreements, speaking roles, offers, sales, pitches, proposals, talks, meetings, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, or local activities. This will bring much more action, motivation and determination, it will help you express your passions and will also help you deal with any anger through these means.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 21st where he will put his spotlight for the next 30 days. This is about you pouring more of your personal and physical energy into making money. It is where you will stand out, shine your light, take the lead, and get in the game. Venus changes signs today as well moving into your sign which is a blessing for you in the weeks ahead! This energy helps make you even more attractive and smoothes things out in your life. It will help you attract love or money more easily and you will have a certain charm that others can’t resist.
Note the 23rd and 27th, as they are going to be intense days. Mars is going to be active so things are going to happen big time. On the 23rd this will be about angry or passionate talks, meetings, agreements, decisions, offers, sales, or ideas that flair up and create change, surprise or excitement on the work front, with co-workers, employees, services, paperwork, health, or pets. The 27th will be all about the agreement, writing, sale, offer, short trip, sibling, neighbor, local activity, vehicle, electronic, or decision and this will be about upheaval and rebirth. You wanted change, things are evolving.
Mercury goes Direct on the 26th and you are in the clear after today to sign agreements, make new pitches or proposals, start new writing projects, purchase new vehicles or electronics, and make your decisions involving your identity, body, brand, or image.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is a LUNAR ECLIPSE. This is bringing a major celebration, achievement or ending involving a loan, inheritance, tax situation, insurance premium, divorce, sexual interest or issue, reproductive matter, settlement, alimony or child support issue, or death, and the focus will be on agreements and decisions peaking now. Something will be ‘eclipsed’ out at this emotional climax. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own personal configurations you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Hang onto your hat because November is taking YOU back into your past for some important reason. The month opens with Mercury slowing in the sky and readying for his Retrograde cycle that begins on the 6th IN YOUR SIGN. From the 6th through the 14th he will help you retrace your steps, revisit past identities or ideas you had about who you are, you will be reconnecting with past people and situations to see if there is some merit for them in your life and if you chose wisely, you will be retweeking your brand or image as you slow down and look at how you are presenting yourself to the world, and you will rework anything necessary with your body by tackling any lingering issues. From the 14th through the 26th Mercury will then back into your mystical 12th house and you will have time to rework or revisit past film, music, art, or spiritual interests, reconnect with a clandestine love, revisit hospitals or other institutions, go back into any addictive issues, or pick that research or development idea back up. You may retreat from the world during this period. Do not sign new agreements or purchase new vehicles or electronics during this phase if you can wait but do go ahead if it is a past matter. Double check your information and make sure you are understood.
Neptune has been Retrograde since June and on the 11th he goes Direct so you will finally be ready to start doing those artistic, spiritual or romantic ideas at home or apply them to a move, renovation, remodel, interior design, real estate matter, family or mom, or with roommates. If there has not been time to spend with your muse here or in development, rest and retreat, it should move ahead again. If you have someone in the family with addictive or suicidal issues watch them at this juncture since the shift is always felt and it could get activated.
The NEW MOON on the 13th is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE that is bringing you the best 2 week window of the year to launch that new film, music, art, dance, poetry, sculpture, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic, or dream interest. It’s the best time to get a fresh start with a secret romance or to begin your research project, to get an investigation going, get a grip on an addiction, or start a developmental project, and it’s the best time to get to a hospital or start work there. Since we know the Mercury Retrogrades back into this arena for you tomorrow you know that something from the past will be part of this fresh start. Since it’s an eclipse New Moon you also know something will be ‘eclipsed’ out to make it happen.
Mars moves into Capricorn on the 16th where he will fire things up through Dec. 25th! This is going to light all kinds of energy for you around making money. You will have added passion, desire, drive, and motivation to go after money making prospects, to earn more during this cycle, to fight for anything along the way, and you may have to confront some anger over income at some point so be aware, but all in all it should really help you get things going.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 21st illuminating YOU. For the next 30 days you are in the spotlight, it’s about your pouring your personal and physical energy into your needs, your body, image, brand, and identity, and really making your presence known to everyone by getting in the game and taking the lead. Venus moves into your 12th house today helping to smooth things out with the film, music, art, dance, poetry, sculpture, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic, or dream interest, hospital or other institutional matters, addictions, research, investigations, clandestine romances, or developmental projects. She will help you attract the love or money you need here and may bring a woman onto the scene that proves beneficial in one or more of these areas.
Note that the 23rd and 27th will be volatile days. Mars is going to be active with the big boys in frictional energy patterns so there will be tons of action, possibly passion or anger, and things will be changing big time. The 23rd is about amping things up around income or spending and the surprise, excitement or change tied to this involving a lover, child or creative project. The 27th is about total upheaval and rebirth tied to the income matter or what you spend on today. This could be anything from rebirthing your identity through buying a ring for a lover and proposing, a change in your lovers earning potential, sudden upsets with kids over spending or earnings, to major shifts in your earning potential tied to your creative projects.
Mercury goes Direct on the 26th and you are in the clear after today to sign agreements, make new pitches or proposals, start new writing projects, purchase new vehicles or electronics, and make your decisions involving your film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, clandestine affair, hospital or addictive issues, research, investigation, or retreat.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is a LUNAR ECLIPSE that will bring a huge peak for you with a marriage or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or opponent. This is about celebrating achievements or marking endings and will involve an agreement or decision. Something will be ‘eclipsed’ out on an emotional level as you reach this zenith. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own personal configurations you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
November takes you on an inner ride, well for a big part of the month and what it offers you through some meditative or backwards glimpse of choices you’ve made in the past. Starting on the 6th Mercury is Retrograding in your mystical 12th house where he will take you back through the 14th into past Karmic relationships, clandestine affairs, spiritual interests, film, music or other artistic pursuits, hospital matters or dealings with other institutions, addiction issues, research, investigations, retreat, or development. You are to rethink things, rework or revisit, reconnect or release, it’s important to get a second shot at this. From the 14th through the 26th you will be heading back into past friendships, offers, ideas, or issues with friends, past ideas or decisions involving groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, parties, or aspirations. This period is to take another look at what was said, any ideas that could be reworked, reconnecting with people or releasing them. Don’t sign new agreements, purchase new vehicles or electronics if you can wait but you are ok if these are tied to these past themes.
Neptune has been Retrograde since June and on the 11th he will go Direct giving you more imagination, romance, artistry, spirituality, and insight in talks, meetings, with agreements, writing, sales, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, and ideas. This is bringing the magic back. If you have held off on making a decision about a hospital, addiction, hidden enemy, or sale, you should see that you are inspired again to move a bit on the matter.
The NEW MOON on the 13th is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE and your best 2 week window of the year to make new friends, start something with a friend, start something in a group, online, with internet matters, astrology, charities, social networking, event planning, or involving your aspirations. Since we know that Mercury Retrogrades into this field tomorrow, you know that something from the past will be part of this fresh start. Since we know that this is an Eclipse New Moon you also know that something will be ‘eclipsed’ out to make it happen.
Mars moves into your sign on the 16th and remains moving through Capricorn until Dec 25th! This is giving you the fighting spirit, it will rev up your libido, bring tons more passion to how you present yourself, and motivate you greatly where any energy can be expended to get your body in shape or moving, get any surgeries done, get your brand out there, or take action to do something about your image or identity. Single Caps will find that they are on fire with other singles out there so it’s a great time to get out on the scene. Just watch out as you may be a bit more accident prone or tend to react with anger more readily than at others times.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 21st and for the next 30 days will put you in the spotlight behind the scenes. This is where you will want to pour most of your personal and physical energy and where you will take the lead. For you this can mean more time with the hidden romance, research papers, hospital, dealing with addictions, on a film, in a music or art project, tuning into your spiritual interests, in meditation or yoga class, or in investigations.
Venus changes signs today as well moving into your social arena so you can expect that the weeks ahead will be very attractive for you with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities. You will charm others and find that you can attract more love or income through these areas. It may also bring a female into the picture through one of these realms that is beneficial to your aims or that you just enjoy a great deal.
Note that the 23rd and 27th will be highly charged days. Mars in your sign is getting all up in it and it’s not for sissies. The 23rd this will play out over you, your body, image, brand, ego, or identity and the home, real estate, family, mom, move, or roommate situation. It’s about action, passion, anger, motivation, and anything changing, surprising or exciting. The 27th is all about an intense upheaval and rebirth having to do with who you are, your image, brand, body, identity, or needs and the evolution taking place.
Mercury goes Direct on the 26th and you are in the clear after today to sign agreements, make new pitches or proposals, start new writing projects, purchase new vehicles or electronics, and make your decisions involving your friend, group, internet interest, astrological pursuit, charity, or aspiration.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is a LUNAR ECLIPSE that will bring a peak celebration, achievement or ending around a job, work you are doing, paperwork, a health matter, co-worker, someone you hire, or something involving animals. An agreement or decision will be part of this high point and something will be emotionally ‘eclipsed’ out as you reach the culmination. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own personal configurations you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Is it time to reconnect with past friends and groups or let a current association go, or time to pick back up with that internet interest, astrology, or charity, or perhaps walk away from this idea? Well the cosmos thinks it is and November is the month. Starting on the 6th and going through the 14th Mercury will take you back into these areas to review past ideas, decisions, agreements, offers, sales, or writing tied to these people or areas. Rethink things. From the 14th through the 26th Mercury then backs into your goals, career, ambitions, fame, reputation, status, and dealings with authority figures, the boss, dad, or your own leadership abilities. Again can you pick something back up or rework things? Watch for slow-downs in these areas, don’t sign new agreements or purchase new vehicles or electronics if you can wait but you are ok to go there if it is something from the past coming back around.
Neptune has been Retrograde since June and on the 11th he will begin to move ahead in Direct motion. This means in the months ahead the magic is back for you around making money. Apply your imagination, artistry, spiritual ideas, romantic flair, or tie things in with institutions, or do your research, all should benefit your bottom line.
The NEW MOON on the 13th is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE that is your best 2 week window of the year to launch a new business, start a new career direction, set new goals or ambitions into play, garner some fame or recognition, achieve your aims, or get a fresh start with the boss, dad or other authority figures. Since we know that Mercury Retrogrades back into this area tomorrow you know that something from the past is involved in this new beginning. Since you know that this is an Eclipse New Moon there will be something ‘eclipsed’ out to make way for it.
Mars moves into Capricorn on the 16th where he will stay until Dec 25th. This is going to bring the action, passion and anger into hidden arenas. You could be spending lots of time holed up with some sexy clandestine lover, pour lots of energy into the film, music project, art interest, or research paper, actively pursue meditation, yoga, magic, or psychic interests, get into surgery at a hospital, deal with hospitals or other institutions, motivate on an investigation, or tackle an addiction. You have tons of motivation in any of these areas to make things happen.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 21st and illuminates your social arena over the next 30 days. This is where you will want to stand out, pour your personal and physical energy, and take the lead. It means more face time with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. Venus changes signs today as well moving into your Midheaven and smoothing out any career matters, issues with the boss, dad or other authority figures, or goals you have set for yourself. She will help you attract more love or money during this phase in these areas or she may bring a female onto the scene that is beneficial to your aims.
Note that the 23rd and 27th will be extremely dynamic. Mars is getting into it with the big boys under intense aspects so things are about to move and change. The 23rd is all about things erupting behind the scenes, secrets coming to light, something coming in via news, offers, talks, agreements, sales, or meetings that involve artistic pursuits, hospitals, spiritual interests, clandestine affairs, research, investigations, addictions, or developmental projects. This may be shocking or exciting and active. The 27th will be all about a huge upheaval and rebirth around that hospital, addiction, secret romance, film, music, art, spiritual interest, magic, yoga, meditation, research, investigation, or developmental project. It’s powerful and it’s about change.
Mercury goes Direct on the 26th and you are in the clear after today to sign agreements, make new pitches or proposals, start new writing projects, purchase new vehicles or electronics, and make your decisions involving your career, boss, dad, goals, ambitions, reputation, status, fame, or achievements.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is a LUNAR ECLIPSE that is bringing a peak for you with a lover, the pursuit of love, children, a recreational interest, or your creative project. This is a huge high point of celebrating achievements or ending things. Something will be emotionally ‘eclipsed’ out at this peak. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own personal configurations you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
November is going to take you back starting on the 6th with Mercury Retrograde in your career Midheaven. From now through the 14th you will get a chance to go back and rework, rethink, rewrite, reconnect, or release things involving agreements or decisions tied into your career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, or dealings with dad, the boss or authority figures. Can you reframe the picture here? From the 14th through the 26th Mercury will then back into legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, educational, political, and religious territory giving you this time to rethink past decisions, reconnect with past people, offers or ideas, and rework or release things through these areas. Don’t sign new agreements or purchase new electronics or vehicles if you can wait but you are ok to go there if it is coming from past people or opportunities.
Neptune, your ruler, has been in slumber mode since June and on the 11th he is waking and going Direct, a motion he will maintain in the months ahead. For you this is like coming back into the real world (well as much as a Pisces ever should) and feeling more like yourself. It is about you getting back in touch with who you are as an artist, a spiritual being, a romantic body, a healer, and about your moving ahead again with your brand, image, or identity. Trust your inner voice.
The NEW MOON on the 13th is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE and your best 2 week window of the year to launch new legal interests, start new media or broadcasting projects, go after new publishing or marketing interests, get publicity, start an educational program, get into politics, take up a new religious interest, book a trip, or plan a wedding. Since we know that tomorrow Mercury will Retrograde back into this arena you know that there will be something from the past tied to this new beginning. Since it is an Eclipse New Moon you know that something will be ‘eclipsed’ out to make it happen.
Mars moves into Capricorn on the 16th where he will tour through the 25th of December. This is going to fire up energy with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, parties and events, and around your aspirations. It will amplify passions or anger here and really motivate you to do more things with these people or in these avenues.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 21st where he will illuminate your Midheaven over the next 30 days. This puts the spotlight on your career, your goals or ambitions, your reputation or fame, your leadership abilities and achievements, and your dealings with the boss, dad or other authority figures. This is where you will want to put most of your personal or physical energy and where you will shine the brightest. Venus also changes signs today moving into your legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, educational, political, and religious interests in the weeks ahead. Here she will help smooth things out here and help you to attract more love or money through these avenues. She may also bring a female onto the scene that will benefit your aims in one of these areas.
Note that the 23rd and 27th will be intense days when things are going to really amp up big time. Mars is moving into aspect with Uranus and Pluto so change is coming and it will be action packed.
The 23rd is about what kicks up with the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or aspiration and how things shake up around your income or possessions. Passion, action and anger are possible but change and surprise is a definite. The 27th will be all about upheaval and rebirth on some powerful level with the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or aspiration as you evolve.
Mercury goes Direct on the 26th and you are in the clear after today to sign agreements, make new pitches or proposals, start new writing projects, purchase new vehicles or electronics, and make your decisions involving your legal matters, travel plans, media or marketing ideas, publishing deals, educational interests, or your wedding, political or religious needs.
The FULL MOON on the 28th is a LUNAR ECLIPSE and it will bring a major peak for you at home, with renovations or remodels, roommates or family, mom, moves, real estate, or property matters. This is a high point bringing celebrations, achievements or endings in these areas and something will be emotionally ‘eclipsed’ out as you reach this peak. If you are ready to look more deeply into your own personal configurations you can schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/

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