You may have Monday off but you should be advised that the energy is very powerful and positive so you may want to go ahead and do something to move a desire or goal along a bit, with this kind of backing from the universe it might go further than you expected! Even if the company you want to contact is closed today, send it off to them so that when they read it on Tuesday it has this incredible energy attached to it. Even if they can’t meet with you today, leave the message on their voicemail that you would like to schedule a time. You get the idea.
Tuesday is one of those rare LUCK days as Venus comes to sit at the same degree as Jupiter. Make a wish with love or money and do something to initiate motion.
Wednesday is again the Moon’s square to Pluto/opposition to Saturn that will continue to hit us up while Saturn and Pluto stay within square to each other. It is the emotional frustration that comes from wanting things to change faster than they are or from trying to hold onto something that wants to change. Each one of these is easing us into the big shift towards our better future so go easy on yourself and others. The opportunity for a great talk or agreement is available so keep the doors open.
Thursday the Sun enters Pisces and begins a 30 day cycle through the mystic. Its dream time so expect lucid dreams, omens, psychic moments and wild synchronicities, signs and inspiration in the arts, romantic posturing and spiritual attunement. You can also expect that if you have some kind of hidden or self-undoing tendency, substance abuse or secret, it may surface to be cleared during this time as well. Jupiter aims to make it BIG so that you can no longer hide it…remember Jupiter is a protector so let it come out, you don’t need it in your life any longer and this energy will help you to vanquish it once and for all.
Friday is all over the place as actions may be a bit thwarted or require more from you to get moving, responsibilities will require compromise or adjustments, but changes, major financial matters, intimacy, divorce proceedings, ambitions, and expanding your horizons all align with opportunity, especially in the later part of the day.
The energy is working for you in these areas today in a BIG way: research, fantasy or imagination, film or music, hospitals or prisons, secrets or investigations, career and ambitions, creative projects from the past, lovers or children from the past, and partners, agents, specialists, or attorneys. Do something in any of these areas but do it today.
Tuesday the big LUCK is in retreat, rest, mediation, intuition, psychic abilities, film or fantasy, secrets or investigations, hospitals or prisons, strategies, artistic or romantic expression done behind the scenes or clandestinely. Love or money could grow through any of these arenas for you if you are proactive today.
Wednesday emotions are worked up over partners, competitors or opponents, agents or attorneys and the big changes you are dealing with on the career front, with authority figures or reputation and goals. The positive talk or agreement you have available to you today is with a friend or group that could well benefit you personally.
Thursday the Sun enters the hidden part of your chart and you will feel like hiding away more over the next 30 days or working on something in secret or in the capacity of puppet master. Use your imagination and trust your instincts now. Save your energy for coming out strong when this cycle is completed and your ruler is moving forward again. During this time you should close old chapters.
Friday the focus is going to be on making money or getting paid. The rollercoaster ride is in how the past creative issues or loved one is slowing the progress or the adjustments you need to make with the attorney, partner or agent. The big upturn in your favor is with finding a way to empower yourself on the career front and what you find out through digging a little deeper.
Monday offers you some real potential in these areas: your connections with friends or groups, big things in the media, publishing, travel, law, education, or ceremonies, doing something at home or with property involving a past lover, child or creative project, and what you get serious about at work, with co-workers, involving health, or pets.
Tuesday the LUCK is in the social sphere for you so this means if you are trying to expand monetarily or in love, a friend may be the key, a group affiliation, it may come through networking, an associate, or at a party or social event. It’s really one of those days so say yes to any of these connections.
Wednesday is emotionally challenging around feeling like being alone or recuperating, working on something in private or artistic, and the responsibilities or limitations in work assignments or with health. Change through travel, media, law, or education works into this test. The talk or agreement that is in your favor today is about career, goals, ambitions, reputation, or keying into fame or father, an authority figure or boss.
Thursday the Sun moves into Pisces to shine its light for the next 30 days in your social sphere. This amps this energy up that much more and means you will be the darling of the social circle now, you want to be out and about and connecting with like minded individuals, networking, reconnecting with old friends and making new friends. Your artistry and poetic nature gets a leg up through these channels.
Friday is about you, your body, ego, image, or identity. Focus on what you can do with friends or groups for best results but you will need to do something at home or with property and stretch yourself to get the work done or the health or pet matter tied up. Luck is with your social set and positive empowerment through media, publishing, travel, law, or education.
Monday brings some powerful opportunities your way in these areas: career and goals, women who can help you achieve your aims, major finances or joint resources, other people’s money, talks about old creative ideas or projects, agreements regarding what you started then, doing something about the agreement with a past lover or issue involving a child.
Tuesday the big LUCK is on the career front, with an important goal, with an authority figure or father, around your reputation or fame. This is where love or money matters can expand and bring good things your way so put it out there today!
Wednesday emotions are charged over a friendship, group affiliation, social occasion, or aspiration. You will need to deal with limitations or responsibilities to the loved one or creative process and any big changes to joint finances, outside resources, divorce proceedings, or intimacy. The talk or agreement you have today with the friend or group about legalities, media, travel, or education are beneficial to you.
Thursday the Sun moves into Pisces to illuminate your career Midheaven for the next 30 days. This means that you are entering a very magical time when just about anything could happen for you. Put your goals and ambitions out there especially involving your artistic or spiritual nature or a romantic dream.
Friday is about retreating a bit, doing some work behind the scenes, resting, meditating, hooking up in secret, researching or digging into secrets, dealing with hospitals or other institutions, and any tough decisions or talks you need to have. You will want to make concessions for the creative process here or the lover or child involved. The positive energy flows from intimacy, divorce, major finances, and career or goals.
Monday is all about some real potential in these areas: travel, people at a distance, import/export, media, publishing, publicity, legal matters, teaching, or furthering your education through a powerful partner, agent, or attorney. This is where love or money works for you. It is also about doing something to make money from home or with the home or to tackle limitations you are feeling about the living situation.
Tuesday the big LUCK is coming through travel, media ventures, ceremonies, publishing, publicity, import/export, beliefs, teaching, taking classes, or legal arenas. Be proactive if you want to expand here, love or money flows from these doorways.
Wednesday the emotional challenges are surrounding career or goals and the limits or responsibilities you have to home or mom and the major power struggles or changes you want to see through partners, agents, attorneys, or specialists. You can have a talk today about how the money is to be shared or how major finances can be balanced or about sex, intimacy, reproduction, or divorce that will favor your goals.
Thursday the Sun moves into Pisces to shine its light on your higher mind for the next 30 days. This means you can feel confident in the spotlight through education, travel, media, or legal actions. Your artistry or spirituality will aid you here as will romantic affiliations.
Friday is about a friend, group or pursuing an aspiration. You will need to do something about making or spending money and any limitations at home or with mom but once you do the positive connection with this person opens up powerful doors to partnering or representation and legal, travel, media, or educational matters.
Monday is powerful in its opportunity for you in these areas: major finances, divorce, intimacy, work you do, health matters, or pets. You want to focus on the money in the picture here and how you can make beneficial changes. The other areas involve doing something about your image or identity tied to a past lover, child or creative project and what is being restricted in talks or agreements. Taking responsibility for what is said opens more doors than you know.
Tuesday the big LUCK is in sex, intimacy, reproduction, loans, credit, debt, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlements, taxes, joint finances, or any other type of outside resource. Be proactive in connecting in one of these areas.
Wednesday brings up emotional obstacles around your beliefs, travel, media, law, or education. You will need to deal with limitations in talks or agreements and changes to work, health or pets tied to this. The positive news is you can talk with a partner, opponent, attorney, or agent with positive results.
Thursday the Sun enters Pisces to tour your eighth house for the next 30 days. This is the place you will shine so step up in the spotlight over major financial matters, intimacy and divorce proceedings. Bring your artistry or romantic ideals to the table.
Friday is about your goals, career, reputation, or father. You are going to want to do something physical today to release what is attached to your identity by way of a past lover, child or creative project. Deal with limitations to communication and then see what can be expanded through the major jointly held finances, divorce or intimate connections and the changes in work, health or with pets.
Push doors open in these areas on Monday: love or money matters with partners, agents, attorneys or specialists, and the creative process or lovers and children involved. Do something in secret or behind the scenes with the past lover, child or creative venture to make or spend money, enhance values or share an important object.
Tuesday the big LUCK for you is through partnership, representatives, specialists, or dealing with competitors or opponents. This is where you can benefit through expansion in areas of love or money so be proactive.
Wednesday emotions are stirred up over intimacy, divorce or major finances and the personal income situation. You see change through creative ventures, lovers or children attached to your feelings in all of this. The positive energy comes through talks or agreements you make about work, health or pets.
Thursday the Sun moves into Pisces to light up your partnership, representatives and competitors zone for the next 30 days. This is where you are going to shine so make connections and let your artistry or romantic nature take its course. If you need to break away this energy will help you to see yourself and the ideal you wish to achieve.
Friday is about a trip or travel arrangements, a person at a distance or import/export, media or publishing matters, publicity, teaching or furthering your education, or legal matters. You will want to do something in secret or dig around a bit more for information and deal with any restrictions you are feeling in income but once you do there is great energy to flow with one of these avenues. Look for powerful transformations through love, children or creative process, and luck and expansion through partners, agents or attorneys.
Monday is offering important opportunities in these areas if you are proactive: money through work you do, your health or pets and powerful changes at home or with a living situation or roommate. Actions you take with a friend involving a past creative venture, lover or child and being the leader you are meant to be now.
Tuesday the big LUCK is in work assignments, services you provide, co-working connections, help you hire to work for you, health issues and outlets, and pets. This is very wonderful energy and can expand love or money for you in these areas.
Wednesday the emotional energy is around partners, competitors or opponents, agents or attorneys. You have to balance your needs and any feelings of depression or isolation, limitations or responsibilities and look again at the changes to foundations or home. The positive talk or agreement with this person involves a creative project, lover or child.
Thursday the Sun enters Pisces to shine its light here over the next 30 days. This means you are in the spotlight through the work you do, anything tied to health and through pets. Apply your artistry or romantic soul to these areas and expect to be noticed for what you do here.
Friday is about the major financial matter and how it is shared, the intimate or sexual issue or the divorce. You need to deal with the past issue with the friend or group and how creative or love energy is being expressed here as well as adapt to your personal limitations or responsibilities but once you do the energy picks up considerably in these deeply shared arenas. You can make positive changes at home or in what you do there and expand the work you are doing, find protective answers for health or pet matters and see a bit of happiness in these connections.
Monday is positive and filled with opportunities for you in these areas: love or money matters with lovers, children or creative projects and powerful beneficial agreements or talks. It is equally strong in taking action on goals or career agendas tied to past lovers, creative projects or child related topics and stepping up in the responsibilities you take behind the scenes or through artistic expression or institutions.
Tuesday the big LUCK is with children, lover, recreation, and creative projects. You can really expand in these areas through love or money if you are willing to initiate here.
Wednesday emotions are around the work at hand, a health matter or the pets. You are dealing with the ongoing limitations or restrictions involving hospitals or retreat, secrets or hidden agendas, research or fantasy work, and the powerful changes you are seeking through the way you communicate or in agreements you seek. The positive talk today is about the home, property, family, mom or security needs.
Thursday the Sun enters Pisces and lights up your house of true love, children and creative outlets for the next month. This is a great period for you where you will be in the spotlight in these arenas so let your poetic, spiritual, romantic, artistic soul shine and enjoy the time ahead.
Friday is about a partnership, agent, attorney, or enemy. You will want to do something on the career front in regard to this person or take action around the goal or your reputation, it seems to be linked to a past lover, child or creative venture. More adjustments to what is going on behind the scenes or through your strategies. The positive energy comes in the second part of the day when you can come to powerful agreements or decisions regarding this person, meet or talk and see some real luck and expansion through the creativity or love involved.
Monday is very positive if you take a direct approach to love or money matters at home or with a property matter and ways to change or empower your monetary situation. It is also great for doing something legal, or involving media, education, or travel tied to a past lover, child or creative project. Take responsibility for your aspirations and friends in the picture.
Tuesday the big LUCK is in property matters, the home, living situations, foundations you are building upon, security needs, family, and mom. You can really score in one or more of these areas where love or money is concerned so invest or earn through the land, house, or mom, and share your love here as well.
Wednesday emotions are geared around lovers, children or creative projects. You will need to look at how you are feeling limited or dealing with responsibilities to a group or friend and how you want to change your income situation. There is a great opportunity for one significant talk or decision today in this so be open.
Thursday the Sun moves into Pisces to tour your home base for the next 30 days. This means you are in the spotlight at home, with property and land, with roommates and renovations, moves and real estate deals, and with family or mom. Step up and let your light shine artistically or romantically here.
Friday is about the work before you, your health or your pets or small animals. Focus on what you can do regarding the past lover, child or creative project through travel, legal channels, media, or education and make whatever adjustments you need to with limits involving groups or friends. Once you do the day opens up to positive money making potential through the work you do and ways to changes finances through health or pets. Luck is still with home and property here so you may work at home or spend great time with the pets here.
Monday holds much potential for you in these areas: talks, agreements and meetings about love or money, short trips, or dealings with neighbors or siblings involving finances, actions you take on intimate issues, sexual connections, divorce proceedings or major shared financial matters tied to past lovers, creative projects or children. Take the lead towards your goals today and see what happens.
Tuesday the big LUCK is with agreements, writing projects, talks, meetings, decisions, brothers, sisters, neighbors, and short trips. You can expand and benefit in starting something love related or monetary through these arenas.
Wednesday emotions are with home, property matters, real estate deals, living situations, moves, renovations or remodels, and security matters. You may feel a bit limited where goals are concerned or feel you are being burdened with too many responsibilities to make it all happen right now. Know that the best opportunity of the day lies in talks or agreements you come to regarding making or spending money at home or with property matters.
Thursday the Sun moves into Pisces and lights up your communications zone for the next 30 days. It’s a great time to make your pitches, get your writing project out the door or begun, set up meetings and talks that feature your charms or looks, sign agreements that put your interests up front, and help you to stand out in your local scene and in interactions with neighbors and siblings.
Friday is about love, creative output, recreation, or children. You will want to find a way to share passions with a past love interest or do something about the major financial matter or divorce. Do what you can to reach your goals because once you do the day opens up to all kinds of fun possibilities for you with loved ones and creatively with extra benefits coming through what is said or agreed to today.
Monday brings all kinds of powerful support from the universe for you in these areas: making or spending money, doing something secret or passionate behind closed doors, researching or dealing with major finances involving a hospital or other places of retreat, doing something with a partner, agent or attorney that involves your passions or actions with a past lover, child or creative outlet, and getting serious about the travel, media, legal, or educational matter or benefiting from limitations imposed here.
Tuesday the big LUCK is in making or spending money or with a possession or object. This is going to be about benefits to you through love or money in a big way so do what you can to expand your earning potential or spend on something important.
Wednesday emotions are powerful around what is said or agreed to or what is happening in your local arena or with siblings and neighbors. You may be feeling a bit depressed or restricted about the trip, legal, educational, or media matter and the transformations occurring through retreat or isolation. The good news is there is an opportunity to communicate your needs and be heard so open up.
Thursday the Sun moves into Pisces and your income zone for the next 30 days so this means you are in the spotlight now through the money you make, the income you spend and the possessions you acquire. Bring your artistry and romantic soul into the equation and step up to dreaming a better monetary picture for yourself.
Friday is about home, property or mom. You will be spending time here or dealing with the move or real estate deal, roommate or living situation. Look at how your income can improve from home and take action with the partner, agent or attorney tied to the past. You are still adjusting to limits in travel, media, education, or legal matters but getting closer to goals. The time you spend at home behind closed doors later today is very powerful and intimate or good for the divorce or major financial matter. Your luck is still coming on strong with income and possessions at home tonight.
Monday holds great potential for you in these areas if you are proactive: love or money matters through friendships or groups and your own personal touch in the matter, taking action on a past lover, child or creative matter associated with work, health or pets. Dealing with responsibilities or limitations through loans, debt, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, or any other outside resource.
Tuesday the big LUCK is happening in your sign as Venus and Jupiter sit at the same degree. This could mean a big lucky moment for you based around love, a woman or money. Think big!
Wednesday emotions are focused on making money or spending it or dealing with an important possession. You have to deal with the major financial matter here or how the divorce is limiting you and you also need to allow for transformations occurring in groups, friendships and with aspirations. The positive energy for you today comes through talks or agreements you come to in secret or behind the scenes related to your income.
Thursday the Sun moves into your sign to shine its light on you and your body, your image and identity for the next 30 days. This means you can make a real splash, find you are noticed more, make changes to your look or body, or change your name or needs, all through artistic, romantic or spiritual channels.
Friday is about talks, meetings, agreements, and decisions and you are going to want to deal with the work, health or pet matter tied to the past love affair, child or creative project. You also need to do more about the finances or limitations you are feeling here. The positive flow comes from powerful connections with friends and groups you talk to and feeling personal happiness and expansion for who you are becoming.
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