If you still want to read the weekly Oct 31-Nov 4 it is here:

What does November hold? Venus, Mercury and the Sun moving into Sagittarius on the 2nd and 22nd, followed by a Mercury Retrograde in this sign on the 23rd/24th and a New Moon Solar Eclipse here on the 24th/25th! Do you think the universe is ready for us to take a leap?! This is the sign of our belief systems, our education, legal matters, media, and publishing, it is in charge of religion and politics, foreign interests, import/export, ceremonies, travel, and adventure. As you approach this month think about one or more of these areas in your life and ways that you might open things up. The Retrograde means you get more than one shot at making it happen while the Solar Eclipse is going to amplify the experience and give it greater influence over the months ahead through the fresh steps you take. What would you like to expand upon or where can prosperity or happiness be improved?
Neptune will station Direct on the 9th in the sign of Aquarius. This is that window we have talked about to express your artistic needs, your spiritual interests, any romantic desires, or to deal with addictions, hospitals, other institutions, addictions, or research through your social circle, friend, group, internet outlet, astrology, or charity project. You may see something you have been developing with a friend begin to really take flight. This is the energy of imagination so if you have felt stuck in any way, remember that right now it is through that circle of friends, astrology, charities, groups, or the internet that you may come alive.
The 10th is a very powerful day as 3 important actions occur.
First, Chiron stations Direct. This is the ruler of any wounded issues you feel, it is the ability to heal others, and it carries the spiritual guru or master of finer principals within you. It as well has had time to nurture and stir within and is now ready to move forward. This is happening in Pisces so it will be associated with film, music, the arts, spiritual interests, clandestine affairs, research, investigations, hospitals, prisons, retreats, and Karmic balance.
Second Mars will enter Virgo. This would not be a really big deal other than you will now be very passionate and motivated to get work done, pursue more work, interact with co-workers or employees, get your services out there, take on health needs, and push forward animal or environmental interests, but Mars is going to stay much, much longer than his typical weeks in a sign. Mars is going to travel through Virgo until next July! This means the universal energy is all about getting you to take action, to fight the good fight, to motivate, to express your passions, and to pursue your desires through your these realms in a way that is selective, critical, analytical, in the service of others, organizational, and with an eye on simplifying and purifying. Yes, you are literally embarking on a giant cleanse.
What of the much touted 11/11/11 energy? Well if you want to focus energy on this day astrologically the energy aspects occurring at 11:11pm are superior to those occurring around 11:11am but not by much, the day is filled with inconjuncts and squares so in this astrologers opinion if you really want a good boost, choose 5:06pm, this happens to be the approximate midpoint between these times, the numbers equal 11 and there is a Moon/Uranus sextile within a minute of this time (the best aspect of the day) between Gemini and Aries so the download of information may be quite visceral.
The Mercury Retrograde on the 23rd/24th will mean you need to be on the lookout for any miscommunications or breakdowns associated with travel, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, politics, religion, education, ceremonies, and legal matters. You are advised to hold off signing legal documents until after the Retrograde period if you have a choice and if you must sign during this time make sure your have legal counsel going over every possible contingency. You are going to be revisiting the past and getting any do-overs with people or situations through these realms, there may be reversals, and you will be looking at reworking, reconnecting or releasing. Mercury goes Direct on December 13th.
The Solar Eclipse New Moon on the 24th/25th is a fresh start through legal avenues, travel, with foreign interests, people at a distance, import/export, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, political or religious interests or people, education, and ceremonies. This is more powerful than a typical New Moon so expect to see things playing out on the world stage in these areas and the choices you make to have longer influence in these arenas. You have 2 strong weeks to begin.
The month wraps up with Venus moving into the sign of Capricorn on the 26th and kicking off a new love and money cycle for everyone. In this sign she wants her lovers to be ambitious or she becomes ambitious in pursuit of love, she wants status, position or established suitors, she may fall in love with someone in the spotlight, reputation and authority become important, and with income she is not satisfied with just a paycheck, she wants a career and will go after those in positions to help her earn more. You may notice during this transit that love is expressed in a more sober manner because alchemically this leaden energy field will hold expression in to a certain degree or you may feel a bit burdened or limited with income. Don’t let it put you off, the transit passes by December 20th and this time period is important to sync goals and ambitions.
ARIES: (Private readings with Zoe email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067)
The overall vibe of this month will give you a handle on any legal problems or needs you may have. You will want to begin talks or start looking at contracts or deals from the 2nd onward and do your best to sign anything that will need signing this month before the 23rd. The closer you do this to the beginning of the month the better for you. There is just as much energy behind any media, publishing or marketing interests you are involved in or want to pursue. Get out there and meet people, sign them up, write, interview, and look for ways to increase your bottom line. Travel and education are other areas that have energy behind them so if you want or need to take a trip, connect with a foreign party or situation, import or export, go back to school or teach, put your feelers out there now, book the flight, enroll, or set up your classroom.
As you approach these more adventurous themes this month, keep in mind that you will truly step up into the situation on the 22nd forward. It gets pretty wild at this time because the spotlight will be on you through travel, education, media, or legal channels now but you are heading into big energy shifts here on the 23rd/24th with Mercury Retrograding here and then the New Moon Solar Eclipse kicking off new beginnings on the 24th/25th. As you are planning your month out or reacting to what spins about you, know that the Retrograde period between the 23rd/24th and December 13th will either be taking you back into your past with past classmates, schooling, legal matters, media or publishing projects, or through travels you embark upon and if this is the case make sure you are showing up and connecting, making choices about reworking something that you had passed by, revisiting old relationships or situations, or that you are releasing what needs to fall away. You will want to be very careful with communications, double check legal matters, hold off on signing legal agreements, make sure your travel itinerary is correct, etc. Miscommunications or breakdowns can occur in these areas. You will also want to be clear that from the 24th/25th forward you are being given a very powerful fresh start in these areas so step up and be proactive. If anything is ‘eclipsed’ at this point, it is part of universal flow and giving you a push to start fresh with a clean slate.
Neptune stations Direct on the 9th and it is your cue to grab up your artistic tools and skills, your spiritual insight and inquisitiveness, any secret romantic desires, and any research or development and begin to move forward with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or your own aspirations. Dream a little dear active one! You can bring your passions to the imagination and do it with a great circle of people around you. If you need to deal with addictions, hospitals or other institutions involving friends or groups or the internet, again this is your cue to start moving on it. You are in that last window of discovery through these avenues that will allow you to pull upon your inner wisdom and Karmic connections to bring your inspirations to life between now and February 3rd, 2012. At that time your life takes on an entirely different level.
The 10th is so powerful as Chiron stations Direct and you are ready to delve into any personal wounds you may have involving film, music, art, spirituality, hidden romance, Karmic connections, imagination, hospitals, addictions, research, or investigations. You may set out upon a path that leads to mastery in these areas now so apply that courage you are known for to the idea of being a bit vulnerable. The uncovering of the wound leads to greatness. Your ruling energy moves into Virgo today where you will begin an 8 month extended stay! This means you are ready to go after the work with all of your energy and passion, you may approach your health needs with the same fighting spirit, and you may take up the cause of animals or environment. A younger male or several may show up on the job, involved with health or animals during this time and if so this will motivate and spur you on. Any job or health regime that begins now will have a very good chance of taking you to the place you wish to be, be proactive. The Full Moon in Taurus is bringing an income matter to a peak for you so you may be celebrating an achievement as money comes in or you may be ending one source of income readying to go after the next one.
Venus leaves Sagittarius on the 26th moving into Capricorn. At this point you may see a shift with a female in your life towards more ambitious ideals or towards an established choice. You will find that you can earn now more easily through corporate worlds, in interactions with bosses and authority figures, and that if you are in the market for falling in love, you may become attracted to someone older or more settled in life. Take care with sparks that may kindle with the boss. Do put yourself in a position to be noticed by those that can help you earn more.
TAURUS: (Private readings with Zoe email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067)
November is going to be about the deepest powerfully shared arenas in your life drawing your attention to sexual attractions and issues, reproductive needs, divorce issues, personal power, triangles, and any shared financial interests such as loans, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, commissions, royalties, inheritance, bankruptcy, or a partner’s income. You will notice that this begins to move forward in these areas as soon as the 2nd of the month. You will want to meet others, share ideas, come to terms, invest your heart, look at personal income flow and how these outer influences are affecting it, and make some big decisions. Make sure that is you do need to sign agreements that involve divorce, reproductive needs or some big sum of money that you do so way ahead of the Mercury Retrograde which will affect these areas from the 23rd of November through December 13th.
As you move into these powerful areas of life with more influence and commitment, know that it will be the last week of the month where things really begin to move. The Sun will move into these realms on the 22nd where he will put you in the spotlight over the following 30 days. This may mean you are personally invested or that you are getting physically into the mix with a sexual union, reproductive matter, divorce, or financial matter. This would be a good thing for you and may yet be however you need to be aware of how crazy the energy is going to shift at this time. On the 23rd Mercury will Retrograde here through Dec. 13th so you will either experience a slow-down or you will find you are retracing steps, heading back into your past, reworking, reconnecting or releasing. So you can expect past sexual attractions or issues to pop into your life or for current ones to slow or exit, for divorce matters to take you into the past, a reworking phase or a slow-down, or for loans, debt, inheritance, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, a partner’s money, or other outside financial interests to be areas of revisiting and reworking, releasing or slow-downs. If this were not enough, the following days, the 24th/25th there is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the same arena! This means that you will be getting a fresh new start in life through sexual intimacy, reproduction, divorce, or outside financial matters that will have 3 times the normal influence so bold new doors open, part of the past is wrapped up in this through release, reworking or reconnecting, and you are going to feel it big time over the course of these days.
Neptune stations Direct on the 9th and you are now ready to move ahead with artistic goals or career agenda or any spiritual or romantic ambitions. Any stagnation that has occurred with film, music, art, magic, spiritual interests, romance, hospitals, dealing with addictions, research, investigations, or development will now begin to open up. Your career should awaken. You may find that you are in the spotlight, rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous, coming out of your shell a bit more, or that you are ready to engage your social sphere, dream up ideas, get into the internet again, engage astrology or charities, or connect with friends or groups as you weave your magic. Keep in mind that this energy is profound right now because it will take your through Feb. 3, 2012 and will not return in your lifetime, reach out and move your dreams forward.
The 10th is a very powerful day as three big energies shift. First Chiron goes Direct and you will feel the shift in your friendships, with group dynamics, on the internet, through astrology, charities, and involving your aspirations. You will be looking at any wounding you feel through these channels and finding that you are in truth ready to heal yourself in relation to your closest circle or through these outlets. Secondly, Mars moves into Virgo and he is going to take up a very long residence here. He will move through this field until next July so you will feel motivation, passion, anger, and the need to take action involving creative projects, children and true love. You may find you are doing much more now, multi-tasking, falling passionately in love, making babies or getting your kids needs taken care of, and really diving into your creative efforts. Thirdly, the FULL MOON is in your sign today. This means something about you is coming to a major peak now. This may be an end to one identity such as single or married, it could be a goal achieved with your personal image or body, an end to any physical ailment you have been dealing with, or a major celebration or achievement of a personal nature.
The month will wrap up with Venus, your ruling planet, moving into Capricorn on the 26th. She will now be helping you to attract what you need through legal means or regarding legal matters, through travel, foreign interests, import/export, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, higher education, and ceremonies in the next weeks. You may find that women benefit you here and that you are discovering love or earning money through these channels. It is a smoother course now in these areas so begin to relax and enjoy.
GEMINI: (Private readings with Zoe email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067)
The month ahead is going to be pretty much all about your relationships Gemini! It is a time when you will be focusing in on your romantic partner, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, competitors, or opponents with intention. You will notice this as soon as the 2nd when you enter into more talks, meetings, writing, agreements, decision making, short trips, and focus on love or income through these people. As you month progresses keep in mind that if you need to sign documents or purchase any electronic gear, make decisions or make a move, you will want to do so far before Mercury Retrograde begins in these same arenas on the 23rd/24th. This Retrograde lasts through December 13th so get your papers signed now or wait until mid-month in December.
There should be a sense that things are smoothing out with these important relationships and if you are in the market to meet or sign with a new partner or representative, you should find that being out in your local arena or sending queries out to those of interest will be enough to draw a few contenders to you. The last week of the month is going to be the really big highlight for you with at least one of these people as the Sun moves into this zone on the 22nd. He will put you in the spotlight for the next 30 days with your relationships and help you to step up, connect your identity or get physically into the mix with this person. The thing to watch for as this shift begins is that Mercury Retrograde on the 23rd/24th is going to either slow things down or you will be revisiting your past in relationship dynamics. You may find a past partner, representative or competitor is back in your life as you decide if you wish to reconnect or release things, or you may be going back to a past issue or idea and revisiting that with this person. You will want to hold off on purchases with them or making life changing decisions involving them until the Retrograde ends. You will also want to guard against miscommunications or breakdowns involving them, if you think you don’t like what they said, try giving them the benefit of the doubt by asking them to explain themselves instead of assuming the worst. If this is not enough major energy here, there is more! There is a NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in this area on the 24th/25th that is your door to a major new beginning involving someone else. You may be eclipsing something out to make this start or still dealing with past people or ideas as you begin but know that it is very powerful and ready to take you to the next level.
Neptune stations Direct on the 9th and any slow-downs or backtracking you have been doing on artistic, romantic, or spiritual ideas that involve travel, media, publishing, marketing, legal, or educational matters will now begin to move forward. How can you spark your imagination here? Is there a film, music project, artistic outlet, spiritual pursuit, magical interest, psychic ability, hospital interest, addiction, secret romantic interest, investigation, or research and development interest you can move on by hopping a plane, connecting with someone at a distance, promoting it, setting up a media or publishing platform, going back to school, teaching, or signing legal documents? You have a rare window now activated and closing by Feb. 3rd 2012 that will not open again in your lifetime in this energetic, how can you involve friends, groups, causes, freedom, the internet, astrology, or charities behind this?
The 10th is a mega watt day as 3 big events occur. Chiron is stationing Direct so you will be looking at any wounds around career, reputation, fame, ambition, goals, or authority figures that you have been nursing over the past month and opening them back up as you come from a new found position of guru in these matters in helping heal others. Mars moves into Virgo where he will stay far longer than his normal handful of weeks and keep you motivated, passionate, angry, and taking action here through next July! The area of all this action is your home, family, a move, real estate deals, security needs, roommates, and mom. Get ready to make things happen here. There is also a Full Moon today in your hidden, mystical placement in the chart which is bringing something you have been working on behind the scenes to a big peak. You may be wrapping up a film, music or other artistic project, hospital or addiction issues, a time of hiding and retreat, a clandestine affair, a spiritual, magical or psychic interest, or a research project or investigation. You will be celebrating achievements or marking endings.
The month wraps up with Venus moving into Capricorn on the 26th and bringing a smoother course to your sexual attractions, reproductive needs, divorce issues, and financially shared matters. You will find that a woman may enter the picture now that engages you in one or more of these areas or that you are finding you can attract what you need more easily on a sexual front, with the divorce proceedings or over the loan, alimony, child support, debt, inheritance, insurance, taxes, settlement, commissions, or other outside resources. Love may flower or you may see your income improve. Just guard against making luxury purchases on borrowed money since that can be a compulsion at this time.
CANCER: (Private readings with Zoe email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067)
November is really going to be about work, work, and more work, health interests, and pets or animal needs. You will note that this kicks off as soon as the 2nd when talks, news, meetings, writing, agreements, and short trips begin to take you into more opportunities here. Make your decisions, pitch your ideas, put it out there to the universe now because come the 23rd/24th Mercury will Retrograde and you may notice a slow-down or reworking in these areas. At the least you will be revisiting past work opportunities, health needs or issues and animal interests. The first part of the month will help you to connect with a woman that is beneficial to your health, work or animal interests and you will find that through your talks and ideas you find ways to earn money or cement some love interest through work efforts, health or pets.
As you progress in these arenas the 22nd stands out as the Sun moves into the zone and lights up all your efforts. You will be in the spotlight over work, health or pets for the next 30 days so expect to be getting physically into the efforts, to attaching your name or identity to any projects, and to focusing in on personal needs and your body as you go. The Mercury Retrograde kicks in on the 23rd/24th and will take you back into the past through December 13th. You do not want to sign new agreements or purchase electronics during this phase if you can put it off. You do want to be open to past work opportunities, employees, co-workers, services, ideas you had about work projects, health needs, and animals during this phase as you rework, reconnect or release. There is a NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE on the 24th/25th that is opening up a major new beginning for you at work, with services, health, or pets. This is three times as big as any new beginnings you have met with in past years and because it is on the heals of a Mercury Retrograde in the same area, you will see that past people or situations are involved in your fresh start. Use the next 2 weeks to move ahead, if anything is eclipsed out at this time, understand it is part of making room for this bigger than big new beginning.
Neptune stations Direct on the 9th at which time you will finally be able to move ahead with a sexual interest, divorce or big financial matter such as a loan, inheritance, insurance policy, taxes, alimony, child support, commission, royalty, settlement, or other outside financial resource. Look at your artistic abilities, spiritual insight, romantic needs, dealings with institutions, intuition, psychic abilities, and research and development to be paying off in these areas.
The 10th is a huge day with 3 big events going on. First Chiron comes out of slumber to begin moving forward through legal arenas, travel, education, media, marketing, publishing, and publicity. If you have been feeling your own wounds connected to these areas you are now ready to face them and may in the process heal another that is dealing with something going on here that wounds. Mars moves next into the sign of Virgo where he is taking up camp from now through July of next year! This is an inordinate amount of time so the universe really wants to motivate you, get your passions or anger stirred, and push you to take action involving your words, writing, ideas, agreements, decision making, meetings, talks, speaking roles, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, moves, or short trips. Gear it up, you have a lot to do here. The Full Moon is the last big event today and it is bringing something to a big peak with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or an aspiration of yours. This is a high point when you celebrate achievements or mark endings as you wrap things up.
The month wraps up with Venus moving into Capricorn where she will spend the next weeks helping you to attract what you need with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, advocate, or competitor. You will see things smooth out with these relationships, or you will have an easier time attracting these people in your corner. You may be focused on love or income in these relationships now and things should be easier.
LEO: (Private readings with Zoe email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067)
November is going to really put your focus on falling in love, what is going on with your love interest, children, fun, and creative projects. The month is a powerhouse in these arenas so get ready to dive in, express your creativity and love with others. You will notice this gearing up as soon as the 2nd when news comes in or you enter into talks, meetings, meet someone at random that takes on this role for you, pitch ideas, interview, audition, make a short trip, write, deal with agreements, or open up about the income or love in the mix. You want to set things in motion the first part of the month if you need to make a decision or sign agreements involving a child, lover or creative venture because Mercury is going to Retrograde in this arena on the 23rd/24th at which time you will see slow-downs or people and situations from the past returning to be reviewed, reworked or revisited.
As you move through these fun and interactive areas this month the 22nd stands out as a big day as the Sun moves in to throw a spotlight on you with your lover, child or creative venture. At this time you will be stepping up, getting into the mix on a physical level or tying your identity or image into the creative process or new found position with your lover or child. This cycle is 30 days long so you will be invested in what you are doing with or for them now. Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd/24th in these areas so you now will see a reversal or slow-down with a love interests, child or creative venture or you may be reconnecting with past lovers, kids or creative opportunities, looking at past issues or ideas, and reworking or releasing from now through December 13th. Do not sign agreements or purchase new electronic items now if you can possibly wait. The NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE is on the 24th/25th and this is your very powerful 2 week period to seed new love interests, creative projects or projects or interests involving children. This is 3 times more powerful than typical New Moon beginnings and it will be tied to past people or situations as it overlays the Mercury Retrograde.
Neptune stations Direct on the 9th in your relationship zone so you are now ready to move ahead with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors, involving your artistic vision or talents, spiritual interests, romantic needs, hospital matters, addiction issues, research, investigations, or hidden agendas. Is there a social connection in this, can friends or groups assist, is the internet or astrology, charities or aspirations wound around getting ahead here? You have a very rare moment between now and Feb. 3, 2012, to make the connection so be proactive.
The 10th is very powerful as 3 main events take place. Chiron stations Direct and you will see that any wounds you have been nursing or hiding from involving sexual attractions or issues, reproduction, divorce, or big financial interests will now open up to be dealt with and that you may find yourself in the position of healing others through your experience here. Mars moves into Virgo where he will stay a very long time, through next July, helping you to motivate, bring your passions, deal with anger, and take action to make money. It’s all about doing something now that will be meticulous, analytical, organizational, and in service to earning. The Full Moon peaks bringing a career matter to a head. You will be celebrating an achievement on the career front, with a business, your reputation, fame, with an authority figure, dad or boss, or you will see an ending here as you wrap things up.
The month wraps up as Venus moves into Capricorn on the 26th and helps to smooth things out at work, with health needs and pets. You may see a woman enter the scene now that benefits your work objectives, health or animal interests or you may see things smooth out, an increased ability to attract what you need via love or income through your work situation, while out getting healthy or while working with animals. If you need to interview, audition, pitch an idea, join the gym, start the diet, or adopt the animal, you should love how things flow.
VIRGO: (Private readings with Zoe email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067)
November is going to be all about your home, a move, real estate matter, family, mom, or security needs. Expect to begin to engage in talks, writing, agreements, meetings, and decision making about these themes as soon as the 2nd and to look at how love or income is affected. You will have much going on here as you move through the first weeks and siblings, neighbors, or vehicles may play a bigger role where you live or tied to property interests as well. Try to get as much together via agreements or decisions before the 23rd because your ruler, Mercury, is going to Retrograde in these areas at this time and things will slow down, backtrack, or you will be revisiting the past over these themes between then and December 13th.
Your presence will be called upon on the 22nd as the Sun moves into home matters and you will find you are physically involved in the issues at home, with the move, over the real estate deal, with family or mom, or regarding roommates or security needs. Your image or identity may come into focus here as well. You have the next 30 days to gear it up and step into the mix to see things through. Mercury will Retrograde in this arena on the 23rd/24th so you will begin to revisit past people or situations that involve your home, real estate, mom, family, moves, or roommates between now and December 13th. It is a time to rework, reconnect or release. You have a NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE here on the 24th/25th that will give you an extremely powerful new beginning at home or with property or family over the next 2 weeks. This is 3 times more powerful and may eclipse something out to make room for that fresh start. As it overlays the Mercury Retrograde past matters will color the new beginning.
Neptune stations Direct on the 9th at which time you will find work matters, health needs and animal interests begin to move ahead again. There is some film, music or other artistic matter, hospital, prison or other institution, addiction, hidden agenda or enemy, clandestine affair, research, investigation, or behind the scenes development that has been stalled in relationship to your work, health or pets and now it moves ahead. Is there any social connection, friend, group, internet, astrology or charity interest that can combine in this to move things forward? You have a rare window between now and Feb. 3rd that will help you to seed your dreams here, this does not open again in your lifetime so embrace it and let your imagination flower.
The 10th is huge as 3 events take place. Chiron stations Direct and any wounding that has been internalized or hidden involving a partner, agent, attorney, or opponent will now come out to be dealt with. You may find that you have the ability to heal another’s wounds based on your own experience. Mars moves into your sign and instead of taking up residence for the next 6 or 7 weeks he is going to stay for 8 months! You will now have that fighting spirit, your passions will come alive, and you will be very motivated to do things. This will work well to get your body into shape or get any surgery done that you have put off, it will help you to stand up for yourself and give you more energy than usual. Watch your fuse as anger can rise more easily and take care around sharp objects, fire and accidents waiting to happen. The Full Moon brings a legal matter to a peak, a trip to culmination, a media, publishing or marketing matter to a high point, or an educational matter or ceremony to resolution. You may be celebrating achievements or wrapping things up to close them down.
The month wraps up with Venus moving into fellow earth sign, Capricorn, where you will see true love flow more easily and lovingly, where efforts with children will go more smoothly and all your creative projects will flow and support. You can attract what you desire here at this point and a woman may enter the scene that benefits you in these areas. You may also see income begin to generate through the creative efforts or for your kids or lover.
LIBRA: (Private readings with Zoe email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067)
The month of November is really going to be about your communications so get ready to amp it up with ideas, meetings, agreements, decisions, talks, writing, negotiations, short trips, and any interactions you have with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. This kicks off on the 2nd as you engage full force and motivate over the weeks ahead. You may see a woman enter the scene now that benefits you and income start to become the focus of these talks or meetings. Do you best to wrap up any contracts or agreements before Mercury Retrogrades in these areas on the 23rd because at this time you will see slow-downs or backtracking on certain issues or ideas.
You can expect to be stepping up in the position of speaker or writer, taking on that negotiation or being the go-to person locally, with short trips, siblings, or neighbors, come the 22nd onward. This marks a 30 day cycle that will put you front and center, your image, identity or physical presence will be required and everyone will look to you for the answers. It’s a great time to interview or audition or pitch ideas or send out the writing proposal. Mercury Retrogrades here on the 23rd/24th so you will begin a journey into the past over writing, agreements, decisions, siblings, neighbors, short trips, local activities, electrons or vehicles. Do not purchase new equipment or sign documents during this time if you can put them off successfully until December 13th when the Retrograde concludes. Watch for misunderstandings, breakdowns locally or gadgets to go haywire during this time. It is a good time to pick up past writing projects or ideas, do something from the past with a sibling or neighbor, revisit past issues with the car or computer, and rework, reconnect or release. There is a NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in this arena on the 24th/25th that is 3 times more powerful than a typical New Moon so you have the next 2 weeks to launch some new idea, writing project, agreement, decision, sibling or neighbor interest, vehicle or electronic interest, short trip, local activity, or meeting. Something may be ‘eclipsed’ out to make room for this fresh start and know that the Mercury Retrograde overlay will mean something from the past colors this new beginning.
Neptune stations Direct on the 9th and all that backwards energy that has been slowing things down with creative projects, kids or lovers is now free to move forward again. This is about any artistic interests such as film, music or art, spiritual or psychic interests, romantic ideals, hospital needs, addictions, research, investigations, or developmental stages finally ready to move ahead through creative outlets, with kids or love. You may find a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or charities color this or support it in some way. There is a rare window here from now through Feb. 3, 2012 to seed in these combinations so be proactive.
The 10th is a huge day with 3 major events occurring. Chiron is stationing Direct so any hidden wounds involving work, health or pets will now open back up so you may address them and begin moving ahead in dealing with them. You may find you are now healing others through your own experience of pain here. Mars moves into Virgo for a very long time. He will be here through July next year and this means you will be doing a lot behind the scenes. Mars will give you lots of motivation, passion, anger, and the need for action involving film, music, the arts, spiritual interests, hospitals, prisons, addictions, hidden agendas, clandestine affairs, research, and investigations. Get ready to get busy in these fields. The Full Moon occurs today bringing a loan, inheritance, insurance policy, tax issue, settlement, alimony or child support issue, commission, royalty, or partner’s money situation to a peak. It may also bring sexual attractions or issues, reproduction or divorce issues to a head. It’s a time of celebrations, achievements and endings.
The month wraps up with Venus moving into Capricorn on the 26th and smoothing things out at home, with a move, real estate deal, roommate, family, or mom. You will see things are easier now at home or that you have more ability to attract income there or share love in your space. A woman may show up on the scene that benefits your living situation now and you may decide to spend in these areas as well.
SCORPIO: (Private readings with Zoe email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067)
The month ahead is going to focus very strongly on income for you. Starting on the 2nd you will move into talks, meetings, deals and agreements, writing, you will pitch ideas, take short trips, and possibly deal with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, women, love, and value issues. The energy is behind you in this so get ready to ask for what you need, interview or audition, sell your ideas, look for women that can help you, get out in your local arena and beat the streets, and move ahead. Do what you can to sign agreements or verbally commit before the 23rd when Mercury will Retrograde in this area and you will experience slow-downs or revisiting the past.
The Sun moves into this income zone on the 22nd at which time you will be stepping up, taking on a physical role in earning money, tying your image or identity to some money making venture, or taking a personal interest in the way the money is flowing. This is a 30 day cycle so you may expect to be in the thick of things for a while now. Mercury Retrogrades here on the 23rd/24th taking you back into past income opportunities or issues, bringing people and situations from the past back around, and possibly stirring up miscommunications or breakdowns associated with income. Make sure you are open to revisiting, reworking or releasing past money people or issues and that you watch out for things slowing down or going haywire. The NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE on the 24th/25th is about a huge new beginning here so you can expect to seed new income opportunities over the next 2 weeks that will have big impact. Something may be ‘eclipsed’ to make room for this new beginning and the past may somehow be involved since Mercury Retrograde is overlapping this fresh start.
Neptune stations Direct on the 9th and that stagnation you may have felt in your home, with a move, real estate deal, your own security needs being met, with family, mom, or roommates will now begin to flow forward. This is about any artistic, spiritual or romantic inspirations tied to home or family, any institutions you are dealing with, addictions, hidden agendas or enemies, research, development, or clandestine affairs. You may see that you can involve friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations as you push ahead on this artistic or spiritual matter at home. Note that this window of interweaving of energies lasts until Feb. 3, 2012, not to be repeated in your lifetime so embrace imagination and inspiration here now.
The 10th is huge as 3 big events occur today. Chiron stations Direct and any wounding you have been hiding or processing internally now comes out into the light of day around kids, love or creative projects. You are now ready to move forward on these feelings and you may find you are healing someone else based on your own experience here. Mars moves into Virgo where he will stay for the next 8 months gearing up your motivation, passion, anger, and actions with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. You will be very busy making things happen involving these people and topics. The Full Moon today brings a relationship to a peak. This means you are marking a high point of celebration and achievement or an ending with a romantic, marriage or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent.
The month ends with Venus moving into Capricorn on the 26th where she will give you more charm and attraction through your words, talks, writing, meetings, and help you to smooth out agreements, make decisions about love or income, and enjoy yourself more with siblings, neighbors, through short trips, with vehicles, local activities, and electronics. A woman may enter the picture now that can help you in any of these areas. You have the golden tongue in the weeks ahead, use it wisely.
SAGITTARIUS: (Private readings with Zoe email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067)
November is SO your month Sage! There is so much energy flooding around you that you may feel a bit dizzy at times. This is about who you are, what you want, your image, any identity moments such as becoming single, married, a doctor, student, or other new name tag, your physical body and any work you wish to do to get in shape or alter your appearance, and just some recognition for what you do. You will notice that you are thrown into the mix as soon as the 2nd when news comes or more talks, meetings, writing projects, agreements, or short trips begin. You will be connecting over ideas, making decisions, sharing love, and looking at income tied to your identity or needs. Do what you can to sign agreements or make decisions prior to Mercury Retrograding in your sign on the 23rd/24th.
The Sun moves into your sign on the 22nd which puts a spotlight on you and will definitely put you out on the stage of life. You can expect you will be getting more physically into the mix or stepping up under this new identity or image over the next 30 days. What do you want for your body or ego satisfaction? Mercury Retrogrades here on the 23rd/24th at which time you will be revisiting past identity or image, taking yourself back into past situations, reconnecting, reworking or releasing. You may retouch old photos, rework old wardrobe, hair styles, physical ailments, plastic surgery, or reconnect with that past identity of married, single, doctor, etc. Watch for miscommunications and breakdowns at this time since you are hosting the Retrograde. You have from now through December 13th to explain yourself more than once. The NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs on the 24th/25th at which time you get a huge boost from the universe to start over fresh with your image, identity , body, ego needs, or personal involvement. This is 3 times more powerful than a typical New Moon and you have 2 strong weeks to initiate. The Retrograde means the past is somehow coloring this fresh start.
Neptune stations Direct on the 9th and any decisions, writing, agreements, sibling or neighbor matters, vehicles, electronics, or ideas you have had that were slowed or internalized will now begin to move ahead again. You may be talking, writing, or dealing with agreements involving film, music or other artistic interests, hospitals, addictions, research, development, spiritual interests, or clandestine affairs. A friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity interest may color this. This is a rare window opening that takes you through Feb. 3, 2012 and will not be repeated this lifetime. What idea do you have, writing do you wish to start, agreements that need focus, or other artistic, spiritual or romantic endeavor will you move on?
The 10th is very powerful as 3 big events occur. Chiron stations Direct and any wounding you have kept hidden or internalized involving home, real estate, moves, family, mom, or roommates will now come out to be worked on. You may find you are healing others regarding their home or family wounds based on your own pain here. Mars moves into Virgo where he will take up residence from now through July next year! This is a very long time and he is going to motivate you, spark your passions or angers, and get you to take action on the career front, with ambitions, goals, authority figures, fame, father, and reputation. You will be very busy in these fields and a younger male may come onto the scene to amp things up for you now. The Full Moon brings a work matter, health need or animal issue to a peak. You will be celebrating the achievements at work, with a co-worker, employee, service you offer, health matter, or pets, or you will be ending something here now.
The month wraps up with Venus moving into Capricorn on the 26th where she will smooth things out for you with income. You will now be able to attract earnings more easily, a woman may appear that can benefit your bottom line monetarily and you will see that any income, spending or possessions issues ease up. This energy wants you to love what you do to make a living and will let you relax a bit at the wheel.
CAPRICORN: (Private readings with Zoe email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067)
The month ahead is a bit like taking yourself out of the world to connect to your spiritual side, imagination, any time behind the scenes with a romantic interest, in development of a project or idea, research, investigations, taking time to get to a hospital or tackle an addiction, pursuits of film, music or other artistic projects, and to let yourself rest, recharge and find your inspiration. You will get wind of this as soon as the 2nd when you begin to hear news, get into meetings, talks, writing, agreements, or take short trips, deal with siblings, neighbors, love interests, and money making ventures tied into these themes. The next couple weeks will be all about this and you should try to purchase electronics or sign agreements as soon as possible to avoid being colored by the Mercury Retrograde that kicks in on the 23rd/24th and goes through December 13th.
The Sun will move into this mystical inner part of your life on the 22nd and put it’s spotlight there for the next 30 days so you will be getting physically into the mix at this point which means you may be getting in front of the camera in the film, into the concert with music, at the hospital to take care of your body, at the art gallery, into a rehab center, on a spiritual retreat, yoga or medication class, embracing some secret lover as an affair begins, or pouring your energy into research and development. The Mercury Retrogrades begins in these areas on the 23rd/24th at which time you will be revisiting past people or situations tied to these themes. You will reconnect, rework or release here until Dec. 13th. Watch for slow-downs or miscommunications and hold off on purchasing new items or signing contracts if you can. The NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE on the 24th/25th is your huge new beginning so start new artistic projects, affairs, spiritual journeys, hospital deals, retreats, or investigations now. You have 3 times the power behind what you put in motion. Something may be ‘eclipsed’ out to make room for the new beginning and the past may weave around it all since the Mercury Retrograde overlays the moment.
Neptune stations Direct on the 9th and any slow-downs or internalizing you have had over artistic, spiritual, romantic, Karmic, or hidden needs involving your income, how you make your living, your possessions, or spending will now begin to move ahead. You may have a hospital visit or issues, addiction, research, investigations, or strategy that can now move ahead and influence income in some growth way. Look at friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations as coloring all of this and the fact that this is the last window of opportunity in your lifetime between now and Feb. 3, 2012 to combine in this particular way these interests.
The 10th is a mega day as 3 main events occur. Chiron stations Direct and any wounding you have felt around a decisions, writing project, agreement, sibling, neighbor, move, vehicle, electronic, meeting, or talk will now come up to be dealt with on a new level. You may find your words are somehow healing to another as you share your own painful experience. Mars moves into Virgo where he will tour through next July! This means you now have more energy, passion, anger, drive, and determination behind travel, import/export, foreign interests, media, publishing, marketing, education, ceremonies, and legal interests. You will be very busy in these fields and want to take action to make things happen. The Full Moon in your house of true love, kids and creative projects is bringing one or more of these themes to a peak in your world. You will be celebrating achievements or ending things.
The month wraps up with Venus moving into Capricorn and favoring you with her charms in the weeks ahead. This helps you to attract what you need, smoothes out physical issues, brings more allure to your image, inspires you to spend on haircuts, wardrobe, or branding your identity, and will push you to go after income and love. You are the flavor of the month, enjoy!
AQUARIUS: (Private readings with Zoe email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067)
November is lining up to be a very social time for you dear Aquarius! The stars are all conspiring to bring you out with friends, groups, social occasions, networking possibilities, internet pursuits, astrological interests, charities, and in pursuit of your aspirations. You have these areas triggered as soon as the 2nd as you get news, invitations, start talks, meetings, short trips, writing, share ideas, do local things together, and look at love or income needs and ways to inspire these. Put any agreements or decisions out there in the early part of the month so you can wrap them up before the Mercury Retrogrades here on the 23rd/24th. Try to hold off on signing agreements or purchasing electronics until the Retrograde passes on December 13th.
The Sun will move into your social arena on the 22nd putting the spotlight on your social activities, friendships, group affiliations, internet interests, astrological and charitable interests, and aspirations over the course of the next 30 days. This means you will be physically engaging here, out on the scene, putting your image or identity to something, and getting involved. Mercury Retrogrades on the 23rd/24th here so at this time things will slow down a bit or you will see a reversal, revisiting past friends or internet interests, astrology or charities, reworking, reconnecting, or releasing in these areas. Watch for miscommunications with friends or regarding internet interests until December 13th. The NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs on the 24th/25th and this gives you 2 strong weeks to seed new friendships, join new groups, start new internet project, astrology or charity interests, and to get your aspirations out on some new level. This is 3 times more powerful than a typical New Moon and the Retrograde means something or someone from the past colors this fresh start.
Neptune stations Direct in your sign on the 9th and you are finally ready to come out of any personal or physical retreat you have been experiencing over the last months and to move ahead on your spiritual path, with an artistic project, a romantic ideal, or any hospital or addiction issues that you need to tackle regarding your physical well being. A friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity interest may weave through this fresh beginning you have imaginatively or with your inspirations. This window is rare and will remain open through Feb. 3, 2012 at which time it closes not to open again in this lifetime. What do you want?
The 10th is big as 3 major events occur. Chiron stations Direct and any wounds you have been dealing with internally regarding income or spending will now come up to be dealt with on some new level. You may find that you are healing someone else based on your own painful experience involving money. Mars moves into Virgo where he will travel the next 8 months! This is a very long time for Mars to gear up a sign so you can expect that you will be motivated, passionate, angry, and driven around loans, debt, inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, bankruptcy, a partner’s money, sex, intimacy, reproduction, and divorce during this time. It’s a time of action here. The Full Moon brings a peak at home, with real estate, moves, family, mom, or roommates today so you can expect to celebrate here, mark achievements or endings.
The month wraps up with Venus moving into Capricorn and taking your love and income needs behind closed doors. You may be working on a money making venture that involves film, music, fine art, spiritual interests, psychic pursuits, magic, investigations, research, hospitals, addictions, or secrets, or you may find that love will now play out in these fields. A woman may enter the scene that is beneficial to you here. Romance may become secretive or clandestine.
PISCES: (Private readings with Zoe email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067)
November is going to be pretty much all about your career with a dallop of ambition, goal orientation, dealing with authority figures, bosses, dad, reputation, fame, and leadership. You will see this kick off as soon as the 2nd when the real talks, news, meetings, agreements, writing, short trips, and ideas begin to occur here. You may be dealing with a woman, looking at income matters, opening up about decisions you are ready to make and putting the word out there. Do what you can regarding these themes especially where contracts or purchases are concerned before the 23rd when Mercury will Retrograde here and muddy the waters.
The Sun will move into your career Midheaven on the 22nd at which time the spotlight will be on you big time. You will be stepping up in some role now, getting out there, taking the lead and connecting with the power players over the next 30 days. Your image or identity may be tied into the company or leadership role at this time. Mercury Retrogrades here on the 23rd/24th so you will spend the next weeks through December 13th backtracking on career matters. You may see a boss depart or an old one return, you may revisit past career options, rework career agendas, or release issues that are in the way of achievement and recognition. Try to hold off on signing documents until after the 13th if you can. The NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in this area opening up a very powerful 2 week window to seed new career potential, launch new businesses, make your pitch for fame, set new goals, and take on more leadership roles. This is 3 times more powerful than a typical new beginning and something may be ‘eclipsed’ out to make room for the fresh start. The Mercury Retrograde overlapping means that the past somehow colors this new beginning.
Your ruling energy, Neptune, has been Retrograde for months and on the 9th he stations to go Direct. This means you are now ready to move ahead on film, music, fine art, spiritual, psychic, or magical interests, hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, or clandestine affairs in some new way. A friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity interest is tied into this or may be and you have a rare window between today and Feb. 3, 2012 to combine these interests in some magical way forward. This potential will not exist at this level again in this lifetime so use your imagination and open up to the possibilities.
The 10th is a huge day as 3 events occur. Chiron stations Direct in your sign so any personal or physical wounds you have been hiding or dealing with internally will now come up to be dealt with on some new outer level. You may find that you are healing others through your own personal experiences of pain and transformation regarding your body, image or identity. Mars moves into Virgo to amp up your relationship zone for a very long time. He will tour here through next July so you will feel determined, driven, see action, passion or anger, all around romantic, marriage or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or opponents. It’s time to make things happen. The Full Moon brings one agreement, decision, writing project, short trip, sibling or neighbor issue, talk, meeting, idea, or vehicle matter to a peak for you today. This is about celebrating achievements or marking endings.
The month ends with Venus moving into Capricorn on the 26th and bringing the charm and attractive energy into time with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations. This smooths things out, helps you attract love or income through these people or situations, and may bring a woman onto the scene that benefits you through these areas. Enjoy the flow.
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