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You can still read the WEEKEND FORECAST if you scroll down beneath the monthly for those who want to know what the Full Moon has in store!
March is significant in a couple ways. We are processing more spiritual, artistic energy that like a cord to Heaven, keeps us aligned to the muse and our souls greatest yearnings. It’s still a time to listen to our dreams, to imagine our romantic life into being and to let our mystical light shine.
On the other hand, with Mars shifting in the sky at last, stationing Direct on the 10th after being in Retrograde since Dec. 20th of last year, we are going to see many things, situations and people who have felt slowed or held back, shooting forward. We’ve taken a long journey into our past actions, looked at how we loved and created in the past and made any reconnections necessary, all in an attempt to clear out the cobwebs and make better choices up ahead. So get ready for blast off.
This month gives us a New Moon in Pisces marking the magic starting line to launch artistic visions, spiritual or romantic goals, to tackle the first steps in healing substance abuse or self-sabotaging habits, to get to a hospital or retreat, to recharge batteries through dreams and rest, and to tune into our psychic being.
It is a great idea to create a vision board on the Spring Equinox. To do this you gather as many magazines you can, invite friends over and ask them to bring their magazines as well and make a party out of it or do it on your own. You want to think about what it is you would like to draw into and create in your life in the year ahead. You need a poster board, glue and scissors and you just cut out any picture, word or phrase that speaks to you. Once you have your pile, you begin laying it all out on your poster and you will see a theme coming through. You can be creative and ad glitter or objects that inspire if you like. Once you have laid it all out and glued it on you want to hang it in a place in your home where you will see it every day. You will be amazed at how this helps you keep focus and manifest over the months ahead. They REALLY work!
It will be interesting to see how this mystical energy that everyone is being fueled by will combine with the newly launched Mars as we shoot back into life full steam ahead.
The Full Moon in Libra on the 29th wraps the month up with one significant relationship peaking. You may be celebrating a commitment or important high point in marriage or with a business partner, or this could mark the end of one such union. Agents, attorneys, specialists, opponents and competitors are other relationships that could climax at this time. Balance and a fair shake are what are important now as well as how solid you believe the connection to be in the grand scheme of things.
At least in the first half of March there seems to be quite a lot for you to do in a more behind the scenes capacity. This will likely involve artistic, romantic or spiritual work or research, investigations, retreat, or hospitals. Have important talks or pitches on the 1-2nd to help things move the way you want in a couple weeks.
On the 7th Venus moves into your sign which should aid you a great deal in all dealings. This could bring a new love into the picture or help you attract money more easily. Your interactions with women will run more smoothly as well. This is a great time to spend on yourself or on ways to improve your body or image, items of beauty or ways that benefit your physical world. Today is especially beneficial for you in matters of the heart, with children or lovers, and in all creative endeavors.
On the 10th, your ruler Mars FINALLY stations Direct! This has been a very frustrating and slowed down period for most Aries that began in late December and has made you take a slower approach to life, revisiting past love matters, child issues and creative interactions. Some of you may have rekindled past affairs or reconsidered actions involving children, some have gone back to a creative outlet that used to hold interest for you. Now however, you know what can go forward and hopefully have an idea about how your passions, anger or actions motivated results in these arenas. Get ready to start moving and shaking in the arena of love, children and creativity now, the gloves are off.
The New Moon on the 15th in Pisces gives you a strong 2 week period to get any hospital or institutional matters into play, to go on a retreat or plan one, to begin a research project or begin an investigation, to launch a film, music or artistic endeavor, or to start something that opens up new spiritual or psychic pathways. Take some time to recharge your batteries and envision your best life.
Mercury enters your sign on the 17th which is a superb day for talks, meetings or agreements you are interested in wrapping up. Some of you may meet someone attractive today who holds romantic potential while others may hear great news or make decisions about a child or creative venture. You will definitely be thinking a great deal about who you love and what you create now so let the ideas come to the surface.
The Spring Equinox arrives on the 20th with the Sun’s move into Aries. This is a powerful day and the perfect time to create a vision board for your year ahead. It is a powerful time for Aries as you are now center stage over the next month and you will be able to put yourself out there, your needs first, do something that puts your image or body into the equation and step up as you begin to be seen for who you are after so much retracing of energy of late.
The spotlight is now on you for the next month so take full advantage of being out there. The Mercury/Pluto square on the same day may mean tough news or intense communications with the boss, an authority figure, or about goals or career but with the Sun now in your sign feel confident that you can step up and take on your world.
The Libra Full Moon on the 29th is bringing one of your key relationships to a peak. This could mean anything from celebrating an anniversary within a marriage or business partnership to something climactic occurring through an attorney, agent, opponent, or specialist. Look for fairness and balance as well as a sense of responsibility to figure into this peak emotional moment of celebration or endings.
Venus enters her own sign, Taurus, on the 31st wrapping up the month with a boost to your income house. This can mean a woman coming through with a way for you to earn money or just the new ease you find in attracting earnings. You will find it more fun to spend on things of beauty at this time or an object of your affection so watch how much you put out there.
March looks like it will be a balancing act for you between all the social activities drawing you in with friends and groups, and the time you will need to retreat, work behind closed doors and fall into the mystic.
From the 1-2nd you may hear news from a friend that requires adjustments at home and with work. This is a time when your artistic, romantic and spiritual energy can really touch others through speech, writing and talks you have.
Venus, your ruler, moves behind closed doors on the 7th taking love and making money into a more secret, private realm. You could earn through film, art, music, hospitals, retreats, fantasy, research, or psychic intuition. Attracting love or money to these arenas will be easier now and women will benefit you here. Love will be more clandestine or there may be a secret in the mix.
Mars will finally station Direct on the 10th and all the backtracking, delays, or slow-downs in past living situations, your home, real estate deals, land options, building, renovations, remodels, with roommates or family, will now begin to move forward again. You’ve had since late December to retrace actions, passions or anger involving where you hang your hat and what you build upon, you’ve looked at how you express love or creativity here, now you can feel confident in making new moves based on what you understand.
The New Moon in Pisces occurs on the 15th in your social sector. This may bring an important new friend in to your life, mark a time when you join or form a group or launch a networking affair. Your aspirations should be front and center while you put them forward now as well. Watch this date for promising new meetings or original ideas.
On the 17th, Mercury zooms into Aries to make strategy sessions more dynamic. Talks of hospitals or meetings there, scheduling surgery or time to rest and recuperate could be high on the agenda. For some of you this marks an energetic time to express ideas through film or music or to audition for a part, for others this is great for finding the information you are looking for through research. If you’ve been thinking about changing your residence or are in talks about real estate, today may bring news or decisions.
The Sun follows Mercury into Aries on the 20th, marking the Spring Equinox. This will put you into physical positions behind the scenes, in hospitals, retreats, artistic or spiritual ventures, or just hiding out so if you need to schedule surgery this aligns, acting in a role on stage or in film puts you out there, or if you want to go lead a spiritual retreat, go. You will shine in film or fantasy, music or spiritual work, research or time at an institution so plan accordingly. This is THE time to make your vision board for the year ahead so take some time to do it.
The Full Moon on the 29th will bring a work assignment to a culmination, celebrations or endings with work, co-workers, service providers, or the tasks before you, a peak moment with your health as a goal is celebrated or an illness or diet ends, or a matter involving your pet climaxing in big emotions.
Your ruler, Venus, closes the month out by entering your sign on the 31st, marking a time when you will see things go more smoothly for you, your image, and your body. It’s a great time to spend on things to beautify your image and a much easier time to attract love or money to yourself.
March is about career, goals, friends, and groups for you and if you can put them all together, so much the better. Your ruling energy, Mercury, begins the month by moving into your Midheaven on the 1st so talks about goals, agreements signed towards career ambitions, or even news of fame calling are all potential manifestations of this placement. Whatever is going on, you are being talked about, believe it.
Mark the 4th as a powerful day for you in negotiations or talks on the career front. Talks, decisions or meetings that are sexual or intimate benefit goals as well.
Venus changes signs on the 7th gliding into your social sector and bringing the celebration with her. This marks a time of ease with friends, making money or expressing love through social occasions and group affiliations and a positive push in the area of treasured aspirations. Women friends will be beneficial to you now.
Mars stations Direct on the 10th after a long backtracking through your communications and neighborhood zone that began last December. This means you have been looking back at past actions, passions or anger that you spent on loved ones or creativity through talks, agreements, fights, decisions, meetings, the written word, how the neighborhood affects you and any issues with siblings. Now you are ready to make things happen again through something you write, say, agree to, a move or change in neighborhood, short trips, or a contract. What you say has energy behind it again.
The New Moon on the 15th is a fresh start on the career front for you. This can be about an artistic career ambition or a romantic or spiritual goal. You have 2 strong weeks to launch in these arenas so put yourself before the public, go after the position, make your name. The more original and independent you are today in expressing your ideas the better for what you are trying to accomplish.
Your ruler enters Aries on the 17th marking an acceleration in talks or invitations from friends, to social gatherings, and in meetings with groups. You will be in your element in conversing with a wide array of people and your ideas will be on everyone’s mind now. This day is especially brilliant for you in career and the circle of people who ‘get’ you so step it up.
It looks like you will have to deal with one significant person between the 18-20th who will give you a run for your money. Do your best to state your case and don’t let yourself get pulled into any conflicts you can’t win. The Sun enters Aries, marking the Spring Equinox on the 20th so a friend will be there for you if necessary. This is putting you in the spotlight socially and with friends for the month ahead so expect to be popular and to make your presence known within your groups, out networking or with friends. This is THE time to create your vision board for the year ahead so find some time to do so.
The Full Moon in Libra occurs on the 29th in your house of true love, children and creative projects. This is the time of year when you may be celebrating something romantic peaking with a love affair, seeing the birth of a child or something involving children peaking, or when your creative endeavor receives the attention or result you were going for. It is about celebrations or endings now so you may be wrapping something up as well.
Venus moves into the hidden part of your chart on the 31st, wrapping up the month with love and money going into a more secret area of life for you. This could mark a time when you are earning money behind the scenes on a film or research project or in some other artistic or spiritual venue, love will be more clandestine and women in general will benefit you through working behind you or in connection with hospitals or other institutions.
March is lining up to be a big month for career, travel, education, legal matters, and media ventures. You may find yourself in a new position or new location by month’s end.
ON the 1st Mercury changes signs and you will find yourself in meetings or talks about a trip, media or publishing venture, teaching opportunity, ceremony, or legal matters. There is a need to adapt actions to fit current income issues and to take responsibility or make adjustments around home or parents. Open up about your artistic, spiritual or romantic agenda through these higher realms in the weeks ahead.
Venus enters Aries on the 7th which marks a special time in your career. You may find you are dealing with women or women’s issues now on the career front and that they are beneficial to your achievement or that you are able to now attract the love or money you need more readily once you set your goals and go for them. Take action today to make money and elevate your presence while engaging in talks about travel, media, legalities, or education.
Mars will finally go Direct on the 10th and I can hear many Cancer’s out there sighing in relief. The action planet has been slowing things down and taking you on a backwards journey through income and spending since the end of December. You may have found your wallet thin from creative ventures or loved ones you spent on in the past but you are about to get a nice boost from the universe. If you need to look for new ways to earn, mark today as the starting line.
The New Moon in Pisces occurs on the 15th and as a fellow water sign, this fresh start is aligned beautifully to your sign. IT is occurring in the arena of travel, law, education, and media so once again you have a green light in these realms. In fact you should launch something new over the next 2 weeks by taking or planning the trip, broadcasting yourself or going after publicity, signing contracts or starting the legal proceedings, or signing up for a class to take or teach. Communications and originality are powerful allies in this fresh beginning.
Mercury darts into your career Midheaven on the 17th and amps up talks, meetings, agreements, decisions and writing projects that get your career on track, bring recognition or fame, or help you to achieve an ambition. Be passionate about your ideas.
The Sun follows into this realm on the 20th, marking the Spring Equinox and the pivotal moment when you step into the spotlight and take on more of a presence before the public over the next month. This is the time to strut your stuff, you have a month where you can lead and courageously go after your destiny, find fame or make your reputation, or climb the corporate ladder. This is THE time to create your vision board for the year ahead so take the time to do so.
The Full Moon on the 29th is bringing an issue at home, a property matter or living situation, a move or renovation, or something involving mom to a peak. This is always an emotional time for you as you feel the roots and grounding of life more intensely now. Take care of the details and celebrate the balance between you and another at home. For some of you, this may mark an ending to one living situation or the selling off of property.
Venus changes signs on the 31st moving into your social realm. This is a great few weeks when you will find you enjoy yourself more with friends, especially women, when you may make a new woman friend, when earning and spending becomes a social or networking affair and when you may attract what you need more easily to your aspirations.
March is shaping up to be about deeply moving matters for you involving intimacy, sex, divorce, major finances and the way you expand your higher mind through travel, media, education, or legalities.
On the 1st Mercury will move into the deeper realm of your chart and help you to understand and talk about the financial picture that you share with another person or a banking institution. It will also help you to communicate about sex and divorce if necessary. You may meet someone at this time in the local scene that turns out to be of sexual interest or find that you sign contracts over finances or divorce. Be willing to take action on anything left undone that you set in motion from the past and to take responsibility for what was said.
Venus enters Aries on the 7th and the love and money energy will take on more aggression and drive. For you this will best play out through trips, media or publicity, ceremonies, teaching or taking a class, or the law. Women will be beneficial for you in these areas as well now.
Mars stations Direct on the 10th in your sign. For many Leos this has been a very trying few months. Mars rules actions, passion, motivation, and anger and it has been backtracking through your sign since the end of December! This means you have had to look at what you did physically in the past that affected lovers, children or creative projects and that you were slowed down from moving forward personally on new fronts. For some of you there was a break-up or the retreat of a loved one during this time, if so it is possible they may have a change of heart now but if they don’t you should understand that it is aligned with cosmic flow and you will find someone better aligned to your energy up ahead. Whatever the case, the slow-downs and revisiting is over now, you are ready to launch forward with an new motivation or passion. You will find you have your energy coming back and a desire to please yourself, work on your body or image and express your passions again.
The New Moon on the 15th is occurring in the deep arena of sex, divorce, reproduction, intimacy, loans, credit, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, settlements, alimony, child support, and joint finances. This is a brand new start in areas where you share something profound with another. If you want to refinance or go after backing, take out a loan or start your taxes, meet a new sexual partner or look at fertility clinics, the next 2 weeks are your best bet.
On the 17th Mercury enters Aries and you will make decisions, hear news, initiate talks or meetings, or share ideas involving travel plans, media ventures, education, or legal matters. You may meet someone dynamic now who comes through one of these avenues. Mark today as special for any of these matters and your ability to stand out sexually or financially.
The Sun follows Mercury into this part of your chart on the 20th and along with marking the Spring Equinox will put you into the spotlight over the next month through travel, education, legalities, and media. It’s time to be seen or talked about through these realms so step it up. This is also THE time to create your new vision board for the year ahead so take some time to do so.
Two days of note at month’s end for you are the 21st and 25th: On the 21st you are being fueled beautifully if you throw yourself into a trip, media venture, publicity, legal, or educational matter but you will have to take responsibility for an agreement, something written, said, a sibling, or what is going on locally but on the 25th there is a big change or challenge coming through health, work or with pets that puts you again center stage traveling, in media, law, or education. Prepare to tackle what comes.
The Full Moon on the 29th is bringing a talk, meeting, decision, agreement, idea, short trip, brother or sister matter, or neighbor issue to a peak. You may be celebrating an important meeting or a writing project culminating or seeing something ending with an agreement or sibling. It is a climactic emotional time when the way you balance responsibilities will be important.
Venus enters your house of fame and career, ambitions and father, on the 31st. This will mark the beginning of a few weeks when you can attract the love or money you desire to chase ambitions, move up the corporate ladder, launch the business, and just over all find that things run more smoothly for you. Women will benefit your goals now more than other times.
March will be about focusing on work, health, pets, partners, and those who compete with or represent you. There is going to be quite a bit going on and the energy is going to help you motivate, especially in the second half of the month.
On the 1st your ruler changes signs and kicks off the month by amping up talks and decisions with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. You can sign agreements, share ideas and take your meetings now. Find ways to adjust to limits or responsibilities to income and what you are doing behind the scenes strategically. Artistic, romantic or spiritual agendas are in this relationship or the focus is on addictions or self-destructive behaviors.
Mark the 4th as an opportune day for dialogue or agreements with partner or representatives especially if your goal is change or powerful financial matters tied to creative projects or around transformation or reproduction issues with lovers or children.
Venus moves into Aries on the 7th and you will find that you have an easier time attracting love sexually or making money through other people’s finances. Loans and investors come easier now and women benefit in these shared realms. If you have been dealing with a divorce, it should ease now. Talks with partners or representatives are lucky today and there is a lot of positive action playing out behind the scenes.
Mars stations Direct on the 10th in your house of hidden matters. This means that the revisiting of the past through slow-downs involving retreat, isolation, hospitals, time spent working behind the scenes, in film or music or any art related project, or in researching or clandestine affairs is over. The love or creative needs you were meant to understand through actions, anger or passion with the past has run its course. You are now ready to move forward on something with a new perspective.
The New Moon on the 15th is opening up a fresh new beginning for you by way of partnerships, marriage, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. You have 2 strong weeks to initiate something new here with someone you know or to approach someone new who can meet you half way or team up with you. Be spontaneous in communications today as an unexpected meeting or idea may be the key to what is about to happen.
Your ruler moves on into Aries on the 17th at which time the divorce, major financial matter or sexual encounter becomes what is on your mind. Talks and agreements will focus on these profound arenas and the energy today favors a change or new approach with partners or representatives as well as communications leading to some kind of action behind closed doors that benefits you.
A couple days to watch, as they may prove challenging, are the 18th and 20th. Talks on the 18th or agreements made will be serious and have long term ramifications. This may be a good thing if you find a way to balance the financial picture but it may prove to be more work or burden in the long run than you want so judge it carefully. The talks or agreements on the 20th will push you to change and challenge yourself pretty deeply around a creative project, child or lover over how the major finances are playing out, how the divorce is going, what the reproductive needs are, or how the sex is morphing.
The Sun follows Mercury into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox and putting you into the spotlight over the next month regarding major finances, sex or divorce. This means you are center stage in a drama unfolding around loans, settlements, divorce proceedings, reproductive issues, sexual encounters, or any other major outside financial resource. There is going to be more energy at your disposal now so get ready to act. This is THE time to create your vision board for the year ahead so take some time to do so.
The Full Moon on the 29th is bringing an income matter to a peak. This is an emotional culmination around money you are earning or spending or a possession in question. You may be celebrating a paycheck that comes in or ending one form of earning. Look at how you balance with another in this.
Venus changes signs on the last day of the month, entering your house of travel, education, legalities, and media matters. This means you may now attract love or money more easily to or through these arenas and that women will be beneficial here as well.
March is going to be a big month for work and finding a way to be of service to others, it is a great time to tackle health issues and find time for pets and you will want to begin talks or make decisions about partnering, finding representation or dealing with specialists or competitors.
On the 1st Mercury moves into your work, health and pet zone so you can expect to have more talks, meetings, ideas, make more decisions and come to agreements in these areas. Your romantic, artistic or spiritual needs are in the mix with what you decide so open up and get the work and health talks hopping.
Mark the 3rd and 4th as special days for you in these areas as surprises or new ways of approaching the work, health or pets attracts love or money your way or things just go to suit you! There is opportunity for positive change at home here.
Your ruler, Venus, changes signs on the 7th moving into your partnership arena. This is great news for any significant relationships with women in your life and for attracting love or money through the partner, agent, attorney, or specialist. If single you may meet someone today at a social occasion or through a friend and talks about work, health or pets have great luck behind them.
The 9th and 11th are challenging days for you with the partner or representative as you may feel a bit overburdened or limited in some way and have to deal with challenges at home or with security needs so pace yourself during these times.
Mars is finally stationing Direct on the 10th which means after months of slowdowns and retracing actions and passions through past friendships, groups, networking, and around aspirations, you are finally ready to see some action again here. Look to have more going on with friends and groups as the month progresses and if you have had a hard time getting any legs under the aspiration, it is now go time.
The New Moon on the 15th is opening up 2 strong weeks to launch new work, start something with a co-worker, hire a new employee, take on a new diet or start a new health regime, adopt a pet or start something involving small animals. Something you hear today about one of these things may be unusual but positive in the fresh start.
Mercury enters Aries on the 17th which marks the time when talks and meetings with partners, agents, attorneys, and specialists take on significant focus. You can come to terms now with this person, head their advice, and act on the ideas shared. You are shining in an original way at work, with health or pets today as well and what you do socially has positive information or meetings attached for you.
The Sun follows Mercury into Aries on the 20th, marking the Spring Equinox and a month long cycle putting you in the spotlight with partners, agents, attorneys, competitors, and specialists. Step up and connect as others will certainly notice you now. This is THE time to create your vision board for the year ahead so take some time and do so.
The Full Moon on the 29th is occurring in your sign. This is that time of year when who you have been or your image, body or identity, is peaking in some way. You may be celebrating something about your image or a personal need culminating or you may be ending one way of identifying yourself with the world.
Your ruler, Venus, changes signs on the last day of the month, moving into your house of sex, reproduction, major finances, and divorce. For the next few weeks women will benefit you in these areas, things will run more smoothly, you will find it easier to attract love or money through intimacy or shared resources and the divorce proceedings should go more smoothly.
March is covering a lot of ground for you in the areas of true love, creative endeavors, children, work, co-workers, employees, services you provide, health matters, and pets. With your co-ruler Retrograde since the end of December you have a great deal to look forward to as he shifts forward mid-month.
On the 1st Mercury enters your creative sector so you can expect talks and agreements to amp up over the creative project and meetings and decisions to focus on true love, lovers, children, and recreation as well. If single you could meet someone while running around the neighborhood or through a short trip that catches your heart. Mark the 4th as a special day for lovers, children or creative meetings or talks, it could change many things.
Venus moves into Aries on the 7th and brings her ability to attract love and money to the work you do, your health matters and pets. This means you can earn or spend on the job you do, the service you provide, your diet or health regime or pets with better results and more ease. Women will be beneficial for you in these areas as will anything related to beauty. You should accomplish a great deal towards your goals today as well as have one lucky talk or meeting regarding a lover, child or creative venture.
Mars, your co-ruler, stations Direct on the 10th in your career Midheaven. This is big news for you as you have had to slow down or back track through past creative actions or passions involving lovers or children that affect your ambitions and goals. Now you are ready to take the forward plunge into the career market and conquer your goals.
Take note of the 11th as there may be a challenge for you involving an agreement, talk, news, or meeting and a woman, love or money matter tied to work, health or pets. Watch your money.
The New Moon on the 15th is offering you a fresh start in creative projects, with children, recreation, and with love. You may meet a new person in the next 2 weeks who turns out to be a real contender for your heart or launch the new creative project, conceive a child or begin something new with your child. Someone totally different than what you normally go for could show up today or a new cutting edge idea could be part of what launches the new creative output.
Mercury enters Aries on the 17th and kicks off fresh talks and agreements about work, health or pets. If you need to send out your resume or have an interview for a job, do it now. Decisions about starting a health regime or taking care of a pet are beneficial as well. You should be able to achieve goals today once you decide or open up about it and surprises from lovers, children or creative projects give you fresh boosts as well.
Whatever came up for you as a challenge on the 11th resurfaces in a talk or decision, news or agreement on the 20th and once again tests your resolve. The Sun moves into Aries today marking the Spring Equinox and putting you into the spotlight at work, with health or pets for the next month. This is the time to step up and be seen for what you provide. It’s a great time to get your body into shape and THE time to create your vision board for the year ahead so take some time to do so.
The last of the challenges at work, with health or pets comes on the 25th for you as a physical change allows you to deal with what is said or agreed to and you step up to the issue before you.
The Full Moon on the 29th is bringing something hidden to a peak in your world. This could mean a secret, time spent in isolation, retreat, at hospital, in research or investigation, in strategies or hidden agendas, through film, music, art or fantasy, or in the mystical, psychic realm. You will be celebrating or ending something tied to one of these arenas and balance or partnership plays into the equation.
Venus changes signs on the 31st moving into your partnership zone. This is great for the next few weeks as attracting the love or money you need comes more easily through partners, agents, attorneys, or specialists. Women will represent your needs beneficially and partnerships will run more smoothly.
In March, the focus for you is going to be on home and property matters, creative projects, lovers, and children. There is opportunity to express your artistic, romantic nature here as well as energy to promote action in these realms.
On the 1st Mercury moves into your home arena kicking off the month with talks, meetings, agreements and decisions about the home, a move, remodeling, roommates, decorating, real estate deals, security needs, or mom. You will be thinking a lot about what you want in your space and how to make it work.
On the 7th Venus enters Aries and brings a wonderful ease to your love affairs, interaction with children and creative projects. She will help you attract love and money more readily here so if you are single, take advantage of this time to meet new prospects, you will be in your best light. If you are trying to earn money through your creativity, push your project forward now as well. Women will be beneficial in these areas during this transit and a new one may enter the picture to assist in this. Mark today as important for a talk or agreement you make at home or about a living situation as well, your ruler is meeting Mercury today so expect beneficial results.
Mars stations Direct on the 10th after a very long Retrograde that has taken you back into the past or slowed actions down in the areas of the higher mind. This means that you have been revisiting or having a slower time in areas of beliefs, travel, ceremonies, education, media matters, and legalities. The ways you experience passion and anger have been working through these corridors. Now there will be forward movement again through all of this expansion so book the trip, sign the contracts, go back to school, launch the media venture!
The New Moon on the 15th is a fresh start at the roots of your chart. This could mean a strong 2 week period when you can move, set up a new home, do something fresh to the property, have someone move in or out, make your home where you hang your hat, do something different to build on a better foundation, or begin a family or something with mom. Coming from a fresh perspective is important today and any news you hear should be quite inspiring.
Mercury enters Aries on the 17th taking your mental focus from home to creative projects, love or children. This is a dynamic time for ideas that spark your creative output and you may meet someone who helps you to create something new. Travel, media, contracts, or teaching can be a big part of the action today as you decide what you want to do. You can apply this to what you decide about a lover or child as well.
The Sun follows Mercury into this sector on the 20th so you will begin to see yourself in the center of the play surrounding the creative project, love affair or child. Today marks the Spring Equinox and a fresh start for the year ahead. A talk or decision today about the creative project, lover or child will challenge you monetarily, you are going to see a big energy push for change around income in this conversation or decision. This is THE time to create your vision board for the year ahead so take some time to do so.
The Full Moon on the 29th is bringing a friendship, social occasion, group affiliation, or aspiration to a head. This is emotional energy that can be critical or about the details or sense of service involved. You may be celebrating something reaching its zenith with your friends or group or ending one connection at this time. Any friend that leaves now is timed in sync to universal flow so do your best to except the way things are evolving and trust you will make new friends soon enough.
Venus ends the month by moving into Taurus on the 31st. This means that you will get a nice boost of attractive energy moving into your work, health and pets zone. Use this support over the next few weeks to express what you need to feel loved or what you want to earn or spend, the odds are you will have an easier time getting what you want from co-workers, health care providers and if single, you may meet someone lovely on the job, walking the pets or working out.
March is going to be an important month for talks and meetings, decisions and agreements, you may have more contact with brothers or sisters and take more short trips that matter, your neighborhood or neighbors will be more connected with you and home and property matters will take on more focus.
On the 1st Mercury enters your communications zone giving you the upper hand in talks and negotiations, agreements and ideas. You will want to put this to work for you over the next few weeks as you take more meetings and share ideas. There is a special color to this involving the gift to express artistry, romantic needs, spiritual ideals, and getting to the heart of the matter concerning addictions, retreat, research, or any self-defeating tendencies. Your insight is on overdrive and will aid you in choices.
Venus enters your home and property base on the 7th. This is a great time for you if you need to attract love or money to these arenas. You may want to beautify your space at this time or spend on some lovely piece of property. Women will be beneficial to you in these realms and love will be best expressed at home. If you are in real estate, this will make you the chosen one for the weeks it resides here, get to work. You may also want to note that a conversation or agreement made today has great luck behind it.
Watch the 9th as a challenging day for you or one where you will be balancing something with another person. This will play out between home and career so if you are in real estate it will be about the property matter and money/responsibility or limits that are in play, if not it may be that you are feeling pulled between the two. It’s not the best day to make a sale or invest in a property.
Mars stations Direct on the 10th in the deepest part of your chart. Since the end of December you have been hosting a backwards and slowed down energy regarding major finances, sex, reproduction, and divorce. This may have meant you were revisiting past loved ones or passions, anger or actions that occurred through loans, settlements, insurance, taxes, credit, alimony, child support, inheritance, bankruptcy, or joint finances, sex or intimacy, or divorce. If you’ve wanted to move forward in a new way through any of these realms it has been slow going. Now that energy is going to face forward and you will be able to finally see some real progress.
The New Moon on the 15th is occurring in your communications zone. This is the launching pad with 2 strong weeks kicking you forward in all talks, negotiations, meetings, agreements, decisions, ideas, writing projects, short trips, sibling matters, or neighborhood issues. If you want to get a new script started or contract under way, take an important meeting or do something with a brother or sister, move to a new neighborhood or join the neighborhood watch, you get the idea, this is the time. The energy today is suggesting that fresh approaches and ideas will be the way forward.
Mercury moves into Aries on the 17th and enters your home arena. This takes your mental focus and puts it onto home and property matters. You will find that you are talking more about these things and making some decisions now that are dynamic and get things moving. The energy today is just amazing to make thing happen so see what you can do, if you need a loan or to settle something with a bank or other person financially or in settlement regarding home or property, talk with them now.
The 18th is a bit limiting regarding home/property/goals. Your ruler, Saturn, is opposed by Mercury so negotiations may be limited or restricted or what you agree to will be a lot of long, tedious work so just be aware that what you sign or agree to today could be in place for a very long time and make sure you are up for the work involved.
The Sun follows Mercury into your home and property zone on the 20th putting you center stage in all topics here over the next month. This can mark a time when you are physically at home for the next 30 days more so than normally or it can mean that this is where you really stand out in dealings with property matters or home issues. So step up and be seen around the property now as you are at the top of this placement. This is THE time to create your vision board for the year ahead so take some time to do so.
If you decided to agree to something serious on the 18th, the 21st will mark a time when you get personally involved, putting yourself into the mix or taking yourself out altogether.
The Full Moon on the 29th is bringing a career matter to a peak in your world. This can be a great time of celebration for you as something you have been trying to attain comes to fruition. You may see your name in lights or finally have your rewards from all that career work you have been doing. You will find you are in the spotlight in some way right now. For some of you this time marks the end of a career when you decide to move on to something else.
Venus moves into your house of true love, children and creativity on the 31st, closing out the month with a lovely moment for you. This energy will help you to attract love and money through these realms so if you are single, know you will be very attractive to others over the next few weeks (more so than usual) and you should get out there if you want to meet someone. You will see things go more smoothly with current lovers, children and creativity. If you need to make money through your creative project this energy will help you do so.
The month of March is going to focus on making or spending money, talks, meetings, decisions, writing projects, agreements, short trips, siblings, or neighborhood for you. It is a great month to make choices based on your evolving values and to come to agreements about what you want.
On the 1st Mercury moves into your earnings zone and you will find you are talking and meeting more about making money or what you want to spend on. Agreements signed now will be focused on the bottom line and you should do what you can to bring your artistry or spirituality into the earning process. If you can adapt to doing something with a partner or representative and make some adjustments to commitments in travel, media, education, or legalities, you will do well today.
Take note of the 3rd when your ruler, Uranus, will be met by Venus in your income zone. This is like lightning wrapped in love or money for you and could mark a surprise moment when you receive a prized possession from a loved one or make money with a woman in some original, brilliant way. Be open to what comes to you today because it has the markings of a positive new beginning.
Venus enters Aries on the 7th and will bring her ability to attract love or money into your communications zone. This is the silver-tongued devil syndrome and you should put it to work for you while you have it. It means you will be able to draw the things you want to you through the words you share, what you write, agreements, meetings, decisions, short trips, siblings or neighbors. Women will understand you more now and may help you in these arenas now. It also means things will run more smoothly locally and in talks.
Mars stations Direct on the 10th in your partnership, representative and opponents zone. This has been a long Retrograde that began at the end of December and has taken you back over past actions, passions or anger associated with marriage or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, opponents, competitors, or enemies. If you have wanted to get things moving forward with anyone of these people it has been slow going. This is all about to change. If you had a partner or representative leave you during this Retrograde, you may see a return over the next few weeks. You will now be able to make things move in these realms.
The New Moon on the 15th is opening up a new beginning for you through earnings, spending or with possessions. You have 2 strong weeks to find a new source of income, to ask for more money on the job you are currently working, to decide to spend on something important, or to do something with a possession such as the piano or necklace. Apply your artistry or spiritual intention to making more money and be willing to follow up on original ideas or unusual contacts, they are your best way forward.
Mercury moves into your communications zone on the 17th. Mercury naturally rules this part of the chart so it is giving you a double influx of ideas, connections, helping you to talk or meet about what is important, to make decisions or get that writing project underway, to amp up the short trips, neighborhood activity or contact with brothers or sisters, all of this is energetic now. You may find yourself in the middle of the interesting earnings or spending situation today and talking to a partner, agent or attorney about something that looks very positive and a ‘go’.
The Sun follows Mercury into Aries on the 20th which marks the Spring Equinox and puts your center stage in all communications, neighbor and sibling activities over the next month. You can stand out as a writer at this time, get the meetings that are hard to land, make an appearance locally, sign agreements that are about you, or find yourself in the spotlight with your brother or sister in something. Agreements are more likely to be made now as you take charge and get your point across. This is THE time to create your vision board for the year ahead so take some time to do so.
The Full Moon on the 29th is in Libra and it is bringing something of the higher mind to a climax in your world. This may mean you are seeing a trip finally culminate, a connection with someone far away reach its zenith, you may be graduating school or getting the results from something you have learned, a teaching certificate could be finished, a legal battle or contract could wrap up, a ceremony could culminate, or a media or publishing venture could complete or receive attention now. In all it is an emotional time focused on how you share or balance in these areas and what is being celebrated or ended.
On the 31st, Venus enters Taurus and your home base. This marks a few weeks time that begins now where things will run more smoothly at home and with property or mom. You will find that women benefit you more in these realms now and you can attract the love or money you need to do things here more easily. A woman may move in or out of the home at this time and it would be a good thing. Spending you do will more likely be on beautifying your space and you may want to try earning from home.
March is a month that really puts you and your needs central to everything that is going on. You will want to focus on your body, image, identity, being physically present in your world, and doing what is right for you. The other area that is heightened for you is earnings, spending and possessions. Find a way to put everything into these realms and you will come out of the month very well.
Mercury moves into your sign right from the 1st of the month making talks and meetings about you and your needs. If you write you should put it out there now, agreements should go your way or at the least meet your needs. You will find you are taking care of yourself through short trips, making decisions involving neighborhood or siblings, and coming up with some new ideas about yourself artistically or romantically.
Venus moves into Aries on the 7th which is a wonderful time for you as far as earning is concerned. This means that women will benefit your income and you may meet someone who helps you make more money now. You will see your ability to attract money will be stronger and things will run more smoothly. You may decide to spend some of your income on ways to make more money and that is supported by this transit. You may also experience love through the giving or receiving of tokens of affection now. If you own something that you wish to sell, this is a good time to attempt it.
Mars has been Retrograde since the last part of December and it has been rather challenging for everyone as things have slowed or we have been going back into the past to see how our actions towards lovers, children or creativity are influencing our lives and hopefully learn from it so we do things a bit differently up ahead. For Pisces this has been occurring through the work you do, service you provide, tasks at hand, health and pets. You may have felt things would never go forward in these areas again but the revisiting you have done to these areas over the last few months is now going to be evident as you are ready to move forward with new ways of doing things in work, health and or with pets.
The New Moon on the 15th is in your sign. What a lovely new beginning for you as you find you are ready to launch a new identity, a new way of presenting yourself to the world, a new image or body, or something very personal to you that you are ready to go forward on. If you want to change your image or marry/divorce thereby taking on a new identity, or if you want to reshape your body or become a new person on some other level, access your artistry, romantic nature, intuition and psychic abilities, and your spirituality to launch into this new improved version of yourself. You have 2 strong weeks of universal support and the energy today suggests that independence, originality and spontaneous ideas really put you forward.
Mercury moves into Aries on the 17th and you will find that talks and agreements are focused on the bottom line monetarily. You will make decisions about income, sign contracts that bring income in the door, get out there and pound the pavements on auditions or the interviewing circuit for new monetary resources, and today especially you may find that one surprise meeting or talk puts you at the right place at the right time.
The Sun follows Mercury into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox and putting you center stage in an income matter. Over the next month you are in this position so expect that you will be physically in the mix, your image or body will count, and you will be making money based on who you are or at the center of some spending on your image, body or physical well being. This is THE time to create your vision board for the year ahead so take some time to do so.
The Full Moon in Libra occurs on the 29th and will be bringing a peak moment for you around a major financial matter such as a loan, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, tax, settlement, alimony, child support, credit cards, joint finances, or any other form of outside resource. This part of the chart also rules sex, reproduction, intimacy, and divorce. In any of these areas you may be celebrating something reaching its high point or you may be ending something. Outside of this pivotal emotional climax, the day is offering a special moment for you as your ruler, Neptune, is met by Venus. This could mean an opportunity for earning through an artistic avenue, research, retreat, spiritual project, investigation, or institution such as a hospital, or that love is found in one of these areas for you. There may be some sort of secret or private energy around what is in the air today but it looks positive.
Venus moves into Taurus on the 31st at which time she will begin a few weeks of travel through the things you write, the agreements you come to, the talks or meetings you hold, news coming in, short trips you make, your connections to siblings and neighbors, and your ideas. This is a time when women will be easy to get along with in talks or locally, short trips or what you write, as well as beneficial to your aims. You will find you attract love and money through agreements, talks, meetings, short trips, sibling or neighborhood, and things should run smoothly here at this time.
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