Wednesday, October 31, 2018



We start the month with URANUS RETROGRADING back into ARIES for the last time on the 6th and this turn-around of energy is our cue to take a look at where we are on a personal or physical level. We’ve had Uranus in Aries for 7 years doing his part to shake us out of any stagnation that may have occurred to our being. It’s been a time of sudden changes that brought about a new look at our own identity and may have impacted our bodies, names, titles, image, brand, or other personal situations. Then, on May 15th this year Uranus exited Aries to move into Taurus and we’ve all been experiencing the sudden changes, shocking moments or excitement connected to purchases, income, values, and possessions. So, this month, on the 6th, Uranus goes back into Aries for the last time where he will tour until March 6th next year. At that point he will exit this sign not to return for another 84 years so it is an important period of focus on who we are and what is going on with our bodies, images, brand, name, title, and personal needs. Watch the days after this shift for clues as to what you still have to do in the reinvention of yourself and look to releasing, rekindling or reworking something while the Retrograde is in effect.

As if that is not big enough shifting of energy going on from Uranus on the 6th, we also have the North Node of Destiny entering Cancer and the Karmic South Node entering Capricorn for the first time in 18 years on the same day. This kicks off a new direction for our Destiny and Karma that will now be in effect over the next year and a half. Think back to April 2000-Oct 2001 and before that back to Sept 1981-Mar 1983 for clues as to what we might expect. The Destiny Node in Cancer means our future is calling us based on things we do at home, with our home, through moves or renovations, the family, our roommates, a parent, any real estate deals, our early childhood matters, our history, our ancestry, the country, our land, and our security needs. We can expect some ‘destined’ things to transpire here. The Karmic Node in Capricorn means one of 3 things; 1) we may experience some loss or tests here, 2) it may be time to rebalance Karmic debt here 3) past life souls may align with re-entering our lives over the themes of Capricorn to pick back up with us. In Capricorn this will play out over personal goals, career, status, reputation, fame, the boss, parent, judge, mentor, or other authority figures, our leadership, our leaders, corporations/businesses, responsibilities, limits, endings, long-term commitments, or time.

This is followed closely by a NEW MOON in SCORPIO on the 7th. New Moons open up a 2-week window of powerful forward flow around the subjects of the sign that it falls within so at this point we get a boost in our financial situations making it a good time to take steps with financial experts about your insurance, taxes, investments, mortgages, loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, or other financial considerations. Scorpio also rules sexual attractions and engagements, reproduction, birth, death, divorce, and triangles playing out between people so these 2 weeks may give you a boost into something brand new or help you take a current situation to the next level.

Now for the big news in November; JUPITER enters SAGITTARIUS for the first time in 12 years and will now tour here over the year ahead. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and loves to be in his own sign. Jupiter and Sagittarius are about growth experiences, adventure, the higher mind, law, travel, foreign affairs, relocation at a distance, interactions with people at a distance, import/export, education, media, marketing, weddings, other ceremonies, religion, your beliefs, and politics. So the year ahead is one of going big in these areas, a time to expand your horizons in ways the universe sees fit. This begins on the 8th so pay attention to anything big that is percolating in these areas because it may be a major theme of your year. Jupiter is said to offer protection, happiness, prosperity, or growth as it moves through an arena so let us hope the year ahead is one of better tidings here. For some perspective, Jupiter last toured here between Nov 2006-Dec 2007, before that from Dec 1994-Jan 1996 and before that from Dec 1982-Jan 1984, what opened up in your world? 

Because nothing is ever just easy and straight forward, once Jupiter is moving through this new Sagittarius territory to open things up, MERCURY RETROGRADES in SAGITTARIUS starting on the 16th! The Mercury Retrograde will be in 2 parts, now through Dec 1st in Sagittarius and then Dec 1st through the 6th in Scorpio. At that point Mercury will go Direct again and return in forward motion to Sagittarius on the 12th taking us out of the year in this sign. So we now have old news, talks and meetings, ideas and agreements, sales and short trips, writing and interviews, offers and decisions coming back around, we may run into old people or pick back up on old projects or issues, we may slow down in current scenarios so that we can rethink them or release or rekindle some current situation. It’s a do-over with legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, ceremonial, religious, and political themes so while Jupiter is expanding us out into a bigger arena the past is returning to be reworked in some way about it.

Finally, with our Sagittarius themes, the Sun joins this story on the 22nd and will tour here the next 30 days which is everyone’s cue to show up and get more personally or physically involved in these legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests. It’s about leading our way forward, putting ourselves into the mix, perhaps tying our name or title, brand or image to what is going on or just getting our bodies front and center in the story and making it about our needs.

MARS moves into PISCES on the 15th where he will now tour until Dec 31st and I like to think of this combination as the image of the Viking ship with warriors sailing out across the sea, weapons at the ready, seeking land through the fog. Mars is about taking action on the things we are passionate or angry about and will stir up our drive and determination to make things happen. Pisces is about a vast sea of knowing and inspiration as well as fog and delusion where we will be taking this activity. On the positive side it will help us to act with the uplifting themes of Pisces such as art, film, music, poetry, painting, or other muse-related interests, our romantic getaways or trysts, our spiritual path via prayer, meditation or yoga, our psychic abilities or magical interests, healing or hospitals, other institutions, or research and investigations. On the challenging side there are those who may take an attacking stance in any of these scenarios or there may be more stirred up in secret, behind closed doors, via deceptions, addictions, or karmic/and/or hidden things. So we lean into the inspired side and be aware of the potential of attack from hidden places as we move through these next 6 weeks.

VENUS goes DIRECT in LIBRA, ending her Retrograde period on the same day that Mercury Retrogrades on the 16th so it may be a whopper of a day. Venus doing Direct means we are now ready to move ahead with partners, clients, specialists, agents, competitors, opponents, attorneys, or advocates when it comes to love, income, women, or beauty interests. We may decide to go forward with current relationships or start new ones having decided to release one of these people during the Retrograde phase. This will pick up momentum as the days pass and Venus gathers steam.

Finally, there is a FULL MOON in GEMINI on the 23rd which is about things coming to a head via news, ideas, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, decisions, or with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, or local activities. At this point you may have a breakthrough, wrap up a project or situation, mark an ending, celebrate, or achieve via these matters.
Aries, your life may have been rather sporadic, exciting, shocking, and filled with sudden changes since 2011 and much of that can be laid at the feet of Uranus who has been traveling through your sign. This planet is the great awakener and about helping you free yourself in some way, find what is original and unique about yourself and reinvent who you are over this period. Back in May Uranus left your sign to start his years of touring Taurus but now, on the 6th, Uranus heads back into your sign for the very last look at who you are, who you want to be, what is going on with your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs, and what you are going to do to open up the possibilities for your future. You will have Uranus bringing those peaks and valleys to your from now until March 6th next year and then he will exit, not to return for another 84 years. Therefore, pay attention to any last changes arriving and remain open to new and unusual or interesting twists to your story as you discover this last chapter about who you are and what you still need to do to be your most authentic self.

Destiny and Karma pick back up from where they left off back between the Spring of 2000 and the Fall of 2001, and before that, where they took you between the Fall of 1981 and the Spring of 1983. This begins on the 6th and will last for a year and a half. Destiny will point towards home, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, real estate deals, security needs, history, land, ancestry, or your emotional interests. Look for opportunities to pursue your destiny here. Karma will point towards goals, career, fame, authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, mentor, director, or other higher-ups. This may be a period of letting go, rebalancing Karma or past life souls returning over these themes to reconnect.

The New Moon on the 7th opens up a powerful 2 week window that brings added momentum behind your actions when geared towards sexual attractions, reproductive needs, divorce, insurance, taxes, inheritance, or other financial needs, dealing with a death or birth, or any triangles between people that are playing out. You can start something new here or take what is going on into that next chapter.

Jupiter is moving into the territory that rules travel, relocation, foreign interests, education, media, marketing, legal matters, weddings, other ceremonies, religion, and politics for you starting on the 8th. You haven’t hosted Jupiter here for 12 years and now, over the next year, he will bring his growth opportunities to these areas. Something big may take place that gets you into one or more of these matters for the year, think about what you should do to move towards more happiness or prosperity in these areas and pay attention to what is coming into view around this date since it may be a big part of your story moving forward. For some perspective, Jupiter last toured here between Nov 2006-Dec 2007, before that from Dec 1994-Jan 1996 and before that from Dec 1982-Jan 1984, what opened up in your world? 

Mercury Retrogrades in these same areas starting on the 16th so the rest of the month this will slow you down when it comes to seeking out something new and rather get you to focus on ongoing or past situations tied to legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, ceremonial, religious, or political interests. You may have mix-ups, breakdowns or shifting decisions about these matters so do double check your situation here but overall it is a do-over, a time to release what is not working, to rekindle past or ongoing situations or rework things so you get it right. This may arrive via news, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, or decisions about it.

The Sun then joins this territory on the 22nd onward, a period of 30 days that puts a spotlight on you and urges you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, wedding, religious, or political interests.

Your ruler, Mars, heads into Pisces on the 15th and will travel here until the end of the year, exiting to move into your sign on New Year’s Eve. So, the next weeks are about getting motivated and doing more about art, film, music, magic, romance, spirituality, psychic interests, healing, hospitals, other institutions, research, or investigations. Your passions will be stirred and you will want to get busy. The challenging side of this is that this can also be the territory of self-undoing, bad habits, addictions, hidden agendas, hidden enemies, secrets, deception, and karmic matters, so there can be more activity here, be on guard against it and lean into the positive side of this field. If this combination makes you feel more isolated or depressed please reach out to others and don’t go it alone since Mars can trigger actions that could be self-harming now.

Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, will end his long Retrograde and go Direct in this territory on the 24th which will add to your story of activity going on with artistic, romantic, spiritual, hospital, institutional, research, investigative, or addictive, deceptive, secretive, self-sabotaging, or hidden enemy behavior. Neptune is taking the breaks off and saying it’s time for the next chapter here, get inspired, move ahead. Again, watch for the more challenging stuff but lean into the good, there’s much potential here.

Venus goes Direct on the 16th which is about partners, clients, specialists, competitors, opponents, agents, attorneys, or advocates for your sign. So you should now be ready to move forward again with these people over Venus themes; love, income, beauty, or women. Look for possibilities opening up now and in the days ahead, you may wish to move forward with someone you have worked things out with or start a new relationship regarding these matters.

Finally, the Full Moon on the 23rd brings big news or brings something to a head with talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions. You may be wrapping things up, marking an ending, having a breakthrough, celebrating, or achieving a goal. Ready to look into your own chart to see what else might be in store? Contact Zoe and ask about details and rates involved with a private reading, there is so much more to see!

TUNE IN every THURSDAY to hear about YOUR WEEK AHEAD:  8pm Est/5pm Pst

For a DAILY INSIGHT, stop by Zoe's page on Facebook (and follow if you haven't already) to hear the highlights of the day:

TUNE IN on NOV 16th for the DECEMBER MONTHLY Astrology Show: 12pm Est/9am Pst

To HEAR MORE about NOVEMBER click this player:

You’ve had a taste of hosting Uranus in your sign since May of this year, something that had not occurred for you this lifetime unless you were born between 1934-1942. This trend will pick back up next year in March and stay with you for several years and is about helping you find and reinvent yourself in some way. However, this month, on the 6th, Uranus is exiting your sign and returning to Aries for 4 months, until March 6th next year. This means you have one last chapter here, one that won’t return for another 84 years, in Aries and your 12th house. So look at any last shake-ups, sudden changes, excitement, original input, or awakening tied to art, film, music, poetry, prayer, meditation, yoga, romance, hospitals, research, or investigations, as well as the more challenge side of this house which is about secrets, deceptions, self-sabotaging tendencies, addictions, boundary issues, water or chemical issues, drugs, hidden enemies, or hidden agendas. Here too you may have something surprising or shocking popping up and that sounds not so fun so avoid these things as best you can.

Destiny and Karma pick back up from where they left off back between the Spring of 2000 and the Fall of 2001, and before that, where they took you between the Fall of 1981 and the Spring of 1983. This begins on the 6th and will last for a year and a half. Destiny will point towards short trips, local activities, neighbors, siblings, writing, sales, agreements, talks, interviews, ideas, meetings, vehicles, electronics, offers, or decisions. Look for opportunities to pursue your destiny here. Karma will point towards beliefs, religion, politics, education, media, marketing, weddings, other ceremonies, travel, people at a distance, foreign interests, import/export, or legal matters. This may be a period of letting go, rebalancing Karma or past life souls returning over these themes to reconnect.

The New Moon on the 7th opens up a 2-week window that can help you start something new or take current situations to the next level with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, opponents, or advocates. This may be financial in nature or about sexual interests, reproduction, divorce, shared matters, triangles playing out between people, a death, a birth, power, controlling interests, or deep changes that evolve the situation.

Jupiter is moving into your zone of loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, a partner’s money, or other financial interests, as well as into your arena of sexual attractions, reproduction, divorce, death, birth, and third-party matters. You haven’t had Jupiter expanding your horizons and bringing big things to bear in these areas for 12 years so it’s a big new year opening up for you about these themes. Pay attention to what is coming into view here as this gets underway since you may be working with it for a while. Look at how Jupiter themes could help you with these financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or triangle situations. That means look at any legal help, travel, media ventures, marketing ideas, educational pursuits, weddings, religious experience, or political interests that could open it up for you. Examples would be to seek out legal counsel on the financial affairs or divorce, to travel for a steamy rendevouz with a lover or to travel and meet one there, to find better ways to market what you do financially, or any other combination above. For some perspective, Jupiter last toured here between Nov 2006-Dec 2007, before that from Dec 1994-Jan 1996 and before that from Dec 1982-Jan 1984, what opened up in your world? 

On the 16th, Mercury will Retrograde over these same financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, and third-party matters so at this point you are still in the beginning of your year long expansion via Jupiter but now you must slow down with any new resolutions and rather delve more deeply into what is ongoing to choose to let something go, rekindle something or rework it, or to go back to a past situation or person to see what is viable there. Do guard against typical Mercury Retrograde mix-ups, breakdowns and shifting sands over the next couple weeks and if possible to hold off on final decisions and agreements until this has passed without hurting your possibilities, then do wait. Mercury is Direct on Dec 6th and back in forward motion in Sagittarius on Dec 12th. 

The Sun will then join this story on Nov 22nd, kicking off a 30-day cycle here that urges you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in your financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party interests. This is a good time to put your needs forward here.

Starting on the 15th, Mars heads into your social arena where he will travel until the end of the year. Mars in this territory means a whole lot more activity going on with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, or original projects. You only host Mars here once every 2 years so you want to make the most of the motivational energy this brings. Mars may also stir passions while out in some social settings, online or with friends, or Mars can spark anger and fights so you want to take care with any short fuses with your friends, at gatherings or online.
Neptune will also start to shift his influence in these social and aspirational areas starting on the 24th as he comes out of his long slumber, ending his Retrograde and going Direct. At this point there may be something that comes to the surface, as secrets or deceptions come to light or you may find that you have more opportunities starting to open up in these social realms with art, film, music, romance, spiritual matters, dealing with addictions, hospitals or other institutions, or via research. Watch for what comes into view as certain clouds lift.

On the 16th Venus ends her Retrograde, going Direct in your zone of work and health. This means you should start to notice that things are picking up again with Venus themes here: income, love, women, or beauty interests. So, you may have more income flowing in with the work you do or new offers on the table, you may have more income interests popping up with co-workers or people you hire, or perhaps a love interest sparks on the job or while out at the gym. Overall, Venus here should help smooth out issues or help you attract good things here. This area of the chart is also about animals so you may find it the perfect time to adopt a loving pet.

Finally, there is a Full Moon on the 23rd in your zone of income, purchases and possessions so at this point you may be wrapping things up or marking an ending in one of these areas or you may be celebrating or achieving here. Ready to look into your own chart to see what else might be in store? Contact Zoe at and ask about details and rates involved with a private reading, there is so much more to see!

TUNE IN every THURSDAY to hear about YOUR WEEK AHEAD:  8pm Est/5pm Pst

For a DAILY INSIGHT, stop by Zoe's page on Facebook (and follow if you haven't already) to hear the highlights of the day:

TUNE IN on NOV 16th for the DECEMBER MONTHLY Astrology Show: 12pm Est/9am Pst

To HEAR MORE about NOVEMBER click this player:

Gemini, your life started to change socially back in 2011 and it’s been an evolving story of sudden changes and freeing yourself as well as a reinvention process of yourself in relation to your friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, and original projects. You can thank Uranus for the excitement and shake-ups although you’ve had a few months of a break from this since it exited this territory back in May. Now, on the 6th, Uranus comes back to this territory one last time, giving you any last changes, you might need to put you on your path with your soul group and ideals, freedom and original projects. You’ll have until March 6th next year and then Uranus will be done with you for another 84 years, make it count.

Destiny and Karma pick back up from where they left off back between the Spring of 2000 and the Fall of 2001, and before that, where they took you between the Fall of 1981 and the Spring of 1983. This begins on the 6th and will last for a year and a half. Destiny will point towards personal income, purchases, possessions, products, things you build, or what you value/being valued. Look for opportunities to pursue your destiny here. Karma will point towards loans, inheritance, taxes, insurance, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, a partner’s money, or other bigger financial matters, or your sex life, reproductive needs, a birth, a death, a divorce, or any third-party scenarios. This may be a period of letting go, rebalancing Karma or past life souls returning over these themes to reconnect.

The New Moon on the 7th starts the momentum flowing for you with any work or health interest. You’ll have 2 weeks of powered-up energy behind what you start new or any next chapter you’d like to crack open in an ongoing situation. So, look for new work, pitch a new project at your current job, get together with a co-worker for some new interest or welcome a new co-worker, hire help in any area of life, start a new gym membership, get to the doctor, start hiking, you get the idea. This area is also in charge of paperwork, cleaning, organizing, and pets, so you may wish to launch into something in one of these areas while you have cosmic backing.

Now for the really big news, Jupiter, bringer of growth opportunities, adventure, happiness, and prosperity, is moving into your relationship zone for the first time in 12 years starting on the 8th. You will now have a year of wider horizons with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, advocates, or even with dealing with competitors or opponents. Look to Jupiter themes to help you expand with them: travel, legal, media, educational, marketing, wedding, ceremonial, religious, or political interests. So, perhaps you’ll expand your client base via a media outlet or partner with someone on a marketing campaign, wed your romantic partner or travel to see a specialist, you get the idea. Note what starts to come your way as Jupiter enters and in the weeks ahead for clues as to what it may mean for you. For some perspective, Jupiter last toured here between Nov 2006-Dec 2007, before that from Dec 1994-Jan 1996 and before that from Dec 1982-Jan 1984, what opened up in your world?

Just over a week after Jupiter starts his big story with your relationships, Mercury Retrogrades here, starting on the 16th, so at this point you will slow down a bit and start to rework or release something ongoing or head back to the past for a do-over with someone. Pay attention to talks, news, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, or decisions involving them and keep an eye on mix-ups, breakdowns or shifting sands around these people as things are a bit in flux during the next couple weeks while you are in the do-over stage. The Sun then joins in on the 22nd, kicking off a 30-day cycle that urges you to show up and get more personally or physically involved with these partners, clients, specialists, reps, competitors, or other key players, putting your interests front and center.

On the 15th Mars heads into Pisces which means a whole lot more activity going on with your career, any personal goals or an authority figure like a boss, parent, judge, or mentor. Mars is here every couple years for a few weeks, this time until the end of the year, and he amps up the action, gets you motivated and helps things move along so expect to be busier. Mars also can stir passions in these areas so you may set a goal regarding some passionate retreat or find passion stirring with an authority figure or on the career front. Mars also sparks anger and fights so you’ll have to watch for any short fuses in relationship to these matters.

Neptune has been slumbering for months in this same territory of career, goals and authority figures but on the 24th will end his Retrograde and go Direct which may shift things a big as you are now ready to start moving into that next chapter with any artistic, spiritual, romantic, institutional, or research needs in the mix. If something has been hidden, secret or deceptive in these areas it can come to light now so be aware of that I you are trying to uncover a truth.

Venus ends her Retrograde on the 16th, going Direct in your zone of lovers, creative projects, children, and recreational interests. At this point Venus is ready to move ahead with love in any or all of these areas or to start things back up with income flow with your creative endeavors, recreational pursuits, kids, or lovers, or Venus may be about bringing women on board or focusing on women, or making it about beauty interests now moving forward. This shift in direction should mean you are ready to make your next move and things are flowing again.

Finally, the Full Moon on the 23rd is in your sign! This may be a big moment for you, one of recognition or personal achievement. It can be that you are wrapping something up or ending something tied to your name, title, image, or brand, or something is peaking on a physical level as you end an illness or achieve your diet goal, as examples. Just aim high, know you are center stage and it’s about conclusions or celebrations. Ready to look into your own chart to see what else might be in store? Contact Zoe and ask about details and rates involved with a private reading, there is so much more to see!

TUNE IN every THURSDAY to hear about YOUR WEEK AHEAD:  8pm Est/5pm Pst

For a DAILY INSIGHT, stop by Zoe's page on Facebook (and follow if you haven't already) to hear the highlights of the day:

TUNE IN on NOV 16th for the DECEMBER MONTHLY Astrology Show: 12pm Est/9am Pst

To HEAR MORE about NOVEMBER click this player:

Uranus has been shaking things up, bringing sudden changes, excitement, and an awakening for you on the career front, with personal goals and with bosses, parents, judges, or other authority figures since 2011. It’s been a once-in-a-lifetime transit and recently, in April, you got a bit of a break from it as Uranus moved out of this territory. Now, starting on the 6th Uranus returns to these matters for the very last time and you’ll have from now through March 6th to focus on any last reinventing of yourself, shifting of soul groups attached to these matters, work on original projects or online presence, and any last minute, spontaneous, exciting, or shocking changes still to come. Innovation is your key.

Destiny and Karma pick back up from where they left off back between the Spring of 2000 and the Fall of 2001, and before that, where they took you between the Fall of 1981 and the Spring of 1983. This begins on the 6th and will last for a year and a half. Destiny will point towards you. This can mean some destined opportunities focused on your name, title, image, brand, or body, or something about you showing up, getting personally or physically involved in things that forward your interests. Look for opportunities to pursue your destiny here. Karma will point towards partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, opponents, or advocates. This may be a period of letting go, rebalancing Karma or past life souls returning over these themes to reconnect.

The New Moon on the 7th is your best moment of the year to consciously move towards something new or next level with your creative talents or projects, the kids, any recreational pursuits, or your love life or lover. You will have added momentum behind what you do now through the 23rd so make it count!

Now for the really big news; Jupiter is moving into his own sign, Sagittarius, for the first time in 12 years! That means your zone of work assignments and the job itself, how you work with others, the co-workers themselves, the people you hire, the services you provide to others, your health, any paperwork, and your animals are all under this expansive influence that begins now and will run until December 2019. Jupiter is in charge of the higher mind so you may apply education to any of these matters for better results; such as starting to teach as part of your work or getting some new training, learning something new with a co-worker or taking a class to better your health or the life of your pets. Jupiter rules law so you may incorporate or file a patent or find yourself in a lawsuit over work, a health product or animal situation. Jupiter rules travel and people at a distance so it may be the year to relocate abroad for work or travel more on the job or start a pen pal with a foreign born person about your pets. Jupiter rules media, marketing, publishing, and publicity so you may find that these areas of life are coming into focus with your work, health or pets in some interesting ways. Jupiter rules ceremonies, religion and politics as well so these areas may be where you and the co-worker get more involved or where you direct your work or find healthier outlets or make it about your animals. So there’s lots of ways you can see growth this year, for some perspective, Jupiter last toured here between Nov 2006-Dec 2007, before that from Dec 1994-Jan 1996 and before that from Dec 1982-Jan 1984, what opened up in your world then and where do you want to go this time?

Now, the cosmos is never uninteresting and so it goes this month as Mercury then Retrogrades in this same work, health, pet, paperwork, co-worker, hired help, and organizing part of your life. So as you have the biggest planet starting to move you into that next big growth chapter, Mercury starts to slow down the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions or starts to bring the past back around for another shot over these topics. It’s a do-over and one that can manifest some glitches so do back up computers and keep receipts and warranties, especially on equipment you might buy to use on the job, doing work around the home or that are oriented towards your health or animal needs. Do start to reach out to people from the past or look at old projects or ideas for revision, start to rework ongoing scenarios or take a breather from some current situation until this energy is back in forward motion on Dec. 6th. To add to this story, the Sun joins Jupiter and Mercury Retrograde here starting on the 22nd which is your cue that you will likely be showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in your work, health, pet, paperwork, co-worker, or hired help scenarios. It could also be that now you are putting your name or title to the story or involving your image or brand a bit more. You’ll have 30 days with this spotlight on you!

The second half of the month Pisces starts to be more active in your chart and this is for 2 reasons. First, on the 15th, Mars heads into this sign and starts to heat things up. This is about your travel, legal, media, marketing, educational, wedding, religious, or political interests and what you are now getting passionate about or how your drive, motivation or anger is fueling activity here. You’ll be working with this added fire in these matters into the new year so expect to get busy. Second, Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, has been Retrograde for months and now on the 24th he is going to go Direct again so this will help swing the momentum around and get things moving forward even more in these matters. Look at how Neptune could influence via artistic, romantic, spiritual, hospital, other institutional, or research interests via these trips, legal pursuits, educational interests, media ventures, ceremonies, religious expressions, or political agendas.

The first 2 weeks of November have been working through your Venus Retrograde in your home and family zone so you may have been dug into some ongoing or past situation involving a partner, client, specialist, representative, opponent, or other player over redoing the home, returning to an old homestead, revisiting real estate deals, moves or renovations, or readdressing things with parents, family or roommates. Venus has been about seeking out the love or income flow here or reconnecting with women or beauty interests here for that do-over. Once you get to the 16th Venus ends this review and goes Direct which is your cue that you as well are now ready to move forward having figured something out one way or the other.

Finally, the Full Moon on the 23rd is about peak moments involving a romantic getaway or tryst, your artistic projects or interests, the spiritual practice, an addiction, a secret or deception, the hospital or other institution, or a research matter or investigation. You may hear news or get a decision about this at this point or your talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, or offers may lead you to something culminating in one of these areas now. Look for wrap-ups, breakthroughs, endings, achievements, or celebrations. Ready to look into your own chart to see what else might be in store? Contact Zoe and ask about details and rates involved with a private reading, there is so much more to see!

TUNE IN every THURSDAY to hear about YOUR WEEK AHEAD:  8pm Est/5pm Pst

For a DAILY INSIGHT, stop by Zoe's page on Facebook (and follow if you haven't already) to hear the highlights of the day:

TUNE IN on NOV 16th for the DECEMBER MONTHLY Astrology Show: 12pm Est/9am Pst

To HEAR MORE about NOVEMBER click this player:

Leo, I’m assuming your world has been rocked a bit since 2011 with the advent of Uranus in your zone of legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, and political interests. It’s been a once-in-a-lifetime event geared at shaking things up, zinging you out of any ruts, helping you reinvent yourself and something it’s brought real excitement or shocking change as part of the process. Back in April this year you got a bit of a break from it but now on the 6th it is back and from now through March 6th Uranus will be finishing with you in these areas. So be on the look out for any further changes or unique characters meant to breath fresh air into anything stagnant here, also remember this energy rules genius, inventions and original projects so you may be expressing some of this aimed at these topics. Finally, it may be that your soul group has been evolving related to this topics and if so you have a few more months to figure that out.

Destiny and Karma pick back up from where they left off back between the Spring of 2000 and the Fall of 2001, and before that, where they took you between the Fall of 1981 and the Spring of 1983. This begins on the 6th and will last for a year and a half. Destiny will point towards art, film, music, poetry, or other muse-related interests, prayer, meditation, yoga, or other spiritual pursuits, magic, psychic abilities, rest and recuperation, hospitals, spas, retreats, or other institutions, clandestine romance, romantic getaways, dealing with addictions, secrets, research, or investigations. Look for opportunities to pursue your destiny here. Karma will point towards work, co-workers, hired help, paperwork, health, pets, cleaning, or organizing. This may be a period of letting go, rebalancing Karma or past life souls returning over these themes to reconnect.

The New Moon on the 7th will give you a boost forward when it comes to your home, any real estate deals, your family, a parent, the roommates, a move, your history, or the renovations, so pick and choose and then be proactive. You have a 2-week window starting now to start something new or take current situations to the next level.

Now for the big news; Jupiter is heading into his own sign, Sagittarius, for the first time in 12 years starting on the 8th! Jupiter is the planet of growth and does his part to open things up so that you may have the right situation for your own growth, happiness or prosperity up ahead. This is the territory of true love, your love life or lovers, the children, your creative projects or talents, and anything recreational. So, you may find you are utilizing Jupiter’s themes to expand your horizons here; travel for love or visit a child far away or book a flight to something creative or recreational, focus on the wedding plans with the lover or children or focus on teaching your creative talents or taking a class or signing the kids up for school. Jupiter also rules media, marketing and publishing so your creative ventures may lean into this or you may focus on the kids here. Jupiter rules religion and politics as well so again you may be doing something creative for one of these matters or involving the kids or meeting your new true love here. It’s a year long transit due to go big in at least one of these areas, for some perspective, Jupiter last toured here between Nov 2006-Dec 2007, before that from Dec 1994-Jan 1996 and before that from Dec 1982-Jan 1984, what opened up in your world then and where do you want to go this time?

Now, to keep it interesting this month, now that Jupiter is moving things into some broader spectrum with your lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits, Mercury Retrogrades over the same topics starting on the 16th. That means that past people or situations may return, current situations may slow down, be reworked or released and there may be some mix-ups, mechanical or electronic glitches or shifting of decisions in these areas over the next few weeks. Take your time, it’s a do-over, time to rethink, revise or review so you get it right or catch something you would have otherwise missed. The Sun will join this story on the 22nd onward at which point you will likely get more personally or physically involved in one or more of these matters, expect to show up, make it about your needs or interests, or involve your body, image, brand, name, or title in the mix. You’ll have 30 days to take the lead here and see what comes.

The second half of November will start to focus a bit more on your Piscean zone which is about sexual attractions, reproductive matters, a birth, a death, a divorce, or something in the bigger financial realm such as dealing with the loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, or the like. This kicks off on the 15th onward as Mars pops in and begins several weeks of amplified activity about these matters. Mars may stir passion and desire which should be good for your sex life or help you when trying to convince the loan officer or the tax man. Mars can also bring more motivation and drive to what you are doing as well as a shorter fuse and more anger or fights about it so keep that in mind so you get the most out of it. By the 24th Neptune, ruler of Pisces, ends his months of Retrograde and goes Direct which should add to the momentum of the story starting to come into view in these areas of life. This may add in romantic, spiritual, artistic, hospital, other institutional, or research themes in forward motion.

Up until the 16th Venus is Retrograde in your communication and local zone which means you have been revisiting love, income, women, or beauty interests from the past, reworking a current scenario or letting go of something you are now over. The focus for you has been on talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, proposals, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics, so it’s been about keeping the information flowing and figuring out what stays and what goes. Now on the 16th Venus goes Direct and you should hear the news or figure out the plan or make the decision or find that you are ready to move ahead yourself over love, income, women, or beauty needs having figured something out.

Finally, by the 23rd the Full Moon brings things to a climax with a friend, a gathering, your online interest, the group activity, astrology, a charity, your aspirations, or an original project. This is about wrapping things up, marking endings, celebrating, or achieving in these areas which may come via some news or decisions culminating now. Ready to look into your own chart to see what else might be in store? Contact Zoe and ask about details and rates involved with a private reading, there is so much more to see!

TUNE IN every THURSDAY to hear about YOUR WEEK AHEAD:  8pm Est/5pm Pst

For a DAILY INSIGHT, stop by Zoe's page on Facebook (and follow if you haven't already) to hear the highlights of the day:

TUNE IN on NOV 16th for the DECEMBER MONTHLY Astrology Show: 12pm Est/9am Pst

To HEAR MORE about NOVEMBER click this player:

Virgo, life has been quite the roller coaster since 2011 when it comes to the deeper, more powerful sides of life. It’s been about reinventing yourself in some personal or physical way when it comes to sexual, reproductive, life-and-death, divorce, financial, or third-party situations. It’s asked you to go deep within yourself and purge old fears, find a spiritual rebirth and empower yourself in some way through the process. Back in April you started to get a break from it but now it is back for one last pass starting o the 6th of this month and running until March 6th next year. You may see some sudden changes, excitement, more reawakening, or you may realign your aspirations, friendships, online interests, group activities, and original insights and projects to this last big push, try new things or add something interesting to the mix.

Destiny and Karma pick back up from where they left off back between the Spring of 2000 and the Fall of 2001, and before that, where they took you between the Fall of 1981 and the Spring of 1983. This begins on the 6th and will last for a year and a half. Destiny will point towards friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, causes, freedom, original projects, or personal aspirations. Look for opportunities to pursue your destiny here. Karma will point towards lovers, children, creative projects, or recreational pursuits. This may be a period of letting go, rebalancing Karma or past life souls returning over these themes to reconnect.

The New Moon on the 7th opens up a 2-week window that is beneficial for starting something new or taking current interests to the next level. The focus for you is on news, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or other communications, as well as on your siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, local activities, and decisions. So, you have lots to choose from, be proactive!

Now for the big news; Jupiter is changing signs and moving into Sagittarius where he will now tour the next year and do his part to open something up for you in a big way regarding your home, a move, the renovation, a real estate deal, your family, a parent, or your roommates. You may apply Jupiter topics to these matters to seek growth here so think about legal needs, any educational pursuits, the marketing ideas, a media venture, the travel plans, people at a distance, weddings, other ceremonies, your beliefs, religious experience, or political interests. Examples could be relocating some place far away, taking a trip to see family, signing legal documents on a home or with a roommate, starting a media venture at home, marketing your real estate in some new way, getting married at your home or a families wedding that brings joy, starting a bible study at home or stapling political flyers there or hosting a candidate there, you get the idea, think big but just don’t go beyond your means! For some perspective, Jupiter last toured here between Nov 2006-Dec 2007, before that from Dec 1994-Jan 1996 and before that from Dec 1982-Jan 1984, what opened up in your world then and where do you want to go this time?

Now, to keep it interesting, Mercury Retrogrades in the same territory of home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates, starting on the 16th and the weeks ahead will now slow down enough in these areas so you can rework something ongoing, deal with someone or something exiting temporarily or permanently or returning to the past to revisit a person or idea to see if there is any rekindling, reworking or releasing needed here. Expect talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, and decisions to play out here and do guard against mix-ups, mechanical breakdowns, malfunctioning electronics, and final decisions about these matters until the Retrograde ends Dec. 6th. The Sun will join this story for a 30-day cycle starting on the 22nd so this is your cue to start showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in these matters, making it more about your needs.

The 2nd half of the month also brings in more focus on Piscean themes which for your sign is about romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or advocates. This kicks in on the 15th onward with the arrival of Mars here. This is going to heat things up and get you busier with or about them, it may stir passions, get your drive and determination fired up or spark anger or fights as well, so take care with how you handle this, it can help you move a mountain or two if you don’t go off on others. By the 24th, Neptune, ruler of Pisces, comes out of months in Retrograde and goes Direct here so this will add to the momentum you are getting with these relationships. At this point there should be some added motion to the romance, artistic pursuits, spiritual matters, hospital needs, research, or investigations going on with or about them. It may bring signs or dreams as well as secrets to the surface, pay attention.

On the 16th Venus ends her Retrograde as well. The last couple weeks may have brought some distance with a woman or love interest, the income or beauty pursuits, as things were slowed down or retreating over income needs, values, purchases, products, or possessions and what’s going on with them. At the same time this may have brought the past back around, perhaps a woman or love interest from the past tied to a purchase or an income opportunity rekindled, it’s been a do-over so you’ve been able to release, rekindle or rework current situations as well. This forward shift mid-month means things are going to start moving forward again for you in these areas and you should be ready for that next step.

Finally, the Full Moon on the 22nd is about a personal goal, your career or something going on with an authority figure in your life and what is wrapping up, coming through, or now at an ending, achievement or celebratory high point. News may reflect this as may an offer, decision, agreement, sale, interview, the writing, or a talk about it. Ready to look into your own chart to see what else might be in store? Contact Zoe and ask about details and rates involved with a private reading, there is so much more to see!

TUNE IN every THURSDAY to hear about YOUR WEEK AHEAD:  8pm Est/5pm Pst

For a DAILY INSIGHT, stop by Zoe's page on Facebook (and follow if you haven't already) to hear the highlights of the day:

TUNE IN on NOV 16th for the DECEMBER MONTHLY Astrology Show: 12pm Est/9am Pst

To HEAR MORE about NOVEMBER click this player:

Well, Libra, since 2011 wild and crazy Uranus has been impacting relationships in your life, think; partners, clients, specialists, competitors, opponents, agents, attorneys, or advocates. This is only here once every 84 years so when it is over it won’t be back around. Having said that, it is about shaking you out of any ruts, helping you reinvent yourself or bringing some kind of awakening that may tie in with original projects, genius and soul group for you once you figure out what you’re doing with or about these people. In April of this year Uranus exited temporarily to give you a bit of a breather but now on the 6th he is back and will wrap this all up by March 6th next year, so pay attention to what is going on with these individuals and if it’s time to break free or breath some new life into the balance.

Destiny and Karma pick back up from where they left off back between the Spring of 2000 and the Fall of 2001, and before that, where they took you between the Fall of 1981 and the Spring of 1983. This begins on the 6th and will last for a year and a half. Destiny will point towards personal goals, career, status, fame, reputation, the spotlight, the boss, parent, judge, mentor, or other authority figures around you, or your ambitions. Look for opportunities to pursue your destiny here. Karma will point towards home, family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, roommates, history, or ancestry. This may be a period of letting go, rebalancing Karma or past life souls returning over these themes to reconnect.

There’s a New Moon on the 7th that opens up a 2-week window for you that can help you jump into something new or take a current situation to the next level. The focus is on your income, purchase, possessions, or products, so be proactive about what you need here.

Now for the big news; Jupiter is moving into his own sign for the first time in 12 years, starting on the 8th! Jupiter in Sagittarius will then be in affect for over a year and it is all about bringing some growth situations for you via your communications, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, writing, agreements, short trips, local activities, ideas, and decisions. This is opportune for you to get into talks or meetings, interviews or auditions, to pitch projects or shmooze clients, to further your writing or start something big in your neighborhood. It can boost those short trips to nearby places, help you buy or sell a car or widen your electronic scope, and those brothers, sisters or neighbors may be more helpful now. Look at Jupiter ruled topics to help: legal, travel, media, marketing, educational, ceremonial, religious, or political themes. Examples would be signing a legal agreement, proposing and getting married, writing for a media outlet, teaching, travel to visit your brother/sister, you get the idea. For some perspective, Jupiter last toured here between Nov 2006-Dec 2007, before that from Dec 1994-Jan 1996 and before that from Dec 1982-Jan 1984, what opened up in your world? 

To keep it interesting this month, shortly after Jupiter moves into this territory to start some expansive opportunities, Mercury Retrogrades in the same space. This begins on the 16th and will now slow things down for the next few weeks and bring people, ideas, issues, or opportunities back around from the past for review, it will also help you rework something current or release what is no longer serving your interests. It can bring mechanical or electronic malfunctioning, mix-ups or shifting perspectives so ease up a bit while you are in flux and see what sticks. If possible try to hold off on final decisions until after Dec 7th or give yourself some wiggle room if you must commit, also keep receipts and purchase warranties so you don’t regret issues stemming from the Retrograde. The Sun will also join this story starting on the 22nd onward so at this point you should find you are getting more personally or physically involved in these short trips, local activities, sales, the writing, agreements, talks, or with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or choices. It can be a good time to stand out and take the lead over the next 30 days or to make it more about you and your needs in the situation.

Mars is going to kick off a few weeks of added activity in your life when it comes to work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, cleaning, organizing, and/or co-workers and it commences on the 15th. This may mean you find you can get so much more done or that you feel more motivated and driven than you have in some time about these matters. You may find you are quite passionate about it or that anger and fights flare up over it since Mars brings a lot of heat. If you can keep your shorter fuse in check these weeks may be very helpful in achieving your ends here. By the 24th Neptune, the ruler of this part of your chart, comes out of months of Retrograde and goes Direct. This, as well, should bring you out of any slumber mode and reignite imagination, your muse, the research, or anything tied to art, spirituality, romance, institutions, or efforts behind the scenes in your work or health life, with pets or paperwork, cleaning or organizing, or with the co-workers or hired help. Time to do it.

Another shift coming mid-month for you is that your ruler, Venus, has been in Retrograde since early October and now, on the 16th, she is going Direct again. Boy, Libra, sounds like you are coming out! This is your cue that you are now ready to start into the next chapter with Venus; love, income, women, or beauty interests and that it is about you, how you are now ready to show up and get more personally or physically involved or tie this in with your image, brand, name, or title, make it about you and make it count.

Finally, the Full Moon on the 23rd is bringing something to a peak for you with a legal matter, trip, situation at a distance, educational pursuit, media venture, marketing idea, ceremony, religious experience, or political agenda. So, you may be celebrating about one of these matters coming through or garnering some recognition about it or you may be wrapping up projects or marking an end to a situation in one of these areas. Ready to look into your own chart to see what else might be in store? Contact Zoe and ask about details and rates involved with a private reading, there is so much more to see!

TUNE IN every THURSDAY to hear about YOUR WEEK AHEAD:  8pm Est/5pm Pst

For a DAILY INSIGHT, stop by Zoe's page on Facebook (and follow if you haven't already) to hear the highlights of the day:

TUNE IN on NOV 16th for the DECEMBER MONTHLY Astrology Show: 12pm Est/9am Pst

To HEAR MORE about NOVEMBER click this player:

So how far have you come with your work, health and co-workers since 2011? Uranus may have been crazy-making and unpredictable in these areas but it has been a once-in-a-lifetime transit meant to help you bring forward your original ideas, connect with your soul group and reinvent yourself accordingly. That means if you look back the landscape most likely is quite different when it comes to work, co-workers, hired help, paperwork, health, pets, organizing, or services offered. In April of this year you got a bit of a break from it as Uranus moved out of this arena but now, on Nov 6th, he comes back for his very last tour here this lifetime, one that will wrap by March 6th next year. So, what do you still need to change? What stays and what goes? Get your genius on!

Destiny and Karma pick back up from where they left off back between the Spring of 2000 and the Fall of 2001, and before that, where they took you between the Fall of 1981 and the Spring of 1983. This begins on the 6th and will last for a year and a half. Destiny will point towards travel, people at a distance, foreign interests, import/export, legal matters, educational pursuits, weddings, other ceremonies, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, publicity, religion, your beliefs, or politics. Look for opportunities to pursue your destiny here. Karma will point towards brothers, sisters, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, interviews, offers, proposals, short trips, or local activities. This may be a period of letting go, rebalancing Karma or past life souls returning over these themes to reconnect.

The New Moon on the 7th opens up a 2 week window in your sign, Scorpio, a once a year boost for you on a personal or physical level so make it count. You can launch into something new or take a current interest to the next level, make it about your image, brand, body, name, title, or needs, it could be big with Jupiter in his very last day in your sign, tomorrow he exits and won’t return for another 12 years!

Now, for Jupiter, he is moving into your zone of personal income, purchases, possessions, and products on the 8th and he will now tour here, doing his part to bring some kind of growth here over the next year-plus. Look at ways Jupiter themes could help you expand income, purchases, possessions, or products; can you involve media or marketing? What about making it legal or traveling to far off places? What about import/export or global interests? Could you teach, train or get certified? Is there a way to involve ceremonies, religion or politics? Keep an eye out for opportunities arriving now, you could be working with them for some time. For some perspective, Jupiter last toured here between Nov 2006-Dec 2007, before that from Dec 1994-Jan 1996 and before that from Dec 1982-Jan 1984, what opened up in your world? 

Now, to make it interesting this month, on the heals of Jupiter starting his epic expansion of these matters, Mercury Retrogrades in the same income, purchases, possessions, and products zone starting on the 16th. Over the weeks ahead he will slow down the talks, meetings, interviews, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, or decisions about it and rather ask that you rework something ongoing, release something that no longer works or reconnect with past people, situations, issues, or opportunities for another go-round. You’ll be in flux until Dec 6th so pace yourself, it’s a do-over. Also, watch for mix-ups, mechanical or electronic malfunctions and decisions being rethought, you won’t know exactly what is what until this period is over. The Sun also joins in starting on the 22nd, kicking off a 30-day cycle that puts a spotlight on these matters and is your cue to start showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in your interests.

Mars is heading into your zone of lovers, creative ventures, kids, and recreation starting on the 15th. This heats things up and will likely get you busier with at least one of these matters over the weeks ahead. Mars may make you more driven and determined to make things happen or it may stir passions about what is going on or it may from time to time heat up anger or fights so take care with the shorter fuse, you don’t want to detract from what otherwise could be a dynamic period for you. By the 24th, Neptune which rules this area of your life, comes out of many months of Retrograde and goes Direct. This, as well, should give you a boost and may bring new energy to karmic/past life momentum about it or make it more romantic, artistic, spiritual, or help you with the research or institutions involved!

Venus has been Retrograde this month, asking you to address love, women, income, or beauty interests with an eye on the past and about what is going on behind the scenes, with addictions, deceptions, secrets, romantic trysts, the artistic outlets, spiritual practices, hospital or other institution, investigation, or research needs. Now, on the 16th, she ends her Retrograde and you should find you can start moving things forward again with lovers, women, beauty needs, or income here.

By the 23rd the Full Moon brings something to a peak for you with a loan, the debt, inheritance, a bankruptcy, the insurance, taxes, investments, alimony, child support, or other financial need, or it is about a sexual attraction, reproductive matter, divorce, death, birth, or third-party situation. Expect breakthroughs, celebrations, recognition, or wrap-ups and endings here.Ready to look into your own chart to see what else might be in store? Contact Zoe and ask about details and rates involved with a private reading, there is so much more to see!

TUNE IN every THURSDAY to hear about YOUR WEEK AHEAD:  8pm Est/5pm Pst

For a DAILY INSIGHT, stop by Zoe's page on Facebook (and follow if you haven't already) to hear the highlights of the day:

TUNE IN on NOV 16th for the DECEMBER MONTHLY Astrology Show: 12pm Est/9am Pst

To HEAR MORE about NOVEMBER click this player:
Thinking back to how different your life was before Uranus took up residence in your zone of lovers, children, creative endeavors, and recreation means looking back to where you were before 2011. It’s been an exciting if sometimes shocking passage of change and reinvention of who you are pertaining to these matters in your life. You got a bit of a break this April when Uranus moved out of the sign for a bit but now he is back starting on the 6th for his very last move through these matters from now through March 6th next year. Once he passes through he won’t return for another 84 years so you want to make this period count. That means freeing yourself up and pursuing social situations and original ideas that are creative, fun, about the kids, or about true love/lovers, being open to sudden changes or surprises and breaking free of anything stagnant here.

Destiny and Karma pick back up from where they left off back between the Spring of 2000 and the Fall of 2001, and before that, where they took you between the Fall of 1981 and the Spring of 1983. This begins on the 6th and will last for a year and a half. Destiny will point towards loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, a partner’s money, or other big financial matters, or with your sex life, reproductive interests, a divorce, a death, a birth, or any third-party matters. Look for opportunities to pursue your destiny here. Karma will point towards personal income, purchases, products, or possessions. This may be a period of letting go, rebalancing Karma or past life souls returning over these themes to reconnect.

The New Moon on the 7th gives you a cosmic boost forward over the next 2 weeks when it comes to romantic getaways, prayer, meditation, yoga, art, film, music, painting, poetry, spas, retreats, hospitals, research, or investigations. You can start something new or take a current interest to the next level with added momentum now.

Now, for the really, really big news, Sage, ready?! Your ruler, Jupiter, is moving into your sign starting on the 8th and he will now tour Sagittarius over the next year-plus. This is huge for you because not only is he happy in his own sign and stronger here he is benefiting you with potential for growth, happiness or prosperity over this year ahead. It is a great time to expand your brand or promote your image, to pursue your interests or show up and get more involved in something philosophical, educational, global, legal, media or marketing-oriented, religious, ceremonial, or political. Make it about you and you are golden. The only thing to watch out for is your waistline since Jupiter does love to expand 😊 Examples of the good this placement can bring would be expanding your brand/image via a media outlet or marketing campaign, getting yourself in the classroom to learn or teach, learning some new discipline to get your body fit and healthy, a wedding that impacts your identity/name, you get the idea! For some perspective, Jupiter last toured here between Nov 2006-Dec 2007, before that from Dec 1994-Jan 1996 and before that from Dec 1982-Jan 1984, what opened up in your world? 

To keep it interesting this month Mercury will then Retrograde in your sign starting on the 16th. So now your mind will turn to something past or a way to rework an ongoing scenario or exit something you feel is now past, it’s a personal do-over. Focus this in talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions about your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs. Do watch out for mix-ups, mechanical or electronic malfunctions or changing minds during this period as you rekindle, release or revise something to get it right. Once the Sun joins in on the 23rd onward you’ll start to want to show up and get more personally or physically involved and this lasts for 30 days, a good time to stand out. Yep, interesting.

Mars is taking up residence in Pisces starting on the 15th which means a whole lot more activity in or about the home, with the family, a parent, the roommates, a real estate deal, your history, an ancestor, a renovation, or a move. You may feel driven now to achieve something or find you are much more passionate here or that from time to time you have more anger or fights playing out. If you keep a handle on this last one you should be able to move a mountain or two over the weeks ahead. By the 24th Neptune, ruler of this area, comes out of months of slumber and goes Direct over these matters as well which should add to the momentum and bring forward motion to any artistic, spiritual, romantic, research, or institutional interests at home, with the real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates.

Venus has been Retrograde this month but finally goes Direct on the 16th so you should see a shift in gears when it comes to a Venus need; love, income, women, or beauty interests, playing out with your friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, original projects, or personal aspirations. So, if you had a falling out with a friend over money or they where wrapped up in a love affair they may be back around now or if you had a slow-down in the income flow online it should pick back up or if your love interest took off with a friend or group, they may return, so things are shifting back into forward motion here, look at how this may play out for you.

The Full Moon on the 23rd is about relationships for you so you may be wrapping up a project with a client or business partner or celebrating something coming through with a romantic partner or agent, or ending something with an opponent or competitor, or in some other way reaching a peak moment with partners, clients, specialists, representatives, opponent, competitors, or advocates. Ready to look into your own chart to see what else might be in store? Contact Zoe and ask about details and rates involved with a private reading, there is so much more to see!

TUNE IN every THURSDAY to hear about YOUR WEEK AHEAD:  8pm Est/5pm Pst

For a DAILY INSIGHT, stop by Zoe's page on Facebook (and follow if you haven't already) to hear the highlights of the day:

TUNE IN on NOV 16th for the DECEMBER MONTHLY Astrology Show: 12pm Est/9am Pst

To HEAR MORE about NOVEMBER click this player:

So how much has changed about who you are and what you want when it comes to your home, family, parents, roommates, a move, the renovations, or real estate deals since 2011, Capricorn? Uranus, the planet of shock and excitement, genius and eccentricity, has been working on breaking you out of ruts and helping you reinvent yourself in some freeing way here since then. In April this year you got a bit of a break as Uranus exited this territory for a bit but now on the 6th he returns for one last round before exiting for good next March 6th to not return for another 84 years. So…you want to make this count as far as any last changes you might wish to make, pay attention to what is happening around this shift.

Destiny and Karma pick back up from where they left off back between the Spring of 2000 and the Fall of 2001, and before that, where they took you between the Fall of 1981 and the Spring of 1983. This begins on the 6th and will last for a year and a half. Destiny will point towards romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, the competition, or advocates. Look for opportunities to pursue your destiny here. Karma will point towards your name, body, image, brand, title, or identity, as well as what you are showing up for on a personal or physical level that involves your interests. This may be a period of letting go, rebalancing Karma or past life souls returning over these themes to reconnect.

The New Moon on the 7th propels you forward with new or next level aspirations, original projects, group affiliations, friends, associates, gatherings, astrology, charities, or causes. You’ll have 2 weeks from this date with added cosmic boost so be proactive about what you want next.

Now, for the big news, Jupiter, bringer of growth opportunities, is heading into your mystical, karmic, behind-the-scenes arena for the first time in 12 years starting on the 8th. He will now tour here for the next year-plus. This means you can see something big opening up with a clandestine or private romance, a karmic union, your psychic abilities, music, film, painting, poetry, or other muse-driven interests, prayer, meditation, yoga, research, investigations, dealing with addictions, secrets, retreats, hospitals, other institutions, or your dreams. You want to look at ways to apply Jupiter themes to open things up: legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political topics. So, for example, you could travel for a secret romantic rendezvous, you could rest and recuperate at a hospital, you could market your art in a new way, or find your legal answers via the research you do, so look at the combinations above for your best way forward. For some perspective, Jupiter last toured here between Nov 2006-Dec 2007, before that from Dec 1994-Jan 1996 and before that from Dec 1982-Jan 1984, what opened up in your world?

To keep it interesting, Mercury then Retrogrades in the same territory of romance, artistry, spirituality, hospitals and other institutions, research, investigations, addictions, and secrets starting on the 16th. This will slow down new talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, or decisions about it and rather ask that you focus in on an ongoing situation to rework it or go back and reconnect with past people, issues, opportunities, or situations about it to see if there is something to rekindle or release. You will have to watch for any mix-ups, mechanical or electronics malfunctions or minds changing over these topics until Dec 6th when Mercury Retrograde ends, other than that it’s your do-over, make the most of it. The Sun joins the fray starting on the 22nd onward which puts a spotlight on you in the mix, asking you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in it, plan accordingly.

Mars heads into Pisces on the 15th where he’ll travel in the weeks ahead. Mars brings more passion to bear as well as amping up the energy and getting us more motivated and active if not sometimes more angry or combative. He will be focusing all of this on your ideas and talks, meetings and interviews, agreements and sales, writing and offers, short trips and local activities, as well as with your siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics. Neptune has been Retrograde over these same areas of life for months and by the 24th of this month he comes out of that slowed down, backwards facing flow and starts to move ahead into new or next level territory in these matters. This should add even that much more momentum around it and gear you into the artistic, romantic, spiritual, magical, research, or institutional talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, moves, etc,. In other words, time to get inspired and move on it.

Venus goes Direct on the 16th, the same day Mercury went Retrograde, so you may feel a little wonky with all this energy shifting direction on the same day but so will everyone else! Venus is now taking you forward again after the last 6 weeks of Retrograde do-over with love, income, women, or beauty themes. She’s been getting you to review personal goals in relation to these matters as well as your career path and anything involving authority figures like bosses, parents, judges, mentors, or the like. So you may be ready now to take a step towards that next thing or see something opening up for you again, look for connections to make it happen.

The Full Moon on the 23rd is about your work or health, the pets or paperwork, your hired help or co-workers, or any cleaning or organizing. This time of the year you have things culminating in one or more of these areas of life as you reach goals, celebrate achievements, wrap up projects or situations, or mark endings. There may be news coming your way about it or a decision you are now ready to make about it. Ready to look into your own chart to see what else might be in store? Contact Zoe and ask about details and rates involved with a private reading, there is so much more to see!

TUNE IN every THURSDAY to hear about YOUR WEEK AHEAD:  8pm Est/5pm Pst

For a DAILY INSIGHT, stop by Zoe's page on Facebook (and follow if you haven't already) to hear the highlights of the day:

TUNE IN on NOV 16th for the DECEMBER MONTHLY Astrology Show: 12pm Est/9am Pst

To HEAR MORE about NOVEMBER click this player:

Since 2011 your ruler, Uranus, has been working his inventive, sudden-change, genius, radical influence on your mind and this has lead to some sudden decisions, a period of breaking free and reinventing yourself via choices, talks, meetings, moves, writing, short trips, agreements, sales, proposals, interviews, and what you’ve engaged in with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or local activities. It’s been a once-in-a-lifetime cycle that has been awakening and exciting but not always stable and sometimes downright shocking. In April this year you got a bit of a break from it but on the 6th of this month Uranus is back for the last chapter that will wrap by March 6th next year. Once he moves out of this territory in March he won’t return for another 84 years so look for those brilliant ideas, ask yourself what you still need to write, sign, sell, or choose, and look at any of these other areas for ideas that would breath fresh life into the situation or help you make changes while you have this energy here to shake it up.

Destiny and Karma pick back up from where they left off back between the Spring of 2000 and the Fall of 2001, and before that, where they took you between the Fall of 1981 and the Spring of 1983. This begins on the 6th and will last for a year and a half. Destiny will point towards work, co-workers, hired help, paperwork, organizing, cleaning, health, pets, or the details. Look for opportunities to pursue your destiny here. Karma will point towards art, film, music, poetry, or other artistic pursuits, clandestine romance or romantic getaways, prayer, yoga, meditation, magic, or psychic interests, secrets, deceptions, investigations, or research, hospitals, spas, retreats, or other institutions, or dealing with bad habits or addictions. This may be a period of letting go, rebalancing Karma or past life souls returning over these themes to reconnect.

The New Moon on the 7th opens up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into that next thing with your career, reputation, fame, personal goals, or dealings with authority figures like a boss, parent, judge, mentor, or other higher-up. Be proactive but remember there’s still lots of personal planetary energy in flux so you may benefit from past or ongoing scenarios as a way forward.

Now for the big news, Jupiter is moving into his own sign, Sagittarius, a sign that works well with your sign, and he will tour here over the next year in an effort to open things up, bring more happiness or prosperity, or more adventure. This area of life is about your aspirations and original projects, as well as about your friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or causes. So it looks like getting social or pursuing your dreams is on tap. Think about how the things Jupiter rules could help you; travel, people at a distance, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, ceremonial, religious, or political outlets. For some perspective, Jupiter last toured here between Nov 2006-Dec 2007, before that from Dec 1994-Jan 1996 and before that from Dec 1982-Jan 1984, what opened up in your world?

To keep it interesting this month, you start to get this boost of expansive energy with these social and aspirational areas of life and then on the 16th Mercury Retrogrades in the same territory. So, over the next 3 and a half weeks things will slow down and you will either get a chance to take some time off as a friend is called away or the group is taking a hiatus or the internet is down or some other such thing, or you will get a chance to delve into what you already have going with some of these areas of life and really work something out or you will start to see opportunities from the past returning as you run into old friends or go back to old groups, get into an old internet site or attend a gathering where the past is returning, as well as reactivating old original projects or aspirations to see if they hold merit moving forward. Guard against mix-ups, breakdowns, malfunctioning electronics or mechanical items, or final agreements during this period unless they are from the past, otherwise if you can wait it out until Mercury is Direct on Dec 6th. 

The Sun will join this story on the 22nd for 30 days and this puts a spotlight on you and urges you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in these interests or to tie in your name, image, brand, title, or needs in the mix.

Mars is heading into your income, purchases, possessions, and products zone starting on the 15th and you haven’t had this added fire under these matters for a couple years. This can help you find your passion again about it or motivate things into motion or stir anger or fights about it (watch that one), so it’s go time. Expect to be busier than you have in some time about it. To add to this story, Neptune has been Retrograde for months in these areas of life which may have clouded things a bit or held you in place when it came to institutions involved, the research needed, any artistic, spiritual or romantic influences in the mix, and rather had you tied into the past somehow. On the 24th this goes Direct and these influences are now in forward motion with your earning potential, purchases, products, or possessions.

Venus has been Retrograde the last 6 weeks, giving you a slow-down or return to the past over love or income, women or beauty interests, and for your sign it’s been working this out through travel, distance, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, ceremonial, or political arenas. Now, on the 16th, Venus goes Direct again so you will start to see things moving forward again with your love or income, women or beauty needs here, look to partners, clients, specialists, reps, or the competition for clues about what’s next.

The Full Moon on the 23rd is in your zone of lovers, children, creative ventures, and recreational pursuits. That means something is culminating in at least one of these areas for you as things come through, wrap up, are celebrated, end, or are achieved. This may involve news or decisions, short trips or offers, sales or writing, or ideas that get you there.Ready to look into your own chart to see what else might be in store? Contact Zoe and ask about details and rates involved with a private reading, there is so much more to see!

TUNE IN every THURSDAY to hear about YOUR WEEK AHEAD:  8pm Est/5pm Pst

For a DAILY INSIGHT, stop by Zoe's page on Facebook (and follow if you haven't already) to hear the highlights of the day:

TUNE IN on NOV 16th for the DECEMBER MONTHLY Astrology Show: 12pm Est/9am Pst

To HEAR MORE about NOVEMBER click this player:
Back in 2011 Uranus moved into your income and purchases, possessions and products zone for the first time in your life (unless you are older than 84). The years since then have been about shaking you out of any ruts, bringing sudden changes, genius ideas or inventions, excitement, shock, and hopefully an awakening for you as it infused these areas with more life and helped you align with your evolving selfhood and soul group. In April Uranus exited for a few months to give you a bit of a breather but now on Nov 6th he returns and will make his last passage of your lifetime through these areas between now and March 6th next year. This is important because you can still look at how you feel about what is going on in these areas and shake things up a bit or find your original voice within it, look for clues as this gets back underway.

Destiny and Karma pick back up from where they left off back between the Spring of 2000 and the Fall of 2001, and before that, where they took you between the Fall of 1981 and the Spring of 1983. This begins on the 6th and will last for a year and a half. Destiny will point towards true love, lovers, children, creative projects, or recreational pursuits. Look for opportunities to pursue your destiny here. Karma will point towards friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities gatherings, freedom, personal aspirations, or original projects. This may be a period of letting go, rebalancing Karma or past life souls returning over these themes to reconnect.

The New Moon on the 8th is about travel or people at a distance, legal or educational, media or marketing, wedding or other ceremonial, or religious or political interests for you. That means you now have a boost from the cosmos to help you launch into something new or take a current situation to the next level here so be proactive.

Now for the big news, Jupiter is heading into his own sign, Sagittarius, on the 8th and he will tour here over the year ahead, the first time he’s been here in over a decade. Jupiter wants growth, happiness or prosperity where he tours and for you this is about your career, your reputation, fame, recognition, your personal goals in life, your own leadership abilities, and what’s going on with authority types in your life such as the boss, parent, director, teacher, producer, judge, or mentor. Look at how you can apply Jupiter ruled matters to these goals, career interests or authority figures: travel, legal, distance, media, marketing, educational, ceremonial, wedding, religious, or political themes. For some perspective, Jupiter last toured here between Nov 2006-Dec 2007, before that from Dec 1994-Jan 1996 and before that from Dec 1982-Jan 1984, what opened up in your world?

To make this interesting this month, as Jupiter is starting to move you forward with potential growth in these areas, Mercury Retrogrades on the 16th in the same territory. So, you will slow down a bit over the next 3 and a half weeks and either rework an ongoing situation, release it or rekindle it, or focus on past people, issues, opportunities, and situations about it to see if it holds merit moving forward or if you can get better closure. Do keep an eye on any mix-ups, mechanical or electronic malfunctioning or breakdowns, and final agreements when it comes to these goals, career matters or authority figures since you could have the typical Mercury Retrograde issues around it, on the other hand, this is a do-over, take the time and focus in. The Sun joins this story on the 22nd onward which puts a spotlight on you over the next 30 days about it and helps you show up and get more personally or physically involved in what is going on.

Mars is heading into your sign starting on the 15th and he will tour here for just shy of 2 months so you will have a whole lot more going on personally or physically or you will be more active about your body, name, title, image, brand, or needs. Mars can stir passions or spark anger and fights or get you more motivated to do what needs doing so get ready to get busy. To add to this story, your ruler, Neptune, has been Retrograde for months in your sign so this has somewhat slowed you down to focus on an ongoing or past matter and now on the 24th Neptune goes Direct again. This shift in energy will help get you inspired and bring the magic, spiritual, romantic, artistic, research, or dealings with hospitals or other institutions into forward motion when it comes to what you are doing or what you need.

Venus has been Retrograde the last 6 weeks and now on the 16th she is going Direct as well, pulling you out of that slowed down or past focus when it comes to love or income, women or beauty interests, and starting to move you forward again. Her focus for you is on moving ahead now as things move into the next chapter with bigger financial matters such as the taxes, inheritance, insurance, settlements, alimony, or other financial interests, or with your sex life, reproductive interests, divorce, a death, a birth, or any third-party situations about it. Partners, clients, specialists, or reps play a part.

The Full Moon on the 23rd is focused on your home, family, parent, roommate, move, renovation, history, ancestry, emotions, and/or real estate deals. This is a time of culmination around these matters so you may be having a breakthrough, wrapping things up, marking an ending, celebrating here, or noting achievements. News, talks, writing, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, or decisions may color this peak. Ready to look into your own chart to see what else might be in store? Contact Zoe and ask about details and rates involved with a private reading, there is so much more to see!

TUNE IN every THURSDAY to hear about YOUR WEEK AHEAD:  8pm Est/5pm Pst

For a DAILY INSIGHT, stop by Zoe's page on Facebook (and follow if you haven't already) to hear the highlights of the day:

TUNE IN on NOV 16th for the DECEMBER MONTHLY Astrology Show: 12pm Est/9am Pst

To HEAR MORE about NOVEMBER click this player:

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