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June opens with a FULL MOON building to crescendo by the 2nd, bringing a close or celebration around legal matters, educational pursuits, weddings, media endeavors, marketing ideas, travel plans, religious interests, politics, or publishing ventures.
Venus them moves into Leo on the 5th where she is going to highlight what women can do for you or what they mean to you, how the income is flowing and what love means through the effects she has on your creative projects, love life, lover, kids, or recreational pursuits. She will help smooth things out here, attract the good stuff and bring more pleasure so enjoy, you have her here until July 18th!
The Mercury Retrograde ends on the 11th so you can use the first 11 days of this month to continue your review of the past and figuring out your choices and then begin to implement them or move into new territory after today. You could have a reversal occur on this day since the energy is shifting, do watch for miscommunications, electronic or mechanical malfunctions and ideas you want to cement before tomorrow, there could be glitches if you don't wait for forward motion.
Neptune Retrogrades on the 12th and will bring a shift in perspective. If you've been seeing things with rose colored glasses you may gain some clarity now. If you have been deceived or deceiving things may come to light now. If you have felt sad, nostalgic, isolated, depressed, or tempted by addictions, this shift should bring some relief or turn you towards those who could help. While Neptune is in Retrograde from now through November 18th, you do have momentum behind going back to any past music, film, art, poetry, dance, sculpture, or other muse related interest, any past meditation, yoga, magic, psychic, or spiritual practice, any past romantic getaway or affair, any past healing or hospital matter, or any past research or development, and hone it during this period. See if you are still inspired and can take it further after work on it or if you really should close the door on it.
Saturn changes energy fields in his Retrograde cycle by backing into Scorpio on the 14th. Saturn will now Retrograde through the last 2 degrees of Scorpio between now and August 2nd. At that point Saturn will go Direct on the 28th degree of Scorpio and cover these last 2 degrees between August 2nd and September 17th when Saturn exits Scorpio and enters Sagittarius. Saturn will then stay away from Scorpio for another 29 years. So it makes these next 3 months quite important when it comes to ending something, cementing it long term, making real life commitments, taking on responsibilities, dealing with limits or 'no's', setting up structures that support you, taking the lead, fueling ambitions, and getting real in the Scorpio part of the sky. As a reminder, Scorpio rules: loans, debt, taxes, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlements, investments, commissions, alimony, child support, your partner's money, and any other outside financial resource. Scorpio also rules your sex life, reproductive needs, birth, death, divorce, power, controlling interests, and third party situations. So look at what comes up for you as this shift occurs, look at absolutely anything you want to see cement one way or the other, and motivate about what you need to do.
There's a NEW MOON on the 16th in Gemini so we all get an opportunity to open up new horizons and take things to the next level through talks, meetings, writing, speaking roles, interviews, auditions, agreements, sales, offers, proposals, ideas, short trips, local activities, neighbors, siblings, vehicles, moves, electronics, and decisions. This energy is powerful for 2 weeks so dive in and make things happen.
The Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st kicking off a 30 day cycle that should help you step up and get more personally or physically involved in creating your own security, putting down roots, tending to history, family, parents, roommates, home, real estate needs, moves, or renovations. You could sign papers now or tie your name or brand to what is going on, make it about your image or personal needs, or just get your body there and enjoy.
Jupiter and Uranus are connecting on the 22nd in a beautiful trine aspect. These planets are working on helping us all reinvent ourselves through love, creativity, fun, and kids. Uranus is saying we should be original, break out of ruts and try new things. Jupiter is saying it's time to grow through travel, legal, wedding, educational, or media themes here. So you may not experience an event that this energy defines but it is influencing the background of your life right now and you will do best to look for ways to get into this flow, you will like where it takes you.
Mars moves into Cancer for the first time in 2 years on the 24th. Mars will travel here now through August 8th, adding his fire to activity we need to get moving on with our home, family, move, renovation, history, parent, roommate, real estate deal, or security needs. Mars is not particularly fond of this sign because he is a fire energy that wants action and he wants it yesterday while Cancer is about emotions, a water sign, that can slow him down or dampen his spirits a bit or make him feel like he's fighting underwater. Keep that in mind, you will have to find a way to deal with your feelings on one hand while taking care of what is needed on the other and not letting them get in the way of each other so much. Don't let the procrastination of this placement keep you from using this energy to motivate. This can bring together feelings and passion as well as helping you fight for what you need in these matters.
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It may be time for a few new choices Aries. Give yourself the first couple weeks of June to think about what you really want, go over all past options, connections with people, issues, and opportunities and see what may hold potential and what is really just there as a security blanket or out of fear or habit and be willing to let that stuff go. First with Mercury going Direct on the 11th and then the NEW MOON kicking in on the 16th and 2 weeks after, you will have more than enough cosmic energy behind new choices and ideas from these points onwards. You may be able to land something in writing or with an interview or audition, sign agreements, make sales, get more active in short trips or locally, enter into new talks or meetings, field a few great offers, and rethink the way you are approaching your life, the more you give it your energy, the more you will see come into play now.
The first couple days of May will help you wrap up any legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans. You may be celebrating finally diving into this stuff, something coming through, an achievement or recognition here, or it may mean that something has run it's course or is ending in these matters.
Soon after Venus takes up residence in your house of true love on the 5th and you start to see the potential of what things might look like for you up ahead. This trend can make your love life much more enjoyable but it can also enhance what you are doing creatively, bringing women on board who benefit you or helping you earn money here, it can smooth out issues with kids or help you spread the love or bring in money with children oriented themes, or it can bring love and good times with recreational pursuits. You have Venus helping out here until July 18th. Note that on the 22nd Jupiter and Uranus will make a wonderful alignment between these matters and you, setting up some long term potential if you work with it.
A couple major Retrograde moves may influence your energy field as they shift and take you back over some past topics. First, Neptune Retrogrades on the 12th so you may be going back over artistic interests, romantic trysts, spiritual practices, healing, hospitals, research, or Karmic ties over the months ahead. The shift of this energy may raise you out of the doldrums if you've been feeling weepy or nostalgic at all. It can help you to wrap up things and get inspired again so look at what you would like to go over again in these matters and start now.
Next, Saturn Retrogrades into Scorpio on the 14th. You will have 3 months to get serious about loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, settlements, investments, commissions, alimony, child support, or any other financial resource, as well as getting serious about what is or is not going on with your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, a birth, or third party situations. Once Saturn leaves this zone on September 17th things will be pretty much set in stone, at least as far as what you have going on at that point in these areas, and Saturn won't come back again to help you mark endings, make long term commitments, set up structures that can support you, set limits, involves authority types, and set goals here for another 29 years, make it count.
Finally, your home and family arena is about to get a boost starting on the 21st as the Sun begins a 30 day cycle here, followed by Mars arriving here on the 24th kicking off a 7 week cycle here. This means it is about to get very busy for you at home, with moves, renovations, remodels, real estate deals, family, parents, roommates, your history, or anything you do about your own needs for security. You haven't had this kind of boost from Mars in 2 years, the combination of Solar and Mars (your ruler) energy here will really bring action, motivation, passions, and the fighting spirit to anything you would like to move on in these matters. If you'd like to know more, email and ask about the cost and details for scheduling a private reading based on your unique chart aspects, there's never a better time than the present to delve into your potential!
If you've been rethinking what you do to earn money or anything associated with your income, purchases or possessions, you are on the right track as you enter June. Give yourself until Mercury wraps this reviewing cycle for you on the 11th to make your choices about what road you would like to take going forward. Some of you may want an entirely new horizon to loom while others may have revived something from the past or reworked it to take it forward on new levels. You can start to get into talks and meetings and agreements about all of this as soon as this Mercury Direct moment but you will get your real boost from the cosmos starting with the NEW MOON on the 16th and in the 2 weeks that follow. So what do you want?
The FULL MOON that starts the month off on June 2nd will help you enter the month with something finally wrapping up or coming through with your loan, debt, taxes, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, commissions, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, or other financial resources so dedicate the first couple days to tackling the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding themes that run along these lines. Some of you will have divorce issues, reproductive needs, mortality issues, or something involving your sex life hit a peak at this point over the financial subject, you'll know who you are.
There's some magic brewing for you this month at home or tied to your real estate deals, move, renovation, family, parent, or roommate, Taurus. This starts with Venus arriving here on the 5th bringing more enjoyment, pleasure, luxury, and love. Some of you may see income pick up around these themes or women who can benefit you in these areas showing up now. By the 22nd there is a powerful configuration here helping you to expand your horizons and possibly see a nice surprise or two around what has been going on here. Don't be afraid to dive in, the water is perfect.
Both Neptune and Saturn will make Retrograde moves within days of each other, on the 12th and 14th, easing up some of the tension you may have experienced around friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, your aspirations, and your key relationships with partners, clients, specialists, representatives, or opponents.
During the months ahead it will allow you to go back and reconnect with past people here or to move away from current situations, to rework things or release them. Neptune in your friend and social zone will of course want you to look at your boundary issues, addictions, karmic ties, artistry, spirituality, romance, or healing/hospital needs in the situation, while Saturn in your relationship zone will want you to look at serious commitments, ambitions, responsibilities, endings, limits, and time factors involving anything in that legal, travel, wedding, media, or educational realm with them. You have plenty of time to go back and get things right. Any major shifts you might experience with these topics would occur during the shift of energy on these days.
The Sun and Mars are both heading into your communications zone on the 21st and 24th. The Sun will spend 30 days here and push you to show up and get more involved locally or in short trips, with talks, meetings, ideas, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or with your siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. It can put you at the helm here and help you to stand out or to get your needs tended to so do step up and show up. Mars has not been here in 2 years so his arrival marks a 7 plus week period of more activity and passion in these areas. You will feel more driven and may motivate yourself and others through your words and ideas. Passion will be stirred but so will anger so watch the short fuse and any road rage. These two energies here will help you move mountains if harnessed in the right way. If you'd like to know more, email and ask about the cost and details for scheduling a private reading based on your unique chart aspects, there's never a better time than the present to delve into your potential!
I know you have been going through a personal overhaul of late but I don't know if that has meant you've been making some big choices about the way you look, your bodies health, your name or title, a personal brand you've developed, or some goal that you hold dear. June is the month when you can begin to see the results and move forward. Use the first 11 days to continue in any past efforts, returning to the past or escaping it on some level, as you review, rework, release, and reconnect. Then plan on moving full steam ahead from the 11th onward. New people and opportunities may arrive after this date since Mercury Retrograde ends in your sign now. You will get a super boost from the cosmos with the NEW MOON in Gemini on the 16th and the 2 weeks that follow so know that the energy is with you and you're ready to charge ahead.
The FULL MOON comes much earlier, arriving on the 2nd of this month so in the first couple days of June you will be wrapping things up or taking things to that breakthrough level when it comes to your health, a job, the paperwork, a co-worker, your pets, or the people you hire. Look for endings, achievements and celebrations in these areas. If you can involve legal needs, marketing ideas, travel, people at a distance, media, educational pursuits, or weddings, so much the better.
Venus is going to be blessing you in a way I know you are going to love and that starts on the 5th and lasts until July 18th! What she is bringing you is a much smoother time or the ability to attract the love, income or women through your communication zone. What that means is talks, meetings, negotiations, pitches, proposals, writing, speaking roles, interviews, auditions, offers, short trips, and decisions should go well during this period and may focus in or lead to true love, making money or something positive involving women. Your words charm. Get out there locally, ask for it, say yes. This placement may also help you when it comes to siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics, so if you want to earn or share the love here, or make it about the beauty, go for it.
Both Neptune and Saturn are going to make Retrograde moves within days of each other, on the 12th and 14th respectively. So this period may feel as if something is a bit wonky out there, let's look at how they will both affect you. First, Neptune Retrograding on the 12th means you will now have months to go back and work behind the scenes on an important goal you've been pushing forward or with a career matter that is in the pipeline. You may also have time now to go back over something involving a parent, boss, judge, or other authority figure. Take the months ahead to figure out healing needs or what you should do about a hospital matter, the research or development, your romantic needs in the mix, how your spiritual practices are working towards achievement here, or anything artistic that you can now take the time to pull together. Past people or projects may return during this phase if they hold weight in these matters and it's a good time to reconnect or release as you see fit. New inspiration may be a few months away now but the old holds promise, pick it back up.
Saturn carrying his Retrograde out of Sagittarius and backing into Scorpio on the 14th kicks off the last 3 months he will tour in Scorpio for another 29 years. It is therefore a very important time to do your Saturn themes: get serious, be responsible, look at limits, 'no's', endings, structures, ambitions, leadership, maturity, time, and long term commitments and decide what you are going to do about it. The focus of these serious Saturn themes is on Scorpio so you must address the real stuff when it comes to sex, reproductive needs, death, birth, divorce, and all financial matters beyond your income, so loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, investments, settlements, commissions, or a partner's money as some examples. What you cement now is in place, is the support system, is the solid feature for some time in these areas, it may not be the fun stuff, but it is important, so dive in.
Your potential to make money, deal with possessions or make purchases kicks up a notch between the 21st and 24th and stays that way for weeks thanks to the Sun and Mars moving into these zones on these days. Get ready to show up, get involved, sign your name, put your image or brand to it, motivate yourself and others, pour on the passion, fight for what you want, and make things happen.
The last of 3 Jupiter/Uranus trines occurs on the 22nd and is part of the ongoing energy combination that was perfected last September 2014, again in March 2015 and now the third time on June 22nd. The harmonious alignment has been urging us all to break out of stagnant situations, find our originality, infuse something exciting, and reinvent ourselves on some level in league with our growth potential in creative efforts, with true love, the kids, or having fun. Look at where you are in these matters and take steps in ways that may you feel good about yourself at this point, it's time. If you'd like to know more, email and ask about the cost and details for scheduling a private reading based on your unique chart aspects, there's never a better time than the present to delve into your potential!
June brings a turnaround for you in one of these areas: your healing or hospital needs, the time you want for romantic union, your spiritual practices, an artistic project or interest, or the research and development. Any rethinking you've done or fine-tuning as you've retraced interests and needs in these areas will wrap by the 11th as Mercury ends his Retrograde cycle. From this date forward you are ready for the next level or something new. On the 16th the NEW MOON will activate these topics and give you a major 2 week boost to help you move forward so look at entering into talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, offers, and decisions about it.
The FULL MOON on the 2nd means the first couple days of the month will start off with something building to a finale or celebration regarding your work, health, pets, the paperwork, co-workers, or someone you've hired. Expect emotions to ride along with these topics and the wrap up or achievement here to mean that you've brought the legal side together, involved the trip or distant needs, dealt with the media or marketing of it, learned or taught what was necessary, or noted that wedding in the mix.
Venus moves out of your sign on the 5th and enters Leo. So the rest of your month will see some nice things happening around your income, possessions or purchases. With Venus here you may buy lovely things for the one you love or receive more gifts, you may see women helpful to your income needs or something smoothing out around your earnings. You could find that you attract in the areas noted or that you are spending more on luxury items. It's a pleasurable time here as long as you don't over-do it. The 22nd may be a stand-out day with this energy.
There are two major energies shifting between the 12th and 14th. First, Neptune will Retrograde on the 12th. For you this means a bit of a slow-down with the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, or wedding themes, or that you are going to now take the months ahead to go back over things and figure out where the inspiration lies, what is working for you in artistic or spiritual realms here, if the romance could use a boost through one of these themes, or if healing or hospital needs are involved in some way and what you can do about it. Note any changes that occur or feelings that come up around these topics now since you may well be dealing with them over the Retrograde phase.
Next, Saturn continues his Retrograde but changes from Retrograding through Sagittarius to Retrograding through Scorpio starting on the 14th. Saturn will now have his last 3 months in the sign of Scorpio. This is a big deal because any last tests you need to get through, any responsibilities, limits, 'no's', endings, long term commitments, structures, or ambitions that need to be met, must now be met. For your sign it will mean focusing this on creative projects, your love life or lover, children, or recreational interests. In Scorpio it means it will involve the loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, investments, commissions, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, or other financial interest, or it will hone in on sexual needs, reproductive matters, mortality issues, a birth, the divorce, or third party situations involving power or control. You want to get real about anything that requires your attention in these matters now, Saturn won't come back over these themes for another 29 years once it exits September 17th so what you cement now will be in place a very long time.
Your sign starts to get a boost on the 21st and 24th as the Sun and then Mars move into Cancer. The Sun will stay 30 days and bring a lot of physical and personal vitality to your endeavors. Mars has not been in your sign in 2 years and will stay around 7 weeks, giving you more motivation, sparkle, passion, anger, and fighting spirit. You will be highly busy during these weeks ahead and others will be attracted to what you are doing. You may find your physical stamina increases or you want to get fit now and it works. It can be a time to look at surgery if you need it or to take up a sport. Whatever can improve your mobility and energy levels will kick in. Once you decide what you want to do, it's on! If you'd like to know more, email and ask about the cost and details for scheduling a private reading based on your unique chart aspects, there's never a better time than the present to delve into your potential!
It may be that you've been redefining an aspiration Leo, or that you have taken the much needed time to go back and rework something involving a friend, charity, group, internet interest, astrology, social networking, or original project. June will carry you through any revisions, releasing or reclaiming in these matters through the 11th at which point you will turn a corner and start to move forward in some new way. The momentum will gather steam with fresh starts, next level opportunities and new faces in these matters with the NEW MOON on the 16th so onward you go, time to put those ideas out there, make some choices, field those offers, and connect. You'll have 2 powerful weeks from the New Moon date to initiate.
FULL MOON energy is what starts the month, peaking on the 2nd, it will bring some kind of celebratory high point, achievement, wrap up, or ending involving your kids, creative efforts, love life, lover, or recreation. You might be traveling for this or wrapping that up, making it legal, wedding, involving media or marketing, or in there teaching or learning as part of what colors this culmination with the kids, lover, fun, or creative flow.
Venus moves into your sign on the 5th and will reside with you through July 18th, sweet! This is a most lovely energy to host. Use it to enjoy yourself more, to charm others, to make beautiful your life or appearance, to attract more love or money, to connect with women whom you enjoy, or to just take pleasure in life. She may help you with the good things associated with your name, body, image, brand, title, signature, or brand at this point. Note that something brewing here is going to align beautifully with legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes on the 22nd.
Two major energies will shift gears this month between the 12th and 14th so these days may feel a bit wonky or interesting. First, on the 12th, Neptune Retrogrades. This means something shifting around your sex life, reproductive needs, a mortality issue, birth, divorce, or major financial matter. You should see some of the confusion or fog lift a bit in these areas over the months ahead, a slow down on inspired forward motion and a chance to go back and review any romantic, spiritual, artistic, healing, hospital, or research needs in the mix. Note what occurs around this day for clues to how you can best utilize the months ahead with these topics.
Second, Saturn is taking his Retrograde back into Scorpio on the 14th and will give you your last shot at Scorpio themes from now through September 17th. That means this is it when it comes to the structures you are setting up, any endings, long term commitments, responsibilities, ambitions, authority or older type folk in the mix, your goals, or limits you should address when it comes to your home, real estate deal, move, renovations, family, parent, or roommates. Look at the Scorpio themes involved; do you need to work out the loan, mortgage, inheritance, insurance, taxes, investment, alimony, child support, commissions, or other financial influence here? Is there a divorce affecting outcome or your sexual, reproductive, mortality, or third party situation that is coloring what's going on here? How do you get real now about it? Once Saturn moves on he won't be back to test you over these themes for another 29 years and much of what is done or not done during this phase locks things in so step up.
The Sun moves into your 12th house on the 21st, followed by Mars on the 24th, so you are about to have a whole lot going on with 12th house matters in the weeks following these triggers. It means you are about to start showing up, getting personally or physically involved, putting your name, title, image, body, brand, or needs to the matter, motivating yourself and others, bringing out the passion, fighting the good fight, or dealing with anger, and you haven't had this much focus here in 2 years. So what is it all about? Your art, film, music, dance, poetry, or other muse-related interests, your romance, your spiritual practices, magical or psychic abilities, healing or hospitals, investigations, research, or development. So dive in, it's your turn to lead. If you'd like to know more, email and ask about the cost and details for scheduling a private reading based on your unique chart aspects, there's never a better time than the present to delve into your potential!
I hope you aren't' feeling turned around and upside down when it comes to the happenings on your career front, with your personal goals or when it comes to authority figures like the boss, judge, parent, or mentor but it is possible as you enter into the month of June. Much of the first 11 days will be about any revising, releasing, rethinking, or reconnecting that you've wanted to do about these themes as you make your mind up about what you're doing. So go ahead, go over all the details, figure out who you look up to, what you want to achieve and where you are going with your direction in life, then on the 11th expect to start seeing the light illuminate the road forward. From this point onward new opportunities can begin to open and your choices should seem a bit more clear to you. If that weren't enough, NEW MOON momentum kicks in on the 16th and 2 weeks following, giving you plenty of time to initiate or field offers, sign agreements, make sales, meet, talk, and choose what you want in these matters. If you've been waiting on news, it should filter in during these changes of flow.
The month starts with a FULL MOON on the 2nd that is about reaching some zenith at home, with a real estate deal, the family, a move, renovation, parent, or roommate situation. Work towards hitting your stride with any legal needs, travel plans, learning curve, wedding, marketing idea, or media campaign involved in getting you that closure you want or achievement you're reaching for in these matters.
Venus is entering the mysterious 12th house for Virgo on the 5th and will stay here through July 18th so you have plenty of time for some private moments in love or some behind the scenes activities aimed at making money or doing for women. Venus will help smooth things out or help you attract more easily, she will give you some pleasurable times in romantic departments, with spiritual pursuits, healing, hospitals, research, or artistic interests that tie in with your love life, the women or making money. So slow down, you deserve some inspired and magical space. Note that something here aligns amazingly with financial situations, your sex life, divorce, mortality issues, a reproductive matter, or third party situation on the 22nd.
Two major energies will make moves between the 12th and 14th so you may feel these days a bit wonky or shifting around you. First, Neptune Retrogrades so you will see some easing up or slowing down with the specialists, clients, partners, agents, attorneys, competitors, opponents, or other key relationships that pertain to Neptune themes: artistry, spirituality, romance, healing, hospitals, research, and development. You can now use these months ahead to go back over anything, take the time and reconnect or let go, as you see fit. Past people or situations may come calling regarding these people and situations, if so you may wish to see what is there, the fates seem to have a hand in something here, whether that is rekindling things or some new understanding that flowers from the mists.
Secondly, Saturn is going to take his Retrograde back into Scorpio on the 14th, opening up 3 months in this sign, the last 3 months Saturn will spend here for another 29 years. This is epic because it is the last big push for you to set up structures, deal with limits, 'no's', endings, long term commitments, responsibilities, ambitions, and your own self mastery when it comes to brothers, sisters, neighbors, moves, transportation, electronics, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, community activities, interviews, auditions, offers, ideas, talks, meetings, and decisions that are Scorpio themed. So what here do you need to get real about that involves Scorpio themes of loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, alimony, child support, commissions, divorce, your sex life, mortality issues, a birth, or third party situations? What you cement here during these 3 months will be the real deal for many years to come so step up, you're almost there.
The Sun and Mars pouring into your social zone on the 21st and 24th kick start many weeks ahead of amplified activity involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, parties/gatherings/events, your original ideas, aspirations, and freedom. It's a highly charged, innovative and exciting time in these areas, you haven't had this kind of boost in 2 years, so expect to fill your social calendar and to motivate others, bring the passion, fight the good fight, or deal with anger issues in the mix. It's about you and the light shining on you at this moment so there's not much you can't bring together with like-minded folk. If you'd like to know more, email and ask about the cost and details for scheduling a private reading based on your unique chart aspects, there's never a better time than the present to delve into your potential!
June will keep you focused on some big choices that involve the big picture so expect to be busy going back over past interests or opportunities, connecting with past people, or working out ongoing situations by rethinking what you're doing, and bringing this about through travel, people at a distance, legal needs, weddings, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, educational means, religion, or politics. Have you figured it out yet? Once you get past the 11th things begin to turn towards the future, new horizons beckon, you can move ahead with talks, meetings, offers, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions about these matters. And if that weren't enough, the NEW MOON on the 16th will open up 2 powerful weeks to help you take it even further, so aim high, go.
The month will open with emotional energy around the brother, sister, trip, neighborhood activity, neighbor, sale, agreement, writing, interview, offer, meeting, talk, or decision that peaks with the FULL MOON on the 2nd. Again, this culmination may be infused with the legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media interest in the mix that brings it to a close, a breakthrough or celebration, wrap it up or make it happen.
Venus is moving into your social sphere on the 5th and will tour here through July 18th, a long time for good times with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, events, parties, social networking, and your aspirations to flow. Venus will smooth things out, help you attract the women who can help, the love you want or the income situations via these social connections. It's a great time for pleasure in these areas so relax, smile, you'll be at the top of everyone's list. Note that on the 22nd something here is likely to come together via a partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key relationship that should please.
Two major energies are shifting gears this month on the 12th and 14th so you may feel it on these days since they are so close together. First, on the 12th, Neptune Retrogrades. So over the months ahead you get a bit of a break or slow-down, and an opportunity to review any past inspirations involving work, health, paperwork, pets, co-workers, or hired help. So look at healing or hospitals and what you can go back over in the name of your health or work you do, look at research or development for the job, any romantic time that kicks in tied to these themes, your artistic interests here, or ways to work behind the scenes to make things better. Past people or situations may return or something current could exit, as the shift occurs.
Next, Saturn is taking his Retrograde back into Scorpio on the 14th and will tour here through September 17th. This 3 months period in Scorpio is his last time here for 29 years. That means if you still have anything serious to do about your income, possessions, purchases, or way you are valued, this is the time to make it real. Look at limits, structures, 'no's', endings, long term commitments, responsibilities, older folk, and ambitions in the mix. Look at how the Scorpio themes are influencing it: the outside financial picture, your sex life, divorce, mortality, reproductive needs, or third party matters. What can you step up to and deal with now? It's is being cemented during this period, make sure you are solidifying it in a way that makes you secure and happy long term.
The Sun arrives in your goals, career and authority figures part of the chart on the 21st where he will tour for 30 days. This is followed by Mars arriving here on the 24th where he will tour for approximately 7 weeks. So you are about to get very busy when it comes to your goals, career, boss, parent, the judge, a mentor, or some other authority figure. This is about you at the center of it all, leading, getting physically or personally involved, tying in your name, title or signature, making it about your image or brand, shining your passions, fighting spirit, and motivating those around you, and making things happen. You haven't had this kind of combined energy here in 2 years, you'll be on fire to get things done. Really the only thing to guard against is a short fuse, if you do then there is not much you can't accomplish now. If you'd like to know more, email and ask about the cost and details for scheduling a private reading based on your unique chart aspects, there's never a better time than the present to delve into your potential!
Much of your world has focused on your most important relationships of late, Scorpio, and June is not going to disappoint in this department. First, let's clarify that your relationship zone includes romantic or business partners, agents or attorneys, clients or audience, specialists or experts, opponents or competitors, or any other one-on-one significant folk who've consumed your thoughts of late. You'll have until the 11th to review offers and decisions involving the ones from your past and if you would like to take something forward or not with them, or to figure out what you want in ongoing relationships, but after the 11th it's time to move ahead. You will notice that events play into this time frame and get an added boost forward starting on the 16th with the NEW MOON here, opening up 2 powerful weeks for making new connections or taking current ones into the future with these partners, reps, clients, specialists, or opponents. As you work through all of this throughout the month, note that your ideas, writing, speaking roles, interviews, offers, agreements, sales, meetings, talks, and decisions will bring it all together.
On the other hand, the month kicks in with strong emotions building around the FULL MOON that peaks on the 2nd. This is about bringing something to a head with your income, purchases or possessions and it plays out through Sagittarius themes so you may earn, spend or deal with stuff involving media, marketing, travel, legal, publishing, broadcasting, educational, wedding, religious, or political themes and it is at this point of the year when the high-point occurs, bringing endings, wrap-ups, achievements, or celebrations here.
Venus moves into your career midheaven on the 5th and will tour here through July 18th, I hope you're ready! This is one of the two most favorable influences you can have regarding your career, personal goals, reputation, fame, and dealings with authority figures like a boss, parent or judge. The number one most favorable is Jupiter here once every 12 years which you already have going on. So the combination is amazing. So this is kinda it Scorpio, if it's going to happen this energy can attract it to you. What goal do you want to reach, what career interest can you achieve, what fame or notoriety can you court, and who in that higher-up position can you impress? Pour it on, women can help, love and income are in the mix, it's your turn. Note that something exciting in all of this may come together on the 22nd through the work you do, paperwork you sign, health interest you pursue, or via people you hire or work with on this topic.
Two major players are shifting between the 12th and 14th so you will likely feel this turnabout of energy during these days. First on the 12th, Neptune Retrogrades. So what have you learned lately that was hidden when it comes to your love life, kids, creative ventures, or recreational interests? Starting today you get a bit of a breather and a chance to go back over anything and get a re-do here. Past lovers, creative projects, or fun interests may return, you may find that something involving healing or hospitals and the lover or child is up for attention now (a good time to do so), or that a secret romance kicks in with the past lover or you find time for romantic getaways to past locations with current amores, that there is something creative or fun you want to rework involving film, music, art, poetry, dance, etc, or that you are ready to embrace your old spiritual practices or research things better. Use this time to get it right, trust your gut.
Secondly, Saturn is going to take his Retrograde back into your sign on the 14th and he will tour your sign for the next 3 months, exiting on September 17th, not to return for 29 years. So this 3 months cycle is mega important when it comes to something serious involving you and a Scorpio theme: the sex, reproductive need, mortality issue, birth, divorce, or some financial topic. Saturn wants you to get real, take responsibility, deal with limits, 'no's', endings, long term commitments, structures that support, or your ambitions in the mix. Saturn in your sign wants it to be about you showing up, getting involved, possibly tying in your name, title, image, brand, body, signature, or needs in some way. So, who are you, really? What from your past still needs some overhaul, where do you get real? You've got 3 months, what you end, commit to or shine on that ambition will be cemented now, Saturn won't return for a long, long time.
The Sun rolls into your 9th house on the 21st followed by Mars on the 24th, kicking off a 30 day and 7 week cycle respectively, amping up the energy here in ways you haven't seen in 2 years. That means you are about to get very busy and personally or physically active in media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, travel, educational, legal, wedding, religious, or political themes starting now. It's about you standing out in some way or it being about you, about the passion, anger, fighting spirit, and motivation that will drive things through and make things happen, it's go time, so go. If you'd like to know more, email and ask about the cost and details for scheduling a private reading based on your unique chart aspects, there's never a better time than the present to delve into your potential!
June is going to be a month when you can turn a corner with a significant relationship, Sage. Think about what it is you want regarding your romantic partner, business partner, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or other key players and if your rethinking of things can help you move ahead with them or not. Energy shifts on the 11th when Mercury Retrograde ends so at this point you should have figured it out and find yourself ready to move ahead with new understandings or into new relationships depending on which way you decided to go. The NEW MOON on the 16th will add to the momentum with your relationships giving you a powerful 2 week window to launch into new territory or take things to the next level. It's at this point that new agreements, offers and decisions come into play.
The month actually begins with FULL MOON energy building in your sign so the first couple days will be bringing something to a head for you on a personal or physical level. This may involve Sagittarius themes like making it legal, your role in media, marketing, education, travel, weddings, religious, or political interests. Look at tying in your name, title, signature, image, brand, or body as you reach this apex with endings or achievements and celebrations.
Venus moves into fellow fire sign, Leo, on the 5th so the rest of this month will bring a woman on board in the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding interest or it will help you enjoy the love or earn your money. So look to these areas smoothing out and the ability to attract and find pleasure here. Note that the 22nd may stand out when these topics come together splendidly with a lover, child, creative project, or something fun you are doing.
Between the 12th and 14th two major energies shift around so you may feel this as some shifting in energy on a personal level. First, on the 12th Neptune Retrogrades. This begins several months of going back over anything that might have been cloudy or have some healing, romantic, spiritual, addictive, artistic, or research themes tied to involving your home, real estate deals, move, renovation, family, parent, or roommate. Take the time to tune in, slow down and get a feel for what could use your attention here. Something from the past might come back around or you might find yourself ready to release some ongoing situation. Note what comes up around this date for clues as to what you should be working on.
Next Saturn backs his Retrograde into Scorpio on the 14th and will travel through this sign until September 17th. This is the last time Saturn will be in Scorpio for another 29 years so these 3 months are vital to any serious focus you want to have on compulsive behaviors and your sex life, divorce or financial picture. Addictions, boundary issues, authority figures, deception, or karmic balance could be called into play. Look at ways to heal or deal with hospitals, bring the research into play, get real about your romantic union or time you have to get away together, your art, film, music, or other muse related interests, your spiritual pursuits, or time behind the scenes to develop something. Saturn wants you to structure things so they support you, end them if they don't, commit long term or take on the responsibilities, deal with 'no's', master something here, look at limits, and pursue ambitions that relate. Once you've passed this period much of what is going on is cemented.
The Sun and Mars move into the most powerful part of your chart on the 21st and 24th respectively. This means you will be showing up and getting more personally involved in your financial situation, sex life, divorce, a death, birth, reproductive need, or third party situation over the weeks ahead. It's time to take the lead, make your needs known, fight for what you want, get motivated, bring your passions to bear, and deal with any anger issues that might be brewing. You will be able to make things happen in these realms so step up. If you'd like to know more, email and ask about the cost and details for scheduling a private reading based on your unique chart aspects, there's never a better time than the present to delve into your potential!
You still have the first third of June to figure out what it is you want to go back over, rethink, revise, or what people you want to reconnect with or release when it comes to your work, health, paperwork, pets, co-workers, or people you hire. Big choices aimed at these themes are what will take you to the next level this month. Use the period until the 11th for wrapping things up and deciding what goes and what stays, then be ready to start moving forward into new situations or opportunities after this date. The NEW MOON on the 16th will focus on these needs and give you a 2 week boost to get there, make it count.
June starts with energy building to the FULL MOON that peaks on the 2nd so the first couple days will be about what is coming together, coming through, wrapping up, ending, or celebrated around your research, romance, hospital situation, healing, artistic project, or spiritual pursuit. If you need to tackle the legal aspects here, look at a trip, the learning curve, media or marketing needs, or the wedding here, so much the better.
Venus moves into Leo on the 5th so you will enter into a lovely period for love and intimacy or your sex life to come together or for the income situation and the other financial interests to smooth out. It can help with divorce, triangles, reproductive needs, and mortality issues as well. This period can also coincide with women who are good for you in these matters. It's a time to enjoy life in these zones. Note that the 22nd may be a special day with these topics as something exciting or surprising kicks in at home or with real estate, family, a parent, roommate, move, or renovation.
Between the 12th and 14th two major energies shift so you may feel these days as a bit wonky along with this background shift.
First, on the 12th, Neptune Retrogrades. This kicks off several months with potential to review past decisions involving healing, hospitals, research, art, spiritual interests, or romantic unions. Past people or situations may return or you may just want to spend the time wrapping things up that are ongoing and finding your solutions or inspiration.
Next, Saturn takes his Retrograde into the sign Scorpio for the last time on the 14th and will move through this sign until September 17th. These 3 months are your last round of tests and push for self-mastery regarding these themes for another 29 years so you really want to take it seriously and get to work on anything that needs your attention. For your sign this is about what is going on with friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, social networking, your freedom, original ideas, inventions, or aspirations. Look at Scorpio themes in the mix: the finances, sex life, reproductive needs, a death, birth, or divorce. Look at what Saturn wants: structures, limits, endings, 'no's', responsibilities, dealings with authority figures like the boss, parent or judge, ambitions, and leadership. So what can you get real about in the situation? Start now.
The Sun and Mars move into your relationship zone on the 21st and 24th. This means a 30 day and a 7 week period of more activity and personal or physical involvement with these key people. So expect it to get busy with romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, reps, competitors, or other key players. The Solar energy helps you to show up, stand out and make it about your needs. Your name or title, signature or image, brand or body, may be pivotal to the relationship. Mars here for the first time in 2 years is going to stir up passions, motivate action, help you make things happen, and bring out your fighting spirit if needed. Any anger issues can be brought to the surface to work out as well. It's going to be productive. If you'd like to know more, email and ask about the cost and details for scheduling a private reading based on your unique chart aspects, there's never a better time than the present to delve into your potential!
It's decision time when it comes to a creative project or interest, your lover or love life, the kids, or something recreational Aquarius. You've had a couple weeks to revisit things, to connect with the past, rethink what you wanted, and as June gets underway you will be in the thick of this process of reevaluating, releasing, reworking, and revising. Give yourself until the 11th and then plan on things being wrapped up or figured out and your cue to start moving ahead again. The NEW MOON on the 16th will give you a 2 week boost starting at this point that will help take you further in these matters so plan accordingly.
The month begins with energy building around something going on with a friend, group, the internet, your freedom, a charity, gathering, or some aspiration of yours. This will peak with some kind of high point by the 2nd so work towards celebrations, achievements or endings in these areas. A trip or something legal, educational, media related, or tied to a wedding may be at the center of it.
Venus moves into Leo on the 5th and this just so happens to be opposite you so it introduces the benefits of this energy to your relationship sector. You will have this influence for the rest of the month so get ready to smooth some things out or attract to you what you desire. You may experience Venus as a woman who is good to you now or the ability to make money or enjoy the love. Focus it on romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, the competition, and other key players. Singles out there will find they are drawing attention everywhere they go. Note that the 22nd may stand out as a day when news, talks, meetings, offers, or decisions come together with one of these players.
Between the 12th and 14th two major energies shift so you may feel this in your day to day experience as a bit off kilter as the energy settles. First, Neptune goes Retrograde on the 12th. This means that Neptune's affect on your income potential, possessions and purchases will slow down and turn your attention towards past or ongoing situations over the months ahead. So look at past inspiration, artistic projects or talents, research, healing skills, hospital matters, romances, spiritual practices, and projects in development for keys to earning, purchasing or dealing with your stuff.
Next Saturn takes his Retrograde back into Scorpio on the 14th and will tour through this sign until September 17th. This 3 month period is very important since it will be the last time Saturn is in Scorpio for another 29 years. For you it means getting serious about goals, reputation, status, career, and any dealings with parents, bosses, judges, or other authority types in your life. You want to look at Scorpio themes in the mix; finances, divorce, sex, reproduction, death, birth, or third party situations. You then want to look at Saturn themes of setting up structures that support you, dealing with limits, mastering some new skill, handling 'no's', marking endings, making long term commitments, taking on responsibilities, and being ambitious. Grab hold of the reins here, get real, what you do about it now cements things for a while to come.
The Sun and Mars move into Cancer on the 21st and 24th gearing things up for you on the work front, with health needs, any paperwork, your co-workers, people you hire, and pets. The Sun will ask that you get more personally or physically involved, take the lead, sign your name or involve your title, image, brand, or needs in the mix. You'll have 30 days to work this energy. Mars has not been here in 2 years and will give you added heat to make things happen, the motivation and drive to go for it, a fighting spirit if needed, and tons more passion to get your needs across. So dive in, you'll have Mars here for 7 plus weeks, all in all the kind of movement you should want, available if you go for it. If you'd like to know more, email and ask about the cost and details for scheduling a private reading based on your unique chart aspects, there's never a better time than the present to delve into your potential!
Lots of attention on your home, the real estate deals, a move, the renovation, your family, a parent, your roommates, or your security needs are driving your thoughts and decisions as June gets underway thanks to the ongoing Mercury Retrograde that is asking you to rethink things, rework any past situations that look good or release anything that is blocking you, and to wrap things up and get them right now. You have until the 11th to figure it out and then Mercury goes Direct and you are ready to move forward again. NEW MOON energy on the 16th is in the same arena so you will have 2 powerful weeks that help boost you out there into new territory or to take things to the next level in these matters so plan accordingly.
The first couple days of June will also be emotionally charged as some goal comes into sight or wraps up, a career matter hits a peak or something going on with fame, reputation, a boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure in the mix reaches a climax. So expect to wrap things up, mark endings, achieve, and celebrate in these areas and for Sagittarius themes to play a part, meaning something legal, educational, media, wedding, or travel/foreign related is at the core of what culminates in these matters.
Venus moves into Leo on the 5th so you will experience her blessings on the work front, through co-workers, people you hire, your health, pets, and any paperwork from now through the end of the month. This means key women may show up to help in these areas, you may see potential to earn money through tackling these themes and find it goes smoothly, you may attract new situations or smooth out current ones, or see the love flowing in these areas. Note that on the 22nd you might have a stand-out day tied to these themes.
Between the 12th and 14th two major energy shifts may leave you feeling a bit dizzy as you adjust to the new direction. First, Neptune Retrogrades on the 12th and this is your ruling energy so it will affect you personally, physically, or tied to your name, title, image, brand, or signature. Things should slow down and give you time to catch up to what has happened so far involving Neptune themes with you, in other words, healing, hospitals, research, romance, spirituality, or artistry. You may have people or situations return from the past to give it another shot or revisit past inspiration or boundary issues to figure out what you need moving forward. Note what comes up around this date for clues about what you should be focusing on and do take added care of yourself.
Next, Saturn takes his Retrograde back into Scorpio on the 14th and will tour here through September 17th. This is important because this 3 month period is the last time Saturn will tour Scorpio for another 29 years. During this phase it is vital that you get serious about anything involving legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, wedding, religious, or political themes. Think about the Scorpio themes in the mix; sharing, control issues, triangles, sexual needs, reproductive needs, divorce, shared financial matters, and personal empowerment. Then think about Saturn's needs here; to cement something, mark an ending, make a long term commitment, take responsibility, grow up, set or deal with limits, structure things to support, deal with 'no's', or be ambitious. It's your life, what do you want here, get serious about it now.
The Sun and Mars move into Cancer on the 21st and 24th kicking off a 30 day and 7 week cycle respectively. This means more energy and activity occurring in your love life, with a lover, over the kids, with creative ventures, and anything recreational during this period. The Sun asks that you get more personally or physically involved, that your name, title or signature be involved, that your image or brand be considered in the mix, and that you step up, show up, take the lead, and shine your light here. Mars is going to bring the passion, motivation and fighting spirit to make things happen and you haven't had his help here in 2 years. So get ready to get busy, the heat it on.
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