MONDAY will be preparing you for that climactic Moon so you may be getting serious about a few matters and how things are being shared or controlled. The Venus/Neptune inconjunct is important today as well because it will be how you ADJUST starting today with the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, opponent, or other key player that will determine how the love or money flows next week. Where can you give a little?
TUESDAY the Full Moon peaks at 9:45pm eastern/6:45pm pacific. As we build to this during the day Mercury gets involved across the board bringing up any news, offers, sales, agreements, speaking roles, ideas, meetings, talks, or decisions between you and another. Again the Full Moon topics are involved: friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, freedom, originality, or gatherings, and with Mercury in Leo there is some communication going on with the other person involving creative prospects, love, kids, or recreation. Mars gets into the picture mid-day asking for an adjustment at home or with family, a parent, roommate, move, renovation, or real estate deal so you will need to be in the moment with your actions or reactions and dive in.
WEDNESDAY is bringing Jupiter in full force so what you are doing today at home, with real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or security needs is definitely BIG. There is a positive flow to Chiron from Jupiter so the wound is opened here and you are given a chance to heal something. Jupiter squares Uranus so there is something shocking or changing in the moment. You may have an accident, deal with electrical issues or have some ego or bodily issue arise that interferes with efforts going on but Jupiter is on protective mode so just be ready for things to go a bit out of the norm at some point. The Pisces Moon is opening things up for you today behind the scenes, on Karmic levels, and with your artistry, spirituality, romantic private needs, hospital matters, or research. This as well pulls to Jupiter and helps soothe the growth of the day.
THURSDAY continues on in the Pisces Moon energy so you are emotionally involved in what is going on behind the scenes and quite active at home, with the real estate, family, roommate, move, renovation, or security needs. The Sun enters Virgo today and we begin a 30 day cycle that is focused on pouring more personal or physical efforts into our work, health or animals. Being of service takes precedent and tackling paperwork, organizing, tending to details, and making lists takes over.
This is followed by Mercury entering Virgo on FRIDAY. Mercury will add more talks, news, offers, sales, agreements, writing, short trips, local activities, and decisions regarding the job, organizing, paperwork, co-workers, employees, health, pets, and services. Your thoughts are now on these subjects more strongly than other times of the year so you can put some critical thinking to your advantage. Aries Moon is in charge of emotions today so everyone has their own concerns to deal with. These may be a bit intense and driven as obstacles must be overcome in your sex life, with the divorce or over financial matters. Hopefully you made your adjustments count on Monday with that partner, rep, client, or opponent because starting today you are one on one with them over the love or money issues and goals that are shared.
SATURDAY Venus squares Pluto and you are either in an all out power struggle with that partner, rep, client, specialist, opponent, or other player or there is something intense going on sexually or financially where you are working some scenario to make powerful changes and reach goals. Today you must deal with the third party situations. If you have obsessional feelings or are dealing with an obsessive person, it is Pluto and you are advised to be cautious about confrontations and to stay out of dangerous places. The good thing about Venus/Pluto aspects is that they will focus you sharply on money or love/sex in powerful ways. The Sun and Mercury get together today at the same degree so there is a moment when the talks and decisions bring you to the table to put your name on some agreement or paperwork or to get you physically there on the job, with the health concern or commitment, or over the animals.
SUNDAY brings an emotional pull around being valued, making money, dealing with possessions, or making purchases. You are in good standing when it comes to information or decisions tied to work, health or pets today but will have to face something involving another person and their control issues, mortality, financial situation, sexual needs or issues, reproductive matters, or divorce. The Mercury/Neptune opposition brings you into talks or decisions with another person over a health/hospital issue or something involving work and what is in development. Karmic relationships are emphasized in this and a balance demanded. Some things may not be clear so take care when committing yourself to anything just yet. On a positive note, the Neptune influence can be quite inspiring for the artistically inclined out there so put pen to paper or record your ideas, you may come upon an inspiration! The other potential for this combo is a secret meeting or pact with someone. This may be all well and good but note that it will not remain secret for the endurance. For those of you ready to delve into your own chart more deeply you can email Zoe for rates and available dates for a private reading at
You feel the Full Moon building on MONDAY as your aspirations are peaking or you feel something with a friend, party, group, astrology, charity, the internet, your personal freedom, or original idea, is coming to a head. There will be a serious focus on the finances, sex or divorce in all of this and a need to commit or end something here. Venus adjusts to Neptune today asking that you make adjustments with a partner, attorney, agent, specialist, client, opponent, or other key player over something going on behind the scenes. TUESDAY brings the FULL MOON and you are celebrating, wrapping things up, seeing things come through, or ending, with the aspiration, friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, party, event, or freedom. Talks or decisions involving love, kids, creativity, or recreation are part of it and you will be doing something about what needs more effort at home, with renovations, real estate matters, family, roommates, a parent, or moves in some adaptive way. WEDNESDAY is taking that home, real estate deal, family, parent, roommate, move, or renovation to a bigger level. Wounds are opened, healing commences, and something sudden or surprising takes you by surprise. What goes on at the hospital or in development, on the artistic project, spiritual path, with the romantic liaison, research, or retreat is in flow with all of this big stuff happening today so go with it. THURSDAY brings more action behind the scenes involving the parent, roommate, move, renovation, home, real estate deal, or family and this is in positive flow. The Sun moves into Virgo and you are starting a 30 day cycle that will throw you more physically into your job or the quest for work, into health interests or issues, over what you do with animals, co-workers, employees, or paperwork, and motivate you to take the lead in these matters. FRIDAY Mercury follows the Sun into this position so you are turning your mind to these subjects as well and you will now see more offers, news, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, and talks opening up about work, paperwork, health, and animals in the weeks ahead. Start now to move in the direction you wish to go. Aries Moon is in charge so your body, image, identity, brand, or ego needs are front and center today, focus on them. You need to tweak something involving sex, divorce or the big financial situation today. Expect a partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, or opponent to come into view and for you to begin to focus on the love or money with them. SATURDAY the Venus/Pluto square will take that need you have with the partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, or opponent and make it intense. This will either be about power, control, third parties, divorce, finances, sex, or reproduction in an off the charts, attraction and tumble kind of way or it will be about obsessional or destructive tendencies coming to the surface. Since it occurs so early in the morning you may experience it today or you may have had your bout with it last night. Whichever it is know that the energy will be ongoing through Tuesday next week as more comes into play. The Sun and Mercury join today for a meeting, decision, talk, agreement, sale, or writing that involves you and your health, work, paperwork, or pets. SUNDAY is a day to make money or put something in motion towards making money. You may be dealing with making an important purchase or dealing with possessions as an alternative to this. You should be able to work something out behind the scenes and tend to the details. Committing to something serious here or ending something is likely and involves another person. They may be loaning you money or there is a payoff or some other financial matter is coming to a head. You may also find you are hearing news today about a hospital and work or health situation that needs attention. For those of you ready to delve into your own chart more deeply you can email Zoe for rates and available dates for a private reading at It should be an eventful week!
MONDAY builds to the Full Moon so you will feel that you are under pressure to reach a goal or with something climaxing on the career front today. It's good to set some boundaries or deal with limits, ambitions, commitments, or endings with your partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or opponent in preparation. You can achieve good things behind the scenes or in secret. The adjustment between Venus and Neptune today means something has to be tweaked regarding the work, health, paperwork, or pets and the aspirations here. This may involve a friend, group, astrology, charities, the internet, or some gathering but the focus should be what give and take can you get to about the love or money. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON and you see your goals complete or something come through for you on the career front, with a boss, parent, judge, or some personal ambition. This is your second chapter, look back to July 22nd as holding clues to what is culminating now. It's all about endings, achievements, celebrations, and climaxes. Leading up to this will be at least one important decision or agreement with another person about the home, real estate deal, property matter, move, renovation, family, roommate, or parent and an active adjustment you must move on locally. WEDNESDAY brings really big decisions, offers, sales, agreements, writing, meetings, talks, or ideas into play. There may also be something big happening with vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, or moves. Jupiter is all over it so think growth opportunities and look to ways to face wounds and healing around aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings while shaking things up behind the scenes. There is strong potential between you and your key relationships today and you may open the door to travel plans, legal matters, weddings, marketing, education, or adventure. THURSDAY you continue to feel good about the talk, offer, sale, agreement, or decision and how aspirations are working out or what is going on with that friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or gathering. The Sun moves into Virgo so you are entering a 30 day period when you will be pouring more of your personal and physical energy into your love life, creative interests, children, or recreational outlets. Expect to be front and center, taking the lead. FRIDAY Mercury follows the Sun here so now your thoughts really turn to these subjects and you will see that you are meeting people that will affect love, kids or creativity as well as coming up with good ideas, writing, signing agreements, making sales, and decisions that will open this up for you. Local activities or short trips will really rev things up here so get out and about. The Moon has slipped behind the scenes so you will find you can spend more time working something out there, this will involve adjustments with key people, dealing with work, health, pets, or paperwork, and looking at any issues tied to the trip, legal matter, education, wedding, or media venture. SATURDAY what is going on with the work, organization, paperwork, co-worker, people you hire, health, or pets is amping up even more. Today this will bring up powerful and intense moments that play out in these fields and are all about the love/sex balance or the my money/outside money situation. Look to travel, legal, media, marketing, educational, wedding, or publishing needs and how third parties are involved. The Sun and Mercury get together for some love, fun, creative endeavor, or animal activities, all in. SUNDAY continues the flow around love, kids, creativity, and recreation. Talks and meetings should go well but there is one that involves a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or an aspiration that will either inspire greatly or hold something that is less than clear, possibly deceptive, so tread lightly here. The day wraps with serious moments involving your partner, rep, client, competitor, or specialist. For those of you ready to delve into your own chart more deeply you can email Zoe for rates and available dates for a private reading at It should be an eventful week!
MONDAY begins the 2 day process of energy building to the Full Moon so you will be feeling something intensely when it comes to a trip, legal matter, educational pursuit, media, marketing or publishing deal, or wedding. Today it is best to tend to the work involved or any paperwork, health concern or animal need so it can come together. Venus and Neptune are inconjunct so you really need to make an adjustment involving your lover, kids, creative project, or recreational needs. Is this about love or money for you and how can you adapt a goal or make some tweaks when it comes to career, the boss, parent, or other authority figure? TUESDAY is the FULL MOON and this is bringing a climax to the travel plans, with the person at a distance, a foreign interest, import/export, educational pursuit, wedding, media, marketing, publishing, or broadcasting interest, political agenda, religious interest, or legal matter. As the day builds to this you will be in a talk with someone else or making a decision, fielding an offer, sale, or agreement tied to this theme and it will push you to do something about income, possessions or a purchase with a bit of finesse. WEDNESDAY Jupiter is all over your income, possessions or purchases so expect these topics to be really big deals today. There is some healing after looking at a wound about reputation, fame, career, status, the parent, boss, judge, or some personal ambition, and a need to make some last minute change or deal with one involving aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. All this shuffling seems to pay off since the flow really begins to envelope this and you are making moves for something in development, a bit hush hush for now. THURSDAY again fuels actions with earning money, possessions or purchases and goals being reached or career matters moving along nicely. The Sun moves into Virgo and puts you into a 30 day cycle where you will be pouring more personal and physical energy into your home, a move, renovation, real estate deal, property matter, family interest, parent, or roommate situation. It's time to take the lead and get present. FRIDAY Mercury follows the Sun here turning your thoughts to focus on these subjects and amping up offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, talks, and decisions in the weeks ahead. The emotional energy today is all about friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations. Some adjustments and balancing is necessary, especially where work, paperwork, health, or pets are concerned. Today and tomorrow are going to get intense where sex, divorce, loans, debt, payments, or other financial concerns are involved. SATURDAY is the Venus/Pluto square so the financial matter hits an intense new level or the sexual or divorce issue is over the top, it asks that you look at the love, value or income status and how your kids, lover or creativity is being affected. The Sun/Mercury meeting today puts you into something about home, moves, renovations, real estate, family, roommates, or a parent, making choices and getting involved. SUNDAY these themes continue under positive flow however there is an opposition to Neptune which will either bring another person into the scenario and inspire you greatly here at home or with the other topics or it will confuse or bring something deceptive into the mix, be certain you know what it is you are agreeing to. There is also a serious influence around the work that needs doing, your job, any paperwork, health concerns or interests, and the pets with this person, commit or limit. For those of you ready to delve into your own chart more deeply you can email Zoe for rates and available dates for a private reading at It should be an eventful week!
MONDAY will begin to build your emotions towards tomorrows Full Moon so expect that needs you have over financial matters, sex, divorce, or reproduction will be front and center. Today this means dealing with limits, issues, or serious commitments involving the kids, lover or creative flow. You will also be fielding the Venus/Neptune inconjunct which will point out any love or income needs at home or tied to moves, renovations, real estate deals, a parent, family, or roommates and ask that you make adjustments with something in the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding realm. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON and a climax happens today regarding your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, a death, birth, loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance matter, the taxes, alimony, child support, investments, settlements, commissions, or a partner's money. It's a day when these things come through in a big way, wrap up, end, or there is something to celebrate or achieved. As you build to this there is an offer or talk involving income for you or your possessions or purchases. You will also need to make an adjustment on a personal or physical level about it all, possibly sign something or get in there and make your presence known. WEDNESDAY is big for you because Jupiter in your sign is quite active. This means something expansive can occur involving your name, brand, image, body, identity, or some personal goal. Any wounds that require healing may be touched upon in the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding realm and you will find that you are moving forward in at least one of these areas now. You will have a wild card coming through a career matter, boss, parent, judge, or personal goal today so stay on your toes. THURSDAY continues in the positive flow over these themes but the Sun moves into Virgo. This kicks off a 30 day cycle that will see you much more involved in your local neighborhood or taking short trips, writing, dealing with agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, offers, proposals, and decision making. You will be more physically involved, your name or brand may be tied to these themes, and your personal interests will flow here. FRIDAY Mercury follows into Virgo so starting now the energy is more or less doubled, your thoughts are fully focused on these themes and it's time to make choices. Emotional needs today are on goals, career, a parent, boss, or other authority as you make creative or love adjustments, deal with property or family needs and any powerful changes or transformations involving a partner, rep, client, competitor, or other key individual. SATURDAY will feel ambitious, driven to do something big and you are going to feel the Venus/Pluto square as an intense push/pull between home, family, real estate, renovations, moves, or roommates, and the partner, attorney, agent, client, competitor, specialist, or other key player. Venus/Pluto combos bring out powerful drives involving the love/sex dynamic, the obsessional side of things, control or power struggles, or something playing out over my money/your money/their money dynamics so you can either let it bring deeper changes or find you are in the midst of something heavy today. The Sun/Mercury combo will bring an important talk, offer, agreement, sale, writing project, short trip, sibling or neighbor need, transportation choice, electronic matter, or decision that requires your input. SUNDAY brings you into a more social framework so you may need to connect with friends or groups, spend time online or with astrology, get involved in charities or gatherings, or chase an aspiration. It's serious today with kids, love or creative output and you will find you are into one major choice with someone else over legal matters, travel plans, a wedding, educational pursuits, media, marketing, or publishing needs. This may inspire or there may be something confusing or deceptive in the mix, aim for clarity. For those of you ready to delve into your own chart more deeply you can email Zoe for rates and available dates for a private reading at It should be an eventful week!
MONDAY will bring emotions around partners, reps, clients, specialists, or the competition and get you serious about home, real estate needs, family, moves, renovations, roommates, or your security needs. You may feel pushed to make commitments, deal with issues or end something. These key relationships are where things will peak tomorrow under the Full Moon so look at what is amplifying now. There is an important adjustment you need to contend with now so that next weeks crazy energy goes more smoothly for you and it focuses today on adjusting to news, offers, sales, agreements, writing, meetings, or decisions involving the big financial matter, a divorce, reproduction, a death, birth, or your sex life. How can you rethink it a bit or do some give and take so that you come to terms or make better choices? TUESDAY is the FULL MOON and a climax with your romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, advocate, client, competitor, opponent, or other key relationship. Things are coming through today or wrapping up, you are celebrating achievements or marking endings. Expect to get into some talks, hear news or make decisions with them leading up to this and to make some adjustment involving film, music, art, spiritual practices, hospitals, addictions, retreat, research, investigations, private romantic time, or a clandestine affair. WEDNESDAY is all about Jupiter making these particular themes bigger so expect something to expand in the arts, spiritual endeavors, private romantic avenues, hospitals, prisons, retreats, research, investigations, dealing with the addictions, or with projects in development. There is potential to face a wound and do some healing in all of this that ties into the sex life, divorce or major financial needs. This looks like it becomes a very good thing today. There will be a wild card on a legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding theme so be on the lookout for surprises or changes here. THURSDAY continues in the positive sexual, divorce or financial matters behind the scenes but today the Sun moves into Virgo and shifts your involvement in life over to making money, dealing with possessions and making purchases. This is a 30 day cycle that will see you way more active in these areas, putting your name to this or making personal appearances or taking the lead to make it so. FRIDAY Mercury follows the Sun into Virgo so now you will see a trend where more offers, sales, agreements, writing, meetings, pitches, proposals, short trips, and decisions will flood the mix helping you to earn money or deal with possessions or purchases. Emotional energy is on legal, travel, educational, media, publishing, marketing, and wedding interests today. Here you will have lots of hurdles to jump through so pace yourself with home or family needs, meetings over love or money, and some of the intense changes or transformations occurring around work, paperwork, co-workers, employees, health, or pets. SATURDAY the intensity lingers a bit from yesterday so you may still be fielding those matters but today the Venus/Pluto square perfects so there is more powerful concentration of obsessional dedication to what is happening with that work, co-worker, employee, health, animal, or paperwork theme and the decision being made here. These planets together will bring out something involving love/sex/triangles or probing connections or it will focus on the issues involving my money/your/our/their money in the situation. You may evolve this by working through obstacles or find you are sucked into something dark so take care. The Sun and Mercury get together today to put you in the spotlight over offers, sales, agreements, writing, speaking roles, meetings, or decisions involving your income, purchases or possessions, it's a fresh start. SUNDAY that income, possession or purchase focus continues to spur you on, if you are goal oriented over this today you should do well. There will be a one on one with someone over these needs and what is occurring with the loan, debt, settlement, investment, bankruptcy, inheritance, commissions, alimony, child support, divorce, insurance, taxes, or sexual needs. This may inspire or confuse so make sure you know which side you are landing on with them and you may wish to make final choices until you are certain if you feel unsure today. For those of you ready to delve into your own chart more deeply you can email Zoe for rates and available dates for a private reading at It should be an eventful week!
MONDAY brings a serious bit of news or points out any limits, ambitions, endings, or commitments through talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, or short trips. This is going to bring up emotions over work, co-workers, paperwork, employees, health matters, or pets and ask that you work something out. Emotions are building to tomorrows Full Moon in these areas so do what you can regarding challenges or motivation here. Venus adjusts to Neptune so an adjustment involving your income, possessions or purchases is on the table and will bring in the need for give and take with the partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, or other key person. Work on the fine points now because all of this gets crazy next week and you want to be prepared. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON and a climax with that work load, the job, any paperwork, a co-worker, people you hire, health interests, environmental concerns, animals, or services. Things are coming through today or wrapping up, you are celebrating achievements or marking endings. Expect a private meeting or talk before this with someone important and then doing something involving a friend, aspiration, group, the internet, astrology, charities, your freedom, an invention, your original idea, or some gathering and that this will require adjustments. WEDNESDAY is about taking that social or original direction to a bigger level. Jupiter is all over this so something big is happening with the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, aspiration, social networking, invention, freedom, or cause today. There is potential to look at the wounds and reach some healing here involving the partner, rep, client, competition, or other key player. In fact this person is integral to your day and opening things up in a pretty great way. You will have a wild card as something changes or surprises involving the major financial picture or resources, the sex life, divorce, a death, birth, or reproductive need, be ready to adapt in the moment. THURSDAY continues the growth vibe with key people and those aspirations or other social outlets, it's in positive flow so stay on it. The Sun moves into your sign and kicks off a 30 day cycle that puts you into the spotlight so it's important to ask yourself what you want to commit to and go for it. Improvements to your body, image, brand, or identity are possible now as are stepping up and taking the lead in some cherished goal, the world should notice your efforts. FRIDAY Mercury follows the Sun here helping you to make choices and amping up the offers, sales, agreements, meetings, and decisions you will be making over the weeks ahead, again aimed at you and your needs, yay! Emotional energy will be all about the sex, divorce, death, birth, or big financial matter today. In this expect a busy day full of adjustments and intense moments involving talks, meetings, news, income, lovers, kids, and creative outlets. SATURDAY carries over any big push you are doing in these areas and then brings on the Venus/Pluto square. This is a very intense configuration that will either bring you to a deeper point with the love/sex equation or bring up something intense over money and how it is shared or where it is coming from. For you the creative project, lover, kids, or speculation will be involved so seek to transform rather than fall into any power struggles or dark corners. The Sun/Mercury combo is giving you a fresh start, what do you want? SUNDAY will focus in on legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, marketing, or publishing interests. There is positive flow behind what you do here but a need to get serious with someone about what is going on, do you need to set limits, end something, commit long term, be ambitious, or deal with authorities in the mix? The Mercury/Neptune opposition will be about the news, offers, choices, agreements, sales, writing, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, ideas, or decisions going down between you and another person today. This energy will either inspire greatly or be confusing or outright deceptive. Make certain that you know where you fall and if you suspect the latter then take precautions or wait to agree until you have more information. For those of you ready to delve into your own chart more deeply you can email Zoe for rates and available dates for a private reading at It should be an eventful week!
MONDAY has a strong emotional flow around your creative needs, recreational prospects, love life, or the kids. This energy is building to tomorrows Full Moon here so look at any issues you have today involving the income, purchases, possessions, or being valued and see what can be done about limits, endings, commitments, ambitions, or structure. Venus and Neptune inconjunct so you must deal with adjustments when it comes to work, paperwork, co-workers, employees, health, or pets. This may be about the love or the money but the important thing here is you work out ways to finesse this a bit because next week things are going to amp up and you want issues worked out now if you can. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON and a climax in your love life, with your lover or the pursuit of love, the kids, your creative projects, or recreational interests. Something comes through, wraps up, is achieved, celebrated, or ends now. You will hear news or be in talks or decisions involving aspirations, a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, or gatherings leading up to this peak and then making an adjustment regarding your career, reputation, fame, a personal goal, boss, parent, or other authority figure. WEDNESDAY the focus on the career, goal, ambition, boss, parent, judge, reputation, fame, or other authority gets really big with Jupiter pushing for growth here. The potential to face wounds and heal over the job, work load, paperwork, co-worker, employee, health, or pets is big today and seems to really work out with some effort or attention to detail. There is a wild card coming through a partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, or other key individual so be in the moment. THURSDAY the work, health, paperwork, pet flow continues to move towards goals or recognition under positive stars. The Sun moves into Virgo and lights up your mystical zone for the next 30 days. You may find you wish to retreat a bit and spend some time getting into your zen, finding your muse, romancing your lover, dealing with addictions, hospitals or habits, researching, or developing a project during this period. It will put you more personally and physically into the mix and is your call to rest a bit and prepare for a whole new Libra cycle kicking off after this period. FRIDAY Mercury moves into the same territory so now talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, offers, and decisions will focus in on these artistic, spiritual, romantic, institutional, research, and developmental areas of life. The emotional needs today are with partners, reps, clients, the competition, or other key players. It seems there's a lot to be done about income, possessions, purchases, home, real estate, family, parents, roommate, moves, or renovations with them so get busy! SATURDAY this continues to focus on the key relationships and big goals you are aiming for but today also brings the Venus/Pluto square. This is an intense combo regarding your home, family, a move, renovation, real estate deal, parent, or security needs. With Venus/Pluto a love/sex dynamic is playing out here or something involving regenerative, power issues or the financial picture and how it's shared. Look for ways to transform rather than get sucked into power plays. The Sun/Mercury combo offers you your place in the research, investigation, hospital matter, dealing with addictions, the film, music, art, clandestine romance, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic, or other behind the scenes interests. SUNDAY what goes on behind the scenes amps up and ties into the sex life, divorce, death, birth, or major financial interest. Talks are bringing much up for you and will either inspire you greatly or be confusing or deceptive so know which side of this you are falling on. You need to get real about income, being valued, a possession, or purchases. For those of you ready to delve into your own chart more deeply you can email Zoe for rates and available dates for a private reading at It should be an eventful week!
MONDAY is about emotional needs you have and what is going on at home, with a move, renovation, real estate deal, the family, a parent, your roommates, or your sense of security. It's important to get real about what you can limit, end, commit to, or get ambitious about here since it is building towards tomorrow's Full Moon. The Venus/Neptune inconjunct speaks of making an adjustment involving what is going on behind the scenes or in secret, that has Karmic implications, is about film, music, art, romantic needs, spiritual practices, hospitals, addictions, self-sabotage, research, investigations, or projects in development. Look at how this is tied into your creative projects, love life, kids, or recreational needs and adapt as you can because next week it gets crazier. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON and things come to a head with your home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parent, roommate, or security needs. This is the time when things come through or wrap up, you celebrate achievements or mark endings. Leading up to this are talks or information regarding a goal, your career, a boss, parent or other authority figure and some adjustment you make involving legal, travel, educational, distant, media, marketing, wedding, or publishing interests. WEDNESDAY these themes go big with Jupiter pushing for some growth in those legal, travel, distant, educational, wedding, media, marketing, or publishing realms. There is potential for you to focus on the wound and get some healing where your creative projects, kids or love life are concerned and indeed it will be these forces that open things so powerfully today in your Jupiter realms. A wild card is in the day and involves work, health, paperwork, or pets. Be in the moment. THURSDAY the good energy continues from yesterday and supports actions and growth for you. The Sun moves into Virgo and opens up a 30 day cycle that puts you into more social and original territory. This period will put you at the helm with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, gatherings, aspirations, your personal freedom, inventions, and original ideas. You may wish to be more involved or attach your name, image or brand in what you do here. FRIDAY Mercury follows the Sun here and kicks off more offers, sales, agreements, writing, short trips, speaking roles, and decisions in these same arenas for you. Today the emotional energy is on a health matter, work situation, the paperwork, or animals. You will be adapting a bit, dealing with some things behind the scenes and doing your best to handle a weighty bit of news or decision. SATURDAY the health, work, paperwork, or pet matter continues to be big, today it may involve travel, legal, educational, wedding, or media needs. The Venus/Pluto square perfecgts bringing up powerful energy around hospitals, addictions, secrets, Karma, artistic pursuits, spiritual practices, clandestine romance, research, or developmental projects and the information, news, talks, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions involved here. With Venus/Pluto the ramifications are either sexual/love related, financially bound, or about control and transformation. Do your best to evolve through the situation rather than find yourself in a power struggle. The Sun/Mercury combo is all about putting you out front with your peers, online, with astrology, charities, freedom, or change. SUNDAY focuses in on the partner, rep, client, specialist, competition, or other key player. There are a lot of talks or information going about over the freedom or changes, your friends, groups, internet, astrology, or charity interests, and serious choices for you. Neptune is swirling around the love life, kids or creative venture today so in talks with others let it inspire you but also note this energy may bring confusing or deceptive information, know which it is for you before committing to anything. For those of you ready to delve into your own chart more deeply you can email Zoe for rates and available dates for a private reading at It should be an eventful week!
MONDAY is about serious ambitions, commitments, endings, or limits involving something going on behind the scenes, with the arts, romance, spiritual pursuit, hospital, addiction, research, or development. Venus adjusts to Neptune so you need to adjust with the friend, group, social networking, internet, astrology, charity, or aspiration and what you are doing about home, family, a move, renovation, real estate deal, parent, or roommate. Look at the love or money flow and tweak things as best you can because things are going to amp up here next week. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON and a climax for you with an offer, agreement, sale, proposal, pitch, meeting, talk, speaking role, the writing, a short trip, local activity, sibling, neighbor, move, vehicle, electronic, or decision. Things are coming through now or wrapping up, you are celebrating achievements or marking endings. As this builds today you will find you are in a one on one with someone over this and the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans, and then doing something about the financial picture, sex life or divorce to adjust it all. WEDNESDAY that financial, sexual or divorce theme goes big with your ruler, Jupiter, taking it over the top. This means you may find ways to deal with wounds and healing at home, with real estate, family, parents, roommates, renovations, or moves and really make some things happen here today. There is a wild card involving the kids, a creative project or your lover at some point so be in the moment for what comes up. THURSDAY the good financial, sexual or divorce energy continues to fuel efforts at home, with moves, renovations, real estate deals, family, parents, or roommates. The Sun moves into Virgo today and highlights your position on the career front and with any major personal goals you may be focused on now. During the next 30 day cycle here you will stand out and are encouraged to take the lead when it comes to pouring more personal or physical energy into career, goals, reputation building, launching new business, dealing with bosses, parents, judges, or other authority figures, and achieving. You may see your name out there or your image out front of what you are doing, all good. FRIDAY Mercury moves into the same arena so in the weeks ahead this will turn your thoughts to goals, career and authorities but it will also amp up the offers, sales, agreements, writing, pitches, proposals, speaking roles, short trips, and decisions about these matters. Today the emotional energy is on love, kids, recreation, or creative projects. It will involve adjustments to behind the scenes matters, one on ones with friends or online, and any intense obstacles regarding income, purchases or possessions. SATURDAY this energy with love, kids, fun, and creativity continues on but today involves something big with the outside financial resources, sex life or divorce. Venus and Pluto square so you are dealing with deep energy around a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, social gatherings, or aspirations and the income, possession or purchases. With Venus/Pluto it will be intense regarding the sexual/love flow or financial flow and how things are controlled, shared or changed now. Look to evolve the situation rather than get pulled into power struggles. The Sun/Mercury combo is a fresh start for you with that goal, career or authority. SUNDAY is all about organizing, working, tending to health or animals, and any paperwork you need to tackle. Goals can be discussed or agreements and terms met. There is some information or communication with another person today about home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, or roommates that will either inspire, confuse or deceive so make sure you know where you fall in this and don't commit yourself to something that is flimsy. For those of you ready to delve into your own chart more deeply you can email Zoe for rates and available dates for a private reading at It should be an eventful week!
MONDAY pushes you to deal with income, possessions or purchases and the emotional energy here is building towards tomorrow's Full Moon so do what you can to set limits, mark endings, make commitments, or further ambitions when it comes to the friend, group, associate, internet, social networking, gathering, astrology, or charity and any original ideas or independent needs. Venus inconjuncts Neptune today so there is a need to make some adjustments on the career front, with a goal, the boss, a parent, the judge, another authority figure, or your leadership abilities. It's about the love or the money and important that you figure out how to give and take in talks, agreements, writing, sales, moves, or anything involving the sibling, neighbor, vehicles, electronics, or choices today. It gets crazy in these areas next week so prep now and bend a bit. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON and a climax with income, possessions or purchases. Things are coming through now or wrapping up, you are celebrating achievements or marking endings. Leading up to this today is a meeting or decision with another person over the loan, settlement, commissions, or some other financial topic and some action with the partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, or other key player involving a bit of adjustment. WEDNESDAY what is going on with this other person goes really big. Jupiter is pushing for some growth with or through that romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other key relationship. This will allow for a wound and some healing to occur via talks or decisions and may lead to some fruitful meetings, agreements, sales, or short trips today. There is a wild card at some point at home, with a real estate deal, the family, parent, roommate, move, renovation, or security need so stay on your toes here. THURSDAY continues the positive action with the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key person in talks, meeting, writing, agreements, sales, offers, or decisions. The Sun moves into Virgo and kicks off a 30 day cycle aimed at pushing you out into the spotlight and taking more of a lead in legal matters, travel plans, weddings, media, marketing, publishing, educational pursuits, politics, religion, or adventure. You may be more of a presence now or tying your name, brand or image to these themes. FRIDAY Mercury follows the Sun here and brings offers, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, meetings, talks, speaking roles, local activities, and decisions into the mix so you are on fire in these areas. Today there is going to be an emotional focus on the home, real estate needs, family, parent, roommate, move, or renovation. You have something serious to contend with here involving a friend, the internet, astrology, charities, or group activities, a need to deal with the love or money goal, and to allow for something powerful to evolve within yourself (it seems some personal or physical changes are due). SATURDAY home, family, moves, renovations, roommates, real estate, or parents continue to pull your focus and today there is something big here involving a partner, rep, client, or other key relationship. Venus squares Pluto which is very intense energy and plays out on your career front, with a personal goal, your reputation, fame, a boss, parent, judge, or other authority, or your leadership abilities. With these 2 energies you are in the midst of something powerful going on with the sex/love dynamic here or something about control, obsession or the financial picture. Do your best to transform and empower rather than fall into power plays. The Sun/Mercury combo opens up an opportunity for you to step into that legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding moment. SUNDAY the love life, kids or creative projects are going strong and link positively to the wedding, trip, legalities, education, media, or adventure. You will be in talks or making news about this in some very inspired way or fielding something that could be confusing or deceptive, try to discern which side of this you fall, it could be either, and don't commit if you are unsure just yet. For those of you ready to delve into your own chart more deeply you can email Zoe for rates and available dates for a private reading at It should be an eventful week!
MONDAY is bringing any personal or physical needs to the table regarding your career, a personal goal, the boss, parent, judge, or other authority, or an achievement you have in mind. It's important to look at limits, endings, commitments, ambitions, and structuring things in this today as things are building to the Full Moon tomorrow. The Venus/Neptune inconjunct is asking that you make an adjustment where the love or money is involved with travel or someone at a distance, legal matters, educational pursuits, wedding plans, or media interests. Your sense of value, way you make money, purchases, or possessions are part of this adjustment. Do what you can to tweak things now since it amps up big time next week. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON in your sign! This is the 2nd, the last being July 22nd at the beginning degree of Aquarius. So you may have had a version of this climax then and now the second chapter occurs. So what about you is coming to a peak now? Your needs, image, body, name, identity, brand, or some personal goal? You will see things come through, wrap up, celebrated, or ended. Building to this today is a one-on-one with a partner, rep, client, specialist, or opponent and an action you take to tweak something involving work, paperwork, health, or pets. WEDNESDAY that work scenario, organization, paperwork, health, or animal interest is going big thanks to Jupiter looking for some growth opportunity here. It's lucky and expansive and will allow you to face income, spending or possessional wounds and do some healing. In fact the day looks pretty good for the money flow and feeling valued aside of the work, paperwork, health, or pets. There will be a wild card via some news, agreement, sale, siblings, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, move, or meeting at some point so be on the lookout for it but focus on the good stuff. THURSDAY continues in the income, possessions, purchases, and work, paperwork, health, and pets combination under positive stars. The Sun moves into Virgo and puts a spotlight on your sex life, divorce, reproductive needs, and financial interests for the next 30 days. This will see you stepping up and taking the lead on loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, commissions, royalties, settlements, investments, alimony, child support, divorce, your sex life, or reproductive matters. It's where you will want to pour most of your personal and physical energy. FRIDAY Mercury follows the Sun into this zone so now talks, offers, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, and decisions can come together over these subjects. Emotions will be on these communications or local activities today and may also involve siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics. You are going to be making adjustments and dealing with someone over the legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media needs. Something intense is going on behind the scenes or on a Karmic level. SATURDAY the work, paperwork, health, or pets needs are big and you will be making decisions or pushing ideas here. Venus and Pluto square bringing up any love/sex or financial issues and third party scenarios that play into either. For you it happens where secrets and Karma are at work and involves travel, people at a distance, legal channels, media, education, weddings, or adventure. This may be intense in a good way or obsessional or manipulative so take care to evolve the situation rather than get caught up in any power plays. The Sun/Mercury combo opens up fresh moments for you with the financial, sexual or divorce scenario. SUNDAY home, real estate, family, moves, renovations, roommates, or parents are in the emotions headlights and you are able to make some positive choices here or meet over financial, sexual or divorce needs influencing these matters. You will have a one-on-one with someone over being valued, making money, spending, or the possessions, this will either inspire you greatly or could confuse or deceive so take care you know which side you fall on. For those of you ready to delve into your own chart more deeply you can email Zoe for rates and available dates for a private reading at It should be an eventful week!
MONDAY is about the emotional build-up to tomorrow's Full Moon and will be focusing in on something going on behind closed doors, that is Karmic by nature, has some foothold in film, music or the arts, spiritual practices, romantic interludes, hospitals, addictions, retreat, rest, recuperation, research, investigations, or development. As you field your feelings here today it's important to get serious about limits, endings, commitments, ambitions, or structures tied to legal matters, travel plans, weddings, educational pursuits, media, marketing, or publishing. Venus inconjuncts Neptune today so you must adapt around a big financial situation, a sexual need, reproductive matter, divorce, death, or birth. It's important that you do for yourself what you need to about this today since one or more of these matters will get a bit crazy next week. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON and a climax for you with the retreat, rest, research, hospital, addiction, Karmic situation, film, music, art, poetry, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic matter, investigation, clandestine affair, private romantic getaway, or project in development. Things are coming through, wrapping up, being celebrated, or ending here. This is your 2nd peak, the first occurring on July 22nd so you can look back to that date for clues as to what is culminating now. A talk or decision about work, with a co-worker, employee, over paperwork, health, or pets is part of the build-up to this Full Moon and will push you to do something to adapt where lover, kids, creative pursuits, or recreation is concerned. WEDNESDAY the lover, kids, creative projects, or recreational pursuits are going big thanks to Jupiter looking for some growth here. This means you will have an opportunity to face a personal or physical wound and get some healing regarding these topics and put yourself into a golden flow today that opens this up and links in nicely to that trip, legal, wedding, educational, or media interest and your friend or social aspiration. There is a wild card at some point today involving income, possessions or purchases so be in the moment with this. THURSDAY the good vibes continue for you and your love life, kids, creative efforts, or fun and Mars will help you motivate to do things here or express your passions. The Sun moves into Virgo and begins a 30 day cycle meant to push you into more with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, and other key relationships. You will be taking the lead and standing out. You should reach out to them to help further your agenda or you may be taking their name or getting help to change yours or to promote your brand or care for your body. FRIDAY Mercury follows the Sun here so offers, agreements, proposals, writing, sales, meetings, talks, ideas, short trips, local activities, and decisions amp up with the partners, reps, clients, specialists, and others over the weeks ahead. Today there is an emotional energy around making money, purchases or possessions. You will need to make an adjustment with the trip, legal, media, educational, or wedding plans and deal with financial, divorce or sexual balance with someone else. There is a big change involving an aspiration, friend, group, the internet, astrology, or charity in the mix. SATURDAY the income, possession or purchase is going big with the love, kids or creative efforts. The Venus/Pluto square is intense and plays out over financial matters and a friend, group, internet matter, astrology, charity, or aspiration, or it plays out in the sexual, death, birth, or divorce arena and the friend, group, aspiration, internet, astrology, or charity combination. With Venus and Pluto in such an alignment you will be figuring out how the financial picture is being shared or how the love/sex dynamic is playing out, is it regenerative, are things manipulative, controlling, evolving, changing? The Sun/Mercury aspect gives you a fresh start with the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key player. SUNDAY this person is pivotal to your day and you should find you are in meetings, talks, sharing news, making proposals or fielding offers, or out doing something nearby. This all looks good and may inspire an agreement between you or confuse or deceive, depending on which side of Neptune you fall so be as clear as you can be and listen to your inner voice, it may bring great insight. For those of you ready to delve into your own chart more deeply you can email Zoe for rates and available dates for a private reading at It should be an eventful week!
CHECK OUT some of the GROOVY MAGAZINES and SITES that feature Zoe's horoscopes or support Zoe's efforts (in alphabetical order):
Beauty Under Cover
Bellesprit Magazine
The Cosmic Path
Manchester Gossip
Northwest Woman's Magazine
Out Impact Magazine
Quik Impressions
Sugarhigh and Lovestoned
Universal Film Magazine
Vicki Abelson's Women Who Write
Yahoo! Shine
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