Thursday, May 16, 2024



 VOID MOON CALENDER for May 13-20 (Eastern Standard Time):        

MONDAY: 5:13am-6:36am   

TUESDAY: no void   

WEDNESDAY: 12:41pm-5:33pm   

THURSDAY: no void   

FRIDAY: no void  

SATURDAY: 5:09am-6:23am   

SUNDAY 11:48am-midnight                         

Some days we just have to do it, get through it, and make the most of it, arg. Virgo Moon keeps us focused on work or health needs, paperwork, cleaning, organizing, or what's going on with co-workers, hired help, or animals. Mars is stirred up regarding personal needs or our physical involvement in the story and asks that we don't let anger, frustration or too much passion derail but rather be flexible if we can. And Mercury is building to square Pluto by the end of the night/early in the wee hours, depending on your location. This means all day into tomorrow morning it is bringing up news, ideas, talks, meetings, or anything involving short trips, vehicles, electronics, writing, agreements, moves, siblings, neighbors, or decisions that are focused on values, being valued, income, purchases, possessions, or products. A friend, group, online interest, or situation around freedoms, originality, spontaneity, or sudden changes is likely in the mix pushing or testing over something powerful, buried, purging, or evolving here with financial, sexual, divorce, reproduction, or third-party influences in the mix. Yep, so chew on it, brew on it, do it, get through it, here we go. TONIGHT'S SHOW looks interesting, I will be looking at the Sun and Venus entering Gemini and how they will be impacting the weeks ahead when it comes to our personal needs and love or income, as well as the important Jupiter/Neptune alignment and what that means for growth, happiness and our manifesting abilities, and finally, the Full Moon in Sagittarius bringing major endings or breakthroughs for each of us. LISTEN HERE: 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific!    PRAYER TODAY is, 'May we surrender to what is beyond our control and trust in the process, the guidance of higher powers and our own ability to overcome.' PEAK TIME is 12:00pm Eastern/9:00am Pacific! If you'd like to SUPPORT THIS WORK you can buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!                                                Buy Me A Coffee

To BOOK A READING with Zoe, just inbox me and ask about the details.                                                                                                   The WEEKLY HOROSOPES May 13-20 are up, READ THEM HERE:   Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES May 13-20

TUNE IN to the WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW/HOROSCOPES May 17-24 TONIGHT at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific:  

The MAY MONTHLY ASTROLOGY Show is up, LISTEN HERE:  Zoe Moon Astrology HealthyLife.Net Radio Show Archive OR go directly to the player and listen here:                                                                                   The MAY MONTHLY HOROSCOPES:  Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology MAY MONTHLY HOROSCOPES

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