Sunday, October 16, 2016


CLICK on the link above to HEAR MORE about your WEEK AHEAD!

Void Moons do not receive the influence we may need to direct our purpose forward on a matter so it's thought that to initiate action during a VOID MOON may not bring the results you want. However, Void Moon's are perfect for incubating ideas, wrapping up on ongoing situations and allowing the higher power to take over the direction of where things should go, they can be magical!
VOID MOON in the week ahead, (all times given are Eastern Standard Time, U.S.):

MONDAY 10:47am-midnight
TUESDAY 12:00am-10:30am
WEDNESDAY no void moon
THURSDAY 7:17am -11:28am
FRIDAY no void moon
SATURDAY 3:14pm – 3:34pm
SUNDAY no void moon

MONDAY sits in a Void Moon from 10:47am Eastern/7:47am Pacific onward so if you need to take action on something with a specific result do so before it kicks in or wait for tomorrow. Taurus Moon will align favorably with Mars and Pluto today so the income needs, what you’re doing with possessions, purchases, or products, is in line with whatever powerful goal you’ve set, the authority figures in charge, the career momentum, and actions and powerful changes going on. An adjustment aspect to Mercury means making some adjustments to the news, talks, agreements, meetings, sales, writing, offers, or decisions involving the partner, opponent, client, specialist, representatives, or other relationships.

TUESDAY Venus moves into Sagittarius where she will now tour until Nov. 11th. Venus in this sign will help smooth things out or bring a stronger focus on a woman, the love, the income, or beauty themes as they play out in legal matters, travel/foreign interests, media, politics, religion, education, or weddings. You may find you can earn more by broadcasting your message or getting legal advice or importing or teaching what you know or getting certified in something, etc. The same goes for the love in your life, your beauty needs and the women. The Gemini Moon will oppose this new Venus placement today so you may find yourself one-on-one with someone over one of these topics, communicating ideas or making decisions.

TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY is the MARS/PLUTO conjunction. This is a very powerful combination occurring in Capricorn at 15 degrees. It is about something powerful being set in motion now involving 1)Mars-actions, passions, anger, courage, war, aggression, or motivating forces. 2)Pluto-death, birth, financial matters, third party situations, power, control, sex, reproduction, divorce, manipulations, purging, change. 3)Capricorn-leadership, rulers, countries, governments, banking institutions, personal goals, reputation, status, career, authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, or mentor. So something gets the energetic push forward as a fire is ignited. This may happen in the build-up on Tuesday or during the exact embrace on Wednesday or both. So if you have something you would like to ambitiously push forward on, motivate now.

WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Mercury opposes Uranus. This is in the build-up phase on Wednesday and perfects on Thursday so you may experience it either day or both. This is about news, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions involving a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, open enemy, or competitor. It has a surprise, some excitement, a sudden change, or shock factor to it between two parties involved.

FRIDAY the Cancer Moon brings our emotional energy to home, family, country, security, ancestry, land, and anything focused on real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates as well. This Moon is going to oppose Mars and Pluto and Square Jupiter. So it will amp up feelings over whatever is going on and bring a big push with that activity going on with authority figures, leaders, goals, countries, career, etc, and the powerful changes in the mix, as well as push something big with that partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, enemy, or competitor.

SATURDAY the Cancer Moon will square the Sun and Mercury bringing more energy on home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, country, security, parents, roommates, or ancestry. This time bringing out a need for news, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, and some kind of personal or physical involvement with the partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, opponent, or competitor about it. The Sun enters Scorpio where it will now tour for the next 30 days. This means a spotlight is now on sex, reproduction, divorce, shared or third party situations, power, control, death, birth, manipulations, purging, and changes. It is a time to show up and get more personally or physically involved with these themes.

SUNDAY Leo Moon forms a fire trine with Jupiter and Saturn so there is flow today when it comes to the creativity, love, kids, or fun and those partners, reps, clients, specialists, the opposition, and any travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. It will also help cement things with authority types, goals or career matters in the mix. Jupiter makes an adjustment to Neptune today. This means that when it comes to our story with said partner, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, enemies, competitors, or other relationships, we must begin to do some kind of give and take when it comes to the healing, addictions, hospitals, other institutions, romantic getaways, karmic cycle, spiritual practices, artistic vision/projects, or imagination in the mix. This is part of a bigger story, start now.

Focus on earning situations or purchases, products and possessions on Monday, expect to have something weighty going on and a need to give and take with someone significant in the mix. Venus takes up residence in travel, distant, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political matters on Tuesday staying here until Nov. 11th. This will help you earn or deal with income matters, express or attract the love, find women who can help, focus on women, or make it about beauty themes. Tuesday-Wednesday your ruler, Mars, comes together with Pluto to launch into something fresh via actions, passions, anger, deconstruction and rebirthing, and self-empowerment. Whatever comes up, this is aimed at the next chapter for your career, personal goals and dealings with bosses, parents, judges, mentors, directors, teachers, or other authority figures. Wednesday-Thursday may bring a one-on-one with someone in talks, with news, offers, agreements, about sales, writing, or decisions and there is a wild card here, some of this will depend on how you rebel or think outside the box. Friday emotions are powerful and focused on home, security needs, family, and the like. You’ll be dealing with the activity and powerful change energy around goals, career or those authority figures as well as something big going on with a partner, the clients, specialists, representatives, opponents, or competitors. Saturday this last energy continues but now in meetings, talks, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions with or about those people. The Sun moves into Scorpio and begins a 30 day cycle that puts you into big financial, sexual, divorce, reproductive, mortality, or third party matters, asking that you show up and get more personally or physically involved in moving your own needs forward here or in aligning your abilities with what needs to happen. Sunday leaves you some room for fun, kids, love, or something creative and aligns nicely with partners, reps, clients, specialists, or anything you are doing about legal, travel, educational, distant, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests. Adjusts between where you’re at with a partner, clients, specialists, reps, opponents, or competitors begins now and involves healing, addictions, hospitals, retreat, karma, clandestine romance, romantic getaways, self-sabotage (adjust away from this one please), spiritual practices, artistic pursuits, research, investigations, or development. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

Monday is your day to get your stuff done, there is harmonic alignment for you to actions taken or changes made about legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. You will need to make adjustments about work, paperwork, health, pets, co-workers, hired help, or getting organized. Tuesday Venus enters into your sexual, financial, divorce, mortality, and third party arena. That means from now through Nov. 11th you will have Venus themes of love, women, income, and beauty focused here and it should smooth things out or help you attract what you need. Tuesday-Wednesday Mars and Pluto meet up together for some powerful new start for you via actions, passions, anger, or motivation and the deep changes or transformations occurring with legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. Wednesday through Thursday you’re likely to hear news or get into talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions that have a bit of a wild card attached when it comes to you and them. The focus is work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, healing, addictions, hospitals, research, artistic, spiritual, or romantic matters. Friday you’ll be amped up over lots more short trips or local activities, siblings or neighbors, vehicles or electronics, ideas, talks, meetings, or agreements, and this will push you over those Mars/Pluto themes of legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political needs, and what big thing is happening with work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers, sounds busy. Saturday this continues so pace yourself. The Sun moves into Scorpio kicking off a new 30-day cycle that puts a spotlight on significant relationships so plan on showing up and getting more personally or physically involved with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or others during this phase, a good time to take the lead and put your needs forward. Sunday brings some good flow around home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates and any organizing, cleaning, health, pet, work, intimate, financial, or divorce needs here. Jupiter adjusts to Neptune today asking that you make some kind of adjustment when it comes to this work, health, pet, paperwork, hired help, organizing, cleaning, or co-worker themes and what’s happening with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or your aspirations. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

Monday is good for behind the scenes activities, rest, recuperate, get into the art, film, music, romance, healing, hospital needs, research, and whatever big thing is happening with sex, divorce, reproduction, mortality, financials, or third party scenarios. You’ll need to make some adjustments regarding the kids, lover, fun, or creativity today. Tuesday Venus moves into your relationship sector so from now through Nov. 11th you’ll have her themes of love, income, women, and beauty focused on partners, clients, specialists, representatives, or the opposition. It means it’s a good time to smooth things out or attract this energy here. Tuesday-Wednesday is the Mars/Pluto conjunction and the beginning of a major push forward or powerful change or both involving loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, investments, settlements, partner’s money, or other resources, or it will be about sex, reproduction, divorce, death, birth, or third party matters. Wednesday-Thursday you’ll likely be one-on-one with someone over news, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions with a focus on creative endeavors, kids, lovers, or fun, and the aspirations, friends, groups, internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, freedom, or original ideas. There is a wild card in this so surprises, excitement or shock comes to mind. Friday the energy will be more about your income, purchases, possessions, or products and more of that Mars/Pluto amplified activity over financial matters, sex, reproduction, death, birth, divorce, or third party matters, the push is on. You’ll also have something going on again with love, kids, fun, or creativity. Saturday brings more of the same so pace yourself. The Sun then moves into your work, paperwork, hired help, health, co-worker, pet, organizing, and cleaning zone. It will tour here for the next 30 days asking that you show up and get more personally or physically involved in these themes, take the lead and make your needs known. Sunday can bring some nice things locally or on short trips, in talks, meetings, sales, writing, agreements, with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics, and you can include the kids, lover, fun, creativity, partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other key players. A big adjustment starts now asking that you give and take when it comes to the lover, kids, fun, or creativity, and the authority figure like the boss, parent, judge, or mentor, or with the personal goals you have or career situation in the mix. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

Monday you can catch up on the internet, with friends, groups, astrology, charities, gatherings, or other social interests. It looks like something active going on with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or competitors here. You’ll need to make an adjustment with home, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate deals in the mix. Tuesday Venus enters Sagittarius where it will tour until Nov. 11th so you’ll start to see some smoothing out or focus on women, love, income, or beauty playing out in your work, with paperwork, hired help, co-workers, health needs, or pets. Tuesday-Wednesday is the Mars/Pluto combination which is going to fire things up big time with a partner, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, competitors, or other relationships. This is about action, anger, passion, or motivation and any big changes or deeper evolving, most likely over sex, reproduction, finances, death, birth, divorce, or third party matters. Wednesday-Thursday brings a one-on-one with someone over news, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions about home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, roommates, or family, and what’s going on with goals, career, status, or an authority figure in the mix. Expect a wild card here so; surprise, sudden change or shock. Friday the energy is on you and your emotional needs and drive, putting you into the thick of things with that Mars/Pluto activation over the partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, opponent, competitor, and whatever is going on with home, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate deals. Saturday brings more of the same so buckle up. The Su moves into Scorpio kicking off a new 30-day cycle that puts a spotlight on you and your love life, lovers, kids, creative endeavors, and fun, sweet! Time to show up and get more personally or physically involved in these themes, take the lead and put your needs forward. Sunday looks like a good day for making money, making purchases, or doing something with your possessions or products. You can aim this at home, with family, real estate deals, renovations, moves, roommates, parents, or on the job at hand, health needs, pets, paperwork, co-workers, organizing, or hired help. The Jupiter/Neptune adjustment occurs today asking for some start to give and take with home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates, and the legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, educational, religious, or political themes. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

Monday catch up on career matters, personal goals or what you are doing with/for a boss, parent, judge, mentor, or other authority type. You can tend to the details, paperwork, cleaning, organizing, health, pet or work needs, and do a little give and take when it comes to talks, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, offers, or decisions. Tuesday Venus moves into your zone of true love, kids, fun, and creativity. This is a lovely trend that will last until Nov. 11th and give you the ability to smooth things out, attract the love, money flow, women, or beauty that can make this wonderful and simply enjoy these matters a bit more. Tuesday-Wednesday is the Mars/Pluto conjunction which is powerful and kicks off action, passion, anger, or motivation and any deep changes or evolution regarding your work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. Look to the financial, sexual, divorce, death, birth, or third party matters to play a part. Wednesday-Thursday brings some one-on-one talks, news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, or decisions with another that has a bit of a wild card in the mix over legal, travel, distant, media, marketing, educational, wedding, religious, or political themes. Wild card means surprise, excitement, originality, or shock. Friday has you emotionally charged up over something going on behind the scenes, with artistic, spiritual, romantic, addictive, healing, hospital, research, or karmic matters. It will stimulate that Mars/Pluto activity with work, health, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, pets, or organizing. This may bring some big news or decisions with or about partners, reps, clients, competitors, opponents, or specialists. Saturday is more of the same so pace yourself. The Sun moves into Scorpio kicking off a 30-day cycle that will put a spotlight on you and your home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates. This is the time to show up and get more personally or physically involved in these themes, to take the lead and make your needs known. Sunday brings some good energy to you and involves local activities, short trips, meetings, talks, writing, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, sales, agreements, lovers, kids, fun, or creative endeavors. A major adjustment begins now between any of these talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions, and the financial, sexual, divorce, death, birth, reproductive, or third party scenarios playing out. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

Monday you can catch up on any media, marketing, educational, legal, wedding, religious, political, or travel needs. There is something big and active here with kids, lovers, fun, or creativity. You’ll need to make some adjustments in talks or decisions about purchases, possessions, income, or products. Tuesday Venus moves into your home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, and roommates arena. This trend lasts until Nov. 11th and is good for the love here, any women, the income flow, or beauty interests so enjoy it while it lasts. Tuesday-Wednesday is the Mars/Pluto conjunction and it is powerful and active, aggressive, angry, or passionate, and involves deep changes or evolving situations with a focus on your creative endeavors, kids, love life, lovers, or recreational interests. There may be something about sex, reproduction, divorce, finances, death, birth, or third party matters kicking in. Wednesday-Thursday brings a one-on-one between you and another over income, possessions, gifts, purchases, or products, and the loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, investment, insurance, taxes, partner’s money, or other outside resource, or about the sexual, reproductive, divorce, death, birth, or third party matter. There is a wild card in this meaning a surprise, excitement, sudden change, or shock. Friday you’ll be driven over social aspects with friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, astrology, charities, or your aspirations, and that Mars/Pluto activity with lovers, creative ventures, kids, or recreation. You’ll also have something big here again with income, possessions, purchases, or products. Saturday brings more of the same so pace yourself. The Sun moves into Scorpio kicking off a 30-day cycle that puts a spotlight on your communications and local environmental themes so this is your time to get into talks, meetings, agreements, sales, interviews, offers, writing, short trips, local activities, or what you are doing with siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, or decisions. Show up and get more personally or physically involved, take the lead and make it about furthering your needs. Sunday brings some good energy behind the scenes so you can use this to rest, romance, get into your artistic or spiritual pursuits, heal, deal with hospitals, do your research, pursue imaginative, psychic or magical interests, and revive. This may be good for earning, purchasing, what you do with possessions, products, at home, with family, renovations, real estate deals, parents, or roommates. There is an adjustment today between your income, purchases, products, or possessions, and the partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, competitor, or opponent, give and take. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

Monday is good for focus on financial, sexual, mortality, reproductive, divorce, or third party matters. You may have lots of activity at home, with real estate deals, roommates, moves, renovations, family, or parents. You’ll need to give and take when hearing or communicating news or making decisions. Tuesday Venus moves into your communications and local environmental arena so from now through Nov. 11th you’ll have more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, short trips, local activities, or involvement with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions with Venus themes. Venus means love, income, women, or beauty will be the focus and you should be able to attract or smooth out what is needed. Tuesday-Wednesday is the Mars/Pluto conjunction which is powerful and about action, passion, anger, or motivation and the big changes or evolution kicking off focused on home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. Wednesday-Thursday brings one-on-ones with someone via talks, meetings, news, offers, agreements, writing, sales, interviews, short trips, or decisions and there is a wild card in the mix. So expect surprise, excitement, sudden changes, or shock. Friday you’ll likely be driven to achieve something, with a focus on goals, career or an authority figure. Again the Mars/Pluto energy is heightened so activity is heightened over home, roommates, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, or parents. Jupiter is active in your sign as well today so you are in there in a big way. Saturday this continues on so pace yourself. The Sun moves into Scorpio kicking off a 30-day cycle that puts a spotlight on your income, possessions, purchases, or products. It’s time to show up and get more personally or physically involved in leading the way forward in these areas. Sunday brings some good social energy so you may spend time with friends, groups, online, or at gatherings, it’s good for your aspirations or original projects, charities, or astrology as well. There is an adjustment between what you want or what is going on with your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal goals, and the work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, organizing, or cleaning, so give and take. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

Monday you can catch up on things with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or competitors. There is something powerful and active going on through talks, meetings, news, writing, agreements, sales, interviews, offers, or decisions here. There is an adjustment involving karmic, healing, addictive, hospital, research, romantic, artistic, or spiritual matters in the mix. Tuesday Venus moves into your income, possessions, products, and purchases zone where it will tour through Nov. 11th. This is good for things flowing more easily here, attracting the love, women who can help, income, or beauty themes into the mix, or smoothing out rough edges. Tuesday-Wednesday is the Mars/Pluto conjunction which kicks off something powerful, active, angry, passionate, or motivating, and involving big change or evolution. The focus for you is on talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, or decisions. Wednesday-Thursday brings one-on-one talks, meetings, offers, or decisions about karmic matters, hidden agendas, secrets, strategies, research, artistic projects, spiritual practices, romantic interests, addictions, healing, hospitals, or behind the scenes activities, and what is going on with health, work, paperwork, co-workers, hired help, pets, organizing, or cleaning. There is a wild card here so expect surprise, sudden change, excitement, or shock. Friday emotions will drive you over media, marketing, publishing, legal, educational, travel, foreign, wedding, religious, or political themes. Your Mars/Pluto topics will be activated so talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions are amped up big time. Again you’ll also have something going on behind the scenes, with karmic, romantic, artistic, spiritual, healing, addictive, hospital, or research themes. Saturday brings more of the same so pace yourself. The Sun moves into your sign today kicking off a 30-day cycle that puts a spotlight on you, a wonderful time to shine, take the lead and make it about you and your needs. Focus on your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal interests. Sunday brings some good things involving your personal goals, career, status, reputation, fame, or dealings with higher-up types. This may bring some interesting opportunities to earn, do something with your possessions, products, or purchases, or behind the scenes in development. There is an adjustment today with healing, addictions, hospitals, research, romance, artistry, or spirituality, and where you are with true love, lovers, children, creative projects, or recreational pursuits, give and take. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

Monday is a good day to catch up with work, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, health, or pets. This looks active regarding the income, possessions, purchases, or products. You’ll need to make adjustments with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or personal aspirations in the mix. Tuesday Venus moves into your sign. This is a trend that lasts until Nov. 11th and is great for enjoyment, pleasure, earning, women, love, and beauty flowing in and around you. Expect to find it easier to get what you want and focus on your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs in these matters. Tuesday-Wednesday is the Mars/Pluto conjunction which is powerful and active, angry, passionate, or motivating, and about deep change or evolution regarding your income, purchases, possessions, or products. Wednesday-Thursday brings you one-on-one with someone over news, talks, meetings, offers, or decisions with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, freedom, or original projects, and what is going on with creative ventures, kids, fun, or lovers/your love life. There is a wild card here so expect surprises, excitement, sudden changes, or shock. Friday you’ll be emotionally charged up over financial matters, sexual interests, reproductive needs, a death, birth, divorce, or third party matter. This will activate that Mars/Pluto activity over income, possessions, purchases, or products, as well as sparking more from the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, gathering, aspirations, or original projects. Saturday this carries over so pace yourself. The Sun moves into your 12th house kicking off a 30-day cycle that puts a spotlight on art, film, music, poetry, prayer, meditation, yoga, psychic interests, magic, romance, healing, dealing with addictions, hospitals, or research. This is the time to show up and get more personally or physically involved, take the lead and put your needs at the forefront. Sunday looks good for media, marketing, wedding, legal, travel, foreign, educational, religious, or political interests. You may make it social or pursue aspirations here. There is an adjustment today between your ruler, Jupiter, and Neptune. This is the beginning of give and take between these friends, groups, internet, astrology, charity, gatherings, aspirations, freedom, and original projects, and the home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

Monday is good for catching up with kids, any creative endeavors, your lover, or for something fun, believe it or not! It seems to push you into action or bring up your need for evolving something on a personal or physical level. You will need to make an adjustment in a conversation or decision regarding goals, status, career, or dealings with the parent, judge, mentor, boss, or other authority type. Tuesday Venus enters the mysterious 12th house and will tour here until Nov. 11th so during this period love and income needs, as well as how you are connecting with women or beauty themes are going to go on in private or behind the scenes, tied to romantic getaways or clandestine romance, karmic/past life matters, healing, dealing with addictions, hospitals, research, artistic interests, or spiritual practices. This should help you smooth something out or attract what you desire more easily here. Tuesday-Wednesday is the Mars/Pluto conjunction in your sign so a gathering of some of the most potent, active, transformational energy is on tap within or about you. Focus on your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, ego needs, or personal goals and what Mars/Pluto can do: take action, express passion, deal with anger, motivate, make deep changes, deconstruct and rebirth, or evolve. Wednesday-Thursday brings a one-on-one with someone over news, talks, offers, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, or decisions about big personal goals, your career, status, or something going on with that parent, boss, judge, mentor, or other authority figure. There is a wild card in the mix with a focus on home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents (double), family, or roommates so it may be exciting, surprising, about sudden changes, or shock. Friday the emotional energy is powerful and focused for you on partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, or the competition. This will again spark that Mars/Pluto new beginning power change and action energy within you and amp you up. It will also again push things in a big way with the parent, boss, judge, mentor, or other authority figure or with your goals or career needs. Saturday more of this continues so pace yourself. The Sun moves into your social zone kicking off a 30-day cycle that will spotlight you in social situations so it’s the right time to show up and get more personally or physically involved with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or in pursuit of your aspirations, freedom or original projects. You will stand out and can center some of it on you. Sunday brings some good energy around financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third party matters, opening up potential with goals, career or those authority figures and whatever you are doing behind the scenes. Jupiter makes his big adjustment to Neptune today asking that you start to give and take a bit around these goals, career matters or authority figures via the news, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions in the mix. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

Monday is a good day to catch up on home matters, anything with renovations, family, parents, roommates, moves, or real estate deals as well. There is a lot of activity going on behind the scenes, actually it looks pretty transformational here so purge, dive deep, evolve things. You will need to make an adjustment with some news, talks or decisions involving travel or someone at a distance, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes today. Tuesday Venus moves into your social sphere where it will tour until Nov. 11th so during this period you may find things are going really well with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or other social outlets. Love may flourish, income may flow, women may be key, or beauty themes may be central, all good. Tuesday-Wednesday the Mars/Pluto conjunction takes place which is about a powerful boost forward into something active, passionate, angry, or motivating, and that has the energy to purge, deeply change, or transform. It will focus on karmic/past life situations, healing, addictions, hospitals, clandestine romance, romantic getaways, art, film, music, or other muse-related topics, prayer, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, a time of retreat, rest, recuperation, or the research, investigations, or development behind the scenes. Wednesday-Thursday brings a one-on-one talk, meeting, decision, or news involving travel, people at a distance, foreign, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes and a choices, agreements, sales, writing, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, local activities, or ideas that have somewhat of a wild card to them. So think; surprise, excitement, sudden changes, or shock. Friday the emotions are likely to be more intense over the work, organizing, cleaning, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, or over health or animal matters. This will again trigger the Mars/Pluto activity, purging, passions, anger, motivation, or changes going on behind the scenes or focused on artistic, spiritual, romantic, karmic, addictive, healing, hospital, or research themes. It will also push something big involving travel, people at a distance, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political matters. Saturday is more of the same so pace yourself. The Sun enters your 10th house today kicking off a 30-day cycle that puts a spotlight on you and your personal goals, career, status, and dealings with authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, or mentor. This is the time to step up and get more personally or physically involved in reaching or pursuing these goals or connecting over career or higher-up individuals, taking the lead and putting your needs into the mix. Sunday looks good when it comes to partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or dealing with the opposition. This links favorably to the travel/distance, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes, as well as to social needs with friends, groups, online, at gatherings, or about your aspirations. The big Jupiter/Neptune inconjunct happens today asking for the beginning of adjustments with that travel/distance, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes, and what is going on with income, possessions, purchases, or products, give and take. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

Monday is good for catching up on local activities, short trips, writing, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, talks, or decisions. It will bring action or evolving situations involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, or original ideas. You’ll hear something or get into talks or decisions about sex, reproduction, divorce, finances, death, birth, or third parties and it will require some adjustment. Tuesday Venus enters your career Midheaven where she will tour until Nov. 11th. This is a lovely trend for you when it comes to your personal goals, career, status, or dealings with authority figures. It may mean women can help or are the focal point, that the love is in the mix or income is flowing, or that beauty themes are front and center. It should help you attract the good stuff and enjoy. Tuesday-Wednesday is the Mars/Pluto conjunction and this is quite powerful kicking things into action, passion, anger, or motivation, and opening up changes, purging, transformations, or evolving situations with personal aspirations, freedom, original ideas, inventions, causes, charities, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, gatherings, or social networking. You may have financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, or third party scenarios playing a part in this active push forward with these themes. Wednesday-Thursday brings a one-on-one with someone over news, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions about the sex, reproduction, death, birth, divorce, loan, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, bankruptcy, investment, settlement, alimony, child support, commissions, a partner’s money, or other financial resource. There is a wild card in this involving income, purchases, possessions, or products. The wild card may mean surprise, excitement, sudden changes, or shock. Friday emotions are powerful over creative ventures, children, lovers, or recreational matters. This is linked to that Mars/Pluto action and transformation going on with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, freedom, or original projects. It is also pushing something big with the sex, reproduction, divorce, death, birth, financials, or third party scenarios. Saturday is more of the same so pace yourself. The Sun moves into your expansive 9th house and will tour here for the next 30 days. This means it is the time to show up and get more personally or physically involved with travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes, take the lead, shine your light, and stand out. Sunday is good for work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, cleaning, or organizing. You may concentrate on some financial, intimate, or third party needs in the mix as well as reaching goals, dealing with authority figures like the parent, boss or mentor, or focusing on career needs. The big Jupiter/Neptune adjustment aspect is today asking that you start to make adjustments involving sex, reproduction, divorce, death, birth, the financial needs, or third party scenarios as it pertains to you, your presence in the situation, your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

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