Sunday, October 9, 2016


CLICK the above podcast to HEAR MORE AUDIO about your WEEK AHEAD!

Void Moons do not receive the influence we may need to direct our purpose forward on a matter so it's thought that to initiate action during a VOID MOON may not bring the results you want. However, Void Moon's are perfect for incubating ideas, wrapping up on ongoing situations and allowing the higher power to take over the direction of where things should go, they can be magical!
VOID MOON in the week ahead, (all times given are Eastern Standard Time, U.S.):

MONDAY 12am-2:33am
TUESDAY 7:49pm-midnight
WEDNESDAY 12am-8:43am
THURSDAY no void moon
FRIDAY 3:13am-11:08am
SATURDAY no void moon
SUNDAY 12:23am-11:04am

With Mercury now joining the Sun and Jupiter in Libra, the week ahead becomes one of the biggest of the year for talks, meetings, agreements, sales, auditions, interviews, offers, writing, and decisions involving romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, and advocates, as well as dealing with open enemies or competitors.

MONDAY and TUESDAY are when Mercury and Jupiter join together about it, making these the big days for new beginnings or fresh starts with these people about these topics. Jupiter themes are where it’s at here: legal, travel, foreign, political, religious, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational arenas. There is also a Mars/Neptune opening that builds between these days so taking action with or through a leader, boss, parent, judge, mentor, teacher, or other authority figure, or about goals or career matters is indicated. This is linked to something going on behind closed doors, strategies, research, investigations, institutions, spiritual practices, artistic interests, or romantic intrigues. So these two days will show information that is big and actions being set in motion.

WEDNESDAY will focus on adjustments. Mercury is again active, in talks, hearing news, offers, in meetings, over agreements, sales, writing, interviews, or decisions with/about the partner, client, specialist, opponent, competitor, or representative, and you’ll need to make adjustments, do some give or take or ask it of others, over the strategy, behind the scenes activities, research, development, romance, spiritual practice, artistic pursuit, or dealings with hospitals or other institutions. Be bendy.

THURSDAY Mercury squares Mars. This day will be volatile or passionate, forceful and aggressive, warlike, and violent, or motivational, fired up and active. Again, Mercury is active, so it stems from the information, communication, decisions, with/about partners, reps, clients, specialists, enemies, competitors, etc, and the action one way or the other will be about goals, status, career, leadership, bosses, rulers, parents, judges, mentors, or other authority figures. This frictional aspect will compel you to act or react to the actions of others.

FRIDAY Mercury is again active. Do you know how unusual it is to have this many active days of Mercury in a row?! Well, again out of your year, this week is hugely important for these conversations, ideas, the news, or decisions with your above mentioned relationships. Today this aligns in opportunity aspect with Saturn so something is cemented via travel, foreign, long distance, media, marketing, publishing, legal, educational, wedding, religious, or political themes. Saturn is about the goals, commitments, responsibilities, endings, limits, structures, or leaders/authority types involved.

SATURDAY Mercury is again active, today squaring Pluto. So news or decisions, talks or meetings, offers or agreements, sales or writing, with/about partners, clients, specialists, enemies, competitors, representatives, and the like are under frictional alignment, meaning the push or challenge is on, with finances, death, birth, sex, divorce, power, control, or third party situations.

SATURDAY and SUNDAY we are in the build-up and completion of the Aries Full Moon and things climax with Mars ruled things such as all this passion, action, anger, war, blood, or motivational interests. The focus in Aries is about bringing something to a peak now involving the body, physical activity, the image, brand, ego, courage, name, title, or personal goals. So expect big things to be achieved, wrapped up, ending, coming through, or celebrated over this weekend.

It is more important than at almost any other time in years for you to spend each and every day Monday through Saturday in talks, meetings, writing, responding to news, offers, agreements, sales, short trips, interviews, auditions, or making big decisions regarding romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, agents, competitors, enemies, or attorneys. Monday, Tuesday and Friday this should be aimed at legal, travel, foreign, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political needs. Tuesday and Wednesday you’ll be dealing with something going on behind the scenes, in secret, with research, artistry, spirituality, romance, healing, hospitals, addictions, or karma in the matter. Thursday and Saturday you’ll experience major pushes due to squares to Mars and Pluto, either motivating you to push yourself and go for more or forcing you to respond with action to others activities in the matter. This will be goal or career oriented or involve a boss, parent, judge, leader, mentor, or other authority figure. Mars may stir passion, motivate you or bring up anger and warlike tendencies. Pluto may push for deep intimacy or show you where change is happening/needs to happen with finances, sex, divorce, death, birth, or third party scenarios. Expect these two days to be intense. The weekend will also be very much focused on a personal or physical climax for you under the build-up and culmination of the Full Moon in Aries. Expect something big peaking with you, your body, image, brand, name, title, ego, or personal needs via a breakthrough, achievement, ending, wrap-up, or celebration. What a week! There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

You may feel like you are a salmon swimming upstream this week but the rewards for doing so seem to be off the charts so get ready to paddle! The entire focus of this is going to be on more talks, meetings, news, offers, agreements, writing, sales, short trips, and big decisions involving clients, partners, specialists, agents, competitors, opponents, or attorneys about your 1) work 2) health 3) animals 4) paperwork 5) co-workers or hired help 6) cleaning or organizing. Chose one or all of these last topics, but really hone in and open up, you’ll want to make choices while Mercury is active each and every day between Monday and Saturday. Monday and Tuesday there is something big underway here that can involve legal, travel, educational, foreign, distant, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix. This is fresh-start stuff and whatever gets underway, by Thursday and Saturday these same areas of interest will be where you have tons more action, passion, anger, warring tendencies, and powerful change. These last two days will push you or you will feel pushed over the activity here. Tuesday and Wednesday you may involve friends, groups, the internet, gatherings, charities, or push ahead with aspirations about it. Friday you have opportunity for cementing something financial, sexual, divorce, or third party related or you may hear about a death or birth as part of the scenario. So in all of these days while you are communicating, gathering info or making decisions with clients, specialists, partners, competitors, opponents, or representatives about your work, paperwork, co-workers, organizing, cleaning, hired help, health, or animals, these are the twists and turns and peaks on the way. Finally, Saturday and Sunday host the Full Moon in Aries and something coming to a peak for you with what’s been going on behind the scenes, in secret, with strategies, research, development, romance, karma, spirituality, artistry, healing, addictions, hospitals, or other institutions. The focus here is on you on a personal or physical level and what you are celebrating, achieving, wrapping up, ending, or breaking through about. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

This is one of those weeks, Gemini, where your superpower or gift of gab is going to serve you beyond measure if you are proactive. Every single day, Monday through Saturday, your ruler and the ruler of talks, agreements, proposals, sales, writing, interviews, offers, meetings, and decisions, Mercury, is going to be active. He is active under New Moon propulsion and with lucky Jupiter here for the first time in 12 years, it is a whopper of a week to speak up, ask for it, pitch it, sign it, sell it, or choose. The focus for you? The focus is on true love, creative projects, children, and recreational interests. Monday and Tuesday are the days when Jupiter growth can be seeded through these matters and Jupiter themes may be important to that potential: travel, foreign, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political topics. Mars may also push you towards intimacy, divorce, reproduction, big financial topics, dealing with mortality issues, or third party matters now as well. Reach or deal with that authority figure in the mix or pursue goals or career agenda here at the beginning of the week because on Thursday and Saturday the squares with Mars and Pluto will activate and major challenges or a big push will be on over these matters. Mars will on Thursday stir passions, anger, aggression, or motivate action about it. Pluto on Saturday will push for deeper situations, major change or empowerment. Again, all of these days develop from talks, news, offers, decisions, etc, based on love, kids, fun, or creativity. Wednesday is about adjustments you’ll want to make involving the parent, boss, judge, or other authority figure or the adjustments with goals or career, give and take or ask for that from them. Friday Saturn gets in the mix with your love, kids, creativity, or fun, and opens up potential to cement things one way or the other regarding a partner, client, specialist, agent, opponent, or attorney. Finally, the Full Moon peaks over the weekend, making Saturday as it is building and Sunday as it has peaked powerful for something big coming to a head with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, freedom, or original ideas. Expect to be focused on your needs in this mix and to be wrapping up, marking endings, noting achievements, or celebrating. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

This is a week when you must hear something, get into talks, meet, write, deal with agreements, sales, offers, or decisions about your home, real estate deals, a move, the renovation, your parent, the family, or your roommates. You have to because Mercury is active every single day between Monday and Saturday about it and Mercury is on the wave of New Moon energy here, helping you to connect with partners, specialists, agents, attorneys, clients, or deal with the opposition about it in new ways or in forward growth directions. And finally, you have to because this is the first time in 12 years that you’ve had this much activation here while Jupiter, the planet of expansion is in the same territory. So open up, ask questions, listen intently, make decisions, engage others, it is so important. Monday and Tuesday are the days when Jupiter’s influence is felt the most so legal, travel, foreign, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes may play into fresh starts with these topics. Who should you call or meet with about it? Mars will be actively sparking passion, anger or motivation to make things happen with that partner, client, specialist, representative, or opponent now and what you do or don’t do now will then lead to the squares to Mars and Pluto on Thursday and Saturday when you will challenge yourself more over it or find yourself being challenged. Mars on Thursday will again stir passion, anger, aggression, or motivate action around that individual over what you are choosing with the home, family, parent, roommate, renovation, move, or real estate deal. Pluto on Saturday will push for going deeper, purging, making changes, or evolving things with or about them over these themes and may add in Pluto themes of financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, or third party matters into the mix. Wednesday is your adjustment day in the middle of the week and you’ll need to give and take or ask for that from others regarding legal, travel, foreign, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix. Friday will bring potential to cement something via Saturn one way or the other over that home, family, parent, roommate, renovation, real estate deal, or move and it will come via the work, paperwork, hired help, co-worker, health interest, or what’s going on with animals, cleaning or organizing. Finally, the weekend will build on Saturday and peak Saturday night or Sunday morning with Full Moon culminations so energy will be high and emotions intense as something comes to a conclusion with a parent, boss, mentor, judge, leader, or other authority figure, or the climax is about a big personal goal or your career. This is about wrapping things up, marking endings, achievements, or celebrations. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

Big talks, meetings, agreements, interviews, offers, sales, writing, or decisions are on tap for you Leo and you should expect to be in there with agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, partners, or opponents over these themes every single day Monday through Saturday. Mercury is active, on New Moon thrust, with expansive Jupiter for the first time in 12 years, to take you forward in these ways so be proactive. Monday and Tuesday Jupiter is on board so involving legal, travel, foreign, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes may help. Mars will also be active now so opportunity to actively motivate on work, paperwork, health, co-workers, hired help, or animals. What you open up today or react to about it will then be part of the squares to Mars and Pluto on Thursday and Saturday. At that time Mars on Thursday will amp up action, passion, anger, or motivation about these themes, while on Saturday Pluto will push things in these work, health, pet, paperwork, co-worker, or hired help arenas via going deeper, purging, looking at the financial, reproductive, intimate, divorce, mortality, or third party situations, and any changes that are necessary. Wednesday is an adjustment day so your talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, or decisions will be in adjustment mode to that sexual, reproductive, divorce, mortality, financial, or third party matters, give and take. Friday you should be able to cement something one way or the other involving your love life, lover, the kids, a creative project, or recreational pursuit. With Saturn open here you can move towards new ways to structure things, long term commitments, endings, responsibilities, or ambitions. Finally, the weekend will build on Saturday and peak between Saturday night and Sunday on the climactic Full Moon in Aries. For your sign this means something ending, achieved, wrapped up, or celebrated in travel, foreign, distant, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political arenas. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

It’s one of those really big weeks Virgo for moving forward into new or next level talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions with a focus on your income, purchases, possessions, or products. Mercury, your ruler, and the ruler of all this communication potential, is active every single day Monday through Saturday about these matters, a very rare situation. It is also moving on New Moon energy here and with Jupiter opening up growth opportunities for the first time in 12 years, so dive in, ask for it, listen to it, sign it, sell it, talk about it, make your choices. Monday and Tuesday are when you can involve Jupiter themes of legal, travel, foreign, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, religious, or political matters in the situation for fresh starts. The best of what can happen here is when you are connecting with or about partners, reps, clients, specialists, or dealing with the opposition about it. Mars will also be active now with these people over creative ventures, true love, kids, or recreational interests, so you may spur ahead here. Note that whatever opens up in these areas now will then amplify on Thursday in a square to Mars and on Saturday in a square to Pluto. Thursday with Mars will push things with the creative, recreational, kids, or love life/lover scenario when it comes to the possessions, purchases, products, or income, so passion, anger, or action may drive this forward. Saturday with Pluto the push in these areas will then go deeper, be about changes or focus on the shared financial matters, sex life, divorce, mortality issues, or third party matters in the mix. Wednesday the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions about your income, possessions, purchases, or products will be in adjustment mode so you’ll need some give and take regarding the partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, competitor, opponent, or other key player. Friday brings an opportunity to cement things one way or the other in your communications and choices about income, purchases, possessions, or products and it plays out over home, renovations, real estate deals, moves, roommates, family, or parents. So you should be able to structure things, end them, make long term commitments, tackle responsibilities, or get ambitious about it. Finally, the weekend is amping up with the building and then culminating Full Moon in Aries. So you can expect big things to be heating up in your sex life, reproductive life, with the divorce, a death, birth, third party matter, or your loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, commissions, or partner’s money. It’s time for endings, wrapping things up, celebrations, or achievements here. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

This is a major week for you Libra and it all comes through your pursuit of talks, meetings, interviews, auditions, agreements, sales, writing, offers, short trips, and decisions with a focus on you and your needs. Make it about your body, image, brand, name, title, or some personal goal, involve specialists, clients, agents, attorneys, partners, or deal with the competition. Mercury is active every single day of the week opening up new potential for you in these areas Monday through Saturday. There is New Moon momentum behind it and Jupiter on board for the first time in 12 years to bring growth for you, so please be proactive on your own behalf. Monday and Tuesday Jupiter will be on board so involve legal, travel, foreign, educational, media, marketing, wedding, publishing, religious, or political themes. Mars will also be active to help you motivate about home, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate deals. Whatever you get started or react to today in these areas will then be squared by Mars on Thursday and Pluto on Saturday so things will amp up then. Thursday with Mars will bring passion, anger or lots more activity here, while Saturday with Pluto will go deeper, purge, make changes, or involve financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, or third party situations. Wednesday is the adjustment day when you’ll want to give and take with health, pets, paperwork, the job, co-workers, cleaning, organizing, or hired help. Friday opens up potential to cement something one way or the other regarding the news you hear, the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, or decisions you take, so look for endings, long term commitments, structuring things, responsibilities, or ambitions to get you there. Finally, the weekend will be amped up over building and then culminating Full Moon in Aries energy. This is bringing something to a peak for you with a partner, specialist, clients, agents, attorneys, competitors, opponents, or other relationships. It’s about big endings, achievements, celebrations, or breakthroughs. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

It’s a power week for talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions, Scorpio, because Mercury is active every single day Monday through Saturday! This is rare and even more rare considering it is happening on New Moon energy and with Jupiter here for the first time in 12 years to open up growth potential. The focus for you with all of this will be on art, film, music, or other muse-related topics, healing, dealing with addictions or hospitals, research or investigations, romantic getaways or clandestine romance, spiritual practices, magic, psychic moments or dreams. Hit it hard each day with at least one of these themes by connecting with agents, attorneys, partners, clients, specialists, or the competition about it. Monday and Tuesday Jupiter will be on board so add in legal, media, marketing, publishing, travel, foreign, wedding, educational, religious, or political themes. Mars will give you the boost you need to come from passion or a fighting spirit with your communications and decisions now. Whatever you set in motion will then square Mars and Pluto on Thursday and Saturday amping things up big time. Thursday with Mars means more passion, anger, aggression, or action with those short trips, talks, meetings, the news, agreements, writing, sales, or decisions as you focus on your healing, hospitals, research, romance, artistic, spiritual, or magical themes. Saturday with Pluto will mean going deeper, making changes, purging, or adding in the financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, or third party focus to what is going on. Wednesday in your communications you’ll be in an adjustment to the kids, lover, fun, or creative situation so give and take. Friday Saturn will help you cement something one way or the other regarding income, purchases, products, or possessions in the mix so aim at the authority types or goals, ways of structuring things, endings, commitments, responsibilities, or ambitions. Finally, the weekend will be building and then peaking with the Full Moon in Aries so emotions will be high as something is wrapping up, ending, achieved, or celebrated with co-workers, hired help, paperwork, the job, health, animals, organizing, or clean-up. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

The week is off the charts when it comes to news, offers, talks, meetings, agreements, writing, sales, short trips, or decisions involving your aspirations, original ideas, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or social networking, Sage. This is because Mercury is active every single day Monday through Saturday about these themes so you’ll want to ask it, talk about it, sign it, make your choices! It will go best when involving partners, clients, specialists, representatives, or the competition. You not only have this rare period of highly active Mercury momentum but it is joined with New Moon thrust as well as the expansive potential of Jupiter here with Mercury for the first time in 12 years. So be proactive. Monday and Tuesday Jupiter is on board so also involve legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political interests. Mars will add in potential to do something with income, purchases, possessions, or products now. Whatever you do with this will then meet with the square to Mars on Thursday and to Pluto on Saturday. Mars on Thursday will mean more passion, anger, aggression, or action about income, possessions, purchases, or products and the push with friends, groups, the internet, aspirations, etc. The push with Pluto on Saturday will mean going deeper, purging, making changes, or involving financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, or third party scenarios in the mix. Wednesday is the adjustment day when you’ll need to give and take or ask for some adaptation from other involving home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates in the balance. Friday Saturn will help you cement something involving your needs, physical presence, title, name, image, brand, body, or direction one way or the other. This should open up ways to structure, end, commit, handle responsibilities, authority types, or ambitions in the mix. Finally, the weekend is going to be amped up emotionally as we build and then peak with the Full Moon in Aries and what is wrapping up, coming through, achieved, ended, or celebrated with kids, creative endeavors, recreational pursuits, your love life, or lover. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

You are going to be into way more talks, meetings, writing, agreements, offers, interviews, sales, ideas, and decisions this week thanks to Mercury being active every single day Monday through Saturday, a rare occurrence. This is not only amping up these areas but you have New Moon momentum helping to carry it forward and Jupiter here for the first time with Mercury in 12 years to add growth potential, so you see how important it is to communicate, listen, think, and choose. The focus for your sign will be on life direction/personal goals, your career/status, and dealings with authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, leader, mentor, etc. So hit it with intention and the more you involve partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, or deal with the competition in the matter, the better you’ll do. Monday and Tuesday Jupiter is on board so you can involve the legal, travel, educational, foreign, distant, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests for fresh starts. Mars will also be active now in your sign so you will likely feel like being active or feel passion or anger stirring. Whatever this does for you now do note that you’ll field squares to Mars and Pluto in your sign on Thursday and Saturday so things will heat up considerably then. Mars on Thursday will mean way more action, passion, anger, or aggression from or about you when it comes to the communications or news with those authority types, your goals or career. Pluto on Saturday will mean going deeper, purging, making/facing changes, or adding in themes of sex, divorce, reproduction, death, birth, third party situations, or a big financial topic. Wednesday, getting back to your Mercury themes, will ask for adjustments so give and take with goals, career or authority types in your talks, meetings, agreements, sales, the news, offers, or decisions. Friday Saturn will help cement something one way or the other with these themes behind the scenes, with a romantic getaway, karmic situation, healing need, addiction, hospital, the research, investigation, artistic project/interest, spiritual practice, or magical moment. Saturn should mean commitments, endings, structuring, responsibilities, or ambitions here. Finally, the weekend will amp up emotionally under the build-up and then culmination of the Aries Full Moon. This is bringing something to a peak for you with home, family, parents, roommates, moves, real estate deals, or renovations. It is about where you are with breakthroughs, endings, achievements, or celebrations here. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

Oh Aquarius, you have so much potential this week when it comes to talks, meetings, the news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, and decisions that are flowing every single day Monday through Saturday thanks to Mercury being active daily here. This is rare enough but combine that with the New Moon energy behind it in the same territory, pushing you forward, and Jupiter here with Mercury for the first time in 12 years, adding growth potential, and it is off the charts. The focus will be on travel, foreign, distant, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests. So pick one or all and be proactive each day about connecting with those agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, partners, or the competition about what’s next. Monday and Tuesday Jupiter will be on board so circle these as the truly growth or lucky days. Mars will initiate something passionate, angry or active now behind the scenes as well so you may be heating things up with romance, artistry, spirituality, healing, dealing with addictions, hospitals, or research as it pertains to purchases, income, possessions, or products. Whatever comes up with Mars now, note that both Mars and Pluto will be squared on Thursday and Saturday so things will be more intense in these areas then. Thursday with Mars may spark more passion, anger, aggression, or activity with those romantic or karmic unions, spiritual practices, healing, addictions, hospitals, artistic, or research themes. Saturday with Pluto will either take you deeper, help you purge, make/deal with changes, or involve financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, or third party matters in the story. Now back to your Mercury themes, Wednesday you’ll make adjustments in those communications and decisions with partners, clients, specialists, reps, or opponents over the travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political needs. It calls for some give and take over income, purchases, possessions, or products. Friday Saturn will help you cement something one way or the other with your talks and other communications about it, involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, or original ideas. Saturn can help you structure things, end them, commit, deal with responsibilities, or ambitions about it. Finally, the weekend will amp up emotionally as we build to and then climax with the Full Moon in Aries. So something is coming to a head with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, local activities, a move, your writing, agreements, sales, talks, offers, interviews, meetings, or decisions. It’s time to mark endings, wrap things up, celebrate, or achieve here. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

This is a major week to hear news, have talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions about loans, debt, inheritance, investments, insurance, taxes, commissions, alimony, child support, a partner’s money, or other outside financial resource, as well as with your sex life, reproductive needs, a death, a birth, the divorce, or any third party scenarios. That is thanks to Mercury being active about these themes every single day Monday through Saturday, a rare event in and of itself but even more so when you combine the propulsion forward from the New Moon here and Jupiter being with Mercury for the first time in 12 years to open up growth potential. So be proactive in these areas. Monday and Tuesday Jupiter is on board so you can touch on the legal, travel, foreign, educational, wedding, media, marketing, religious, or political themes in the mix. Mars will also be active now so you may get busy with or about friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or original ideas, your freedom, or aspirations. Whatever you fire up about with Mars now, know that both Mars and Pluto will then be squared on Thursday and Saturday and things will get more intense. Thursday with Mars this may mean more passion, anger, aggression, or activity with these social topics and your financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, mortality, or third party matters. Saturday with Pluto may bring deeper intimacy, purging, making/facing changes, or transformations between these areas. Now back to all the Mercury energy, Wednesday you’ll have adjustments so you may need to give and take a bit more or ask for that from others when it comes to the financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, mortality, or third party situations. Friday Saturn will help to cement something one way or the other when it comes to your goals, career or those authority figures in the mix so look for commitments, endings, structuring, responsibilities, or ambitions to take you there. Finally, the weekend is going to amp up emotionally as we build up to and then climax with the Full Moon in Aries. For you this means something coming to a peak with income, purchases, possessions, or products. It is time to mark endings, wrap things up, celebrate, or achieve here. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



READ your OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes here!

HEAR what’s coming in the OCTOBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

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