Monday, October 24, 2016



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HEAR about your NOVEMBER MONTHLY forecast: http://

Void Moons do not receive the influence we may need to direct our purpose forward on a matter so it's thought that to initiate action during a VOID MOON may not bring the results you want. However, Void Moon's are perfect for incubating ideas, wrapping up on ongoing situations and allowing the higher power to take over the direction of where things should go, they can be magical!
VOID MOON in the week ahead, (all times given are Eastern Standard Time, U.S.):

MONDAY 8:21am-11:16pm
TUESDAY no void moon
WEDNESDAY 2:33pm-midnight
THURSDAY 12:00am -9:51am
FRIDAY no void moon
SATURDAY 6:09am – 10:01pm
SUNDAY no void moon

MONDAY Mercury enters Scorpio where he will tour until Nov. 12th, giving us about 3 weeks to get in there with added energy to interview, talk, meet, sign agreements, make sales, write, hear news, field offers, or make choices about loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, investments, settlements, commissions, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, or partner’s money, or about sexual interests, reproductive needs, mortality issues, divorce, or third party matters. So speak up. There is a lovely trine between the Leo Moon and Uranus in Aries today so you may experience a nice surprise, spontaneous opportunity or insight about love, kids, fun, or creativity. 

TUESDAY Virgo Moon takes over and squares Venus so we’ll be hunkered down with the details, pushing to tackle work, health, pet, paperwork, hired help, or co-worker needs, and dealing with the woman, love, income, or beauty themes and any issues over legal, educational, media, marketing, travel, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix. Venus then Squares Neptune so the push/challenge continues and amps up, now involving something going on behind the scenes, with research, artistry, spirituality, romance, healing, addictions, hospitals, hidden agendas, deception, boundary issues, or illusory matters. Hmmm, glad this gets better tomorrow.

WEDNESDAY those work, health, pet, paperwork, hired help, co-worker, or detail-oriented needs are trining Mars and Pluto so we can set things in motion, make powerful changes, involve third parties, focus on the financial side of things or the divorce, mortality issues or sexual needs, and move forward. Today Venus aligns favorably with Jupiter so now those women, love, income, or beauty needs swirling around travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes is opening up to partners, reps, clients, specialists, or dealing with the competition, so connect!

THURSDAY the Sun and Mercury meet on the same degree in Scorpio making this an important day to show up and get involved on a personal or physical level in those talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, interviews, short trips, or decisions about sex, reproduction, divorce, death, birth, third party matters, loans, debt, taxes, insurance, investments, settlements, commissions, alimony, child support, partner’s money, or other outside financial resources. The spotlight is giving us fresh start energy here again.

FRIDAY the Moon and Jupiter embrace which puts the spotlight again on partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, or dealing with the opposition. This is growth-oriented fresh start energy. The Moon then goes on to align favorably with Venus and Saturn so we can cement something long term, end something under positive auspices, structure things to support us, tackle responsibilities, reach higher-up/authority types or do something with/for them, or get ambitious about things involving women, love, income, beauty, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, political, or travel needs. The Moon then squares Pluto so challenges us to focus on powerful changes with parents, bosses, judges, leaders, or other higher-up types, or with big personal goals or career needs involving financial matters, sex, reproduction, divorce, death, or third parties.

FRIDAY-SATURDAY we experience the Mars/Uranus square. So a challenge is in the mix with actions, passions, anger, war, or motivation about goals, career, parents, bosses, judges, leaders, rulers, corporations, governments, or other higher-up people, and the surprise, excitement, shock, sudden change, or awakening, freedom, rebellion, or causes of the individual. Mars/Uranus has been linked with upsets involving earthquakes and other jarring/shaking earth events as well as cyber-attacks and internet issues so take care online and in dangerous places. Use this energy to motivate over your goals via personal or physical changes you can now initiate.

SATURDAY Venus and Saturn conjunct on the same degree and we see love, women, income, and beauty themes get a fresh start with final, authoritarian Saturn. So there may be some endings, commitments, structuring of things, responsibilities, limits, or ambitions coming together with the woman, income, beauty, or love and playing out via travel, distance, legal, political, religious, educational, media, or marketing means.

SUNDAY is the New Moon in Scorpio. This is your best 2 week boost from the cosmos starting today to launch into something new or take things to the next level with financial needs, your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, or third party scenarios. Mercury harmonizes with Neptune so the talks, meetings, news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, or decisions about these financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third party matters are aligned with behind the scenes activities, romantic getaways, secrets, clandestine romance, research, investigations, healing, hospitals, other institutions, dealing with addictions, art, film, music, and other muse-related themes, prayer, meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices, magical interests, psychic abilities, and dreams. So get going, lots to motivate you!

Things begin to change this week for you Aries when it comes to your financial position/situations, what is going on with intimate connections, divorce, mortality issues, or third party matters and that is thanks to Mercury arriving in these matters on Monday, the Sun and Mercury meetings up over it on Thursday and the New Moon giving you the boost forward into new territory or that next chapter starting Sunday. So think about who you want to talk to, meet with, any agreements you may want to go over about it, the sales situation involved, your vehicles and short trips regarding it, and the decisions you can now make with cosmic support behind you to start moving into that next chapter. You’ll also have quite a bit of focus on 9th house matters: legal, educational, travel, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. These are at the forefront on Tuesday (challenging with a woman, income, love, or beauty topic), Wednesday and Friday (opportune with clients, partners, specialists, opponents, or representatives), and Friday-Saturday (fresh starts involving women, income, beauty, love, endings or commitments, and ambitions). Your ruler, Mars, is going to be at odds with Uranus Friday-Saturday so anything can happen. It’s a wild card and may push you to rebel and act out of character or bring some excitement, surprise or spontaneous moments that spurs you into action or bring out sudden outbursts of passion or anger. The focus will likely be on goals, career or authority figures like the boss, judge, parent, mentor, or other higher-up. So use this to motivate and be in the moment for pushing ahead on something and be forewarned that it could side-track you with unexpected, last minute changes or shake-ups. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the NOVEMBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

This is a week that will start to get the ball rolling into that next phase with partners, clients, specialists, agents, the competition, attorneys, advocates, and other relationships, Taurus, thanks to Mercury arriving here on Monday to kick open new talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, offers, and decisions about it in the weeks ahead, the meeting of the Sun and Mercury over these relationships on Thursday so you can show up and come to terms, and the New Moon on Sunday which gives you that 2 week boost forward into new opportunities or next chapter scenarios with them. So make this a week to connect, especially on these days. You’ll also have quite a bit going on in your 8th house so that may mean you’ll be dealing with loans, taxes, insurance, investments, alimony, commissions, or other financial matters, or it may be about your sex life, reproductive needs, a divorce, mortality issues, or third party matters. This will be most relevant for you on Tuesday (when challenges will push you), Wednesday and Friday (when opportunity will help you align one of these themes with work, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, organizing, cleaning, health needs, or animal interests), and Friday-Saturday (when opportunity or fresh starts kick in with women, income, love, or beauty themes in the mix). Finally, the Mars/Uranus square that impacts everyone sometime between Friday-Saturday will push you over actions, anger, passions, or motivations regarding legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes, and something you weren’t expecting, from behind the scenes, out of the blue, involving hidden agendas, secrets, investigations, research, healing, addictions, hospitals, romance, artistry, or spirituality. So keep your plans loose and stay in the moment. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the NOVEMBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

You’re going to get a lot moving into new territory or prepped for that next chapter when it comes to work situations, organizing yourself, your paperwork, what you’re doing with hired help or co-workers, cleaning, your health needs, and what’s going on with animals this week. This is thanks to Mercury arriving over these topics on Monday kicking off about 3 weeks of amped up talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, interviews, offers, and decisions about these matters. This is followed by the Sun and Mercury getting together over it on Thursday helping you show up and take the lead, and then finally with the New Moon boost starting Sunday and the 2 weeks that follow, helping you launch into that next phase. So hunker down, especially on these days, about these topics. You’ll also have quite a bit going on this week with partners, clients, specialists, the competition, agents, attorneys, or other one-on-one relationships. Days when this is most relevant are Tuesday (when you’ll be challenged to deal with goals, career, home, family, etc, in the mix), Wednesday and Friday (when these key players are in opportune and fresh start alignments to creative, love, children, recreational, and ambitious directions), and Friday-Saturday (when women, love, income, and beauty themes can get serious). Finally, Mars and Uranus are squaring Friday-Saturday so expect to be more active, motivated, passionate, or angry over financial matters, sex, divorce, mortality issues, power struggles, or third party scenarios and something sudden, exciting, shocking, or changing with aspirations, friends, groups, gatherings, online, with charities, or social networking). So you could run into a sexual partner at a party and be surprised by the third party involved or you could have something double charged online to your credit card or you could hear about a friends divorce, the combinations will keep you on your toes. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the NOVEMBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

I believe the week ahead is going to push you to enter into new territory or start the preparations for such an event and at the least it will begin to motivate you to enter into talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions about 4 main themes: creative ventures, children, true love, or recreation. This is thanks to Mercury’s arrival over these topics on Monday and over the next 3 weeks, the Sun and Mercury coming together over it on Thursday when you’ll show up personally or physically to move things in place, and Sunday when the New Moon kicks things into that next gear, opening up your best 2 weeks of the year to head into that next level. So plan accordingly. Next, you’ll also have a great deal going on with 6th house matters, so expect a lot of focus on work, health, cleaning, organizing, paperwork, animals, hired help, and co-workers. The days of strong focus here are Tuesday (when you’ll be challenged over any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix), Wednesday and Friday (when opportunities and positive alignments occur involving home, real estate deal, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates) and Friday-Saturday (when something gets serious and starts fresh with commitments, endings, authority figures, structures, or ambitions about it). Finally, the Mars/Uranus square is in effect Friday-Saturday which is likely to spark up lots of activity, passion, anger, or motivation with partners, competitors, clients, specialists, representatives, or other relationships over something sudden, exciting, shocking, or changing with goals, career needs or authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, or mentor. So keep it loose. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the NOVEMBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

There is a lot of potential for you this week when it comes to your home, a move, renovations, your family, parents, roommates, or real estate deals, Leo. That is thanks to Mercury arriving here on Monday and amping up talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, offers, and decisions over the next 3 weeks. This is followed by the Sun and Mercury merging on Thursday to put you in the mix on a personal or physical level to make things happen, and then the New Moon on Sunday that will boost you forward over the following 2 weeks with fresh new opportunities or taking things to that next level. You’ll also have quite a bit going on in your 5th house of creative ventures, love, kids, and fun. This will be evident on Tuesday (when you overcome challenges regarding the financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, mortality, or third party matter in the mix), on Wednesday and Friday (when opportunity and good flow swirls around these creative, love, kids, and fun zones via short trips, talks, meetings, agreements, writing, offers, local activities, and sales) and finally Friday-Saturday (when you get serious about something via commitments, ambitions, responsibilities, endings, or authority figures which may bring money, love, women, or beauty to the forefront). So plan accordingly. Finally, the Mars/Uranus square on Friday-Saturday will amp up activity, passion, anger, or motivation over work, health, pet, paperwork, organizing, cleaning, co-worker, or hired help situations. Expect a wild card involving travel, distance, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political matters in the mix. This may mean surprises, excitement, shocking moments, or changes. Stay in the moment. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the NOVEMBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

The week ahead holds lots of promise for you with talks and meetings, writing and interviews, agreements and sales, ideas and offers, short trips and local activities, your siblings and neighbors, or your vehicles and electronics, Virgo. That is thanks to your ruler, Mercury, coming on board on Monday and touring here over the next 3 weeks, followed by the Sun/Mercury meet-up on Thursday that will help you take center stage about it, and finally the New Moon on Sunday that will help launch you into that next thing or help you take current situations to the next level, so keep the communications flowing. You’ll also have a lot of focus on 4th house matters so expect to be focused on the home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. This will be evident on Tuesday (when you tackle challenges here regarding the partner, opposition, clients, specialist, agent, attorney, or other key players), Wednesday and Friday (when opportunity and harmonic flow help you make it about purchases, possessions, products, or income in the scenario), and Friday-Saturday (when you can get serious about any commitments, endings, responsibilities, women, love, income, authority type folk like parents, bosses or judges, or your goals and ambitions in the matter). Finally, the Mars/Uranus square will amplify activity, passion, anger, or motivation over creative ventures, lovers, children, or recreational interests Friday-Saturday. The wild card in this is about financial matters, sex, reproduction, divorce, morality, or third party matters. So you may have a few surprises, some excitement, a shock, or sudden change, stay in the moment. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the NOVEMBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

The week ahead has a lot going on with income, purchases, possessions, or products for you Libra, and this looks pretty promising. That is thanks to Mercury arriving to open up talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions about it on Monday, a trend that will last for approximately 3 weeks. It’s followed by the Sun and Mercury joining together on Thursday to put you front and center over something here, and finally gets a real send-off on Sunday under the New Moon that will help power you forward into new opportunities or that next chapter. So be proactive about where you’d like to go with this during the week. You’ll also have quite a bit going on in your 3rd house so short trips or more local activity, a focus on vehicles or electronics, siblings or neighbors, those talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions, and this will be evident on Tuesday (when you face any challenges here with a woman, the lover, income needs, or beauty themes in the mix. You may experience something with health, work, pets, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers as well). It then opens up and is more opportune Wednesday and Friday (with a bit of luck or growth coming for or through you in the matter, see if legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes might abet you), and then finally Friday-Saturday (when you can get serious about it via commitments, fresh starts, endings, structures, responsibilities, authority figures, or ambitions). Finally, the Mars/Uranus square is likely to amp up the activity, passion, anger, or motivation on the home front, with family, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate deals. There is a wild card here with a partner, competitor, client, specialist, agent, attorney, or other key player so stay in the moment, this could bring surprise, excitement, shock, or change. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the NOVEMBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

You should feel like things are starting to go your way this week, Scorpio, as a flood of energy is amping up in your sign. This begins on Monday as Mercury arrives and opens up talks, meetings, agreements, short trips, writing, interviews, sales, offers, and decisions aimed at your ego needs, body, image, brand, name, title, and desires over the next 3 weeks. The Sun and Mercury then get together in your sign on Thursday to put you front and center in something involving your needs and fresh starts. Finally, the New Moon on Sunday is all about you and gives you a powerful 2 week boost from the cosmos to launch into new interests or take current interests to the next level, so be proactive, show up. You’ll also have lots going on with your 2nd house this week so expect more going on with purchases, possessions, products, or your income needs. You’ll see this as soon as Tuesday (when you face a challenge over something that is not exactly what it seems in creative, love, kids, or fun zones in the mix), then find some opportunities or good flow going on Wednesday and Friday (with the artistic, romantic, spiritual, healing, hospital, research, or behind the scenes involvement). Finally, Friday-Saturday (you can get serious about commitments, endings, responsibilities, authority figures, or ambitions about it). The other big energetic of the week is also happening Friday-Saturday, this is the Mars/Uranus square. So at this time you may have an active, passionate, angry, or motivated moment involving talks, meetings, agreements, sales, short trips, interviews, offers, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions. The wild card here involves work, hired help, co-workers, paperwork, health matters, or animals. So expect some surprises, excitement, shocking moments, or sudden changes, it should be electrical. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the NOVEMBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

You can get things moving in the right direction this week with any artistic project or interest, your spiritual or romantic life, healing or hospitals, research and investigations, dealing with addictions or bad habits, and time you spend behind the scenes resting, recuperating or incubating ideas. This is thanks to Mercury arriving here on Monday opening up talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, short trips, and decisions about it over the next 3 weeks. Mercury then gets together with the Sun over it on Thursday which will help put a spotlight on you and push you into showing up and getting involved. Finally, the New Moon on Sunday highlights these themes and gives you the cosmic boost forward into something new or that next chapter with these matters. You’ll also have a lot going on with you this week Sage. This may mean you are involved in some personal goal or it’s about your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs. You’ll see this as soon as Tuesday (when you’ll challenge yourself or be challenged on the home front, with family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate deals), then open up to potential opportunities and good flow on Wednesday and Friday (when you might involve friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or just further your aspirations or freedom). Finally, Friday-Saturday there is potential for fresh starts and getting serious via commitments, endings, structures, discipline, authority figures, responsibilities, or ambitions. This may involve women, love, income, or beauty themes in the mix). There is one other major energy at play and it as well is Friday-Saturday. This is the Mars/Uranus square. So expect more activity, passion, anger, or motivation over income, purchases, possessions, or products. The wild card in the mix involved a lover, creative project/interest, the kids, or recreational interests. So look for surprises, excitement, shocking moments, or sudden changes here. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the NOVEMBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

You should have a banner week when it comes to social networking, the internet, group activities, friends, gatherings, your aspirations, charities, astrology, and original ideas/projects, Capricorn. This is thanks to Mercury arriving here on Monday, a trend that lasts about 3 weeks and opens up talks, meetings, offers, agreements, short trips, sales, writing, and decisions involving these topics. The Sun and Mercury will then meet over these social matters on Thursday making it a good day for getting involved and taking the lead. Finally, the New Moon on Sunday gives you a cosmic boost forward into new situations or that next chapter with said friends, groups, internet, astrology, charity, gathering, social networking aspirations, and original interests, so you’ll have 2 powerful weeks to make good on that next level. You’ll also have a lot going on behind the scenes this week and that may mean time to pull back, get into your vibe and figure some things out, to research or investigate, or it may be about healing, hospitals, dealing with addictions, artistic pursuits, spiritual practices, or romantic time with someone. You’ll see this as soon as Tuesday (when challenges pop up here via talks or meetings or ideas or decisions. For some of you it may also be about siblings, neighbors, short trips, vehicles, electronics, agreements, or sales). This is followed by Wednesday and Friday (when opportunity and some good flow arrives via the goals, authority types in the mix or career matters tied into it). Finally, Friday-Saturday (fresh starts and getting serious via commitments, endings, structures, responsibilities, authority types, or ambitions, is indicated over it). The only other big energetic this week is about the Mars/Uranus square Friday-Saturday. This is likely to stir up activity, passions, anger, or motivation within you Capricorn so it will get you moving or heated. The wild card from Uranus is about home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates, so look for surprises, excitement, shocking moments, or sudden changes here. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the NOVEMBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

It’s a big week to set goals and go after them, to pursue career agendas or to move forward with interests involving the boss, parent, judge, mentor, director, teacher, or other authority figure. Thank Mercury who arrives in these matters on Monday and will tour here over the weeks ahead, helping open up talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, and decisions on these matters. This is followed by the Sun and Mercury meeting together over it on Thursday which will allow you to show up and get more personally or physically involved, and then finally, the big push forward begins on Sunday with the New Moon here that helps you launch into that next level or new opportunity in the 2 weeks that follow. You’ll also have lots of activity going on socially in the week ahead. This can mean time with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or pursuit of your aspirations. It will be evident on Tuesday (when you are pushed or challenged here involving income, purchases, possessions, or products), then pick up in opportune or positive flow Wednesday and Friday (when any travel, distant, legal, educational, wedding, media, marketing, religious, or political interests in the mix). Finally, Friday and Saturday (you may get serious with women, love, income, or beauty interests in the mix via commitments, endings, authority types, or ambitions about it). The other big energy at work is on Friday and Saturday with the Mars/Uranus square. This is about amplified activity, passion or anger focused on what’s going on behind the scenes, a romantic interlude, spiritual practice, magical activity, psychic interest, hospital matter, healing, dealing with an addiction, the art, film, music, poetry, or other muse-related theme, or the research and development. The wild card will focus on meetings, news, talks, offers, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions in the mix, keep it loose. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the NOVEMBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

You have a lot of potential in the week ahead with 9th house matters: legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. This starts on Monday as Mercury arrives, a trend that will continue over the next 3 weeks, opening up more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions about it. The Sun and Mercury will get together on Thursday about it so you should expect to show up and get more personally or physically involved in it now. By Sunday the New Moon will give you the cosmic boost forward over the 2 weeks that follow to move into that next chapter or start something new with legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. You’ll also have quite a bit going on with personal goals, career and authority figures this week thanks to activity in your 10th house. You’ll see evidence of this on Tuesday (when any challenges arrive to overcome), then on Wednesday and Friday (when opportunities or positive flow is in effect with the financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, mortality, or third party situations in the mix). Finally, Friday-Saturday (you can get serious about the women, love, income, or beauty themes and any commitments, endings, structures, responsibilities, or ambitions in the scenario with those goals, career matters or authority figures). The other major energy this week is the Mars/Uranus square that will be felt Friday and Saturday. Mars will amp up the activity, passion or anger with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or your aspirations. The wild card will be with income, possessions, purchases, or products here so expect some surprise, excitement, shock, or sudden change. Staying in the moment and going with the flow is probably the best approach. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the NOVEMBER MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

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