Sunday, December 7, 2014



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The Moon in the week ahead, all times given are eastern standard time, U.S. If you are in Central Time subtract 1 hour, Mountain Time subtract 2 hours, Pacific Time subtract 3 hours, UK time add 5 hours: 

CANCER MOON - Monday 12:01am - Tuesday 10:14pm - emotional needs to nurture, nest or connect with family. 
LEO MOON - Tuesday 10:14pm - Friday 10:19am - Emotional needs to shine in the spotlight, create or love. 
VIRGO MOON - Friday 10:19am - Sunday 11:05pm - Emotional needs to analyze, work or organize. 
LIBRA MOON - Sunday 11:05pm - Midnight - Emotional needs to balance, relate with someone or seek justice. 

VOID MOON in the week ahead, EST: 

TUESDAY 7:14pm - 10:14pm 
FRIDAY 7:48am -10:19am 
SUNDAY 9:11pm - 11:05pm

Our week begins with Jupiter Retrograding on MONDAY. This is taking us back over any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, political, or religious needs that pertain to our creative projects, children, love life/lover, or recreational interests. Jupiter may reconnect with past people or opportunities during the next 4 months in Retrograde or help us fine tune any loose ends in ongoing situations. Notice what shifts today regarding these matters since it holds a clue as to what you should be working on.

TUESDAY brings good energy around home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, and security needs, and the financial aspects involved or any sexual, divorce, reproductive, mortality, or third party matters in the mix. Look at ways to structure, end or commit to things long term.

WEDNESDAY Venus moves into Capricorn where she will tour until Jan. 3, 2015. Here she gets more serious about love, women and income needs. She helps smooth out issues around goals, career or authority figures, and helps you attract what you seek a bit more easily. This placement wants you to get real, be ambitious and put yourself out there over love, earnings or women. Today the emotional energy is in Leo so we need love, creative projects, recreation, or children's themes to be front and center. This energy is under adjustment aspects today so expect to work around things or adapt.

THURSDAY aligns very big news, offers, agreements, sales, talks, meetings, or decisions over the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes together with that creative project, love interest, child, or recreational interest. This is open and harmonious.

FRIDAY the same expansive energy continues, helping you take things even further with the kids, creativity, fun, or love life through any travel, legal, educational, wedding, media, marketing, publishing, religious, or political themes. Think big. The Virgo Moon starts to help us reach for goals and achieve when it comes to work, health, pets, paperwork, co-workers, or people we hire. A female may be quite helpful in all of this or you may see Venus helping through the ability to reach love or income goals in the mix.

SATURDAY the same work, health, pet, paperwork, co-worker, and hired help energy is in harmony, working with the goals, career and authority figures in the mix, going well. Today though rather than the Venus energy of love, income and women to step up we have Pluto and something achievable regarding outside financial resources, sex, divorce, mortality issues, reproductive needs, or third party situations. Changes made today should benefit.

SUNDAY offers us the potential to step into whatever we got going on Thursday so show up, make your presence known, put your name or image to it, take the lead, make it about your brand or body, it's about you and where you are in that travel, media, marketing, publishing, legal, educational, wedding, religious, or political theme and the positive doors opening around creativity, fun, love, or kids. The day wraps with a Venus/Neptune dance that can be the ultimate dreamy imaginative embrace, note that goals and what is going on behind the scenes is major here.

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MONDAY begins a 4 month window for fine tuning or returning to past interests in your love life, with creative projects, recreational interests, or children. Hone in on the travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, political, or religious themes here. It seems you will be talking or meeting about it today. TUESDAY is great for home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates and what is going on with financial matters, your intimate needs, divorce, or third party situations. WEDNESDAY brings Venus to your Midheaven so over the weeks ahead you will be favored more by women in high places and find that the focus on income or love goals is more important to you. You may get a break for strife during this transit when it comes to career, reputation, ambitions, and the parent, boss, or other authority type. Make adjustments today regarding creative projects, kids, lovers, or fun. THURSDAY these adjustments seem to have worked to your favor because there are some great talks, meetings, offers, agreements, short trips, or decisions coming together with the kids, lover, creative efforts, or recreational interests. You should feel good about what ties in here through travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political themes. This same combination of positive energy continues strongly into FRIDAY so again focus on growth and happiness in these matters. The Virgo Moon begins to urge work, health, pet, paperwork, co-worker, or employee interests to the fore front, linking you to a woman who can help reach goals or helping you reach goals involving love or income. SATURDAY this work, health, pet, paperwork, co-worker, and hired help focus continues, again with positive flow for organizing and details, again with positive energy around goals, career or authority types in the mix. Today however brings a more powerful financial, sexual, divorce, or third party energy into the scenario. SUNDAY has you stepping up over that legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political interest, taking the lead, getting personally or physically involved, and opening to that good thing going on with the kids, creative outlet, recreational pursuit, or lover. There are some dreamy and inspired moments today that take the imagination and romance to a higher level, pay attention to intuition and signs. For a deeper look at your own unique birth chart and what may be transpiring for you up ahead specifically, email and inquire about the details of booking a private reading, there's so much more to know!



MONDAY kicks off a 4month Jupiter Retrograde that is going to either take you back over ongoing home, real estate, family, parent, or roommate situations, and any moves, or renovations, or take you back to past situations or people involved in these themes for a do-over. Take the time to note what is coming up for you over legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes in these areas today since you will most likely be working on it over these months ahead. TUESDAY is an important day this week for bonding or solidifying something with a partner, client, specialist, representative, competitor, or other key relationship. News or offers, talks or agreements, sales or meetings, short trips and decisions are about how to focus ambitions, structure things, end them, commit long term, take on responsibilities, or lead in the matter. WEDNESDAY has your ruler, Venus, moving into your zone of travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, religious, and political themes. She will tour here through Jan. 3, 2015. This may mean women are focal here or that you can earn money or express love through these venues. It will also help you smooth things out or attract what you are after a bit more easily. Expect today to be the day you have to work around or adapt to something on the home, real estate, move, renovation, family, parent, or roommate front. THURSDAY those adjustments made yesterday start to pay off as the news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, talks, meetings, or decisions about the financial, divorce or sexual aspects of what is going on fall into alignment. So again make it about home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. FRIDAY this same positive flow is continuing on bringing growth around what you said or chose and the efforts underway to open things up. The Virgo Moon begins to bring energy to your love life/lover, the kids, creative projects, and fun today and align them with those legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, or wedding plans, tend to the details now, it's looking good. SATURDAY this good energy continues to support you but today from the stance of something powerfully evolving, involving shared finances, sex, divorce, or third parties in the mix. SUNDAY will take whatever you got going on Thursday and put you there physically or personally over the sex, divorce, finances, or third party situation. Again this is aligned to good things opening up for you on the home front, with real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. A dreamy, inspired energy moves into play around the trip, legal, educational, media, wedding, or religious interest, aspirations are being met or you are involving a friend, group or the internet in some interesting way. For a deeper look at your own unique birth chart and what may be transpiring for you up ahead specifically, email and inquire about the details of booking a private reading, there's so much more to know!



MONDAY is an important day for Gemini because it marks the beginning of a 4 month Jupiter Retrograde that is asking that you go back over any past agreements, sales, writing projects, interviews, auditions, offers, talks, ideas, or topics involving brothers, sisters, neighbors, local activities, short trips, vehicles, or electronics. There is either something from the past meant to come back around or you need to fine tune something ongoing here, think Jupiter themes: legal, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, travel, religious, or political matters. TUESDAY puts you in the income flow or if you aren't driven to earn today it can give you equal flow around purchases and dealing with possessions. You can cement something solid through paperwork, the job/work efforts, health interest, hired help, or co-worker. WEDNESDAY has Venus moving into your zone of sex, triangles, divorce, major financial matters, mortality issues, reproductive needs, and controlling interests. Here she will help smooth things out, bring the love, income or women to the fore front and help you attract what you are after a bit more easily. You will need to make some adjustments today involving the meetings, talks, agreements, short trips, offers, or decisions with the lover, kids, creative projects, or fun, give and take. THURSDAY whatever you did to adapt around the news or choices of yesterday begin to pay off for you today as a partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key relationship is heard from and brings things into positive flow. FRIDAY this vibe continues with your key relationships and the meetings, talks, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, offers, and decisions. There is opportunity for something big with it today. The Virgo Moon begins to bring attention to home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates today and the potential around opening up your sex life, dealing smoothly with divorce issues or attracting money flow around outside financial resources in the mix. SATURDAY this trend continues with good flow but today you can bring some powerful change into it or go deeper. SUNDAY will bring you more personally or physically into what you were initiating on Thursday so expect to be fully there via your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or personal aims when it comes to that partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key player. There are again big talks, offers, agreements, short trips, or decisions in the mix or you are hearing some big news. There is a dreamy, inspired energy taking hold today around your intimate life, sexuality, divorce, or shared financial needs so set goals, invite the muse, research, reach high. For a deeper look at your own unique birth chart and what may be transpiring for you up ahead specifically, email and inquire about the details of booking a private reading, there's so much more to know!



The Jupiter Retrograde that begins on MONDAY opens up a 4 month window for you to rework an income situation or something involving purchases or possessions. You should look at legal, travel, media, marketing, wedding, or educational matters tied to this and resolve to get it worked out by April 4th when the next chapter takes off. Show up today over the work, health matter, paperwork, pets, or with people you hire or work with to start things rolling. TUESDAY is a serious day for creative projects, recreational outlets, true love, or the kids, commit to something here. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into your relationship zone where she will travel until Jan. 5, 2015. This is a lovely influence that brings potential for love, income or women interests to go well via the partner, attorney, agent, specialist, client, or other key relationship. If you need to smooth something out or attract things via these people this is your window. You will need to make some adjustments today around income, possessions or purchases. THURSDAY whatever you adapted around yesterday pays off today as income, possessions and purchases fall into a groove and bring positive talks, meetings, offers, sales, agreements, short trips, or decisions involving work, health, paperwork, pets, co-workers, or people you hire. FRIDAY this trend continues in a big way, a great day to sign documents or pitch ideas related to income and work, paperwork, health and purchases, etc. The Virgo Moon nods to Venus and opens up some lovely energy in the meetings, talks, offers, and decisions involving those partners, reps, clients, specialists, and other relationships. Think love, money or women in this matter. SATURDAY this continues with the communications and choices involving key relationships but today it is flowing towards achievements, goals, dealings with authority types, and career matters that tie in with big financial interests or your sex life or divorce. SUNDAY puts you personally or physically into the health, work, paperwork, pet, co-worker, clean-up, or hired help activities and this is again in positive flow and opening up to something big via the purchase, possessions or income. A bit of romance, artistry, inspiration, or magic kicks in around that key relationship and opens up potential around the legal, travel, wedding, educational, or media venture, dream big. For a deeper look at your own unique birth chart and what may be transpiring for you up ahead specifically, email and inquire about the details of booking a private reading, there's so much more to know!



MONDAY brings a shift for you Leo in the personal or physical sense of current growth cycles. You've been hosting Jupiter in your sign since the summer and now it Retrogrades. This will slow down some of the expansion and open up a 4 month window for you to review and rework anything big you've been dealing with involving your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or personal needs. Think about the creative, children's, recreational, or love impact and how any legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans play into what you are doing. TUESDAY brings some solid situations going on behind the scenes involving home, retreat, artistry, real estate, research, family, parents, roommates, renovations, moves, healing, hospitals, romance, and imagination. You can cement things one way or the other today. WEDNESDAY has Venus moving into your work, health, pet, paperwork, hired help, and co-worker zone. She will tour here through Jan. 3, 2015. This helps you smooth out rough edges, attract love, women or income in these matters and enjoy what is going on a bit more. You will need to make a few personal or physical adjustments today. THURSDAY turns attention to the lover, children, creative project, or fun. There are meetings, talks, offers, agreements, short trips, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, and decisions amping up around these themes for you and it looks positive and expansive. FRIDAY this trend continues, possibly getting even better. If you need to sign something go for it. The Moon moving into Virgo turns attention to earnings, purchases or possessions and brings that lovely work, health, pet, paperwork, hired help, or co-worker Venus energy into the picture so things should go well. SATURDAY this trend continues but today you can make powerful changes, go deeper or evolve the situation, look to outside financial interests, intimacy or third party situations to be key. SUNDAY puts you front and center with the lover, children, creative project, or recreational interest and brings more good and growth for you. Something magical or inspired is coming to light around the work, paperwork, health, pets, co-worker, or hired help and it is opening up potential around shared or outside financial interests, sex, divorce, or triangles. For a deeper look at your own unique birth chart and what may be transpiring for you up ahead specifically, email and inquire about the details of booking a private reading, there's so much more to know!



MONDAY brings the Jupiter Retrograde and opens up a 4 month window for you to go back over anything that is still left undone regarding your healing, hospital, prison, research, retreat, rest, recuperation, addictions, spiritual practices, art, film, music, romance, getaway, or project in development. You should look at any legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding needs in the mix and how your creativity, love life, kids, or fun are being affected. By April 4th you will be into the next chapter so use this time to work out any past issues here. You will want to start today by showing up or talking things out and making choices about property, family, moves, renovations, parents, roommates, or real estate deals. TUESDAY brings serious or ambitious connections with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or your aspirations. It's a good day to get real about structures, goals, responsibilities, leadership, and status in what is going on. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into your zone of true love, children, creative projects, and fun. From now through Jan. 3, 2015 you will be favored with more joy, smooth sailing or the ability to attract what you are after here, look to women for help and how you can apply love or income needs to the mix. You will need to make some adjustments today regarding the research, spiritual practice, romantic getaway, artistic project, healing, or hospital. THURSDAY seems to reward you for those adjustments of yesterday since today these matters fall in line with the talks, offers or decisions around the home, real estate, renovation, move, family, roommate, or parent. FRIDAY this trend continues but possibly on an even greater scale as you can come to terms, sign agreements, make sales, meet, talk, and choose in ways that opens things up here. The Virgo Moon will bring the love back around for you today or help you enjoy the creative process, kids or fun. Here presence may bode well for the woman involved or for making money or love today. SATURDAY the good vibes continue with creative efforts, kids, lovers, or fun but today there is something more powerful in the mix, a chance to change or evolve things, involve other peoples money, your sex life or divorce needs, and go deeper. SUNDAY you are front and center over the home, real estate, move, renovation, family, parent, or roommate need. This is really positive energy and again about big things happening behind the scenes, in development, research, artistic outlets, romantic retreats, spiritual pursuits, healing, or hospitals. A magical or inspired energy starts to form around your lover, kids, creative projects, or recreational interests today and links into opportunity with the partner, client, specialist, representative, or other key relationship, enjoy. For a deeper look at your own unique birth chart and what may be transpiring for you up ahead specifically, email and inquire about the details of booking a private reading, there's so much more to know!



Jupiter Retrogrades on MONDAY and you begin to retrace steps involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, and your aspirations over the next 4 months. This will be about any creative, kids or love matters and what is going on with legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding themes in the mix. Put in effort to tie up loose ends and make today about any talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, short trips, or decisions that put you up front and motivating. TUESDAY will turn attention to any serious income needs or what is going on with possessions or purchases. You can focus on goals, career or an authority figure in the mix and aim for achieving something solid one way or the other in this today. WEDNESDAY marks Venus's move into your home base, real estate deals, family matters, moves, renovations, parent or roommate needs, or security interests. From now through Jan. 3rd, 2015 she will either bring women here who are good for you or help you attract the love or money, beautify your space, smooth out issues, and enjoy yourself more. You will need to make adjustments today involving the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, gathering, or aspiration. THURSDAY seems to reward you for adjustments made in those areas yesterday because today you are in expansive and happy mode through talks, meetings, offers, and decisions involving these matters, think big. FRIDAY the trend continues so expect another day of big meetings, talks, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, local action, offers, and decisions involving those friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or your aspirations. If you need to put your name to it today is great. The energy then shifts to home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates and the enjoyable things going on behind the scenes here. You can see healing or rest favored, get inspired artistically or romantically, do your research or development, or get into your zen, all good. Focus on love, income or women in the mix. SATURDAY this trend continues behind the scenes, in the home, etc, but today big changes or deep connections can mean intimacy, sexual interests, divorce themes, or the big financial interests getting involved. This looks positive for evolving things. SUNDAY you are front and center regarding what came up for you on Thursday so expect to show up, put your name or image to it or pursue it in your own interests today, involving the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or gathering. The magical energy begins to amp up over work, health, paperwork, people you hire, pets, or co-workers. It's a good day to do something inspired in the home or with family. For a deeper look at your own unique birth chart and what may be transpiring for you up ahead specifically, email and inquire about the details of booking a private reading, there's so much more to know!



MONDAY begins a 4 month Jupiter Retrograde that is aimed at taking you back over any old territory regarding goals, career, reputation, fame, status, bosses, parents, mentors, or other authority types in your life. It's time to fine tune things and work out anything creative, love oriented or for the kids that you are doing here. Look at the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes that can be tackled to this end. You will be stepping up to something involving income, possessions or purchases today in meetings or talks, making choices. TUESDAY is get real day regarding you, your name, title, brand, image, or needs and the needs you have for that legal, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, or travel plan. You can cement things one way or the other today. WEDNESDAY has Venus moving into your communications zone so the next weeks, until Jan. 3rd, will be about the talks, offers, meetings, short trips, writing, agreements, sales, interviews, and decisions involving women, love or income. Venus will help smooth out, attract the love or money, and bring women who can help. You will need to make adjustments today involving goals, career or that authority type like the parent, boss or judge. THURSDAY opens up talks, offers, meetings, and decisions involving income, possessions or purchases and aligns it with very positive career, goal or authority figure direction. FRIDAY this trend continues but in a bigger way so ask for it, pitch it, sign it, sell it, field it, and make decisions, those past Jupiter themes are relevant. Energy gets social today as well, bringing friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings to the forefront and this looks quite lovely. An emphasis is on women, income or love in the mix. SATURDAY the social themes and communications and meetings continue to move in positive directions but today there is something more powerful in the mix, a shared financial matter, your sex life or divorce needs, so see what you can evolve or change in favorable ways. SUNDAY you are front and center over what came up for you on Thursday. This will put you personally or physically into the income, possessions or purchasing mode and align you positively with big goals, career, status, or authority type favor. Magical and inspired energy is starting to build around ideas, offers, agreements, writing, sales, meetings, interviews, auditions, short trips, and decisions that link to creative projects, kids, love, or fun. For a deeper look at your own unique birth chart and what may be transpiring for you up ahead specifically, email and inquire about the details of booking a private reading, there's so much more to know!



MONDAY begins a 4 month Jupiter Retrograde. Since this is your ruling energy you will undoubtedly be feeling the pull back towards something or away from something past as this shift occurs. It is focusing on your travel, legal, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, wedding, educational, religious, or political interests and what is going on creatively, regarding kids or about your love life/lover. It's your time to work things out so you are ready for the next chapter that will begin April 8th. Whatever you are up front and center about today looks good. TUESDAY is serious when it comes to your sexual, financial, divorce, or third party needs and what is going on behind the scenes, with a romantic retreat, hospital or healing, research or investigation, art, film, or music project, spiritual practice, or period of rest. You can cement something solid in this today. WEDNESDAY has Venus moving into your income zone where she will travel until Jan 3, 2015. This will help you attract income more easily, encourage spending on luxury items, things of beauty, women, or love, and help you with possessions or gifts. You will need to make adjustments today regarding the travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding theme. THURSDAY it seems yesterday's adjustment put you in good standing over these same subjects because you are seeing positive talks, meetings, offers, agreements, sales, or decisions coming together around it. FRIDAY this trend continues but goes even bigger so speak up, sign it, sell it, meet about it, pitch it, get in there and make decisions and go for what makes you happy. The Virgo Moon will begin to open up goals, career or authority types to you and bring about a positive link to making money, purchases or possessions in the mix. A woman may figure in this or you may just be charming and attracting more than usual. SATURDAY this trend continues so you may see more income, possessions or purchases linking favorably to career, goals and authority types but today there is powerful change or evolution around it, you can involve outside financial resources or see sex life or divorce needs fall into place. SUNDAY you are front and center over what came up for you on Thursday. This means you are at center stage today over the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding theme and it puts a spotlight on who you are or what you need and some growth opportunity. Magical or inspired energy begins to brew around possessions, purchases and income potential linking quite opportunely to the home, family, real estate, roommates, parents, moves, or renovations. Follow your muse or intuition. For a deeper look at your own unique birth chart and what may be transpiring for you up ahead specifically, email and inquire about the details of booking a private reading, there's so much more to know!



MONDAY kicks off the Jupiter Retrograde which will last until April 8th. This period is your cue to go back over anything you still need to work out involving loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, settlements, commissions, retirement, mortgages, alimony, child support, a partner's money, or anything involving your sex life, divorce, mortality issues, reproductive needs, or third party situations. This is the time to revise or reconnect with past creative, children's or lovers situations here and to look at the legal, travel, wedding, educational, or media needs in the matter. You should be meeting or making some choices behind the scenes today that put you center stage. TUESDAY is your day to connect with significant others and deal with any ambitions, structures, limits, endings, commitments or responsibilities involving gatherings, groups, the internet, friends, or your aspirations. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into your sign, a welcome energy that will help you attract love, women or money to your aims more easily between now and Jan. 5th and smooth out any issues. Focus this on your needs, body, image, brand, name, title, or identity. THURSDAY gets you into that financial, sexual, mortality, divorce, or reproductive interest and opens up talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, and decisions about what is going on behind the scenes, with healing, hospitals, research, artistic projects, spiritual practices, or romantic getaways. FRIDAY continues this trend in positive direction only today is bigger, offering real meeting of the minds, think big. The legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans begin to open up for you in some personal or physical way. Look at the love, women or income in the mix and make it about you! SATURDAY this trend continues but today can take it deeper, help you make changes, empower you, or tie it all into that outside financial resource, your sex life or divorce needs. SUNDAY puts you front and center over what came up for you on Thursday. This means you are behind closed doors, in research, healing, resting, at a hospital, on the art project, in the spiritual practice, or on that romantic retreat. This aligns favorable to finances, divorce and the sex life. Magical or inspired energy begins to filter in around you and the ideas, offers, meetings, talks, and decisions going on the rest of the day, let your imagination fly. For a deeper look at your own unique birth chart and what may be transpiring for you up ahead specifically, email and inquire about the details of booking a private reading, there's so much more to know!



MONDAY begins the 4 month Jupiter Retrograde and a turnaround in the expansive energy that has been pushing key relationships like your business or romantic partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or other significant others. This is your cue to go back over any territory with or about these people involving your creative efforts, love life or kids and focus in on the legal, travel, distant, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political themes that need your attention so you are ready for forward growth again come April 8th. You will be up front today with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or gathering. TUESDAY puts the focus on serious goals, career matters or what is going on with an authority type like a boss, parent or judge. You should be about to put in efforts, do the work, tackle paperwork, health concerns, pets, co-worker needs, or hire help, the energy is positive. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into your hidden zone until April 3, 2015 so you will be going behind closed doors with love, women or ways to make money. This could play into romantic getaways or clandestine romance, artistic projects or spiritual practices, healing or hospitals, research or development, and help you smooth things out or find pleasure. You will need to make some adjustments around the partners, reps, clients, specialists, or opponents today. THURSDAY opens up talks, meetings, offers, agreements, sales, short trips, and decisions involving your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings and the relationship axis with the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other important player. FRIDAY this trend continues but today it could go even bigger with important communications and choises opening things for you in these areas. The sexual, divorce, third party, and financial interests get a boost as more positive flow opens up here over love, income or women. Again take it behind the scenes, favor healing, hospitals, romance, spiritual pursuits, or artistic outlets. SATURDAY this continues to sooth and empower but today it may go even deeper or help you make changes. SUNDAY you are front and center on what came up for you on Thursday. Step up with aspirations, the friend, group, internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or original interests and open up with the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key player. Magical and inspired energy is starting to swirl around gifts, possessions, purchases, and income today and links again to that behind the scenes, healing, hospital, research, romantic, artistic, and spiritual arena. For a deeper look at your own unique birth chart and what may be transpiring for you up ahead specifically, email and inquire about the details of booking a private reading, there's so much more to know!



MONDAY starts the Jupiter Retrograde that will last until April 8th. This period is your opportunity to go back over any work, organizing, clean-up, paperwork, hired help, co-worker, health, or pet needs. Look at the love, kids or creative needs in the mix and how legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or politics can be worked on to make things flow. By April you will be taking things back out there again so do the work. You will need to take the lead or step up today over goals, career needs or with the authority figures like a boss, parent or judge, and say what needs saying. TUESDAY turns focus to the serious ambition, commitment, ending, structure, or responsibility you're dealing with over legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding themes. You should feel good today about the love, kids or creative things going on here. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into your social arenas where she will tour through Jan 3, 2015. This brings more enjoyment and pleasure with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, and aspirations. Women may be key to making this so or you may find that these areas are amping up the love or income opportunities. Enjoy. You will need to make some adjustments today over work, paperwork, health, hired help, co-workers, or pets. THURDAY those adjustments made yesterday seem to be paying off today as positive talks, meetings, agreements, sales, offers, or decisions commence around goals, career and authority types over this work, health, paperwork, c0-worker, hired help, or pet situation. FRIDAY this trend continues but today it may be even bigger and better, say yes or show up in a spirit of expansion. Your feelings about the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key player should be good today, especially where aspirations, gatherings, the internet, friends, groups, and charities are concerned, think love, income or women's opportunities here. This relationship and social alignment continues into SATURDAY but today this could bring deeper connections, powerful changes or evolution of the situation. SUNDAY you will be front and center over what came up for you on Thursday so step up on the career front, with the major goal or authority figure and open things up with work, organizing, clean-ups, paperwork, health, pets, co-workers, or people you hire. There is some magic or inspiration around the friends, groups, internet, astrology, charities, and gatherings today that hones right in on you so trust your intuition and share the imagination. For a deeper look at your own unique birth chart and what may be transpiring for you up ahead specifically, email and inquire about the details of booking a private reading, there's so much more to know!



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