Sunday, December 14, 2014



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The Moon in the week ahead, all times given are eastern standard time, U.S. If you are in Central Time subtract 1 hour, Mountain Time subtract 2 hours, Pacific Time subtract 3 hours, UK time add 5 hours: 

LIBRA MOON - Sunday 12:01am - Wednesday 9:52am - Emotional needs to balance, relate with someone or seek justice.
SCORPIO MOON - Wednesday 9:52am - Friday 4:55pm - emotional needs to control, go deep or make powerful changes  
SAGITTARIUS MOON - Friday 4:55pm - Sunday 8:25pm - emotional needs to expand, adventure and believe 
CAPRICORN MOON - Sunday 8:25pm - Midnight - emotional needs to achieve, lead or be recognized 

VOID MOON in the week ahead, EST: 
WEDNESDAY 12:40am - 9:52am 
FRIDAY 4:11pm -4:55pm 
SUNDAY 7:34am - 8:25pm 

The Uranus/Pluto square completes round 6 of 7 on MONDAY. You are now officially over that next hurdle and in the home stretch for completion of this tremendous revolutionary energetic between now and March 17, 2015. If there are still any last shake-ups, surprises, new directions, original ideas, awakenings, runs for freedom, or needed excitement, today's your day to jump in.

TUESDAY Mercury moves into Capricorn to join Pluto and Venus and bring the news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, talks, meetings, short trips, or interactions with siblings, neighbors, over vehicles, electronics, or big decisions in the weeks ahead. So whatever came up for you over the weekend into Monday with the Uranus/Pluto square, today you begin to communicate and choose.

WEDNESDAY the Scorpio Moon makes nice with Mercury in Capricorn so those talks, meetings, offers, agreements, sales, and decisions link in positively with financial needs, sexual interests, reproductive matters, mortality issues, divorce proceedings, and third party situations to the good.

THURSDAY the connection between Scorpio Moon and Capricorn continues but today instead of Mercury we have interaction with Venus and Pluto here. Same themes but now the opportunity is for love/sexual interests, income/shared resources or outside financial considerations, women and any of the above, and it should again go well. The adjustment aspect to Uranus means YOU need to give and take a bit around your needs, body, image, brand, name, title, or ego in the mix.

FRIDAY the Moon comes to sit with Saturn and so things are serious and solid, it's time for cementing, ending, committing, leading, structuring, or amping up ambitions around those financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party matters.

SATURDAY is one of those days, Mercury, Venus and Mars are all active so you will be active as well. The energy is swirling around goals, career, the boss, parent, judge, or other authority figures, the energy is bringing more talks, offers, news, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, sibling interaction, meetings, and decisions, more love, women or income themes into the mix and more powerful change or deeper connection. Mars on the other hand is all about wrapping the day with something social so jump in with friends, groups, online, at parties, gatherings, or events, this looks last minute or exciting and positive.

SUNDAY Uranus ends his month's long Retrograde cycle and goes Direct. You are now ready to turn away from past personal or physical needs and begin to shake things up in new ways again. The Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice and kicks off a 30 day cycle putting you out there on the career front, with personal goals, reputation, fame, leadership abilities, and authority figures. Today is the NEW MOON in Capricorn as well so the next 2 weeks are your best for the year to seed something towards new interests in these areas or to take current matters further so look at what you want to achieve and be proactive!

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With Uranus so amplified the entire week, starting with the 6th Uranus/Pluto square on MONDAY and ending with Uranus changing direction and going Direct on SUNDAY, you may feel like you are electrified or starring in your own version of High Anxiety! The good thing about this focus and shifting energy is that it is in your sign and gives you more potential than any other sign to reinvent yourself or set things in motion towards this end. You need to stay in the moment and go with what comes up and by all means take roads less traveled, try out new things and let the world see how unique you are! Mercury moves into Capricorn on TUESDAY giving you until Jan. 5th to talk it out, write it up, pitch it, propose it, meet about it, interview or audition, make the sale, sign the agreement, or make your choice when it comes to the goals, career and authority figures you are dealing with like a boss, parent or judge. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY will offer you opportunity to do just that with a nod at any financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party needs in the mix. If you need to give and take a bit on Thursday about this then do so. By FRIDAY you will cement things one way or the other with these matters so look at endings, commitments, responsibilities, ambitions, and structures around those financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party matters. SATURDAY is very busy with tons more personal activations through meetings, talks, writing, short trips, offers, interviews, auditions, sales, agreements, and decisions, as well as with women, love or income matters, look at goals. Once Mars kicks in it becomes quite social so set aside time with friends, groups, the internet, parties, gatherings, or any other social activity that inspires you. SUNDAY, besides Uranus going Direct and shifting that electrical energy within you as you prepare for new personal or physical choices, the NEW MOON in Capricorn kicks in as the Sun kicks off the Winter Solstice by moving into Capricorn. So you have fresh starts with goals, reputation, career, the boss, parent, mentor, judge, or other higher-up. Seed now for positive growth, take the lead when at all possible. There is more to know if you feel ready to look into your personal birth chart. To inquire about the rates and availability for a private reading email and learn what else the stars have to say about you!



Uranus is going to electrify your week when it comes to projects going on behind the scenes, development, research, healing, hospitals, artistic talents or projects, romantic getaways, or spiritual interests. This starts on MONDAY with the 6th or 7 Uranus/Pluto squares completing and ends on SUNDAY with Uranus turning around and going Direct. Shake it up, bring the originality, jump into new opportunities, try new things. TUESDAY Mercury moves into Capricorn and starts to open up talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, offers, and decisions that focus on legal, travel, media, marketing, educational, wedding, religious, or political themes for you. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY will bring these matters into focus with a partner, client, specialist, representative, or competitor. There is opportunity on both days, for more talks and decisions on Wednesday and more love, income, women, sexual, shared financial, or divorce themes tied into it on Thursday. By FRIDAY you will be getting serious with this partner, rep, client, competitor, specialist, or other key player through commitments, endings, structures, ambitions, responsibilities, or leadership. SATURDAY is again focusing on the media, marketing, wedding, educational, legal, or travel themes. Today it is very communicative, bringing news, talks, offers, and decisions, as well as opportunity that involves the woman, love or income and any deeper connections or changes. Mars gets active and you get motivated to go after a goal, further career needs or do something with or about the boss, parent or other authority figure. The excitement or surprises regarding romance, artistry, spirituality, healing, hospitals, or research amp up with it. By SUNDAY you feel a shift around these last topics as Uranus goes Direct and you are ready to move into something new or different. The NEW MOON kicks in as the Sun marks the Winter Solstice by moving into Capricorn as well. So you now have the best 2 weeks to move forward with travel, legal, educational, wedding, media, marketing, religious, or political interests and take things into new territory. There is more to know if you feel ready to look into your personal birth chart. To inquire about the rates and availability for a private reading email and learn what else the stars have to say about you!



It's an exciting, surprising, shocking, or inventive week ahead for you as Uranus is all over what is going on with your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, freedom, and original projects. This starts with the 6th of 7 Uranus/Pluto squares completing on MONDAY and wraps with Uranus going Direct on SUNDAY. So be open to the spontaneous and inventive here. TUESDAY Mercury moves into the area Pluto has been working so you can now talk, meet, write, sign agreements, make sales, field offers, or make decisions regarding the big financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party situations in the mix. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY opens this up for you by linking into any paperwork, health, job, co-worker, hired help, or animal needs and bringing news, talks or decisions on Wednesday, love, income, women, and deeper connections or changes on Thursday. By FRIDAY things can cement with commitments, endings, structures, ambitions, or responsibilities around that job, health, paperwork, hired help, co-worker, or animal matter. SATURDAY will be wildly busy when it comes to those sexual, financial, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party matters. Again with the talks, meetings, offers, agreements, or decisions over these topics, as well as the woman, love or income need in the mix and more deep changes or connections. Once Mars gets busy so will you and this is about travel, media, marketing, wedding, legal, educational, religious, or political interests. Excitement or surprises build tonight with those social outlets and connections. By SUNDAY Uranus goes Direct and you start to feel ready for new horizons or approaches with those friends, groups, charities, astrology interests, internet projects, or gatherings. The NEW MOON in Capricorn and the Sun's move into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice are your cue to step up and take the lead and move towards new horizons or the next chapter when it comes to the financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party situations. Make the next weeks count. There is more to know if you feel ready to look into your personal birth chart. To inquire about the rates and availability for a private reading email and learn what else the stars have to say about you!



Oh that roller coaster, here it comes Cancer! Uranus is taking over the week with the 6th of 7 Uranus/Pluto square completing on MONDAY to the change in direction with Uranus going Direct on SUNDAY, it's all about excitement, change, surprise, shock, and spur of the moment twists and turns involving your goals, reputation, fame, career, leadership, and dealings with authority types like your boss, parent or mentor. Go with the momentum created and stay in the moment. TUESDAY Mercury moves into Capricorn opening up the talks, meetings, news, agreements, offers, sales, writing, and decisions regarding the romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, clients, specialists, or competitors. Whatever peaked over the last days you are now ready to make choices and open up communications. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY will bring opportunity to do so, focusing you on the love, creative projects, fun, or children with these key relationships. Wednesday will help you choose while Thursday will bring it to the woman, income, love, and deeper connections or changes. By FRIDAY you get serious with the lover, children, creative efforts, or recreational interests, cementing things through commitments, endings, structures, responsibilities, or ambitions. SATURDAY is quite busy regarding that partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key player. More talks, news, meetings, offers, agreements, writing, interviews, sales, or decisions here as well as more love, income, women, or deeper connections and changes going on. Once Mars activates you will be amping things up in the sex life, over divorce needs, big financial matters, mortality issues, reproductive matters, or third party situations. The excitement, shock, surprise, or new approaches amp up tonight. By SUNDAY Uranus goes Direct and you are now ready to move into new areas with goals, career or authority figures. The Sun moving into Capricorn marks the Winter Solstice and the NEW MOON in Capricorn opens up a big window for you over the weeks ahead to launch into new territory or take things further with that partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, or other key player. You may meet new contenders or further aims, be proactive, take the lead. There is more to know if you feel ready to look into your personal birth chart. To inquire about the rates and availability for a private reading email and learn what else the stars have to say about you!



Uranus is where it's at this week Leo! That means a lot of surprises, twists and turns, spur of the moment action, new approaches, shocks, and excitement playing out around legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, wedding, religious, or political themes. This starts on MONDAY as the 6th of 7 Uranus/Pluto squares completes and keeps you on your toes until SUNDAY when Uranus changes course and goes Direct. Dive in. TUESDAY Mercury moves into the same territory that Pluto has been busy in these last days. Mercury brings talks, meetings, writing, offers, agreements, sales, interviews, auditions, short trips, and decisions into the work field, health matters, paperwork, with people you work with, hire to help, or the animals. You have until Jan. 5th to decide. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY will show you what you can do here, focus on needs at home, with real estate, security, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. Wednesday amplifies this communication and decision making while Thursday brings the woman, income, love, and deeper connections or changes to the fore. By FRIDAY you can cement something with the home, real estate, move, renovation, family, parent, history, security, or roommate. Look at commitments, endings, structures, limits, ambitions, and responsibilities. SATURDAY amps up the talks, offers, meetings, and decisions, as well as any love, income or women's needs, the deeper connections or changes, and how it is all about your job, health, hired help, co-workers, paperwork, or pets. Once Mars moves into play it's go time with the partner, rep, client, specialist, or competition. Uranus is building over those legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding themes and by SUNDAY the energy goes Direct and you are ready for new horizons here. The Sun moving into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice and the NEW MOON in Capricorn today push you out there into new territory or help you take current interests further when it comes to the job, health, co-workers, hired help, paperwork, organizing, clean-ups, details, services, or animals. Be proactive over the next couple weeks, you can seed or achieve. There is more to know if you feel ready to look into your personal birth chart. To inquire about the rates and availability for a private reading email and learn what else the stars have to say about you!



Ready for the week of surprises, excitement, change, shock, and inventiveness when it comes to your financial needs, sexual interests, reproductive matters, divorce, mortality issues, and third party situations? Uranus is all over this starting on MONDAY as the 6th of 7 Uranus/Pluto squares completes and ending on SUNDAY as the planet turns in the astrological sky and goes Direct. Be in the moment. TUESDAY Mercury moves into Capricorn where he brings the news, offers, talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, and decisions focused on creative efforts, love/lovers, children, or recreational interests. This is where Pluto has been activated over the previous days so you are ready now and in the weeks ahead to choose. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY will show you just how ready you are as it opens up in opportune aspects, Wednesday emphasizing local or nearby arenas, Thursday the love, income, woman, or deeper/changing connections. By FRIDAY you will be ready to cement something through commitments, endings, structures, limits, responsibilities, or ambitions focusing on the talk, offer, agreements, sale, writing, meeting, short trip, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, or choices before you. SATURDAY amps up more talks, offers, meetings, and decisions, as well as more with the woman, love, income, and deeper connection in your creative project, love life, with children, or recreational interests. Once Mars gets geared up you will be active in a clean-up, job, health matter, the paperwork, with a co-worker, someone you hire, or the animals. Organize, simplify. The Uranus energy is building over that financial, sexual, divorce, reproductive, mortality, or third party situation and by SUNDAY the planet goes Direct, asking that you embark on a new journey here or try out new things/approaches. The Sun's move into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice and the NEW MOON in Capricorn today are pushing you out there when it comes to new horizons, fresh starts and next level opportunities around true love, creative outlets and projects, recreational interests, and the kids. Work it! There is more to know if you feel ready to look into your personal birth chart. To inquire about the rates and availability for a private reading email and learn what else the stars have to say about you!



What a week you have in store when it comes to partners, reps, specialists, clients, competitors, and other important relationships! Uranus starts the week off on MONDAY as the 6th of 7 Uranus/Pluto squares completes and brings up that next level of change and evolution, and ends the week with Uranus turning around and going Direct again, setting you off into the next thing. Look at how this effects home, moves, renovations, roommates, family, real estate deals, property matters, security, parents, or other root changes in your life. TUESDAY Mercury moves into these root areas and opens up news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, talks, and decisions focused on home, family, etc, from now through Jan. 5th. Get serious about what you want to cement. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY will give you a preview of what you can move in these areas as you see opportunity to earn money, make purchases or deal with possessions revolving around these topics. Wednesday may bring short trips, the paperwork, meetings, and siblings or neighbors into the mix while Thursday will be more about the woman, income or love and anything deeply transforming here. By FRIDAY you will be ready to look at ambitions, responsibilities, commitments, endings, structures, and leadership with income, purchases and possessions, and get real about that turning point. SATURDAY amps up with more home, real estate, family, parent, roommate, move, and renovation energy. Expect lots of talks, meetings, news, and decisions, love, the woman or income involvement, powerful and deep changes or connections, and a few surprises. Once Mars moves into action you get busy with kids, a lover, the pursuit of love, creative projects, or recreational interests. This looks linked to that relationship and amps up with Uranus energy tonight. By SUNDAY Uranus goes Direct and you are ready for any changes, new approaches, excitement, or surprises this brings with partners, reps, clients, specialists, opponents, and the like. The Sun moving into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice as well as the NEW MOON in Capricorn today open up a huge window for you with fresh starts and new beginnings involving home, roommates, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, and family. Focus on the goals and authority types in the mix and use the next 2 weeks to launch. There is more to know if you feel ready to look into your personal birth chart. To inquire about the rates and availability for a private reading email and learn what else the stars have to say about you!



Uranus surprises, plot twists, shocks, rebellion, freedom, and awakening is what this week is about Scorpio, starting on MONDAY with the 6th of 7 Uranus/Pluto squares completing and wrapping on SUNDAY as Uranus turns about and goes Direct motion again. For you this means shake-ups and excitement around work, health, paperwork, animals, co-workers, and people you hire. You may already have put some of this in motion as the weeks were building to this climactic week. Look at agreements, writing, sales, offers, meetings, talks, news, interviews, auditions, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics in the mix as this is where Pluto is doing his deep transformation in the story. TUESDAY Mercury moves into these themes that Pluto is evolving so from now through Jan. 5th you can rev up the power behind choices, get ambitious, set limits, mark endings, commit long term, and take the lead. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY will show you this potential as you are tossed into the mix in a personal or physical way. Show up in person, put your name or image to the matter, focus on your body, brand, name, or title, and shine your light in these opportunities. Wednesday will lean more towards the conversations and decisions while Thursday will add a woman, the love, income, and deeper connections or changes to the potential. By FRIDAY you are at one of those serious moments regarding you and your needs, body, image, brand, name, title, or identity. It's about getting real, limits, structuring, pushing ambitions, commitments, or endings. SATURDAY turns to more local activity or short trips, writing or speaking roles, talks and meetings, offers and agreements, sales and siblings, neighbors and vehicles, electronics and decisions. Again the woman, income or love is involved as is the deeper connections or changes. Once your co-ruler, Mars, gets busy today there will be a lot of action at home, with real estate, family, a parent, roommate, move, or renovation. Mars stirs passions, action or anger and motivates. The excitement or changes continue to build around work, health, pets, paperwork, co-workers, or people you hire, or around cleaning and organizing. By SUNDAY Uranus goes Direct and you are on to the next chapter of awakening and originality here. The Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice as the NEW MOON in Capricorn peaks, giving you the best weeks ahead to step up, launch into new territory or take things further when it comes to ideas, offers, meetings, talks, writing, interviews, auditions, short trips, agreements, sales, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. Time to choose for the future. There is more to know if you feel ready to look into your personal birth chart. To inquire about the rates and availability for a private reading email and learn what else the stars have to say about you!



Ready for a wild ride Sage? The week is all about Uranus energy shaking things up, bringing excitement and surprise, shock and revelation, new approaches and ideas, and it is focusing in on your love life, lovers, children, creative projects, and recreational interests. This starts with the 6th of 7 Uranus/Pluto squares completing on MONDAY and ends with Uranus turning around and going Direct again on SUNDAY. In between you stay in the moment and try new things. Do look at how income, possessions or purchases are playing into this and how you can evolve this energy alongside what is going on. TUESDAY Mercury moves into these matters so from now through Jan. 5th you can hear news, offers, talk, meeting, write, sign agreements, make sales, get active locally or in short trips, involve siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics when it comes to making money/income, your possessions/gifts, and your purchases. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY will show you this potential by opening up the communications and choices around income, possessions and purchases and involving the research, development, healing, hospitals, romantic retreats, spiritual practices, artistic projects, and behind the scenes action. Wednesday this will lean more to talks, ideas, offers, and decisions while Thursday it will involve a woman, income, love, and any deeper connections or changes that are shared. By FRIDAY you will be ready to get serious about any endings, commitments, responsibilities, limits, or structures around these romantic, artistic, spiritual, research, healing, or hospital matters. SATURDAY is again about earnings, possessions and purchases with more amped up energy in talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, siblings, neighbors, short trips, with women, love, income, or deeper connections in the mix. Once Mars gets active today you will see more action in these last topics and find that it is stimulating some excitement or surprises involving the lover, kids, creative projects, or fun. By SUNDAY Uranus goes Direct so you are ready for the next level when it comes to these kids, lovers, recreational outlets, or creative projects. The Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice as the NEW MOON in Capricorn forms, both giving you some of the best weeks of the year to launch into new territory or take things to the next level when it comes to your income, possessions, purchases, gifts, pleasures, and any means that bring value to your life. Get serious, take the lead, it's your turn. There is more to know if you feel ready to look into your personal birth chart. To inquire about the rates and availability for a private reading email and learn what else the stars have to say about you!



The last few weeks have doubtless been wild and crazy where home, real estate, renovations, moves, family, parents, roommates, history, or security needs lay. This week Uranus is bringing the excitement, surprise, shock, awakening, and change into the matter starting on MONDAY as the 6th of 7 Uranus/Pluto squares completes and wrapping on SUNDAY as Uranus stops in the astrological sky and changes directions, going Direct. So you will move through the twists and turns that are meant to bring you a new reinvented sense of you this week and you'll be ready to move ahead by the week's end. Look at how you are personally or physically evolving, how your title, name, brand, image, body, or personal needs are changing as this is where Pluto is trying to deconstruct the old and empower you in some new way. TUESDAY Mercury moves into this territory that Pluto is evolving so from now through Jan. 5th you can enter into talks, meetings, field offers, sign agreements, make sales, pitch ideas, propose, get more active locally, take short trips, or involve the sibling, neighbor, transportation, or electronics in your own evolution and empowerment. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY will show you the offers and decisions that can open up for you by bringing your aspirations, friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your freedom, or original ideas into it. Wednesday will lean more towards choices and information while Thursday will involve a woman, the love, income, and any deeper connections or changes. By FRIDAY you are ready to get serious, to look at ambitions, endings, commitments, limits, structures, and responsibilities when it comes to your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your freedom, or original ideas. SATURDAY puts you out there in a personal or physical way, show up, put your mark on it, focus on your body, image, brand, name, title, or identity, the talks, offers, sales, agreements, and decisions, as well as the woman, income or love in the mix and again how you can go deeper. Once Mars activates you will see lots of action with income, possessions or purchases nad this amps up the excitement or changes tied to home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates, By SUNDAY Uranus goes Direct and you are ready to open up to the next chapter with these themes. The Sun moves into your sign marking the Winter Solstice as the NEW MOON in Capricorn forms and you are officially at the best starting point over these weeks ahead to amp it up around your own needs, what you want for your body, image, brand, name, title, and identity moving forward. Get serious, reach high. There is more to know if you feel ready to look into your personal birth chart. To inquire about the rates and availability for a private reading email and learn what else the stars have to say about you!



Well, Aquarius, of all the signs going through this wild and crazy week of surprises, excitement, shock, and new revelations, you may be most at ease with it. That's because it is your ruler, Uranus at the heart of these plot twists. Starting on MONDAY as the 6th of 7 Uranus/Pluto squares completes to SUNDAY when Uranus ends his long Retrograde and goes Direct. So expect to have a wild ride when it comes to news, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, moves, writing, interviews, auditions, offers, proposals, and decisions. Look at what is powerfully evolving around a clandestine romance or romantic getaway, around healing or hospitals, addictions or self-sabotage, Karmic matters, research, artistic projects or talents, and your spiritual path. TUESDAY Mercury moves into these themes to help you talk things out, meet, make choices, and field offers over it between now and Jan. 5th. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY will show you just what you can hear about or decide with these healing, hospitals, research, romance, artistic, or spiritual matters as the door opens to reaching goals, pursuing ambitions, your reputation, status, career, or dealings with authority types like the parent, boss or mentor. Wednesday this will lean more to talks, meetings, offers, and agreements, while Thursday will aim at bringing love, a woman, the income, and deeper connections or changes into the mix. By FRIDAY you are ready to get serious, mark endings, commit long term, take on responsibilities, or get ambitious so look at cementing goals, career or what is going on with those authority types. SATURDAY brings more meetings, talks, news, offers, and decisions going on behind closed doors, in secret, around romance, artistry, spirituality, research, healing, or hospitals. The same characters are at play, the love, woman, income, and deeper connections or third party situation evolves. Once Mars is activated you will see more passion, anger, or motivation on a personal or physical level as you dive in and go for it. The Uranus energy is building around the offers, choices, agreements, sales, or communications. By SUNDAY Uranus goes Direct and you are ready for the next chapter. The Sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice as the NEW MOON in Capricorn forms so you are at the starting line of the best few weeks ahead to moves into new territory or take things into that next chapter with healing, hospitals, research, romance, spirituality, artistic talents, and what goes on behind the scenes. There is more to know if you feel ready to look into your personal birth chart. To inquire about the rates and availability for a private reading email and learn what else the stars have to say about you!



It's been a few weeks of shocks, surprises, excitement, and change involving how you value yourself, your income, possessions, gifts, and purchases. This week is the whopper as Uranus brings more twists and turns to the plot. This begins on MONDAY as the 6th of 7 Uranus/Pluto squares completes and wraps on SUNDAY as Uranus stations to go Direct after a long Retrograde, moving you into the next chapter. Look at what is evolving on a deeper level with aspirations, the friend, group, your associates, the internet, astrology, a charity, gatherings, social networking, or your freedom as it is where Pluto is doing his part to reinvent you. TUESDAY Mercury moves into these last matters and will bring more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, short trips, local action, and decisions with these friends, groups, the internet, gatherings, your freedom, charities, astrology, and social networking. Get serious about what you want. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY will show you what is possible here as the door opens in any legal, travel, educational, wedding, media, marketing, publishing, religious, or political interest in the mix. Wednesday will lean more to communications and decisions in the mix while Thursday will bring in the woman, love, income, or deeper connections and changes. By FRIDAY you are at that serious moment of endings, commitments, responsibilities, ambitions, and leadership with these travel, legal, educational, wedding, media, marketing, religious, or political themes. It will help you cement things or sober up about the potential. SATURDAY gets busy again with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, parties, events, aspirations, and your original ideas. More talks, meetings, sales, offers, women, love, income, and deep changes are on tap here. Once Mars gets active there will be something going on behind the scenes, in research, development, healing, hospitals, romance, artistry, or spiritual practices. This links favorably to the building Uranus energy and your income, possessions, gifts, purchases, and sense of value. By SUNDAY Uranus goes Direct in these matters and you are ready to move ahead as well. The Sun moving into Capricorn and marking the Winter Solstice as well as the NEW MOON in Capricorn are your cue to launch into new territory or take things further with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, events, your freedom, aspirations, social networking, and original ideas. It's your best few weeks ahead to lead the charge. There is more to know if you feel ready to look into your personal birth chart. To inquire about the rates and availability for a private reading email and learn what else the stars have to say about you!



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