Sunday, November 30, 2014



You can still read your DECEMBER MONTHLY FORECAST here:

The Moon in the week ahead, all times given are eastern standard time, U.S. If you are in Central Time subtract 1 hour, Mountain Time subtract 2 hours, Pacific Time subtract 3 hours, UK time add 5 hours: 

 ARIES MOON - Monday 12:01am - Wednesday 12:15am - emotional needs to individuate, lead or fight. 
TAURUS MOON - Wednesday 12:15am - Friday 5:28am - emotional needs to build, earn or create value. 
GEMINI MOON - Friday 5:28am - Sunday 12:34pm - emotional needs to learn, talk or flirt. 
CANCER MOON - Sunday 12:34pm - Midnight- emotional needs to nurture, nest or connect with family. 

VOID MOON in the week ahead, EST: 

TUESDAY 9:42pm - midnight 
WEDNESDAY 12:01am - 12:15am 
FRIDAY 1:45am -5:28am 
SUNDAY 4:52am - 12:34pm 

This week builds to our FULL MOON in Gemini on Saturday so emotions will be stronger than usual about decisions, news we're waiting on, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, our brothers and sisters, neighbors and neighborhood, vehicles and electronics, talks and meetings, and any offers coming our way. 

Mars is active this week as well, wrapping up what he wants to DO in Capricorn with goals, reputation, fame, career, and dealings with authority figures, before moving into Aquarius where he is going to be way more about the action with friends, gatherings, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. So let's see how this breaks down in general and then for each sign.

MONDAY mars kicks Saturn in the behind and says, 'Move it old dude, it's time father time, let's get this ball rolling!' What that means for you is action with those goals, the career, the authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, or mentor, or your quest for recognition meeting up with an opportunity to cement things involving finances, sex, divorce, mortality needs, reproductive needs, or third party concerns. Get serious about it.

TUESDAY the Aries Moon makes nice with Jupiter and adjusts to Saturn. That means adjustments around yesterday's Saturn themes of finances, sex, divorce, mortality issues, reproduction, or triangles, so give and take. The Jupiter energy is great and will bring positive flow around kids, lovers, the pursuit of love, creative projects, or recreation.

WEDNESDAY Taurus Moon takes over so we slow down and look at making money, dealing with possessions or purchases, and what we value. The muse is showing up today to help in your quest here so tune into your artistic talents, spiritual practices, romantic needs, healing or hospital interests, or research to help move this along. There is an adjustment regarding a talk or information with any legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding themes in the mix, again, give and take.

THURSDAY Mars exits Capricorn and enters Aquarius. This kicks off the weeks ahead that will be filled with more activity with friends, groups, aspirations, gatherings, original ideas, inventions, the internet, astrology, charities, causes, and your freedom. You may feel compelled to DO SOMETHING today towards some of this. Remember that Mars can stir passions or anger so you may experience some of this heating up around these themes as well.

THURSDAY is also about Venus meeting up with Jupiter for a very lucky hello. This brings love, women or income needs through the area of travel, legal, educational, media, political, religious, or wedding topics to the forefront and ties it in nicely with any big growth you are looking for with creative projects, the kids, your love life/lover, or recreational interests.

THURSDAY is also about the Sun/Uranus connection, another good energy combination that is calling for you to show up personally or get involved via your body, name, image, brand, or title over these themes and enjoy the excitement, surprise or new approach. Be spontaneous and willing to try the new or wild side.

FRIDAY the Gemini Moon kicks in and we are really feeling the big offer, agreement, sale, writing, interview, audition, short trip, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, or local theme coming to a head. We are building to tomorrow's Full Moon and today the connection to Mars will heat up that social vibe, turn up the aspirations and get you out there with friends, groups, the internet, gatherings, astrology, charities, or causes. There is a Mercury/Uranus combination that is positive so again with the surprises, excitement or changes that bring about awakening and tie in favorably to the talks or choices involving legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political themes.

SATURDAY is the FULL MOON in Gemini. This is epic climax time with the resolution to choices, offers, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, moves, local activities, sibling or neighbor topics, interests with vehicles or electronics, or with talks and meetings. It comes through, is celebrated, or wraps up and ends now. This is one of those Full Moons worth noting for its possibilities since it makes such amazing aspects with other energies. There is the opposition to Mercury which draws in another person into the situation and any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes. It ties into Uranus for more excitement, surprises or changes that open up potential. And finally it connects favorably to Jupiter which opens up potential with kids, lovers, creative endeavors, or fun.

SUNDAY divides between the wrap up of any more of your Full Moon themes in talks, meetings and decisions. Today make adjustments in this involving financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third party situations. Then the day moves into Cancer Moon territory and home, family, security, nurturing, real estate, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations take over emotional needs. You will need to make adjustments once this Moon is in effect regarding the social interests or with that friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or your aspirations.

Your ruler is changing territory this week so you may feel like concentrating on what you need to do about career, goals, the parent, boss, or other authority type, and any ambitions in the mix in the first part of the week, and then turn your attention to what you can do with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or your aspirations from Thursday onward. Mars will be giving you plenty of momentum to make things happen in these areas, it may even stir some hot passions, just watch for anger since it can easily go here as well. Cement what you can with the financial, sexual, divorce, or third party matter on MONDAY and make adjustments that are required about it on TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY will bring income or purchases and possessions to the forefront and get you inspired. Between today and Saturday a whole lot is going to point to the travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding needs and the aspects are such that you should be able to pull it together after initial adjustments on WEDNESDAY. You have extra luck on THURSDAY with love, kids, creative projects, or recreational outlets. Do meet or talk on FRIDAY and be in the moment, you may be surprised by what happens in a good way. SATURDAY's FULL MOON is all about the endings or achievements and celebrations around talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, moves, local activities, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions. Again you have quite a bit of luck on your side and should be open to talks and agreements. SUNDAY asks for adjustments over financial, sexual, divorce, morality, reproductive, or third party situations. You can wrap the day with home, family and friends with a bit of give and take. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!




Hustle over the travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding plans starting on MONDAY while you have Mars here helping you make things happen. You should be able to cement things one way or the other with a key individual if you do. TUESDAY may draw you behind the scenes to work on something in private or get your artistic, spiritual, romantic, research, or healing/hospital needs in gear. There is much you can accomplish at home or for security needs of family but adjustments with that partner, rep, client, specialist, or opponent will be necessary. WEDNESDAY gears you up in Taurus style, to step up, make it solid and connect with friends, associates, groups, the internet, or over aspirations that should flow for you. Again adjustments are called for but today it is about the financial, sexual, divorce, or third party situation. THURSDAY Mars moves into your Midheaven heating up activities over the weeks ahead regarding goals, career, status, reputation, fame, or dealings with authority types like the boss, parent or judge. You can make much happen here, spark a few passions, just watch for any anger surfacing. Today Venus, your ruler, is going to bring that sexual/romantic, or financial/shared/ themes together in some lucky way at home, over real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. You may express love, deal positively with women or make money through what transpires. FRIDAY gives you good momentum around earning money, dealing with possessions or purchases and achieving goals here. Talks, meetings or decisions about the sex life, divorce, finances, or third party situation should bring some excitement behind closed doors. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON climax involving your income, purchases or possessions. This is when things come through, are achieved or wrap up and end. The talks or information between you and another over shared financial matters, divorce, sex, or third party situations will play into it as will something exciting going on in private or involving the muse. Big things at home or with family, real estate, renovations, or moves is again on the table. SUNDAY asks for some adjustments with partners, reps, clients, specialists, or other key players over income, possessions or purchases. It will also ask that you give and take when it comes to the goals, career or authority figures you talk with or hear about. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!




One week a year you have the energy building up to a FULL MOON in your sign and this is that week Gemini! MONDAY you will want to dive into any financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party needs while you have Mars working to help you make things happen. You should be able to cement something involving health, work, paperwork, the details, or your animal needs. TUESDAY brings a need to connect with friends, groups, attend gatherings, do your thing on the internet, with astrology, charities, or your freedom. This is lucky in some way, most likely bringing a positive meeting, offer or decision. You will have to make adjustment today over that health, work, paperwork, or pet theme. WEDNESDAY pulls you behind the scenes to research, rest, enjoy some romance, get artistic, pursue spiritual interests, or heal/deal with hospitals. You should be able to reach goals and deal positively with authority types in the mix but you will have to adjust a bit around the information involving a partner, specialist, client, rep, or opponent. THURSDAY Mars moves into interests involving travel, legal, educational, media, religious, political, or wedding themes. He will tour here over the weeks ahead heating up the activity, bringing more passion and perhaps stirring some anger so expect to be busy and guard against any short fuses. Lucky Venus/Jupiter action is going down today as well focusing on your partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or other key player and the talks, meetings, news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions in the mix. Think big. You will also likely have a few exciting moments with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. FRIDAY is active again with travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding plans and this is in flow. More excitement or positive change involving partners, reps, clients, specialists, or other important relationships gear you up towards your aspirations or any social interests on tap. SATURDAY is your FULL MOON in Gemini and the climactic high point for you on a personal or physical level, with your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, ego, or personal needs. This is when things come through, are achieved and celebrated, or wrap up and end. This Moon ties into talks or news from that partner, specialist, client, attorney, agent, or opponent and bring more excitement with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations. Again, think big. SUNDAY you will be making some adjustment when it comes to work, health, paperwork, people you hire, co-workers, or pets. Once the Moon moves into Cancer your need to deal with possessions, purchases or earn money kicks in and you can make adjustments around travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding plans. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!




Well spitfire, I'm sure all your partners, clients, specialists, reps, and opponents have received a quota of your fire over the past weeks. You may have been quite active with or about them, found yourself focused on passions or dealing with anger and a short fuse. MONDAY is your last day to really give it a last Mars push so hone in on the one that matters and go for it. There should be something you can cement one way or the other regarding creative projects, kids, love, or fun. TUESDAY switches gears turning focus on career, goals or the authority figures in the mix. There is good energy here tied to earning money, dealing with possessions or your purchases. You will need to adapt a bit regarding that lover, child, creative project, or recreational pursuit. WEDNESDAY is about social interests or your aspirations. Focus on the friends, groups, internet, gatherings, astrology, charities, inventions, or your freedom. The muse is present through travel, distance, legal, educational, media, or wedding themes in the mix. Be ready to make adjustments around talks or decisions tied to work, health, pets, or paperwork. THURSDAY Mars moves into Aquarius where he will heat things up in your sex life, reproductive needs, mortality issues, divorce, financial picture, or third party situations over the weeks ahead. This is where the action will now reside, more passion, activity and sometimes anger pushing things forward. Today Venus and Jupiter get together for something big involving income, purchases or possessions and the work, health, pets, or paperwork, all good. Expect a surprise or two from the authority type in the mix or around the goals or career. FRIDAY is good for finding some sexy time away with another or for diving into research, finances, divorce needs, healing/hospitals, or meditation. You should be in talks or hearing news/making decisions about that job, health, hired help, co-worker, pet, or paperwork situation. This should bring some spur of the moment surprises or changes. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON bringing closure, endings, achievements, or celebrations to the choices and information around art, film, music, research, healing, hospitals, spiritual practices, romantic getaways, or projects in development. This will involve more talks, news or decisions from another person over health, work, paperwork, pets, co-workers, or people you hire. It will also bring some surprises or excitement with the authority type, career or goals, while opening up something big for you with income, possessions or purchases. SUNDAY will ask for some adjustments with kids, lovers, creative projects, or recreational interests. It will also ask for doing what needs doing with the finances, sex life, divorce, mortality issues, reproductive needs, or third party situation with a sense of give and take. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!




Mars has been doing all he could over these last weeks to make things happen when it comes to work, health, paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, the details, and being of service. MONDAY is your last big day with him behind the actions you take, the passion you express or any fighting spirit you have going for it. There is something you can cement one way or the other here involving home, real estate, family, a move, renovation, parent, or roommate. TUESDAY is great for travel, legal, media, educational, or wedding interests, go big. You will have to make some adjustments around what is going on with home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. WEDNESDAY turns focus to career, goals, reputation, fame, or authority types like the boss, parent or judge. You should be inspired by what is going on financially or in shared matters here but you will need to make adjustments over talks, meetings or decisions involving kids, lovers, creative projects, or fun. THURSDAY Mars moves into your relationship zone where he will tour for the weeks ahead. He hasn't been here in 2 years and now you will see more action, passion and anger heating things up with the partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, and other key players. This will get the ball rolling and bring much more activity. Venus and Jupiter embrace today over creative outlets, love, kids, or fun so expect some real expansive and feel good stuff here. You may also find out about something surprising or exciting involving a trip, the legal, educational, media, or wedding plans. FRIDAY gives you more momentum with the relationships and ties this into good vibes with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, inventions, or your aspirations. News, offers, agreements, sales, interviews, meetings, talks, or decisions focus on the love, kids, creative project, or fun today and bring more excitement or surprise via the media, travel, legal, educational, or wedding plans. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON in your social arena. This will be the climax with that friend, group, the internet, astrology, charity, gathering, invention, original approach, your freedom, or aspirations, as things come through, are achieved and celebrated, or wrap up and end. You will be in talks or hearing about something involving the kids, creative project, fun, or love tied to this and see more excitement through travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding plans. It's big for you, Jupiter is with you on this one. SUDNAY asks that you make adjustments at home, with real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. It will also ask for adjustments with partners, reps, specialists, clients, or other key relationships. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!




Mars may stir anger but it is THE energy for passion and making things happen through sheer will power and action packed momentum. It's focusing on heating things up with your creative projects, lover/love life, children, or recreational interests on MONDAY. This is going to help you cement things one way or the other regarding talks, meetings, offers, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, or decisions. TUESDAY turns your energy towards sex, reproductive needs, mortality issues, divorce, or some big financial matter. There is a lot that can open up behind the scenes, with romantic getaways, artistic pursuits, healing/hospitals, research, or spiritual approaches in this. You will have to give and take around that news, decision or talk. WEDNESDAY is about the travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding needs. There is inspired energy here tied to the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key player but you will have to give and take a bit regarding home, real estate, family, a parent, roommate, move, or renovation. THURSDAY Mars moves into your work, health, paperwork, co-workers, hired help, and pet zone for the first time in 2 years. This is going to gear up a lot more action over the weeks in these matters. It may also stir passions or anger so keep a chain on it if necessary. Today holds the Venus/Jupiter combo that is so positive for you with home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommate situations, and whatever you are doing behind the scenes, with your romantic, artistic, spiritual, healing, hospital, o research needs. The excitement factor is around sex, divorce, finances, or third party matters. FRIDAY stirs more action on the work front, with health, paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, or pets. This is in good alignment with goals, career or the authority types in the mix. There should be a good talk or bit of information regarding home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, roommates, or parents today, again tying into the surprises or excitement around financial matters, your sex life, divorce, or triangles. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON climax on the career front, with a major personal goal or with the authority type like the boss, parent, mentor, or judge. This is when the news comes in, the agreement is signed, the sale happens, the talk, meeting, offer, interview, audition, writing, short trip, or decision is made, and it's all about the achievement, celebration or ending. You will again be one on one with someone over home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, parents, roommates, or security needs. There is excitement or surprises involving finances, sex, divorce, or third parties, and big things stirring behind the scenes. SUNDAY asks for any last adjustments around any of your Full Moon choices. You will also be making adjustments around the health, work, paperwork, co-workers, hired help, or pet needs. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!




Ready, set, go, MONDAY is about what you can do about your health, the job, a co-worker, the paperwork, person you hired, or animals. The energy is opportune for cementing beneficial purchases, income or objects that tie into these themes. TUESDAY turns attention to your specialist, partner, agent, attorney, clients, opponents, or other key relationships. Big things are brewing in social arenas with or about them or you can expand aspirations via their input. You will have to make adjustments involving that income, possession or purchase today. WEDNESDAY will focus on the big financial needs, your divorce, sex life, or third party situation. This links positively with what is going on with those health or work needs, paperwork or pets, people you hire or co-workers, so get intimate or financial, you get the idea. One talk or piece of information comes with adjustments attached so give and take where necessary. THURSDAY Mars moves into your creative projects, love life, children, and recreational interests for the first time in 2 years. The weeks ahead will see a whole lot more activity in these matters. Mars will help you make things happen here, stir passions but can also bring out any anger that needs to be addressed so watch for short fuses. Today hosts the Venus/Jupiter combo which is quite lovely for talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, local action, or decisions involving friends, groups, the internet, your aspirations, or gatherings. Don't be surprised when some nice surprises or excitement pops up via the partner, client, specialist, rep, or other key player. FRIDAY continues that good Mars action with kids, lovers, creative endeavors, and fun. Today it ties in nicely with any legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans. Again there should be something exciting or positively changing regarding the clients, specialist, partners, representatives, or other relationships when it comes to agreements, sales, meetings, talks, writing, interviews, auditions, short trips, offers, or decisions. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON in your legal, travel, educational, media, and wedding zone. This brings the climactic end, wrap-up, celebration, or achievement in one or more of these areas so make certain to ask for it, send it in, sign it, sell it, choose it, talk about it, pitch it, or in any other way communicate and decide about these themes with others now. Again with the excitement or opportune moments out of the blue with partners, reps, clients, specialists, and the like on this Full Moon peak, as well as some big things brewing with friends, groups, the internet, charities, gatherings, or your aspirations. SUNDAY asks for an adjustment around that possession, purchase or income need, as well as some give and take when it comes to what you are doing or responding to with the kids, love life/lover, creative project, or recreational pursuit, bend to reach goals. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!




Be impassioned today when it comes to your words, talks, meetings, agreements, negotiations, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, offers, or decisions as Mars pushes for action and the cementing of something for you personally or physically one way or the other. If you have to fight for it take the high road in your wrangling. TUESDAY is about work, health, pets, paperwork, co-workers, or people you hire. Details count, effort matters, it's opportune when it comes to reaching or expanding goals, dealing with higher-ups and career advantage but you will have to make some personal or physical adjustments yourself. WEDNESDAY is about that specialist, client, partner, representative, competitor, or other key relationship. This should align positively with any inspired creative direction, your love life, the kids, or having fun. You will have to make adjustments around income, possessions or purchases today. THURSDAY Mars moves into your home base/family zone for the first time in 2 years. This is going to bring a whole lot more activity here over the weeks ahead, heating up the action in the home, with any real estate needs, moves, renovations, roommates, a parent, the family, or your security needs. You will have more drive, passion and anger here to motivate you, just guard against that short fuse and you should move mountains. The Venus/Jupiter combo today is lovely for making money and career goals, or for personal goals, dealing with authority types, your income, possessions or purchases, think big. You may get a surprise today regarding work, health, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. FRIDAY brings emotional depth into play and drives forward shared financial interests, sex, divorce, or third party themes tied to the home, real estate, family, parent, roommate, move, or renovation. There is more excitement going on with work, health, paperwork, pets, co-workers, people you hire, and the income, possessions or purchases, this should be positive. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON climax regarding your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, commissions, alimony, child support, partner's money, or any other big monetary matter. This is when things end, wrap up, are achieved, or celebrated. Talks and decisions tied to income with another person play a part or it could be about their possessions or purchases. More excitement with paperwork, job, health, co-workers, pets, or people you hire is opportune as is the big things happening with your aspirations, freedom or social interests. SUNDAY make adjustments on a personal or physical level and around what you need to do regarding home, family, parents, roommates, real estate, moves, or renovations. Bend a bit to reach goals. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!




MONDAY should be all about making money, dealing with possessions or your purchases and what you can accomplish. Mars is all geared up and in opportune aspect to what you do here cementing something one way or the other via music, art, film, spiritual practices, romantic interests, healing, hospitals, research, or development, go. TUESDAY turns attention to kids, lovers, creative projects, or recreation. You can expand horizons here through travel, legal, media, marketing, publishing, educational, political, religious, or wedding themes. Make adjustments where institutions or limiting artistry is indicated. WEDNESDAY is about work, health, pets, co-workers, people you hire, clean-ups, or paperwork. You can dive in and inspire in these matters at home or involving moves, renovations, real estate, family, parents, or roommates. You may need to ask for something or hear about some give and take in the matter. THURSDAY Mars moves into your communications zone for the first time in 2 years. Over the weeks ahead this will bring a whole lot more activity in your neighborhood, with neighbors, siblings, vehicles, short trips, electronics, writing, sales, agreements, meetings, talks, offers, interviews, auditions, and decisions. Mars will motivate you, stir passions and trigger any anger lurking so watch the short fuse, words have bit now. Today is also the lovely Venus/Jupiter alignment so focus any growth for yourself in travel, legal, media, marketing, educational, wedding, religious, or political fields. You may have a woman who is important to this or it may be about the love or income potential. Some excitement brews around creative projects, kids, lovers, and fun. FRIDAY brings good talks, offers or decisions with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or other key folk, dive in. There is also continued excitement around creative endeavors, the kids, lover/love life, or recreational pursuits. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON bringing a climax for you with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other key relationship. This is when things end, wrap up, are achieved, come through, or are celebrated. An agreement may be reached or offer on the table. The ongoing excitement with creative projects, lovers, kids, and recreational interests plays it's part as does more growth with these key people through legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, religious, or political channels. SUNDAY asks for adjustments with them involving rest, retreat, healing, hospitals, research, spiritual pursuits, artistic projects, or romantic needs. It is also going to bring passionate meetings or talks involving adjustments regarding the shared financial picture, sex life, divorce, or third party scenario. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!




Fired up much? MONDAY is stirring Mars in your sign so you have all the mojo you need to make things happen. Involve the aspirations, friends, groups, gatherings, your freedom, inventions, the internet, or a charity with an eye on cementing things one way or the other. This may be a passionate, driven or angry day but it is opportune. TUESDAY turns attention to home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. You can open things up in financial areas here or with divorce needs or intimacy. You will need to make adjustments regarding the friend, group, gathering, or internet. WEDNESDAY is about creative projects, the kids, your love life/lover, or having fun. You should have some inspired ideas or get into talks or meetings that ignite the muse or help with healing in some way. Just be willing to give and take when any adjustments come up. THURSDAY Mars moves into your income, possessions and purchases zone for the first time in 2 years. This heats up the drive you have to make things happen and will again stir passions or the fighting spirit so do let it motivate you but guard against short fuses. Today hosts the Venus/Jupiter alignment that is so lovely for what you are focusing on behind the scenes with any love/intimate interests, income/shared financial matters, divorce themes, healing, or research. Some excitement brews at home or over real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. FRIDAY will bring more action around making money, possessions or purchases and this is in harmony with the paperwork, job you do, health needs, and people you hire or work with, as well as any animal needs. More excitement brews around home, real estate, family, roommates, parents, moves, or renovations. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON climax bringing any endings, wrap-ups, celebrations, or achievements around your job, some work project you've been involved with, what's going on with a co-worker or your employees/hired help, any paperwork, a health concern or interest, or the pets. There should be some news, meetings or talks going on behind the scenes with someone tied to all of this peak energy, more excitement on the home front, with real estate, family, moves, renovations, roommates, or parents, and some growth potential financially or with your sex life, divorce or third party interests. SUNDAY requires some adjustments tied to gatherings, friends, groups, or the internet, as well as around your income, possessions or purchases and the partner, rep, client, specialist, or competition. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!




It seems you have a lot to do behind the scenes on MONDAY so get at it. You may feel driven to retreat and tend to your rest, recuperation or healing, you may want to tackle hospital needs or research, it may be about heating things up with a clandestine romance or romantic getaway, your artistic projects, or spiritual pursuits. Whatever it is for you know you can cement things one way or the other here involving goals, reputation, a higher-up/authority type, or with career needs. TUESDAY is about talks, meetings, sales, agreements, interviews, short trips, offers, or decisions involving partners, reps, clients, specialists, or other key relationships. This looks good for growth or happiness, just make adjustments regarding goals, career or those authority figures. WEDNESDAY is about home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. There is good flow here to making money, your purchases or possessions but when it comes to the friend, gathering, group, internet, or aspirations, you will need to give and take a bit. THURSDAY Mars moves into your sign for the first time in 2 years! This is going to give you a whole lot more energy, motivation, passion, fighting spirit, and drive over the weeks ahead. You can do what it takes when it comes to personal needs, your body, image, brand, name, title, or identity. It will be harder for others to deny you, just guard against that short fuse. Today is the Venus/Jupiter alignment that is so lovely for aspirations with women, love or income. For you this is social so grab a friend, get online, join a group, or attend a gathering, and see how that partner, rep, client, specialist, or other relationship grows from the vibe. FRIDAY puts a nice spin on what happens with you and a creative project, recreational pursuit, the kids, or your lover/love life, go for it. There is excitement with the talks, offers, agreements, meetings, news, talks, or decisions that bring aspirations into focus or involve that friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or gathering. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON climax for you in your love life, with a lover, with children, a creative project, or a recreational interest. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, are achieved, or celebrated. It will be social or involve aspirations, friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, or your freedom with another person and bring more exciting talks, meetings, news, or decisions. The growth with the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key relationship is fed as well. SUNDAY make adjustments involving the commitments or responsibilities with the career, boss, parent, other authority figure, or personal goal so you work out needs with the kids, lover, creative project, or recreational pursuit. You will also want to adapt between your own desires, need for action or anger and what needs to happen with paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, your job, health, or pets. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!




MONDAY is all Mars action, passion or anger driving you forward with aspirations, a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or gathering. Whatever you feel motivated to embark on here know that you should be able to cement something one way or the other when it comes to travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix. TUESDAY turns attention to earning money, purchases or possessions. Big things are brewing with the details, any efforts you put in, the job, health, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, or pets in the mix. You will need to make some adjustments around legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political needs. WEDNESDAY is about local activities, short trips, meetings, talks, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, writing, offers, and decisions. You are inspired and perhaps a bit more than magical. Talk it out with the boss, parent, judge, or other authority type or regarding career or goals but be willing to adapt around circumstances. THURSDAY Mars moves into your mystical, hidden realm for the first time in 2 years. Over the weeks ahead you will see a whole lot more activity in research, retreat, rest, art, film, music, poetry, meditation, yoga, healing, hospitals, dealing with addictions, romantic getaways or clandestine romance, strategies, or investigations. Mars gives you passion, fighting spirit and motivation to make things happen in these arenas, just watch that short fuse. Today is the Venus/Jupiter combo that is so lovely for goals you set involving women, love or income. It may favor career moves or higher-ups helping out, and definitely brings some growth or happiness via the work, paperwork, health, pets, co-workers, clean-ups, or people you hire. Some excitement is stirred today involving income, possessions/gifts or purchases. FRIDAY is going to motivate you with that Mars action over research, healing, hospitals, artistic, spiritual, or romantic interests, and will bring good feelings at home or with real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. More excitement brews around income, possessions/gifts or purchases and the talks, news, offers, or decisions involving goals, career or those authority figures. SATURDAY is the FULL MOON climax in the home, with real estate, a move, renovation, roommate, the family, a parent, or your security needs. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are achieved and celebrated. It will involve talks, news, offers, or decisions with a boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure about it or focused on career or goals in the mix with someone. There will be more excitement involving income, possessions/gifts or purchases and big things going on at work, with health, paperwork, c0-workers, people you hire, or the animals. SUNDAY make any adjustments over your Full Moon topic when it comes to limits or responsibilities in the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, political, or religious arena. How you feel about a lover, child, creative project, or recreational pursuit will drive what adjustments you make today with getaways, healing, hospitals, research, artistic pursuits, or spiritual practices. For more about your personal life and what can be found in your unique birth chart, email and ask about booking a private reading. There is so much more to know!




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