Sunday, August 4, 2024

Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 5-11

Zoe Moon Astrology

CLICK above player to HEAR MORE about our WEEK AHEAD!

VOID MOONS THIS WEEK (Eastern Standard Time):

MONDAY 11:16am-5:17pm

TUESDAY no void moon

WEDNESDAY no void moon

THURSDAY 4:40am-5:31am

FRIDAY 5:45pm-midnight

SATURDAY 12am-6:34pm

SUNDAY no void moon

We wake on MONDAY with the Mercury Retrograde in Virgo underway. Backwards we go, slowed down, reviewing, reassessing, releasing, reworking, it’s into the do-over for each of us. Focus on work, do you need to do more or less work, take back up on an old work project, land a job, exit a job, reconnect with a co-worker, hire help, take a break from these folks, rework agreements or paperwork, clean, organize, make the do-over about your health or animals? It’s time to figure something out here and we have until the 14th in this territory. Do keep an eye on mix-ups, miscommunications and malfunctioning items tied to these topics. Example, you could send a resume for work to the wrong place or drive to an interview but take the wrong route. We also have focus on Venus and Pluto today with some give and take in the story. So, Venus is about the love or income, beauty or pleasure, while Pluto is about the power, control, sex, other financial interests, reproduction, divorce, or third-party situations. Perhaps something about social influences, freedoms, or original projects plays into this adjustment or perhaps it has to do with work or health needs, the animals, or paperwork in the story. Just be flexible and you should be ok.

TUESDAY our Virgo Moon is in frictional alignment with Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. So, this seems to keep us focused on work or health, animals or paperwork, hired help or co-workers, and push us to do more in some big way regarding the talks, meetings, sales, or writing, or with short trips, moves, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, or decisions in the mix.

WEDNESDAY is one of those big, I'm thinking very positive days, with a lot going on. First, we can get serious in our one-on-ones with others today over the work or health needs, the animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. This may involve institutions, research, behind the scenes activities, projects in development, artistic interests, romance, or spirituality. Next, the Sun is active in Leo, putting us forward in situations involving true love, creativity, recreation, or the kids. This is about how we are showing up here, involved physically or personally, and how we shine. It is linked to Jupiter for big talks, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, or local activities, for flirtations, offers, or decisions, or involving siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics. Jupiter may bring more happiness or prosperity here or bring legal, travel, educational, or media influences to bear on the story, doors open. Next, Mercury Retrograde and Venus conjunct this evening in Virgo. This is about a fresh start involving our do-over and the potential of Venus. We achieve this through talks, meetings, sales, ideas, flirtations, offers, short trips, moves, or decisions involving love or money, beauty or pleasure, the work or health stories, our animals or paperwork, or the co-workers or hired help. And finally, we have the potential today to download from the higher octave of Mercury with genius ideas, inventive potential, and to focus this on the flow that is possible through our communications and commerce, this do-over, and our original ideas or projects, friends, groups, or online pursuits, astrology or charities, income, possessions, products, or purchases, and what we value. This is a day for the books!

THURSDAY we wake with some interesting dreams or guidance that came through or is still coming through via messages from the other side or above. There is potential for a lot of inspiration and imagination today with others. Give the snooping or suspicions a rest and make the most of this potential. We also have Libra Moon making nice with Pluto in Aquarius today which is good for connections with partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other key players regarding financial, sexual, social, online, aspirational, or original interests.

FRIDAY, as long as we are flexible with these key players when it comes to commitments, responsibilities, limits, or other serious needs with institutions, rest/recuperation, research, tackling addictions, secrets, artistic, romantic, or spiritual matters, we have so much flow with them. So, look to partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or other relationships to get active locally or on short trips, with the writing or agreements, sales, moves, talks, or meetings, or with offers or decisions, This can go big, bring more happiness or prosperity, or involve legal, travel, educational, ceremonial, religious, political, or media interests. There is also opportunity to show up and get involved with the kids, a lover, the creative venture, or recreational pursuits and shine via partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other relationships.

SATURDAY we have adjustments in the first part of the day with these partners, clients, specialists, reps, competitors, advocates, or the like. Give and take when it comes to friends, groups, the internet, aspirations, freedoms, income needs, purchases, possessions, institutions, research, rest, artistic interests, romance, or spirituality. Yep, just be flexible since it includes pretty much everything but the kitchen sink. The Moon moves into Scorpio at 6:34pm Eastern and squares Pluto in Aquarius up until 7:27pm Eastern so watch this period for issues over sex, jealousy, power, control, financial matters, divorce, freedoms, friends, groups, the internet, or third-party influences. Once past the peak it should let up the further away from this period we get and start to find flow with Mercury Retrograde. So, these topics can now be talked about, reworked, released, rekindled, and opened up.

SUNDAY Scorpio Moon builds all day to opportunities with Venus in Virgo, sweet. This should help us go deeper, purge, make changes, evolve, empower, involve third parties, focus on the work or health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers, the financial, sexual or transformative interests, and what is going on with true love or income, beauty or pleasure, nice way to end the week!

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AUGUST MONTHLY HOROSCOPES are here: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology AUGUST MONTHLY Horoscopes

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