Sunday, May 2, 2021




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VOID MOONS THIS WEEK (Eastern Standard Time):

MONDAY 7:52pm-midnight

TUESDAY 12:00am-2:41am

WEDNESDAY 10:32pm-midnight

THURSDAY 12:00am-9:44am

FRIDAY no void moon

SATURDAY 11:38am-6:44pm

SUNDAY no void moon

We have 2 energies changing signs this week so we are heading into new territory with our wants and needs, let’s take a look! On MONDAY we are dealing with the Sun/Saturn square so on the one hand we are focused on what we are doing with our possessions, income, purchases, or products, but on the other hand there is some test to the situation coming from authority types, goals or career needs and the internet, a group, the aspirations, or friends or associates in the equation so we’ll need to get serious and work through whatever this is for us. The first planet changing signs steps up at 10:49pm Eastern as Mercury heads into Gemini. This kicks off a very long story, one that I go into detail about with key dates over the next 9+ weeks on the weekly show, listen here: This is without a doubt the most amplified period of the year for ideas, flirtations, local activities, short trips, talks and meetings, interviews and auditions, sales, agreements and offers, or decisions being made. It can equally get you more interested in things with siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics. We will be moving forward with this, then slowing down and reviewing during the Mercury Retrograde Do-over, then going forward again until Mercury exits this sign on July 11th. So, pay attention to what is coming up, you’ll be involved for a while.

TUESDAY either pushes us a lot more to get busy and challenge ourselves to do things or it is challenging us in some way from external sources. This starts around aspirations, freedoms, original projects, the internet, or social interests and what is going on with income, possessions, purchases, love, or beauty. It then moves to focus on a particular conversation that is foggy, weird, doesn’t happen due to isolating factors, is draining, or on the flip side is highly charged around institutions, research, romance, artistic, or spiritual matters. Secrets can come up or out in the second half of the day.

WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then get us into a lovely flow with a focus on our artistic, spiritual or romantic interests or with the institutions or research. We can apply this to what we are doing at home, with renovations, real estate deals, family parents, or roommates, some exciting moments around our purchases, income or possessions, the love, money or beauty in the equation, as well as how inspired we are becoming under all of this energy.

FRIDAY brings some good opportunities for sales, talks, short trips, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions. Mars does test us at home or with family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, or roommates at some point so again, we are either fired up and doing more and thereby pushing ourselves or there is some external challenge here.

SATURDAY is SO a Venus kind of day. First off, Venus in Taurus makes her last alignment from this sign, a square to Jupiter. So, the love of luxury, pleasure, income, possessions, lovers, beauty, or the things we are building is center stage and we are either going BIG with aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or original projects here or we are a bit over the top with things and may need to keep an eye on that. Media, law, politics, religion, ceremonies, travel, or educational themes may apply. Next, Venus is the second planet changing signs this week, moving into Gemini tonight at 10:01pm Eastern. Venus is about love, income and beauty and now in Gemini will be more flirtatious, local, communicative, commerce-oriented, idea-driven, and interested in a little bit of everything. The only thing to keep an eye on here is the duality or wishy-washy side of this combo, otherwise, it’s likely to be fun!

SUNDAY the Aries Moon starts the day with frictional energy around Pluto so we may be sexed up or dealing with a financial need, divorce issue, death, birth, or third-party situation from the get-go. The Moon then makes it’s way into a lovely alignment with Jupiter, opening up the rest of the day for social interests, personal aspirations, inventive ideas, expansive opportunities, online interests, and a bit of happiness.

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MONDAY & TUESDAY test you regarding your income, purchases or possessions and personal or physical needs/involvement about it. Get real about aspirations here or what you can do online, with friends or associates, groups, or gatherings in the mix as you work your way through it. Mercury enters Gemini MONDAY evening to kick off a long story here, lasting until July 11th. This is about more opening up for you with neighbors, moves, local activities, short trips, writing, sales, flirtations, proposals, siblings, vehicles, or electronics and it is highly conversational, commerce-oriented and idea-driven so plan on diving in. If you’d like key dates and more insight into this Mercury transit listen to the weekly show where I go into it more: This will test you in some way on TUESDAY regarding isolation, karmic matters, hidden topics, secrets, addictions, romantic, artistic, spiritual, institutional, or research themes. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then get you into a lovely flow with these karmic, secretive, romantic, spiritual, artistic, research, or institutional topics. WEDNESDAY this gets you busy at home, with real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates and opens up exciting or last-minute purchases, income opportunities, or situations with your possessions or products. THURSDAY it brings love, money or beauty into the equation and aligns with goals or authority types in the mix, bringing more inspiration onboard. FRIDAY opens with talks, meetings, news, sales, writing, offers, or decisions that are opportune for you. Mars is amped up in a way that pushes you or tests you regarding what is happening at home, with parents, roommates, moves, renovations, real estate deals, or family today. SATURDAY is about Venus so expect lots of focus on love, income or beauty today. First there is something big going on with this around income, purchases, possessions, or products and the aspirations, online scenario, friends, or groups. Next, Venus enters Gemini this evening and brings love, income and beauty interests into the sign of local activities, short trips, flirtations, sales, writing, interviews, moves, offers, talks, meetings, and decisions, as well as with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. So, over the weeks ahead this is where it will be playing out for you. SUNDAY starts with a push or test from Pluto so you’re either all about your needs with financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, death, birth, or third-party matters, or dealing with a challenge here. The day then opens up to lots of opportunity for you with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!





MONDAY and TUESDAY have frictional energy between you and a personal goal, career objective or authority figure so pace yourself, Taurus. You may have more to do or a challenge to tackle. Mercury heads into Gemini on MONDAY evening to kick off a very long story here, until July 11th, focusing on income, purchases, possessions, or products for you. This is such a long transit because Mercury will Retrograde for a while in the middle of it so you will backtrack and slow down a bit then. Look for more talks, short trips, local activities, sales, writing, meetings, offers, ideas, and decisions to be brewing through this period about those topics. If you’d like key dates and more insight into this Mercury transit listen to the weekly show where I go into it more: TUESDAY brings an obstacle around this new placement involving an aspiration, your freedom, a friend, group, the internet, or original project. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then get you into a great flow with friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, or original projects. WEDNESDAY this helps you motivate and make things happen locally or on short trips, with vehicles or electronics, siblings or neighbors, talks, meetings, sales, writing, or offers. This should be quite stimulating for you today! THURSDAY it helps you get inspired and goes along with the flow happening around intimate, financial or third-party interests at a distant, with travel, over legal, in educational, with media, or ceremonial pursuits. FRIDAY starts off with news, talks, sales, or decisions that are opening things up for you around income, purchases, possessions, or products. Mars is challenging you today over short trips, vehicles, electronics, writing, sales, talks, meetings, or decisions so you will likely be a bit short-fused here. SATURDAY is all about Venus. First, she is in your sign and focused on your personal or physical interests with love, income or beauty. This is pushing you in a big way around a goal, career matter, or authority figure or perhaps a bit over the top. Venus then moves into Gemini this evening and turns her focus to your income, purchases, possessions, or products. So, over the weeks ahead you will find love, income or beauty interests here. She should bring you some enjoyment as well here. SUNDAY starts with frictional energy or challenges around travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes and the financial, sexual or third-party interests there. You then should find flow with personal goals, career or authority figures. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!





MONDAY and TUESDAY bring frictional energy between your behind-the-scenes interests and a travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political matter. You may be dealing with an institution or something that was hidden coming out, get serious about it. Mercury heads into your sign MONDAY night and is going to be in Gemini for an extended period, all the way until July 11th! This is rare and for a reason; the universe wants you to think about something and possibly make a decision about yourself. This may mean you are focusing on your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, involvement in something, or personal needs, maybe some of this, maybe all of this, but it is now about ideas you come up with, the news or offers coming in, the talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, or short trips focused on your interests, so make the most of it. You will be going forward, slowing, heading back over old ground during the upcoming Mercury Retrograde in your sign, and then going forward again so take your time but do make it about you. For key dates and influences listen to the weekly show where I go into it for each sign: TUESDAY also brings a push or challenge regarding a boss, parent or other authority figure, or regarding a personal goal or career interest so expect news or decisions to reflect this one. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then open up flow for you regarding personal goals, career or authority figures. WEDNESDAY this links to income, purchases or possessions, as well as to research, institutions, romance, artistic interests, or spiritual matters. THURSDAY it links to inspiration, institutions, research, romance, artistry, spirituality, love, income, or beauty, and you may find flow around other financial topics, intimacy or third-party matters. FRIDAY starts with a focus on friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or aspirations and how this is opening up positive opportunities for you through talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions. Mars is cranky or fired up today which pushes you over income, purchases or possessions in the mix at some point. SATURDAY is all about Venus so love, income or beauty. This starts out behind the scenes, romantically, artistically, spiritually, or with rest, research or institutions and something big going on with travel, legal, educational, media, or ceremonial interests in the mix. This may be expansive or a bit over the top. Venus then moves into Gemini tonight where she will be focusing on you over the weeks ahead. It is a lovely thing to host Venus, the love, money or beauty are now focused on you, a great time for a make-over, headshots, luxury purchases that please you (if you don’t go overboard), attracting or sharing the love, or earning from your involvement or image, brand, name, or title. SUNDAY is focused on aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings. This starts with a push from Pluto so you are either doing more or challenged in some way by financial, sexual, birth, death, divorce, or third-party matters tied to these interests. The energy then shifts to an opportunity with Jupiter so you find your groove with travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political pursuits. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!





MONDAY and TUESDAY are under frictional energy that pushes you harder or challenges you regarding what’s going on with an aspiration, online, with friends, groups, or gatherings, and the financial, sexual, power, control, death, birth, divorce, or third-party situation in the mix. Mercury heads into new territory MONDAY night, entering Gemini where he will now tour until July 11th, a very long time to be in one sigh for Mercury. This is important because it’s the comso’s way of letting you know you need to think about things in this territory or hear news, ideas, talk, meet, write, focus on sales, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, short trips, local activities, or decisions here. So, for Cancer this is about research, institutions, investigations, inspiration, imagination, art, film, music, poetry, romance, prayer, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, addictions, secrets, deceptions, water interests or issues, or dreams. You’ll be moving forward here, then backtracking to review during the Mercury Retrograde, then moving forward again, so you are in flux until you get much further into this story, pace yourself and focus here. If you’d like key dates and more insight into this Mercury transit listen to the weekly show where I go into it more: TUESDAY may test you over one of these topics regarding the travel, distant, legal, educational, media, or ceremonial needs in the mix. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then get you into a flow with the travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes. WEDNESDAY this is about you and your actions or reactions as well as opportunities online, with friends, groups, astrology, associates, astrology, charities, or gatherings. THURSDAY it is about inspiration, artistry, spirituality, romance, love, income, beauty, social interests, the internet, partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other key relationships in the mix. FRIDAY opens with news, talks, sales, or decisions about institutions, research, romance, artistry, or spirituality that are connected to your personal goals, career or authority figures in some opportune way. Mars pushes or challenges you at some point about this goal, career need or authority figure on a personal or physical level. SATURDAY is about Venus. She is about love, income or beauty and the day stars with this focused online, with friends, groups, gatherings, astrology, charities, or aspirations and something big going on with financial, sexual or third-party matters. Venus then heads into Gemini tonight where she shifts her attention to local activities, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, talks, meetings, sales, writing, offers, and decisions over the weeks ahead. For your sign this is occurring in areas tied to artistic, romantic, or spiritual influences or with institutions or research, so look for love, income or beauty here. SUNDAY is focused on those personal goals, career needs or authority figures. The day opens with frictional energy around Pluto so there is something pushing or testing you with a partner, client, specialist, rep, competitor, or other key person in a financial, sexual or third-party way about it. You then find your flow as something opens up in this area involving travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, political, or expansive opportunities. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!





MONDAY and TUESDAY push us a bit harder or test us in some way and for your sign it’s about a personal goal, career need, status, or authority figures and what’s going on with partners, clients, specialists, representatives, opponents, or advocates. Pace yourself, it can feel heavy at times, it just wants you to get serious. Mercury heads into Gemini on MONDAY night kicking off a very long, extended transit here, until July 11th. This means you are now heading into a period of amplified talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, moves, local activities, offers, or decisions that are more focused on your aspirations, freedom, original projects, friends, groups, organizations, clubs, online pursuits, charities, astrology, or innovations over the next 9+ weeks. You will take this forward, then slow down and review during the Mercury Retrograde, then move forward again so pace yourself, it plays out until July 11th. If you’d like key dates and more insight into this Mercury transit listen to the weekly show where I go into it more: TUESDAY may test you over one of these topics regarding the financial, sexual, reproductive, power, control, death, birth, divorce, or third-party influences. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then help you find your groove with these financial, sexual, reproductive, birth, death, divorce, or third-party matters. WEDNESDAY it gets you active with an institution, the research, or artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, as well as with personal goals, career or authority figures. THURSDAY it helps you get inspired and opens up flow around love, income or beauty goals and what is evolving with work, health or animals or with hired help, co-workers or paperwork in the mix. FRIDAY is about travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests. This opens up with news, talks, sales, writing, offers, or decisions online, with friends, groups, or aspirations as opportunities await. Mars is fired up over the activities around that institution, research, romance, artistic, or spiritual pursuit and this may test you at some point today. SATURDAY is about Venus so look towards love, income or beauty interests. This starts out around a goal, career need or authority figure in the mix and pushes you in some big way regarding a partner, client, specialist, representative, or other key person. Venus moves into Gemini tonight where she’ll travel over the weeks ahead and the love, income or beauty interests will now be tied to friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, freedoms, or original projects for you. SUNDAY focuses on the travel, legal, religious, political, ceremonial, educational, or media interests. You are pushing yourself harder or tested by a financial, sexual or third-party matter playing out around health, work, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers at first. You then find your groove with a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, or other key person regarding happiness, growth or prosperity in the mix. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!





MONDAY and TUESDAY are pushing you harder or testing you regarding what you are doing with travel, distant, media, marketing, legal, educational, ceremonial, religious, or political themes, and the responsibilities, limits, commitments, endings, ambitions, or other serious matters at work, with health, the animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers so plan on meeting this head on. Mercury heads into Gemini on MONDAY evening where he will now tour for an extended period, until July 11th. This means the universe is really wanting you to think more about your personal goals, career, status, fame, or authority figures such as a boss, parent, judge, mentor, director, or other such higher-up. You are not only to think about what you have going on here but get into way more talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, local activities, ideas, flirtations, or decisions in these areas of life and you will be moving this forward, then slowing and going back over old territory in your Mercury Retrograde part of this story and then moving forward again until Mercury exits in July so pace yourself! If you’d like key dates and more insight into this Mercury transit listen to the weekly show where I go into it more: TUESDAY will likely test you over one of these matters regarding a partner, client, specialist, representatives, competitor, or other such person. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then help you get into your groove with this partner, client, specialist, representative, or other relationships. WEDNESDAY it will link these people to what you are doing socially, online, with aspirations, original projects, astrology, or charities, as well as with travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests. THURSDAY it should help inspire as those travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political matter tie in with love, income, beauty, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits, in flow. FRIDAY focuses on financial, sexual, mortality, divorce, reproductive, or third-party matters. There is opportunity here for talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions that are focused on a personal goal, career interest, fame, status, or with an authority figure. Mars pushes or tests you at some point today with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or aspirations. SATURDAY is about Venus so look for the love, income, pleasure, or beauty. This starts out focused on travel, distant, media, legal, educational, ceremonial, religious, or political scenarios and something big going on with work, health, co-workers, hired help, paperwork, or animals in the mix. Venus then heads into Gemini where she’ll now travel over the weeks ahead and take her focus on love, income or beauty into what’s going on with your personal goals about it, your career, status, fame, or authority figures so look for it here. SUNDAY is focused on financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party matters. The day starts with Pluto pushing you harder or testing you with the lover/love life, kids, creative venture, or recreational pursuits here. You then find your flow with that big thing going on at work, with health, the animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!





MONDAY and TUESDAY have you involved with a financial, sexual, divorce, death, birth, or third-party matter and both days push you harder or challenge you here as far as what’s going on or not going on with a love, the kids, a creative venture, or recreational pursuit so it looks like you’ll need to meet this head on. Mercury heads into Gemini MONDAY night where he starts an extended journey into talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, ideas, flirtations, offers, or decisions that for your sign will be focused on travel, distant, legal, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, religious, or political themes. You’ll be moving forward now with it, then slowing and heading back over things during the Mercury Retrograde up ahead, then going forward again before you are done with this passage on July 11th. So, pace yourself, it’s a story unwinding. If you’d like key dates and more insight into this Mercury transit listen to the weekly show where I go into it more: TUESDAY may test you over one of these topics regarding the work, co-workers, hired help, paperwork, health, or animals. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then help you find your flow with work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. WEDNESDAY this gets you active about goals, career or with authority figures in flow, as well as with some surprising opportunities opening up around financial, sexual, or third-party interests. THURSDAY it can bring more inspiration and open up flow between the financial sexual, or third-party matters and the home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates. FRIDAY focuses on partners, clients, specialists, representatives, or other such folk. There is opportunity for talks, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, offers, or decisions focused on travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes with them today. Mars is active and frictional over personal goals, career or an authority figure so plan on having something pop up here at some point that motivates, angers or stirs your passions. SATURDAY is about Venus so look for the love, income or beauty interests. This starts out focused on financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, or third-party matters and something big going on with a lover, the kids, a creative venture, or recreational interest. Venus then heads into Gemini this evening where she’ll now take the love, income or beauty interests over the weeks ahead. This means you’ll now find this playing out through travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political topics. SUNDAY focuses on partners, clients, specialists, representatives, opponents, advocates, and the like. Pluto is frictional around this at the start of the day so you have something pushing or testing you emotionally or over home, family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, or roommates in the mix. You should then shift into a nice flow or opportunity with one of these folks over creative ventures, love, kids, or recreation and this looks big. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!





MONDAY and TUESDAY push you harder or test you regarding partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors or others and what’s going on at home, with family, the real estate deal, move, renovations, parent, or roommates. Plan to meet this head on and try not to take it personally if possible, as responsibilities, limits, goals, or timing are making it how it is right now. Mercury heads into Gemini MONDAY evening and kicks off a very long transit here, until July 11th. This means that over the next 9+ weeks you will be into more news, talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions that are focused on loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, or other financial topics, or about sexual interests, reproductive needs, power, control, birth, death, divorce, or third-party situations. You’ll be moving forward with this now, then slowing and going back over old ground during the Mercury Retrograde to let go, rekindle or rework, and then moving forward again with it before you are done so pace yourself, it’s an important story that is going to take some time to unwind. If you’d like key dates and more insight into this Mercury transit listen to the weekly show where I go into it more: You may be tested over one of these topics on TUESDAY when it comes to a lover, the kids, a creative venture, or recreational pursuit. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then help you find your groove with the lover, kids, creative venture, or recreational pursuits. WEDNESDAY this links to partners, clients, specialists, representatives, travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes in opportune ways. THURSDAY it inspires and brings flow around love, income or beauty with the partners, clients, specialists, reps, and others, opening up powerful talks, offers, ideas, sales, writing, interviews, meetings, short trips, or decisions. FRIDAY is then focused on work, health or animals, or paperwork, hired help or co-workers. This starts out with news, talks, sales, or decisions of a financial, sexual or third-party nature that are in an opportune alignment with these topics. Mars will test or push you today regarding the travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political matters. SATURDAY is about Venus so look for the love, income or beauty. This starts out aimed at partners, clients, specialists, reps, and other relationships and is about something big going on at home, with family, the move, renovation, real estate deal, parent, or roommate. Venus then enters Gemini this evening where she will tour over the weeks ahead, bringing more enjoyment, love, income, or beauty into the realm of intimacy, sex, financial interests, divorced, mortality, or third-party matters. SUNDAY is focused on work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. This is in frictional alignment with Pluto so something intense is being said, heard, written, signed, sold, or decided that involves financial, sexual, divorce, or third-party matters. You then find your opportunities today as things open up at home, with family, the move, renovation, real estate deal, parent, or roommates in the mix. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!





MONDAY and TUESDAY are frictional so you have something serious pushing you harder or challenging you over responsibilities, time, commitments, or ambitions on both days. This involves your talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, or decisions and what’s going on with work, health or animals, or with co-workers, hired help or paperwork. Mercury heads into Gemini on MONDAY evening kicking off a very long transit here, until July 11th. This means you are now going to be more focused on talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, local activities, flirtations, or decisions involving partners, clients, specialists, representatives, competitors, advocates, and the like. You are moving forward with this now, then you will slow and start to head back over old territory to figure something out during the upcoming Mercury Retrograde here, then you will move forward again, so pace yourself, it’s quite the story playing out. If you’d like key dates and more insight into this Mercury transit listen to the weekly show where I go into it more: TUESDAY may test you over this with them around what’s needed at home, with family, the real estate deal, move, renovations, parent, or roommate situation. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then get you into a groove with these topics of home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, and roommates. WEDNESDAY this links to what you are doing financially, sexually, with divorce, or third-parties, as well as some exciting or innovative opportunities for you with work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers in the mix. THURSDAY it is about inspiration and the flow going on over love, income, or beauty and the money, purchases, possessions, or products. FRIDAY focuses on lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. There should be opportunities for talks, short trips, writing, sales, agreements, local activities, or meetings with partners, clients, specialists, representatives, or other key players tied to these topics. Mars pushes you harder or tests you at some point today when it comes to sex, reproduction, financial matters, divorce, or third-party situations. SATURDAY is about Venus and she starts out focusing her love, income or beauty interest on your work, co-workers, hired help, paperwork, health interests, or animals. There is something big going on with news, talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, or offers here. Venus then moves into Gemini this evening kicking off several weeks where she’ll be focusing her love, income or beauty influences on partners, clients, specialists, representatives, competitors, or advocates, helping you smooth out issues or attract or enjoy more. SUNDAY is about the lover, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. Pluto is frictional here so you have something testing you regarding income, shared assets, sex, reproduction, possessions, products, or purchases. You should then find your flow as talks, meetings, short trips, writing, sales, local activities, or decisions open up in a big way here. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!





MONDAY and TUESDAY are serious and pushing you harder or showing you where obstacles lie when it comes to income, purchases, possessions, or products and the kids, lover, creativity, or fun. Mercury heads into Gemini MONDAY night to kick off a very long tour here, until July 11th! This means your thoughts, talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, local activities, and decisions will now be focused on work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. This will be moving you forward now, then slowing and taking you back over old territory here to review, release, rekindle, or rework things during the Mercury Retrograde stage, then moving you forward again with these topics. So, pace yourself, it’s a long story but an important one as things are now going to be happening. If you’d like key dates and more insight into this Mercury transit listen to the weekly show where I go into it more: This may test you somehow on TUESDAY as you hear news or look at talks, meetings, sales, writing, or decisions here. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then get you into your groove with talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, offers, or decisions. WEDNESDAY this is linked to what you are doing with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or the like, as well as some opportunities with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. THURSDAY is about the inspiration opening up and the flow around love, income or beauty and the creative ventures, lover, kids, or recreational pursuits. FRIDAY then turns your focus to home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates. There is opportunity for talks, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, or decisions around this for you today. Mars is fired up and is about pushing you harder or testing you at some point with a partner, client, specialist, representative, or competitor here. SATURDAY is about Venus so the focus is on love, income, beauty, or enjoyment and what’s going on with the lover, kids, creative venture, or recreational pursuits. This starts out with something big going on with income, purchases, possessions, or products. Venus then moves into Gemini this evening and shifts the focus on love, income and beauty to work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers over the weeks ahead. This should help you attract, smooth out issues or enjoy these areas more. SUNDAY is focused on home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. Pluto is in a frictional alignment as the day commences so you may feel like pushing yourself harder or you may have a challenge of a personal or physical nature that is financial, sexual, reproductive, about divorce, death, or third-parties to contend with first. You then find your flow around something big going on with income, purchases, possessions, or products. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!





MONDAY and TUESDAY get you to focus on the serious side with Saturn in your sign and asking you about your needs, body, image, brand, name, title, or involvement in things with family, home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates. Mercury heads into Gemini MONDAY night kicking off a very long tour here, until July 11th. This means your thoughts, talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, local activities, and decisions are now going to be about creative ventures, lovers, kids, or recreational pursuits. You’ll be moving forward with this now, then slowing and heading back over old territory to review, release, rekindle, or rework things during the Mercury Retrograde, then forward again having figured something out. So, pace yourself, it’s a long story playing out. If you’d like key dates and more insight into this Mercury transit listen to the weekly show where I go into it more: This may test you at some point on TUESDAY regarding an income, purchase, possession, or product need. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then get you into your flow with income, purchases, possessions, or products. WEDNESDAY this connects to what you are doing at or in pursuit of work, with health, the animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers, as well as with some exciting or last-minute opportunities at home, with real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. THURSDAY it is about the inspiration and the flow going on with love, income or beauty at home, with real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates, and the institutions, research, romance, artistry, or spirituality in the mix. FRIDAY then opens up talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, offers, local activities, or decisions with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. Mars is fired up and frictional at some point here so expect something to push or test you with him about work, health, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, or animals in the mix. SATURDAY is about Venus so look at the love, income, beauty, or pleasure today. There is something big going on for you connected to this and the home, family, move, renovation, real estate deal, parents, or roommates. Venus then heads into Gemini this evening where she’ll now tour over the weeks ahead. This means the love, income, pleasures, or beauty will now be playing out with lovers, kids, creative projects, or recreational pursuits, make the most of it! SUNDAY is about your talks, meetings, short trips, local activities, sales, writing, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions. Pluto is in a frictional alignment here so you may have an obstacle or test around the financial, sexual or third-party interests that are secretive, artistic, romantic, spiritual, addictive, or involving institutions or research. You should then find your flow as optimistic and generous Jupiter favors your sign, opening up good things for you the rest of the day. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!





MONDAY and TUESDAY are Saturn based and testing or pushing everyone harder and for your sign it’s about research, rest, recuperation, institutions, investigations, artistic, addictive, secretive, romantic, or spiritual matters. Both days bring news, talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, siblings, neighbors, short trips, local activities, vehicles, or electronics into this equation asking you to get serious about things. Mercury heads into Gemini MONDAY evening kicking off a very long transit here, until July 11th. This means a lot more thought, talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, offers, or decisions now focusing on home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates. This is moving you forward now, then slowing and taking you back over old territory here during the Mercury Retrograde, to review, release, rekindle, or rework something, then forward again having figured something out, so pace yourself, it’s a big story. If you’d like key dates and more insight into this Mercury transit listen to the weekly show where I go into it more: TUESDAY may bring a test to one of these matters for you as it pertains to your own interests or involvement. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then focus on you, your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs, and these days you find your groove. WEDNESDAY this links to what you are doing with creative ventures, the kids, a lover, or recreational pursuit, as well as some exciting or last-minute opportunities locally, on short trips, with siblings, neighbors, about vehicles, sales, writing, electronics, moves, talks, meetings, or decisions in the mix. THURSDAY it’s about getting inspired and the flow around love, income or beauty, and aspirations, original projects, friends, associates, the internet, astrology, groups, gatherings, or ideals. FRIDAY is about income, purchases, possessions, or products for you. There should be news, talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions about home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates that tie in nicely here. Mars is fired up so he is bound to push you harder or test you at some point today regarding the kids, lover, creative venture, or recreational pursuit. SATURDAY is about Venus so look for the love, income, pleasure, or beauty in your local arena, on short trips, with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics, or through talks, meetings, interviews, sales, writing, or decisions. This looks big when it comes to an institution, the research, a romantic, artistic, or spiritual matter. Venus then heads into Gemini this evening where she turns her focus on love, income, beauty, and pleasure to your home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates over the weeks ahead. SUNDAY is about income, purchases, possessions, or products. Pluto is testing you here regarding the internet, friends, associates, groups, gatherings, aspirations, or original projects so look at joint resources, intimate needs or third-party situations playing out here. You should then find your groove with the income, purchases, possessions, or products as you get into big goals, career interests or opportunities with authority types. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!





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