Friday, April 30, 2021




May kicks off with Mercury heading into Gemini and gearing us up big time for more talks, flirtations, duality, indecision/vacillation, meetings, writing, agreements, or sales, as well as more going on with short trips, local activities, moves, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics over the weeks ahead. We are moving forward now with regular speed up until the 14th. At that point we enter the Pre-Shadow of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde so we start to get a drift of what is coming with that do-over by ways of slowing down, having mechanical or electronic issues, miscommunications, or mix-ups, as we preview the degrees we’ll be backing over. Mercury Retrograde then begins on the 29th as Mercury shifts direction and starts to back over these degrees, from 24 back to 16 degrees of Gemini now through June 22nd at which point Mercury will go Direct again, passing the other side of the Shadow by July 6th. So, this is quite the story we are heading into now, one that will take it’s time, shift gears, back up, rethink, release, rekindle, or rework, and then move forward again, so pace yourself. Things you need to know; Gemini is an energy field notorious for going back and forth between two options, ideas, offers, or decisions under normal circumstances, so having the ruler of Gemini, Mercury, in the sign of Gemini and in Retrograde means you won’t know if you’re coming or going for a while, therefore try not to make any hard and fast decisions until this has cleared on the other side. In the midst of all of this we have Venus entering Gemini on the 8th, bringing a love interest, income scenario or beauty pursuit into the equation now through June 2nd. She should help you enjoy yourself a bit more in your talks, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, with siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, offers, or decisions as well. Finally, the Sun enters this territory on the 20th to tour here for 30 days. This puts a spotlight on you in the equation and helps you to stand out, take the lead or make it about you and your image, brand, name, title, or needs. Here we go!

There is a New Moon on the 11th in Taurus which opens up possibilities for us going forward when it comes to income, purchases, possessions, or products. This can give you the momentum you need to launch into something brand new or help you to take your current situation into what comes next, be proactive. You may wish to start a new money-making opportunity, ask for a raise, buy that house (although with lots of wiggle room for the upcoming Mercury Retrograde), sell some of your old gear (a good thing inline with the Retrograde), or promote your products online, as examples.

Now for the big news of the month; Jupiter enters Pisces on the 13th for the first time since he last toured here Jan 2010-Jan 2011. He will be giving us a preview in Pisces now through July 28th, he’ll then back into Aquarius for the rest of the year until he comes back into Pisces on Dec 29th through May 10th, 2022. Jupiter is at home in Pisces as a co-ruler of this sign. Jupiter is bringing growth, happiness, prosperity, optimism, or protection along with travel plans, legal matters, media ventures, higher education, ceremonies, religious interests, or politics into the sign of magic, psychic abilities, dreams, delusions, spiritual interests, the veil between worlds, institutions, karma, past lives, addictions, secrets, deceptions, art, film, music, clandestine romance, research, and investigations. So, something is bound to go big here. Perhaps you will plan a big trip with a secret lover or sign legal contracts for a film or music project or work with an institution to hold your ceremony or start teaching art or learning about addictions, you get the idea. The preview period we are entering now is great for getting an idea of what this will be about for you.

On the 23rd Saturn stops his Direct motion and begins his Retrograde which will last until Oct 10th. Saturn will be taking us back over the 13-6 degrees of Aquarius over these months. So we are reassessing our commitments, structures that do or don’t support, responsibilities, endings, and ambitions that involve our aspirations, freedom, original projects, social circle, online interests, charitable pursuits, astrology, or an Aquarius or two. It’s a do-over, take your time, you get to figure things out now.

Finally, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees of Sagittarius on the 26th. You may start to have experiences with it in the 5 day build-up or even afterwards for 5 days. This is a very powerful climax around travel, situations at a distance, foreign matters, educational pursuits, legal needs, media, marketing, publishing, or broadcasting, weddings, funerals, graduations, or other ceremonies, religious interests, or politics. Something is either wrapping up or ending or you may be celebrating or achieving a goal here or a bit of all of this, aim high.

The month of May kicks off with Mercury heading into your 3rd house on the 3rd. This means a lot more talks or meetings, short trips or local activities, a focus on siblings, neighbors, vehicles, moves, or electronics, your sales, writing, interviews, or decisions, or perhaps more going on with a Gemini or two over the weeks ahead. You will move things forward and then reach the pre-shadow phase of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde on the 14th at which point some of this will be in flux, some will start to hint of past situations returning, some will be awaiting a do-over and some may start to show signs of mix-ups, malfunction or miscommunication. By the 29th Mercury Retrogrades so you now shift gears and start to go back over everything you set in motion to decide what stays and what goes and what needs some added attention or reworking. The past may come back around for another shot at things or you may exit something or stay and rekindle things as you figure this out. Look at the list of areas of life that this might play out in above. The Retrograde will last until June 22nd and the post-shadow where you are moving forward again with the do-over topics runs from June 22nd until July 6th. Mercury finally exits your 3rd house on July 11th. So, you can see, when it comes to these matters you have quite a long story about to get underway. This month, on the 8th, Venus joins the same territory and on the 20th the Sun moves in as well. Venus can bring love, income or beauty to the story, help you smooth out issues or bring more pleasure in the weeks ahead. The Sun will urge you to show up and get more involved on a personal or physical level or you may be putting your name to something or involving your brand, image, body, or title in some way. Wow, Aries, here you go!

There is a New Moon on the 11th that opens up 2 weeks of forward potential for you with income interests, purchases, what you’re doing with possessions, or your products. Launch into something new or take your current situation into that next chapter.

Jupiter exits Aquarius for a while and moves into Pisces starting on the 13th. He will travel in Pisces now through July 28th at which point he will back into Aquarius again and spend the rest of the year, until Dec 29th in Aquarius, rejoining Pisces Dec 29th into May of the new year. So, you are getting a 2 and a half month preview of what this energy combo is going to be about so pay attention. Jupiter wants to go big, adventure, expand, seek happiness, or prosper, and he rules travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, and political themes. In Pisces he can express this through art, film, music, painting, or other artistic outlets, through romantic interludes or getaways, through spiritual practices, magic, or psychic interests, through institutions, research, tackling addictions, or dealing with secrets, or around water. This may open up all kinds of big opportunities for you and some of them may be strongly tied to past life scenarios coming back into the picture.

On the 23rd Saturn Retrogrades and will be slowing down and going back over old ground now through Oct 10th. This may take you back to revisit things online or with friends, groups, gatherings, or involving your aspirations or original projects. It’s a do-over where you can review your commitments, responsibilities, limits, endings, or ambitions in these areas of life.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th which is bringing things to a major climax with travel plans, a distant situation, foreign interests, media ventures, marketing ideas, higher education, legal matters, weddings, funerals, graduations, or other ceremonies, religious interests, or political themes. You may be marking an absolute ending or achieving goals and celebrating as things hit their peak in one of these arenas. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!



You are about to get drawn into a long story, Taurus, one that begins on May 3rd and wraps by July 11th. Mercury is the culprit, and he is going to be opening up a lot more ideas, talks, meetings, sales, short trips, focus on vehicles or electronics, neighbors or siblings, local activities, writing, or decisions over these months ahead. All of this will be focused on making money, what you are doing with possessions, purchases, or products, the things you are building, or your values. Ready? Well you start to move things into forward motion on May 3rd, then start to slow a bit and review as Mercury enters the Shadow of the upcoming Retrograde on the 14th, then begin the process of letting go, returning to past situations or reworking ongoing situations in the do-over of the Mercury Retrograde from May 29th-June 22nd, then start moving forward again having figured things out, passing the post-shadow by July 6th and then out of this territory all together by July 11th. In the midst of all this energy focused on income, purchases, possessions, and products, Venus enters the story on the 8th and will be bringing her influences to bear over the weeks ahead. She can help smooth out issues, focus on the income, love or beauty in the story or bring more enjoyment here. The Sun also joins in on the 20th and will spotlight these topics for 30 days. This urges you to get more personally or physically involved over this period and helps you stand out or promote your interests.

The New Moon on the 11th is in your sign! This is a great 2 week boost beginning now that is all about helping you launch into something new or take your current interests into that next chapter. This may revolve around your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, involvement, or needs. Show up for you!

Jupiter is going to give you a preview of his tour through Pisces starting on the 13th and this will last until July 28th. Jupiter will return to this territory again at the end of the year and into next year through May so you start to set things in motion and then come back to it and take it further at years end and into 2022. Jupiter wants you to find happiness, prosper, see growth, or adventure a bit and in Pisces will be focusing this on friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, personal aspirations, or original projects. You may focus on travel or distant situation here, media or marketing, legal or educational pursuits, ceremonies, or religion or politics.

On the 23rd Saturn Retrogrades and will be taking you back over old ground now through Oct 10th. This means you can rethink, review, release, or rework goals, career interests or what’s going on with a boss, parent, judge, mentor, or other authority figure. Look at responsibilities, limits, endings, long-term commitments, structures that support, or ambitions in the mix over this time.

Finally, on the 26th there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that is focused on a loan, the debt, an inheritance, your taxes, insurance, alimony, partner’s money, or some other financial topic, or it’s focused on sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party topics. It’s a powerful time when you may be wrapping up what you’ve been working on or marking an ending, or you could be achieving goals or celebrating something big here. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!



You are about to get drawn into a long story, Gemini, one that begins on May 3rd and wraps by July 11th. Mercury is the culprit, and he is going to be opening up a lot more ideas, talks, meetings, sales, short trips, focus on vehicles or electronics, neighbors or siblings, local activities, writing, or decisions over these months ahead. All of this will be focused on you, your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, involvement in things, or personal needs. Ready? Well you start to move things into forward motion on May 3rd, then start to slow a bit and review as Mercury enters the Shadow of the upcoming Retrograde on the 14th, then begin the process of letting go, returning to past situations or reworking ongoing situations in the do-over of the Mercury Retrograde from May 29th-June 22nd, then start moving forward again having figured things out, passing the post-shadow by July 6th and then out of this territory all together by July 11th.

The New Moon on the 11th is opening up forward momentum for you with art, film, music, other artistic pursuits, spiritual practices, magic, psychic interests, romantic interludes or getaways, research, situations with institutions, tackling addictions or bad habits, investigations, or dealing with secrets or deceptions. You have 2 weeks to launch into something new or take your current interests here into that next chapter.

Jupiter is going to give you a preview of his tour through Pisces starting on the 13th and this will last until July 28th. Jupiter will return to this territory again at the end of the year and into next year through May so you start to set things in motion and then come back to it and take it further at years end and into 2022. Jupiter wants you to find happiness, prosper, see growth, or adventure a bit and in Pisces will be focusing this on friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, personal aspirations, or original projects. You may focus on travel or distant situation here, media or marketing, legal or educational pursuits, ceremonies, or religion or politics.

On the 23rd Saturn Retrogrades and will be taking you back over old ground now through Oct 10th. This means you can rethink, review, release, or rework travel plans, situations at a distance, legal needs, media ventures, marketing ideas, educational plans, ceremonies, religious beliefs, or political interests. Look at responsibilities, limits, endings, long-term commitments, structures that support, or ambitions in the mix over this time.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th that is in your relationship zone, Gemini. So, you are reaching a peak moment where you may have more culminating with a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, advocate, or other relationship. You could be wrapping things up or marking an ending or celebrating something of a personal or physical nature or marking achievements. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!



You are about to get drawn into a long story, Cancer, one that begins on May 3rd and wraps by July 11th. Mercury is the culprit, and he is going to be opening up a lot more ideas, talks, meetings, sales, short trips, focus on vehicles or electronics, neighbors or siblings, local activities, writing, or decisions over these months ahead. All of this will be focused on art, film, music, other artistic pursuits, romantic interludes or getaways, spiritual practices, magic, psychic interests, institutions, research, addictions, secrets, or water. Ready? Well you start to move things into forward motion on May 3rd, then start to slow a bit and review as Mercury enters the Shadow of the upcoming Retrograde on the 14th, then begin the process of letting go, returning to past situations or reworking ongoing situations in the do-over of the Mercury Retrograde from May 29th-June 22nd, then start moving forward again having figured things out, passing the post-shadow by July 6th and then out of this territory all together by July 11th.

The New Moon on the 11th is opening up forward momentum for you with friends, associates, groups, gatherings, online interests, astrology, charities, original projects, or aspirations. This is about moving forward with your income, purchases, values, being valued, products, or possessions in these areas. You have 2 weeks to launch into something new or take your current interests here into that next chapter.

Jupiter is going to give you a preview of his tour through Pisces starting on the 13th and this will last until July 28th. Jupiter will return to this territory again at the end of the year and into next year through May so you start to set things in motion and then come back to it and take it further at years end and into 2022. Jupiter wants you to find happiness, prosper, see growth, or adventure a bit and in Pisces will be focusing this on travel, situation at a distance, legal needs, media projects, marketing ideas, higher education, ceremonies, religion, or politics. You may focus on something big that you are starting here now.

On the 23rd Saturn Retrogrades and will be taking you back over old ground now through Oct 10th. This means you can rethink, review, release, or rework loans, inheritance, taxes, insurance, a partner’s money, or other financial topics, or your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, or third-party matters. Look at responsibilities, limits, endings, long-term commitments, structures that support, or ambitions in the mix over this time.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th that is focused on your work, health or animals, paperwork, hired help or co-workers, or cleaning, organizing or details in a situation. So, you are reaching a peak moment in one or more of these areas. You could be wrapping things up or marking an ending or celebrating something of a personal or physical nature or marking achievements. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!



You are about to get drawn into a long story, Leo, one that begins on May 3rd and wraps by July 11th. Mercury is the culprit, and he is going to be opening up a lot more ideas, talks, meetings, sales, short trips, focus on vehicles or electronics, neighbors or siblings, local activities, writing, or decisions over these months ahead. All of this will be focused on friends, groups, the internet, associates, astrology, charities, gatherings, personal aspirations, freedoms, or original projects. Ready? Well you start to move things into forward motion on May 3rd, then start to slow a bit and review as Mercury enters the Shadow of the upcoming Retrograde on the 14th, then begin the process of letting go, returning to past situations or reworking ongoing situations in the do-over of the Mercury Retrograde from May 29th-June 22nd, then start moving forward again having figured things out, passing the post-shadow by July 6th and then out of this territory all together by July 11th.

The New Moon on the 11th is opening up forward momentum for you with career objectives, personal goals, status, fame, or authority figures. Ask yourself where you are with income, purchases, possessions, values, or being valued in these areas and then move forward. You have 2 weeks to launch into something new or take your current interests here into that next chapter.

Jupiter is going to give you a preview of his tour through Pisces starting on the 13th and this will last until July 28th. Jupiter will return to this territory again at the end of the year and into next year through May so you start to set things in motion and then come back to it and take it further at years end and into 2022. Jupiter wants you to find happiness, prosper, see growth, or adventure a bit and in Pisces will be focusing this on financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party interests. You may focus on travel or distant situation here, media or marketing, legal or educational pursuits, ceremonies, or religion or politics.

On the 23rd Saturn Retrogrades and will be taking you back over old ground now through Oct 10th. This means you can rethink, review, release, or rework things with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, opponents, advocates, or other such relationships. Look at responsibilities, limits, endings, long-term commitments, structures that support, or ambitions in the mix over this time.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th that is in your zone of lovers, children, creative ventures, and recreational pursuits. So, you are reaching a peak moment where you may have more attention or recognition aimed at these things or you could be wrapping things up or marking an ending or celebrating something of a personal or physical nature or marking achievements with the lover, creative venture, kids, or recreational interests. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!



You are about to get drawn into a long story, Virgo, one that begins on May 3rd and wraps by July 11th. Mercury is the culprit, and he is going to be opening up a lot more ideas, talks, meetings, sales, short trips, focus on vehicles or electronics, neighbors or siblings, local activities, writing, or decisions over these months ahead. All of this will be focused on your career, status, fame, personal goals, or authority figures (parents, bosses, directors, teachers, judges, or other such folk). Ready? Well you start to move things into forward motion on May 3rd, then start to slow a bit and review as Mercury enters the Shadow of the upcoming Retrograde on the 14th, then begin the process of letting go, returning to past situations or reworking ongoing situations in the do-over of the Mercury Retrograde from May 29th-June 22nd, then start moving forward again having figured things out, passing the post-shadow by July 6th and then out of this territory all together by July 11th.

The New Moon on the 11th is opening up forward momentum for you with travel, situations at a distance, legal interests, media ventures, marketing ideas, educational pursuits, ceremonies, religion, or politics. You have 2 weeks to launch into something new or take your current interests here into that next chapter.

Jupiter is going to give you a preview of his tour through Pisces starting on the 13th and this will last until July 28th. Jupiter will return to this territory again at the end of the year and into next year through May so you start to set things in motion and then come back to it and take it further at years end and into 2022. Jupiter wants you to find happiness, prosper, see growth, or adventure a bit and in Pisces will be focusing this on partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, or other relationships. You may focus on travel or distant situation here, media or marketing, legal or educational pursuits, ceremonies, or religion or politics.

On the 23rd Saturn Retrogrades and will be taking you back over old ground now through Oct 10th. This means you can rethink, review, release, or rework health scenarios, work interests, paperwork, what’s going on with animals, co-workers, hired help, cleaning, or organizing. Look at responsibilities, limits, endings, long-term commitments, structures that support, or ambitions in the mix over this time.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th that is in your zone of home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. So, you are reaching a peak moment where you may have more attention or recognition aimed at these topics or when things are climaxing in some way with what is going on as you wrap things up or mark an ending, or celebrate something of a personal or physical nature or mark achievements. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!



You are about to get drawn into a long story, Libra, one that begins on May 3rd and wraps by July 11th. Mercury is the culprit, and he is going to be opening up a lot more ideas, talks, meetings, sales, short trips, focus on vehicles or electronics, neighbors or siblings, local activities, writing, or decisions over these months ahead. All of this will be focused on travel plans, situations at a distance, legal needs, media ventures, marketing ideas, educational pursuits, ceremonies, religious interests, or politics. Ready? Well you start to move things into forward motion on May 3rd, then start to slow a bit and review as Mercury enters the Shadow of the upcoming Retrograde on the 14th, then begin the process of letting go, returning to past situations or reworking ongoing situations in the do-over of the Mercury Retrograde from May 29th-June 22nd, then start moving forward again having figured things out, passing the post-shadow by July 6th and then out of this territory all together by July 11th.

The New Moon on the 11th is opening up forward momentum for you with loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, or other financial matters, or with sexual interests, reproductive needs, divorce, birth, death, or third-party situations. You have 2 weeks to launch into something new or take your current interests here into that next chapter.

Jupiter is going to give you a preview of his tour through Pisces starting on the 13th and this will last until July 28th. Jupiter will return to this territory again at the end of the year and into next year through May so you start to set things in motion and then come back to it and take it further at years end and into 2022. Jupiter wants you to find happiness, prosper, see growth, or adventure a bit and in Pisces will be focusing this on work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. You may focus on travel or distant situation here, media or marketing, legal or educational pursuits, ceremonies, or religion or politics.

On the 23rd Saturn Retrogrades and will be taking you back over old ground now through Oct 10th. This means you can rethink, review, release, or rework creative projects, situations with kids or lovers, or recreational pursuits. Look at responsibilities, limits, endings, long-term commitments, structures that support, or ambitions in the mix over this time.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th that is in your zone of talks, meetings, sales, writing, flirtations, offers, and decisions, as well as with short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. So, you are reaching a peak moment where you may have more attention or recognition aimed at one of these things or you could be wrapping things up or marking an ending or celebrating something of a personal or physical nature or marking achievements via one of these topics. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!



You are about to get drawn into a long story, Scorpio, one that begins on May 3rd and wraps by July 11th. Mercury is the culprit, and he is going to be opening up a lot more ideas, talks, meetings, sales, short trips, focus on vehicles or electronics, neighbors or siblings, local activities, writing, or decisions over these months ahead. All of this will be focused on financial topics, sex, reproduction, birth, death, divorce, or third-party situations. Ready? Well you start to move things into forward motion on May 3rd, then start to slow a bit and review as Mercury enters the Shadow of the upcoming Retrograde on the 14th, then begin the process of letting go, returning to past situations or reworking ongoing situations in the do-over of the Mercury Retrograde from May 29th-June 22nd, then start moving forward again having figured things out, passing the post-shadow by July 6th and then out of this territory all together by July 11th.

The New Moon on the 11th is opening up forward momentum for you with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, or other relationships. Look at what you want via values or being valued, income, purchases, products, gifts, or possessions in the mix. You have 2 weeks to launch into something new or take your current interests here into that next chapter.

Jupiter is going to give you a preview of his tour through Pisces starting on the 13th and this will last until July 28th. Jupiter will return to this territory again at the end of the year and into next year through May so you start to set things in motion and then come back to it and take it further at years end and into 2022. Jupiter wants you to find happiness, prosper, see growth, or adventure a bit and in Pisces will be focusing this on your love life or lover, the kids, a creative venture, or recreational pursuits. You may focus on travel or distant situation here, media or marketing, legal or educational pursuits, ceremonies, or religion or politics.

On the 23rd Saturn Retrogrades and will be taking you back over old ground now through Oct 10th. This means you can rethink, review, release, or rework what’s going on at home, with moves, renovations, or real estate deals, or with family, parents or roommates. Look at responsibilities, limits, endings, long-term commitments, structures that support, or ambitions in the mix over this time.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th that is in your zone of income, purchases, possessions, gifts, values, being valued, and products. So, you are reaching a peak moment where you may have more attention or recognition aimed at one of these topics or you could be wrapping things up or marking an ending, or celebrating something of a personal or physical nature or marking achievements in these arenas now. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!



You are about to get drawn into a long story, Sagittarius, one that begins on May 3rd and wraps by July 11th. Mercury is the culprit, and he is going to be opening up a lot more ideas, talks, meetings, sales, short trips, focus on vehicles or electronics, neighbors or siblings, local activities, writing, or decisions over these months ahead. All of this will be focused on your partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, or other relationships. Ready? Well you start to move things into forward motion on May 3rd, then start to slow a bit and review as Mercury enters the Shadow of the upcoming Retrograde on the 14th, then begin the process of letting go, returning to past situations or reworking ongoing situations in the do-over of the Mercury Retrograde from May 29th-June 22nd, then start moving forward again having figured things out, passing the post-shadow by July 6th and then out of this territory all together by July 11th.

The New Moon on the 11th is opening up forward momentum for you with work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. You have 2 weeks to launch into something new or take your current interests here into that next chapter.

Jupiter is going to give you a preview of his tour through Pisces starting on the 13th and this will last until July 28th. Jupiter will return to this territory again at the end of the year and into next year through May so you start to set things in motion and then come back to it and take it further at years end and into 2022. Jupiter wants you to find happiness, prosper, see growth, or adventure a bit and in Pisces will be focusing this on home, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate deals It’s been 12 years since you had this expansive energy here. You may focus on travel or distant situation here, media or marketing, legal or educational pursuits, ceremonies, or religion or politics in these areas of life.

On the 23rd Saturn Retrogrades and will be taking you back over old ground now through Oct 10th. This means you can rethink, review, release, or rework sales, writing, situations with siblings or neighbors, vehicles or electronics, short trips, moves or local activities, your talks, interviews, meetings, or auditions, or any offers or decisions up til now. Look at responsibilities, limits, endings, long-term commitments, structures that support, or ambitions in the mix over this time.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th that is in your sign, Sagittarius. So, you are reaching a peak moment where you may have more attention or recognition aimed at you or when things are climaxing in some way with what is going on in your body, with your name, title, brand, image, identity, involvement in something, or needs. You could be wrapping things up or marking an ending or celebrating something of a personal or physical nature or marking achievements. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!



You are about to get drawn into a long story, Capricorn, one that begins on May 3rd and wraps by July 11th. Mercury is the culprit, and he is going to be opening up a lot more ideas, talks, meetings, sales, short trips, focus on vehicles or electronics, neighbors or siblings, local activities, writing, or decisions over these months ahead. All of this will be focused on work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. Ready? Well you start to move things into forward motion on May 3rd, then start to slow a bit and review as Mercury enters the Shadow of the upcoming Retrograde on the 14th, then begin the process of letting go, returning to past situations or reworking ongoing situations in the do-over of the Mercury Retrograde from May 29th-June 22nd, then start moving forward again having figured things out, passing the post-shadow by July 6th and then out of this territory all together by July 11th.

The New Moon on the 11th is opening up forward momentum for you with lovers, creative ventures, children, or recreational pursuits. You have 2 weeks to launch into something new or take your current interests here into that next chapter.

Jupiter is going to give you a preview of his tour through Pisces starting on the 13th and this will last until July 28th. Jupiter will return to this territory again at the end of the year and into next year through May so you start to set things in motion and then come back to it and take it further at years end and into 2022. Jupiter wants you to find happiness, prosper, see growth, or adventure a bit and in Pisces will be focusing this on talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, moves, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, offers, or decisions. It’s been 12 years since you’ve had this kind of expansive energy here. You may focus on travel or distant situation here, media or marketing, legal or educational pursuits, ceremonies, or religion or politics.

On the 23rd Saturn Retrogrades and will be taking you back over old ground now through Oct 10th. This means you can rethink, review, release, or rework what’s going on with your income, purchases, possessions, values, being valued, or products. Look at responsibilities, limits, endings, long-term commitments, structures that support, or ambitions in the mix over this time.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th that is in your 12th house. So, you are reaching a peak moment where you may have more attention or recognition aimed at what is going on with institutions, research, investigations, addictions, secrets, water, artistic interests, romance, spiritual pursuits, magic, or psychic interests. You could be wrapping things up or marking an ending or celebrating something of a personal or physical nature or marking achievements in these areas. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!



You are about to get drawn into a long story, Aquarius, one that begins on May 3rd and wraps by July 11th. Mercury is the culprit, and he is going to be opening up a lot more ideas, talks, meetings, sales, short trips, focus on vehicles or electronics, neighbors or siblings, local activities, writing, or decisions over these months ahead. All of this will be focused on the kids, a lover, your love life, a creative venture, or recreational pursuits. Ready? Well you start to move things into forward motion on May 3rd, then start to slow a bit and review as Mercury enters the Shadow of the upcoming Retrograde on the 14th, then begin the process of letting go, returning to past situations or reworking ongoing situations in the do-over of the Mercury Retrograde from May 29th-June 22nd, then start moving forward again having figured things out, passing the post-shadow by July 6th and then out of this territory all together by July 11th.

The New Moon on the 11th is opening up forward momentum for you with home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates. You have 2 weeks to launch into something new or take your current interests here into that next chapter.

Jupiter is going to give you a preview of his tour through Pisces starting on the 13th and this will last until July 28th. Jupiter will return to this territory again at the end of the year and into next year through May so you start to set things in motion and then come back to it and take it further at years end and into 2022. Jupiter wants you to find happiness, prosper, see growth, or adventure a bit and in Pisces will be focusing this on income, purchases, possessions, products, values, or being valued. It’s been 12 years since you’ve had this kind of expansive potential. You may focus on travel or distant situation here, media or marketing, legal or educational pursuits, ceremonies, or religion or politics in these areas of life.

On the 23rd Saturn Retrogrades and will be taking you back over old ground now through Oct 10th. This means you can rethink, review, release, or rework what is going on with your body, image, brand, name, title, personal needs, or involvement in certain things. Look at responsibilities, limits, endings, long-term commitments, structures that support, or ambitions in the mix over this time.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th that is in your 11th house, Aquarius. So, you are reaching a peak moment where you may have more attention or recognition aimed at you or when things are climaxing in some way with what is going on with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, or original projects. You could be wrapping things up or marking an ending or celebrating something of a personal or physical nature or marking achievements. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!



You are about to get drawn into a long story, Pisces, one that begins on May 3rd and wraps by July 11th. Mercury is the culprit, and he is going to be opening up a lot more ideas, talks, meetings, sales, short trips, focus on vehicles or electronics, neighbors or siblings, local activities, writing, or decisions over these months ahead. All of this will be focused on your home, family, real estate deals, move, renovation, parents, or roommates. Ready? Well you start to move things into forward motion on May 3rd, then start to slow a bit and review as Mercury enters the Shadow of the upcoming Retrograde on the 14th, then begin the process of letting go, returning to past situations or reworking ongoing situations in the do-over of the Mercury Retrograde from May 29th-June 22nd, then start moving forward again having figured things out, passing the post-shadow by July 6th and then out of this territory all together by July 11th.

The New Moon on the 11th is opening up forward momentum for you with talks, meetings, sales, interviews, writing, short trips, or local activities, or with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, offers, or decisions. You have 2 weeks to launch into something new or take your current interests here into that next chapter.

Jupiter is going to give you a preview of his tour through Pisces starting on the 13th and this will last until July 28th. Jupiter will return to this territory again at the end of the year and into next year through May so you start to set things in motion and then come back to it and take it further at years end and into 2022. Jupiter wants you to find happiness, prosper, see growth, or adventure a bit and in Pisces will be focusing this on you, your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, involvement in things, or personal needs. This is definitely about some luck or big things wanting to get underway about you, think back 12 years to the last time Jupiter was in your sign. You may focus on travel or distant situation here, media or marketing, legal or educational pursuits, ceremonies, or religion or politics.

On the 23rd Saturn Retrogrades and will be taking you back over old ground now through Oct 10th. This means you can rethink, review, release, or rework art, film, music, other artistic interests, romantic interests, spiritual practices, magical or psychic abilities, or what is going on with institutions, research, investigations, addictions, or secrets. Look at responsibilities, limits, endings, long-term commitments, structures that support, or ambitions in the mix over this time.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th that is in your 10th house. So, you are reaching a peak moment where you may have more attention or recognition aimed at you or when things are climaxing in some way with what is going on with your career, status, fame, personal goals, or an authority figure such as a boss, parent, director, judge, or other such higher-up. You could be wrapping things up or marking an ending or celebrating something of a personal or physical nature or marking achievements. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!



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