Sunday, November 25, 2018



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VOID MOON in the week ahead, (all times given are Eastern Standard Time, U.S.):
MONDAY no void moon
TUESDAY 2:22am-3:35am
WEDNESDAY no void moon
THURSDAY 4:47am -6:08am
FRIDAY no void moon
SATURDAY 9:34am – 9:49am
SUNDAY no void moon

MONDAY and TUESDAY are big Mercury Retrograde days so expect to be purging, releasing or letting go of things, getting deeper into ongoing or past situations to rework or rekindle things, and for there to be lots of short trips, local activities, talks, news, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions in the mix as you get further into what’s going on. This may mean you are reconfiguring some beliefs, dealing with the legal side of a situation, focused on the situation at a distance or a trip itself, looking into media or marketing, educational, political, or ceremonial interests in the mix, or just tackling something really, really big. Mars is active both days as well so something going on behind the scenes, dealing with bad habits, secrets, boundary issues, hospitals or other institutions, research, investigations, artistic or spiritual interests, or a romance are part of the story. This is heated up and active with a push on MONDAY while in flow, helping you cement some goal or impress an authority type on TUESDAY.

WEDNESDAY is all about the kids, a lover, your love life, a creative project, or a recreational pursuits. Although you’ll need to be adaptive when it comes to the goals, your career needs or an authority type in the mix, it does look like Venus moves into alignment as the day progresses, making the evening lovely for one or more of these areas with the partner, clients, specialists, representatives, or other relationships.

THURSDAY and FRIDAY should gear you up to work, pursue work, hit the honey-do list, organize, clean, get to the paperwork, focus on health, work with others, hire help, or make it about the animals. It does seem like that legal, travel, distant, media, educational, ceremonial, religious, or political matter requires input today and this may push a bit however, both days hold lots of solid and powerful potential to link what you are doing with a goal, your career or an authority figure. Expect something interesting, exciting, surprising, or innovative with another person on FRIDAY, most likely about love, income, women, or beauty!

Mercury Retrograde shifts gears on SATURDAY as Mercury backs out of Sagittarius and into Scorpio. This begins a 6-day do-over regarding sex, reproduction, divorce, a death, birth, third-party situation, or anything financial. Mercury will want you to reconnect with past people to rekindle, rework or release something here or it will want you to exit a situation for a bit to get a break or have the space to figure something out or it will ask that you go deeper into some ongoing situation to rethink or rework things. Do double check facts and figures, watch out for mix-ups and give people the benefit of the doubt over these topics so you don’t get in a huff thinking they meant this or that and find out later it really was not meant that way. Venus will join this story starting on SUNDAY and she will be traveling here the rest of the month. Her presence here should help smooth out issues or may make a woman more central to what you are doing in the weeks ahead or she may bring love or beauty themes into the story or make it about your personal income in some way. She is, overall, about enjoying things, keep it in mind. 

The other stuff going on this weekend surrounds relationships on SATURDAY with some big things in the works with travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests, but then some challenge around a goal, career needs or an authority figure in the mix at some point. Relationships mean partners, clients, specialists, reps, competitors, opponents, or advocates. And on SUNDAY there is an interest in showing up and getting more involved in that legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, religious, or political matter, and this activates Mars regarding passion, anger or more action focused behind the scenes, in secret, with a romantic rendezvous, an artistic pursuit, the spiritual interests, a hospital or other institution, or a research or investigational matter.

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MONDAY and TUESDAY are big when it comes to any legal, travel, educational, distant, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests you may have. Plan on showing up, turning a corner with any Mercury Retrograde notions about it and from time to time involving your ruler, Mars, as he is all fired up over the romantic tryst, secret, addiction, artistic pursuit, spiritual matter, institution, or research need in the mix. WEDNESDAY is much more about the lover or child, the creative ventures, or recreational pursuits, and you’ll want to be adaptive when it comes to goals, career or authority types in the mix to get to the smooth flow with the partner, client, specialist, rep, or other relationship in the story. THURSDAY and FRIDAY focus on work or health needs, your paperwork, the pets, what you are doing with co-workers or hired help, or any organizing or cleaning on your slate. There is still something pushing you a bit over the trip, legality, educational need, media or marketing side of things, wedding or other ceremony, or religious or political aspect here however both days look like you can really set or make goals, further career needs or connect with or impress a higher-up in the situation so put in the effort. FRIDAY and SATURDAY hold a lot of energy around the partner, clients, specialist, representative, competitor, or other relationships you have going on. This may bring something exciting, last minute or innovative regarding love, income, women, or beauty interests with them on FRIDAY, while getting you in flow with the travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political needs on SATURDAY. There is a sobering moment on Saturday with them and it’s about a goal, career matter or a boss, parent, director, or other authority type. MERCURY RETROGRADE changes signs on SATURDAY, backing into Scorpio, so from now through Dec 6th you have some space created by a retreat or exit, or a return to the past to rekindle, release or rework something, or a rehashing of something ongoing to get things right going on and it will be about sexual interests, triangles, jealousy, manipulations, control issues, changes going on, deeper intimacy, reproductive matters, divorce, a death, a birth, or the loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, or some other big financial need. Take your time, figure things out, guard against mix-ups, malfunctioning equipment, or miscommunications about these matters, things will become more clear after the 6th. Venus heads into these same topics starting on SUNDAY so over the weeks ahead she will do her part to bring love or income to these matters or make it about women or beauty interests in the mix. She can help smooth things out or attract what you need and she should help make some of it more pleasurable. Finally, there is a push on SUNDAY urging you to get in there over travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political matters to do something about the romantic getaway, hospital or other institution, research or investigation, art, film, music, or other muse-related interests, magical, psychic or spiritual pursuits, or to deal with addictions. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you



HEAR what’s coming in the DECEMBER MONTHLY BROADCAST here!

MONDAY and TUESDAY are big days for you and the focus is on purging and changing things, getting closer on an intimate level or furthering a sexual attraction, taking care of reproductive or hormonal situations, doing something about the divorce, a death or birth, or getting busy about the loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, or other financial concern. Expect Mercury Retrograde to point out any news, information, talks, or decisions that pull in situations from the past or get you refocused on the ongoing scenario here and for a turning point of sorts as a huge new horizon opens up. Now, Mars is also busy these days, pushing you to gear things up or deal with some situation with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or a gathering. WEDNESDAY turns your attention to your home, family, parent, roommate, move, renovation, or real estate deal. You should be able to do some finessing or make some adjustments regarding the legal, travel, distant, media, educational, religious, wedding, or political needs in the mix and then get into some great flow around the work, pets, paperwork, health, co-workers, or hired help here. THURSDAY and FRIDAY are going to be more about the kids, a lover, your creative interests, or something recreational. Now, there is something big going on that may push you a bit on THURSDAY regarding a financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, death, birth, or third-party matter tied into this stuff but then you should find that both days hold opportunity with them over that travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political interest. FRIDAY and SATURDAY also get you going over the work or health pursuits, any paperwork, the pets, or with co-workers or hired help. These are good days to clean or organize as well. FRIDAY this may bring another person into the story in a surprising or exciting way, perhaps letting you know something that was hidden before. SATURDAY it should get you in great flow with that sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or financial scenario, however Saturn will bring something sobering around a goal, authority figure or career matter at some point today. MERCURY RETROGRADE changes signs on SATURDAY, backing out of Sagittarius and into Scorpio where he will now complete his Retrograde by the 6th. So, these 6 days now are about rethinking, reworking, releasing, or rekindling something with a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, opponent, or advocate about financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party matters. It’s a do-over, you may have some mix-ups, malfunctioning electronics or mechanical items or a change of mind as things are in flux for these few days but it is time to get back to something here and figure it out. Venus will join this story starting on SUNDAY as she moves into Scorpio and over the weeks ahead brings more love or income pursuits, women or beauty interests, to your relationships. Her presence here should help smooth out issues, attract more of this good stuff to what you’re doing with these partners, reps, clients, specialists, or others, and make it more enjoyable. Finally, an alignment between the Sun and Mars on SUNDAY may gear you up to show up and get more involved with the financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party matter and this in turn is firing things up regarding an aspiration, your original projects, a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or a gathering. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the DECEMBER MONTHLY BROADCAST here!

MONDAY and TUESDAY are all about what is going on with a partner, opponent, specialist, agent, attorney, the clients, a competitor, or an advocate. This is likely something big and may have legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political interests running through it. You will be at a turning point with something past that you are working out here or some ongoing situation that needed some reworking and to that end you may have an aha moment about it or hear news, get into talks or make decisions about what is exiting, what is returning or what you are reworking here. Mars will also be geared up both days so there is a lot going on to do with a boss, parent or other authority figure or what is going on with a personal goal or your career. This is frictional on Monday but in flow on Tuesday so work through it. WEDNESDAY turns your attention to short trips, local activities, writing, sales, agreements, interviews, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, talks, meetings, or choices you are making on a creative or recreational level or about lover or the kids. It does look like you’ll need to be adaptive when it comes to the big financial scenarios, sexual interest, reproductive matter, death, birth, or divorce issue, but that things are going to get into a lovely flow regarding love, income, women, or beauty interests with those lovers, kids, creative ventures, or fun pursuits. THURSDAY and FRIDAY turn your attention to home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. You will likely have something big to still deal with regarding the partner, client, specialist, representative, or competitor here but both days then get you into a solid and powerful flow with these home or family, etc, topics and the financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party needs. FRIDAY and SATURDAY also get you geared up with a lover, the kids, a creative project, or a recreational pursuit, FRIDAY putting you one-on-one with someone about it in a surprising, exciting or innovative way which may mean something social in the mix, then SATURDAY going big with partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other relationships but also getting you serious about something in the financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party side of things. MERCURY RETROGRADE changes signs on SATURDAY, backing from Sagittarius into Scorpio and turning your focus over the next 6 days to rethinking, reworking, releasing, or rekindling something work related, about your health, the pets, any paperwork, the hired help, a co-worker, getting organized, or cleaning. It’s time to go back over something to figure things out or to slow down and take a little break from it. Do watch for mix-ups, malfunctioning electronics or mechanicals and/or miscommunications tied to these topics. You have until Dec. 6th to figure it all out. Venus is joining this story on SUNDAY as she will now travel over these work, health, pet, paperwork, hired help, and co-worker topics over the weeks ahead. Her presence here should help smooth out issues, attract more love or income, women or beauty interests to the story or make it a more enjoyable time period here. Finally, the Sun and Mars wrangle on SUNDAY which means you will be showing up or getting more involved with that partner, client, specialist, representative, competitor, or other relationship while something is going on with the goal, career or an authority figure that brings out passion, anger or motivates the situation in some way. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the DECEMBER MONTHLY BROADCAST here!

MONDAY and TUESDAY are big days for work or health matters, the pets, any paperwork, or what is going on with hired help, co-workers, cleaning, or organizing. You get a fresh start with some real potential here as well as Mercury Retrogrades influence regarding the letting go, rekindling or reworking of something past to lend to that new start. Consider it a turning point mid-stream in your do-over. Mars is also active both days getting you active about the legal matter, travel plans, people at a distance, educational pursuit, wedding, other ceremony, media or marketing venture, or religious or political interest. This is pushing or challenging on Monday and in flow when it comes to partners, specialists, reps, clients, opponents, or other players on Tuesday. WEDNESDAY hones in on income needs, purchases or what you are doing with possessions or products. Adjustments with the partner, client, specialist, rep, or other player in the mix are part of this but then you should find you are in flow from home or about home, with real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, roommates, or family. THURSDAY and FRIDAY hone in on short trips, local activities, writing, meetings, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, talks, and decisions and look pretty solid and powerful both days when it comes to the partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or other relationships in the mix. There is a push on Thursday regarding work, health, paperwork, hired help, co-workers or pets so keep it in mind. FRIDAY and SATURDAY get you geared up at home or with real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. This looks exciting, last-minute or innovative on FRIDAY as something spur of the moment gets into the story with another person over goals, authority types or career needs. Then it looks opportune on SATURDAY when it comes to work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, or cleaning, but serious when it comes to partners, reps, competitors, clients, specialists, or others. MERCURY RETROGRADE backs out of Sagittarius and into Scorpio on SATURDAY taking your do-over with him into your love life or lovers, kids or creative projects, or recreational pursuits over the next 6 days. This is where you may slow down and return to the past to release, rekindle or rework something or find you have a break from something going on as someone retreats or you walk away to ponder things or you may be delving more deeply into some ongoing situation to figure something out, take your time. Do watch for mix-ups, malfunctioning electronics or mechanicals or miscommunications in these areas as you go through now until Dec 6th with these topics. Venus heads into the same territory starting on SUNDAY and over the weeks ahead she will help you to smooth out issues, focus on the love or money, women or beauty interests with the lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational matters, and she should help you find more enjoyment here overall. Finally, the Sun and Mars square off on SUNDAY putting you into the work or health matter, the paperwork or pet situation, with co-workers or hired help, or in a cleaning or organizing scenario, and this sparks things up with the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political theme, expect to be busy. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the DECEMBER MONTHLY BROADCAST here!

MONDAY and TUESDAY are all about the lover or kids, a creative venture or recreational pursuit and once you get past whatever challenge you have MONDAY with the financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, death, birth, or third-party situation, this looks like something new and opportune may be opening up at the same time you are releasing, rekindling or reworking something here with your Mercury Retrograde influence. Keep communications open and stay optimistic! WEDNESDAY turns your attention on yourself. This can mean you are focused on your body, image, brand, name, or title, or it is about you showing up and getting more involved in something that interests you. You’ll need to be adaptable when it comes to that financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or triangle situation but something lovely seems to be opening up for you in regards to talks, meetings, short trips, writing, sales, or other local or communicative topics about love, income, women, or beauty. THURSDAY and FRIDAY are about income, purchases, possessions, or products with both days in a great flow from these interests to the work situation, your health, the pets, any paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. You do have something big to contend with involving the lover, kids, creative venture, or recreational pursuit on THURSDAY so don’t let it tilt you too far off all this good stuff you can achieve. FRIDAY and SATURDAY aim to get you out there locally or on that short trip, in interviews, meetings or talks, writing or at sales, or focused on your vehicles, electronics, neighbors, or siblings. This could mean something exciting with another person over legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests on FRIDAY and something big opening up with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or fun on SATURDAY, although you’ll also have something serious to deal with about a health, work, pet, paperwork, hired help, or co-worker need today. MERCURY RETROGRADE backs out of Sagittarius and into Scorpio on SATURDAY so from now until Dec 6th you have a brief do-over with home, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate deals. It’s time to go back into the past to rethink something, get in touch with your history, go through old photo albums or your ancestry, revisit old stomping grounds, see if there is something to rework, release or rekindle in any of these areas of life. Do guard against mix-ups, malfunctioning electronics or mechanicals in these areas or miscommunications about what you are doing about things here until you get past the 6th. Venus joins this same territory starting on SUNDAY so over the weeks ahead her influence should help smooth out issues, attract the love or income, women or beauty interests to the home, within in the family, or around the real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or roommate situations. She can also help you just enjoy things more here. Finally, a Sun/Mars square on SUNDAY kicks up the activity, passion or anger and gets you into the thick of things with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreation, and the sexual, reproductive, divorce, death, birth, or financial side of things going on. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the DECEMBER MONTHLY BROADCAST here!

MONDAY and TUESDAY are about some big things going on at home or with family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate deals. Although you’ll have a bit of a push here on MONDAY at some point with a partner, specialist, client, attorney, opponent, agent, or advocate, the rest of both days are about the fresh start you can get here via growth potential, any legal, travel, educational, relocational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix, and Mercury Retrogrades do-over with past people or situations, ongoing reworking of things or a retreat or exit from the situation. WEDNESDAY turns your attention to art, film, music, romance, spiritual matters, hospitals, other institutions, or research. You’ll have some adjustment to make with a lover, the kids, a creative venture, or recreational pursuit in the mix but good opportunities to make money, focus on purchases or do something about possessions, gifts or products. THURSDAY and FRIDAY are good days to focus on yourself. This may mean more attention to your body, image, brand, name, or title, or you showing up and pursuing something that is of interest to you. There is something big here at home or with real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates on THURSDAY but then both days put you in good flow with the kids, a lover, your creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. FRIDAY and SATURDAY are about income, purchases, possessions, or products. This will likely get you in there with someone else on FRIDAY in some exciting, last-minute, changing, or innovative situation involving other financial topics, sex, divorce, a death, birth, or third-party matter, while opening up potential at home, with real estate deals, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations on SATURDAY. Saturn does seem to get you serious or test you with the lover, kids, creative venture, or fun on SATURDAY. MERCURY RETROGRADE backs out of Sagittarius and into Scorpio on SATURDAY so for the next 6 days you will be slowing down and rethinking, releasing, reworking, or rekindling something via talks or meetings, agreements or sales, writing or interviews, short trips or local activities, siblings or neighbors, vehicles or electronics, or your ideas or decisions. This may be deep and connect to sexual or reproductive themes, financial matters, a divorce or death, or any situations involving you and two others. You can go back to past situations or people about it, rework ongoing situations or take a break and exit for a bit or see someone or something else exit for a bit so you can figure things out. Do watch out for any mix-ups, malfunctioning electronics or mechanicals or miscommunications during this period but do make the do-over count. Venus joins this story on SUNDAY so over the weeks ahead her influence can bring more love or income interest into the scenario or focus on women or beauty interests in these areas. She may help you smooth out issues, attract the good stuff or find more pleasure in what is going on. Finally, the Sun and Mars are getting all fired up on SUNDAY which means something getting you involved at home, with family, parents, roommates moves, renovations, or real estate deals, and what’s going on with the partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, or other relationship. This may stir passion, anger or just motivate, expect to be busy either way. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the DECEMBER MONTHLY BROADCAST here!

MONDAY and TUESDAY are big when it comes to talks or meetings, agreements or sales, writing or interviews, short trips or local activities, what you’re doing with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics, or your ideas or decisions. There is some push on MONDAY when it comes to work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers in the mix that may challenge you a bit but both days hold real promise for some fresh start or optimism and potential via focusing on growth, happiness or prosperity in these communications or other activities and any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, religious, or political interests in the mix. Mercury Retrograde is part of it as well so look at releasing, rekindling or reworking something ongoing or past and turning a corner in this part of the Retrograde. WEDNESDAY looks more social with a focus on friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or aspirations. There is an adjustment to make regarding home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates in the mix but some opportunity for yourself when it comes to love or money, women or beauty, and these social arenas. THURSDAY and FRIDAY get you behind the scenes and into the research, investigations, romance, artistic pursuits, spiritual interests, or dealing with institutions. Both days this links favorably to what you are getting serious about at home or with real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. There is some big push in the talks, meetings, interviews, writing, sales, agreements, short trips, or decisions arenas on THURSDAY or you may feel it with the sibling, neighbor, vehicles, or electronics. FRIDAY and SATURDAY then get you focused on yourself. This may mean more attention to your body, image, brand, name, or title, or you showing up and getting more involved in something that is of interest to you. Friday this brings some excitement, last minute situation, change, or innovation involving a partner, client, specialist, representative, competitor, or other player. SATURDAY it looks good for local activities or short trips, talks, meetings, agreements, sales writing, interviews, or decisions but has some sobering or serious moment on the home front or about real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. MERCURY RETROGRADE backs out of Sagittarius and into Scorpio on SATURDAY turning your focus in your do-over to income, purchases, possessions, or products from now through Dec 6th. So, do you let go of something here, rework some ongoing or past situation, slow down, figure it out? Do guard against mix-ups, malfunctioning electronics or mechanical items in these areas of life or miscommunications about it since things are in flux but do make the do-over count. Venus joins this story on SUNDAY and in the weeks ahead should start to smooth out issues or focus on love or income, women or beauty interests in these earning, purchasing, products, and possessions areas of life. She may also help you enjoy what is going on just a bit more. Finally, the Sun and Mars are sparking it up on SUNDAY which puts you in there on that short trip or local activity, in talks or meetings, sales or agreements, with siblings or neighbors, over vehicles or electronics, in writing or interviews, and amps things up with work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the DECEMBER MONTHLY BROADCAST here!

MONDAY and TUESDAY are all geared up to earn money, make purchases, focus on your products, or make it about possessions. There may be an obstacle or push with the lover, kids, creative venture, or recreational aspect of things here on MONDAY but you seem to be back on track with it on TUESDAY and both days begin to show you the true opportunities and fresh starts that are taking shape. Look at any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, religious, or political themes in the mix as well as Mercury Retrogrades do-over with releasing, rekindling or reworking something to get it right. You are at a turning point with this part of the Retrograde and at the beginning of something growth-oriented in these areas as well. WEDNESDAY turns your attention to career, status, reputation, fame, personal goals, or authority figures. There is the need to be adaptive in talks, with news, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, meetings, short trips, writing, or decisions in the mix but something quite lovely seems to be picking up steam behind the scenes or in a romantic, artistic, spiritual, institutional, or research arena that impacts love, income, women, or beauty in your life. THURSDAY and FRIDAY get you more involved with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, or original projects. Besides a push regarding income, purchases, possessions, or products in the mix on THURSDAY, both days hold lots of golden opportunity to get serious about the talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, or decisions in the mix. FRIDAY and SATURDAY also get you into art, film, music, prayer, poetry, meditation, yoga, romantic interludes or getaways, spas, retreats or hospitals, magical moments, psychic opportunities, research, or investigations. FRIDAY this looks to involve another person and something exciting, last minute, changing, or innovate tied to work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. SATURDAY it gets you into opportunities to earn, make purchases, focus on products, or possessions, however, there is a moment around something serious or sobering via news you hear, a talk, short trip, vehicle, the writing, meeting, sale, or choice. MERCURY RETROGRADE exits Sagittarius and backs into your sign on SATURDAY so you are getting a personal or physical do-over from now through Dec 6th. It goes by quickly but is important as far as reassessing your needs, name, title, body, image, brand, or something you are physically or personally involved in. Look to Scorpio topics in the mix; sexual attractions, reproductive needs, divorce, death, birth, triangles playing out, or financial matters in the mix. Slow down, rethink, release, rekindle, or rework things, and do guard against mix-ups, malfunctioning electronics or mechanicals, or miscommunications, the past is back, the current situations are in flux, it’s a do-over focused on you, make it count. Venus joins this story on SUNDAY and will bring her influence of love, income, beauty, and women to your interests over the weeks ahead, helping smooth things out, attract the good stuff or make what is going on more enjoyable. Finally, the Sun and Mars are sparking it up on SUNDAY which puts you in there over the income, purchases, possessions, or products, and amplifies passions, anger or action regarding the lover, kids, creative venture, or fun. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the DECEMBER MONTHLY BROADCAST here!

MONDAY and TUESDAY focus on you, Sage, and this looks big. You do have something pushing you about home, move, renovations, real estate deals, family, parents, or roommates on MONDAY but after you get past this the energy is all about what you are opening up to on a personal or physical level, where you are going with your name, brand, title, image, or body, and what is interesting you moving forward. Look at any educational, travel, media, marketing, legal, ceremonial, religious, or political themes in the mix and how Mercury Retrogrades do-over with past or ongoing situations can turn a corner between MONDAY and TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY is more about the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political matter, with some adjustment around income, purchases, possessions, or products but then some real opportunity towards aspirations, original projects, or what’s going on with friends, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or groups in the mix. THURSDAY and FRIDAY are about your career, reputation, fame, personal goals, and/or authority figures. It seems you are pushing for something big on THURSDAY but that both days can get you serious about something evolving with your income, purchases, possessions, or products in the mix. FRIDAY and SATURDAY also get you into more social interests with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or your aspirations and original projects. This involves another person in some exciting, changing, last-minute, or innovate way about creative projects, the kids, your love life, or fun on FRIDAY while opening things up for you on a personal or physical level on SATURDAY. There does seem to be something serious or limited on SATURDAY regarding the income, purchases, possessions, or products in the mix. MERCURY RETROGRADE backs out of your sign and into Scorpio on SATURDAY which shifts the do-over to artistic pursuits, spiritual matters, a romance, any addictions or bad habits, secrets or deceptions, research or investigations, or dealings with institutions. This is in effect until Dec 6th so slow down, release, rekindle or rework things ongoing, go back to past people, ideas or situations to see what is possible in there areas or take a break from things to figure something out. Do watch out for mix-ups, malfunctioning electronics or mechanical items or miscommunications in these areas during these 6 days. Venus joins this story on SUNDAY so the weeks ahead add her influence to artistic, spiritual, romantic, institutional, addictive, secretive, investigational, or research interests. She may make it more about love or income, women or beauty, or she may help smooth out issues, attract the good stuff or make it more pleasurable. Finally, the Sun and Mars are geared up on SUNDAY which puts you into action, stirs passions or sparks up anger over home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates, plan accordingly. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the DECEMBER MONTHLY BROADCAST here!

MONDAY and TUESDAY are your days to research, work with institutions, or make it about artistic, romantic or spiritual matters. There is some news, a talk or meeting, interview or short trip, the writing or sale, the pushes you a bit on MONDAY but both days are about a big fresh opportunity to move forward while turning a corner with your Mercury Retrograde do-over so home in on the research or investigation, secret or deception, addiction or bad habit, hospital or other institution, romantic tryst or getaway, art, film, music, prayer, or meditation, and any releasing, rekindling or reworking or matters. Also look at how legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, religious, or political themes might play into growth for you here. WEDNESDAY is about sexual, reproductive, hormonal, divorce, death, birth, or financial matters. You’ll need to be malleable when it comes to personal or physical involvement or needs in the mix today but note that something opportune is falling into place with a personal goal, your career objectives or that authority figure in the mix. THURSDAY and FRIDAY are about the trip, legality, educational matter, media or marketing interest, or the ceremonial, religious, or political side of a situation. THURSDAY this starts out pushing you when it comes to the institution, research, romance, art, or spiritual need in the mix but both days it gets you serious and helps you to cement something of a personal or physical nature here so show up for it. FRIDAY and SATURDAY also get you into career interests, personal goals or dealings with authority figures like the boss, parent or judge. FRIDAY This looks exciting, last-minute, or about changes or innovations with another person and what’s going on at home, with real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. SATURDAY it opens up doors in those research, institutional, romantic, artistic, or spiritual arenas about it, however you do have some kind of limit to deal with on a personal or physical level today so don’t overtax yourself. MERCURY RETROGRADE backs out of Sagittarius and into Scorpio on SATURDAY making your do-over now about friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, or original projects. From now through Dec 6th it’s about slowing down and rethinking releasing, rekindling, or reworking something ongoing or past here. Do guard against mix-ups, malfunctioning electronics or mechanicals or miscommunications in these areas but do let this 6-day period help you fix something or let it go. Venus joins the story on SUNDAY adding women, love, income, or beauty interests to these matters. Her influence her should help smooth out issues or attract these things or make it more pleasurable in the weeks ahead. Finally, the Sun and Mars go at it on SUNDAY getting you in there with the research, institution, romance, artistic, or spiritual matter, and amped up, passionate, angry, or motivated about the news, talk, meeting, sale, agreement, short trip, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, or decision. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the DECEMBER MONTHLY BROADCAST here!

MONDAY and TUESDAY are about friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or personal aspirations. There is some frictional push on MONDAY regarding income, purchases, possessions, or products in the mix, but then both days hold so much promise for a fresh start in these social or aspirational areas of life and allow you to turn a corner with your Mercury Retrograde themes about it. Look at any travel, distance, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political influences to help open things up and where you are with releasing, rekindling or reworking something. WEDNESDAY turns attention to partners, clients, specialists, reps, competitors, or other relationships. This means some adjustments regarding romantic, artistic, spiritual, institutional, or research matters with them but then opens things up for love or income, women or beauty, via the travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, religious, or political theme in the mix. THURSDAY and FRIDAY aim at sex, reproduction, divorce, death, birth, or big financial interests. Epect to be malleable where friends, groups, the internet, or other social outlets are involved but note that you can get serious about something powerful going on in these areas as it pertains to the research, romantic interludes, artistic pursuits, spiritual practices, addictions, secrets, or institutions in the mix on both days. FRIDAY and SATURDAY also get you back into the travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, religious, or political interests. This should involve another person in some exciting, last-minute, changing, or innovative way via the news you hear, talk or meeting you have, the writing, offer, agreement, or sale in the mix, or a short trip or local activity about it on FRIDAY. It should then open things up with friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations on SATURDAY, however there is something sobering or serious at some point today with that romantic, artistic, spiritual, investigations, institutional, or research matter. MERCURY RETROGRADE backs out of Sagittarius and into Scorpio on SATURDAY turning your do-over to the career, your reputation, status, fame, personal goals, or the boss, parent, director, teacher, judge, or other authority figure in your life. From now through Dec 6th you should slow down and go back over things here, look at past people, issues, situations, or ideas, look at ongoing scenarios, and in both look at whether you should release something, rekindle something or rework it. Do guard against mix-ups, malfunctioning electronics or mechanical or miscommunications in these areas but do make your 6-day do-over count. Venus joins this story starting on SUNDAY so over the weeks ahead she may bring love, income, women, or beauty themes into the career or with that personal goal or authority figure. She may help you smooth out issues, attract these things or enjoy what is going on a bit more. Finally, the Sun and Mars are amping up on SUNDAY putting you in there with or about the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, gathering, aspiration, or original project, and what is going on with income, purchases, possessions, or products. This may spur passion, anger or motivate you, plan on being busy! There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the DECEMBER MONTHLY BROADCAST here!

MONDAY and TUESDAY are about personal goals, career or authority figures such as a boss, parent or judge you dealing with about any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious or political needs. This is big. You will feel pushed, angry, passionate, or motivated on MONDAY at some point about it but both days open something up on the horizon for you and give you a fresh start as well as help you turn a corner with this past or ongoing situation via the news or decisions going on about it now. WEDNESDAY is about work or health, pets, paperwork, cleaning, organizing, or what you are doing with hired help or co-workers. Adjustments with the friends, groups, gatherings, internet, charity, or aspirations is part of the story but there is something opening up for you here tied to financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party matters that should smooth things out or make it better when it comes to income, love, women, or beauty scenarios. THURSDAY and FRIDAY turn attention to the partner, client, specialist, representative, competitor, or other relationship. You seem to be into something big that is pushing you with them on THURSDAY regarding the goals, career or that authority figure but both days put you into harmonic flow with friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, astrology, charities, aspirations, or original projects in the mix. Is something changing in a serious but good way? FRIDAY and SATURDAY also get you into the sexual, reproductive, divorce, financial, or mortality side of life with something exciting, surprising, last-minute, or innovative with another person on FRIDAY involving your income, purchases, possessions, or products, and then opening up potential for travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests on SATURDAY. There is one sobering or serious topic to address with the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, freedom, gathering, original project, or aspiration at some point today. MERCURY RETROGRADE backs out of Sagittarius and into Scorpio on SATURDAY turning your do-over to travel, legal, educational, wedding, other ceremonial, religious, political, media, marketing, or publishing interests. From now through Dec 6th you should slow down and return to the past or an ongoing situation here to rework, release or rekindle something. Do watch for mix-ups, malfunctioning electronic or mechanical items or miscommunications in the mix, but do make this short do-over count! Venus joins this story starting on SUNDAY so her influence brings love, income, women, or beauty interests into the equation on those trips, in those legal pursuits, with the educational or media projects, your weddings or other ceremonies, or with religious or political needs. She may smooth out issues, help you attract more or just make it all more pleasurable for a time. Finally, the Sun and Mars are going at it on SUNDAY which likely gets you in there over that career objective, personal goal or dealings with authority figures, and pushes you on a personal or physical level, sparking passion, anger or motivating you do move a mountain or two! There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!



HEAR what’s coming in the DECEMBER MONTHLY BROADCAST here!

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