Thursday, November 29, 2018



The first week of December you are dealing with Mercury Retrograde influencing loans, insurance, taxes, investments, or other financial interests, as well as your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce issues, any life or death situations, or third-party matters. So, focus on your do-over, do you need to let someone or something go, do you need to return to a past person, idea or situation, do you need to slow down in your current situation and figure something out? Double check your data and take care of any mix-ups, malfunctioning gadgets or shifting stories until Mercury goes Direct on the 6th, ending this phase and readying you to start to move forward with or without certain situations depending on what you figured out. 

HEADS UP: In the midst of this, the U.S. birth chart is being triggered starting on Dec 4th – 9th with Mercury Retrograde activating the chart’s Pluto and progressed Moon, ruler of Pluto’s domain (finances/banks, power, death, destruction, sex, and third-party scenarios) and country, while Uranus is putting pressure on the same in it’s final Retrograde to square the chart’s Pluto and oppose the Progressed Moon, while the Karmic South Node passes over Pluto in the birth chart denoting loss or karmic rebalancing of sorts over these topics for the country. There is also the placement of this Karmic Node in Capricorn that brings in Capricorn’s themes of leadership, corporations, countries, career, authority figures, or personal goals in the mix. So, this denotes a time to be extremely vigilant of your surroundings and conscious of your choices, pay attention to what is shifting around you. Hopefully there isn’t some kind of financial or physical attack to contend with but the energy would support such a thing so we should be using our gifts of LIGHT to counteract it, if enough of us do so it may help, just do everything within your power to express love in all you do, pray for peace because prayer works, and act out peaceful steps in your days.

In the middle of this, Venus enters the same territory on the 2nd and will travel here the rest of the month so she may bring women on board who can help or help you focus one of these topics on a woman. She may bring love or income flow into the equation or make it about beauty interests as well. Finally, she may help smooth things out or make it more enjoyable when it comes to these financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, mortality, or third-party matters.

The New Moon on the 7th opens up a 2-week window that can help you to launch into something new or take current interests to the next level when it comes to travel plans, people at a distance, relocation long distance, foreign interests, import/export, education, media, marketing, legal matters, weddings, other ceremonies, religion, or politics. Mercury joins in from the 12th onward opening up talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or interactions with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions in the mix.

The Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st kicking off a 30-day cycle that urges us to focus on personal goals, career, status, reputation, fame, and/or authority figures like a boss, parent, judge, or mentor. It’s a good time to get serious, look at commitments, endings, structures that support, limits, responsibilities, or ambitions in the mix.

The Full Moon on the 22nd brings things to a climax with home, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate deals. It could also be a time of emotional peaks or something focused on history or ancestry. Things are now coming to a head, wrapping up, marking endings, celebrating, or achieving in these areas.

Mars moves into his own sign, Aries, on the 31st, Happy New Years Eve! This means we are all getting a personal and physical boost of action-oriented energy that will be with us in the weeks ahead. This can help us get into that work-out or out physically pursuing some personal goals, amped up over our passions and body or our anger and name, it’s a vital time to do things associated with our own needs or physical involvement. Tonight, with Scorpio Moon making some good configurations and Mars invigorating the body, well, it should be a wow kinda celebration.





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The first week of December is crazy and all over the place when it comes to sexual interests, reproductive matters, divorce, a death, a birth, or your financial scenarios: loans, insurance, taxes, inheritance, alimony, etc. Take the time to rework things or let them go or rekindle them, head back to the past about it, watch for any mix-ups or electronic/mechanical issues about it and then expect to see things start to smooth out and for some lovely moment thanks to Venus the rest of the month. Perhaps she will bring women into the mix or make it about love, money or beauty interests here.

New or next level opportunities via travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political interests kick in from the 7th onward, a good time to be proactive about what you want. If you need to hear news, have a talk, sign agreements, make sales, write, or make decisions about it, this kicks up after the 12th.

A new solar chapter begins on the 21st with a focus on personal goals, career or your parents, bosses or other authority figures. This will be in effect for 30 days and is a time to get serious or ambitious about it, deal with responsibilities or limits, set up structures that support, or figure out your timing on things. 

The Full Moon on the 22nd brings things to a climax at home, with family or real estate deals. A good time to celebrate with your kin, do something big in the home or wrap up a property deal, move, renovation, or roommate scenario. This can be a time for endings or one of achievements or both.

Christmas Eve looks a little more nostalgic than usual or perhaps there could be too much eggnog imbibed or a secret behind the gift-giving, Neptune is involved so plan on absorbing the emotional flow, look for the magic and don't over-imbibe! Leo Moon covers today and Christmas Day so there should also be joy, creativity, fun with kids or lovers, and some lovely presents. Adjustments in the early part of Christmas Day give way to some harmonic conversations or offers. May you see the Christed spirit within yourself and all around you today, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Mars moves into your sign for the first time in 2 years on New Year’s Eve day, kicking off 7 weeks of motivation, passion, anger, or activity for you. This should give you the umpf you need to make things happen. It can be a good time to get busy about your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal desires. It should definitely mean some steamy or dynamic moments tonight! May the lessons or any hardships of 2018 raise us up, inform us and then fall away as we sail into 2019 and the promise of our future. Happy New Years! If you'd like to start the new year with highlighted  information about your own personal chart it may be a great time to schedule a private reading to look at 2019! Email to ask about scheduling and the rate for a reading.

 To HEAR MORE about DECEMBER you can listen to the DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY SHOW here: (Click on the December episode and then click the 'play' button on the player!)

The first week of December looks a bit crazy with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, opponents, or advocates, oy! You could be rethinking things, reworking, releasing or rekindling something or just be distracted and all over the place when dealing with them. Pace yourself, it looks like it smooths out and gets enjoyable after this period, focusing on chemistry and love, financial interests, women, or beauty with these people.

New or next level opportunities in your sex life, with reproductive matters, divorce, mortality issues, or your financial matters kicks in from the 7th onward. This may help you spice up a current romance or attract someone new sexually, it could be you want to start a family now and find out you are pregnant or you decide to get into a doctor about reproductive needs. If you have set a divorce in motion you may get the next step in place or you may decide something new about a divorce. You may also use the weeks ahead to go after the loan, pay off debt, start into an inheritance, meet with a specialist about taxes, insurance, investments, or other financial matters. If someone has passed away or you have a birth on the way, there could also be the right time now to move things forward regarding these situations. If you are waiting on news about any of this or need to meet, sign agreements, make sales, write things up, or decide something about it choose from the 12th onward.

The Sun heads into our expansive and adventurous sector on the 21st, kicking off a 30-day cycle that puts a spotlight on you in these matters. This period can help you stand out or put you into the mix in a personal or physical way when it comes to traveling, educational pursuits, media ventures, legal matters, a wedding or other ceremony, politics, or religious experiences. If you want to tie your name, title, image, or brand to any of this, it is as well a strong period.

The Full Moon on the 22nd brings closure or celebratory moments for you via information, communications, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or other insights. Look for big news or an important talk, a proposal or agreement, a sale or something in writing, or perhaps a fortuitous meeting. It would seem this ties in closely to your needs for roots, a feeling of home or family.

Christmas Eve holds a push from Neptune for everyone so this may bring more emotional memories to the foreground or make you feel more sleepy or foggy, there is something here with friends or groups, your aspirations or a gathering, and what your mind is processing over a financial, sexual, death, birth, divorce, or third-party situation, so lean into the more magical side of this energy and don't get too off course with the more challenging side, by Christmas Day you have some really supportive and easy-flow energy helping ground you at home, with family or those memories! May you see the Christed spirit within yourself and all around you today, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Finally, Mars heads into Aries, his own sign, on the 31st, making New Year’s Eve all that more fiery and definitely giving more mojo to your 12th house antics over the next weeks. Mars brings the action or stirs passions or anger so these matters will be more volatile or exciting or motivating. 12th house matters include art, film, music, romantic getaways, karmic matters, spiritual interests, dreams, psychic abilities, magic, deception, secrets, addictions, hospitals, other institutions, investigations, or research. So plan on getting busy and perhaps make New Year’s Eve about something spiritual or artistic or get away some place private to toast it in with your sweetheart. May the lessons or any hardships of 2018 raise us up, inform us and then fall away as we sail into 2019 and the promise of our future. Happy New Years! If you'd like to start the new year with highlighted  information about your own personal chart it may be a great time to schedule a private reading to look at 2019! Email to ask about scheduling and the rate for a reading.

 To HEAR MORE about DECEMBER you can listen to the DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY SHOW here: (Click on the December episode and then click the 'play' button on the player!)

It looks like you head into December with a lot of wild activity and back and forth going on over the work you are doing (this could be job related or about cleaning and organizing or other such work in your environment), or it could be you have a lot on your plate with health or animals, co-workers or hired help, or the paperwork. 

Expect to be in flux until Mercury Retrograde ends on the 6th and then give it a few days to start to pick back up in speed. The good news is, Venus has also joined this space and once Mercury is moving Direct there should be all kinds of good things happening here, with Venus look for income flow, women, beauty interests, or love to flower around it.

The New Moon on the 9th is your 2-week window to launch forward with romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or other relationships. This period favors new scenarios or taking existing ones to the next level. Since this is a Sagittarius New Moon you may wish to focus your interests with these people on travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political matters. Mercury will join this story on the 12th onward, opening up more talks, meetings, agreements, proposals, sales, writing, or decisions about it.

The Sun kicks off 30 days of illumination on your financial house as well as on your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, or third-party matters. This means you can either make these things about you and your needs or it can help you to stand out a bit more and take the lead so it may be a good idea to start early on your taxes this year or to talk to your insurance agent or get in there about the loan or debt, whatever you may want to tackle here, or perhaps you are just wrapping up 2018 and heading into 2019 in a steamy embrace!

The Full Moon on the 22nd brings income, purchases or possessions to a peak in some way. You could be wrapping up your yearly income or celebrating a bonus or increase in pay, you could be putting the bows on the gifts, wrapping up your purchases or celebrating an early gift coming your way. It’s an emotional high point to these matters so look for endings or achievements, and of course, in Cancer, for home, family or security interests to play a part.

Christmas Eve is a bit nostalgic or sentimental, perhaps weepy or testing, as far as certain goals go or what is playing out with a parent or other authority figure. Talks or news about a partner, specialist or other relationship then pushes things a bit here, so expect a bit of fog and go easy on yourself, don't over-indulge in spirits but do seek out a magical moment for yourself. By Christmas Day the energy is moving in a much better flow with this key relationship which should lift you out of any issues of the past evening. May you see the Christed spirit within yourself and all around you today, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Finally, Mars heads into Aries on the 31st, kicking off many weeks of amplified activity in your social sphere, Gemini. Mars only drops by this zone every couple years but when he does things get so much busier or you find you are far more passionate or angry about something going on that draws you in. Look to friends, parties, gatherings, group activities, online interests, astrology, charities, or even your own aspirations or original projects to be the playing field. It would seem your New Year’s Eve may be all about getting this ball rolling. May the lessons or any hardships of 2018 raise us up, inform us and then fall away as we sail into 2019 and the promise of our future. Happy New Years! If you'd like to start the new year with highlighted  information about your own personal chart it may be a great time to schedule a private reading to look at 2019! Email to ask about scheduling and the rate for a reading.

 To HEAR MORE about DECEMBER you can listen to the DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY SHOW here: (Click on the December episode and then click the 'play' button on the player!)

Is it the kids, the lover, your creative projects, or something recreational that is all haywire, crazy, up and down and all around in the first week of December, Cancer? It looks like you are wrapping up things from the past or reinventing a thing or two here as you head into some really sweet moments in these areas after the 6th. That’s because Mercury is still Retrograde until that day and asking you to release, rework or rekindle things here. Once he is in forward motion things should settle down and with Venus now adding her charms to these matters things should smooth out or become much more pleasurable.

New Moon energy always gets you going as you are the sign ruled by the Moon and this one seems to be urging you to launch into something new or next level with work, health or animals. You have 2 weeks from the 7th to really catch the momentum behind this push forward so you could start looking at what you want to do next with your job or dive into cleaning or organizing around your home or elsewhere. You could hire someone new or start working with someone on a project. If it is your health you are focused on, this is a great time to start a new diet or see a physician or hire a trainer, (I know, it’s the holidays, but you may feel motivated anyways, wait and see). It can also be a good time to adopt an animal or start some new interests with your pets. Finally, this New Moon favors tackling the paperwork so if you have some of that piled up around the house or office, get to it! PS, Mercury joins this story from the 12th onward so you may see an uptick in talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, or decisions about these matters after this.

With the Sun’s arrival in your relationship zone on the 21st you head into an illuminated 30-day cycle that urges you to show up and get more personally or physically involved with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or even the competition. You should find you can stand out a bit more now or make it about your needs or perhaps involve your name, title, image, or brand in what you are pursuing here.

The Full Moon on the 22nd is at zero degrees of your sign, Cancer! If you were born at the beginning of Cancer (June 21st) or within 10 days of this you will feel it the strongest but all Cancers will be tuned into what is culminating at this time of year. It may be you are at the center of attention and celebrating something pertaining to your image, brand, name, title, or body, or it could be that you are wrapping something up or ending something tied to these personal or physical matters. It’s a good date to aim for if you are trying to achieve something or are waiting on something to come through or wrap up.

Christmas Eve could be a bit foggy, nostalgic or sad when it comes to people at a distance or where you are with certain beliefs, travel plans, educational interests, politics, weddings, other ceremonies, legal matters, or media situations. There may be news or more stress on your thought processes over a health or work situation, what is going on with animals or paperwork, or with co-workers or hired help in the scenario so don't push yourself too hard tonight, lean into the magic and do your best to sidestep these subjects as best you can. By Christmas Day you should find you are back in flow and things are feeling much better. May you see the Christed spirit within yourself and all around you today, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Finally, Mars heads into Aries, his home turf, on the 31st where he will now tour for the next 6 and a half weeks. You only host Mars here once every couple years and when he does arrive it is all about amplifying your ambitions and drive over personal goals, career or with authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, mentor, director, or other such higher-up individual. Mars gets you busy for sure, he can also stir passions or anger in these areas so be aware of it, you can move a mountain or two if you side-step a shorter fuse at this point. As far as New Year’s Eve, this should make it quite passionate and active if again you avoid fights, lol, and make it about goals that light that fire or spend it with the boss or parent or aim it at career objectives. May the lessons or any hardships of 2018 raise us up, inform us and then fall away as we sail into 2019 and the promise of our future. Happy New Years! If you'd like to start the new year with highlighted  information about your own personal chart it may be a great time to schedule a private reading to look at 2019! Email to ask about scheduling and the rate for a reading.

 To HEAR MORE about DECEMBER you can listen to the DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY SHOW here: (Click on the December episode and then click the 'play' button on the player!)

It looks like things are a bit crazy or askew or exciting, really kinda all over the place in the first week of December when it comes to your home, family, real estate deals, move, renovation, parent, or roommates. Mercury is still Retrograde until the 6th, asking you to double back and review agreements, sales, talks, and decisions that tie in with your financial situation here or with what is going on with sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-parties in the mix. So, yeah, slow down, release, rekindle or rework things, Mercury goes Direct on the 6th and you’ll be ready to move ahead again. Adding to this momentum is Venus who will bring her favors here all month, helping you then glide into something pleasurable or at the very least helping you smooth out issues. She may also now start to bring love or income, women or beauty themes to bear in these areas of life, so enjoy.

The New Moon on the 7th should put a smile on your face as it launches from your 5th house of true love, creativity, fun, and children. This means starting now and over the next 2 weeks you have added momentum from the cosmos helping you to start something new or take what you are doing to the next level. So get out and about if single, you’ll shine, or if you are in a love relationship think about what fun thing the two of you could launch into or make it a special holiday filled with love. You may also think about starting a family or adding to it, getting involved in teaching or helping kids or involving more children around you in what is going on. Finally, this is a great time to pick up a new creative skill or put your creative project out there. Mercury will join this story on the 12th onward so at this point whether it’s lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreation, you’ll find you hear news, get into more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, short trips, writing, or decisions moving forward.

The Sun heads into Capricorn on the 21st which puts a spotlight on your work, health or animals over the next 30 days. This is urging you to show up and get more personally or physically involved, it can also help you stand out in these areas or make it about your needs. So you could start looking for a job now or get in there about where you are with your title or needs on the job you are at currently. You could start to tackle work around home or other places as well, get organized or clean things out and get ready for that fresh start at the first of the year. This is also a good time to show up to the gym or at the doctor’s office or with a friend to go jogging or hiking, anything that could help you move towards better health. Ditto spending more time with your dogs, cats, horses, or whatever animals you love.

The Full Moon on the 22nd brings things to a climax in areas of artistry, spirituality, romance, research, addictions, deceptions, investigations, with hospitals, or other institutions. So I guess it depends on which one of these areas you are now focused yourself to find the peak moment but this should be a time when things are coming through, wrapping up, celebrated, achieved, or over. It may also tie into home, family or security needs since this is a Cancer Full Moon.

Christmas Eve has a bit of a foggy, sad or strange quality to it this year with something pushing between your financial, divorce, death, birth, sexual, or third-party situation and the news or mental processing going on about/with the kids, a lover, your love life, the creative project, or recreational interests. Do your best to lean into the magical qualities of the energy and side-step getting lost in too much fog here. By Christmas Day things look to move into much more upbeat flow for you with the kids, lover, creative interest, or fun. May you see the Christed spirit within yourself and all around you today, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Finally, Mars heads into Aries on the 31st where he will now spend the next 6+ weeks amping up the travel, educational, legal, media, wedding, religious, or political activity for you. You only host Mars here every couple of years but when you do it’s go-time so expect to be busier in these matters. Mars can also stir passions in these areas or spark anger so you could travel for a sexual rendezvous or get in a fight with the passenger beside you, as an example, the sparks will fly one way or the other in all of these areas so use it to motivate and keep a leash on your temper. As far as New Year’s Eve goes, you could be involved in one of these matters or find it is one of adventure and active optimism. May the lessons or any hardships of 2018 raise us up, inform us and then fall away as we sail into 2019 and the promise of our future. Happy New Years! If you'd like to start the new year with highlighted  information about your own personal chart it may be a great time to schedule a private reading to look at 2019! Email to ask about scheduling and the rate for a reading.

 To HEAR MORE about DECEMBER you can listen to the DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY SHOW here: (Click on the December episode and then click the 'play' button on the player!)

Oh boy, the first week of December looks a bit crazy and all over the place for you Virgo as your ruler, Mercury, is wrapping up his last week in Retrograde in your zone of communications, transportation and electronics. You should spend the first 6 days looking back over past or even ongoing situations to see if everything is correct, if you want to release something/someone, rekindle a situation or rework things so they are right. The focus (and the reason it may be a bit crazy) will be on news, talks, meetings, ideas, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, vehicles, siblings, neighbors, electronics, and decisions. 

Behind all of this may be your financial or sexual needs, your reproductive or mortality issues, your divorce or third-party matters, so slow down, get it right. Once Mercury goes Direct on the 6th you will start to know what is what and be ready to move forward yourself. To add to this, Venus will be influencing all of these topics the whole month as well so she will bring the love or income flow, women or beauty interests into these talks, meetings, agreements, etc, and should pick up steam once Mercury is done with his backtracking.

The New Moon on the 7th opens up a 2-week window that is all about helping you start something new or take current interests to the next level when it comes to your home, a move, the renovation, the roommates, your family, a parent, or a real estate deal. You want to be proactive about any next or new steps while you have this energy propelling things forward. Look at where you are with legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix. Mercury will join this story on the 12th onward so at this point in your New Moon momentum you should start to see more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions about it coming in.

The Sun heads into Capricorn on the 21st where he will tour for the next 30 days. This is your cue that it’s time to show up and get more personally or physically involved with your lover or in pursuit of love, with children, your creative projects, and/or your recreational interests. It’s favoring your taking the lead about your needs in the matter and it should also help you stand out a bit more while you’re at it so set some goals and get in there!

The Full Moon on the 22nd is social for you so there may be an event or party you are attending that puts you center stage in some way or you may be doing something big with a friend or group, online or with astrology, or regarding your aspirations or original projects. As with all Full Moon it’s about wrapping things up and celebrating or marking endings and noting achievements. Since this is in Cancer home, family or security needs may play a part in what peaks.

Christmas Eve may feel a bit foggy, sad or strange this year regarding where you are with partners, reps, specialists, or other relationships and the news or mental processing going on at home, about family, stories that are at an end, roommates, or your history/past. Do your best to lean into the magical qualities of the day and side step any stressors here. By Christmas Day things look to be in much better flow for you and this should lift your spirits. May you see the Christed spirit within yourself and all around you today, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Finally, Mars heads into Aries, his own sign, on the 31st where he will now spend the next 6+ weeks amping up the activity in your sex life, with a divorce, your reproductive situation, or your financial pursuits. You only host Mars here once every couple of years so he really can give you a boost of energy and drive. He can also stir passions or spark anger in these areas so be aware that you are more tightly wound about it. Do expect to be busier with sexual pursuits, loans, inheritance, taxes, insurance, investments, alimony, child support, or other financial matters, reproduction, divorce, a death, a birth, or those triangles starting now. And as far as New Year’s Eve goes, that could mean it’s going to be steamy or you could be out there pursuing financial goals, as examples. May the lessons or any hardships of 2018 raise us up, inform us and then fall away as we sail into 2019 and the promise of our future. Happy New Years! If you'd like to start the new year with highlighted  information about your own personal chart it may be a great time to schedule a private reading to look at 2019! Email to ask about scheduling and the rate for a reading.

 To HEAR MORE about DECEMBER you can listen to the DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY SHOW here: (Click on the December episode and then click the 'play' button on the player!)

December starts out with a lot of craziness going on regarding your purchases, possessions or income and this may have you running here and there or retracing steps to figure out what is going on up through the 6th. Slow down and review what you want, any agreements, sales, writing, offers, meetings, or decisions and keep the lines of communications open, especially to the past over these matters until Mercury goes Direct on the 6th. At this point you should start to feel like you have a handle on it and are ready to move forward yourself. The cosmic bonus for you is that Venus is joining this area of life for the month so once you are through your do-over week her influence should help you attract love or income to the situation or to involve women or beauty interests and enjoy yourself more.

You get a New Moon boost on the 7th and in the 2 weeks that follow that should help you to start into something new or take current interests to the next level. The focus for your sign will be on talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions, as well as on what’s going on with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, or local activities. So you want to be proactive about your information flow and go for what you need. Since this is a New Moon in Sagittarius these talks, meetings, etc, may hinge on travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political interests. Mercury will join in on the 12th onward so you may notice things get even stronger from this point forward under your 2-week New Moon boost.

On the 21st, the Sun heads into your home and family zone where he will be spotlighting activity on your part over the next 30 days. This is your cue to show up and get more personally or physically involved at home, about home, a move, the renovation, a real estate deal, your family, a parent, your history, or roommates. This period can help you make your needs know, help you shine and may involve your name, title, image, or brand in the mix.

The Full Moon on the 22nd brings something to a head regarding your career, a personal goal, your status, fame, or an authority figure like a boss, parent, judge, director, or mentor. That means you may be wrapping up that goal or having a breakthrough, celebrating something on the career front or ending a project or the career itself, or perhaps you are being recognized by a boss or are giving the boss a send-off or honoring a parent, you get the idea, things are climaxing in these areas. Since this is a Cancer Full Moon your home, family, roomie, or security needs may feed into the peak.

 Christmas Eve looks like you may be dealing with a health or work issue or having some foggy, sad or nostalgic energy around pets, co-workers, hired help, or paperwork and this in turn is putting your mind in a loop over it so do your best to lean into the magical side of this energy and side step getting caught up in too much mental gymnastics that stress you out. By Christmas Day it looks like you move into a much better flow as friends or gatherings or what you are doing online picks you back up! May you see the Christed spirit within yourself and all around you today, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Finally, Mars heads into his own sign, Aries, on the 31st where he will travel over the weeks ahead. This, as you may know, is your relationship zone so it’s about to get frisky, firey, passionate, angry, or highly motivated in your life when it comes to romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or other key players. Since you only host Mars here every couple of years you want to make the most of his ability to make things happen with these people. Just don’t go knocking noggins with others while your fuse is charged up by Mars, there’s too much you can accomplish if you stay on the higher side of this energy. On the other hand, you may have some folks coming out of the woodwork who are passionate about you or raring for a fight so plan on enjoying the positive and have an exit route ready to avoid those firebrands. As far as New Year’s Eve goes I’d say odds are you could be having a very exciting or active evening with someone from this list above. May the lessons or any hardships of 2018 raise us up, inform us and then fall away as we sail into 2019 and the promise of our future. Happy New Years! If you'd like to start the new year with highlighted  information about your own personal chart it may be a great time to schedule a private reading to look at 2019! Email to ask about scheduling and the rate for a reading.

 To HEAR MORE about DECEMBER you can listen to the DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY SHOW here: (Click on the December episode and then click the 'play' button on the player!)

What the heck are you up to, Scorpio, in the first week of December?! It looks like you are here, there and everywhere and this may have you running in circles or encountering lots of past scenarios up until the 6th. Keep communications open, ideas floating, rethink old decisions, and really do look at yourself and any last touches on your image, brand, name, title, body, or personal needs since it looks like you are about to be well received the rest of the month and you’ll be glad to have this all together. Once Mercury goes Direct on the 6th you should start to have a handle on choices and be ready to launch in some personal or physical way. The good news is, Venus is in your sign this month and once you are past this wild week she should help you attract things to yourself, be they love, income, women, or beauty and help you enjoy what transpires.

Starting on the 7th and in the 2 weeks that follow you have New Moon energy helping boost you into brand new situations or to take current ones to the next level when it comes to your income, purchases or possessions. You want to work this period and ask if there is anything in travel, legal, media, educational, wedding, religious, or political avenues that could enhance your prospects with income or if your purchases or possessions are tied to one of these matters, ie; purchasing that plane ticket or your possessions on the trip. Mercury will join this story from the 12th onward helping to open up talks, meetings, short trips, writing, agreements, sales, offers, or decisions about these income, purchases or possessions interests, sweet.

The Sun heads into Capricorn on the 21st kicking off a 30-day cycle that spotlights siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, local activities, short trips, writing, agreements, sales, talks, and decisions. This period urges you to show up and get more personally or physically involved and to make it about you since you should stand out a bit more at this time in these areas. Set a goal!

The Full Moon on the 22nd brings things to a peak in your 9th house so at this point you may be celebrating or achieving something or wrapping up projects or marking endings with a situation. The 9th house means it would be about a legal matter, a trip, an educational pursuit, the media venture, a marketing plan, a wedding, another type of ceremony, a religious matter, or a political agenda. With Jupiter in wide orb to this Moon it may be a big deal in a growth-oriented or happy way.

Christmas Eve may feel a bit foggy or sad or nostalgic as you feel where you are with a lover, the kids, a creative venture, or recreational pursuit and this gets your mind processing about what you value or being valued or about the gifts, purchases, income, or possessions in the mix. Do your best to lean into the magical qualities possible tonight and side-step getting caught in this loop. By Christmas Day it looks like you are into a much better flow as you reach goals or find connections with those older, established types in your life. May you see the Christed spirit within yourself and all around you today, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Finally, Mars heads into his own sign, Aries, on the 31st where he will now tour over the next 6+ weeks. You haven’t hosted Mars here in a couple years so you want to take advantage of his ability to amp up the activity and make things happen. The focus for you will be on work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. Mars also stirs passions so you may find a spark flying with a co-worker or someone you’ve hired or perhaps it will be while you are caring for your health at the gym or doctor’s office or out walking the dog or taking your pet to the vet, it could be hot. On the other hand, Mars also can trigger anger so keep an eye on the short fuse when it comes to co-workers, hired help, your job, the paperwork, or the health or animal matters. As far as New Year’s Eve goes? Well, sounds steamy with co-workers, a work-related situation or hired help or that you may opt to end the year and start the new one via some healthy focus or with your furry friends. May the lessons or any hardships of 2018 raise us up, inform us and then fall away as we sail into 2019 and the promise of our future. Happy New Years! If you'd like to start the new year with highlighted  information about your own personal chart it may be a great time to schedule a private reading to look at 2019! Email to ask about scheduling and the rate for a reading.

 To HEAR MORE about DECEMBER you can listen to the DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY SHOW here: (Click on the December episode and then click the 'play' button on the player!)

It looks like you may be all over the place in the first week of December and perhaps not knowing if you are coming or going as Mercury Retrograde pushes you to rework, release or rekindle something in an artistic arena or with a romance, in a spiritual matter, with a hospital or other institution, over an addiction or deception, or via research or investigations. Keep the lines of communications open, review ideas, agreements, sales, writing, offers, and decisions about it, you are in flux until the 6th with these matters. Mercury then goes Direct and you should be ready to move forward with whatever you have figured or worked out. Bonus; Venus moved into this territory and spends the month here so after you get past the mix-ups or do-over period her influence should really start to be felt via love, income, women, or beauty interests playing a role in the story. This should help smooth out issues or attract these topics or make it a more enjoyable time.

The New Moon on the 7th is in your sign! This opens up a powerful 2-week window of momentum behind you that can help you to start something new or take what you are doing to the next level. Ask yourself what it is you want right now on a personal level or if there is something new or next level you’d like to start now with your body, image, brand, name, or title. Not only do you have this added boost aimed at you but you may consider how you could utilize a Sagittarius theme for yourself; media, travel, legal, educational, wedding, ceremonial, religious, marketing, or political matters. Just be sure to put your face out there! To add to this momentum, Mercury joins the story on the 12th onward helping you to get into talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, interviews, offers, or decisions about it, be proactive.

Starting on the 21st the Sun kicks off a new 30-day cycle that puts a spotlight on your income, purchases and possessions. This is your cue to show up and get more personally or physically involved in your interests here. You should find you stand out or are recognized or can make your needs known and take the lead.

By the 22nd we have a Full Moon bringing things to a peak in the other financial zone of your chart, meaning things are climaxing around loans, inheritance, insurance, taxes, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, a partner’s money, or some other outside resource. If it’s not financial then it may be that at this point you are having some culminating moment with a sexual interest, reproductive need, mortality issue, divorce, or third-party matter. Wherever you find yourself, it’s about wrapping things up, noting endings, marking achievements, or celebrating about it. Since this is a Cancer Full Moon, home, family or security needs play into it as well.

Christmas Eve looks like it could be a bit foggy or sad or nostalgic when it comes to home, family, roommates, or history so do your best to lean into the magic the night brings and side step getting drawn to deeply into the more challenging side of this equation as your sign seems to be processing much about self tonight. By Christmas Day it looks as though you are moving into much nicer energy flow as it links you to your beliefs or religious experience, people at a distance or travel, or anything in educational, media, wedding, ceremonial, political, or legal interests. May you see the Christed spirit within yourself and all around you today, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Finally, Mars heads into Aries on the 31st kicking off a 6+ week trend of far more activity with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. You haven’t hosted this energy here in a couple of years so take advantage of the added heat he brings. Besides getting you motivated and out making things happen in these areas Mars can also stir more passion about it or spark anger and fights. Keep it in mind so you get the most out of this and don’t spend the time spatting. As far as New Year’s Eve goes it could definitely be a hot night with a lover or you could decide to ring in the New Year with the kids, in that creative venture or in some fun, recreational way! May the lessons or any hardships of 2018 raise us up, inform us and then fall away as we sail into 2019 and the promise of our future. Happy New Years! If you'd like to start the new year with highlighted  information about your own personal chart it may be a great time to schedule a private reading to look at 2019! Email to ask about scheduling and the rate for a reading.

 To HEAR MORE about DECEMBER you can listen to the DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY SHOW here: (Click on the December episode and then click the 'play' button on the player!)

The first week of December looks wound up and crazy as you run here and there with friends or attending gatherings, online or in groups, over astrology or charities, or some other social interest. The past may be coming back around or you may be getting mix-ups or do-overs in these areas and you can pretty much lay it at the feet of Mercury Retrograde. So slow down, take your time to rekindle, release or rework things and keep communications open while you are in this flux period. Then, on the 6th, Mercury goes Direct and you should know what you are doing going forward with these social situations. You may also find this period is about reviewing aspirations or original projects. Once you have things figured out and are starting to move forward again you may notice how nice things get the rest of the month in these areas and that is thanks to Venus doing her part to smooth out issues, attract love, income, beauty interests, or women into the matter, or open up more enjoyable moments.

The New Moon kicks in on the 7th and has power over the next 2 weeks to help you gather some momentum in any 12th house matters. Remember you want to work with the potential and be proactive since you can start something new or take what you are already doing to the next level with these topics. The 12th house is about art, film, music, poetry, or other artistic interests, romantic interludes or karmic romance, spiritual pathways and practices, hospitals and other institutions, dealing with secrets, deceptions or addictions, or research and investigations. Perhaps there is some travel or distance involved here or you need to tend to the legal side of things, learn or teach something about it, focus on the marketing or media influences, or in some other way expand the potential. Mercury joins this story starting on the 12th onward so at this point the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, offers, or decisions start kicking up a notch about it all.

The Sun enters your sign on the 21st and will now tour through Capricorn for the next 30 days. This is your cue to let your light shine. The universe is giving you more attention and others may notice you more now so it’s a good time to make it about your needs. Start showing up to move things forward with your goals about your body, image, brand, name, title, or identity. You may find you can impress higher-ups or get through to someone in high places that you couldn’t before now or that you can get into sync with your ambitions or career needs as well.

The Full Moon on the 22nd is about bringing things to a peak with a business partner, romantic partner, the clients, a specialist, an agent, the competition, an opponent, the attorney, or an advocate. Look to how you feel about your security needs, home, any real estate deals, the family, or roommates in the equation. It’s time to wrap things up, celebrate, finalize conditions, mark endings, have breakthroughs, or achieve here.

Christmas Eve may be a bit foggy or sad or nostalgic and this may be a mindset that sets in or something tied to your siblings or neighbors, a short trip or local activity, an Aunt or Uncle, or news or talks that arrive. I have to say that things going on behind the scenes for you at this moment feel strained so perhaps there is a need for rest and recuperation or a bug you are fighting or something with hospitals or other institutions playing into things, or there is some romantic, artist, spiritual, or research matter preoccupying your thoughts. Do your best to lean into the magical qualities of the night and side-step getting drawn too deeply into any quagmire here. By Christmas Day it looks like you are moving into much better energy flow and this may help you feel transformed or empowered in some way or ease your situation via financial or sexual interests. May you see the Christed spirit within yourself and all around you today, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Finally, Mars heads into his own sign, Aries, on the 31st where he will now tour the next 6+ weeks. Mars is like having a rocket launcher under your belt and for your sign he is aiming the heat at your home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. This means you can make things happen and will likely be far busier in at least one of these areas in the weeks ahead. Expect to show up at home or get out there with more reality interests or get involved in the move or renovation or do more with or about your parent, family or roommates. Mars also stirs passions and ignites anger so you may find more passion at home about a project or in the arms of someone special or you may feel your fuse running short over family dynamics or the house, you get the idea. It’s go time, lean into the good stuff. As far as New Year’s Eve goes, it would be a good year to host others in your home or to stay home and ring in the New Year from the hearth or you could decide to head out with a roommate or spend the night with a parent or the whole family or kick things off via some real estate interest, move or renovation. May the lessons or any hardships of 2018 raise us up, inform us and then fall away as we sail into 2019 and the promise of our future. Happy New Years! If you'd like to start the new year with highlighted  information about your own personal chart it may be a great time to schedule a private reading to look at 2019! Email to ask about scheduling and the rate for a reading.

To HEAR MORE about DECEMBER you can listen to the DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY SHOW here: (Click on the December episode and then click the 'play' button on the player!)

The first week of December looks like a blur as you are all over the place or dealing with some wild-card over career matters, a personal goal or your parent, boss or some other authority type individual. You can thank Mercury Retrograde in action until the 6th for either slowing you down to review things here or for any exits or situations/ people returning from the past for a do-over. You’re in flux, take your time and rework what is possible, release what is not, don’t get shaken over mix-ups, and see that as you get past the 6th things start to make sense again and you can now move forward. Look at how information or transportation or electronics or sales or agreements are working for you with these goals, career matters or higher-up person. The good news is once you get through these crazier days things should really start to flow for you thanks to Venus bringing her influence to bear on these matters, helping you smooth out issues, attract the love, women, income, or beauty needs in the mix or just enjoy yourself more with what you are doing.

The New Moon on the 7th opens up a 2-week window of forward momentum for you with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, original projects, or your aspirations. This is your cue to really get proactive about anything new you’d like to start or about taking current interests to the next level while you have this boost behind it. So, for example you may make a new friend, join a new group, start a new website, or decide to do something new with a current friend, group, aspiration, or online interest. See if travel or people at a distance help this along or if you can involve media, education, legal needs, weddings, religious experience, or political interests since this is in the territory of Sagittarius. To add to this equation, Mercury will join this story from the 12th onward so at this point you can expect more short trips, local activity, talks, invitations, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, or decisions involving these social or aspirational interests.

The Sun heads into your mysterious 12th house on the 21st and will now tour here for the next 30 days. This puts a spotlight on romantic interludes, clandestine affairs and karmic romance, artistic interests in film, music, painting, poetry, or dance, magic, psychic abilities, spiritual practices, hospitals, other institutions, dealing with addictions, secrets or deceptions, or with research or investigations. At this point you should plan on showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in one or more of these areas and know you can stand out a bit more or make it about your needs or lead yourself in a different direction. You may also tie your name, title, brand, body, or image into what is occurring here.

The Full Moon on the 22nd brings things to a peak with your job, the work you’ve been doing elsewhere, any organizing or cleaning, with your co-workers or hired help, the paperwork, or with your health or animals. So, look at your emotional needs here or what is playing out with home, family or roommates in the equation and if it’s time to wrap things up, mark an ending, celebrate, or achieve something about it.

Christmas Eve may be a bit foggy or sad or nostalgic this year with something going on with your values or feeling valued or purchases, gifts or income needs. This may get your mind looping or bring news or talks regarding your aspirations or freedom, or it could focus on a friend, group or gathering in the situation. Do your best to seek out the magical qualities of the night and side-step getting drawn into any stressors with these topics. By Christmas Day it looks as though you are in much better flow and this involves a partner, clients, specialists, representatives, or other relationships. May you see the Christed spirit within yourself and all around you today, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Finally, Mars heads into Aries on the 31st where he will now tour over the next 6+ weeks. You haven’t hosted Mars here in a couple years and it’s about to get really fired up and busy. For Aquarius this means a lot more passion, anger or action going on locally or on short trips, about vehicles or electronics, with siblings or neighbors, with your ideas, writing, agreements, sales, talks, or meetings, and with your decisions. You’ll go from zero to one hundred in a second now about these matters so it can help you make things happen or express your passions, just keep any short fuse in check since you don’t want your mouth to go getting you in trouble, lol. As far as New Year’s Eve goes, this may be very active in your neighborhood or at a gathering in a nearby place or you could decide to ring in the festivities with your brother, sister, aunt, uncle, or neighbors, or you could find you are all amped up to close the blinds and write your way into 2019 or stay on the phone talking as the New Year arrives, you get the idea! May the lessons or any hardships of 2018 raise us up, inform us and then fall away as we sail into 2019 and the promise of our future. Happy New Years! If you'd like to start the new year with highlighted  information about your own personal chart it may be a great time to schedule a private reading to look at 2019! Email to ask about scheduling and the rate for a reading.

 To HEAR MORE about DECEMBER you can listen to the DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY SHOW here: (Click on the December episode and then click the 'play' button on the player!)

December kicks off with a whole lot of crazy energy around your 9th house interests so you may be here one day, there the next, missing a connection or two, or reworking something to get it right. You have Mercury Retrograde in action until the 6th and your 9th house is about media interests, marketing ideas, travel plans, people at a distance, educational pursuits, legal matters, weddings, religious interests, or political pursuits. Slow down, keep the communications open, go back and rework current situations or any past people or situations coming back around. Release what no longer works, rekindle what you can. It’s a powerful do-over and may stir the need to deal with deep changes or ways to transform something or get you into this story over financial, sexual, mortality, divorce, or reproductive matters attached to it. The good news is once you get through this intro period things should start to flow here and you can now start to notice the influences of Venus on these travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests for the rest of the month. Venus brings a woman into the matter or makes it about women in general or she focuses on the love interest or income flow or beauty interest in the mix or she help you smooth out issues or enjoy what is going on more. It seems whatever is drawing you back over something is then going to take you into a softer place about it.

The New Moon arrives on the 7th and is in effect for a 2-week period afterwards so this is your boost from the cosmos to be proactive about a personal goal, your career, your status, reputation or fame, or a parent, boss, director, judge, or other authority type person in your life. You can head into something brand new or take a current situation to the next level, gathering steam in these areas. Again, it seems that travel, people at a distance, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests are impacting what is opening up with these goals, career moves or authority types. To add to this story, Mercury joins in on the 12th onward, bringing more talks, news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, meetings, or decisions about it for the rest of the month.

A new solar cycle begins on the 21st as the Sun heads into Capricorn and you start to notice that the spotlight is now on friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your freedom, an original project, or your aspirations in life. This is your 30 day period of the year to shine in these areas, to lead your way forward, to make it about you, or to tie in your name, brand, title, image, body, or needs in the mix. So it may be a good time to get your name out there on the internet or to physically get out with friends more or to be center stage in a group dynamic, you get the idea, set a goal and go.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is bringing something to a head with a creative venture, the kids, a lover, your love life, or a recreational pursuit. This Full Moon is in Cancer which is about emotions, home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates. So, you could see something wrapping up and ending or achieved and celebrated with the kids at home or with a lover and a move, or the loved ones and the family, or a creative venture and the roommates, or with a recreational interest and the roomies, as examples. It’s time to hit that high point one way or the other.

Christmas Eve could be a bit foggy, sad or nostalgic this year as you are feeling the tension from Neptune in your sign in a personal or physical way and this is getting your mind looping about personal goals or your parent or other authority figure or where you are with your career or status in life. Do your best to lean into the magical qualities of the night and side-step getting drawn too deeply into the more murky challenges this gets you focused on. By Christmas Day it looks like things shift into a much better flow which may bring out the true sense of service to others or help pick you up via co-workers or your job or health or pets. May you see the Christed spirit within yourself and all around you today, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Finally, Mars heads into his own sign, Aries, on the 31st where he will now tour over the next 6+ weeks. You haven’t hosted Mars here in a couple of years so it will definitely feel a lot more amplified and active. The focus will be about making money or the income itself or it can be about a product you are involved with or your possessions and what you want to do about them or about a purchase you want to make or your purchasing power. It’s time to make things happen. Mars can also stir passions so you may find you are more passionate about what you are doing in these areas or that passions stir while active here. Mars also sparks anger and fights so you would be more prone to outbursts over money, purchases or possessions. Stay with the positive and move a mountain or two. As far as New Year’s Eve goes, you could choose to spend your time doing something of value or you may take a gig to make money tonight. You could decide it’s the perfect time of year to say out with the old and stay home decluttering your life of possessions so you head into the new year a bit lighter or you could be all about a big purchase or a gift coming your way. May the lessons or any hardships of 2018 raise us up, inform us and then fall away as we sail into 2019 and the promise of our future. Happy New Years! If you'd like to start the new year with highlighted  information about your own personal chart it may be a great time to schedule a private reading to look at 2019! Email to ask about scheduling and the rate for a reading.

 To HEAR MORE about DECEMBER you can listen to the DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY SHOW here: (Click on the December episode and then click the 'play' button on the player!)

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