Sunday, August 11, 2024

Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 12-18

Zoe Moon Astrology

CLICK player above to HEAR MORE about YOUR WEEK AHEAD!

VOID MOONS THIS WEEK (Eastern Standard Time):

MONDAY no void

TUESDAY 5:01am-6:01am


THURSDAY 12:52pm-1:51pm

FRIDAY no void

SATURDAY 4:43pm-5:45pm

SUNDAY no void

MONDAY Scorpio Moon energy should help us today to tackle financial matters, feel sexier, purge things, make changes, empower, or work out third-party situations. Saturn is supportive via the time and effort we take with institutions, research, or anything artistic, romantic or spiritual in the story. On the other hand, Leo Sun may want to play today so we may have to get out of our own way. It could be a child, lover, creative venture, or recreational pursuit is drawing attention from this other more serious stuff as well so juggle as you can!

TUESDAY the Sagittarius Moon kicks in around 6am Eastern and we turn our attention to legal, travel, distant, educational, or media interests, or we focus more on ceremonies, religion, or politics. This is in flow with socializing, online pursuits, financial aspects, sexual attractions, or those third-party matters today. Mercury Retrograde goes through his last gauntlet regarding past/ongoing work or health matters, the paperwork, what’s going on with hired help or co-workers, the animals, or the details we are reassessing. This is square to the emotional needs we have with legal, travel, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes so we may feel it today as we write things up, hear from others, meet, talk, sell, or make choices involving this do-over. There is some adjustment here to make with our power in the story.

WEDNESDAY Mars begins his 3-day activation of the Jupiter/Saturn square. So, we look back to when Jupiter and Saturn began their 20-year story together from their merger on zero degrees of Aquarius in Dec 2020. From today, the 14th, through the 23rd we are now at the first major challenge to the story and the first 3 days is about Mars activating this for us. Jupiter has wanted us to grow and find our happiness, prosperity and higher ideals while Saturn has wanted us to get real, do the work, put in the time, end what is not working, commit to that which we want to have around for a long time, and from Aquarius where the story started it is about what is unique about each of us, our vision for the future, our place amongst the collective, and how we can now reinvent our lives. So, at this first square/challenge, the growth of Jupiter is in Gemini and involves our ideas, talks, meetings, the things we write, sign, negotiate, our sales, short trips, moves, local activities, or our siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. Saturn is in Pisces and is saying the harder stuff or place of effort, endings, or commitments is about karmic scenarios, secrets, addictions, boundaries, institutions, investigations, research, artistic pursuits, romance, or spirituality. Therefore, starting today, take a serious look at what is occurring between these themes in your life, Mars will initiate activity around what is important for you today through Friday and bring up your passion about it, your anger about it, or push you to do more about it. On the world stage expect all kinds of craziness with the leadership, establishment, secrets, karmic matters, addictions, attacks, politics, media, law, etc, to play out, it could be dangerous.

Also on WEDNESDAY, Mercury Retrograde exits Virgo and moves into Leo at 8:16pm Eastern/5:16pm Pacific. The rest of our do-over will now be about revisiting the past or ongoing stories in our lives regarding children, lovers, our love life, creative ventures, dramas, entitlement issues, courage, or recreational pursuits. We will be rekindling, releasing, reworking, or taking a break as Mercury gives us the time to think about what stays, what goes, what can be revamped. To this end from now through the 28th of the month we may hear from people, run into them randomly, ruminate about it, pick back up on something, let something go, take a break, or really do what is necessary to get something back on track. There can be miscommunications, mix-ups, or malfunctioning items associated with these topics now so do take your time, double back, check in on what is going on, and try to give the benefit of the doubt if you think you misheard or were misunderstood. Good examples of how to use this period would be to go back to that old creative idea or project you had in the past and look it over, is there something you could tweak to make it better, is there someone you could work with to bring it to light or should you start over completely? If you and someone you were in love with in the past are due a second chance you may hear from or run into them or vice versa. If a relationship is over this period will help you let it go. Perhaps you have a good love life and this period will take you back to revisit some place you used to love in the past. If there are dramas that have been left unfinished, they may rise back up during this time and it is our opportunity to readdress it, hopefully with another perspective about it. You may have kids leaving for school or returning from vacation, or you may be revisiting a place or topic with a child. You get the idea, we have 2 weeks to figure it out!

THURSDAY looks like it has one of those mornings where we would wish to just sleep in, a bit foggy, tired, weird, or strange. But, once the Capricorn Moon kicks in at 1:51pm Eastern/10:51am Pacific, we shift gears and perk up. It’s a good time to set goals, be proactive with the boss, parent, or other authority figure, or further career interests. Mercury Retrograde pops up today with news, talks or ideas involving the past/ongoing story with a kid, lover, creative venture, or recreational pursuit so we will be revisiting something or dealing with the mix-ups, rescheduling, or reworking of something here. Tune in tonight for the Weekly Astro show, I will be looking at the Jupiter/Saturn square and the Sun’s move into Virgo: 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific.

THURSDAY and FRIDAY Mars is activating Saturn in Square from his merger with Jupiter so we are feeling our efforts around the expansion, happiness, prosperity, or what is going on with legal, political, media, educational, travel, foreign, distant, ceremonial, or religious themes meet up with whatever test is planned for your lives and on the global scale over these two days in a more heated way. Authority figures, leaders, the establishment, corporations, our personal goals, time, efforts, or the rules, regulations, endings, commitments, or ambitions are front and center. We are dealing with writing, sales, short trips, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, talks, offers, decisions, institutions, addictions, secrets, boundary issues, karmic matters, artistic pursuits, romantic unions, past life scenarios, or spiritual matters in the mix over these two days, peak time is the evening on Thursday and the early morning on Friday. This will bring more aggression/attacks, accidents, fire, electrical issues, water issues, or fight to the days.

FRIDAY Capricorn Moon is in flow with Venus in Virgo so the goals we have around love or income, beauty or pleasure have support from this Divine Feminine energy. There are adjustment alignments to Jupiter and Mars in Gemini today so we may be able to reframe our questions, talks, ideas, meetings, sales, writing, or decisions in some way that is helpful, its an alignment of flexibility, especially where accidents, anger, fights, or passion are concerned.

SATURDAY we wrap up our Capricorn Moon energy by 5:45pm Eastern with some nice flow around our goals, status, career, or authority figures and any social interests, online pursuits, income needs, purchases, possessions, artistic interests, spiritual practices, romantic needs, institutions, or research in the mix. The Moon then moves into Aquarius and will conjunct Pluto there turning out focus to powerful or transformational moments with friends, groups, online, with astrology, charities, gatherings, or around our aspirations. This may have financial or sexual undertones or help us go deeper with what is transpiring.

SATURDAY into SUNDAY Mercury Retrograde squares Uranus so in the evening on Saturday or early on Sunday we may have some crazy moment that surprises, shocks, or changes things involving a lover, a child, a creative venture, a drama, an entitlement issue, or something recreational. It could mean something happens with a possession (does something get broken, is there an accident with a vehicle, has something gotten lost?), or something could happen involving income (is there some opportunity to make more, is someone quitting, have the lights or electricity in general gone out?), or it could be something with a purchase (did it go wrong online, did it not get to the friend you sent it to, did they send the wrong thing?), or there could be issues with a product (are you allergic to something in the ingredients, did it come opened, did the cat eat it, lol), or finally it could be an issue with values or how you are being or not being valued in a situation here. So, on our toes, in the moment, last minute stuff, a bit cray-cray.

SUNDAY is the Mercury Retrograde Midpoint/Turning Point. So, news, talks, ideas, or decisions help you turn a corner in some way regarding past or ongoing situation with the kids, your love life, a lover, a drama, an entitlement issue, courage, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. Aquarius Moon is in flow with Jupiter so there should be positive options with friends, groups, online, with astrology, charities, gatherings, or aspirations via meeting up, talks, writing, sales, offers, or decisions in the mix. Just be flexible when it comes to the lover or income needs, beauty or pleasure in the story since Venus is in adjustment mode around this event. I would also note we are in the build-up to the Full Moon tomorrow all day Sunday so emotions may be running a little stronger as we can feel something is about to reach its zenith, treat others accordingly.

If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!

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