Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES May 20-26

Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES May 20-26

 MOON CALENDER for May 20-26
 (Eastern Standard Time):

MONDAY: 12am-6:34pm   

TUESDAY: no void   

WEDNESDAY: no void   

THURSDAY: 3:28am-4:24am   

FRIDAY: no void  

SATURDAY: 10:47am-11:36am   

SUNDAY no void                         

This is our last week of Jupiter in his year-long tour of Taurus so we will be feeling the critical degree around these themes throughout the week, and really in peak form on THURSDAY! This has been about how our values and how we are valued or value others is tied to our growth, our happiness, our prosperity, or our sense of adventure. It has been asking us to look at anything involving travel, distance or relocation at a distance, legal agreements, educational pursuits, media, marketing, ceremonies, religion, or politics and how this might open something up for us with the way we make money, how our income is growing or how we could do more around it, what is going on with purchases, where we are with possessions, or any products we are involved in during this transit. So, really think about anything you might still want to do about any of this in this last week with Jupiter in Taurus. I covered it in-depth for each sign on the Weekly Astro Show, link below, link here:

The Sun enters Gemini at 8:59am Eastern on MONDAY and we are off to a 30-day tour of this dual sign. This period comes around once a year and is about how we are showing up with our own interests and physical presence regarding talks or meetings, interviews or auditions, sales, writing or agreements, as well as with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, moves, or local activities. So we might be juggling a bit more, multitasking, learning a bit about everything or sharing our ideas about it all. We may be more inquisitive, flirtatious, diplomatic, or duplicitous. And it is time, more or less, to talk about things, make the move, writ things up, sell what we can, or make important choices. Today we may also find that we need to be flexible with key players in our lives, at least up until 7pm Eastern.

TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY put us into Scorpio Moon energy with some pretty positive alignments so it should help us tackle loans or debt, taxes or insurance needs, alimony or child support, inheritance or other financial interests, or focus more on our sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, or any third-party situations. Expect more conversations or decisions with others in the mix on TUESDAY, with a nod towards values, income, purchases, or possessions in the story, and for there to be more solid support and a few unexpected moments with others that excite on WEDNESDAY. The Sun and Pluto align on WEDNESDAY to put us into this local activity, move or short trip, or with our writing, sales, talks, or meetings, or with our siblings, neighbors, vehicles or electronics (thanks to his new placement in Gemini). It should help with hearing what we need to hear or with making choices involving financial, sexual, divorce, or third-party matters, or the changes we are undergoing, or anything powerful around our freedoms, original projects, friends, groups, or online needs.

THURSDAY is our day to go big or go home when it comes to income, purchases, possessions, products, values, or how we are being valued. A Taurus may also figure into the story. Again, as noted in the introduction, this may involve our happiness, prosperity, growth, or any travel, distant, relocating, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political influences on these topics. First off, we reach the Sagittarius Full Moon apex at 9:53am Eastern. This sign is ruled by Jupiter so we are ready to make a major decision, or it may be made for us regarding any ending or wrap-up, achievement or celebration as the energy peaks around travel, distance, relocation, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes. Some may experience this in the buildup on WEDNESDAY evening but I think with this one most will experience it THURSDAY. Next, Venus in Taurus merges with Jupiter and we have a fresh new start between these two, (the last story here commenced in March 2012, the next story will commence between them in Taurus in March 2036) so it’s a big deal. Venus is about potential to start fresh with love or income, beauty or pleasure and tie it in with growth, happiness, prosperity, purchases, possessions, products money, values, or being valued. To do this we again address Jupiter themes; travel, relocation, distance, law, media, education, ceremonies, religion, or politics in the mix. Next Venus and Jupiter both separately opportune Neptune in Pisces, opening up a door of potential with all of this tied to the imagination, dreams, karmic matters, past life scenarios, art, film, music, painting, poetry, romance, spirituality, or anything involving research or institutions. This is one of the most powerful days we’ve seen in some time! To add one last bit to what we have going on, at 4:30pm Eastern Venus moves into Gemini and will tour here until June 17th. This may mean we are going back and forth between to options or trying to be diplomatic, into more talks, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, moves, or decisions , or involve siblings, neighbors, vehicles, local activities, or electronics in our love life or when it comes to falling in love, with lovers, in when it comes to making money, what we are doing about beauty in our lives, or with our pleasures. Venus in Gemini is highly flirtatious, charming, and mentally attractive, here we go!

We hit any speed mumps with our travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes on FRIDAY as limits, rules or authority types arrive around institutions, research, recuperative needs, artistic interests, romance, or spiritual matters in the mix. Solutions or alternatives arrive almost immediately as we dive in to make it work.

Venus meets with Pluto from her new placement in Gemini on SATURDAY morning so we should have opportunity to hear from someone or talk, meet, take short trips, write, sell, or in other ways get into our Gemini themes with a focus on love, income, beauty, or pleasure. This connects with social, online pursuits, or aspirations, and could involve powerful changes, deeper understanding, sex, other financial themes, or third-party situations. Capricorn Moon will keep us goal-oriented and ambitious while asking for some flexibility as we progress. And finally, the really big news of the month occurs on SATURDAY at 7:15pm Eastern as Jupiter moves into Gemini. So, the last times Jupiter toured Gemini were August 1976-August 1977, July 1988-July 1989, June 2000-July 2001, and June 2012-June 2013. This time Jupiter tours Gemini from MAY 25, 2024-June 9, 2025 and of course the next time would be May 2036-May 2037. Take a moment and think about these time periods in your life and the big things that happened. We are making BIG CHOICES for our life during this year ahead. They may involve legal agreements, long distance or relocation at a distance, travel, foreign interests, media, marketing, education, ceremonies, religion, or politics. They definitely are aimed at our way of thinking, the things we write, sign, sell, say, hear, or choose. It may mean big opportunities await us in our local neighborhood or with a move or through short trips to nearby places or that our writing gets published, or we find a new way to market our ideas that are successful. It can be a time of rich learning or sharing of one’s wisdom. It can mean we travel to visit siblings or get involved with them at a distance on something rewarding. It could bring a major flirtation into our life aimed at amping up the happiness or magnify the flirty energy already there with someone we are involved with. It could mean we find a year when sales really take off for us or we are in talks and negotiations a lot more for things that prosper our life or open up happiness. Look at the combinations, think back to the last times it passed this way and work with the energy!

SUNDAY is still in ambitious, goal-oriented Capricorn Moon and although today there may be some snippy moments thanks to a square to Mars, it should not color the entire day and the rest of the energy is very upbeat. This should bring talks, meetings, sales, writing, offers, short trips, or decisions into flow, especially about purchases, income, possessions, gifts, or products. It should also allow for something solid in the areas of artistry, romance, spirituality, research, or with institutions. For more on the individual signs, LISTEN to the WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW: The Zoe Moon Astrology LAST WEEK of Jupiter in TAURUS Show plus FULL MOON & more 05/16 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (blogtalkradio.com)                                          

The JUNE MONTHLY ASTRO Show is up, LISTEN HERE: https://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm

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