Thursday, February 29, 2024



So, what does this leap day have in store for us? Are we supposed to jump into something, lol? We still have the Mercury-Jupiter influence coloring part of the day so there can still be talks, news, ideas, meetings, sales, short trips, writing, or decisions that are expansive, over the top, and perhaps coming out of the blue. This gives us opportunity to discuss any artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, what's going on with institutions, addictions or karmic scenarios, or to research and address where the values are in the story.  The rest of the day is about Scorpio Moon as it supports all of this in flow. So, we can get to the root of the problems, dig into what has been buried, unearth deeper emotions, make changes, address mortality, sex, or financial interests in the story, shake out jealousy or triangles in the story, and/or transform what is going on.  If this is about trying to tackle issues in any of this, it doesn't guarantee you can fix everything, but the door is open today to find a foot in the door if you are honest in your efforts. The only caveat is that with Mars square looming at the very end of the day you don't want to put yourself anywhere dangerous or with aggressive type people, and you might have to be ready for someone's fighting spirit to come out as anger about something.  Tune in to tonight's Show, I'll be taking a look at our week ahead: 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific      PRAYER TODAY is, 'May we dive down the rabbit hole and see what we find." PEAK TIME is 3pm Eastern/12pm Pacific, see you there! If you'd like to SUPPORT THIS WORK you can buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!                                     Buy Me A Coffee                                                                 To BOOK A READING with Zoe, just email and ask about the details.

The WEEKLY HORORSCOPES Feb 26-Mar 3 are up, READ THEM HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Feb 26-Mar 3  

     The MARCH MONTHLY ASTROLOGY Show is up, LISTEN HERE:                            

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