Friday, February 16, 2024



Today I am live on the air with the MARCH MONTHLY ASTROLOGY Show, tune in at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific to hear what the month holds for you: It's another big month ahead! Now, for today, because we are in the last of Taurus Moon and in square to the Sun in Aquarius this morning, we may have a slow start to our day or feel a bit blah. This swiftly changes once we exit at 2:39pm Eastern as the Moon enters Gemini (Void Moon between 10:01am-2:39pm Eastern-don't push it). Gemini Moon, once in place, is seriously dancing up a storm today in beautiful flow and active with Venus, Pluto, and then Mars, all in Aquarius. This is about ideas and flirtations, talks or meetings, sales, writing, short trips, or what you are doing locally today. It brings love or income opportunities into flow, is enjoyable, brings change, involves third parties, focuses on other financial influences or sexual intimacy, and stirs the fire to make things happen or open up passion in the mix. Venus moved into Aquarius during that Void this morning, at 11:05am Eastern, and will now be in Aquarius until March 11th. This period can bring more pleasure, joy, beauty, love, or income flow with friends, in groups, at gatherings, online, through astrology, towards charities, around original projects, or with our aspirations. When it comes to love or money we don't want to be boxed in during this transit, we want to be open to trying new things or new approaches, we want to be spontaneous, unconventional, unique, and into the excitement it may bring. It can be a bit more unpredictable during this time or sporadic so try to just give a bit here. The only challenge today if it is a challenge, it could just be that you need to push yourself a bit more at some point, is around Mercury in square to Uranus, peaking around 10:53pm Eastern. So, this could be missed communications, mix-ups, malfunctioning electronics, or sudden reversals, giving that Mercury Retrograde kind of feel around something, or maybe you need to say or hear something that pushes a bit. It is definitely a day to take care on the roads, with electronics, or vehicles, as well as your words. The focus is on an aspiration, original project, friend, group, the internet, astrology (hey now), gatherings, or charities, and what is going on with income, purchases, possessions, products, values, or how you are being valued. As you can see, most of the day we have flow with the Aquarius energy, it is just this one thing popping up to be aware of, don't let it take you off course with all the good stuff. The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW is now up, covering this upcoming Full Moon and all the Venus love and income energy shifting, LISTEN HERE:  The Zoe Moon Astrology Venus in Aquarius & Sun in Pisces Show 02/15 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (     (If you are having problems getting it to play, just click it again, it worked for me).   PRAYER TODAY is, 'May we tune into the original vision we had for this lifetime, seeing cues and clues about our purpose and next steps in everything around us.'  Peak time is 11:05-11:10am Eastern/8:05-8:10am Pacific, see you there! If you'd like to SUPPORT THIS WORK you can buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!                                     Buy Me A Coffee                                                                 To BOOK A READING with Zoe, just email and ask about the details.

The WEEKLY HORORSCOPES Feb 12-18 are up, READ THEM HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Feb 12-18                                                          


The FEBRUARY MONTHLY SHOW is up LISTEN HERE:  Zoe Moon Astrology HealthyLife.Net Radio Show Archive                            

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