Sunday, January 1, 2023



HAPPY NEW YEAR! We start 2023 on a Sunday, a day of personal discovery and physical vitality. Our Moon is in Taurus, sign of perseverance, loyalty, steadfastness, sensuality, values, money, food, and valuables. The Lights, the Sun and Moon, are in flow today, our first day of the new year, so there is harmony between our emotional needs with Taurus Moon topics and what we show up for regarding our own interests and our personal goals, career or authority figures. We wake with the Venus/Pluto conjunction still echoing its perfection. They connected for a fresh start at 12:25am Eastern which technically makes them the first classical aspect of the new year and perhaps something we might wish to work with in 2023 but for sure still being felt today. I wrote about it in yesterday's forecast since they perfected just after midnight Eastern time, and we could expect to feel it around our new year's toasts. This is about how love or income interests, beauty or pleasure pursuits, are merging with deep change, profound evolution, power, outer financial interests, sexual attractions, reproduction, divorce, mortality, or third-party influences. It is about new starts where change it indicated or purging of things, setting new goals, involving higher ups about it, going deeper, evolving the story, or making a fresh start where jealousy, possessiveness, or obsessive behavior is concerned around love or money, beauty or pleasure. Uranus also wants to bring some excitement to our day today, so try new things, be in the moment, innovate, or be social. And finally, Mercury Retrograde is meeting with Neptune in an opportunity that builds during the day today and perfects tonight by 1:44am Eastern/10:44pm Pacific. This is prime for a talk, news coming in, an offer, meeting, or decision that seeks to keep goals in mind, release old issues, rekindle what can be, rework what's needed, and find the magic, lean into the romantic, artistic or spiritual, deal with the secrets or addictions, institutions, or research, and find opportunities to move this along in a more positive way. Not a bad start to 2023! I'd also like to note that our journey through 2020 was a focus on how solid we were (or were not) at home or with family-a 4 year, through 2021 about sudden changes, instability, innovations, or unpredictability-a 5 year, through 2022 about karmic matters, work or health-a 6 year, and in 2023 about our spiritual center- a 7 year, also a preparatory year to our year of power next year-an 8 year, so let's have at it! PRAYER TODAY is 'May we launch into 2023 with hope and strength and love.' Peak time is 4:50-4:55pm Eastern/1:50-1:55pm Pacific. To book a reading email and ask about how to set it up and what the rates and available dates are, no better way to start the New Year!

If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!                     Buy Me A Coffee

The JANUARY MONTHLY Horoscopes are up, READ THEM HERE:      Zoe Moon Astrology: ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY JANUARY MONTHLY HOROSCOPES 2023                                                                  The YEARLY 2023 SHOW for Aries-Scorpio is up, LISTEN HERE:

The YEARLY 2023 SHOW for Sagittarius-Pisces is up, LISTEN HERE:

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