Thursday, December 29, 2022



At 4:32am Eastern this morning, Mercury Retrograde began. Mercury will now be taking us back over old territory, starting on the 24th degree of Capricorn, and backing to the 8th degree of Capricorn by Jan 18th when it will end. So, what do you have in your own chart between 8 and 24 degrees of the Cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn? This is where the do-over will stand out or be triggered the most. It's time to reassess personal goals, it's time to review where we are with our career, it's time to think about our status, fame or reputation, or it's time to go back and readdress things with the boss, parent, judge, director, mentor, or other authority figures in our lives, and in all of this we may be exiting, allowing for an exit, rekindling, or reworking past or ongoing stories in an effort to get things right. Capricorn is about our time, commitments, responsibilities, limits, endings, structures that support/do not support, rules, regulations, or ambitions as well. What can we reassess here? From today through Jan 5th, we are in the third decan of Capricorn so there can be added focus on health, hired help, work, animals, paperwork, the details, our services, being of service, simplifying, organizing, cleaning, or the people we work with in this do-over. From Jan 5th through the 13th, we are backing through the second decan of Capricorn which is the territory where we deal with how tenacious we are about it or any stubbornness around it, what we value about it, how we are being valued in it, and what's going on with earnings, purchases, possessions, or pleasures in the story. From the 13th through the 18th, we are in the first decan of Capricorn and will now focus on our own mastery and leadership abilities in the story, getting real about what stays, what goes and what can be reworked on behalf of our personal goals, career, status, fame, or authority figures. Once Mercury is Direct again Jan 18th at 8:12am Eastern, we move forward with what we have heard, processed, reassessed, or decided, covering all the degrees from 8-24 degrees of Capricorn by Feb 8th. This is called the Shadow phase, so we have forward momentum again but only with subjects of the Retrograde. Then, on the 8th we move into new territory with the talks, meetings, sales, writing, agreements, or decisions about goals, career or authority figures from Feb 8-11th. Mercury then exits Capricorn for Aquarius at 6:22am Eastern on the 11th. So, you can see our tie with Mercury in Capricorn regarding this do-over is involved with reassessment and then moving forward with reassessment. Of the days we move past the Shadow, it will be Friday Feb 10th that is quite powerful with whatever new thing is awaiting. Today, as we begin our Retrograde keep in mind that it will be meeting up with Venus this morning so we may be starting that reassessment of our goals, career, status, or authority figures with an eye on our love life or lover, creative endeavors, children, or recreational pursuits. By this evening or later in the day, our ego, will or personal involvement in this story is tested at some point, however interestingly enough, its Mars Retrograde that comes in and opens up channels and brings some adjustments to get us a bit back on track. So, look for old or current anger, passions, or actions to present so there can be words or decisions about it, Finally, as with all Mercury Retrograde periods, we can misunderstand or be misunderstood, we can have mix-ups, and we can have mechanical or electronic issues popping up. This Retrograde it will occur when pursuing those personal goals, on the career front, or with those higher up individuals so take your time, double check things, if you have offers coming in from old or current situations you are clear to make choices, if it's something brand new you may wish to wait until after Jan 18th to avoid this in the agreement or until the Shadow phase is over on Feb 8th to have new momentum behind it. You must judge for yourself if it is a situation that you might lose if you wait or not, sometimes we have to take up something new in the Retrograde, in which case, leave some wiggle room in the agreement, keep receipts for purchases of electronics or mechanicals, and keep a good sense of humor! I gave stand-out dates for this Retrograde on the Weekly Show if you want to listen to the top of it for reference, link below. TUNE IN TONIGHT for the last show of the year and a look at what to expect in 2023, link below! PRAYER TODAY;is 'May we lighten our grip enough to allow a reassessment of our goals, with our career, status, fame, leadership, bosses, parents, or other authority figures in our lives so we find the right way forward over the next few weeks. Please feel free to add your input to the prayer in the comments. Peak time is 8:20-8:25pm Eastern/5:20-5:25pm Pacific, see you there!If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!

If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

Buy Me A Coffee                                                                             TUNE IN TONIGHT for the YEAR 2023 SHOW on air 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific:         WEEKLY ASTROLOGY CHRISTMAS SHOW Dec 22-30 is up, LISTEN HERE:  The Zoe Moon Astrology CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY Show 12/22 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (                                                                                 WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Dec 26-Jan 1 are up, READ THEM HERE:  Zoe Moon Astrology: ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Dec 26-Jan 1                                                               




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