Sunday, December 26, 2021




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VOID MOONS THIS WEEK (Eastern Standard Time):

MONDAY no void moon

TUESDAY 4:11pm-4:16pm

WEDNESDAY no void moon

THURSDAY 12:10pm-6:08pm

FRIDAY no void moon

SATURDAY 3:16am-6:02pm

SUNDAY no void moon

MONDAY brings good energy around the action with partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other such folk and our aspirations, original projects, social interests, or online pursuits. Be willing to give and take a bit in the morning concerning money, purchases or products, and later tonight with artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, rest, or research needs.

TUESDAY morning pushes us harder concerning love, money, beauty, shared scenarios, and our goals with partners, clients, specialists, reps, competitors, advocates, and the like. We then find our groove with them concerning travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes. The moon moves into Scorpio at 4:16pm eastern so emotional needs move towards intimacy, financial matters, shared or third-party situations, and anything involving power, control, jealousy, or obsessions. Mars connects with Uranus bringing some surprise, shocker, excitement, spontaneous actions, aggressions, passions, explosive moments, electricity, fire, or reactions, and this peaks around 8:04pm eastern. Finally, the really big news is that Jupiter enters Pisces tonight at 11:09pm eastern. He gave us a mini preview over the summer between May 14-July 28th as he moved between 0-2 degrees of the sign but then he returned to Aquarius. Tonight he enters at 0 degrees of Pisces and he will be zooming through the entire sign between now and May 10th, 2022. He’s then return for his last visit to Pisces between Oct 28-Dec 21, 2022 as he visits the last 2 degrees of the sign, and then he’s gone for another 12 years. So, we want to really look at what potential we have for something to go big, bring growth, nudge our beliefs, bring legal action or agreements, travel or distant interests, media or educational pursuits, ceremonies, religion, or politics to bear on our artistic projects/talents, our spiritual practices, the water, addictions, bad habits, secrets, hidden agendas, karmic cycles, institutions, romance, investigations, or research in our year ahead (now through May 10th and again Oct 28-Dec 21).

WEDNESDAY brings news, talks or decisions about love, income, beauty, or pleasure goals in the morning, and this is fresh start kind of energy. Obstacles with friends, groups, the internet, or aspirations that arise earlier in the day look to find flow as the day progresses and we find ways to open up doors through actions or passion.

THURSDAY continues to bring news, talks or decisions to the forefront about goals, career, or authority figures, but today they are more powerful or have the potential for change and fresh starts. Throughout the morning a lot of doors are opening around this so again look at the love, money, beauty, or pleasure here. As Sage Moon takes over it begins to square its ruler, Jupiter, now in Pisces, so we get a taste of the first big push with this new placement and our artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, research, or karmic interests coming into play.

FRIDAY we are focused on things that make us happy or our travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes. We have some give and take in the morning here with our purchases, possessions, income, or products in the mix. We then find opportunities to pursue our goals, connect with authority figures or further career interests and this could involve associates, groups, the internet, friends, or aspirations. Mars comes on board to bring fresh passion or activity around what is going on. New Year's Eve is fired up because of this but it is also building to square Neptune by 3:16am eastern/12:16am pacific so alcohol or other substances can really wreak havoc with you if you go there, and it can bring up nostalgia or weepy feelings for some so easy does it as the night goes along.

SATURDAY is the first day of 2022, Happy New Year! You may wake early today or in the middle of the night as there is an electrical energy sparking things up. There is a real buoyancy to this day as things are in flow, opening up and expansive. It can be a really good day to get inspired, to dream big, to meditate or pray, to sing or dance or in other ways allow the muse to connect, or for romance, rest, recuperation, or research.

SUNDAY Mercury moves into Aquarius in the wee hours so we wake with new thoughts of innovation, friendship, online interests, freedoms, original projects, aspirations, gatherings, or causes. Mercury will help us talk, meet, write, sell, sign, or decide things here over the weeks ahead. The New Moon in Capricorn kicks in at 1:33pm eastern and we now have 2 weeks of forward momentum to launch into new or next chapter personal goals, career objectives, or what we are doing with status, fame, or authority figures. This is truly one of the best New Moon’s I’ve seen in some time, be proactive!

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MONDAY is about connections so look at clients, partners, specialists, representatives, or others. Be flexible with them concerning income, purchases, possessions, institutions, research, artistic, romantic, or spiritual needs. You have solid flow with them concerning social, online or aspirational goals. TUESDAY pushes you harder regarding these folks and the love, income, beauty, or shared interests in the early part of the day. Your ruler is getting fired up at some point regarding travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes so expect action or reactions to spike here and again this means some give and take with income, purchases or possessions that pop up. Jupiter heads into Pisces tonight for his big journey of growth, happiness or prosperity for you in areas of art, film, music, painting, poetry, romance, spirituality, magic, psychic interests, institutions, tackling addictions, secrets, internal work, karmic cycles, research, or investigations over the year ahead. The last times he toured here was 2/1966-8/1967, 9/1984-4/1986, and 4/2003-12/2004 if you'd like to look back on those years for perspective. You may travel for these interests or connect with someone foreign or at a distance, you may sign legal documents or pursue learning or teaching in one of these areas. You could get into media, marketing or publishing associated with these topics or it could involve ceremonies, religion or politics for you. Think about where you’d like to take this major expansive energy, you have it at play now through May 10th and then again Oct 28-Dec 21 next year. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY offer fresh energy around love, income, beauty, or pleasure goals and how you’d like to transform things here. While WEDNESDAY’s needs around financial, sexual or third-party interests pushes you with friends, groups, online, or about aspirations in the mix, THURSDAY it opens up opportunities to pursue or achieve goals. You’ll also have something going on at a distance, with travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political arenas both days, more social or in flow on WEDNESDAY, and pushing for something big with the artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, or research interests in the mix on THURSDAY. FRIDAY starts with adaptation around income, purchases, possessions, or products but then moves into great flow with your travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political pursuits. Social interests open up, your ruler Mars gets active and in flow and your New Year’s Eve looks hopping! However, do note that the square to Neptune kicks in after midnight so there can be issues with alcohol, drugs, self-sabotaging tendencies, or sadness the later you go. SATURDAY is our first day of the New Year, Happy New Year Aries! This is about putting yourself first with personal goals, career or bosses, parents or other authority figures, and finding flow with income, purchases or possessions as well as with institutions, research, artistic, romantic, or spiritual interests. SUNDAY Mercury heads into Aquarius in the wee hours so you wake with more mental attention on aspirations, freedoms, original projects, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings and this is where you can now get into more talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions in the weeks ahead. The New Moon in Capricorn kicks in at 1:33pm eastern and you are off to the races with career, personal goals, status, fame, or authority figures. You now have 2 weeks of cosmic boost forward that can help you to start something new or take your current interests into new chapters. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s awaiting you in the New Year, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!




MONDAY is about work, health or animals, or involves co-workers, hired help or paperwork. Be flexible with yourself and with friends, groups or online needs in the mix but do seek flow with personal goals, career needs or authority figures here. TUESDAY starts out pushing you over any travel, legal, educational, media, or ceremonial themes in the story, most likely around love, income or beauty needs. Mars is revved up over financial, sexual or third-party interests so you have more passion, anger or activity here and will need to be mindful that Uranus in your own sign is going to feel like breaking out or acting out or could be more accident-prone today. Jupiter moves into Pisces tonight at 11:09pm eastern and kicks off a new growth cycle for you. This is about growth, happiness or prosperity for you with friends, groups, associates, online, around astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, or original projects. The last times he toured here was 2/1966-8/1967, 9/1984-4/1986, and 4/2003-12/2004 if you'd like to look back on those years for perspective. Look at artistic pursuits, romance or spiritual interests with these social or online interests, and look at any travel, connections with someone foreign or at a distance, legal pursuits or agreements, learning or teaching, media, marketing or publishing, or ceremonies, religion or politics that could involve friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, or original projects. Think about where you’d like to take this major expansive energy, you have it at play now through May 10th and then again Oct 28-Dec 21 next year. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY share a lot of focus. First, there is more fresh start energy opening up around a trip, legal matter, educational pursuit, media venture, ceremony, religious, or political interest. Talks, news or decisions reflect this now and focus on the love, money, beauty, pleasure, or third-party topics in the story. Next, you are focused on partners, clients, specialists, reps, competitors, or other such relationships both days, testing you over a goal, responsibility, career need, or authority figures on WEDNESDAY but in flow with those travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes on THURSDAY. Finally, you have stuff going on with financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, birth, death, or third-party stories both days. This is active and ties in with a boss, parent or other authority figure, a personal goal, or career need on WEDNESDAY that is in flow, while pushing for something bigger online, with friends or around an aspiration on THURSDAY. FRIDAY is focused on financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party matters. You have personal or physical adjustments to make here at the start of the day but then find your flow with personal goals and the passion or action that gets underway here. Do note that as New Years’ Eve progresses past midnight we move into a square with Neptune so secrets, addictions, too much alcohol, water, or sadness can creep in and cause issues, easy does it. SATURDAY brings our first day of 2022, Happy New Year Taurus! The energy looks positive and puts you into the travel, legal, distant, media, educational, ceremonial, religious, or political flow, while opening up opportunities with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or aspirations. SUNDAY Mercury heads into Aquarius and your mind turns towards personal goals, status, fame, career, and authority figures over the weeks ahead. This can help with talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions in these areas of life. The New Moon kicks in at 1:33pm eastern and opens up 2 weeks of forward momentum for you regarding travel, distance, foreign, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes. This is one of the better-looking New Moons of the year so be proactive about what you do in these areas! If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s awaiting you in the New Year, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!




MONDAY is about the kids, lover, creative endeavors, or recreational pursuits. You’ll want to be flexible with goals, career needs or authority figures in the mix as well as with institutions, research, artistic, romantic, or spiritual matters going on. There is solid flow for you with these love interests, children, recreational interests or creative projects as it pertains to the law, travel, education, media, ceremonies, religion, or politics today. TUESDAY pushes first thing you over shared interests, third-parties, power, control, the financial, sexual, reproductive, or divorce interests when it comes to the kids, lover, creative venture, or recreational pursuits. You are then fired up and active regarding a partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, or other such person and dealing with last-minute changes or surprises with institutions, research, artistic, romantic, or spiritual matters. Jupiter heads into Pisces tonight at 11:09pm eastern and kicks off a new growth cycle for you. This is about growth, happiness or prosperity for you on the career front, with your status or fame, with your personal goals, or with authority figures such as your boss, parents, a teacher, director, mentor, or other such higher-up. The last times he toured here was 2/1966-8/1967, 9/1984-4/1986, and 4/2003-12/2004 if you'd like to look back on those years for perspective. Look at artistic pursuits, romance or spiritual interests with these goals, career interests or authority figures, and look at any travel, connections with someone foreign or at a distance, legal pursuits or agreements, learning or teaching, media, marketing or publishing, or ceremonies, religion or politics that could involve goals, career or authority figures. Think about where you’d like to take this major expansive energy, you have it at play now through May 10th and then again Oct 28-Dec 21 next year. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY share a lot of the same focus. First, there are talks, meetings, offers, or decisions coming in focused on financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party matters. This is about fresh starts or new insights and should be powerful. Next your work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers is in focus. WEDNESDAY this tests you over legal, travel, educational, media, or ceremonial themes but THURSDAY it is in flow with financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, or third-party interests. And finally there is a focus on partners, attorneys, agents, clients, specialists, or other such relationships. WEDNESDAY this links you to legal, travel, educational, media, or ceremonial needs in an opportune way while THURSDAY it pushes you for something big going on with a goal, career matter or authority figure. FRIDAY stays focused on partners, clients, specialists, reps, competitors, advocates, or the like. Be flexible with them in morning as this then gives way to doors opening and lots of activity or passion with them, connecting with travel, distance, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests. Do note there is a lot of momentum here but once you get past midnight tonight, New Year’s Eve, a square to Neptune kicks in so there could be issues with drugs, alcohol, water, secrets, withdrawal, or sadness so wrap it up early! SATURDAY brings our first day of 2022, Happy New Year Gemini! There is a positive flow for you with financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party matters you are involved with today. Optimism should be high as you peruse your goals, career or what’s going on with status, fame or authority figures in the mix. SUNDAY Mercury heads into your zone of travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, and political themes where he will travel over the next few weeks. This opens up more talks, meetings, sales, or writing in these realms or brings more short trips, local activities, offers, or decisions about it. The New Moon kicks in at 1:33pm eastern and looks like one of the more optimistic fresh starts of our year! This is about opening up new possibilities with loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, a partner’s money, or other financial interests, or with sexual attractions, reproductive interests, divorce, dealing with a birth or death, or with third-party stories in your life. You have 2 weeks of forward boost from the cosmos to launch into something new or take your current situation into that next chapter. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s awaiting you in the New Year, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!




MONDAY is focused on home, family, real estate deals, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. Be flexible when it comes to the social, online, travel, legal, educational, media, or ceremonial interests in the mix but do look for flow with financial, sexual, divorce, or third-party. TUESDAY pushes you at home, with family, partners, or other relationships in the mix as the day gets started. You are then fired up to clean, organize, do the work, focus on health, animals, paperwork, hired help, your job, or co-workers and in the moment with last-minute stuff coming up on a social or online level. Jupiter moves into Pisces tonight at 11:09pm eastern and kicks off a new growth cycle for you. This is about growth, happiness or prosperity for you with travel, situations at a distant, foreign interests, import/export, media ventures, marketing ideas, publishing, educational pursuits, legal scenarios, ceremonies, adventures, religion, politics, or philosophy. The last times he toured here was 2/1966-8/1967, 9/1984-4/1986, and 4/2003-12/2004 if you'd like to look back on those years for perspective. Look at artistic pursuits, romance or spiritual interests with these travel, educational, legal, media, religious, political, or ceremonial interests. Think about where you’d like to take this major expansive energy, you have it at play now through May 10th and then again Oct 28-Dec 21 next year. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY share a lot of the same energy. First, there is news, talks, ideas, or decisions kicking off both days that involves partners, clients, specialists, reps, competitors, advocates, or the like about love, intimacy, financial interests, or third-parties for a fresh start. This should be powerful. Next, you have a focus on the lover, kid, creative venture, or recreational pursuits, WEDNESDAY this testing you over financial, sexual, divorce, reproductive, or third-party matters, THURSDAY it allowing things to open up with partners, clients, specialists, reps, or others in the mix about love, money, beauty, or pleasure. Finally, with a focus on work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers, with WEDNESDAY in flow and active here regarding financial, sexual, mortality, reproductive, divorce, or third-parties in the story, and on THURSDAY going big over travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes. FRIDAY keeps you focused on work, health or animals, or with co-workers, hired help or paperwork. Be flexible with friends, groups, the internet, or aspirations as this starts out but then you should find flow in powerful ways, linked to sex, intimacy, finances, or third-parties. This gets fired up and active but do note if you are out celebrating New Year’s Eve, after midnight we move into a square with Neptune so you could have issues with drugs, alcohol, water, secrets, isolation, or secrets so make for an early evening of it. SATURDAY brings the first day of 2022, Happy New Year’s Cancer! You are front and center with partners, clients, specialists agents, attorneys, or other relationships and in flow with social, online, or aspirational interests with them, as well as with any travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political pursuits today. SUNDAY Mercury heads into your financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, and third-party zone where he will travel over the next weeks. This should bring more news, talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, or local activities about these topics. The New Moon kicks in at 1:33pm eastern and is in your relationship zone. This is one of the better New Moon’s of the year and is about opening up fresh potential for you with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, and the like. It can be equally good for finding new balance, equality or higher esthetics in your life. You have 2 weeks to launch into something new or take your current situation into what comes next so be proactive! If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s awaiting you in the New Year, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!




MONDAY is about talks, meetings, short trips, writing, sales, siblings, neighbors, or decisions Leo. Be flexible around your goals here or with authority figures, financial needs, sex, or third-parties in the mix. You should have good flow with partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other relationships today. TUESDAY starts out with more going on with work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers that pushes you. Mars then fires you up about the kids, lover, creative venture, or recreational pursuit so you are active or reactive here and making adjustments when it comes to goals, career or authority figures in the mix. Jupiter moves into Pisces tonight at 11:09pm eastern and kicks off a new growth cycle for you. This is about growth, happiness or prosperity for you involving financial matters, sexual attractions, reproductive needs, a divorce, birth, death, or third-party situations. The last times he toured here was 2/1966-8/1967, 9/1984-4/1986, and 4/2003-12/2004 if you'd like to look back on those years for perspective. Look at artistic pursuits, romance or spiritual interests with these powerful interests, and look at any travel, connections with someone foreign or at a distance, legal pursuits or agreements, learning or teaching, media, marketing or publishing, or ceremonies, religion or politics that could involve financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party matters. Think about where you’d like to take this major expansive energy, you have it at play now through May 10th and then again Oct 28-Dec 21 next year. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY share a lot of the same energy. First, they both start with powerful news, talks or decisions around your health, work, co-workers, hired help, paperwork, or pets with a focus here on love, money, intimacy, or shared situations. Next your needs around home, family, moves, or roommates is in focus with WEDNESDAY bringing tests from partners, clients, specialists, reps, or the like here while THURSDAY puts you into a lot of opportunities with hired help, co-workers, health, animals, work, or paperwork about it. Finally, there is a focus on the love, kids, creative venture, or recreational pursuits both days. WEDNESDAY this opens up opportunities with partners, clients, specialists, representatives, or other relationships while THURSDAY it goes big with financial, sexual or third-party stories in the mix. FRIDAY then keeps you focused on lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreation. This starts with some flexibility around the personal goal, career needs or an authority figure but then moves into opportunities with partners, clients, specialists, reps, or others about it and gets you fired up. Do note that if you are out celebrating New Year’s Eve that after midnight we move into a square with Neptune which can bring issues with alcohol, drugs, water, isolation, or sadness, so early night of it! SATURDAY brings our first day of 2022, Happy New Year Leo! You are front and center with work, health or animals, or with co-workers, hired help or paperwork and this is all in flow regarding goals, authority figures, career, status, financial interests, sexual attractions, or third-party influences. SUNDAY Mercury heads into your relationship zone where he travels over the next few weeks. This should bring more talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions with partners, clients, specialists, representatives, or other such one-on-ones. The New Moon kicks in at 1:33pm eastern and opens up new possibilities for you with work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, and co-workers. You have 2 weeks of forward momentum to help you start something new here or take your current situation into that new chapter. This is one of the best New Moons of the year so make the most of this potential! If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s awaiting you in the New Year, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!




MONDAY is about income, purchases, gifts, possessions, or products. You’ll have to be flexible when it comes to travel, legal, educational, or media influences as well as with partners, clients, specialists, representatives, and the like, but you should have solid flow with your work, health, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, and animals in the mix. TUESDAY starts out still focused on income, purchases, possessions, or products but is pushing you over the love, money, beauty, pleasure, shared interests, kids, creative venture, or recreational pursuits. Mars is firing up about your home, family, roommates, move, renovation, real estate deal, or parents today so you have more action or reaction here and it hinges on last minute changes or surprises with travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political topics. Jupiter moves into Pisces tonight at 11:09pm eastern and kicks off a new growth cycle for you. This is about growth, happiness or prosperity for you with partners, clients, specialists, representatives, competitors, advocates, or the like, or through finding more balance, harmony, equality, or higher esthetics in your life. The last times he toured here was 2/1966-8/1967, 9/1984-4/1986, and 4/2003-12/2004 if you'd like to look back on those years for perspective. Look at artistic pursuits, romance or spiritual interests with these relationships or balance, and look at any travel, connections with someone foreign or at a distance, legal pursuits or agreements, learning or teaching, media, marketing or publishing, or ceremonies, religion or politics that could involve partners, clients, specialists, representatives, or other key relationships. Think about where you’d like to take this major expansive energy, you have it at play now through May 10th and then again Oct 28-Dec 21 next year. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY share a lot of the same energy. First they both start with news, talks or decisions involving creative endeavors, lovers, kids, or recreational pursuits and this is about fresh starts or powerful transformations. Next, you have lots of talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, or decisions going on both days. This tests you over work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers on WEDNESDAY but puts you into opportunities with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits on THURSDAY. Finally, both days have a focus on the home, family, roommates, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, or history. This puts you into something opportune and solid on WEDNESDAY regarding paperwork, hired help, co-workers, the work, health, or animals, while pushing for something big with partners, clients, specialists, reps, or others on THURSDAY. FRIDAY keeps you focused on home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. This starts out asking for some flexibility around trips, law, media, education, ceremonies, religion, or politics, but soon moves into opportunities to get serious with work, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, health, or animals in the mix and fired up and active. Do note if you are heading out for New Year’s Eve that we do move into a square with Neptune after Midnight so take care with drugs, alcohol, water, secrets, sadness, or isolating factors involving key people, perhaps consider an early night of it. SATURDAY brings our first day of 2022, Happy New Year Virgo! This day puts you front and center with a lover, the kids, a creative venture, or recreational pursuit and opens up possibilities and opportunities for you involving partners, clients specialists, reps, travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes, doors open. SUNDAY Mercury heads into your zone of work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, and co-workers where he’ll now travel over the weeks ahead. This should help get into more talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions around these topics. The New Moon kicks in at 1:33pm eastern and is focused on lovers, your love life, the kids, a creative venture, or recreational pursuits. This is one of the best New Moon’s of the year and can help you to start something brand new or to take your current interests into that next chapter so make the most of it! If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s awaiting you in the New Year, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!




MONDAY you have a lot going on with your own interests. You’ll want to be flexible with financial, sexual, third-party, job, health, animal, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers in the mix but look for the solid potential opening up for you with creative ventures, the kids, a lover, or recreational pursuits today. TUESDAY starts with being tested at home, with family, a real estate deal, parent, roommate, or move, as it pertains to love, money, or third-parties in the mix. Mars then gets you fired up and active in talks, meetings, short trips, sales, writing, offers, or decisions and ask that you or the other be flexible when it comes to financial, sexual or third-party matters. Jupiter moves into Pisces tonight at 11:09pm eastern and kicks off a new growth cycle for you. This is about growth, happiness or prosperity for you with work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, and co-workers. The last times he toured here was 2/1966-8/1967, 9/1984-4/1986, and 4/2003-12/2004 if you'd like to look back on those years for perspective. Look at artistic pursuits, romance or spiritual interests with these work or health pursuits or involving the animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers, and look at any travel, connections with someone foreign or at a distance, legal pursuits or agreements, learning or teaching, media, marketing or publishing, or ceremonies, religion or politics that could involve your work, health, co-workers, hired help, paperwork, or animals. Think about where you’d like to take this major expansive energy, you have it at play now through May 10th and then again Oct 28-Dec 21 next year. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY share a lot of the same energy. First, both days start with news, talks or decisions that are powerful and focused on home, security, emotional needs, family, roommates, moves, renovations, real estate deals, or parents. Next, you are focused on income, purchases, possessions, or products both days. WEDNESDAY this tests you creatively, with lovers, kids, or recreational pursuits, while THURSDAY it opens up possibilities at home, with moves, renovations, real estate deals, family, parents, or roommates. Finally, both days focus on your talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, or local activities. WEDNESDAY is highly active here and in opportune alignment with the creative endeavors, kids, lover, or recreational pursuits, while THURSDAY it goes big with work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. FRIDAY keeps you focused on the talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions. You’ll start out in flexible mode around financial, sexual or third-party matters in the mix but then find doors opening with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. This then fires you up and gets you more active. Do note however, if you are up after midnight celebrating New Year’s Eve we do head into a square with Neptune so you can be tested with drugs, alcohol, water, secrets, isolation, or sadness, so perhaps early to bed! SATURDAY is our first day of 2022, Happy New Year Libra! You are front and center at home, with a move, renovation, real estate deals, or with family, parents, or roommates and this is in flow with the financial, sexual, or third-party interests as well as with work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers in the mix. SUNDAY Mercury heads into your zone of creative ventures, kids, lovers, and recreational pursuits where he will now travel over the weeks ahead. This should open up more talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions in these areas. The New Moon kicks in at 1:33pm eastern today and is about new or next chapter opportunities opening up for you at home, with a move, renovation, or real estate deal, with family, parents or roommates, or with security needs, emotional interests, history, or ancestry. You have 2 weeks to launch, and this is one of the better New Moons of our year, so make the most of it! If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s awaiting you in the New Year, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!




MONDAY is about rest, recuperation, secrets, romantic interludes, artistic pursuits, spiritual matters, institutions, or research, Scorpio. You’ll want to be flexible with partners, clients, specialists, reps, competitors, or other key folks in the mix as well as with creative ventures, lovers, kids, or recreational pursuits. You do have solid flow when it comes to home, family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, or roommates today. TUESDAY starts out pushing you over the news, talk, or decision going on about love, money, beauty, pleasure, or third-party matters. You get fired up about income, purchases, gifts, possessions, or products, or perhaps about being valued, and any adjustments involving a partner, client, specialist, representative, competitor, or other relationship. Jupiter moves into Pisces tonight at 11:09pm eastern and kicks off a new growth cycle for you. This is about growth, happiness or prosperity for you with lovers, your love life, children, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. The last times he toured here was 2/1966-8/1967, 9/1984-4/1986, and 4/2003-12/2004 if you'd like to look back on those years for perspective. Look at artistic pursuits, romance or spiritual interests with these love interests, kids, creative projects, or recreational pursuits, and look at any travel, connections with someone foreign or at a distance, legal pursuits or agreements, learning or teaching, media, marketing or publishing, or ceremonies, religion or politics that could involve your growth or big things happening with lovers, kids, creativity, or fun. Think about where you’d like to take this major expansive energy, you have it at play now through May 10th and then again Oct 28-Dec 21 next year. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY share a lot of the same energy. First, both start out with news, talks or decisions around love, income, beauty, pleasure, and shared interests. These look powerful. Next, you are focused on yourself, with WEDNESDAY testing you over home, family, renovations, real estate deals, parents, or roommates, and THURSDAY opening up a lot of opportunity with love, income, beauty, pleasure, or third-parties. Finally, you focus on income, purchases, possessions, gifts, or products, with lots of activity and good flow at home, with family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates on WEDNESDAY, and something big going on with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreation on THURSDAY. FRIDAY keeps you focused on the income, purchase, possessions, products, or gifts. This starts out asking you to be flexible with a partner, client, specialist, rep, or other key player but then moves into opportunities at home, with family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, or roommates and gets you quite active or passionate. Do note that if you are going out for New Year’s Eve that this active energy then moves into a square with Neptune after midnight so you’ll want to take care with drugs, alcohol, secrets, water, isolation, or sadness at this point, perhaps best to wrap the night early. SATURDAY brings our first day of 2022, Happy New Year’s Scorpio! You are front and center today in exciting ways regarding a short trip, local activity, your writing, sales, interviews, talks, meetings, or decisions involving a partner, client, specialist, rep, the kids, a lover, a creative venture, or recreational pursuit, doors open. SUNDAY Mercury heads into your zone of home, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, and real estate deals. This should help open up more talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions focused here. The New Moon kicks in at 1:33pm eastern in your zone of talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, and decisions, as well as with siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, short trips, and local activities. This is one of the best New Moons of the year and it opens up 2 weeks of forward momentum here so make the most of it! If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s awaiting you in the New Year, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!




MONDAY is about friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings. You’ll want to be flexible with co-workers, hired help, the animals, paperwork, the job, health needs, home, family, roommates, or real estate deals in the mix, but look for flow with your talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, and decisions. TUESDAY starts out with more focus on these talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, offers, or decisions and you are pushed or pushing when it comes to the money, love, beauty, or third-parties in the mix. You then get fired up on a personal or physical level and work around what pops up with work, animals, paperwork, health needs, co-workers, or hired help. Jupiter moves into Pisces tonight at 11:09pm eastern and kicks off a new growth cycle for you. This is about growth, happiness or prosperity for you through your home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, roommates, history, ancestry, security, or emotional interests. The last times he toured here was 2/1966-8/1967, 9/1984-4/1986, and 4/2003-12/2004 if you'd like to look back on those years for perspective. Look at artistic pursuits, romance or spiritual interests with these home, real estate deals, family, or roommate interests, and look at any travel, connections with someone foreign or at a distance, legal pursuits or agreements, learning or teaching, media, marketing or publishing, or ceremonies, religion or politics that could involve home, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate deals. Think about where you’d like to take this major expansive energy, you have it at play now through May 10th and then again Oct 28-Dec 21 next year. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY share a lot of the same energy. First, they both start with news, talks or decisions about income, purchases, possessions, gifts, or products and this can go deep. Next, you are focused on institutions, artistic pursuits, romance, spirituality, or research both days. WEDNESDAY this tests you regarding the writing, talks, news, sales, offers, or meetings, while THURSDAY it puts you into lots of opportunities to earn, spend, or focus on possessions, products or gifts in the mix. Finally, you are focused on yourself, y our body, image, brand, name, title, or needs both days. WEDNESDAY this opens up potential in talks, meetings, sales, short trips, writing, interviews, local activities, or with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics, while THURSDAY you are going big at home, with family, the real estate deal, move, renovation, or parent in the mix. FRIDAY keeps you focused on yourself and starts out with some give and take with work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. It then opens up more of those solid talks, meetings, sales, writing opportunities, offers, or decisions that align with you and your needs. You then get more active and fired up. Do note that after midnight tonight for those of you celebrating New Year’s Eve, we head into a square to Neptune so there could be issues with drugs, alcohol, water, secrets, isolation, or sadness, easy does it, and perhaps make it an early celebration. SATURDAY brings our first day of 2022, Happy New Year Sagittarius! You are front and center earning money, making purchases, giving gifts, or focused on possessions or products today. This is in flow with work, health or animals, co-workers, hired help or paperwork, home, real estate deals, moves, or renovations, as well as with family, parents, or roommates. SUNDAY Mercury heads into your zone of talks, meetings, sales, writing, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, flirtations, ideas, short trips, local activities, offers, and decisions where he will tour over the next weeks. This should bring more zip to these topics and get you busy at a quicker pace. The New Moon kicks in at 1:33pm eastern in your zone of income, purchases, possessions, gifts, values, being valued, and products. This is one of the best New Moons of our year and it is opening up fresh starts for you in these areas, helping you to launch into something new or take your current situation into that next chapter, and you have 2 weeks starting now to go for it! If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s awaiting you in the New Year, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!




MONDAY is about personal goals, career, status, or authority figures, Capricorn. You’ll need to be flexible with the kids, lover, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits as well as with what is going on at home, with real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates today. However, you have flow when it comes to income, purchases, possessions, or products in those goal-oriented arenas. TUESDAY starts out still on goals, career or authority figures but it’s pushing you to do more physically or testing you personally or physically over the love, income, beauty, or pleasure here. You then get busy about research, institutions, artistic, romantic, or spiritual matters and the adjustments around the kids, lover, creative venture, or recreational pursuit. Jupiter moves into Pisces tonight at 11:09pm eastern and kicks off a new growth cycle for you. This is about growth, happiness or prosperity for you through talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions, as well as with siblings, neighbors, short trips, moves, local activities, vehicles, or electronics. The last times he toured here was 2/1966-8/1967, 9/1984-4/1986, and 4/2003-12/2004 if you'd like to look back on those years for perspective. Look at artistic pursuits, romance or spiritual interests with these communications, commerce or local interests, and look at any travel, connections with someone foreign or at a distance, legal pursuits or agreements, learning or teaching, media, marketing or publishing, or ceremonies, religion or politics that could involve those talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or your siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, or short trips. Think about where you’d like to take this major expansive energy, you have it at play now through May 10th and then again Oct 28-Dec 21 next year. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY share a lot of the same energy. First, both days start with news, talks or decisions about you or coming from you and tied to love, income, beauty, pleasure or third-parties in the mix. Next there is something going on with a friend, associate, group, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or aspirations both days. This tests you on WEDNESDAY regarding money, purchases or possessions but it is very opportune on THURSDAY for you directly and around love, income, beauty, shared interests, and the decisions. Finally, both days focus on rest, recuperation, romance, artistry, spirituality, institutions, or research. WEDNESDAY this links to making money, a purchase, possessions, or products and is opportune. THURSDAY it goes big with news, talks, sales, or decisions. FRIDAY keeps you focused on rest, recuperation, research, institutions, romance, artistry, or spirituality. This starts with the need for flexibility as something comes up with the kids, a lover, a creative venture, or recreational pursuit but then moves into opportunities to make money, make purchases or do something with possessions or products. You should feel fired up and passionate. Do note that if you are celebrating New Year’s Eve past midnight we move into a square to Neptune which can be challenging with drugs, alcohol, water, secrets, isolation, or sadness, so take care and perhaps wrap early! SATURDAY brings our first day of 2022, Happy New Year Capricorn! This looks like a groovy day for you as the attention is on you or you are front and center doing things you like and it flows with the creativity, fun, kids, and lovers, as well as with talks, meetings, short trips, sales, writing, and offers. SUNDAY Mercury heads into your income, purchases, possessions, and products zone where he will travel over the weeks ahead. This should bring more talks, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, interviews, offers, or decisions about these topics. The New Moon kicks in at 1:33pm eastern and is in your sign Capricorn. I don’t mind telling you this looks like one of the best New Moon’s of the year and is about helping you to move yourself forward in some new or next chapter way. You can make this about what you are getting involved in physically or you can make it about your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs. Whatever you do be proactive in pursuing your interests now and over these next 2 weeks while you have this cosmic boost. If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s awaiting you in the New Year, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!




MONDAY is focused on travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests, Aquarius. It looks like it requires a lot of flexibility with family, home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, or parents, as well as with income, purchases, gifts, possessions, or products in the mix. You are, however, in great flow on a personal level with these topics so find that groove that works for you. TUESDAY starts with more focus on the travel, legal, distant, media, ceremonial, educational, religious, or political needs and this morning that tests you when it comes to love, money, or third-party scenarios and the institution, research, or other behind the scenes activities. You get fired up or active with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings but will need to be flexible with what pops up at home, with family, the roommates, or real estate deals. Jupiter moves into Pisces tonight at 11:09pm eastern and kicks off a new growth cycle for you. This is about growth, happiness or prosperity for you with how you are valued, what’s going on with your values, or where you are with income, purchases, possessions, or products. The last times he toured here was 2/1966-8/1967, 9/1984-4/1986, and 4/2003-12/2004 if you'd like to look back on those years for perspective. Look at artistic pursuits, romance or spiritual interests with these value based or money/acquisitional interests, and look at any travel, connections with someone foreign or at a distance, legal pursuits or agreements, learning or teaching, media, marketing or publishing, or ceremonies, religion or politics that could involve what you value, how you are valued, your income, purchases, possessions, or products. Think about where you’d like to take this major expansive energy, you have it at play now through May 10th and then again Oct 28-Dec 21 next year. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY share a lot of the same energy. Both days start with fresh energy coming through news, talks, sales, or meetings going on behind the scenes, in private or secret, with artistic, romantic, or spiritual interests, or with institutions or research. Look at love or money here. Next you focus on personal goals, career or authority figures both days. WEDNESDAY this tests you on a personal or physical level but THURSDAY it opens lots of opportunities with love, money, beauty, pleasure, third-parties, and what’s going on behind the scenes. Finally, you focus on friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or other social interests both days. WEDNESDAY this is super active and opens up opportunities for you, while THURSDAY it goes big regarding a purchase, income, possessions, or products in the mix. FRIDAY keeps you focused on social, online, and aspirational pursuits. You’ll have to be flexible with this in the morning regarding home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates but you should then find your opportunities opening up and you getting fired up and active in these social, online or aspirational arenas. Do note that if you are out celebrating New Year’s Eve that we move into a square to Neptune after midnight so there can be issues with drugs, alcohol, water, isolation, secrets, or sadness so take care and perhaps make an early night of it. SATURDAY brings our first day of 2022, Happy New Year Aquarius! Today looks really good for what you are doing artistically, romantically, spiritually, magically, with psychic interests, institutions, rest, recuperation, or research. This brings nice alignments to home and family, real estate deals and roommates, as well as to income, purchases, possessions, or products. SUNDAY Mercury heads into your sign where he’ll travel for the next few weeks. This should bring more news, ideas, offers, talks, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, or decisions your way that are about you and your interests. You can focus on your body, image, brand, name, title, involvement, or needs here. The New Moon kicks in at 1:33pm eastern and opens up 2 weeks of forward momentum for you with art, film, music, painting, poetry, romance, prayer, mediation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, research, investigations, tackling bad habits or addictions, dealing with secrets or deceptions, or what’s going on with institutions. This is one of the best New Moons of the year so make the most of it! If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s awaiting you in the New Year, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!




MONDAY is focused on financial matters, sex, reproduction, birth, death, divorce, or third-party matters. You’ll have to be flexible in your talks, meetings, with sales, writing, offers, or decisions and what is going on with you and your needs today. You do have good with institutions, research, rest, recuperation, or anything artistic, romantic or spiritual today. TUESDAY starts out still focused on financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party matters and what is pushing you regarding a friend, associate, group, the internet, astrology, charity, or gathering. Mars fires you up about a personal goal, career matter or authority figure and gets you active here as you make some adjustments around the news, talk, sales, writing, meetings, offers, or decisions being made. Jupiter moves into Pisces tonight at 11:09pm eastern and kicks off a new growth cycle for you. This is about growth, happiness or prosperity for you regarding your personal or physical interests, what you are getting involved in, or what’s going on with your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs. The last times he toured here was 2/1966-8/1967, 9/1984-4/1986, and 4/2003-12/2004 if you'd like to look back on those years for perspective. Look at artistic pursuits, romance or spiritual interests with your personal or physical interests, and look at any travel, connections with someone foreign or at a distance, legal pursuits or agreements, learning or teaching, media, marketing or publishing, or ceremonies, religion or politics that could involve you personally or physically. Think about where you’d like to take this major expansive energy, you have it at play now through May 10th and then again Oct 28-Dec 21 next year. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY share a lot of the same energy. First, both days start with news, talks or decisions involving friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings and what’s going on with the love, money, pleasure, or third-party influences. This is fresh start energy. Next, you have stuff going on with travel, legal, distant, media, educational, ceremonial, religious, or political topics both days. WEDNESDAY this tests you regarding your need to rest and recuperation, do the research, deal with the institution, or with what’s going on with hidden agendas, artistic, romantic, or spiritual influences. THURSDAY it opens up all kinds of opportunities for you online, with friends, associates, groups, astrology, charities, or with gatherings. Finally, both days focus on career, personal goals, status, fame, or authority figures. WEDNESDAY this is in opportune alignment connecting you to institutions, research, artistic, romantic, or spiritual interests in the mix, while THURSDAY you go big in some way with your Jupiter influences in your sign. FRIDAY keeps you focused on personal goals, career, status, fame, or authority figures. You’ll have to be flexible at the start of the day with news, talks, interviews, short trips, writing, sales, offers, or decisions but you then find your flow as things open up with institutions, research, artistic, romantic, or spiritual interests and get you fired up and active. Do note that if you are celebrating New Year’s Eve we move into a square to Neptune after midnight which could bring issues with drugs, alcohol, water, isolation, secrets, or sadness, so take care and perhaps call it early! SATURDAY brings our first day of 2022, Happy New Year Pisces! You are front and center with friends, associates, groups, online, with astrology, charities, gatherings, personal aspirations, or original projects and the sun is shining on you! Doors are open here for talks, meetings, short trips, local activities, sales, writing, and the personal growth that Jupiter is bringing to your sign. SUNDAY Mercury heads into your zone of research, institutions, rest, recuperation, artistic, romantic, and spiritual interests. This should open up more news, offers, talks, meetings, short trips, writing, sales, or decisions about these topics over the weeks ahead. The New Moon kicks in at 1:33pm eastern and opens up a boost forward for you with personal aspirations, original projects, friends, groups, associates, the internet, astrology, charities, and gatherings. You have 2 weeks now to launch into something new or to take your current situations into that next chapter. PS, this looks like one of the best New Moons of the year so make the most of it! If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s awaiting you in the New Year, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!




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