Tuesday, November 30, 2021




(To get back to the WEEKLY for Nov 29-Dec 5 go here: https://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2021/11/zoe-moon-astrology-weekly-horoscopes_28.html )

December kicks off with Neptune ending his months of Retrograde and going Direct on the 1st. This means we head into the month with an end to the slow-downs, holding patterns and/or reassessing that we’ve been in with our institutions, research, recuperation, investigations, artistic, romantic, secretive, magical, psychic, spiritual, addictive, or past life/karmic matters, and we are now moving forward again into what comes next. Since this is an outer, slow-moving planet it will take some time for it to pick up speed with this so be patient, it is moving forward and it definitely cues a time of renewed inspiration.

On the 4th we have a powerful NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in Sagittarius! This is opening up a major boost forward for us with travel plans, distant situations, foreign interests, legal needs, educational pursuits, media ventures, marketing ideas, ceremonies, religion, politics, philosophy, and adventures. We may eclipse something out to make way for what comes next but the focus is on brand new opportunities opening up or taking our current interests into next chapters here. This is at 2:43am eastern on the 4th, and for the pacific coast kicks in as early as 11:43pm on the 3rd. Do note that an Eclipse comes with a trigger field which is 4-5 days before and after so this is the most intense period of activity but as with all New Moon you can still launch up to 2 weeks after.

On the 13th MARS enters this same territory of travel, distant, foreign, legal, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, religious, political, philosophical, and adventurous interests. Mars is going to be bringing a lot of fire here. He is all about the action, passion, anger, fights, reactions, and motivation in these areas of life now. By the 17th he is visible in the sky again which can be a point of triggering the things he is now bound to do about these matters. He tours this territory until the 24th of January next year so buckle up baby, it’s go time.

We are also going to start to see a lot of energy getting busy in Capricorn this month. On the 13th MERCURY heads into this zone of personal goals, career, status, fame, and authority figures such as the boss, parent, judge, mentor, director, and other such higher-ups. So, the weeks after bring more news, talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, or decisions about it, or involve siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, or local activities about it. VENUS of course is already in this territory of personal goals, career, status, fame, and authority figures but on the 19th this month she begins her Retrograde over these topics. So, at this point we slow down when it comes to the love, income, beauty, or pleasures we are experiencing or pursuing here and we start to reassess, rethink, rekindle, release, or rework something past or ongoing here to get it right. The Venus Retrograde begins at 5:36am eastern and will last until Jan 29th so you have plenty of time in this do-over to figure things out. Do note that Venus Retrograde will be merging with Pluto on the same degree Christmas Day so there is something very deep, powerful, purgative, or transformational occurring at this time as it pertains to these matters and where we are in shared experience. The SUN also moves into this zone of career, personal goals, status, fame, and authority figures on the 21st for a 30-day tour. This puts a spotlight on these areas of life and urges us to start showing up and getting more personally or physically involved with our own interests and pursuits here while we can stand out a bit or make it about what we want.

The FULL MOON on the 18th is about what is culminating with a big decision, news coming in, an offer, agreement, sale, the writing, a talk, meeting, proposal, or idea, a brother, sister, neighbor, or move, or with vehicles, electronics, short trips, or local activities. This peaks at 11:36pm eastern and so we are building in the days leading up to this point as things wrap up, come through, are celebrated, or ended here at the apex.

We’ve all been dealing with the tension between Uranus and Saturn the entire year of 2021 as they have been in a frictional square to each other. This has meant we’ve felt a great deal of energy around the need to break free, make changes or bring some excitement into our lives, and the need for stability, long term situations, and the tried and true. Uranus has been trying to shake that stability side of things up or break it up in some way while Saturn has been trying to test and put up roadblocks to the changes. During this year Saturn has had us getting real about the structures that support us, our personal goals, career needs, bosses, parents, or other important authority figures, status, and where we are with friends, groups, causes, the internet, our freedoms, aspirations, and original projects, while Uranus has been pushing for innovations or changes around what we value, how we are valued, what’s going on with our income, purchases, possessions, or products. At 2:17am eastern on the 24th/11:17pm pacific on the 23rd, Uranus and Saturn perfect their square to each other for the last time. So, the week leading up to this and the days right around it may feel more tense or held at bay or testing in some way but do note that we are at the end of this struggle and next year they will be a bit further apart from each other giving us some breathing room.

Jupiter exits Aquarius for good on the 28th and enters Pisces where it will now travel until May 10th next year. Jupiter will then head into Aries for a bit but come back to Pisces on Oct 28th-Dec 20th 2022. So, this is our big expansion through this territory, (more about Jupiter in Aries closer to that timeframe). Jupiter loves it in Pisces because it is the old ruler of Pisces before Neptune was discovered and continues to co-rule it now with Neptune. So it is going to want to spread out and take you with it through this combination. Jupiter is about our happiness, growth, prosperity, luck, adventures, and sometimes going over the top with things. Jupiter rules the expansive topics in our lives such as travel, situations at a distance, law, politics, religion, philosophy, higher education, media, marketing, and ceremonies. So, in Pisces this can now play out on the water, through rains, the sea, rivers, lakes, across the pond so to speak, or via other water topics, it can be without boundaries, it can be magical, psychic, come through dreams, or tie in with our sleep. It can be about how these things are playing out with artistic pursuits such as film, music, painting, or poetry, or with spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation or yoga, or with romantic getaways, trysts, clandestine affairs, or karmic/past-life connections. It can involve institutions or research, investigations or projects in development. And overall, there should be times when things are so big and over the top that we can’t believe what is going on and times when there is more optimism, buoyancy and generosity in the mix. So much of what is going to occur with this transit now has to do with what we all believe in so keep the faith everyone and let’s see where this takes us.

Finally, for our Holidays, Christmas as noted is about Venus Retrograde merging with Pluto and the powerful, deep, transformational moments this can bring with loved ones. It may mean some pretty profound new ways to exchange gifts that day or help us to connect with those things from the past that come up today. New Year's Eve is fired up thanks to a Moon/Mars connection which gets us charged up to get active through travel, distance, media, educational, legal, adventurous, happy-making, prosperous, ceremonial, religious, or political interests and any fresh starts we want here. Just keep in mind that by 3:16am eastern/12:16am pacific at the end of the night or height of the night depending, this energy squares Neptune and then heads into a Void. So, it would be easier to overdo it with alcohol or other controlled substances, to wake up in someone else’s bed that you just don’t remember much about or to make it so you start your New Year a bit burnt out, so start strong, quit early, have a plan. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

So, Aries, how are you going to wrap up 2021? Let’s take a look. You start December with Neptune ending his months of Retrograde and going Direct on the 1st. This means the holding pattern, slow-downs and reassessing you have been in with artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, recuperative, addictive, secretive, investigational, or research topics is now done and you start this month heading into what comes next here. Now, I know Aries have a harder time with patience so do note that it will take some time to pick up speed as a slow moving planet just entering Direct motion but it is moving forward and you should feel like things are lifting here and this should grow stronger the further out you go from the 1st.

You also have a huge boost of energy around your 9th house of travel, distance, legal, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, religious, and political themes. This starts with the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE on the 4th, opening up 2 weeks of powerful forward momentum around these areas of life. You may be eclipsing out something here to make way for the new potential but this is really about anything brand new or next chapter you want to start here over the weeks ahead. To add to this your ruler, Mars, is heading into this same territory for the first time in 2 years on the 13th. Mars will be touring here until Jan 24th. This fires you up and gets you busier here than you’ve been in that time and it helps you find your passion for these arenas or express more passion in them. It can also bring out your fighting spirit so remember to keep anger in check, you want to use this energy to help you make things happen.

Next, there is a lot getting ready to amp up in Capricorn this month so for your sign this is about more going on with your personal goals, career interests, bosses, parents, judges, directors, mentors, or other higher-up folk. Mercury arrives here on the 13th onward so the rest of the month this brings more news, talks, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, offers, or decisions about these topics. It could also involve siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, flirtations, local activities, or ideas about it. Venus is already in this territory of goals, career, status, and authority figures so you have her benefiting you via love, income, beauty, or pleasures here. On the 19th Venus is starting her Retrograde here so you are shifting gears and heading back over old ground to reassess, release, rekindle, or rework something about the love, income, beauty, or pleasure goals or what’s going on with these topics on the career front or with authority figures. So you may slow down a bit or find you are in more of a holding pattern or heading back to the past to see what this is about for you. It’s a do-over so you want to stay flexible as you feel your way through this and allow for what is exiting, what is returning and what is reworkable at this point. Venus is Retrograde until Jan 28th so you have plenty of time to figure it out. Do note that Venus Retrograde will merge with Pluto on Christmas Day making it a very powerful day regarding something you are revisiting, releasing or reworking here. The Sun heads into this zone of personal goals, status, fame, career, and authority figures on the 21st, marking the Winter Solstice, and kicking off 30 days of illumination around your goals, career, status, fame, and authority figures. This is your cue to start showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in these matters while you have more light shining on you here.

You’ve been hosting Chiron in your sign and so therefore dealing with wounds, healing and guru energy when it comes to your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs. This month you’ll have squares here from Mercury and the Sun in Capricorn so take note to go easier on yourself since something may pop up to be dealt with about it on the 18/19th and again on the 29/30th.

There is a FULL MOON on the 18th in your 3rd house of brothers, sisters, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, writing, sales, talks, meetings, interviews, short trips, local activities, offers, and decisions. So, you should have something building to a climax here around this time. You may be wrapping things up or marking an ending, or you may be achieving goals, having breakthroughs or celebrating something as things climax.

Since the beginning of 2021 we’ve all been in the throes of the Saturn/Uranus square, a frictional tense alignment that has had them battling it out over the old, tried and true and the new. For you, Saturn has been asking for a serious look at your aspirations, original projects, freedoms, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, and causes, looking at what supports you here, the things that have been there a long time, your responsibilities, efforts, time, or ambitions in these areas and what you need to get serious about, end, or make commitments to in the matter. Uranus has been trying to shake you out of ruts when it comes to income, purchases, possessions, products, values, or how you are valued. It wants to be unpredictable, strange, changeable, surprising, innovative, or exciting here. So, Uranus has been trying to shake this tree and rattle the old, steady and true with Saturn while Saturn has been trying to put the brakes on and slow down Uranus. You are at the last alignment between them on Dec 24th and after this you will see that 2022 starts to let things flow a bit better in both arenas as they move further apart.

On the 28th Jupiter ends his tour of Aquarius and heads into Pisces where he’ll tour until May 10th, and then return again between Oct 28th-Dec 20th. Jupiter in Pisces is going to do his part to bring some growth, happiness or prosperity into your life regarding your artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, or research arenas. You may find that the way to do so is through travel, distance, relocation at a distance, educational pursuits, media, marketing ideas, ceremonies, legal channels, religion, or politics. Your beliefs are on a vast sea now and you have many opportunities in the year ahead during this passage to have some luck come your way and find something big is going on for you here if you are proactive with the potential. By the way, in between these periods of Jupiter in Pisces next year he will be showing up in your sign, more on that when we closer to the time but it sure looks good Aries.

The Holidays are again about Christmas having that deep, profound energy around Venus Retrograde with Pluto that we already addressed up above. New Years Eve starts out with lots of passion, fighting spirit or activity around those travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests so you should be ready to dive in and do something here. This is great but do take note that by around 3am eastern/12pm pacific this enters into a square with Neptune so you will want to have a designated driver if you go out, watch the amount you are consuming if you stay in or go out, and perhaps stay away from things that make you nostalgic as the night winds on, you don’t want to start your new year in a funk! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Aries.

To book a private reading to look at your year ahead email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask for details about rates and availability!

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn is up here: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm or direct link to player is here: http://healthylifenet.mainstreamnetwork.com/media/ZM111921.mp3

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aquarius & Pisces is up here: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2021/11/19/the-zoe-moon-astrology-december-monthly-for-aquarius-pisces

It’s the last month of 2021 Taurus, are you ready?! You start December with Neptune shifting gears, exiting his months of Retrograde and going Direct again on the 1st. Neptune rules artistic, romantic and spiritual matters, secrets, deceptions and addictions, boundaries, past life matters, and the veil between worlds, magic, psychic interests, research, investigations, and institutions. For your sign this is in the territory of friendships, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, freedom, aspirations, and original projects. So, the slow-downs, the holding patterns, and the reassessing of situations is now over and it’s time to start moving forward again into what comes next.

We then have a NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE on the 4th so you wake on this day with a powerful boost forward in the area of financial matters, sexual interests, reproductive needs, birth, death, divorce, power, control, and third-party situations. Something may be eclipsed out to make way for this bold new beginning but it is about the new beginning or about taking something in one of these areas into that next chapter. You have 2 weeks of momentum starting now. To add to this story, Mars is heading into the same zone on the 13th and will tour here for about 7+ weeks. Mars is going to fire you up, motivate you to do more, stir passions, spark anger or fights, or just get you busier than you’ve been in 2 years about these topics. So expect to really see something moving now with loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, commissions, a partner’s money, or other financial interests, your sexual appetites, or any of the other New Moon Solar Eclipse topics, forward you go!

Mercury changes signs on the 13th as well, moving into your zone of travel, legal, educational, distant, media, marketing, ceremonial, religious, and political topics. This should open up more news, talks, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, or interests with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, offers, or decisions about these matters in the weeks ahead. Venus is already in this arena of travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, distant, religious, and political matters as the month begins so there is also more going on with love, income, beauty, or pleasure through these realms. However, on the 19th Venus Retrogrades so you will notice things starting to slow down or get into a holding pattern leading up to this date and then you head back over old ground once the Retrograde kicks in. Over these weeks ahead you may take a break from a love or income situation or with a beauty or pleasure pursuit, or you may return to a past situation or rework an ongoing scenario, it’s a do-over, and you’ll have until Jan 29th before Venus turns back around and starts moving forward again so pace yourself. Venus is in this territory until March 6th so you have plenty of time to figure it all out. The Sun also heads into this territory, marking the Winter Solstice, on the 21st and will travel here for 30 days. This is your cue to start showing up and getting more personally or physically involved and to make it about your interests in these arenas over the weeks ahead. Do note that Christmas Day hosts Venus Retrograde merging with Pluto so something very powerful and tied to the past is coming together for you on this day when things can go deep or focus on shared, third-party, financial, sexual, or other powerful scenarios over your do-over with love, income, beauty, or pleasure and the trip, distant situation, legal matter, media venture, educational pursuit, ceremony, religious experience, or political needs. I believe this may open up a new door for you and connect with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational opportunities as well. I’m wishing you a Merry Christmas.

The FULL MOON on the 18th climaxes that evening so you are building to something that is going to peak around your income, purchases, possessions, or products on this day. You could be wrapping something up, marking an ending, having a breakthrough, celebrating, or achieving a goal here.

Chiron, the wounded healer, is going to be under frictional energy sometime between the 18-19th and again between the 29th/30th so you’ll want to watch out for wounds, vulnerabilities, and healing possibilities around artistic, romantic, spiritual, secretive, addictive, deceptive, karmic, investigational, research, or institutional arenas now. News, talks or decisions about a travel, legal, distant, media, ceremonial, religious, educational, or political matter is at the heart of it for your sign.

Since 2021 began the year has been in this push/pull frictional pattern between Saturn-the structures that have supported, the old, tried and true, the rules and regulations, the time involved, the responsibilities, limits, endings/commitments, goals, authority figures, or ambitions in your life, and Uranus-the wild, the free, the revolutionary, the suddenly changing, the excitable, the genius, the perverse, the surprising, the shaking, the shocking, or the innovations in your life. The final square between them perfects on the 24th. So, for you there is something with Saturn playing out around your status, goals, career, or authority figures, and something about your needs or body playing out with Uranus that is at it’s last push/pull here. It’s very possible that you’ve been trying hard to reinvent yourself within the big goal you are striving towards but have had all kinds of personal or physical obstacles to that goal and now you are at the final juncture here. Be in the moment, keep your eye on the prize.

On the evening of the 28th Jupiter ends his journey through Aquarius and enters Pisces where he’ll tour now until May 10th, and then return to Oct 28th-Dec 20th, 2022. This means the growth, happiness, prosperity, and adventures of life are now going to be playing out in this zone of artistry, romance, spirituality, secrets, karma, past life interests, dreams, magic, psychic abilities, dealing with addictions, investigations, research, and institutions. For your sign it involves friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, original projects, and freedoms. Start to look at possibilities here.

New Year's Eve starts out strong with lots of passion or action around sexual attractions, financial interests or third-party situations but does hit a square to Neptune around 3am eastern so you will need to be careful with social or online situations and alcohol, drugs, secrets, deceptions, water, or boundary issues if you stay up late. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Taurus!

To book a private reading to look at your year ahead email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask for details about rates and availability!

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn is up here: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm or direct link to player is here: http://healthylifenet.mainstreamnetwork.com/media/ZM111921.mp3

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aquarius & Pisces is up here: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2021/11/19/the-zoe-moon-astrology-december-monthly-for-aquarius-pisces

Can you believe you made it to the final month of 2021?! What a year. December starts with Neptune, the planet of artistic, romantic and spiritual matters, secrets, deceptions and addictions, boundaries, past life matters, and the veil between worlds, magic, psychic interests, research, investigations, and institutions, coming out of months of Retrograde and going Direct again on the 1st. For your sign this is in the territory of personal goals, status, fame, career, and authority figures. So, the slow-downs, the holding patterns, and the reassessing of situations is now over and it’s time to start moving forward again into what comes next. Examples could be you find your artistic project is now getting noticed by that higher up or your romantic goal is back in sight or your research moves you closer to your career objectives, you get the idea.

There is then a NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE on the 4th so you start the day with a powerful boost forward regarding partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, or other relationships. You may be eclipsing something out to start anew but it is about the new beginning so look at launching into new relationships, new interests with ongoing relationships or fresh opportunities or directions with them. You have 2 weeks of forward momentum with this Eclipse. To add to the dynamic boost you are getting with these folks, Mars enters this same relationship zone on the 13th and over the next 7+ weeks will really fire things up with them. You may have a lot more passion expressed, need to deal with anger or fights, or get a lot more motivated and active with or about them. It’s been 2 years since you had this kind of potential to make things happen one-on-one so make the most of it Gemini!

Mercury moves into your zone of loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, bankruptcy, inheritance, alimony, child support, and any other type of financial interests you have, as well as your zone of sexual interests, reproduction, birth, death, divorce, and third-party situations on the 13th. So the weeks ahead open up more news, talks, meetings, sales, writing, offers, or decisions about these matters. Venus is already in this zone since November 5th so there is a focus on love, income, beauty, or pleasure in these matters as well, and on the 19th this shifts in some way as Venus Retrogrades. So now you are slowing down a bit and either reassessing things, returning to the past over something or reworking an ongoing situation with love, income, beauty, or pleasure and the sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, other financial, or third-party story. The Retrograde lasts until Jan 29th at which point you’ll start moving forward again and this stays in this arena until March 6th! The Sun also joins in the story of financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, and third-party stories starting on the 21st as he enters Capricorn and marks the Winter Solstice. You now have 30 days of spotlight here that is your cue to start getting more personally or physically involved with these topics. Do note that Christmas Day is going to be about Venus Retrograde and Pluto merging on the same degree in this zone of financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, and third-party matters so there is something deeply profound or changing and evolving this Christmas about what’s going on with these energies and the news, talks or decisions now should put you into flow at home or with family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, or roommates in the situation. I’m wishing you a Merry Christmas Gemini.

The FULL MOON on the 18th peaks in the evening and is about what is coming to a climax in your sign! This culminates at the 27th degree of Gemini so if you are born in the last 10 days of your sign then you will feel this the strongest or if you have planets in the last 10 degrees, ditto. This is when you can find yourself the center of attention, garnering some recognition, celebrating, or having something wrap up, end or come through for you regarding your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs, or reach for some summit that has a focus on you in some way.

Chiron, the wounded healer, is active between the 18-19th and again between the 29th/30th so watch for wounds, vulnerabilities, or healing potential with friends, groups, associates, freedoms, original projects, aspirations, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings during this period. News, talks or decisions that draw you in or focus on your needs in this story are around financial, sexual, reproductive, power, control, jealousy, birth, death, divorce, or third-party stories in the mix.

Since 2021 began the year has been in this push/pull frictional pattern between Saturn-the structures that have supported, the old, tried and true, the rules and regulations, the time involved, the responsibilities, limits, endings/commitments, goals, authority figures, or ambitions in your life, and Uranus-the wild, the free, the revolutionary, the suddenly changing, the excitable, the genius, the perverse, the surprising, the shaking, the shocking, or the innovations in your life. The final square between them perfects on the 24th. So, for you there is something with Saturn playing out around your legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, religious, or political interests, and something about institutions, research, hidden agendas, secrets, deceptions, addictions, karma, spiritual interests, romance, or artistic pursuits playing out with Uranus that is at its last push/pull here. Expect to feel the last big push over the top of this or around it during this time.

Jupiter moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces on the 28th where he will now tour until May 10th, and then will return again next year between Oct 28-Dec 20th. This is about growth, happiness, adventure, or prosperity now in the sign of artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, magic, psychic, secretive, addictive, investigational, and research-oriented Pisces, and playing out for you around personal goals, career, status, fame, or authority figures. So, you may decide to launch a media venture or start teaching on the career front or involve a boss, parent or other higher up on something big with an institution or you might have a personal goal that is romantic taking off now, you get the idea, aim high.

New Year's Eve is going to be about partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, or other such relationships for you Gemini and this looks fired up and passionate at the get-go but if you are up much after midnight it begins to square Neptune so there could be some over-imbibing of alcohol or substances and an issue with an authority figure or some weirdness, isolation or sadness kicking in around a goal or reputation in the mix, so perhaps wrap it early? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Gemini!

To book a private reading to look at your year ahead email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask for details about rates and availability!

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn is up here: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm or direct link to player is here: http://healthylifenet.mainstreamnetwork.com/media/ZM111921.mp3

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aquarius & Pisces is up here: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2021/11/19/the-zoe-moon-astrology-december-monthly-for-aquarius-pisces

It’s the last month of 2021, are you ready?! You start December with Neptune shifting gears, exiting his months of Retrograde and going Direct again on the 1st. Neptune rules artistic, romantic and spiritual matters, secrets, deceptions and addictions, boundaries, past life matters, and the veil between worlds, magic, psychic interests, research, investigations, and institutions. For your sign this is in the territory of legal matters, travel plans, distant situations, media, marketing, education, ceremonies, religion, and politics. So, the slow-downs, the holding patterns, and the reassessing of situations is now over and it’s time to start moving forward again into what comes next. Examples could be romantic travel is back on or a romance at a distance kicks back up, your art classes are starting to pick back up or your research now turns up a legal benefit, you get the idea, forward you go.

There is a NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE on the 4th so you wake this morning with a major boost forward in effect and the potential to eclipse out what might be in the way of that forward movement. The focus for your sign is on work, health or animals, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, cleaning, organizing, simplifying, analyzing, or going organic. You have 2 weeks of potential now to start something brand new or take your current situation into that next chapter. To add to how powerful this time is for you, Mars joins the story starting on the 13th and will spend the next 7+ weeks firing things up, bringing out more passion, anger, fighting spirit, motivation, and/or activity about these topics so that you can make things happen. You haven’t had Mars in this story in a couple years so plan on getting busy Cancer!

Mercury moves into your relationship zone on the 13th and will spend the rest of the month bringing more news, talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, agreements, short trips, local activities, or decisions into play with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, and the like. Venus is already in this zone as you head into December, and in fact has been here since November 5th! She has been doing her part to focus on the love, income, beauty, or pleasure with these relationships. Now, on the 19th Venus Retrogrades. So, you start to slow down, return to the past, exit or allow for some space, or rework an ongoing situation, all with an eye on figuring something out, fixing it or letting it go now through Jan 29th. On Jan 29th Venus Retrograde ends and you start to move things forward again up through March 6th when Venus finally exits this territory. So make the most of these 4 months! The Sun also moves into this zone of partners, clients, specialists, reps, and other such folks on the 21st, marking the Winter Solstice as he arrives and traveling here for the next 30 days. This indicates a period when you are showing up and getting more personally or physically involved with these folks and when you can make it about you and your interests, brand, body, name, title, or needs in the mix. Do note that Christmas Day is really focusing on Venus Retrograde meeting up with Pluto in this territory of relationships so there is something very deep, profound, purgative, changing, or evolving with the love, income, beauty, or pleasure and your do-over here on this day. The talks, offers or decisions in the mix should show you what is in flow here. I’m wishing you a Merry Christmas!

The FULL MOON on the 18th peaks in the evening and is about what is culminating with an institution, the research, a secret, deception, water issue or interest, artistic pursuit, romantic connection or getaway, spiritual matter, magical interest, psychic ability, dream, bad habit, addiction, or investigation. You could be wrapping things up, marking an ending, celebrating, or achieving your goals in these areas.

Chiron, the wounded healer, is active between the 18-19th and again between the 29th/30th so you may have wounds, vulnerabilities or healing potential around a boss, parent, judge, mentor, or other authority figure, or with a personal goal or career matter to contend with. The news, talk or decision with a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, opponent, or advocate brings this to light.

Since 2021 began the year has been in this push/pull frictional pattern between Saturn-the structures that have supported, the old, tried and true, the rules and regulations, the time involved, the responsibilities, limits, endings/commitments, goals, authority figures, or ambitions in your life, and Uranus-the wild, the free, the revolutionary, the suddenly changing, the excitable, the genius, the perverse, the surprising, the shaking, the shocking, or the innovations in your life. The final square between them perfects on the 24th. So, for you there is something with Saturn playing out around your loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, partner’s money, or other financial interests, or with your sex life, reproductive needs, a birth, death, divorce, or third-party situations, and something about friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, freedoms, or original projects playing out with Uranus that is at its last push/pull here. So watch for what is finally coming into it’s last turning point in your story around this time.

On the 28th Jupiter exits Aquarius and enters Pisces where he will now travel until May 10th next year, and then he will return to Pisces again from Oct 28-Dec 20th next year so these are your windows of growth, happiness, prosperity, or adventure when it comes to institutions, research, artistic, romantic, addictive, secretive, or spiritual interests and what’s playing out with travel, distance, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political realms. Pay attention to what might be opening up and moving forward between these arenas starting this evening onward.

New Years Eve is about work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers this year for you and it starts out quite fired up and active but after midnight it starts to build to some wonky Neptune energy so you may have something unforeseen popping up with travel plans, distant situations, legal matters, educational pursuits, media ventures, ceremonies, religion, or politics that tests a bit if you are up after this time. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Cancer!

To book a private reading to look at your year ahead email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask for details about rates and availability!

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn is up here: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm or direct link to player is here: http://healthylifenet.mainstreamnetwork.com/media/ZM111921.mp3

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aquarius & Pisces is up here: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2021/11/19/the-zoe-moon-astrology-december-monthly-for-aquarius-pisces

It’s the last month of 2021, are you ready?! You start December with Neptune shifting gears, exiting his months of Retrograde and going Direct again on the 1st. Neptune rules artistic, romantic and spiritual matters, secrets, deceptions and addictions, boundaries, past life matters, and the veil between worlds, magic, psychic interests, research, investigations, and institutions. For your sign this is in the territory of personal power, power struggles, financial matters, sexual interests, reproduction, birth, death, divorce, and third-party situations. So, the slow-downs, the holding patterns, and the reassessing of situations is now over and it’s time to start moving forward again into what comes next. Examples could be something now moving into the next chapter financially from the research that is done or involving that institution, or your romantic and sexual life is now ready to move into that next chapter, you get the idea, look at the possibilities between these areas of life.

The NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE on the 4th is a powerful new beginning for you with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. Something may be eclipsed out to make way for this new beginning but it is the new beginning that you should be proactive about now. You have 2 weeks to launch into something new or take your current interests into that next chapter. To add to the power of this fresh start, Mars is also moving into your zone of lovers, kids, creative ventures, and recreation so you now have energy that is firing things up, sparking more passion, anger or fights, or motivating you to make things happen here. Mars will be here for a bout 7+ weeks so expect to get busier than you’ve been in a long time regarding these interests.

Mercury heads into your zone of work, health and animals, as well as with paperwork, co-workers, and hired help on the 13th. So, the weeks ahead bring more news, talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, moves, vehicles, offers, or decisions focused on these topics. Venus entered this same territory of health, work, animals, paperwork, hired help, and co-workers back on Nov 5th so you also have something going on in these areas about love, income, beauty, or pleasures. This month, on the 19th, Venus Retrogrades so you start to slow down with these topics and head back over something past, exit something current or rework the ongoing or past interest here. You’ll be in do-over mode with love, money, beauty, or pleasure in these situations now through Jan 29th and then things start to move forward again and Venus continues to take you forward with work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers about it through March 6th before moving on. The Sun heads into this zone of work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, and co-workers on the 21st, marking the Winter Solstice and kicking off 30 days of spotlight here. This is your cue to start showing up and getting more personally or physically involved with these matters, making it about you. Do note that Venus Retrograde and Pluto will be merging on the same degree on Christmas Day this year so there is something profound, powerful, deep, or changing for you tied to love, money, beauty, pleasure, your health, work, co-workers, hired help, animals, or paperwork now. I wish you a Merry Christmas.

The FULL MOON on the 18th is bringing something to a climax with friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, your freedoms, original projects, gatherings, or aspirations. So, you could be wrapping things up, marking an ending, achieving goals, or celebrating something here as it climaxes this evening.

Chiron, the wounded healer, will be testy between 18-19th and again between the 29th-30th so you could have wounds, vulnerabilities, or healing situations arriving around travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes and involve you and your health, animals, work, co-workers, hired help, or paperwork.

Since 2021 began the year has been in this push/pull frictional pattern between Saturn-the structures that have supported, the old, tried and true, the rules and regulations, the time involved, the responsibilities, limits, endings/commitments, goals, authority figures, or ambitions in your life, and Uranus-the wild, the free, the revolutionary, the suddenly changing, the excitable, the genius, the perverse, the surprising, the shaking, the shocking, or the innovations in your life. The final square between them perfects on the 24th. So, for you there is something with Saturn playing out around your partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, or other relationships, and something about your personal goals, career, status, fame, or authority figures are playing out with Uranus that is at its last push/pull here. So expect some last big push around this date.

On the 28th Jupiter exits Aquarius and moves into Pisces. Jupiter is about growth, happiness, prosperity, and adventure and rules travel, distance, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, and political interests. In Pisces there can be institutions, research, artistic, romantic, spiritual, addictive, or secretive energies at play here. And for your sign it is about power, control, sex, finances, death, birth, divorce, or third-party interests over the months ahead. So, for example, you could now pursue your happiness by signing legal documents about financial or divorce interests with an institution, or you may relocate or travel for the birth of a child or the death of someone at an institution, or you may relocate and find romance and sexual attractions are found at the new location, you get the idea, look at the combination. Jupiter will traverse Pisces until May 10th and then come back for one last round here between Oct 28-Dec 20th, 2022, make the most of it!

New Year's Eve is active with kids, lovers, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits so you should be busy with something here but do note that after midnight the energy is building to a square to Neptune so careful with alcohol, drugs, water, depression, isolation, and weird, out-of-sorts feelings revolving around financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party situations. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Leo!

To book a private reading to look at your year ahead email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask for details about rates and availability!

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn is up here: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm or direct link to player is here: http://healthylifenet.mainstreamnetwork.com/media/ZM111921.mp3

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aquarius & Pisces is up here: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2021/11/19/the-zoe-moon-astrology-december-monthly-for-aquarius-pisces

It’s the last month of 2021, are you ready?! You start December with Neptune shifting gears, exiting his months of Retrograde and going Direct again on the 1st. Neptune rules artistic, romantic and spiritual matters, secrets, deceptions and addictions, boundaries, past life matters, and the veil between worlds, magic, psychic interests, research, investigations, and institutions. For your sign this is in the territory of partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, and other such relationships as well as with justice, balance and higher esthetics. So, the slow-downs, the holding patterns, and the reassessing of situations is now over and it’s time to start moving forward again into what comes next. Examples could be forward movement with a business partner or clients regarding your artistic project, or forward movement with romantic interests and a romantic partner, or an attorney now ready to help you with the institution, you get the idea.

The NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE arrives on the 4th so you wake with a powerful boost forward focused on your home, move, renovation, real estate deals, parents, roommates, or family. You have 2 weeks to launch into something brand new or take your current interests into that next chapter. If you need to eclipse something out to make your way forward that is possible as well. To add to the power of this forward energy, Mars moves into this zone of home, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, and real estate deals on the 13th! Mars hasn’t been here in a couple years and will spend the next 7+ weeks firing things up, bringing more passion, anger, fights, motivation, or action to the stories playing out here. Lean into the positive, it’s go time!

Mercury heads into your zone of lovers, kids, creative ventures, and recreational pursuits on the 13th so the weeks ahead can open up more talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, moves, offers, or decisions about these topics. Venus is about love, income, beauty, and pleasure and she is already in this zone of lovers, kids, creativity, and fun, having entered here back on Nov 5th. This month on the 19th Venus Retrogrades so things will slow down or you will return to something past, exit or allow for an exit of something present or rework a current interest here in your do-over. This lasts until Jan 29th and then Venus will go Direct again and you will move forward again with these interests through March 6th. So, watch for a shift in the story around this time and pace yourself. The Sun then enters this same territory on the 21st, marking the Winter Solstice, and kicking off 30 days of spotlight on your love life/lovers, kids, creative ventures, and recreational pursuits. This is your cue to show up and get more personally or physically involved and to make it about your interests or needs here. Do note that on Christmas Day Venus Retrograde will meet up with Pluto on the same degree in this zone of lovers, kids, creativity, and fun, so you’ll be revisiting something about the love, income, beauty, pleasure, sexual, financial, divorce, birth, death, or third-party stories here on this day. I’m wishing you a Merry Christmas!

You have a FULL MOON on the 18th in your zone of career, status, fame, personal goals, and authority figures, so something is culminating here around this time. You could be wrapping up projects, marking an ending, celebrating, or achieving goals in one or more of these arenas.

Chiron, the wounded healer, is active between the 18-19th and again between the 29th-30th so you may have to contend with a wound, vulnerability, or healing potential now focused on financial, sexual, birth, death, divorce, or third-party situations. Expect news, talks or decisions involving you and a creative venture, the kids, a lover, or recreational pursuit to play into the story.

Since 2021 began the year has been in this push/pull frictional pattern between Saturn-the structures that have supported, the old, tried and true, the rules and regulations, the time involved, the responsibilities, limits, endings/commitments, goals, authority figures, or ambitions in your life, and Uranus-the wild, the free, the revolutionary, the suddenly changing, the excitable, the genius, the perverse, the surprising, the shaking, the shocking, or the innovations in your life. The final square between them perfects on the 24th. So, for you there is something with Saturn playing out around your work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers, and something about travel, foreign, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests playing out with Uranus that is at its last push/pull here. So expect to feel this last big push.

Jupiter heads into Pisces on the 28th, exiting Aquarius for good. She will now travel through Pisces until May 10th and then she will return for one last time to this sign Oct 28-Dec 20th 2022. So, Jupiter wants personal growth, happiness, prosperity, or adventure and may bring travel, media, educational, legal, ceremonial, religious, or political themes to bear, and the focus for your sign is going to be on partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, or other relationships. So, make it about your connections starting now and see how far this might take you in the months ahead!

New Year's Eve has a lot of spark to it and is focused on your or another’s home, family, move, renovation, real estate deals, parents, roommates, or emotional needs. So, you may find more passion, anger or activity going on here tonight but do note that after midnight Neptune brings some foggy, weird or sad energy into the equation around a partner, client, specialist, representative, competitor, or other such person so you don’t want to overdo the alcohol or drugs, watch for con artists, water issues, or secrets coming out, and perhaps just ring in that New Year and hit the hay while the energy is still in flow! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Virgo!

To book a private reading to look at your year ahead email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask for details about rates and availability!

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn is up here: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm or direct link to player is here: http://healthylifenet.mainstreamnetwork.com/media/ZM111921.mp3

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aquarius & Pisces is up here: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2021/11/19/the-zoe-moon-astrology-december-monthly-for-aquarius-pisces

It’s the last month of 2021, are you ready?! You start December with Neptune shifting gears, exiting his months of Retrograde and going Direct again on the 1st. Neptune rules artistic, romantic and spiritual matters, secrets, deceptions and addictions, boundaries, past life matters, and the veil between worlds, magic, psychic interests, research, investigations, and institutions. For your sign this is in the territory of work, co-workers, health, hired help, paperwork, and animals. So, the slow-downs, the holding patterns, and the reassessing of situations is now over and it’s time to start moving forward again into what comes next. Examples could be you can now move ahead with artistic work projects or find a job through the research you do, or you could now move ahead with that secret or private romantic connection with a co-worker, or you could schedule something at an institution like a spa or retreat or hospital for your health now, you get the idea, look for possibilities.

There is a NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE on the 4th so you wake with powerful forward momentum now focused on your talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, agreements, or decisions or on siblings, neighbors, short trips, moves, local activities, vehicles, or electronics. This is about starting something brand new or taking a current situation into that next chapter over the next 2 weeks, and if need be eclipsing out what blocks this forward momentum as part of that story. To add to the powerful boost forward here, Mars joins in on the 13th onward, now traveling through these matters over the next 7+ weeks! Mars fires things up, brings more passion, anger, fights, motivation, or action to your communications, commerce, local activities, short trips, move, siblings, etc, so you will have a whole lot going on over this period. Get ready to be busier than you’ve been in some time here.

Also, on the 13th Mercury moves into new territory, entering your zone of home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, and roommates for the rest of the month. This brings the potential for more talks, news, meetings, sales, writing, offers, or involvement with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, or local activities focused on these matters. Venus is already in this territory so you have potential to focus on love, income, beauty, or pleasure here as well, since Nov 5th. On the 19th of this month Venus Retrogrades so you will start to slow and then reassess, release, rekindle, or rework ongoing or past situations to figure something out. The Retrograde lasts until Jan 29th at which point Venus will start taking things forward again and keep it that way until she exits this zone on March 6th. The Sun moves into this territory of talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, moves, local activities, neighbors, siblings, vehicles, and electronics on the 21st, marking the Winter Solstice and kicking off 30 days here. This is your cue to start showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in your interests here while you can stand out and make it about you! Do note that on Christmas Day Venus Retrograde will merge with Pluto in this zone of home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, and roommates so there is something deep, profound, changing, evolving, and about your do-over with love, money, beauty, pleasure, going on here today. I wish you a Merry Christmas!

There’s a FULL MOON on the 18th in the evening that is bringing things to a climax for you regarding travel, distance, foreign, legal, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, religious, or political interests. So, you may be wrapping up a project, marking an ending, celebrating, or achieving something here as things come to a head.

Chiron, the wounded healer, is active between the 18-19th and again between the 29-30th so you may have something pop up around wounds, vulnerabilities or healing with a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, or other such individual and need to be present about what is going on at home, with family, a move, renovation, real estate deal, parent, or roommate in the mix.

Since 2021 began the year has been in this push/pull frictional pattern between Saturn-the structures that have supported, the old, tried and true, the rules and regulations, the time involved, the responsibilities, limits, endings/commitments, goals, authority figures, or ambitions in your life, and Uranus-the wild, the free, the revolutionary, the suddenly changing, the excitable, the genius, the perverse, the surprising, the shaking, the shocking, or the innovations in your life. The final square between them perfects on the 24th. So, for you there is something with Saturn playing out around your creative ventures, lovers/love life, kids, or recreational pursuits, and something about financial matters, sex, obsessions, jealousy, triangles, reproduction, birth, death, divorce, or empowerment playing out with Uranus that is at its last push/pull here. So, expect something big to be hitting its last turning point here around this time.

Jupiter heads into Pisces, exiting Aquarius for good, on the 28th and will now tour Pisces through May 10th and then again Oct 28-Dec 20th next year. So, Jupiter wants growth, happiness, prosperity, or adventure, and rules travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, and political interests. Pisces is about the arts, romance, spirituality, institutions, research, magic, and psychic interests. So you can see a surge between these arenas and for your sign it will play out for you tied to your work, health, animals, paperwork, co-workers, or hired help. Examples could be things start to go big with a media venture in the arts that lets you find prosperity in your job, or you start teaching or learning something spiritual that opens up opportunities for growth with your job, health or co-workers, you get the idea, look for the possibilities!

New Year's Eve starts out with a lot of fire and action, passion or activity going on locally, on a short trip, with siblings, neighbors, or in talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, or decisions. Do note that Neptune will get wonky after midnight so things could be testy around alcohol, drugs, water, isolation, sadness, or other weird Neptunian energy involving a co-worker, the job, health, animals, paperwork, or hired help, so perhaps ring in the New Year and then head to bed, lol! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Libra.

To book a private reading to look at your year ahead email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask for details about rates and availability!

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn is up here: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm or direct link to player is here: http://healthylifenet.mainstreamnetwork.com/media/ZM111921.mp3

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aquarius & Pisces is up here: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2021/11/19/the-zoe-moon-astrology-december-monthly-for-aquarius-pisces

It’s the last month of 2021, are you ready?! You start December with Neptune shifting gears, exiting his months of Retrograde and going Direct again on the 1st. Neptune rules artistic, romantic and spiritual matters, secrets, deceptions and addictions, boundaries, past life matters, and the veil between worlds, magic, psychic interests, research, investigations, and institutions. For your sign this is in the territory of lovers, children, creative ventures, and recreational pursuits. So, the slow-downs, the holding patterns, and the reassessing of situations is now over and it’s time to start moving forward again into what comes next. Examples could be you can now see forward movement with the artistic creative ventures, or a romance can now bloom with a lover, or the kids are ready to get into that institution, you get the idea, look for forward movement.

The NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE is on the 4th and so you wake with powerful forward momentum around income situations, purchases, your possessions, or products. You have 2 weeks to launch into something new or take your current interests into that next chapter. If you need to eclipse something out that blocks this forward journey then that is possible as well. To add to the potential you have now in these arenas, Mars comes on board on the 13th and will tour here for about 7+ weeks. Mars brings more passion, anger, fights, motivation, or action to these stories and fires you up more than you’ve been about it in a couple years. Make the most of it Scorpio!

Mercury moves into your 3rd house of talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, moves, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics on the 13th and will tour here the rest of the month. This should bring a lot more options in these areas for you and a sense of things moving quicker than before. Venus has been here since Nov 5th and this month on the 19th Venus Retrogrades. She is about the love, income, beauty, or pleasure you are getting via these talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, agreements, short trips, moves, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. So, during the Retrograde you slow down with this a bit and either return to the past, rework the ongoing situation or take some space to figure things out about the love, income, beauty, or pleasure in the mix. The Retrograde ends on Jan 29th so at that point you start moving forward again and you’ll finish in this territory on March 6th. That’s 4 months of potential to figure something out here, pace yourself. The Sun also joins this story, moving into this territory on the 21st, marking the Winter Solstice and kicking off 30 days of illumination with your talks, meetings, short trips, writing, sales, etc. This is your cue to show up and get more personally or physically involved over the weeks ahead, and make it about you! Do note that on Christmas Day Venus Retrograde will merge with Pluto for something powerful, deep, transformational, involving your do-over with love, income, beauty, or pleasures and the talks, meetings, sales, writing, news, offers, or decisions in the mix today. I’m wishing you a Merry Christmas!

The FULL MOON on the 18th is about what is climaxing with a loan, the debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, a partner’s money, other financial interests, or with sexual attractions, reproductive needs, birth, death, divorce, or third-party situations. Something can come to a close, wrap up, be achieved, or reason to celebrate now.

Chiron, the wounded healer, is active between the 18-19th and again between the 29-30th so you may have something coming up with wounds, vulnerabilities or healing now involving your work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. News, talks or decisions involving you will show you what this is about.

Since 2021 began the year has been in this push/pull frictional pattern between Saturn-the structures that have supported, the old, tried and true, the rules and regulations, the time involved, the responsibilities, limits, endings/commitments, goals, authority figures, or ambitions in your life, and Uranus-the wild, the free, the revolutionary, the suddenly changing, the excitable, the genius, the perverse, the surprising, the shaking, the shocking, or the innovations in your life. The final square between them perfects on the 24th. So, for you there is something with Saturn playing out around your home, move, renovation, real estate deal, parent, family, or roommate needs, and something about a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, opponent, competitor, advocate, or other relationship playing out with Uranus that is at its last push/pull here. So expect one last big moment between these themes now.

Jupiter exits Aquarius for good and enters Pisces on the 28th where he will tour until May 10th, he’ll then exit for a bit and return to finish up in Pisces from Oct 28-Dec 20th 2022. So, Jupiter is about growth, happiness, prosperity, or adventure, and rules travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious or political interests. Pisces is the land of artistic, romantic, spiritual, magical, psychic, addictive, secretive, institutional, and research interests. So we are seeing things work together here and for your sign this is all going to be aimed at your love life, lover, the kids, your creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. Examples could be more travel with a lover for romantic pursuits, or pursuing artistic media ventures to showcase your creative talents, or teaching kids at an institution, you get the idea, look for the possibilities.

New Year's Eve starts out fired up, passionate, angry, motivated, or busy regarding purchases, possessions, products, or income so you may be all amped up and raring to go. Just note that after midnight the square to Neptune can bring issues with alcohol, drugs, water, isolation, sadness, or confusion to bear with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits so perhaps ring in the New Year and hit the hay before this takes hold! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Scorpio.

To book a private reading to look at your year ahead email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask for details about rates and availability!

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn is up here: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm or direct link to player is here: http://healthylifenet.mainstreamnetwork.com/media/ZM111921.mp3

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aquarius & Pisces is up here: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2021/11/19/the-zoe-moon-astrology-december-monthly-for-aquarius-pisces

It’s the last month of 2021, are you ready?! You start December with Neptune shifting gears, exiting his months of Retrograde and going Direct again on the 1st. Neptune rules artistic, romantic and spiritual matters, secrets, deceptions and addictions, boundaries, past life matters, and the veil between worlds, magic, psychic interests, research, investigations, and institutions. For your sign this is in the territory of home, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, roommates, and family. So, the slow-downs, the holding patterns, and the reassessing of situations is now over and it’s time to start moving forward again into what comes next. Examples could be that things can now start moving forward with your properties after the efforts artistically or through research are underway, or you may have something magical or spiritual focused on a parent now moving forward, or you may find a romance that sparks up means a move for you in the months ahead, you get the idea, look for the possibilities.

The NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE on the 4th is in your sign, Sage! This is big! It means something is coming to a climax for you, about you, and it could be putting you in the spotlight, opening up potential for you to start something brand new or to take a current situation into a new chapter, and the focus is on your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, involvement in things of a personal nature, or your personal needs. You have 2 weeks to move ahead and if you need to eclipse something out that blocks this forward potential that is possible as well. To add to the power of this cosmic boost you are getting, Mars enters your sign on the 13th and will tour Sagittarius for the next 7+ weeks! Mars will fire you up, get you more passionate, angry, motivated, or active and again it’s about you and your interests. Make the most of all this focus on you, others will notice and you will have more potential to shine.

Mercury enters your zone of income, purchases, possessions, and products on the 13th so the rest of the month this should help you get into talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, or local activities, about it or may bring siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics into the story for you. Venus entered this income, purchases, possessions, and products zone back on Nov 5th so she has been doing her part to help you charm others, attract money, love, beauty, or pleasure in these areas, or smooth out issues since then. This month on the 19th Venus Retrogrades so you will feel a shift in this energy as you are now meant to slow down a bit and return to something past, rework something current or exit something altogether regarding her influences here until Jan 29th. Venus will then go Direct and you will start to move forward with these topics again through March 6th. The Sun also heads into this zone of income, purchases, possessions, and products on the 21st, kicking off the Winter Solstice and a 30-day tour through these interests. This puts a spotlight here and urges you to start showing up and getting more personally or physically involved while you stand out and can make it about your interests in the mix. Do note that on Christmas Day Venus Retrograde will meet up with Pluto on the same degree in this zone of purchases, possessions, products, and income, so you may be revisiting, releasing or rekindling something of a love, money, beauty, or pleasure nature that is quite deep, profound or changing in some way. The goals, career or parent, boss, or other authority figure in the mix is in flow here today. I wish you a Merry Christmas!

There is a FULL MOON on the 18th in your relationship zone so something is culminating with a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, advocate, or other such relationship. You might be celebrating, wrapping something up, marking an ending, or achieving a goal at this point with this person.

Chiron, the wounded healer, is active between the 18-19th and again between the 29-30th so you may have wounds, vulnerabilities or healing front and center now. This is focused on a lover, the kids, a creative venture, or recreational pursuit and involves you around income scenarios, purchases, possessions, values, or products in the mix.

Since 2021 began the year has been in this push/pull frictional pattern between Saturn-the structures that have supported, the old, tried and true, the rules and regulations, the time involved, the responsibilities, limits, endings/commitments, goals, authority figures, or ambitions in your life, and Uranus-the wild, the free, the revolutionary, the suddenly changing, the excitable, the genius, the perverse, the surprising, the shaking, the shocking, or the innovations in your life. The final square between them perfects on the 24th. So, for you there is something with Saturn playing out around your talks, meetings, writing, sales, interviews, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, short trips, local activities, offers, or decisions, and something about work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers playing out with Uranus that is at its last push/pull here. So, expect one last big moment around these arenas.

Jupiter exits Aquarius for good and heads into Pisces on the 28th where he’ll now tour through May 10th and then exit for a bit to finish up in Pisces from Oct 28-Dec 20, 2022. So, Jupiter is about growth, happiness, prosperity, and adventure, and rules travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, and political themes. Pisces is the territory of the arts, romance, spirituality, magic, psychic energy, past life interests, karma, secrets, addictions, investigations, research, and institutions. All of this is coming together in different ways to open things up for you up ahead and it’s playing out at home, with real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. Examples could be you prosper by signing legal agreements with an institution for a real estate deal, or you find happiness through traveling with a romantic partner to visit family, or you go big with a media venture that is spiritual or creative from home, you get the idea, look at the possibilities!

New Year's Eve is really fired up for you as Mars in your sign sparks all kinds of personal or physical passion, action and drive so you should find yourself busy. Do note though that after midnight there is a square to Neptune so you’ll have to be extra careful about alcohol, drugs, water issues, isolation, sadness, theft, or other weird stuff going on in the home, or with or about family, roommates, moves, renovations, real estate deals, or parents. Perhaps ring in the New Year and head to bed early? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sage!

To book a private reading to look at your year ahead email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask for details about rates and availability!

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn is up here: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm or direct link to player is here: http://healthylifenet.mainstreamnetwork.com/media/ZM111921.mp3

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aquarius & Pisces is up here: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2021/11/19/the-zoe-moon-astrology-december-monthly-for-aquarius-pisces

It’s the last month of 2021, are you ready?! You start December with Neptune shifting gears, exiting his months of Retrograde and going Direct again on the 1st. Neptune rules artistic, romantic and spiritual matters, secrets, deceptions and addictions, boundaries, past life matters, and the veil between worlds, magic, psychic interests, research, investigations, and institutions. For your sign this is in the territory of talks, meetings, ideas, sales, writing, flirtations, interviews, offers, or decisions, as well as with siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, short trips, local activities, or electronics. So, the slow-downs, the holding patterns, and the reassessing of situations is now over and it’s time to start moving forward again into what comes next. Examples could be you can now move things forward with artistic writing, romantic meetings, sales involving institutions, your spiritual ideas, you get the idea, lol, forward you go.

The NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE arrives early on the 4th so you wake with powerful forward momentum focused on art, film, music, painting, poetry, romance, prayer, meditation, yoga, dreams, magic, psychic abilities, research, investigations, tackling bad habits or addictions, secrets or deceptions, or with institutions. You now have 2 weeks of boost to start something new here or take a current interest into that next chapter. If you need to eclipse something out that blocks this forward momentum that may be possible as part of the forward story. To add to the power of what is possible in these areas now, Mars also moves into this zone of artistic, romantic, spiritual, addictive, secretive, karmic, past-life, magical, research, and institutional interests. Mars has not been here in 2 years but will now tour here over the next 7+ weeks. This fires thing up, brings more passion about it, a fight or two, motivates you, and helps you make things happen, so lean in to the good stuff.

Mercury moves into your sign on the 13th and spends the rest of the month here so this is great for talks, meetings, sales, writing, offers, short trips, local activities, or decisions that are focused on you! Gear this about your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or needs in a situation or show up and let your personal involvement help sway the talks, agreements, sales, etc. Venus entered your sign back on Nov 5th so you also have her energy about love, income, beauty, and pleasure focusing on you and your interests since then. On the 19th Venus Retrogrades so whatever you’ve been doing in these areas is now shifting gears a bit and either heading back to reassess things, reconnect with the past, exit a current situation, or rework what’s going on now. Venus Retrogrades until Jan 29th, then goes Direct through March 6th before exiting your sign, so you really do have all kinds of good things moving forward, then backwards, then forward again over these 4 months, pace yourself. The Sun also enters your sign on the 21st, marking the Winter Solstice and kicking off 30 days of spotlight on you. It marks the time when you should be showing up and getting more personally or physically involved with your own needs, body, image, brand, name, title, or identity. You should definitely stand out! Oh, and do note that Venus Retrograde will meet up with Pluto on the same degree in your sign on Christmas Day so you can expect something powerful, deep, purgative, intimate, transformational, and in some way about your do-over with love, income, beauty, or pleasure to be surfacing around or involving you on this day. I wish you a Merry Christmas!

The FULL MOON on the 18th is about what is climaxing at work, with health, the animals, your paperwork, the co-workers, or hired help. You could be marking an ending, wrapping up projects, garnering some recognition, achieving goals, or celebrating things here, aim high.

Chiron, the wounded healer, is active between the 18-19th and again between the 29-30th so you may have wounds, vulnerabilities or healing popping up at home, around a move, renovation, real estate deal, parent, roommate, or the family and this means you are involved in some way via news, talks, sales, offers, or decisions about it.

Since 2021 began the year has been in this push/pull frictional pattern between Saturn-the structures that have supported, the old, tried and true, the rules and regulations, the time involved, the responsibilities, limits, endings/commitments, goals, authority figures, or ambitions in your life, and Uranus-the wild, the free, the revolutionary, the suddenly changing, the excitable, the genius, the perverse, the surprising, the shaking, the shocking, or the innovations in your life. The final square between them perfects on the 24th. So, for you there is something with Saturn playing out around your income needs, purchases, possessions, products, values, and how you are valued, and something about your creativity, love/lovers, kids, or recreational interests playing out with Uranus that is at its last push/pull here. So, expect one last big moment here at this time.

Jupiter exits Aquarius for the last time and enters Pisces on the 28th where he will now tour until May 10th and then again between Oct 28-Dec 20th next year. Jupiter is about growth, happiness, prosperity, or adventure and rules travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, and political topics. Pisces is the field of dreams, romance, artistry, spirituality, magic, addiction, secrets, past lives, research, investigations, and institutions. So, this is coming together in different combinations to play out for you in your talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, and decisions up ahead. It may also play out with siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, short trips, local activities, or electronics. Examples could be you may travel now for karmic/past life reasons to deal with a sibling, or you may get out locally and find happiness and romance, or you may research sales and sign more legal agreements or contracts, you get the idea, look at the possibilities here.

New Year's Eve is fired up thanks to Mars bringing passion, fights, motivation, or activities to the forefront and for your sign this is playing out in artistic, romantic or spiritual arenas or around rest, recuperation, dreams, research, investigations, or institutions. Do note that after midnight Neptune is wonky so you’ll want to be careful with alcohol, drugs, water, isolation, sadness, or other weird energies around you in these areas. Perhaps ring in the New Year and early to bed? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Capricorn!

To book a private reading to look at your year ahead email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask for details about rates and availability!

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn is up here: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm or direct link to player is here: http://healthylifenet.mainstreamnetwork.com/media/ZM111921.mp3

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aquarius & Pisces is up here: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2021/11/19/the-zoe-moon-astrology-december-monthly-for-aquarius-pisces

It’s the last month of 2021, are you ready?! You start December with Neptune shifting gears, exiting his months of Retrograde and going Direct again on the 1st. Neptune rules artistic, romantic and spiritual matters, secrets, deceptions and addictions, boundaries, past life matters, and the veil between worlds, magic, psychic interests, research, investigations, and institutions. For your sign this is in the territory of income, purchases, possessions, and products. So, the slow-downs, the holding patterns, and the reassessing of situations is now over and it’s time to start moving forward again into what comes next. Examples could be you can now see forward movement earning money through artistic pursuits or with institutions, or your product is now able to move through the research you do, or your purchase is now completed for your romantic partner or from them, you get the idea, look for the possibilities.

The NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE kicks in early on the 4th so you wake to powerful forward momentum aimed at your aspirations, original projects, freedoms, friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings. You have 2 weeks to launch into something new or to take your current situations into new chapters. If you need to eclipse something out that blocks this forward momentum that is possible as well. To add to how powerful this boost is right now, Mars is joining in, entering this social, online, aspirational, and original zone of yours on the 13th and touring here over the next 7+ weeks. This should fire things up, bring more passion, anger, motivation, or action here and get you busier than you’ve been in a couple years. So, obviously try to avoid the angry side of this and lean into making things happen!

Mercury moves into your zone of artistic, romantic, spiritual, secretive, addictive, institutional, investigational, and research arenas on the 13th so the rest of the month should bring more talks, meetings, sales, writing, offers, or decisions about these matters. You may also gear up locally or on short trips, move, involve siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics about it. Venus entered this zone back on Nov 5th so she’s been doing her part to bring love, income, beauty, or pleasure to these artistic, romantic, spiritual, karmic, secretive, institutional, or research realms since then. On the 19th Venus Retrogrades so you start to slow down and either give space or exit, return to the past or rework the current situations going on now through Jan 29th. At that point Venus will go Direct again and you’ll be moving forward again with these matters through March 6th. The Sun is also moving into this zone of artistic, romantic, spiritual, secretive, addictive, karmic, investigational, research, and institutional interests on the 21st, marking the Winter Solstice and kicking off 30 days here. This puts a spotlight on these interests and is about you showing up and getting more personally or physically involved, making it about your interests in the mix. Do note that on Christmas Day Venus Retrograde will merge with Pluto to bring a powerful, deep, profound, or transformational moment about the love, income, beauty, or pleasures and your do-over here with these artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, addictive, secretive, or research themes.

The FULL MOON on the 18th brings something climactic around your love life, lover, the kids, a creative venture, or recreational pursuit. So, you may be wrapping things up, marking endings, achieving goals, or celebrating something here.

Chiron, the wounded healer, is active between the 18-19th and again between the 29-30th so you may have wounds, vulnerabilities or healing moments popping up with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, sales, writing, talks, or meetings, putting you into the story around something unforeseen or hidden, secretive or addictive, or about artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, or research topics.

Since 2021 began the year has been in this push/pull frictional pattern between Saturn-the structures that have supported, the old, tried and true, the rules and regulations, the time involved, the responsibilities, limits, endings/commitments, goals, authority figures, or ambitions in your life, and Uranus-the wild, the free, the revolutionary, the suddenly changing, the excitable, the genius, the perverse, the surprising, the shaking, the shocking, or the innovations in your life. The final square between them perfects on the 24th. So, for you there is something with Saturn playing out around your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or needs, and something about your home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates playing out with Uranus that is at its last push/pull here. So, expect one last big moment here.

Jupiter exits your sign for good and enters Pisces on the 28th where he will now tour until May 10th, and then again from Oct 28-Dec 20th next year. Jupiter wants growth, happiness, prosperity, or adventure, and rules travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, and political topics. Pisces is the field of dreams, magic, romance, artistry, spirituality, magic, psychic abilities, karma, past lives, research, investigations, addictions, secrets, and institutions. So there are things coming together here to impact your income, purchases, possessions, products, values, or how you are valued over the time ahead. Examples could be you might start teaching something artistic or spiritual to earn money, or you might travel or look into foreign markets and the institutions there that you want to put your products, or you might walk down the isle at your wedding ceremony with your romantic partner and purchase a beautiful dress or tux for the event, you get the idea, look at the possibilities.

New Year's Eve starts out fired up and passionate, active or motivating with friends, groups, online, at gatherings, or about aspirations so you look to have a lot going on here. Do note that after midnight there is a Neptune square which means you’ll want to go easy on alcohol or drugs, water issues or boundaries, secrets or deceptions, or any sadness or weirdness tied to your possessions, products, income, or purchases (example don’t dent the car while driving on substances, or don’t lose your wallet while on your secret affair). Perhaps ring in the New Year and early to bed? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Aquarius!

To book a private reading to look at your year ahead email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask for details about rates and availability!

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn is up here: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm or direct link to player is here: http://healthylifenet.mainstreamnetwork.com/media/ZM111921.mp3

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aquarius & Pisces is up here: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2021/11/19/the-zoe-moon-astrology-december-monthly-for-aquarius-pisces

It’s the last month of 2021, are you ready?! You start December with Neptune shifting gears, exiting his months of Retrograde and going Direct again on the 1st. Neptune rules artistic, romantic and spiritual matters, secrets, deceptions and addictions, boundaries, past life matters, and the veil between worlds, magic, psychic interests, research, investigations, and institutions. For your sign this is in the territory of your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or needs, it’s playing out in your sign. So, the slow-downs, the holding patterns, and the reassessing of situations is now over and it’s time to start moving forward again into what comes next. Examples could be you are now ready to promote your image for the artistic project or you are ready to start showing up physically at the institution, or you can now sign your name to the research, look for what is possible and moving forward for you.

The NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE on the 4th occurs early so you wake to powerful forward momentum aimed at your career, status, fame, personal goals, or the boss, parent, director, judge, mentor, or other such authority figures. You now have 2 weeks of cosmic boost to help you start something brand new or take a current interest into that next chapter. If you need to eclipse something out that blocks this forward energy that is possible as well. To add to the power of what is possible now, Mars enters this same zone of goals, career, status, fame, and authorities on the 13th and will travel here for the next 7+ weeks. Mars fires things up here, motivates, brings more passion or fighting spirit, and gets you busier than you’ve been in a couple years about it, it’s go time Pisces!

Mercury heads into your zone of friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, and original projects starting on the 13th so the rest of the month this should give you a boost with talks, offers, invitations, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, or decisions in these areas. Venus entered this same territory back on Nov 5th so she’s been about focusing on the love, income, beauty, or pleasures in social arenas, online, around aspirations, or original projects. Now, on the 19th, Venus Retrogrades so you start to slow down enough to reassess, rekindle, release, or rework past or ongoing situations here. This lasts until Jan 29th at which point Venus goes Direct again and takes you forward about it through March 6th. The Sun also moves into this zone on the 21st, marking the Winter Solstice and kicking off 30 days of illumination here. This is your cue to show up and get more personally or physically involved, making it about you in these arenas while you stand out!

The FULL MOON on the 18th is about what is climaxing at home, with a move, the renovation, real estate deal, parent, roommate, or family. You may be wrapping things up, marking an ending, celebrating, or achieving a goal here at this point.

Chiron, the wounded healer, is active between the 18-19th and again between the 29-30th so you may have wounds, vulnerabilities, or healing front and center involving a possession, purchase, product, or your income. This is about what’s going on with you in a social setting, with friends, groups, the internet, or about an aspiration so take care with purchases online or leaving something at a friend's, you get the idea.

Since 2021 began the year has been in this push/pull frictional pattern between Saturn-the structures that have supported, the old, tried and true, the rules and regulations, the time involved, the responsibilities, limits, endings/commitments, goals, authority figures, or ambitions in your life, and Uranus-the wild, the free, the revolutionary, the suddenly changing, the excitable, the genius, the perverse, the surprising, the shaking, the shocking, or the innovations in your life. The final square between them perfects on the 24th. So, for you there is something with Saturn playing out around your artistic, romantic, spiritual, karmic, addictive, secretive, institutional, research, or investigational situations, and something about talks, meetings, sales, writing, offers, agreements, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, or decisions playing out with Uranus that is at its last push/pull here. Expect one last big moment about it now.

Jupiter exits Aquarius for the last time and enters your sign on the 28th where he will now travel through May 10th and then again between Oct 28-Dec 20th next year. This is big for you Pisces! Jupiter is about luck, growth, happiness, prosperity, or adventure, and he rules travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, and political themes. He’s now going to be pouring through your sign, focusing on you, your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, and anything artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, or research oriented that would open things up for you in some big way. Examples could be your name or image gets out there in a bigger way due to your teaching, politics, religion, or traveling, or your name is impacted by a romantic connection that takes off as you travel or connect with someone at a distance or from a foreign place, you get the idea, look at the possibilities!

New Year's Eve is fired up thanks to Mars bringing more passion, anger, motivation, or action here and for your sign it’s aimed at a personal goal, career objective or authority figure. You look busy here! Do note that after midnight Neptune is wonky so take care with alcohol, drugs, water issues, deceptions, secrets, boundaries, and your own involvement. Perhaps ring in the New Year and then early to bed? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Pisces!

To book a private reading to look at your year ahead email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask for details about rates and availability!

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn is up here: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm or direct link to player is here: http://healthylifenet.mainstreamnetwork.com/media/ZM111921.mp3

The DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for signs Aquarius & Pisces is up here: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2021/11/19/the-zoe-moon-astrology-december-monthly-for-aquarius-pisces


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