Monday, December 31, 2018



To get back to the WEEKLY HOROSCOPES (Dec 31-Jan 6)go here:

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Mercury heads into Capricorn on the 4th giving us until the 24th to get into talks or meetings, pitch ideas, write things up, tackle agreements, make sales, interview, field offers, or make choices about our career, our life direction, major goals, our status, reputation or fame, or about the boss, parent, mentor, or other authority figure prominent in our lives now. To give this more momentum, a New Moon Solar Eclipse arrives on the 5th and opens up a 2-week window that can truly boost us out there into some major new level or help us start something new in these areas. There may be some eclipsing out of the old to step into this next level however it is about fresh possibilities. It’s also important to note that both Saturn and Pluto continue this year to work in this same territory and that this month, on the 30th, Saturn will find an opportunity alignment with Neptune adding even more to this story you are starting now with goals, career or authority figures. At this point there is a door open to artistic interests, romantic desires, spiritual matters, institutions, behind the scenes development, research, or investigations in the mix, seek to get serious about it as it arrives.

Uranus has been Retrograde and now goes Direct on the 6th. This is big news because from now through March 6th is his last hurrah through Aries. He initially arrived here back in March, 2012 and once he exits this March he won’t return to this sign until April, 2094. So, Aries is about our bodies, image, brand, name, title, courage, fighting spirit, anger, passion, and actions. Uranus here has been shaking us up to make changes, reinvent ourselves, embrace what is unique about ourselves, become the originators or visionaries, align us with our soul groups and causes, break us free from what binds and out of ruts we’ve grown accustomed to so that we awaken on some new level. He’s been the unpredictable, shake-em-up energy meant to revolutionize your body or image, or the way you are showing up in life in some personal or physical way so, make these last 2 months count.

Venus is heading into Sagittarius on the 7th and will travel here the rest of the month and into January next year. Her presence here is about going bigger or being more adventurous or generous when it comes to love or women, income or beauty interests. Venus may help to smooth out some of your Sagittarius interests or attract these things to it and overall should bring more enjoyment here. Sage topics are; legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political matters, so look for the love or income flow here, involve the women or make it about beauty! By the 13th Jupiter will square Neptune and this is a background story that will be pushing us along this year until Sept 21st. In fact, Jan. 13th is pass #1, June 16th is pass #2 and Sept 21st is pass #3 of this square. Squares are frictional alignments, back between 2015-2017 we had Saturn square Neptune for the first time since the witch hunts of the late 1600’s and now Jupiter is stepping into that story to bring law or media, education or travel, foreign or distant matters, marketing or advertising, philosophy or religion, or dare we say politics into the fray. There is something going on behind the scenes, in secret or private, with development, research, investigations, perhaps something deceptive or inspired, artistic or romantic, spiritual or magical, karmic or past life, institutional or addictive, and the square is putting a frictional edge between these two lists, expect to see something here playing out in your life as well as on the world stage.

By the 20th the Sun heads into Aquarius, kicking off a 30-day cycle here and this should be great for getting us to show up and get more involved in charitable causes, with friends, online, with group activities, at gatherings, in pursuit of aspirations, into our astrological interests, pursuing freedom, or finding our vision and getting inventive with original projects. Mercury joins this story starting on the 24th so at this point you may find it is easier to get the interview or audition or that more invitations are coming in, you can make decisions, field offers, talk or meet, sign agreements, make sales, write, take short trips, or share ideas here.

Finally, between the 20th-21st we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo so things are building in the week before this and we are seeing something peak in a big way regarding love or lovers, creative projects or interests, recreational pursuits, or the children. You may be eclipsing out an old version of things or something that holds you back in these areas or the situation itself or you may be celebrating something spectacular or achieving a goal you’ve been after in one of these areas. Note with Eclipses you can experience the situation 4-5 days either side of the peak period or 1 month before or after the date so it can extend the emotional context of what is going on.

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Happy New Year Aries! I predict that 2019 will bring some pretty powerful changes to your direction in life which may mean a big personal goal leads you in a new direction or your career is meant to shift gears in some way or it could be that your own personal authority or what is going on with a parent, boss or other authority figure are going to shift in some way that puts you on this new path. You literally have more powerful energy aimed at these areas of life this year than any in recent memory. The Karmic South Node should help you to rebalance any one-sided karmic situations, let go of what has run its karmic cycle or meet up with some past life souls ready to re-enter your life tied to career matters, personal goals or authority figures. Saturn will be working to get you serious, responsible, committed, able to end anything no longer working or make a long-term commitment to what is, and more ambitious about things here. Pluto will be helping you purge, make changes, go deeper, focus on financial or sexual needs with these career or personal goals or authority figures, and see transformations occurring. And there will be 3 Eclipses this year that are about powerful endings and bold new beginnings or next level opportunities unfolding for you here. You should also be beginning a period of innovation, freedom or excitement when it comes to your income scenarios or with purchases, possessions or products this year from March onward. You are entering a time of excitement and surprise, change and new energy around social scenarios and aspirations tied to your earnings, purchases, possessions, or products and this will be lasting now until the year 2026, stay in the moment. On a more personal note, mid-year you should have something opening up with your home life or property interests, family or roommates, a move or renovation, or with parents or security needs, helping you move forward. There is a big push to grow this year via higher education, travel, law, media, weddings, religion, or politics, and this can be amazing if you find your balance with the frictional energy playing out around artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, or research themes. The push could help free you but you should let this unfold throughout the year since some of this is tied to your past life karmic connections and some will slowly reveal rather than just show up, it’s magical, sometimes delusional but will bring you some insight you didn’t possess by the Fall. As far as your love life or what’s going on with kids, creative endeavors, or recreational pursuits, gauge it by the peak situation around January 21st or what went on back on Dec 24th or what goes on in these areas on Feb 18th, you may be reaching a goal, celebrating, wrapping things up, or marking endings, regardless, it will point you in a direction about these matters that will then impact much of your year ahead here! 

Now, for our month of January, you are getting quite a boost starting with Mercury heading into your personal goals, career potential and dealings with higher-ups as soon as the 4th of January. You’ll have 20 days with this helping you get into talks or meetings, agreements or sales, writing or interviews, short trips or decisions about these goals, career interests or with the boss, director, teacher, parent, judge, or other higher-ups. This is just the beginning, on the 5th there is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the same territory which is a very powerful boost forward, helping you eclipse out the past or what is holding you back and giving you a push into something brand new or helping you to take what you are currently involved in to the next level. This is in effect for 2 weeks so make your moves as the opportunities arrive. Finally, behind this Saturn, which is in the same territory, is moving to form an opportunity alignment with Neptune which peaks by the 30th this month. This is opening up the door for you with these goals, career matters or authority figures to art, film, music, painting, poetry, other muse-driven interests, prayer, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, hospitals, spas, retreats, or other institutions, romantic interests, karmic or past life situations, dealing with addictions, investigations, or research. This is the beginning of a longer story between these planets, the second round peaks on June 18th, the third and final is on Nov 8th. This is a nice, long window to see something evolve.

You’ve been hosting Uranus in your sign since 2012 and now on the 6th Uranus goes Direct in Aries for one last time and will give you the next 2 months to do any last reinvention of yourself before he exits until the year 2094. Uranus has brought a certain level of unpredictability to your life but has also been about shaking you out of ruts, getting you to focus on your body, image, brand, name, or title to see where you were with your needs there and to cause you to look at what is unique about yourself and how your interests intertwine with your soul group and causes. This last 2 month push is your cue to make any last changes or step up into your authentic self!

You also have things going on in your 9th house of travel, legal, media, marketing, wedding, religious, political, or other ceremonies. This starts with Venus arriving here on the 7th onward, here now to bring love or income flow into these areas or focus on women or beauty. So, you may travel for love or to earn money or with a woman or to visit a woman or to purchase art or get a beauty treatment or arrive at a beautiful destination, as examples. You can apply this to any of the list above. Now for the challenge, while Saturn and Neptune are working behind the scenes this year as noted in the last paragraph, Jupiter and Neptune are also getting together in a frictional square this year. They come together in this square for the first time on the 13th, the second time on June 16th and the third and final time on Sept 21st. So, you have something pushing you for growth with these travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, ceremonial, religious, or political matters while at the same time in this dynamic alignment to Neptune which is about the art, film, music, poetry, romance, karmic, past life, addictive, spiritual, magical, institutional, research, or investigational matters. Pay attention to what is hidden or going on behind the scenes but just coming into view with something here since you’ll be working to figure it out or fix it from now through Sept. 21st.

Things are likely to get much more social in the last 10 days of the month as the Sun heads into Aquarius on the 20th and kicks off a 30-day cycle here. This spotlights gatherings, parties or events, your friends and associates, group activities or the internet, astrology or charities, and your aspirations or original projects. It can help you stand out or take the lead here. Then, on the 24th, Mercury joins the story bringing more offers, ideas, talks, or meetings, helping you with agreements, sales, writing, or interviews, or getting you out there locally or on short trips in these social arenas.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse building mid-month and peaking between the 20th and 21st. This is bringing a major climax for you with a creative project, your love life or with a lover, a recreational interest, or something with the kids. You could be eclipsing out something blocking you here or something that is now over or you could be celebrating or achieving things in these areas. Emotions may run high and you could experience this 5 days before or after the peak days, so wrap it up, look for breakthroughs, celebrate, or finalize. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!

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Happy New Year Taurus! My prediction for you in 2019 is you have some potential for real life-changing situations to play out via travel, relocation at a distance, or with people at a distance, in legal areas, with media or marketing, higher education, weddings, politics, or religion, these are the areas of life where you’re going to be getting serious, ambitious or both. You have Saturn helping you get serious, mark endings or make commitments about it, Pluto helping you purge, evolve and look at any goals, financial concerns or sexual interests in the mix, the Karmic South Node helping you rebalance Karma here or allow some past life souls to return via these topics, and 3 Eclipses bringing more big endings or celebrations and achievements here. So plan on aiming a lot of your energy into at least one of these matters in the year ahead! You are also officially kicking off a high time of personal or physical reinvention which may impact who you are, your body, image, name, title, brand, or personal needs as you pursue a new kind of freedom or visionary course. Keep in mind with this new version of you that is emerging that friends, groups, online activities, gatherings, and other social interests may be part of the shift. You may also start to do more communicating, writing, speaking, or find you have a new interest in sales or some local activity. It should be a big year when it comes to tackling the loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, alimony, or some other big financial matter or it may be focused on the personal side of this zone which would be power stuff going on sexually, reproductively, with a divorce, death, birth, or where you find yourself in the midst of two other people (triangle). There can be real growth here but you must be aware that there is also something frictionally charged that you may not see coming via a group or friend, the internet or a gathering, your aspirations or original projects, that pushes things here or it may be that you are needing to juggle both areas of life and need to not overdo it too much in trying to keep it all going. Finally, something big peaks with your home or family dynamic in January and whether that is about marking an ending or celebrating an achievement, it may steer what follows in these areas for much of your year ahead! 

Now, for January, this month you have a lot of energy gearing up in your 9th house. This means more is about to open up with travel or people at a distance, legal or educational matters, media or marketing interests, religious or political pursuits, or with weddings or other ceremonies. Mercury shows up on the 4th and will travel in these topics until the 24th, giving you a 20-day boost with news, offers, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, or decisions about these matters. On the 5th there is a New Moon Solar Eclipse, a very powerful boost forward, with these legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, ceremonial, religious, or political interests. This can eclipse out something blocking this forward motion while opening up new opportunities or helping you to take something current into the next chapter. You have 2 weeks to take steps in these areas to garner some of the added propulsion behind it. There is also a Saturn/Neptune alignment which is the first of 3 this year coming together on the 30th and it means that Saturn is trying to help you get serious, structure things that support, tackle responsibilities, mark endings, make commitments, or get ambitious about something in this travel, distant, legal, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, wedding, religious, or political arena and it is tied to something opening up with aspirations, astrology, charities, gatherings, the internet, groups, friends, your original projects, or causes. You’ll be at the turning point with it at the second pass on June 18th and at the third and final alignment on Nov 8th this year. Look for your opportunities.

Uranus is going to go Direct for the last time in Aries on the 6th and move through the last of this sign from now through March 6th. This means the next 2 months are about any last changes or shake-ups, inventions or awakenings you still need to go through that are focused on you and what you do about art, film, music, poetry, dance, romance, karmic balance, secrets, deceptions, addictions, bad habits, hospitals, other institutions, your spiritual path or practices, magical interests, psychic abilities, investigations, or research. Once gone in March this energy does not return here until the year 2094.

There is also energy gearing up in your 8th house of sex, reproduction, financial matters, power, third-party matters, divorce, death, or birth this month. Venus is arriving here on the 7th onward so the rest of the month could make a woman pivotal in one of these areas or you could be seeing more love or income or beauty themes playing into these topics. Venus should help smooth out issues or attract and she usually means more enjoyment here. Just guard in overindulging in luxury items on the credit card! Jupiter is also going to be busy in these areas as he forms the first of 3 alignments for the year on the 13th with Neptune. This is a frictional square, so there is some big background story playing out between 1) the financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, death, birth, or third-party matters and anything big here or with what you are doing about travel, distance, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political needs in the mix, and 2) the friends, groups, internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, original projects, aspirations, and hidden agendas, secrets, research, investigations, artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, addictive, or deceptive matters playing out. So look at the two lists, watch for what is going on around the 13th and know it’s a story that won’t be done until it brings some turning point at the 2nd square on June 16th and some kind of culmination at the 3rd square on Sept 21st. 

Starting on the 20th the Sun heads into your career, fame, reputation, personal goals, and authority figures part of the sky where it will now spotlight for the next 30 days. This helps you to stand out, show up and lead the way forward with your own interests in these areas. Mercury will join in on the 24th onward so at this point you’ll see more news coming in about it or the ability to get into more talks, meetings, interviews, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, offers, or decisions about it.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse peaking between the 20th – 21st and this means something big is cresting on the home front, with a real estate deal, move, renovation, with the family, a parent, the roommate, or with something about your history, ancestry, country, land, security needs, or emotional nurture. So, you could be celebrating with family at home or wrapping up a renovation or making the decision to move or hear big news about a parent or roommate, you get the idea. This may peak 5 days either side of these days and love or income, women or beauty will likely play into what is culminating. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!

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Happy New Year Gemini! My predictions for you in 2019 are that there are going to be some life changing events tied to the power part of your chart. That could mean it’s a year to go through some big reproductive shifts or find something evolving with your sex life. It could be that it’s about loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, or other financial matters that are impacting you in a big way. It could be about a death, a birth or divorce that are getting you so serious and changing the trajectory for you or it could be about personal empowerment. You’ll be in the thick of something here throughout the year, serious or ambitious, tested and mastering situations. Look for rebalancing karma or karmic cycles having run their course in the matters, look for past life souls being key, look for potential endings and/or long-term commitments, and any fresh starts that boost you forward in these areas of life. You are also about to embark on something exciting or unusual in an artistic realm or with a romance, in a spiritual matter or via research and development, or in dealing with an institution of some sort. This is where your values evolve and you could make sudden changes or experience lightning bolt opportunities or surprises. You’ll get a chance to launch into something new concerning income or possessions and this looks big. There is also growth via your partnerships, clients, specialists, competitors, representatives, and other relationships in 2019 and this can be great, however, you’ll have to balance this with personal goals, career or authority figures in the mix as things may pop up here from time to time that push things a bit. Finally, something may be ending or peaking in some major way in your local community or with a sibling or neighbor, a move or on a more powerful level, with decisions you are making impacting love or kids, creative ventures or fun around the 21st of January. This may then impact a lot of the direction you go for the rest of the year.

Now, for January! Energy is gearing up in your power zone this month so you can expect to have more going on in sexual, reproductive, divorce, death, birth, financial, or third-party matters. Mercury enters this story on the 4th and will be here until the 24th giving you 20 days to meet people about it or to get into talks, sign agreements or make sales, write things up, share ideas, field offers, or make decisions about it. There is then a New Moon Solar Eclipse about these matters on the 5th which can give you a powerful boost forward, helping you eclipse out what blocks, start something new or take current interests in these areas to the next level. Some experience the energy of the Eclipse 4-5 days before or after the date and some 1 month before or after, so look for opportunities to move ahead. Finally, there is a configuration between Saturn and Neptune occurring this year that begins on the 30th, comes back together on June 18th and has one 3rd and final pass on Nov 8th. Saturn is about getting serious, marking endings, making commitments, tackling responsibilities, structuring things to support you, mastering some new level of proficiency, or getting ambitious about these financial matters, sexual interests, reproductive needs, mortality issues, the divorce, or those third-party matters. It is in opportunity alignment with Neptune which for your sign is about the goals you set or achieve, your career or authority figures such as the boss, judge, mentor, parent, or other higher-up in the mix. So, the door is open to work between these areas this year and a first opening starts this month as things coalesce near the 30th.

On the 6th Uranus will come out of his Retrograde and go Direct for the last time in Aries. He will now tour to exit the sign by March 6th and then not return here until the year 2094. This means the work you’ve been doing to reinvent yourself since 2012 with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, personal aspirations, or your original projects is almost at an end. Do you still need to break free of something or do something about your needs, body, image, brand, name, or title here? Do you need to show up differently? You’ve got 2 months to see what you want here, make it count.

You also have energy gathering around your relationships this month starting with Venus arriving here on the 7th onward. Her presence here can mean you are now able to get in there with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or advocates about here themes; love, income, women, or beauty. It may also be that she helps you to smooth something out with one of these people or helps you attract more of them or makes it a more enjoyable time in relationship. Jupiter is pushing you over something legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political with one of these relationships this month and this may peak around the 13th. There is something with those goals, career matters or authority figures which is also part of the story here, another one that is playing out over the course of the year with a 2nd alignment on June 16th and a 3rd on Sept 21st. So it’s a story of something big going on with or about these relationships that is evolving over the year and means figuring something out with these goals, authorities or career needs. Watch for clues as to what this is going to be about around this date.

The Sun heads into your 9th house of legal matters, travel, education, media, marketing, weddings, religion, and politics on the 20th and will now be spotlighting these areas for the next 30 days. This means you may start showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in these interests now and it would be a time when you could forward your own interests or make it about you in some way. Mercury will join this story from the 24th onward so at this point you can get into the talks or meetings, interview, write things up, tackle agreements, make sales, field offers, or make decisions about it.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 20th-21st which is about bringing big news or offers to the table or a big meeting or talk that occurs. It could be about something hitting a peak with your writing or agreements, a sale or your siblings, the neighbor or your vehicles, the electronics or some local activity, or a short trip or decision you are making now. So, you have lots to choose from, but I’m sure it will be apparent which area of life is cresting to a peak at this point. You may be wrapping up something you’ve been doing, eclipsing out a situation and marking an ending, or celebrating a major achievement. Themes of love, creativity, kids, or fun run behind the moment. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!

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Happy New Year Cancer! My predictions for you in 2019 are as follows: first, I think it is likely to be an epic year for you in some of your relationships. This may mean you are going through some life-changing shifts with romantic or marriage partners, or it could be that it’s your business partners or clients where you are evolving in some powerful way. It could also be that it’s about a specialist, a competitor, opponent, or representative such as an attorney or agent that is such a big deal for you. There is something past life/karmic in the balance here as in the cycles are shifting in some way, as well as some new level of self-mastery or ambition could come into play. Whether you are making new relationships or exiting old ones or reinventing something between you and others, it’s going to stand out in 2019. You may also start to notice that you are ready for something exciting or new when it comes to your social life so you may start to make new friends or join a group or take off in some exciting new direction online. An Eclipse in your sign in July bodes well for new personal or physical beginnings so your goals with body, image, brand, name, or some personal interest may start to take hold mid-year. There is also growth this year on the work front or with health or animals. You could be dealing with some big paperwork or doing something big with co-workers or hired help as well. This looks great but you will have some friction here with what is in play on the legal, travel, distant, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political front in the story and so may have to juggle between these areas or figure out how to deal with something here to get where you want to go. Finally, you are meant to reach a certain culminating point with your income or possessions around Jan 21st and whichever way this goes, whether its about ending something or achieving something you’ve been after, it will then point you in the direction you are meant to go with these matters for your year ahead.

Now, let’s look at January! Energy is gathering in that relationship zone starting with Mercury moving in here on the 4th. You’ll now have more of a chance to meet partners, clients, specialists, representatives, competitors, or others, or to get into more talks, writing, interviews, short trips, agreements, sales, or decisions with them from now through the 24th. You also have your first Eclipse of the year in this relationship zone on the 5th and it is a New Moon Solar Eclipse. This is meant to give you a very powerful boost forward into something new or next level with these relationships and may help you eclipse out what has blocked this as part of the new momentum. You will have 2 weeks of boost to put things in motion but do note you may have experiences that stand out in the 4-5 day before or after the peak, the peak, or at the 1 month prior or after the date. Finally, there is a story playing out this year with Saturn and Neptune regarding your relationships and it gets started on the 30th. You’ll have this first alignment, then on June 18th the 2nd alignment and finally on Nov 8th the 3rd and final alignment takes place. So it’s a story that unfolds over this time period and Saturn is about getting you serious with these partners, reps, clients, competitors, specialists, or other relationships. He wants you to deal with limits, tackle responsibilities, mark endings, make long-term commitments, set up structures that support, or get ambitious with or about them. Neptune is linked to his in an opportune way when it comes to any legal matters, educational pursuits, media ventures, marketing ideas, travel plans, situations at a distance, weddings, other ceremonies, religious interests, or political matters. So pay attention to what is coming into view at month’s end with one or more of these key players and something from this list with Neptune since it seems to be something you’ll be involved with for much of the year.

Uranus has been all about shaking things up, bringing changes, insights, vision, your soul group, surprises, and awakening to your career, personal goals and authority figures like the parent, boss, judge, mentor, or other higher-ups since 2012. On the 6th of this month he comes out of Retrograde and goes Direct through this area for the last time, exiting on March 6th and not returning here until the year 2094. So, you will feel this forward movement and be ready to make any last changes or introduce any last original ventures, as your identity is at this last stage of reinvention through these topics. Do you need to break out, break free, show up in some way that is more authentic or unique? You have 2 months.

There is also energy amping up in your work, health and animal zone this month. It starts with Venus entering the picture on the 7th onward. Her presence here may help you attract the job or enjoy your work more, smooth out health issues or earn money in work or health related ways. Venus rules love so you may have something spark with a co-worker or the hired help or you and a love interest may pick up some project you’re going to work on or adopt an animal. Venus may help with paperwork, organizing or cleaning as well, women may be more focal in any of the above as can beauty be as a focus for what you are doing. Jupiter is also active in this part of your life which means it can be about going big with a work, health or pet matter, or with co-workers, hired help, paperwork, organizing, or cleaning. This is great but near the 13th you have the 1st of 3 alignments that are also telling a story this year, the 2nd being on June 16th, the 3rd on Sept 21st. This one is pushing you over something here and it comes from that legal, travel, distant, media, marketing, educational, wedding, religious, or political matter. So, again, pay attention to what is unfolding around this date since it will impact a lot of the year ahead.

The Sun heads into your power zone on the 20th and will be touring here for the next 30 days. This means there is a spotlight on loans, inheritance, taxes, insurance, alimony, bankruptcy, or any other financial matter, as well as on your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, a death, birth, or third-party situation. This period is good for showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in something here and for making your interests known or leading the way. Mercury will join this story on the 24th onward so at this point you can meet others over these topics or get into talks or interviews, write things up or sign agreements, get sales moving or make decisions about it.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 20th-21st and it is bringing something to a peak with your income, your possessions, a product, a purchase, or with your values. Eclipse energy is powerful and could be about eclipsing out one of these things or it could be that you are eclipsing out something that blocked you from reaching a goal or celebrating something here. Whatever comes to a head it should have love, kids, creativity, or fun as part of the story. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!

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Happy New Year Leo! My predictions for you in 2019 are first, the it seems you are to undergo some tremendous shift in your life pertaining to your work, health or animals. It’s serious, has some form of past life/karmic balance in play about it, is pivotal to your growth and self-mastery, and may involve your ambitions to a high degree. So, you could be setting off on a new job or starting something up with a co-worker or people you hire. You could be facing a health issue that pushes you into transforming how you care for yourself, or starting a new health regime that completely transforms your body or you might be getting into something in the health industry. It could be you decide you want to start a farm or on a much smaller scale that it’s time to do something more focused with your pets or there could be paperwork you are tackling this year that is having a major impact on you. Starting in March you are truly entering one of the most wilding exciting and sometimes changing period of your career life and it will favor innovation and community. You may also start to connect with some higher-up types who are able to help you in some way although you’ll have to act in the moment as it happens. Mid-year you should get a push into something new or next level with art, film, music, or with other artistic interests, or with institutions, research, romance, or spiritual interests. There is also year-long growth potential with falling in love or something big happening with your love life or lover. It is equally expansive with kids, creative projects or recreational pursuits. The only caveat is that this is in a push with what is going on with a divorce, sexual matters, reproductive needs, a death, a birth, or the financial situation (loans, inheritance, taxes, etc), so you’ll have to pay attention this month as to what is starting to be the big deal here since you’ll be all about it for most of the year. Finally, you are ready to end some form of your identity this year and it may come sooner than later. This may be about going from single to married or from married to single again, it could mean you go from student to professional out in the world, or it could mean any other such shift in identity/title/name. It could be that you are ready to start showing up physically in some different way or that you have some new understanding of who you are that leads you to shut down some part of the old version of yourself. Expect Jan 21st to be important with this if you didn’t go through this already on Dec 24th and for it to impact much of your year ahead.

Now, let’s look at January! First, there is a lot of energy heating up in your work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, cleaning, and organizing zone this month. Mercury arrives here on the 4th and will give you 20 days of help, until the 24th, to meet about these matters, get into interviews or auditions, field offers, sign agreements, make sales, pitch ideas, talk about what’s going on, write things up, or make decisions. There is a New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 5th which is super powerful for helping you to eclipse out what is over or blocking progress and to really launch into something new or next level with your work, health or pets, the paperwork or co-workers, hired help, cleaning, or organizing. This is in play for 2 weeks and you may have events that stand out on the day of the Eclipse or at the 4-5 day mark before or after it. You also have Saturn involved in a big story this year about these matters and this kicks in on the 30th, the 2nd peak will be around June 18th and the 3rd and final peak around Nov 8th. Saturn is about you getting serious and putting in the effort, tackling responsibilities, ending what is no longer serving your interests, making long-term commitments to what does, structuring things to support you, mastering some new level of proficiency, and/or getting more ambitious about your interests with work or health, paperwork or pets, co-workers or hired help, organizing or cleaning. This is linked in an opportune way to loans, royalties, commissions, investments, alimony, insurance, taxes, a partner’s money, or other financial matters, as well as to your sexual interests, reproductive needs, a death, birth, or divorce. So, for instance, you could link work as an actor to playing the role of a sexual addict or someone who dies on stage, you could perhaps get a better bonus or insurance policy at work or for your health, you could have a wild attraction with a co-worker ignite or get the paperwork for your taxes wrapped up, you get the idea. Watch what happens near the 30th for clues as to what this will be for your year ahead.

Since 2012 you’ve had Uranus doing his part to shake things up, bring out original qualities in you, help you reinvent yourself and awaken on some new level in life via what has been going on with legal matters, travel, people at a distance, media ventures, marketing ideas, educational pursuits, weddings, other ceremonies, religious, philosophical or political interests, and adventure. On the 6th Uranus will come out of his Retrograde and go Direct for the last time through these topics by March 6th at which point he will not return here until the year 2094. So, you have 2 months left in a long story, do you still need to break out, break free, do something to shift who you are in these areas of life, or introduce something unique about yourself here? Make it count.

There is also a lot going on in your zone of lovers, children, creative ventures, and fun. This kicks off with Venus arriving here on the 7th and her presence here the rest of the month should be good for enjoying what is going on in these areas of life. She may help you with income needs in these areas or just magnify the love. She could also get you focused on a woman or women in creative efforts, recreation, love, or the kids. Finally, she is about beauty so you may focus on beauty in your creative endeavor, decide to do the portrait of the children or share beautiful objects of affection with the ones you love. Jupiter is also here doing his part to bring growth for you this year in these areas and he may help you do that via trips or situations at a distance, legal channels or educational pursuits, media or marketing interests, weddings or other ceremonies, or with political or religious situations. This is a good thing, however, there is a story with Jupiter and Neptune that is frictional this year so you’ll be in the thick of something there with your lover, kids, creative venture, or fun, and then also have this thing going on with Neptune that pushes or challenges; sexuality, reproduction, divorce, a death, birth, the financial situation/need, or third-party matter. So, pay attention to what is going on around the 13th when these 2 have their first meeting, (the 2nd is on June 16th, the 3rd and final on Sept 21), because it will give you clues as to what you will be tackling here over the months ahead.

The Sun heads into your relationship zone on the 20th and will tour here for 30 days. This is usually about a period when you are showing up and getting more personally or physically involved with these people and making it about your interests or involving your body, image, brand, name, or title in some way. So, it can be that you are embarking on something to help your body with a specialist or that you are getting in there one-on-one with clients to move your brand along or that you are tying your name to another’s in a marriage or getting busier with your romantic or business partner. This can also involve competitors, opponents, agents, attorneys, or advocates, so plan on connecting. Mercury will join this story on the 24th onward so at this point you may be able to hear from them or get into talks or meeting, focus on the sales or agreements, the interviews or auditions, take a short trip or do more locally, or it could be about an offer, proposal or decision that can now open up.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 20th-21st and it is about wrapping things up or marking an ending, having a breakthrough or garnering some recognition, or achieving or celebrating something personal or physical going on with you at this point. Much of what is cresting for you in your identity, with your image, brand, name, title, body, or needs will impact the way you go the rest of the year. You may experience highpoints 4-5 days prior or after this pinnacle or 1 month to the date before or after. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!

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Happy New Year Virgo! My predictions for you in the year 2019 are as follows: First, it may be a life-changing year when it comes to creative ventures, children, true love/lovers, or recreational interests. It seems it is serious and tied to past-life/karmic balancing as well as ambitions, changes, and powerful climactic moments that could have you ending certain situations or heading into new or next level scenarios with them or both this year. You are also entering a year unlike any other where you are now poised for some excitement or innovative ways forward with travel, foreign interests/people, media interests, weddings, higher education, legal matters, politics, or religion. Be in the moment with these matters. Mid-year could see you making new friends or joining a group or moving forward with an online interest or at the center of some big gathering. There is also a push for you to do something big at home or with your home, with the family or parent, or with real estate deals, moves, renovations, or roommates throughout the year and this is great, however, this is in a frictional alignment to the partner, client, specialist, competitor, opponent, agent, attorney, or other relationship. So, you may be doing a lot here to accommodate this person or have to balance between the two areas of life or there is some other factor to contend with, keep it in mind. Finally, something ending or achieved near the 21st of January in an artistic matter, with a romantic interest, a spiritual pursuit, an addiction, a hospital, some other institution, with a secret or deception, or with an investigation or the research may then tilt the direction you go the rest of the year with the matter.

So, let’s take a look at January! A lot is gearing up with your love life or lover, the kids, a creative venture, or your recreational pursuits and it starts on the 4th as Mercury arrives in this sector. You should now find you hear news or have offers coming in, can get into talks or meetings about it, sign agreements, propose or write things up, focus on the sales or short trips about it, or make decisions. This will be in play until the 24th. You also have a New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 5th which is super powerful in helping you to eclipse out what is blocking progress and to launch into something new or next level with love, lovers, kids, creativity, or fun. The momentum you can gather now is revved up for 2 weeks so jump in and note that you may experience events associated with this on the day as well as at the 4-5 day prior or after mark as well as the 1-month to the day before or after. You also have Saturn working a bigger story about lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreation this year and it’s about you getting serious, setting limits, tackling responsibilities, marking any endings, making long-term commitments, or getting ambitious about it. This is working with Neptune in an opportunity alignment that ties in with marriage or romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or other relationships. Saturn and Neptune will be telling a story that starts on the 30th of this month, peaks again on June 18th and finally for a 3rd time on Nov 8th this year. Pay attention to what is coming together here at month’s end for clues as to what it will be about.

Virgo, back in 2012 Uranus entered your zone of loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, insurance, taxes, child support, investments, settlements, partner’s money, and any other financial interests you have going on, as well as into your sexual life, reproductive life, hormonal life, topics about death, birth, divorce, power, transformation, resurrection, control, and third-parties. You’ve hosted it in the most powerful part of your chart in other words. This period has been about you reinventing yourself through these topics as you focused on your body, image, brand, name, title, personal needs, or how you were showing up. It’s been unpredictable but awakening. On the 6th of this month Uranus comes out of his Retrograde and goes Direct for the last time here as he will exit these topics on March 6th and not return here until the year 2094. So, if you still need to make changes or figure something out in these areas you will now have a last big push to help you do so, make it count.

Things start to pick up on the home front, with real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates, as Venus enters the picture on the 7th. This may be bringing a woman into the story here or helping you make things beautiful. Venus could mean there is going to be more love playing out in these areas this month or that you can see income flow here. She can also help you smooth out issues or find more enjoyment in these areas of life. Jupiter is also busy doing his part to bring some kind of growth or big project to these areas and his influence on your home, family, parent, move, renovation, real estate deal, or roommate would be that or what you are doing about the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political matter in the mix. So, perhaps you are having a roommate sign the lease making it legal or you are signing a mortgage yourself or you are traveling to see family or teaching or learning from home, as examples. This is all great but you do have Jupiter in a frictional aspect to Neptune so as far as this part of life goes there is a push going on with the partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, or other such relationship about it. This story will be in play starting on the 13th this month, peaking again on June 16th and finally a 3rd time on Sept 21st so pay attention to what you are taking on mid-month for clues as to what you’ll be doing the next 9 months.

The Sun heads into your work, health and animal zone on the 20th which marks a 30-day cycle here and your cue that it is now time to start showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in work, with co-workers, hired help, or paperwork, or with your health or animals. It’s a good time to make it about you and to further your interests while the spotlight is on you here. Mercury will join this story on the 24th onward so at this point you may get some news or get into more talks or meetings about it, take a short trip, write or interview, field offers, sign agreements, make sales, or make decisions about it.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 20th-21st which is powerful and about something climaxing for you. This is about several different areas of life so you can see which one fits what’s going on with you right now. First, it could be something peaking about art, film, music, painting, poetry, or some other muse-related matter, second, it could be about a romantic getaway or tryst, third it could be about prayer, meditation, messages from beyond the veil, yoga, magic, or psychic matters, fourth it could be about addictions, hospitals, spas, retreats, or other institutions, or fifth it could be about investigations or research. You may be eclipsing out something and marking an ending or celebrating an achievement or both. There can be peaks with this 4-5 days prior or after the peak dates or 1 month prior or after as well. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!

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Happy New Year Libra! My predictions for you in 2019 are that first and foremost it could be a life-changing year when it comes to your home or family. You may contemplate a move or renovate, take in a roommate or start work from home, add to the family or kick off a family business, or see some other powerful shift in direction when it comes to home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, family, or roommates. Part of this is due to past life/karmic rebalancing going on, part is due to Saturn and Pluto testing and pushing you towards more empowerment and self-mastery here and part of it is because there will be 3 Eclipses in this part of your chart throughout the year that mean you are eclipsing out what no longer serves your growth and launching into some next level or new situations. You are also heading into some exciting and innovative times when it comes to financial flow from others so this could be unusual or interesting ways of finding loans or investors or new or innovative ways to insure yourself or make commissions or deal with alimony, or any other financial need. This same influence could mean this is a year of interesting, exciting sexual encounters or some changes going on to your sex life, or that reproductive or divorce scenarios bring fresh air into your life. You may also find you are interested in unusual concepts about death or the veil between worlds or you might join a group that delves into this side of things. Mid-year there is a real powerful boost forward on the career front or with a personal goal or higher-up authority type in your life that can propel you forward so be open to what is next. Jupiter will continue to do his part to bring growth for you via writing, talks or meetings, interviews or auditions, sales, agreements, negotiations, short trips, or decisions, along with what is going on with siblings or neighbors, vehicles or electronics, or your local activities. He favors media, marketing, legal, educational, travel, foreign, political, religious, or ceremonial interests here. This is great however, there is a story that will push you about something here this year and it involves what is going on with your work, health or animals. This could involve hired help or a co-worker or paperwork as well, so pay attention to where you are in the balance here. Finally, something is peaking in January around the 21st with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, gathering, aspiration, or original project that could be about big celebrations or achievements or could be about wrapping things up or endings. Whichever way this goes will then impact these areas of life the rest of your year.

Now, let’s look at January! There should be lots of focus this month on your home and how secure you feel, your real estate deals, moves or renovations, or what’s going on with roommates, family or parents. Mercury arrives here on the 4th and will tour for 20 days helping you to hear news or field offers, get into talks or meetings, sign agreements or make sales, involve siblings or neighbors, or tackle electronic or transportation needs tied to these topics. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 5th then boosts you forward in a very powerful way over the next 2 weeks helping you to eclipse out what has blocked and move into something new or next level with your home, family, real estate deal, move, renovation, parent, or roommate. You want to work this as it gives you more potential to make things happen. Finally, there is a major story playing out this year with Saturn and Neptune who are finally working together. Saturn is about helping you get serious, set limits, work on structures that support, end what is over, make long-term commitments, tackle responsibilities, or get ambitious about home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. The door open to Neptune here means this is tied into potential via paperwork, hired help, co-workers, your job, health, cleaning, organizing, or pets. So, you may wish to hire someone to help you or the parent keep the house clean or hire a realtor to help you sell a property, you might sign paperwork on a new lease or roommate situation, work from home, set up an in-home gym or yoga room for your health, adopt a pet, you get the idea. This will have 3 peaks this year, the 1st coming on Jan 30th, the 2nd on June 18th, the 3rd on Nov 8th, so take your time but do get started.

Uranus goes Direct on the 6th and moves now to exit Aries for good by March 6th, not to return until the year 2094. This means that the next 2 months are your last of hosting this planet of sudden change, excitement, shock, genius, unpredictability, reinvention, and awakening in your zone of partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, opponents, advocates, or other relationships, as well as in the areas of balance, justice and higher esthetics. As crazy as it may have been here it has been about helping you reinvent yourself via what’s been going on here, asking you to look at your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs and how you are showing up when it comes to these people. So, if there is still more to do you will feel it at this last juncture.
You also have a lot more going on with talks and meetings, agreement and sales, writing and interviewing, short trips and local activities, siblings and neighbors, vehicles and electronics, and decisions to be made this month. This starts to feel better as Venus arrives here on the 7th onward. Her presence here may help you focus any of this in making money or true love, it could bring a woman or women to the forefront or involve beauty interests. Overall, she should help you smooth out issues, attract the good stuff or enjoy these things more this month. Jupiter is also active here however he is in a frictional square with Neptune about it and also starting off a bigger story that will have 3 passes, one on Jan 13th, one on June 16th and one on Sept 21st. So Jupiter wants you to focus on growth in these communications, sales, with siblings, short trips, etc, and may ask that you look at the media, travel, legal, educational, wedding, religious, or political side of things. The square brings some added activity or challenge with Neptune things in the mix which for your sign would mean more work, health, pet, paperwork, hired help, co-worker, cleaning, or organizing to deal with. So, watch what comes up around this time since you’ll be working it for some time. Also note, it could just be that you are going overboard somewhat between these two areas of life because you have a very big situation playing out.

The Sun heads into your zone of creativity, fun, kids, and true love/lovers starting on the 20th. He will tour here for the next 30 days putting a spotlight on something here and urging you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in things. This is a good time for you to make it about your interests in the mix and to take the lead. Mercury joins this story on the 24th onward so at this point you may have more talks or meetings about it, focus on the sales, writing or agreements, interview, take more short trips, do more locally, propose, or make decisions about it.

Finally, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse peaks between the 20th-21st bringing something to an end or celebration in a big way, the focus of which is on a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, freedom, or original projects. So, you could be wrapping things up, getting a finalization, achieving a goal, garnering some recognition about it, things are culminating and you may again eclipse something out to reach this pinnacle. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!

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Happy New Year Scorpio! My predictions for you in the year 2019 are that something very big is going to be brewing throughout the year regarding news you hear or have to share, proposals, your talks and meetings, interviews and auditions, writing and agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, local activities, and/or decisions. It’s really about your information/communication zone being as amped up as I’ve ever seen it. This actually could be life-changing kind of stuff so keep communications open, write down ideas, pitch them, or focus on anything else in this list, powerful changes are coming. You are also going to officially enter into a 7 year shift when it comes to relationships that starts in March and it is meant to bring excitement, reinvention, awakening, and perhaps a few shake-ups or changes to get you to the right place with these partners, clients, specialists, competitors, agents, attorneys, or other relationships. Mid-year you may have a trip or something big going on abroad, there could be a shot at something in media or marketing, higher education, legal matters, a wedding, politics, or religious interests. You have one of the better years for growth when it comes to your income, purchases, possessions, or products, however you’ll have to balance this with what is going on with the kids, lover, creative venture, or recreational pursuits, since this is tied into a square all year that will be pushing for something here. Finally, note what major goal, career interest or situation with a boss, parent, judge, mentor, or other older or established authority figure is culminating in some way near Jan 21st because whether this is about a breakthrough, ending, celebration, or achievement, it will then direct much of what happens here the rest of the year.

Now, let’s take a look at our month of January. You will have lots of energy gathering in the information/communication zone and it starts with Mercury’s arrival here on the 4th. He will now tour here until the 24th, giving you 20 days to amp up the talks, meetings, interviews, writing, agreements, and sales, as well as the short trips, local activities, or anything you are doing with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in these areas on the 5th is powerful for helping you eclipse out what is blocking and launch into something new or next level over the next 2 weeks, work it. Finally, Saturn and Neptune are working together this year and will have 3 peaks when things may be coming together or opening up, the 1st on Jan 30th, the 2nd on June 18th and the 3rd on Nov 8th. Saturn is about you mastering some new level of proficiency in these areas, cementing something long-term, ending what is done, structuring things in supportive ways, setting limits, tackling responsibilities, or getting more ambitious about it. Neptune is tied into this with opportunity for love or through lovers, with or about children, with your creative projects and interests, or your recreational pursuits. Pay attention to what is coming into view near month’s end for clues as to what this story will be over the year ahead.

You’ve been hosting Uranus, the planet of surprise, sudden change, revolution, soul group, causes, originality, and awakening in your zone of work, health, animals, co-workers, hired help, paperwork, cleaning, and organizing, since 2012. It’s been quite the ride as it has pushed you to reinvent yourself via these areas of life, with a focus on your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs and how you show up for these topics. You’ve seen lots of ups and downs but also freed yourself in some way along the line. On the 6th of this month Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct for the last time in these areas of life, to exit by March 6th and not return here until the year 2094. So, do you still need to break out, break free, do it your way, do something about who you are in this story, or what is unique about you with your work, health, pets, paperwork, co-workers, or hired help? You have 2 months with this energy left to help you do so.

There is also much going on with earnings, purchases, possessions, or products in January. This kicks in with Venus arriving here on the 7th onward. Her presence here may mean you are focused on a woman or women in these areas or that you are all about the income now or that beauty or love weaves into these areas for you. Venus can help you smooth out issues, attract the good stuff or just enjoy it more. Jupiter is also active in these areas this month so you may wish to focus on the travel or media, education or legal needs, wedding or other ceremonies, or religious or political side of things with your income, purchases, possessions, or products. However, Jupiter’s story this year is in square to Neptune so whatever is going on here there is a big push with the Neptune part of the equation or some challenge here and for your sign this involves the kids, lover, creative projects, or recreational interests. You may be juggling or going for something major here. The combination also has 3 steps in the story, the 1st on Jan 13th, the 2nd on June 16th and the 3rd on Sept 21st so again, pay attention to what is going on around this first date for clues as to what this will be moving forward.

By the 20th the Sun heads into your home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates part of your chart where it will now tour over the next 30 days. This puts a spotlight here and urges you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in these interests. It’s a good time to make it about your needs here or to take the lead. Mercury joins this story on the 24th onward so at this point you can sign agreements or make sales about it, get into talks or meetings, interview or write about it, involve siblings or neighbors, make more short trips about it, focus on the transportation or electronics here, or make some decisions.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 20th-21st which is about something culminating in a big ending, celebration or achievement for you with a personal goal, your career, your status, reputation or fame, or with an authority figure like a boss, parent, judge, director, mentor, or other higher-up. You may eclipse out what is over on your way to reaching this zenith now. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!

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Happy New Year Sagittarius! My predictions for you in the year 2019 are that it will be a whopper of a year for you when it comes to what you are setting in motion with your income, purchases, products, or possessions. You have the Karmic South Node moving here rebalancing karma in your life about it and perhaps attracting some past life souls who are ready to re-enter over these topics. You have Saturn here urging a new sense of self-mastery and ambition, perhaps even entrepreneurship or a new direction on the career front. Saturn will ask you to meet goals, tackle responsibilities, deal with limits, all to see what you are capable of, but will also reward you greatly for work well done. Pluto is here working as well to deconstruct the outworn old and rebirth you in a more empowered way in these areas, perhaps getting you to focus on shared resources about it or digging more deeply into matters pertaining to it. And, there will be 3 Eclipses this year about these matters helping you to eclipse out anything that is blocking growth and get some very powerful highpoints as well as boosts forward in these matters. You are also going to be embarking on a new and exciting time on the work front, with health, animals, co-workers, hired help, and paperwork as soon as March and this will last until the year 2026. It will favor originality, freedom, innovation, and associations you are building with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings. Mid-year you get some cosmic help with loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, or other financial matters, or with your sex or reproductive live, a divorce, or any third-party matters as things boost forward in some powerful way. You continue to have a personal year of growth thanks to Jupiter’s once in 12-year passage through your sign so you want to aim high when it comes to your interests, body, image, brand, name, title, personal role in things, or physical involvement. Look to media, marketing, higher education, travel, foreign, legal, ceremonial, religious, or political interests to help. There is a push-pull all year with this and what is going on at home, with family, a parent, the roommates, a move, renovation, or real estate deal, so you’ll have to juggle or figure out a way to work them both. Finally, watch what is culminating at January’s Eclipse on the 21st as something is hitting a highpoint with that legal, travel, foreign, educational, media, marketing, wedding, other ceremonial, religious, or political matter that means a big ending, achievement or celebration for you. Depending on what occurs, it will tilt the year a bit in that direction for you, especially where love, kids, fun, or creativity are involved.

Now, for January! You get the ball rolling right off the bat with energy moving into your income, purchases, possessions, and products zone. This kicks in with Mercury arriving here on the 4th to travel in this area until the 24th. This is great for helping you to send out notices, resumes or invitations, to get into more talks or meetings, agreements or sales, writing or interviews, or to get more active with short trips or local activities about these matters. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in this area on the 5th is about eclipsing out anything that blocks growth with income, purchases, possessions, or products and getting a pretty major boost forward into something brand new or next level with a current situation over the next couple weeks. You have momentum now and what you put in motion could be rolling forward for at least half the year. There is also a bigger story unwinding about these topics this year and it starts this month as it builds to it’s first opportunity alignment on the 30th. That is, Saturn is working with Neptune to help you get serious, make some long-term commitments, end anything that is not working, tackle responsibilities, involve higher-up folk, and get ambitious about earnings, purchases, your possessions, or products. Neptune, which is in play with Saturn now through it’s 2nd peak period June 18th, and then it’s final peak period Nov 8th, will tie in opportunities with film, music, painting, poetry, or other artistic interests, your prayer, meditation, yoga, magical interests, psychic abilities, or other spiritual matters, romantic getaways or karmic unions, research and development, tackling addictions or bad habits, investigations, or dealing with institutions in the mix such as hospitals, spas or retreats. So look for what it picking up between these areas this month, especially towards the end, for clues as to what will be moving you through the year with potential.

If you look back at who you were in before Uranus arrived in Aries back in 2012 I assume it would be a very different person than who you are now. Much of that has to do with the changes to your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs through what has occurred with lovers, children, creative projects, or recreational pursuits. It may have felt crazy at times, unpredictable a lot, but also exciting, awakening and about your reinvention. Your soul group may have shifted due to these changes, your causes realigned or something original about what you have to share may have been coaxed forward. Now, on the 6th, Uranus will end his Retrograde and go Direct for the last time through these areas of love, kids, creativity, and fun, exiting on March 6th, not to return until the year 2094. So, if there is still anything left to do to get you out of your rut and into this new version of your life then it will likely happen over the next 2 months. Make it count!

You also have lots going on in January with the energy in your own sign. Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th so the rest of the month she is helping you focus on your own needs or do something with your body, image, brand, name, title, or involvement in something that she rules; love, income, women, or beauty interests. She should help you enjoy the month more or find you can smooth out issues more easily or relax or enjoy some of the better things in life. Jupiter is also in your sign as noted above so is pushing you for that lucky break and personal growth (just watch too much of a good thing and the waistline since it can also mean physical growth, lol). The story between Jupiter and Neptune in a frictional square this year begins this month as well so your own needs for growth via travel, legal, media, marketing, educational, ceremonial, religious, or political matters, is going to be pushing things at home, with family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate deals, or perhaps you are pushing yourself more due to what you want in these other areas or to feel more security and nurturing in your life. Whatever it is for you it will be felt as it builds to it’s first square on the 13th, followed by the 2nd on June 16th and the final 3rd one on Sept 21st. Pay attention to what this around mid-month since you’ll be working with it for the next 9 months.

Starting on the 20th the Sun heads into your 3rd house where it will now travel for the next 30 days. This spotlights you in talks and meetings, agreements and sales, writing and interviews, offers and decisions, as well as getting out and about locally or on short trips, with siblings or neighbors, over vehicles or electronics, or making some important decisions. It helps you to stand out, take the lead and involve your own interests so make it count. Mercury joins this story on the 24th onward so that adds more potential in these areas, reinforcing if you will the potential.

Finally, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 20th-21st is about a big culmination in your 9th house so things will be wrapping up, ending, achieved, celebrated, or you may have some aha moments and breakthroughs. The topics are those travel, foreign, legal, media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, other ceremonial, religious, or political matters. Eclipses can peak 4-5 days prior or after or a month to the date before or after so watch these periods for those epic moments. Expect love or children, creative ventures or recreation to play a part. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!

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Happy New Year Capricorn! My predictions for you in the year 2019 are that it may be a life-changing year for you on a personal or physical level. You have more energy at play in your sign that is powerful than any year I’ve seen in a very long time. This means you may exit the year a new person stemming from changes to your identity, name or title, or something transforming your body, image or brand, or you could find that your personal interests evolve to such an extent that you are now into something far from where you are now that redefines you going forward in some way. The Karmic South Node is on its once every 18-year journey through your sign which is helping you let go of parts of who you are or what is going on with these personal matters to the extent you need to so you are freed up in some way. It is also focused on you rebalancing karmic debt with others (if you’ve been in a one-sided situation that will likely change) and it opens the door this year to past-life souls returning due to their desire to get back involved with you. Saturn, your ruler, is busy in your sign this year, pushing you to master some new level regarding your needs, body, image, brand, name, or title, as well as getting you serious about yourself, focused on responsibilities, ambitions, endings, or long-term commitments you are now ready to make. Pluto is also working in your sign helping you to purge, deconstruct and rebirth, empower, and transform on a personal or physical level. Pluto may aim at financial, reproductive, sexual, or divorce themes to help you get there in your transformation. Finally, there are going to be 3 Eclipses in your sign this year, major! This is a powerful cosmic wrap-up and boost forward into new territory for you throughout the year, again of a personal or physical nature, time to take your place on that next level! You also have a new chapter getting ready to take off this year that will last until the year 2026 and that is a new, exciting chapter in your love life, with children, your creative projects, and recreational life. It’s about adding fresh air into these areas, some surprising and awakening moments and an introduction to a side of life here you haven’t been privy to up until now so remain open to the moment, it begins in March. Mid-year you will get a powerful boost that is meant to help you move into something new or next level with romantic or business partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or advocates so work with this potential. Jupiter is spending the year doing his part to bring you growth via artistic, spiritual, romantic, institutional (spas, hospitals, retreats, etc), or research areas of life. You can make bigger strides here over the last 11 years or the next 11 to come. However, as you go through this expansive potential it is in square to Neptune and bringing that into some push/pull when it comes to meetings, interviews, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, or what’s going on with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions you are making this year. Since Neptune can be foggy or hidden or karmic, you’ll need to allow for the potential in your Jupiter areas while not letting your mind run away with you over some of the subterfuge or underlying agendas, and do your best to balance where you are with these other topics as you make your way forward. You may find it’s not about a challenge here but about balancing between the two areas of life. Finally, watch the Eclipse on January 21st and the days around it, something is coming to a head with a loan, the debt, a bankruptcy, your insurance, taxes, commissions, alimony, or some other financial matter, or with your sexual or reproductive life, a divorce, a death, a birth, or a third-party matter. This may be a time when you are wrapping things up or noting an ending here or a time of celebration or achievement here or both. Whatever peaks should then impact the direction these things can go the rest of your year, freeing you or showing you just what you have!

Now, let’s look at January! It gets you off on the right foot with lots of energy pouring into and around your sign. This begins with Mercury arriving on the 4th where he will tour through the 24th, giving you a good 20 days to get into talks or meetings, agreements or sales, writing or interviews, short trips or local activities, or to hear news or offers regarding you and your interests, your body, image, brand, name, or title, and what you are showing up for now. The New Moon Solar Eclipse then takes place in your sign on the 5th, the first of 3 this year, and it is about helping you eclipse out anything blocking forward motion and giving you a very powerful cosmic boost forward to either start something new or take what you are doing to the next level, again, focused on your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs. This month will also let you start to feel the power of your ruler, Saturn, in your sign of Capricorn, as he starts a major opportunity alignment with Neptune through your year ahead. It will be building to it’s first opportunity alignment throughout the month so could come into play at any time, but is peaking on the 30th, then you get the second peak to the story on June 18th and the final peak on Nov 8th, giving you over 10 months of potential for yourself and what Neptune is doing. So, what is Neptune doing? Helping you to figure things out, make decisions, open your mind to romance, art, spiritual matters, research, investigation, and/or choices about institutions. It is linking your potential to talks and meetings, agreements and sales, writing and interviews, offers and decisions, as well as opening a door between you and your brother, sister, neighbor, a move, the community/neighborhood, local activities, short trips, vehicles, electronics, and ideas that are inspired. So, pay attention to what is swirling around the end of the year since it may be key to your potential and playing out over the course of the year ahead.

Uranus has been shaking up your world since 2012 in areas of home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, roommates, family, history, security, and emotional needs. His journey here has been about you breaking out, breaking free, focusing on this new version of yourself that would come into focus through the changes going on in these areas of life. You may have spent time aligning your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs and how you show up for these topics as part of your personal revolution here and it’s encouraged you to have more freedom or be more original and inventive in these areas as well. On the 6th Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct for the last time through these topics, to exit on March 6th and not return again until the year 2094. So, if you still need to do something about home, moves, renovations, family, parents, roommates, real estate deals, history, ancestry, security, or emotions, as far as your place here, you have 2 forward moving months to work with this energy.

You also have lots going on this month behind the scenes as Venus enters this territory on the 7th onward. She may bring more enjoyment to your artistic interests such as music, film, plays, museums, concerts, poetry, etc, or she may focus on romantic trysts or getaways, a past life karmic relationship, your spiritual growth or practices, magic or psychic potential, hospitals, spas, retreats, or other institutions, or the research and development going on. Her influence can help smooth out issues or attract women on board, make it about love or income, or focus you on beauty in these areas and should mean you are enjoying something a bit more here. Jupiter is also working his growth potential here as noted above but he starts his square story to Neptune this month on the 13th so will be showing you that to have the growth, happiness or prosperity you want in these artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, or research arenas, you’ll be dealing with decisions, advice, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, local activities, short trips, moves, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions here that mean juggling some things or challenging yourself a bit more or finding some middle ground. So, pay attention to what is happening around the 13th for clues to your overall story with it, the 2nd square peaks on June 16th, the 3rd and final square on Sept. 21st.

Starting on the 20th you are going to have more of a spotlight on your income, purchases, possessions, or product needs and this is great for helping you to stand out, take the lead and make things happen that suit your interests here. This lasts for 30 days so plan on showing up and getting more involved in these areas. Mercury will join this story on the 24th onward which boosts the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, and decisions being made about income, purchases, possessions, or products.

Finally, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 20th-21st that is bringing something to a head with your sex life, reproductive needs, hormonal situation, divorce, a death, a birth, or any of the myriad of financial situations going on in your life from insurance needs to taxes, your bankruptcy or alimony, you name it. At this point you can eclipse something out, wrap something up, mark an ending, achieve your goals, celebrate, or have a breakthrough about it. Note, that Eclipses have a range of event orientation from 4-5 days prior or after the peak as well as one month to the day before or after so note what is going on at these triggers. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!

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Happy New Year Aquarius! My predictions for you in the year 2019 are that there may be life-changing situations unfolding in your 12th house this year. That means your life could become transformed by what arrives, ends, evolves, and empowers you in art, film, music, poetry, dance, or other artistic mediums or interests, a romantic tryst, getaway, clandestine affair, or karmic past-life union, your prayer, meditation, yoga, magical interests, or psychic abilities, what’s going on at spas, hospitals, retreats, or other institutions, investigations, dealing with addictions or bad habits, secrets or deceptions, or the research and development you get into. The Karmic South Node is working to rebalance karma in these areas, perhaps help you let go of something or see a past life soul return to connect in one of these areas of life. Saturn is working here to get you to master some next level of proficiency, take the lead, tackle responsibilities, structure things that support you, make some finite endings or long-term commitments about it, or get more ambitious. Pluto is working here throughout the year to help you purge, deconstruct and rebirth things, dig deeper into them, look at the financial or sexual needs in the equation, connect beyond the veil to the other side, or evolve a situation in some powerful way. And finally, there will be 3 Eclipses in these areas throughout the year! These will mean some big wrap-ups or endings and some major new opportunities or next level potential so plan on a lot of your focus to be on these topics. You are also embarking on some really exciting new chapter on the home front, with family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate deals this March that will be in play through the year 2026. It’s a time to go with changes, try out new things, be innovative, involve friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, or more social outlets here, and to pursue your aspirations here. Mid-year you should get a pretty powerful boost forward with your work or health interests. This can also mean new or next level opportunities with co-workers, hired help, paperwork, cleaning, organizing, or animals, so plan accordingly. Jupiter will be doing his part to bring growth through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, personal aspirations, and original projects and that is a great thing in so far that you don’t get this kind of potential but once every 12 years. However, this will be in square to Neptune all year so you’ll have to balance it with what is going on with income needs, purchases, possessions, or products. Finally, there is an Eclipse in January on the 21st that is about something reaching a pinnacle with a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, opponent, or advocate so pay attention to what this feels like for you. It may be about breakthroughs, wrapping up something, an ending, achievement, or celebration, but whichever way it goes it will be pointing to something about your relationships for the rest of the year!

Now, let’s look at January! There is a lot kicking in from the get-go this month with those artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, or research interests. This begins with Mercury arriving here on the 4th and traveling over these topics until the 24th. That gives you a good, strong 20 days to get into talks or meetings, write or interview, focus on agreements or sales, get out there locally or on short trips, or make some decisions about these interests. A New Moon Solar Eclipse arrives in the same territory on the 5th which gives you a super powerful push forward with these art, film, music, poetry, prayer, meditation, yoga, magical, psychic, hospital, spa, retreat, other institutional, investigational, or research matters. You can eclipse out what may have been blocking growth and either start something brand new here or take some current interest to the next level. There is also a major background story going on all year with these artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, and research matters. Saturn is linking to Neptune forming an opportunity alignment between them that is pretty sweet. Saturn will be felt building to this first alignment all month and it will peak on the 30th, the 2nd alignment will come in June on the 18th and the final alignment on Nov 8th, so you have over 10 months of these power houses working to help you. Saturn wants you to get serious, make commitments or end what no longer works, structure support, tackle responsibilities, take the lead, or get ambitious about it, while Neptune is opening up potential for you to feel more valued or align things with your evolving values or to make something in that list of things jive with your income, purchases, possessions, or products. So, pay attention to what is going on near this date to see what you can be doing the rest of the year with it.

Your ruler, Uranus, has been traveling through your zone of the mind, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, proposals, offers, and decisions, as well as through what’s been going on with siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, short trips, local activities, or electronics since 2012. It’s been urging you to shake things up, deal with sudden change, get excited, break out of ruts, free yourself, bring out what is original about you, connect you to your soul group, and help you focus on who you are in these areas as far as what is going on with your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs. On the 6th Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct in these matters for the last time, exiting on March 6th, not to return again until the year 2094. So, if you still need to say it, ask for it, sign it, sell it, propose it, write it, meet about it, or you get the idea, are you where you want to be and is your voice being heard? You have 2 months to figure out any last bits here.

You also have lots going on socially this month. Venus arrives in this territory on the 7th onward so this starts the ball rolling with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or your personal aspirations or original projects. Her presence here the rest of the month can help you focus on love or income here or make it about women or beauty interests. It can also mean you are smoothing out issues, attracting more pleasure and enjoying yourself in these areas of life. Jupiter is also here doing his part to bring growth for you but he is going to be at odds with Neptune throughout the year about it. So, when Jupiter wants you to go big with friends or these other social interests or wants you to focus on the travel, distant, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes with them, Neptune will be there making you look at your needs to earn money, make purchases, deal with possessions, or focus on your products. A good example would be a friend at a distance who invites you to their wedding which would entail purchasing plane tickets and dealing with being away from your income obligations for a bit, or perhaps you have a new webpage you put up but are having to haggle out legal matters with how you promote or take charges or deal with copyrights, etc, but there are a lot of examples above, see what fits for you. Then, pay attention to what is coming up here around the 13th for clues as to what might be in play the rest of the year about it, with peaks on June 16th and Sept 21st as well.

The Sun pours into your sign on the 20th and will be touring through Aquarius for the next 30 days. This puts a spotlight on you, helps you stand out, shine in situations, take the lead, or make things more about you. It’s a good time to focus on your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs, as well as to get out and about, be seen and pursue your objectives. Mercury will join this tour on the 24th onward which will then bring more potential for you to get into talks, meet with others, sign agreements, focus on sales, write, interview, field offers, propose, or make decisions that are aimed at your needs or impact your name, title, image, brand, or body.

Finally, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs between the 20th-21st this month and as I noted above in my yearly overview for you, it is important as to what will be going on for you with a romantic partner, business partner, the clients, a specialist, your agents or attorneys, the competitors or opponents, or an advocate in your life. At this point you may be celebrating something with or about them, wrapping up something you’ve been doing together, end the relationship itself, have a breakthrough or aha moment, or achieve a goal you’ve been striving for together. Eclipses can be event oriented in the 4-5 days before or after the peak, on the peak, or one month to the day before or after, so watch these time frames. Also note what is happening now is about getting you in the direction you need to go for your year in relationship. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!

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Happy New Year Pisces! My predictions for you in the year 2019 are that you may have a life-changing year regarding your personal aspirations or original projects or it may be that your life is about to change based on friendships, group activities, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or causes. The Karmic South Node is working here in is once-in-18 year moment this year to help you rebalance karma if need be in any one-sided scenarios, or to help you let go of things that may have run their karmic cycle or to allow for past-life souls to re-enter your life as friends or online or in these other areas of life to pick back up with you in some way. Saturn is very busy this year in these social and aspirational areas of life as he pushes you to get serious, master some new level of proficiency, tackle responsibilities, lead yourself forward, and get ambitious about things here, perhaps aligning you with a more established or status-oriented circle of friends or associates at some point. Pluto is also working here throughout the year helping you purge, make changes, go deeper, empower, transform, and perhaps to focus on financial or sexual interests in these areas. And finally, there will be 3 Eclipse throughout the year focused on these matters which means you will be getting the chance to eclipse out what is outgrown and really reach some epic highs or start something new or next level, so you see, it’s much about friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, and/or original projects this year! You are also embarking on an exciting new cycle of life starting in March that will be in play through the year 2026 and is about awakening your mind to things that you have hence been unaware of, it may bring more excitement through talks and meetings, it may bring something innovative to your sales or agreements or auditions or interviews, it can mean original writing or speaking roles take off or that you have chance meetings or offers or proposals that shake you out of the rut and bring excitement into your life. It can mean downloading from a higher realm in a way that sparks inventions or original ideas. It can also mean you will have some changing energy around brothers, sisters and neighbors as well as around local activities, short trips, moves, vehicles, or electronics over these years ahead. So, note what is starting to call you in a new direction. Mid-year there is something big going on with a lover or the children, a creative project or recreational interest that launches you in some next level momentum. You’ll continue with career growth or the expansion of some personal goal or situation with an authority figure this year thanks to Jupiter but you’ll also have to find a way to not get in your own way here, don’t swim in two different directions, Pisces, this is big and trusting your natural abilities to tune into your own inner voice will help you to see the signs along the way and allow yourself to stretch a bit even if it means coming out of the comfort zone to reach this goal, further the career or connect with that higher-up individual. Finally, the Lunar Eclipse on Jan 21st is about something big climaxing with work or health, pets or paperwork, hired help or co-workers, and whether this is about a big wrap-up, ending, achievement, or celebration, what culminates will influence much of your year ahead in these areas.

Now, let’s look at January! Right from the start you should be feeling the potential with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or your aspirations. Mercury heads into this territory starting on the 4th and will travel here until the 24th, giving you a good, solid 20 days to embark on short trips with or about them, to get into more talks or meetings, to sign agreements or focus on sales, to write or interview or audition, to field offers or make decisions, and get serious about your goals. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 5th then is your powerful boost forward, helping you eclipse out anything blocking what you are going for and launching you into something brand new or next level in a current situation with those friends, associates, groups, online interests, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, or original projects. You may have triggers to this at the 4-5 day prior or after the 5th or one month to the day before or after so look for that forward momentum. There is also a big story going on behind the scenes that is giving you more potential this year in these areas of life and you will start to feel the optimism with this in January. Saturn is working on these matters, to get you serious, structuring things to support, marking any endings or making long-term commitments, tackling responsibilities, mastering new personal levels of excellence, and/or getting more ambitious with these friends, groups, online interests, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, or original projects. This year, Saturn is forming an opportunity alignment to Neptune in your sign! That means you are at the hub of things here, standing out, making things about you, involving your name, brand, title, image, body, or personal objectives. Neptune themes may help you; artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, or research matters, and this is building to it’s first alignment in January, helping set the stage, peaking on the 30th. The 2nd alignment is on June 18th, the 3rd and final alignment on Nov 8th, so you have over 10 months to enjoy what is possible and put yourself center stage in what is evolving.

Look back at what you valued before 2012. Look at what you were doing to make money, the purchases you were making, your possessions or products, what you were building, and what you found pleasure in. Uranus arrived in these zones in that year and began his process of shaking you up and getting you to break out of ruts, break free, deal with sudden changes, look at who you were and what you wanted in these areas of life. He wanted you to look at how your image, brand, body, name, title, or needs were addressed here, and asked that you dig into what is original about you and bring it to this along with whatever soul group was meant to play a part in it. It’s been a bit crazy but exciting and now, on the 6th, Uranus ends his Retrograde and goes Direct for the last time in these values, income, purchases, products, and possessions areas. He will exit here on March 6th and not return to these matters again until the year2094. So, if you still need to figure something out or shake something up here you have 2 months with this energy there to help you do it.

You will also have lots going on with your personal goals, career, status, reputation, fame, and/or authority figures such as a boss, parent, director, judge, mentor, or other such higher-up in January. Venus is heading into this territory on the 7th onward so her presence here should help you to smooth out issues or focus more on women or beauty interests, love or income scenarios as they pertain to your goals, career or authority figures. She is great for making it all more enjoyable as well. Jupiter is also working here to help you see growth this year on the career front, with a personal goal or with this authority figure, and likely via travel, foreign, educational, media, marketing, legal, wedding, religious, or political avenues. However, you will start to feel how this is in frictional square to Neptune in your sign this month so you may feel pushed or that you need to push yourself and go for more as this builds. It peaks on the 13th and is the first of 3 peaks between you and these goals, career matters or authority figures of the year. The 2nd alignment happens on June 16th, the 3rd alignment on Sept. 21st, so pay attention to what is coming up mid-month since you’ll likely be working it over the next 9 months.

The Sun heads into your 12th house on the 20th and will tour here over the next 30 days. This is your cue that it’s time to start showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in art, film, music, or other muse-related interests, your romance or a romantic getaway, tackling an addiction or bad habit, dealing with a secret or deception, getting more into prayer, meditation, yoga, magic, or psychic interests, doing more at the spa, hospital, retreat, or other institution, or getting into the investigation or research. It’s your time to stand out, make it about you and take the lead. Mercury joins this story starting on the 24th onward so this will help open up talks and meetings, agreements and sales, writing and interviews, short trips and local activities, and any decisions about these matters.

Finally, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse peaks on the 20th-21st and is about something coming to a head for you with your work or a health matter, the hired help or co-workers, the paperwork, organizing, or cleaning, or with your animals. This is about eclipsing out what is over and marking endings or wrapping up projects, or it’s about eclipsing out what may have blocked your goals and reaching your goal, achieving, garnering some recognition, or celebrating in one of these areas. Note what is culminating since it will then aim the direction of one or more of these topics for much of your year ahead. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email and see if it's right for you!

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