Sunday, November 29, 2015



LISTEN to your Audio DECEMBER MONTHLY Forecast here!

THE MOON in the week ahead, (all times given are Eastern Standard Time, U.S.):
LEO MOON - Monday 12:00am - Wednesday 5:09am - Emotional needs to shine in the spotlight, create or love.
VIRGO MOON - Wednesday 5:09am - Friday 5:34pm - Emotional needs to analyze, work or organize.
LIBRA MOON - Friday 5:34pm - Sunday midnight - Emotional needs to balance, relate with someone or seek justice.

VOID MOON in the week ahead, (all times given are Eastern Standard Time, U.S.):
TUESDAY 10:09pm - midnight
WEDNESDAY 12:00am -5:09am
THURSDAY 11:59pm - midnight
FRIDAY 12:00am - 5:34pm
SUNDAY 9:03pm - midnight

MONDAY should be pretty creative and fun in a serious kind of way. Work towards goals you want to achieve with whatever sporting, recreational, children's, love, or creative venture since there is supportive foundational energy attached at present. You may need to work around something going on with a parent, boss, judge, or the like, or it may be career needs that draw off some of your attention, give and take here.

TUESDAY keeps that creative, love, kids, and fun vibe going but today you have a nice surprise in the mix. This may mean bumping into someone while out and about or a phone call, email or other form of communication that goes amazingly well. It is a good day to pitch ideas, sign agreements, make sales, write, interview, or move things along in some fresh new direction. Venus even gives a nod via the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key player over love, money, beauty, or women.

WEDNESDAY Virgo Moon takes over and we want to organize, clean, work, get healthy, concentrate on animals, environmental interests, people we hire, paperwork, and co-workers. I'm thinking something is a bit of a challenge in this today, like you need to set or deal with limits, an ending, 'no', authority type, or push yourself harder to reach goals. It can be good to let it amp up your ambitions in these matters so you overcome whatever is bothering you here in the first place.

THURSDAY you'll make some changes that please you or are good for you but you'll have to have a talk or meeting that challenges, perhaps hear news that pushes you in some way. This is a building trend to help you turn a corner between today and tomorrow so please keep communications open and do your part.

FRIDAY the Mercury/Jupiter square brings the information, talk, meeting, writing, agreements, sales, interview, offer, or decisions to some new height. It's big. Thank you Jupiter. Now whether this is big in a ' I need to deal with it now' kind of way or big in a 'oh my gosh this is great' kind of way is more about what you're involved with at present and where you want to go with it. Whatever the case, it's a big day for news and decisions. Venus moves into Scorpio tonight and shifts our concentration on love, women, income, and beauty into the depths of this watery sign. Over the weeks ahead this will bring more alignment with sexuality, divorce, major financial needs, mortality issues, reproductive needs, or third party situations in the mix. Helping you smooth things out or attract what you need more easily.

SATURDAY Libra Moon is making nice with Saturn and Sun, and then amping things up with Mars and Pluto, wowza! So, on the one hand, we will have emotional energy around what's going on with partners, agents, attorneys, opponents, competitors, clients, or specialists today that will help us cement things via our own needs in the mix over legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. On the other hand, the Mars/Pluto energy tonight is more about major passion, anger or motivation taking hold with or about these players and this is only building to what is on slate for tomorrow!

SUNDAY the Sun meets with Mars and then Mars and Pluto square each other!!! This is a very amped up energy day, one that involves you personally or physically, one that hinges on the partner, opponent, client, specialist, competitor, agent, attorney, or themes of justice or balance. It's a day filled with action, passion, anger, war/fights, or motivation here. Pluto's redemptive and resurrecting themes of death and transformation are pushed by all of this giving it more intensity or involving sex, divorce, death, birth, finances, third parties, or power and the goals you have or the authority types involved. So expect a weekend of fireworks, do your part to keep it in the Light. Avoid scary places or people since this can be explosive energy in the wrong hands. Let it push you to transform life in ways that help you purge what no longer suits and go deeper in areas that draw you.

TUNE IN THURSDAY NIGHT to hear about your week ahead with Zoe on the Radio! 
8pm eastern/7pm central/6pm mountain/5pm pacific/1am UK 

For the day to day breakdown please read the above overview. Your week ahead is important in these ways, Aries: 1) You need to keep communications open involving legal, travel, people at a distance, foreign, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes. You may meet someone who will have a big impact here or have an idea that is important, you could sign something or amp up sales here or have powerful talks or meetings about it. At some point in the week you'll see that this is impacting your work, paperwork, health, pets, co-workers, or people you hire in a big way. 2) You'll experience a shift in your love life, with income, women, or beauty from the 4th onward. This is going to make things more intense sexually or financially, and can help you make changes or go deeper over the weeks ahead. 3) The weekend is going to be intense and you may have clues to what that's about earlier in the week. The focus is on the partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, opponent, or other key player and what's going on with a goal, the career, a parent, boss, judge, or other authority figure. This will shoot you into action, amp up anger or bring out the passion, expect sparks. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email because hey, aren't you worth exploring a bit more?!


LISTEN to your DECEMBER MONTHLY highlights by clicking on the archives here!

For the day to day breakdown please read the above overview. Your week ahead is important in these ways, Taurus: 1) The information flow is vital this week when it comes to financial matters, sex, divorce, death, birth, reproductive matters, or third party situations. You'll see that the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions are hitting some big moment over these themes in connection with a creative project, lover, the kids, or something recreational. 2) Venus is changing signs on the 4th so you'll feel a shift when it comes to creative projects, love, income, or beauty as the focus will now be on partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or the competition. Over the weeks ahead this should help you bring this all together in some beneficial way, attract what you desire, or smooth out some rough edges. 3) The weekend is going to be intense so you may feel this building during the week. It's about a major push over work, with co-workers, organizing, cleaning, the paperwork, a health matter, the animals, or with someone you've hired. Mars will amp this up big time via more action, passion, motivation, or some big blow-up or anger. This ties in with powerful changes or transformations going on around legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests in the mix. Expect to motivate! There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email because hey, aren't you worth exploring a bit more?!


LISTEN to your DECEMBER MONTHLY highlights by clicking on the archives here!

For the day to day breakdown please read the above overview. Your week ahead is important in these ways, Gemini: 1) The week is epic for talks, offers, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, or decisions involving partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, or other key relationships. This is going big when it comes to your home, a real estate deal, the parent, a roommate, the move, renovations, or family. 2) Venus moves into deeper territory on the 4th so you'll feel a shift towards powerful themes around women, love, income, or beauty now taking you towards the work you need to do, the people you hire, health interests, pets, paperwork, or co-workers in the mix. You'll have this most of the month, start now. 3) The weekend is going to be a whopper so you may start to feel this coming during the week and it's all about what's going to happen with the creative project, lover, kids, or fun. Something here is changing or evolving and is about the financial picture, sex life, reproductive needs, death, birth, divorce, or third party situation. Expect it to amp up via passions, anger, activities, or motivation about it. You're going to be busy. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email because hey, aren't you worth exploring a bit more?!


LISTEN to your DECEMBER MONTHLY highlights by clicking on the archives here!

For the day to day breakdown please read the above overview. Your week ahead is important in these ways, CANCER: 1) It's a big week for news, talks, meetings, offers, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions about work related interests, health matters, the pets, any paperwork, people you hire, or co-workers. You'll see this peak later in the week as something big is heard, offered or decided. Some of you may involve siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, or local activities in the mix. 2) Venus changes signs on the 4th entering your zone of true love, kids, fun, and creative endeavors. This means it's time to focus more on the deeper side of love, making money in these areas, the beauty, or women in the mix. You'll have most of the month with energy working to attract or smooth things out here. 3) The weekend is going to be intense. You may feel this building during the week. Expect it to burst out on the home front, with real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, a parent, or roommates. It will mean diving into action, expressing passion, anger, fighting, or motivating in these areas. Powerful changes or evolving situations tied to this involve the partner, specialist, clients, attorneys, agents, opponents, or other relationships, you'll go deep. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email because hey, aren't you worth exploring a bit more?!


LISTEN to your DECEMBER MONTHLY highlights by clicking on the archives here!

For the day to day breakdown please read the above overview. Your week ahead is important in these ways, Leo: 1) Communication is all about a creative project, the kids, a lover, or fun this week. That means talks, meetings, interviews, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, offers, or decisions amp up around these themes. Something big is peaking here with income, possessions or purchases as your week goes along. 2) Venus moves into your home base on the 4th and will tour here in the weeks ahead. This means more focus on a woman at home or over real estate, family, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates, or it means more focus on making money, the love or ways to beautify things here. It should go well. 3) The weekend is going to be intense. You may feel it building during the week as things amp up with key players over the talks, writing, agreements, sales, offers, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, meetings, and decisions. By this weekend these themes bring out more activity, passion, anger, fights, or motivation and link into something powerful that is transforming or evolving with work, paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, health matters, or pets. You're going to be busy. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email because hey, aren't you worth exploring a bit more?!


LISTEN to your DECEMBER MONTHLY highlights by clicking on the archives here!

For the day to day breakdown please read the above overview. Your week ahead is important in these ways, Virgo: 1) It's a week of really big talks, meetings, offers, agreements, sales, or anything involving siblings, neighbors, transportation, or electronics that affect your home, real estate deals, move, renovation, family, parent, or roommates. You'll see something involving yourself via your physical involvement, signature, title, image, brand, or personal needs in the mix as the week moves along here, think big! 2) Venus moves into your local and communications zone where she'll now tour over the weeks ahead. This bodes well for women helping with agreements, sales, writing, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, offers, interviews, or decisions. It also means things smooth out or you can attract the love, income or beauty in these areas more easily, it should be a better time here. 3) The weekend is going to be intense. You may feel this building during the week as it will push you into action over making money, making purchases or what you're doing with your possessions. Mars will heat up the passion, anger, fight, action, or motivation and bring about some kind of push for change or evolving things with the creative direction, kids, lover, or recreational interests in the mix. Get ready to get busy. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email because hey, aren't you worth exploring a bit more?!


LISTEN to your DECEMBER MONTHLY highlights by clicking on the archives here!

For the day to day breakdown please read the above overview. Your week ahead is important in these ways, Libra: 1) It's a big week for talks, meetings, writing, interviews, offers, agreements, sales, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and decisions for you. Something big is going on here involving artistic projects, spiritual interests, romance, healing, addictions, hospitals, or research and you'll see this as the week progresses. 2) Venus is moving into your income, possessions and purchases zone on the 4th. This means in the weeks ahead women may help you here or you may find that you are smoothing out rough edges or attracting the love or money in the mix more easily. Purchases or earnings on art or beauty are favored. 3) The weekend is going to be intense and you may start to feel that building in your week. Mars is about to light a fire under you Libra, kicking you into gear on a physical, personal level, pushing you into action, passions, anger, fights, or motivating you over what you want or what you need to do about your body, image, brand, title, name, or needs. This involves something changing, evolving or powerful with the home, move, renovation, real estate deal, roommate, family, or parent. Make things happen! There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email because hey, aren't you worth exploring a bit more?!


LISTEN to your DECEMBER MONTHLY highlights by clicking on the archives here!

For the day to day breakdown please read the above overview. Your week ahead is important in these ways, Scorpio: 1) You'll be driven to talk, meet, push forward agreements, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, or anything to keep communication going around earning money, your possessions or purchases. This is moving towards something big with friends, a group, the internet, astrology, a charity, gathering, or your aspirations as the week develops. 2) Venus is moving into your sign on the 4th and will tour here in the weeks ahead. This brings more charm and attractive qualities out in you or others notice them more, it helps you reach your own agenda with love, income, women, or beauty more easily, and will make it a nicer period for you in these matters. 3) The weekend is going to be intense and you may start to feel this building during the week. It's about something amping up behind closed doors, about a creative project, romantic interlude, spiritual practice, magical or psychic interest, addiction, healing or hospital matter, investigation, research, or developmental project. Mars will heat up the passion, anger, fight, motivation, or action here. It will be met with powerful Pluto talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, short trips, or decisions that change or evolve the situation. Get ready to do it. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email because hey, aren't you worth exploring a bit more?!


LISTEN to your DECEMBER MONTHLY highlights by clicking on the archives here!

For the day to day breakdown please read the above overview. Your week ahead is important in these ways, Sagittarius: 1) It's a big week for you in talks, meetings, news, offers, agreements, sales, decisions, writing, interviews, or ideas that are about your needs, body, image, brand, title, name, or direction and the big things going on with career, personal goals, the boss, parent, judge, or other authority type in the mix. 2) Venus is moving into the hidden part of your chart. This may mean a woman retreats, rests, recuperates, heals, is in hospital, part of an artistic, romantic, research, or spiritual interest of yours now, or that you are involved with love, income, beauty, or women here more now. It should smooth things out, help you attract what you need and make it a better time here. 3) The weekend is going to be intense and you may feel this building as the week progresses. Expect the heat to turn up a notch or two at a party, event or gathering, with a friend, group or online, with astrology, causes or charities, or about your aspirations and the pursuit of them now. Mars will stimulate more passion, action, anger, fights, or motivation over it now and the link to Pluto means something is changing or evolving around possessions, objects, purchases, or income in the mix. Time to transform things. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email because hey, aren't you worth exploring a bit more?!


LISTEN to your DECEMBER MONTHLY highlights by clicking on the archives here!

For the day to day breakdown please read the above overview. Your week ahead is important in these ways, Capricorn: 1) It's a week for behind the scenes talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, research, and development. You may be focused on artistic, research, investigations, spiritual, romantic, healing, addictive, or hospital goals here. As the week progresses you'll just how big this is going to get over legal, travel, wedding, people at a distance, media, marketing, educational, religious, or political themes. 2) Venus moves into your social realm on the 4th and will tour here for the weeks ahead. This may bring a new female friend or more fun and attractions with friends, at parties, events, group activities, online, via astrology, charities, gatherings, or in pursuit of your aspirations. Love, income, women, and beauty can flower in these areas now and it should make you quite popular. 3) The weekend is going to be intense and you may start to feel that building in the week ahead. This is about a big personal goal, your career or something going on with an authority figure like the parent, boss, judge, or mentor. Mars is going to heat up the passion, anger, fight, action, or motivate you to do something and it is all linked to Pluto in your sign. This means a powerful impact on you personally or physically as you continue in your changes, going deeper or evolving story. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email because hey, aren't you worth exploring a bit more?!


LISTEN to your DECEMBER MONTHLY highlights by clicking on the archives here!

For the day to day breakdown please read the above overview. Your week ahead is important in these ways, Aquarius: 1) This week is all about the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, short trips, writing, offers, and decisions focused on aspirations and your friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, and causes. As the week progresses you'll see how big this is going to get via the financial interest, sex life, divorce, mortality issue, reproductive need, or third party situation. 2) Venus is moving into your Midheaven on the 4th to tour here in the weeks ahead. This puts a spotlight on love, income, women, and beauty and helps you reach goals here or see some of this benefiting your career or interaction with an authority figure like the parent, boss or judge. It should smooth out rough edges and bring more enjoyment. 3) The weekend is going to be intense and you may start to feel this building during the week. It's about what is going to happen with or about the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests. Mars is going to spark up the action, passion, anger, fights, or motivate you to do what needs doing here. It's all linked to Pluto and the powerful financial, mortality, divorce, or sexual interests going on behind closed doors, in secret, with research, institutions, investigations, artistic projects, spiritual practices, magic, psychic interests, or getaways. Turn up the heat. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email because hey, aren't you worth exploring a bit more?!


LISTEN to your DECEMBER MONTHLY highlights by clicking on the archives here!

For the day to day breakdown please read the above overview. Your week ahead is important in these ways, Pisces: 1) The week ahead is about lots of talks, meetings, offers, interviews, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions about career, reputation, fame, personal goals, or authority figures like the boss, parent or judge. This is linking to something big as your week progresses via the partner, agent, attorney, opponent, clients, specialist, or other key player and what's going on with travel, legal, educational, wedding, media, marketing, religious, or political needs. 2) Speaking of travel, legal, educational, wedding, media, marketing, religious, or political needs, Venus enters these matters on the 4th and will travel here for the weeks ahead. She bring love here or income opportunities, she helps with beauty needs, art and women who can help or whom you will focus on for beneficial interests. It should make it more smooth sailing, help you attract and enjoy in these areas. 3) The weekend is going to be intense and you may start to feel it as the week builds to this. It's going to be highly charged action, passion, anger, fighting, or motivating about the loan, debt, inheritance, taxes, bankruptcy, insurance, alimony, child support, commissions, partner's money, or other financial resources, or it is going to be heating up over sex, reproductive needs, divorce, triangles/third party matters, death, birth, or controlling interests. This links to something powerful that is changing or evolving with the friend, group, internet, astrology, charities, gathering/party/event, original inventions, or your personal aspirations in the mix. Go deep. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email because hey, aren't you worth exploring a bit more?!


LISTEN to your DECEMBER MONTHLY highlights by clicking on the archives here!

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