Sunday, March 2, 2014


Read your MARCH MONTHLY here!
Read your DAILY FORECASTS here!


We head into our first full week in March with a whole lot of energy shifting around us and a New Moon propelling us into our future, it should be a good thing, time to make things happen!

MONDAY the Sun beams his light upon that New Moon motivation and asks that you step into the picture physically or with your name, brand, needs, or image. So what can you do about artistic projects or interests, spiritual practices, the hospital or healing, addictions or bad habits, romantic liaisons, research, or projects in development? There is an open door to Pluto in all of this today so you can make some powerful changes, involve third parties, get to the financial heart of the matter, connect intimately, further divorce needs, include authority figures in the mix, and reach for goals. Go, go, go!

MONDAY and TUESDAY will spin on Aries Moon emotional energy and activate the Grand Cross so you can be certain that both days will drive you to have your needs met or be heard on some matter. These are not days to lay back and let the world float by, take a stand, push yourself just a bit. TUESDAY will bring that partner, rep, specialist, client, opponent, or other relationship to bear on the matter.

WEDNESDAY Venus moves into new territory. She takes up residence in Aquarius where she will stay for the next 30 days and she is your ticket to shaking things up in the area of love or finding something new and exciting when it comes to making money. Women will now feel the independent pulse of Aquarius, inventions and original ideas will take love and money further, and breaking out of ruts is favored. If you are seeking fulfillment in these matters now, set your sights on social activities, meet up with friends, get involved with groups, get online, support charities and causes, use your social networking skills, and attend parties and events, this is where it's at!

THURSDAY Jupiter wakes from his slumber and goes Direct. He slowed down and took us all back over our Jupiter themes back at the end of the first week of November 2013. Since then, we've had time to look at what we need to make us happy or more prosperous, any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, or wedding plans that are needed or are playing out in the home, with family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, roommates, or parents, and what we needed to tie up so we could have the kind of growth we truly need.'s ON! From today through July 16th Jupiter is going to tear it up through the sign of Cancer and then not return for another 12 years. It's your cue, a big CUE, to start moving in the direction you want with these themes.

FRIDAY through SUNDAY are going to focus on meeting others, having your talks, writing, dealing with fine print, agreements, sales, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and decision making. Keep your lines of communications open.

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Furthering film, music, art, spiritual practices, healing, hospital needs, romance, research, and your place in the world of imagination is where it's at this week and no more so than on MONDAY when you can really stand out. Seek the approval of higher-ups, make your move towards career empowerment or goals you would like to achieve, you are in a good position. MONDAY and TUESDAY will give you some rocket fuel to boost your stamina and keep you revving on all cylinders. Expect to stay busy and again, motivate towards changes and epic growth. Venus kicks off a new love and money cycle on WEDNESDAY and helps you attract both while connecting with friends, associates, groups, the internet, or involved with charities, causes, social networking, parties, events, or your own aspirations. You have until April 5th to work this, say yes to your social scene. Jupiter goes Direct on THURSDAY and you have until July 16th to make things count at home, with moves, renovations, real estate deals, family, parents, or roommates. This is your luckiest period for growth for another 12 years, seek any legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding interests that play out in conjunction with these themes. If you've been waiting on any stalled issues, they begin to move now. The weekend will be about meetings, talks, local activities or short trips, writing, offers, sales, agreements, siblings, neighbors, electronics, and vehicles, keep the information flowing and ask for what you need. A private reading with Zoe gives you her special insights into your own unique birth blueprint and arms you with personal information to navigate the energy fields up ahead. To find out about current rates and available dates email remember, knowledge is power!
Read your MARCH MONTHLY here!

The week pushes you to move forward with personal aspirations, to seek out friendships, group affiliations, do things online, be inventive or original, connect with astrology, charity or social networking interests, and attend gatherings. This is highlighted strongly on MONDAY when you will get your chance to shine. There is something here that can go well for you legally, in travel, media, marketing, publishing, education, or wedding arenas so again, do what you can to reach goals here. MONDAY and TUESDAY will be highly charged behind the scenes for you so you may be working on a project alone or developing some artistic or spiritual interest, holing up with a lover or dealing with research, rest, hospitals, or imaginative outlets. Whatever route you take, it won't be laid back but rather highly dynamic. WEDNESDAY your ruler moves into new territory, pushing your love and income needs into a more goal oriented part of your life. This may mean you strive more to smooth things out and attract what you need via higher-ups or that you make a splash without much effort wherever you go and that helps. Career and bosses, parents and judges, should smile on you now and the more independent and original you are the better. Jupiter ends a long Retrograde, since last November, on Thursday. You now are in a heightened growth spurt from now through July 16th to push ahead on agreements, writing, sales, offers, meetings, talks, short trips, local activities, or anything involving siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. This won't occur again for another 12 years so focus in on the home, family, renovations, moves, real estate, and roommates and how all of the above could help you see more growth, happiness or prosperity. FRIDAY through SUNDAY will aim more attention on making money, dealing with possessions or purchases so expect those talks and offers to rev up on these subjects now and field your offers or make your choices accordingly. A private reading with Zoe gives you her special insights into your own unique birth blueprint and arms you with personal information to navigate the energy fields up ahead. To find out about current rates and available dates email remember, knowledge is power!

Read your MARCH MONTHLY here!

It's a week to slam career interests, climb that proverbial ladder, make your presence known, see some recognition or achievement, set goals higher than usual, and reach out to any higher-ups that will want to aid you on your quest. You are somewhat golden right now and no more so than on MONDAY when you are asked to get in there and take charge or make it known what you are all about. The door opens here to financial interests, sexual attractions, divorce proceedings, or third party situations, walk through it. MONDAY and TUESDAY will amp things up socially for you on an emotional level so you may need to set some time aside for friends, groups, the internet, your causes, or associates. It won't be laid back but more about amping things up. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into the higher minded part of your chart and kicks off a new love and money cycle that lasts until April 5th. This means you will find love or income opportunities tied up around travel, foreign interests, legalities, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, educational pursuits, weddings, politics, or religious interests. This should smooth these matters out and bring some excitement to any ruts you may have found yourself in lately. THURSDAY Jupiter goes Direct after being Retrograde since last November. That means from now through July 16th you get the biggest boost to expand income, do something big with possessions or purchases, and find more happiness or prosperity in doing so. You won't have this kind of energy here again for another 12 years so push those horizons. FRIDAY through SUNDAY turns attention to you, your body, image, brand, name, or identity. These days favor you putting a bit more thought into you and your needs, opening up conversations or coming to agreements about your needs, and possibly getting out there on your local scene or making a short trip to further things. If you need to sign your name to something, it's time. A private reading with Zoe gives you her special insights into your own unique birth blueprint and arms you with personal information to navigate the energy fields up ahead. To find out about current rates and available dates email remember, knowledge is power!

Read your MARCH MONTHLY here!

The week ahead is all about you furthering any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, wedding, political, or religious interests. You have the cosmos behind your efforts and it is strongest on MONDAY when you get the opportunity to step up and get in there to make it so. There is an open door to this leading to a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or other key person so reach out, see what you can do to empower yourself and deal with any financial, divorce or intimate needs in the mix. MONDAY and TUESDAY will hold emotional energy around career, goals, a parent, boss or other authority figure and both days will amp things up here so that you are also pushing on these themes to move your mountains. It seems you have a lot on your plate and will want to pace yourself as you tackle each item. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into the deepest part of your chart and kicks off a new love and money cycle that lasts until April 5th. Here love and income will want more powerful connections and involve how things are shared. Look to the big financial resources like loans, taxes, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, investments, or settlements to smooth some things out to aid in the love/income flow, or look to more intimacy or facing the divorce so that you move ahead. Jupiter goes Direct on THURSDAY after being Retrograde since November last year. This is a big push now for you on a personal or physical level. You have until July 16th to do what it takes to make yourself happier or more prosperous, to expand your own horizons a bit, and to further anything involving your personal needs, body, image, identity, name, or title. You won't experience this added support for growth like this again for another 12 years once it's over so do what it takes. FRIDAY through SUNDAY will amp up talks, offers, agreements, and decisions going on behind the scenes, in retreat, over rest, healing, hospitals, film, music, art, spiritual interests, romantic getaways, research, or development. Keep the information flowing and share ideas, the imagination should be on fire. A private reading with Zoe gives you her special insights into your own unique birth blueprint and arms you with personal information to navigate the energy fields up ahead. To find out about current rates and available dates email remember, knowledge is power!

Read your MARCH MONTHLY here!

It is your week to further your goals when it comes to any of the big financial matters so get real about loans, debt, inheritance, insurance, taxes, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, commissions, bankruptcy, a partner's money, or you can tip this boat away from the financial to the personal side of this story and push ahead on sexual attractions, reproductive needs, mortality issues, or divorce proceedings. Your strongest day is MONDAY when you can step in and take charge or be noted with good measure. There is an open door to your work, pursuit of work, organizational methods, clinical thinking, paperwork, health, pets, or services, this is a good thing, tie it all in and see what you can achieve. MONDAY and TUESDAY will be emotionally focused on legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media needs so expect to see a lot of amped up energy around what you believe in here and what you are willing to do about it. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into your relationship zone where she will travel the next 30 days. This is a new love and income cycle that is all about what goes on with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, and other key people. So expect things to smooth out or for you to be able to attract what you want more easily via these sorts. Jupiter has been Retrograde since last November and on THURSDAY finally goes Direct. This is his last big push through Cancer from now through July 16th, once gone he won't return for another 12 years. So, what do you want to expand, what would make you happier or more prosperous when it comes to research, investigations, healing, hospitals, spiritual practices, film, music, art, romantic getaways, clandestine romance, the imagination, or rest and rebooting your system? Jump on this major wave and ride it into the summer. FRIDAY through SUNDAY will likely be social for you so set aside time for friends, groups, your online interests, causes, charities, parties, and events. There may be some significant meetings or offers in the mix. A private reading with Zoe gives you her special insights into your own unique birth blueprint and arms you with personal information to navigate the energy fields up ahead. To find out about current rates and available dates email remember, knowledge is power!

Read your MARCH MONTHLY here!

It's who you know or who you are about to know this week Virgo so jump into MONDAY with a vow to reach out to partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, the competition, or other key players and take your place at the helm. What do you need? They can help. There is an open door through them to love, children, creative projects, or recreational interests, again step up and put yourself firmly into the mix to make it so. MONDAY and TUESDAY will hold emotional energy around sex, divorce, finances, third parties, mortality issues, or births, so expect to see some amped up motivation over these themes as well. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into your sixth house where she kicks off a new love and income cycle for the next 30 days. Here you will see some things smooth out over work, health, paperwork, or pets and an ability to attract the love or money while involved in these pursuits. Women should benefit your aims here as well. Jupiter has been Retrograde since last November and on Thursday goes Direct. That means from now through July 16th there is the big push to bring more happiness or prosperity through what you expand upon around your aspirations, with your friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, parties, events, your independence, freedom, inventions, or original concepts. You won't get so much push again for another 12 years so partner with this energy to open up your horizons. FRIDAY through SUNDAY will bring more thought about goals, career, the boss, a parent, judge, or other authority figure, and get you into talks, meetings, writing, fielding offers, making short trips, or coming to some decisions. Keep the communications open. A private reading with Zoe gives you her special insights into your own unique birth blueprint and arms you with personal information to navigate the energy fields up ahead. To find out about current rates and available dates email remember, knowledge is power!

Read your MARCH MONTHLY here!

It's a big week for work, interviews, auditions, paperwork, what you do with co-workers or people you hire, your health, and pets. To emphasize how important this is you get a mega boost on MONDAY that allows you to shine and take the lead in what matters to you here. There is an open door that aligns things nicely at home or with real estate deals, moves or renovations, family, parents or roommates, and helps you to empower or make changes that benefit. MONDAY and TUESDAY will fuel emotions regarding a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or opponent so expect to be highly charged over what this person can or did do and to push on this factor as well. WEDNESDAY your ruler, Venus, moves into new territory and kicks off a new love and income cycle that will play out around children, fun, creative projects, and true love. So expect to see some things smooth out here and to attract what you need a bit easier. It will also be a good time with women around these themes. Jupiter has been Retrograde since last November and finally goes Direct on THURSDAY. From now through July 16th Jupiter fuels through Cancer not to return for another 12 years. That means you are getting your biggest push to expand career horizons, further big goals, make a name for yourself, garner some recognition, reach higher-ups, impress the boss, parent or judge, or further some aim involving them. You should partner with the energy to see what you could do here to find more happiness or prosperity. FRIDAY through SUNDAY will focus on talks, offers, writing, sales, or decisions involving legal matters, travel plans, foreign interests, media, marketing or publishing deals, educational pursuits, wedding plans, political agendas, or religious ideals. Open up, meet up, share ideas. A private reading with Zoe gives you her special insights into your own unique birth blueprint and arms you with personal information to navigate the energy fields up ahead. To find out about current rates and available dates email remember, knowledge is power!

Read your MARCH MONTHLY here!

This week is important for you when it comes to one big creative project, the kids, your love life, OR a recreational interest you want to pursue. So choose or multi-task a few if you feel ready, the point is, you have cosmic energy behind the effort and your power day for this is MONDAY. You should step up, step out, take the lead and open up some powerful dialogue. That communication may come back your way via an offer, agreement, sale, meeting, writing, or decision that is all about changing things or going deeper, bring it on! MONDAY and TUESDAY will hold emotional energy around work, paperwork, health, or pets needs so expect some push on these matters as well, the Grand Cross will amp it up. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into the root of your chart and will tour here until April 5th. This means things mellow a bit at home, with family, moves, roommates, renovations, real estate deals, or parents, and your new love and income cycle officially targets these arenas over the next 30 days. Seek ways to express the love or earn the green from these platforms. Jupiter has been Retrograde since last November and on THURSDAY finally goes Direct. From now through July 16th you get your biggest push for more growth, happiness or prosperity through legal channels, travel, foreign interests, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, weddings, politics, or religion. You won't have this kind of boost again for another 12 years so make it count, how can you open things up here? If you've had some stagnation during Retrograde, it's a thing of the past now, forward you go. FRIDAY through SUNDAY will urge you to focus on sex, divorce or the finances. It's a good time to meet, talk, write things up, sell, sign, or make choices. You can get out there locally or take a short trip in pursuit of these matters as well. A private reading with Zoe gives you her special insights into your own unique birth blueprint and arms you with personal information to navigate the energy fields up ahead. To find out about current rates and available dates email remember, knowledge is power!

Read your MARCH MONTHLY here!

Hit the ground running this week with anything you want to get involved with at home, over real estate deals, a move, renovations, roommates, family, or a parent. You have mega energy behind getting this off the ground now and your best day is MONDAY when you can show up and lead things forward. There is an open door to making a purchase, earning money or dealing with possessions in the mix so look for something powerful to come together. MONDAY and TUESDAY will hold emotional energy around love, kids, creative projects, or recreational interests so expect both days to be amped up over what you want here. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into your communications and transportation zone and will tour here until April 5th. This kicks off a new love and income cycle for you that plays out through talks, offers, proposals, interviews, auditions, agreements, sales, writing, local activities, short trips, and what you do involving siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. It should help smooth things out in these areas and open up choices for you. To further love or income, get into these themes. Jupiter has been Retrograde since last November and on THURSDAY finally goes Direct. That means from now through July 16th you get your biggest push to expand your horizons or find more happiness and prosperity through shared financial realms like loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, investments, a partner's money, or through personal means like sexual attractions, reproductive needs, divorce, or third party situations. You won't have this much push again for another 12 years so jump in, further your growth while you can. FRIDAY through SUNDAY amps up the communications, offers, writing, agreements, and decisions involving partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, or other key players so keep the lines open, ask for what you need, and make your choices. A private reading with Zoe gives you her special insights into your own unique birth blueprint and arms you with personal information to navigate the energy fields up ahead. To find out about current rates and available dates email remember, knowledge is power!

Read your MARCH MONTHLY here!

The week ahead is all about what you communicate or choose. Look at agreements, sales, writing, short trips, meetings, offers, proposals, interviews, auditions, local activities, or anything that involves siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics. You can really move things along here and the best day is MONDAY when you get to shine your light, take the lead and further your needs in the mix. There is an open door to some empowerment for you so be willing to make changes or go deeper. MONDAY and TUESDAY will hold emotional energy around home, real estate, family, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates so expect to have some added needs driving you onward here. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into your income, possessions and purchases zone to stay until April 5th. This is good news for you, a time when women should benefit your aims here, where you can express the love, make the money, and see things smooth out a bit. Jupiter has been Retrograde since last November and on THURSDAY goes Direct. From now through July 16th he speeds through Cancer not to return for another 12 years. So this period is epic for you to expand your horizons, move in the direction of more happiness or prosperity, and it focuses on relationship! So jump into this by looking around and aiming high, who do you want to pursue or who do you want to take things to the next level with? This can be about a romantic partner, business partner, agent, attorneys, specialist, clients, the competition, or any other key players in your life. What you set in motion now has momentum for over a decade up ahead. FRIDAY through SUNDAY will get you in there in talks, writing, dealing with agreements, sales or offers involving your work, health, pets, or the paperwork. Expect it to be busy. A private reading with Zoe gives you her special insights into your own unique birth blueprint and arms you with personal information to navigate the energy fields up ahead. To find out about current rates and available dates email remember, knowledge is power!

Read your MARCH MONTHLY here!

You should make it your mission this week to move ahead on earning potential, purchases or dealing with the possessions. You have a great boost from the cosmos to take things further or into new territory here and your best day is MONDAY when you can step up, take the lead, shine your light and open something up behind the scenes that empowers. Best bets would be artistic interests, spiritual practices, institutions, research, development, or romantic liaisons that somehow boost your income, possessions or purchases. MONDAY and TUESDAY hold emotional energy around the conversations, offers, agreements, writing, sales, short trips, or decisions going down. You can expect that your needs here will fuel some heightened communications. WEDNESDAY Venus moves into your sign! This is going to last until April 5th and really gives you some added charm, attraction and ease when it comes to you, your needs, image, body, identity, or brand. Venus is kicking off a new love and income cycle here in your sign so you have a bit more sway when it comes to matters of the heart or earning your living, enjoy. Jupiter has been Retrograde since last November and on THURSDAY finally goes Direct. He will move through Cancer now until July 16th and then not return here for another 12 years. So, how can you best work with this potential for more growth, happiness or prosperity? For your sign you have the upper hand here if you focus on your job growth, paperwork, health, pets, services your provide, environmental interests, co-workers, or people you hire. Dream big and then do something about it. FRIDAY through SUNDAY will amp up communications and information regarding love, kids, creative projects, or fun. That means more meetings, talks, offers, short trips, writing, agreements, sales, and decisions that help open these themes up. Expect to be busy. A private reading with Zoe gives you her special insights into your own unique birth blueprint and arms you with personal information to navigate the energy fields up ahead. To find out about current rates and available dates email remember, knowledge is power!

Read your MARCH MONTHLY here!

Your week is really all about you and your needs and it NEEDS to be this way right now so don't feel selfish or weird about it. You should take some time to figure out what you can do for yourself, your body, image, brand, name, title, or identity needs, and then focus all this energy onto the biggest day for rewards here, MONDAY. This day calls to you to step up, shine your light and in some way open a door to your aspirations, or with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, party, gathering, or your original ideas. You can affect change or go deeper. MONDAY and TUESDAY will hold emotional energy around income, possessions or purchases so expect this to fuel your needs as well and for lots of energy to flow around these themes in your day to day action. WEDNESDAY Venus kicks off a new love and income cycle that is going to amp up behind the scenes for you from now through April 5th. That means you should see potential to express the love or earn money through the imagination, fantasy, what you do to develop projects or rest and reboot, any film, music or art, spiritual practice, romantic getaway, dealing with hospitals or healing, facing addictions or self-sabotaging tendencies, investigations, or connection to the magical side of life. Here things should smooth out and women should benefit your aims. Jupiter has been Retrograde since last November and finally goes Direct on THURSDAY. That means from now through July 16th he speeds through Cancer not to return for another 12 years. So, how can you see growth, more happiness or prosperity? It is tied to true love, children, creative projects, and recreational pursuits, so use this window to open things up here and aim high. FRIDAY through SUNDAY turns focus to the talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, or decisions about home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, roommates, or parents. Expect to be busy communicating and choosing here. A private reading with Zoe gives you her special insights into your own unique birth blueprint and arms you with personal information to navigate the energy fields up ahead. To find out about current rates and available dates email remember, knowledge is power!

Read your MARCH MONTHLY here!

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