Sunday, February 16, 2014



What can I say about MONDAY? It seems to hold all adjustments so head into it ready to hammer some things out with a give and take, in-the-moment attitude. The first part of the day will be about getting details wrapped up, the work done, health concerns tackled, paperwork in order, organizing, and being adaptive when it comes to your aspirations, freedom, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or original ideas. The second part of the day will be relationship oriented so you can plan on dealing with the partners, reps, clients, specialists, competitors, or others with an adaptive mindset regarding hospitals, addictions, research, healing, film, music, art, spiritual interests, romance, or a need to pull back and rest or regroup.

TUESDAY is the big day this week because there are many big things going on. First, the emotional energy belongs to the relationship Moon, Libra, caught up in a Grand Cross with Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto. So you can expect to be vigorous with those other people over personal needs for change, the expanding dynamics at home, with real estate, family, a parent, roommate, move, or renovation, and the intense changes around goals, career, the boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure in the mix. Since it stems from Libra Moon seek out those partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or other relationships to make it happen.

Second on TUESDAY is the Sun's move into Pisces. This will illuminate the mystical part of life over the next 30 days and put you more personally or physically involved in Piscean themes. So, get ready to listen to your intuition, follow your dreams, tune into your muse, get into your art, film, music, yoga, meditation, magic, psychic abilities, research, or pull back, develop something, rest, recharge batteries, investigate, heal, deal with hospitals, addictions or bad habits, and open up your imagination. The more you step up and shine your light, take the lead and trust in yourself in these matters, the better you will do. Each sign will see these themes affecting a certain area of life, involving certain people or places, but for everyone these matters are important now.

Third on TUESDAY the North Node of Destiny moves into Libra. The last time this occurred was back in August, 1995. So you can think back to what key relationships began to surface during the North Nodes tour here between Aug 1995 - Jan 1997. There will be some similar themes now although all of the major players-that is planets, that surround this are in different placements now. So, starting today Destiny moves into relationships, justice, balance, and a higher esthetic and will call us here over the next year and a half. To that end certain key people are going to show up that hold a bit of your Destiny in their hands. You will do best when partnering, seeking counsel, expanding your client base, looking for representation, connecting with specialists, and other relationship dynamics up ahead (unless your personal chart speaks otherwise).

Finally, the fourth event of TUESDAY is the Karmic South node moving into Aries. Since the South and North Node travel at the same rate in opposite positions around the zodiac they share the same time frames. So again, the last time Karma was in this position was between Aug 1995-Jan 1997. Aries is about your body, image, ego, name, title, identity, personal goals, fighting spirit, passions, and anger. There will be a focus over the next year and a half on balancing Karma in these areas and working on clearing any past life issues that are affecting these themes for you now. This does mark a demarcation point between old Karma and the next chapter so consciously release any ego issues, physical maladies, name/identity symbols, that you feel you can.

WEDNESDAY Mercury squares Saturn. It's a tough combo. One about taking responsibilities, dealing with losses or limits, pushing ambitions harder, dealing with authorities like bosses, parents or judges, and the information that is coming to light today. This may mean a serious meeting, talk, offer, something to be signed, sold, agreed upon, negotiated, or chosen. The focus here is on aspirations, social needs, the internet, astrology, or charities, and the financial situation, mortality issues, intimacy, or divorce. Mercury slowed down and took you back so you could deal with this, so deal. The last burst of Libra Moon gives you good energy from partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or other key relationships so reach out.

THURSDAY and FRIDAY will focus on sex, divorce, finances, mortality issues, reproductive needs, or birth. Both days are a mixed bag of aspects around these themes but both days hold positive alignment to the goals being reached or the right authority figure coming through or an opening to reach that authority or further career needs.

THURSDAY will also bring some nice things at home, with family, the parent, roommate, move, renovation, or real estate. A little bit of a personal or physical adjustment from you is necessary at some point today but overall it looks good.

FRIDAY the energy will mean another of those Mercury Retrograde talks to further understand the aspirations or deal with the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or need for freedom or change. Saturn is present today so it is a serious day, choose a side, make a commitment, end something, you get the idea.

SATURDAY turns focus to travel, education, media, legalities, or weddings. You will be dealing with some challenging things behind the scenes and making adjustments when it comes to home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, roommates, or parents. You should be in a position to feel a bit excited and do some things differently today, especially when focusing on these topics of expansion, the trip, law, education, wedding, or media interest.

SUNDAY the Sun and Neptune embrace. Oh boy. That is some over the top magic surrounding us on a personal or physical level. It gives us a kick-off date for heading into the mystic, getting to the film, concert, playing music, painting, dreaming things up, dancing, meditating, doing our yoga, getting out in nature, napping, finding time for some romance, healing, getting to the hospital, facing an addiction, kicking a bad habit, or researching something. You may just get up and go some place because you are drawn to it today. Magic happens when these two embrace, shine your light. The rest of the days energy is again about the travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, broadcasting, publishing, wedding, religious, or political interests. All of these topics are going well with friends, gatherings, group activities, online interests, astrology, charities, and original choices, sweet.

C.G. Jung was quoted as saying, "The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed." I believe that this quote may be your mantra over the next year and a half as the North Node of Destiny takes up residence in your relationship zone this week to begin his long tour here. What are you looking for Aries? Is it a personal relationship that transforms the very core of who you are, transformation of a current relationship or are you seeking a business union with transformative powers? Do you want representation or an advocate to rally to your side? Are you trying to find new inroads into your clients hearts or your audiences mind? Is there a specialist that can help transform you? This week begins that new Destined road and you will be wise to look for the most powerful and uplifting souls you can find, they should begin to pepper the wings in wait for you so stride right up and introduce yourself. As far as the Karmic South Node taking up residence in your sign for the next year and a half, I give you a quote from Floriano Martins, "The deeper I go into myself the more I realize that I am my own enemy." Keep that in mind if you find that you would rather remain an island, get caught up in your own ego plays or lapse into old self-defeating patterns. Get out of your own way and allow these people to better your life. For information regarding a private reading with Zoe and specifics about what is transpiring in your chart, email It's good to know! Get Zoe's DAILY FORECASTS here.


John V. Cheney wrote, "The happiest heart that ever beat was in some quiet breast that found the common daylight sweet, and left to Heaven the rest." I share this with you because I feel it will do you good to remember it as your motto as the North Node of Destiny moves into the relationship sign this week to focus on simplifying, organizing, helping you with work, health needs, the animals, and paperwork for this next year and a half. Come back to this quote each time, you will want to embrace relationships that are starting to show up or are ready to evolve over these themes and keep it simple. This is also a very lovely phase where Destiny is favoring a purity in your efforts and helping you cleanse some things down to their basic form. As far as the Karmic South Node taking up residence this week in your mystical and hidden arenas for the next year and a half, I share with you a quote from Gustave Flaubert, "He had the vanity to believe men did not like him-while men simply did not know him." You may find that as this energy takes hold in this part of your chart that you tend to keep more to yourself, that you may even feel the desire to hide away from the world from time to time, but it would be a mistake according to the astrological omens. You should remember that the world likely thinks more of you than you see and that Destiny wants you working on the job, health, etc, rather than hiding out or allowing any depressive feelings to take over. Remember your quote. For information regarding a private reading with Zoe and specifics about what is transpiring in your chart, email It's good to know! Get Zoe's DAILY FORECASTS here.


Gemini, I give you a quote from Deepak Chopra, "Love doesn't need a reason. It speaks from the irrational wisdom of the heart." Sigh. So why do I give you such a verse? Because this week the North Node of Destiny moves into your zone of true love, children, creativity, and fun, and there will now be a year and a half when key relationships will dawn that are meant to help you find out how much you love. It is time now to embrace the partners, specialists, clients, representatives, and other key people who can open up the light of love, help you find what you love to do creatively, widen the love for children, or let you fall in love with having fun. I figure everyone will want to sign up to be Gemini now. So let go and trust that Destiny is working it for you. As far as where Karma is now moving this week to tour for the next year and a half, let me share a quote by David and Bruce McArthur, "Out of love and care for yourself, send your love and compassion to your hurt, then forgive. It is the door to your freedom." This is a quote to go back to from time to time up ahead as Karma is now going to hinge on your need for freedom and how you deal with your own needs. You don't want old Karmic patterns repeating so look at how you behave in social settings, at parties, on the internet, with friends, in groups, and what is really going on inside of you. There has never been a better period for you to find the love of our life or to find some new creative talent or connect with children, so how you handle this Karmic side of life right now will be critical to any self-sabotaging that could get in the way. Look at it clearly. For information regarding a private reading with Zoe and specifics about what is transpiring in your chart, email It's good to know! Get Zoe's DAILY FORECASTS here!


Cancer, as the North Node of Destiny takes root in your fourth house this week where it will stay for the next year and a half, a quote from Stephanie Perkins comes to mind, "For the two of us, home isn't a place. It is a person. And we are finally home." Keep this as your mantra in the months ahead because starting this week Destiny is bringing romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, and others who will play a significant role in the home, with real estate, moves, renovations, roommates, parents, or family. This is where you are being pulled and where good things should unfold. So aim high, and seek out others to help you with your needs. As far as the Karmic South Node moving into your tenth house this week to tour here for the next year and a half, I give you a quote from Rupert Murdoch, "Our reputation is more important than the last hundred million dollars." This is important because you enter a new Karma cycle that will call you to identify yourself with your status or integrity. You may have built up to a point where others would like to lead you into new territory and the question needs to be, will it still remain true to you? If you are pulled into self-motivating forms of ambition during this time at the cost of your Destiny on the other side of the map, reach out for those key people and find your footing where you stand. Do not sell out. For information regarding a private reading with Zoe and specifics about what is transpiring in your chart, email It's good to know! Get Zoe's DAILY FORECASTS here!


I really love the quote I am sharing with you, Leo, to represent your new Destiny position this week. I share a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, "Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people." I share this with you because starting this week and for the next year and a half Destiny will call you towards key people that can support your ideas and they should be grand during this cycle. It is a Destined time to write, speak, propose, sell, sign agreements, share ideas, interview, audition, field offers, and make decisions. Partners, reps, clients, specialists, and other will show up to help. Keep your mind open, learn, share thoughts, ask questions, they will lead you to Destiny's door. It is good to note that when it comes to Destiny there may be help from siblings, neighbors, electronics, or transportation as well. Karma, on the other hand, moves this week into a new year and a half cycle that will have equal impact. So I give you a quote from Thomas Fuller, "He does not believe that does not live according to his belief." Karma is now going to ask what you believe in and bring some situations to bear that have to do with how ingrained these beliefs have become. It is a tricky place to be in because you could lose by being too narrowly invested or by faltering in said beliefs. It therefore becomes an important period for you to really look at what it is you are keeping faith with, what are your beliefs? Are they yours or handed down or attached out of courtesy? Karma will be showing up through people and situations over religion, politics, media, education, legal, travel/foreign, and wedding themes. Don't jump, ask yourself what is at the core of your devotions first. For information regarding a private reading with Zoe and specifics about what is transpiring in your chart, email It's good to know! Get Zoe's DAILY FORECASTS here!


Virgo, as the North Node of Destiny takes up residence in a new energetic this week where it will stay for the next year and a half, a quote from Albert Einstein came to mind, "Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value." It is so important that you remember this last part since it will lead you to the first part over this next chapter and it will do so through key relationships that form. Here is the skinny, it is time, once and for all, for you to value yourself in a better way. Partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, and other key relationships will form around this theme and Destiny will then play out around income possibilities, purchases and possessions that come through what these other people can do for you. It starts with you figuring out just how valuable you are to the world. Work on it. At the same time, the Karmic South Node moves into its new position for the next year and a half and you will be working on Karma here. To that end, I give you a quote by Steve Maraboli, "Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don't." You may find yourself in some Karmic places where control and power are involved, it may be tied to some financially shared situation, a third party, divorce, mortality issue, your sex life, or a birth, but it is key to remember that getting in your own way here will not help. Take the high road and focus your attention on all those good potentials for feeling valued. For information regarding a private reading with Zoe and specifics about what is transpiring in your chart, email It's good to know! Get Zoe's DAILY FORECASTS here!


Miles Davis was quoted as saying, "If you understood everything I said, you’d be me." I would like to tell you that this simple line is one you should hold onto and recall as you move into the next year and a half hosting the North Node of Destiny. You are entering a key time of identity and the opinions formed and paths taken regarding that theme are yours to make. You may take the time to explain it to others but don't get too hung up on everyone getting you at the moment. You are now, more than any other time in recent history, reinventing yourself. It therefore becomes a week that gives you that first nudge towards looking at how you define yourself, who you think you are and who you would like to be, how you care for your body or image, further your brand, or deal with your name, title or identity. If ego has kept something at bay, work on it, if you don't feel strong enough, take steps now to strengthen your body. There should be people out there who will now be ready and willing to help you reach your aims, Destiny awaits. At the same time, the Karmic South Node moves into relationships and I believe a good quote for you on this matter comes from Steve Maraboli, "When you hold a grudge, you want someone else's sorrow to reflect your level of hurt but the two rarely meet." And it's not just about grudges, it is about putting too much into the reflection of that other person rather than spending this period working on your own evolution. It can become a Karmic sink hole so do your best to avoid it. For information regarding a private reading with Zoe and specifics about what is transpiring in your chart, email It's good to know! Get Zoe's DAILY FORECASTS here!


Scorpio, in the week ahead the North Node of Destiny moves into new territory where it will reside for the next year and a half. To this end I have 2 quotes I would like to share with you, one by Roald Dahl, “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.” The other by the writer of Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie, “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it." Let these be your mantras over the months ahead. Destiny is about to show up in the most magical place of your chart, where imagination is key and all good things are hidden. It is about tuning into the muse, meditating, trusting your inner voice, letting your artistic talents fly, nurturing romance in private, developing your story, healing, and research. There will be key relationships forming to help you reach these summits, they will arrive as partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, and others with that same magic glint in their eye. Don't forget it. At the same time the Karmic South Node takes up a new position for the next year and a half. I share a quote from Mahatma Gandhi with you for this new placement, "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." This is about Karma balancing around being of service, the simple acts in life, the details, organizing, the work you do, paperwork, health concerns, and animals. If you stay to the side of genuinely giving to others in these matters you will come through the Karma in a good state. Past life souls may be showing up to reconnect over these themes as well. For information regarding a private reading with Zoe and specifics about what is transpiring in your chart, email It's good to know! Get Zoe's DAILY FORECASTS here!


Sage, I share a quote from Aristotle with you, "What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies." This holds a whole lot of weight for you in the coming year and a half as the North Node of Destiny moves into your social sector and begins to draw Destined relationships to you. It is a period where friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, causes, parties, events, your freedom, aspirations, and original ideas will connect with these partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, and other relationships for some Fated moments. Therefore, make your connections important to your own growth and say yes to expanding your horizons with the players that show up here. The Karmic South Node at the same time moves into new territory to tour there for the next year and a half. To that end I share a quote from Andre Gide, “It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." Remember this quote when heading into any situation involving love, children, creative endeavors, or recreational pursuits. You are balancing some new Karmic cycle here and will want to make sure you are not giving away a piece of yourself that you are not comfortable with just to achieve some goal in one of these areas. You may have a past life soul entering the picture to take up some Karmic cause with you over these themes as well. Remember, Destiny has your back and you know just where to go to meet the right situations. For information regarding a private reading with Zoe and specifics about what is transpiring in your chart, email It's good to know! Get Zoe's DAILY FORECASTS here!


Capricorn, I have 2 quotes for you! First, a quote from Neil Gaiman, "Nearly' only counts in horseshoes and hand-grenades." And second, a quote from Shannon L. Alder, “You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle." It sounds daunting, doesn't it?! Well, actually, it should remain your mantra over the next year and a half because this week the North Node of Destiny moves into the achievement sector of your chart and he will tour here over the months ahead giving you the leg up to reach goals, further ambitions, take your career or business to new heights, and deal favorably with authority figures like the boss, parent or judge. There will be key relationships forming over these themes so look to partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, and even better ways to handle the competition, it will all call you towards your Destiny. Aim high! At the same time the Karmic South Node moves into new territory and will play here for the next year and a half. To that end I share a few words by J.R.R. Tolkien, "All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost." Good words to ponder when it comes to you and any Karma that will now play out over how you are rooted, if you will move, what occurs in your home, any real estate matters, or what is occurring with family, roommates or parents. You want to take the high road, you are in a new Karmic cycle here, past souls may arrive to carry forward or settle Karmic debt and you will want to be aware of any slipping into past behaviors yourself when so much is calling you to the new Destined horizons. For information regarding a private reading with Zoe and specifics about what is transpiring in your chart, email It's good to know! Get Zoe's DAILY FORECASTS here!


As the North Node of Destiny takes up a new position this week, where he will tour over the next year and a half, a few quotes came to mind that you should ponder. One, from Roman Payne, "I wandered everywhere, through cities and countries wide. And everywhere I went, the world was on my side." And another from Eleanor Roosevelt, “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience." I share these because Destiny is calling you to adventure, to broaden your horizons, to learn or teach, travel or go global, broadcast or publish, market ideas, wed, make it legal, get political, or renew your faith. Key relationships will develop around these themes so expect romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or others to rally round these themes. Destiny calls. At the same time the Karmic South Node moves into new territory this week and as well will tour here for the next year and a half. To that end I share a quote from Horace, “Rule your mind or it will rule you." It will be your own mind, getting caught up in conversations that you have with yourself, old patterns you lean on to make choices, ideas that may have outlived their usefulness, and the things you say without thinking first, that will bear Karmic markings in the months ahead. It's important that you don't trap yourself in routine or past dictates when the whole world is waiting for you. It is possible that past souls arrive around these communications topics or in your local environment to balance debt or take something further with you so choose your words wisely and keep an eye on the horizon. For information regarding a private reading with Zoe and specifics about what is transpiring in your chart, email It's good to know! Get Zoe's DAILY FORECASTS here!


Pisces, I have 2 quotes to share with you that I feel embrace the feel of this new Destiny cycle about to commence this week. One is from Jorge Luis Borges, “When writers die they become books, which is, after all, not too bad an incarnation." The other is from Anais Nin, “I take pleasure in my transformations. I look quiet and consistent, but few know how many women there are in me.” The North Node of Destiny will now tour through the deeper, more transformational part of your life for the next year and a half. There will be key relationships forming around intimacy, sex, divorce, reproduction, birth, mortality issues, finances, and triangles. So look to the partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, and other relationships to carry you towards your Destiny in these areas and don't be afraid to transform what is going on here. At the same time, the Karmic South Node moves into new territory where it will stay over the next year and a half. I share this quote with you by Emma Frances Dawson, "Love I must forego. I am not a man with an income." I share this so you keep in mind that to focus narrowly on the money coming in the door, the possessions that you own or want, or the purchases you are contemplating, will bring Karmic matters into play over this period. Make certain that you are going deeper than that and erring on the side of Destiny so you do not block out the gifts the universe wants to share. You may have some past life souls arriving to balance debt here, turn a Karmic corner or carry something new forward based on these topics. For information regarding a private reading with Zoe and specifics about what is transpiring in your chart, email It's good to know! Get Zoe's DAILY FORECASTS here!


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