Sunday, September 13, 2009


Seldom has the focus of a week been so single minded in its intent as what I see for the days ahead. There is ONE thing in your world that is really peaking and it is going to need all of your attention.

Saturn has been touring Virgo for 2 years now and although I wouldn’t categorize this as a necessarily fun time, it has helped each of us trim back the fat in our lives and concentrate on what really matters, it has brought a sense of service to the broader scope and pushed us to organize, make the effort and master some area of life.

Saturn will exit Virgo 6 weeks from now and enter a much lighter state of being. This week he is coming to the fore wrapped in Virgo and Virgo’s area of your chart is going to be intensely highlighted. Due diligence, change, effort, responsibility, freedom, meeting the past to realign a stronger future, letting go, building on solid dependable ground by daring to step out of your comfort zone, and asking yourself:

“What is the one thing I can do that in the process of making, completes me?”

If your focus is out there, on another person or something you want outside of yourself, you are standing in the wrong spot. Stop, change positions, look within and realize that you are seriously standing at the cross roads this week. Seriously. You are special and you have something that you can offer the rest of the world that by doing will light you up, this is what Saturn has been trying to help you find. Whatever that is for you, that special gift that only you possess, choose it this week.


The week ahead is about the work you are doing, how you go about the work, who you work with, how you get along with co-workers and any patterns occurring here, your involvement with people you hire to work for you, your health and how it affects your daily routine, the details, critical thinking, the services you provide others, and your relationship with pets.

Monday is a Void Moon until mid-day so sit with this idea and think about what you would change. In the afternoon talks with partners, agents, open enemies, or attorneys go well, focus on creativity, love or children.

Tuesday is the day, the turning point in the road, you have been striving to redefine the work, health and pets areas of life, this is where mastery is seeking you, where tests have built up, where you are meeting responsibility and limitations, look at what pushes your buttons today and what you are ready to change or step up to.

Wednesday the Moon is Void until later in the day so once again there is a bit of a reprieve, so rest and go within. You will need to look at how your ego or body, image or identity, is being affected by the work, health or pets today and make an adjustment in a friendship accordingly.

Thursday your position regarding work, health or pets meets a shock or surprise you didn’t see coming, think of it as a test to what you have learned. Talks with partners, agents or attorneys challenge you to push your goals more intensely. Mercury backs into Virgo and the Retrograde is now focusing on work, health and pets for you so the past is here in this, people and situations are to be revisited and fleshed out.

Friday is the New Moon in Virgo accompanied by Mercury Retrograde here so you are beginning something brand new now in an area of either health, pets or work and you will be revisiting a past person or situation to spring from this in some manner forward.


The week ahead is about the things you love or that come from a seed of creation so you will be focusing on creativity, the creative projects you are involved in, a love affair or the idea of love, children or projects involving children, recreation, or speculation.

Monday the Moon is void most of the day so it is a time to go within and allow. Once the Moon enters Leo a conversation about work, health or pets is going to be open to you and should be positive, especially where home is concerned.

Tuesday the turning point has arrived, you are looking at your sense of mastery, responsibility, limitations and how you wish to go forward in creative outlets, with love and regarding children. Your aspirations, social circle, friendships and group affiliations are radically changing and trying to broaden your view.

Wednesday the Moon is once again void so the day is not the best for initiating new things. Your body, image or ego is wrapped up in the matter with the lover, child or creative project and a need to adjust something here around goals, career, reputation, or fame is pushing you forward.

Thursday the body, ego, identity or image is going at it again around love and creativity, this time getting right in there with the changes and responsibilities, limitations and radical new approaches. Talks about work, health or pets challenge you as you do your best to transform through travel, education, media, or legal channels. Mercury backs into the house of true love, children and creative projects, it is likely you run into or hear from a past lover now, or revisit something tied to old creative outlets or children.

Friday the New Moon in the area of creative projects, children and lovers is going to be about fresh new starts but ones that most likely are going to involve someone or some situation from the past. It’s a serious, radical, communicative day and one that is bound to open your eyes.


The week ahead is going to be about home, where you live and with whom, what goes on there, how you are relating with those you share space with, moves, buying or selling of property, renovations and remodels, roots you are setting down, mom, childhood issues, and security matters.

Monday the Moon is void in the first part of the day so don’t initiate new things, go within and resonate with the weeks energy. Once the Moon moves into Leo you will be talking or meeting with someone to talk about love, children or creative projects and this looks positive.

Tuesday you are standing at the crossroads between responsibilities and limitations at home or with mom, and the need to strike out for freedom on the career front, to try new things, stretch your wings, pursue innovative goals and rise to a new level. This isn’t completely over until July 2010 but you are now making choices that are putting you towards what you truly need in life.

Wednesday the void Moon will mean less doing and more inner work again, think of it as a reprieve between giants. You need to look at how home or mom is affecting your ego, body, image or identity in the world and make some adjustments around your dream to travel, do something media related, publish, promote, educate or learn, or deal with law.

Thursday your ego needs are stirred even higher around home, property, or mom as sudden changes arrive in career and you are face to face with limitations or responsibilities at home. Talks about creativity, love or children are bound to be incredibly intense today as what is shared, either physically or financially is transforming. Mercury Retrogrades back into Virgo today and you will be revisiting a past home or property matter, living situation, or issue with mom.

Friday the New Moon in the home, property, living situation, and mom area of your chart means new beginnings here but ones that will be based on a person or situation from the past. You are dealing strongly with the Saturn/Uranus opposition again in this as feelings must touch on the responsibilities or limitations on the one hand and the need for freedom on the other.


The week ahead is going to be focused intensely on communications, so talks, emails, phone calls, what you write, speaking engagements, agreements, as well as short trips, sibling matters, and the neighborhood.

Monday the Moon is void which is a spiritual time for Cancer, look within and gather strength. Once she leaves the void she enters Leo and you will have the opportunity to have a positive talk about home, property or mom and any income matters around this, so earnings or spending.

Tuesday you are at the crossroad, at the half-way point in the on-going opposition between Saturn and Uranus. Responsibilities or limitations in thinking, communications, writing, with siblings, neighborhood, or short trips, is coming to a peak as you feel the urge to express yourself in new and exciting ways through travel, getting the media, promotion, or publishing venture going, dealing with legalities, or education.

Wednesday the Moon is void again for the first part of the day so take a breather and get ready for the rest of the day. You will be looking at your image, body, ego needs or identity in the writing, communications, neighborhood or sibling matter and making some adjustments. You are looking at artistic or romantic expression needing to come through on a profound level tied to this shift.

Thursday ego and body are once again the focus locally, in your mind, or in talks as you deal with a sudden insight from afar, or a change going on through travel, media, law, or education, it’s time to get serious. Talks about home, living situations, or with mom will be intense as you deal with some kind of major change going on with a partnership, attorney or agent. Mercury Retrogrades back into Virgo today and you will be revisiting a past communications matter, something said or agreed upon with a person in the past, or running into someone from the past locally or through siblings.

Friday the New Moon in Virgo is a fresh start for you in talks, communications projects, writing projects, agreements, the way you are thinking, speaking assignments, the neighborhood, and with siblings. It is likely that someone or some situation from the past is part of this new beginning.


The week ahead is about your income, how you make your money and what you choose to spend it on, your possessions, what you value in life and why, how you feel valued and how you value others.

Monday the Moon is void the first part of the day so it is best to take it slow and do your inner work. Once the Moon enters your sign the potential to have a talk about your needs is great and looks quite positive.

Tuesday you are at the crossroads of the Saturn/Uranus opposition that will finish in July 2010. This has been a huge battle over money, look today at the responsibilities and limitations occurring with how you are making a living and what you are spending on, and then at the radical way your joint finances, loans, debt, credit, settlements, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, or any other outside finances are being pushed to free you on some level.

Wednesday the Moon is void again for the first part of the day so take a breather. You are going to be looking at your ego, body, image or identity related to the money you are making or spending once the Moon enters Virgo and making some adjustments here if you wish to reach your artistic or romantic ideal in partnership or with agents or attorneys.

Thursday the financial matters peak again as your ego or physical being is focused on making or spending your money while the changes or need for freedom in credit, debt, loans, joint finances, or other outside resources is stretching you. Talks today will be intense and focused on how to powerfully change the work you are doing, a health matter or handling pets. Mercury Retrogrades back into Virgo so you will be revisiting a past person or situation tied to making or spending money.

Friday the New Moon in Virgo is giving you a fresh start with income, possessions, and how you go about making or spending your earnings. The past is going to be tied into the new beginning so look at people and situations from then that may be able to point you in the right direction.


Big week for you. Big. The focus is all about who you are, your image, your body, your identity in the world, and your ego needs.

Monday the Moon is void for the first part of the day so don’t push agendas too hard. Once she moves into Leo you are going to find a chance to talk about money, making it or spending some of what you make, in a private, secret or behind the scenes manner. This looks positive.

Tuesday you are at the crossroads in the ongoing war in heaven that is so radically changing who you are. Look at responsibilities and limitations that you are personally taking on your shoulders and the other side of the equation with the partner, agent or attorney and the radical, independent freedom seeking energy going on there. You will come out of this in July 2010 a much stronger person with more potential than you can imagine to partner and connect, choose wisely this week, choose for the true you.

Wednesday the Moon is void again for the first part of the day so take it easy, meditate, breathe. The later part of the day is either physically putting you into a work, health or pet regime or you will be dealing with image, identity or ego here. The need to make some personal adjustments is high as you look at artistic, romantic or spiritual expression.

Thursday put the focus on yourself, you, yes, you, think about what your needs are, how you are pulling the weight, there is a huge day ahead of you between your needs and partnering needs or needing representation. Partners, agents or attorneys, even open enemies, can be the push that helps you decide what is right for you by their wild or erratic actions. A talk about the money you are making or have to spend is on the agenda today and will be about a very intense change going on around children, lovers, or creative projects. Mercury backs into your sign today so you are going to be revisiting a past version of yourself for the next couple weeks.

Friday the New Moon in your sign is about a fresh new start in your life, look at any need to freshen up your image, your body, or any new changes to your identity in the world. Something or someone from the past is going to be playing a part in this, once again this may be about a past version of yourself coming to the fore now as you begin again from this place.


The week ahead is about the hidden part of your chart, one that you should be pretty aware of at this point, but it rules strategies, secrets, hospitals and other institutions, imagination and dreams, fantasy and film, hidden enemies, self-sabotaging, mystical connections, psychic abilities, work behind the scenes and retreat.

Monday the Moon is void for the first part of the day so take it easy and wait to have your talk later in the day. Open up with networking and friends about your needs or something close to your heart later in the day for positive results.

Tuesday you are standing at the crossroads in the ongoing battle between Saturn and Uranus. It has been playing out for you between the reclusive, retreative, imaginative area of your chart where you have been dealing with any limitations or responsibilities, and the part of your chart associated with work, health and pets where new ways forward are calling. Pull yourself out of any hiding or self-sabotaging and look at new exciting ways to work, approach your health or interact with pets.

Wednesday the Moon is once again void for the first part of the day so don’t initiate until later. Your body, ego or image is going to come up later in the day as you take a look at your needs or how you are being perceived and make some adjustments to help you reach your artistic goals in creative projects or romantic goals with lovers.

Thursday will be intense as your identity, body or ego is in the crosshairs of the Saturn/Uranus opposition as you look strongly at how retreat, hidden enemies, self-sabotaging, or work being done behind the scenes is affecting you and at the radical energy playing out through work, health or pets. A talk about your needs will be intense as major changes to living situations, home or property matters is in the mix. Mercury Retrogrades back into Virgo today so you will now be dealing with something or someone who was a secret, went on behind closed doors, was involved in a film or fantasy project, hospital or prison, or was a hidden enemy in the past.

Friday the New Moon in Virgo is going to give you a whole new start in film or fantasy, imagination, work done behind the scenes, retreat, hospitals, institutions, dealing with secret enemies, self-sabotaging, escapism, or mystic or psychic abilities. Revisiting the past person or situation tied here will be part of what launches the new beginning for you.


The week ahead will be about your friend, friendships, how you relate to groups, group affiliations, networking, social functions, and aspirations.

Monday the Moon is void for the first part of the day so it is best to take it slow and wrap up but not initiate until the Moon enters Leo. At this time talks about what has been going on behind the scenes, a film or fantasy project, research, strategy, or dealing with retreat or secrets will bode well for goals or career.

Tuesday you are at the crossroads of the Saturn/Uranus opposition that continues until July 2010. It is about looking at the limitations or responsibilities you have socially or with friendships and aspirations, and then seeing the exciting, liberating energy trying to open your world up through creative projects, children, recreation, and true love.

Wednesday the Moon is once again void until mid-day. At this time you will be involving your body, image, identity, or ego socially, attending a function or connecting with friends. You need to make an adjustment here based on what you are trying to deal with at home, where you live or with whom, or in the roots you are putting down.

Thursday friends, social obligations, networking, and aspirations will put you front and center again, your responsibilities are here as you look at surprises or changes coming through creative outlets or loved ones. A talk about what you have been keeping secret or time in retreat, at hospitals or prisons, working on fantasy or film, research or private time, will be pretty intense, you may hear or say something that until now has been under wraps. Change is the name of the game here. Mercury Retrogrades back into Virgo so a friend from the past may show back up now or a current one may take their leave.

Friday the New Moon in Virgo is giving you a fresh start in friendships, social circle, networking, social functions, and aspirations. Someone or a situation from the past is likely a part of the new way forward.


The week ahead is all about your career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, or father. It’s a big, big week.

Monday the Moon is void for the first part of the day so take it easy and don’t initiate anything new. The rest of the day opens up positive opportunity in talks and meetings with friends about travel, media, publishing, promotion, legal matters, or education.

Tuesday you are at the crossroads between the old way of career, being the boss, taking the lead, goals, ambitions, and looking at responsibilities or limitations here, and the new exciting road forward in the living situation, home you are building, property matters, and roots you are putting down. What began here last year will continue to evolve until July 2010 but you are smack in the turning point today.

Wednesday the Moon is void once again for the first part of the day so take time to rest and internalize what is occurring. Your identity, body, image or ego is going to emerge today on the career front and towards your goals in a strong manner but you are going to have to make some adjustments here. Look at romantic, artistic or spiritual agendas in communications, writing, in the neighborhood, or with siblings as part of why you are making these adjustments.

Thursday your ego, image, body or identity is going to be amped on overdrive on the career front or towards goals. You are really dealing with the responsibilities or limitations here along with surprises occurring at home or with property. A talk today with a friend is going to be heavy as money (income) is involved. Mercury Retrogrades into Virgo today and you will be retracing with people and situations your career path and goals.

Friday the New Moon in Virgo is giving you a fresh start on the career front and towards goals, fame, and ambitions. This is going to be tied to people or situations from the past as you go forward.


The week ahead is about the higher mind and expanding your world through travel, with people at a distance, foreign ideas or trade, media, publishing, promotion, education, politics, beliefs, and law.

Monday the Moon is void for the first part of the day so wrap up and do any resting you can. There is going to be an important talk or meeting that comes up once the Moon enters Leo about career, goals, reputation, fame, or ambition and it looks to be very positive financially.

Tuesday you are at the crossroads in the ongoing Saturn/Uranus war in heaven that began November 4, 2008 and will end July 2010. Look at responsibilities or limitations in travel, media, law, or education, and balance this against the new and exciting ways of thinking, communicating, writing, involving yourself in the neighborhood or in short trips, or in radical ways your connection with siblings is changing. The new is where it is at.

Wednesday the Moon is void again for the first part of the day so take your time and don’t initiate new things until mid-day. Your ego, body, image, or identity is going to be smack in the middle of a trip, media matter, legal issue, or educational matter for the rest of the day and you need to make some adjustments here. This is about what is going on with your income, the making or spending of it, and how you are feeling artistically, spiritually or romantically.

Thursday the ego, body, image or identity is once again front and center in the travel, media, legal, or educational matter, put yourself out there and deal with the authority that is yours in this. Surprises are coming via communications or local matters, siblings or short trips. A talk about career, goals, ambition, reputation, fame, or father will be intense and involve the powerful changes you are going through as a human being. Mercury Retrogrades back into Virgo and someone or a situation from the past is due to show up regarding travel, education, media, or legal issues.

Friday the New Moon in Virgo is bringing a big fresh start in all areas of higher education, travel, law, and media. You will likely be making this fresh start with a person or situation from the past involved.


The week ahead is about the deepest things in life, intimacy, sex, death, divorce, power, control, loans, credit, alimony, child support, joint finances, debt, taxes, insurance, inheritance, and any other outside resource.

Monday the Moon is void for the first part of the day so take time internally and wait to have your talk later in the day. Discussions about travel, legal matters, education, or media projects are all under positive aspects with partners, agents or attorneys so open up.

Tuesday you are at the crossroads of the ongoing Saturn/Uranus opposition that is affecting your finances so intensely. Look at the responsibilities or limitations around joint finances, loans, settlements, divorce, debt, credit, or any of the other shared resources. You are being pushed to radically reinvent yourself and the way you make and spend your money, today should show you some of this clearly, choose for independence through earning.

Wednesday the Moon is void again for the first part of the day but once the afternoon hits you will be right in the middle of the major money matter, intimacy or sexual connection, or dealing with the divorce or death. Your image, identity, body or ego is in this strongly and you need to make an adjustment here if you are to reach your romantic or artistic goal for yourself.

Thursday the shared resources or intimacy, divorce or passing, is what is front and center again, you are at the crux of it all as you deal with responsibilities or limitations and another surprise coming via the money you are making or spending or a possession. A talk about the legalities, travel, media, or education will be intense as your beliefs are in this strongly and you are pushing for powerful change in some self-sabotaging or retreative matter.

Friday the New Moon in Virgo is giving you a brand new start where joint finances, loans, credit, debt, taxes, settlements, alimony, child support, inheritance, or any other shared resources are concerned, or with sexual connections, intimacy issues, divorce, or major transformations. A person or situation from the past is part of this new beginning.


The week ahead is about a romantic partner, business partner, partnership and who and why you partner, agents, open enemies, and attorneys.

Monday the Moon is void until mid-afternoon so take is easy and wait to have your talk later in the day. Open up about the deepest matters, divorce, death, major finances, and sex. There is opportunity in this conversation for you and a link to good vibes in the work, health or pets part of our life.

Tuesday you are at the crossroads. You began this journey in how you relate one-on-one in your most important relationships back in November 2008 and you will finish this major testing in July 2010. Today you can see how far you have come in claiming your independence and sense of freedom to express who you are as you look squarely at any limitations or responsibilities laid upon your through partnerships, attorneys or agents.

Wednesday the Moon is void until mid-day again so do your internal work and get ready to dive into the partnership, agent or attorney matter full force the second part of the day. Your ego, image, body, or identity is strongly in the mix here as you look at this significant connection. You must make an adjustment today in who you are in relation to this person as you shift towards your own hidden artistic or romantic ideal.

Thursday your ego, body, identity, or image is once again strongly dealing with partners, agents, open enemies, or attorneys as you strive to express who you are in this, how you are dealing with responsibilities or limitations, and any new radical needs you have to be free. A talk about the joint finances, outside resources, sex, divorce, or death is going to be very intense as you try to transform the friendship. Mercury Retrogrades back into Virgo today so a partner, agent, open enemy, or attorney from the past resurfaces for reworking or revisiting, or a current partner may leave your life today.

Friday the New Moon in Virgo is about brand new starts in partnership, with agents, attorneys, or dealing with open enemies or competitors. A person or situation from the past is going to be part of what launches the new beginning forward.


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