Sunday, March 22, 2009


Rev ‘em up cause here comes the action! There is this thing you want different in your world, a change, something that really needs to move, shift, adapt, break away, be moved towards, left, shaken up, and this week you are going to be doing something about it. Oh, and this isn’t one of those minor things like changing hair dressers or choosing a different club to hang out at, nope, this is a BIG thing, something that can’t be put off any longer without you being proactive on some level to change it.

The energy is mostly going to play out between the signs of Aries and Capricorn so you know right from the start that you are going to be pushing, pursuing, tackling or in other ways taking on the warrior mode to go after the change. You also know that this has to do with a serious ambition of yours, your standing in the community, your career, goals, pretty much what you want to be when you grow up. So here is how it is going to play out:

Monday you make a physical push, your body or image or just the thing you really want the most is going to be in movement as you take a big lunge towards your ambition by dealing with an obstacle, challenge or change. Put yourself out there and do it now!

Tuesday you are going to see what that big push did for you and your emotions are going to get very intune because of it, we are talking passion and feeling like you can conquer the world here so you will be hard put to slow down today. Follow through.

Wednesday you are going to figure out just who it is that you need to call or meet to help you get where you are going. You may even have a sudden emotional breakthrough or a shocking revelation about just what it is you are doing here. This is the stuff of life, it is exciting and it is time to move, move, move!

Thursday should be rather explosive as you experience the Aries New Moon and feel this intense energy surging through you and the need to storm the castle walls, declare your place in the world and make a run for the money or the love interest. The New Moon gives you two weeks so you don’t have to do it all today :)

Friday you will have your first opportunity to do the real heavy lifting in a talk or meeting about what it is you are trying to change and what it is you need to move forward. Regardless of how daunting any of this may seem, remember you have luck and love on your side today as you push, charge, rebel or seduce your way to your goal.


I don’t want to hit you over the head with it but this week is really truly about who you are in the world, where you want your place to be, your career and ambitions, your goals and reputation, how others see you in the position you hold, all up for grabs this week. Today you need to access who you are in your vision of this and make a change. Take a look at how your body is responding to what your ambitions are striving towards. Friends are key to help you on the level of arts, spirit and romance.

Tuesday puts the energy behind the scenes, there is time to dig, research, spend time on the internet, do some private activities, just make sure that whatever you are doing in your alone time is geared towards what you want to change.

Wednesday brings some extra work your way or need to tackle health issues. You should set up some meetings or talks about you and your needs today, introduce yourself to others, make the scene. An idea that comes to you out of the blue could be golden.

Thursday is your New Moon. This is literally a new beginning for you. Emerge over the next two weeks with your new image, identity, body or personal goals and allow the first seeding of power to take hold. If you haven’t begun this process, start now, initiate the new diet, wardrobe, name, hair cut, goal in the world, and make every day count over the next two weeks.

Friday you must talk with a boss or person you are gearing towards in career or with big goals. This is the day to ask for something different, to state your case, take your leave, ask for the raise or perks, brand yourself, and reach out to your network of friends as they are the key to your success right now. If your goal is to do something loving for yourself, to take some personal time, treat yourself, then this is important now as well.


The week ahead is about pushing yourself behind the scenes whether that is with a fantasy project such as a film or acting or if it is in research or work behind the scenes, the area where you want to see change resulting in is through the doors of your publishing and media house, your travel and long distance, education and legal zones. On Monday you must do something physical here, do the rehearsing, the daydreaming, the research, put yourself out there in some imaginative way.

Tuesday is a day to connect with your social network or friends. One group or person who is close seems to be playing a significant part in what you are trying to bring forward and get out there on all channels blaring. Once again, be proactive with this person or group.

Wednesday asks you to get serious with the creative process and to balance your aspirations here. There is a new way of looking at things that you hadn’t thought of before, you may be contacted by someone in secret now or find something while researching that lends itself to your getting out there with it. An emotional breakthrough or great idea or surprise is there through a friend.

Thursday is the New Moon in the area of your chart that is about working behind the scenes, research, fantasy projects, and dealing with institutions. You have two strong weeks to move these hidden agendas forward, to plant new seeds in the fertile ground of the imagination and to connect with others who are involved in similar spiritual or dreamscape areas.

Friday you must communicate about your fantasy film or acting work, your dreams, your research, secrets, or what you have been working on behind the scenes, take meetings, open up dialog, it is a challenge before you but you must PUSH if you are to see change in the publishing, media, travel, legal, or educational realms now. The luck and money is in the career and goals so don’t back down from what needs saying.


You really want to change the balance over something that is shared with another significant person out there. This could be about money or about intimacy and the push you are going for is tied tightly to your aspirations and how you see yourself in your social network. On Monday you need to push yourself with a friend to achieve what you are trying to change where intimacy, outside resources, divorce or death are concerned.

Tuesday brings a push towards your goals or on the career front. This is a day where your emotions are locked in to your actions and you should feel good about the strides you are making but you have to be proactive.

Wednesday begins as a balancing act between the desires you have to achieve your goals and the limitations or duty you have to home or property issues. Talks with friends take on a more urgent or active form as you share ideas or meet up to brainstorm. You may have an emotional breakthrough today in some unexpected way over career or reaching a goal.

Thursday is the New Moon in your friendship zone. New friends arrive now, old friends who no longer fit the future path may depart. This is the best time of the year to plant seeds towards your most cherished aspirations. Prepare to accept invitations and mingle more now.

Friday is a very important talk or meeting about the changes you are going for this week. Talks with friends or about aspirations are key. The goal you have regarding an intimate connection, a shared resource or outside financial issue, divorce or death is going to be what sparks this communication. Luck and love or money is going to be there for you through the friend and travel, media, law, or education.


Your heart is with a romantic or spiritual intimate connection today. The issue however is going to be over changes you need to see in partnership. You have some very specific goals for yourself and the way a partnership is or is not progressing is key this week for you. You will have to push for what you want and Monday this involves you doing something physical towards your goals towards this change. Travel, law, media or education is working for you here.

Tuesday is about doing one of these four things heart and soul. You need to book the flight or hop the plane, you need to make a move towards the media, publishing or promotional agenda, you need to do something about the teaching or learning program, or you need to take care of the legal matter. Just do it.

Wednesday begins with you needing to balance just how you communicate with the person at a distance or over the travel, media, legal or educational issue. There is a new opening occurring on the career front or with goals tied to an idea, something you have written, or talks, communications, or speaking engagements. Once again, be proactive, look for it and pursue it.

Thursday is the New Moon in your career Midheaven. This is the most powerful time of the year for you, the next two weeks are about seeding new projects, rising on the career front, making moves or launching businesses. If your goals are personal like marrying or buying a home, use this energy to take steps towards your goals.

Friday brings the talk or meeting that is going to be intense and important regarding your goals or career. You must communicate with passion and you must communicate just what you need to see change in the partnership. The lucky energy today is with profound and intimate connections that expand your goals so don’t skate the surface, share what is real and be willing to go deep.


Well Leo, the big changes this week are a bit complicated but you wouldn’t want it any other way would you? The big change that is morphing out is occurring to your work, your health or with pets. The place where the action needs to happen to push this change forward is going to come through travel, education, media, or legal channels. On Monday you will need to physically engage here by getting on the plane, going to the courthouse, signing up for the class or standing in front of it to teach, or getting in front of the camera. Any of these things will help you get the work or health or pet issue moving.

Tuesday is passionate. There is empowering energy here for intimacy and sexual connection. If you aren’t feeling it with anyone right now, then this energy can also set a fire under you to do something about the money situation, how you are sharing it, dealing with it, or splitting it.

Wednesday brings a need to find balance with the money and how it is spent. Talking to someone at a distance or about taking a trip is going to be important today. If you aren’t traveling, then the active energy also fuels talks or ideas about legal matters, media, or education.

Thursday brings the New Moon in your travel, legal, educational, and media zones. This is a two week time frame to begin something new through one of these higher realms. This is also an energy of politics and religious ceremonies, philosophy and publishing. Continue to keep the work, health or pet change in your mind as you take steps today to move towards something better.

Friday is the day to have the talk or meeting about the change, this needs to be real and powerful and you should be passionate about the travel, education, media or legal matter before you if you wish to see progress with the work, health or pets issue. There is luck and inspiration from a partner or representative for you here today so lean on this person if you need support.


There is artistic inspiration available to you in the work you do today. Don’t lose site of this as you tackle the weeks challenges. Change is the key word and you need to see it regarding a creative project, child, or love interest. The action you must take to see this change is going to be through the eighth house of joint finances, shared resources, loans, debt, credit, taxes, insurance, and any other form of outside money, as well as through the realms of sex, intimacy or divorce. On Monday you will need to do something physical regarding this money or intimate connection to push the change a bit.

Tuesday the heart and the passionate actions align as you do something about the partnership. This really is your call today, whether the action is expressing passion or anger is about where you are in the partnership but your actions are going to be charged as you feel you know just what you must do. Make sure to keep aggression in check if that is how you are feeling.

Wednesday brings a passionate talk or meeting about the shared money, outside resource, divorce, or intimacy. You are going to be communicating just what you want here now. The balance in the partnership between you and the other is in need of some tending and the partner may pull a wild card on you today, once again this energy could be positive or negative, depending on where you are with this person.

Thursday is the New Moon in the area of your chart associated with these shared energies so you now have two strong weeks to start something new where joint finances, loans, credit, banking, insurance, settlements, royalties, commissions, debt, taxes, divorce, sex or intimacy are concerned. Powerful feelings about the creative project, child or love is stimulating the push forward today.

Friday brings the talk or meeting that is going to be very powerful and intense. This is occurring about the money-joint finances, loans, credit, banking, insurance, settlements, royalties, commissions, debt, taxes, sex, or divorce, and the change you want to see over the creative project, love or child. Luck and expansion are on your side where work and service, health and pets are concerned today.


You must take action about who you are in the partnership today. Your identity or needs within the partnership are important and there is some physical push you must do today if you wish to see the changes involving home, property or the foundations you are building in your life. Security issues are morphing for you now, and stepping up and asking for what you need is the only way you are going to see change. The partner may not see the issue about the home or property as you do, whoever the third person is, rely on your work and charm to win the day.

Tuesday is full throttle work day, take care of health day, do something with the pets day. You can choose but once you do you are going to pour all of yourself into the energy there. It is a day to move mountains and make things happen. DO it.

Wednesday requires some balance between your desire to tackle all the work still not done or the health or pet issues, with some time to retreat and recharge. Talks today are going to be quite dynamic with partners. Remember for you this means significant others, business partners, or those who represent you such as agents, managers or attorneys. Come from your passion. A sudden change in work or health or with pets may through an emotional lightning rod in the mix, new beginnings.

Thursday is the New Moon in your partnership zone. This is a strong indicator of new relationships opening up over the next two weeks, any old connections that don’t support your growth will be moved along now. Love and money come up for discussion now with this person.

Friday brings the heavy talk or meeting about the give and take in the partnership, the money and how things are shared. Home, where you live, with whom, property and it’s sale or current state, will be where the change is asking to happen. There is true potential for you today for something to break free and open up in the areas of creativity, true love or with children. Allow the talks to lead you to these arenas.


There is a good vibration in the home today, romance, artistic expression, spiritual retreat, all flowing well. The big change this week is coming through a communication or communications project, through something local or involving short trips, or in your interaction with siblings. On Monday there will be the need to throw yourself physically into your work or to do something about your health or to get out there with the pets if you wish to see the change you are going for. Heavy talks about the work or health or pets may involve a third party so take care in how you present yourself.

Tuesday is about focusing all of your energy to do something creative, to work on the creative project, to throw yourself into some fun or recreation, to pursue the object of your affection with passion and enthusiasm, or to get something going with the kids. It is an opportunity to give yourself a fresh emotional start here so dive in.

Wednesday requires some balance between your desire to tackle creative projects, love or kids, and the need to be responsible to friends or social obligations. Talks begin today with vigor regarding the work, health or pet issues. News may come in that you have been waiting for. There is a suddenness to a shift with love, creative projects or kids that should be stimulating.

Thursday is the New Moon in your work, health and pets zone. This is the time to begin a new work assignment or to take on working through a project at home or with the kids. It is the best time to start a new diet or health regime. You may decide to adopt a pet now or do something fun with the ones you have. Talks about love or money will help you define how to begin.

Friday brings the major talk, news or meeting regarding the work, health or pet. The change you want to see in communications, writing, locally, or with siblings is going to come through what is said about the work, health or pets. It is a powerful day and words will carry more weight than ever, use them with care. Whoever the third person is in the mix, look to home or property to open things up.


Artistic, romantic or spiritual conversations should please today. The real energy however is going to be with the huge change you are trying to push for. This is about you doing something physical or with your image/identity to express your creativity today or to show your love for someone. Doing this is going to push the door open a bit further where the change needs to be regarding income. Take care in matters of the heart where a third person is involved, the cost may be higher than you imagine.

Tuesday is about pouring your passion and your heart into home, property, security needs and foundations. Go do something that brings you a sense of safety or roots. There is potential for anger at home as well, do your best to find the Mars energy in an active, productive outlet here.

Wednesday you must balance your desires to deal with home or property matters against your responsibilities to career or goals. Talks today are going to be aggressive or passionate about true love, children or creative projects. A change in feelings about home or emotional response to something unexpected there may play into this.

Thursday is the New Moon in your house of true love, children and creativity. This is the beginning of a two week cycle to seed fresh starts here, launch the project or begin a new one, take up a new creative outlet, meet someone interesting who takes your breath away, do something new with a current amor, or begin something with your kids or start trying to make a new one.

Friday is the major talk, news or meeting about a love interest, child, or creative project and the powerful change you are trying to make happen regarding the money you are making or spending here. The third party involved is tied to the money. Talks are going to open you up to new potential and expansion especially where your artistic, romantic or spiritual nature are involved.


This will be a challenging week for you Capricorn but you just have to bite the bullet and do it. On Monday you must do something physical or regarding your identity tied to home, property, foundations or security issues. There is a big change that you are trying to move forward, even if it seems foreboding, even if it seems threatening, you are going through this transformation regardless, so you might as well take the reigns and do something today, one step forward, get up and get out of your own way.

Tuesday is about getting very busy in the local neighborhood, or taking a short trip that will fuel your passions. There may be some passionate or aggressive communications on the roster as well. If you are a writer, pour your heart and soul into the pen today, you won’t be sorry. Any unfinished business with brothers or sisters is ready to be tackled as well.

Wednesday you must balance your local or mental projects with responsibilities to legal, educational, media, or travel matters. Talks begin in earnest regarding the actions that must be taken about home, property, mom, foundations, or security needs. Something said may take you by surprise but be quite insightful.

Thursday is the New Moon in your home base. This is the time to take actions over the next two weeks to solidify your roots in life. You want to initiate new beginnings where home, property or foundations are involved. Move, buy, sell, take in a roommate, do something for mom, settle anything tied to your property or safety and security, initiate new starts here. Love and money are issues in this, open up and move it forward.

Friday is the big, challenging, meeting, talk or news coming in regarding how you are going to transform yourself through the foundations, home, property, mom, or security issues. You have to move through this hurdle to get where you want to be as a person, to assure your stability, to make the transformation at a core level. Do not avoid this conversation and look to the third party here as the potential to opening up a new lucky flow to income, even if today that flow is going out.


The weeks challenges are going to involve something changing that is secret, hidden, part of a hidden agenda, self-undoing, escapist, involving substance abuse or other addictive energies, or part of a fantasy world or institution. There is need for major transformation in one or more of these areas, there is a sense that this issue has become a third party involved in the challenge. On Monday you must put yourself out there physically on the local scenes, through a sibling, short trip or in a meeting or talk and put your needs into the mix regardless of how daunting the challenge seems.

Tuesday is about making or spending money. The energy is very passionate or aggressive so you will feel compelled to go for it, knowing this in advance may help you set up some limits if need be. If you are looking for income producing projects, this energy should help you go after them. Fights over possessions are possible as well today so pace yourself.

Wednesday requires some balance between the money that is shared and earned, put on credit and spent. All talks, meetings and news is going to take on a more Martian energy today so expect dynamics, aggression, passion and active discussions. A change or surprise in income may arrive as well.

Thursday is the New Moon in your communications zone. This means new beginnings locally, in the neighborhood, in writing projects, in news coming in and talks and meetings, and in short trips and relationships with siblings. Start fresh now, plant seeds. You have two strong weeks to get the biggest boost out of this lunation.

Friday is the very intense talk or meeting about what you want to change or transform. The topic is going to be about secrets, self-undoing, addictive or escapist actions, fantasy, research, hospitals, prisons, or other places of retreat. There is the need to open up the skeletons in the closet and to be fearless in facing what needs to completely be reborn here. You are due to expand as an individual through this process.


The week is an intense pressure cooker for everyone and for you it is going to be playing out between income and friends. Monday you need to physically put yourself out there to earn or spend the money. Your identity or image may be attached to this process but your physical presence is definitely mandatory. The challenge is the power issue with the friend and the way you wish to transform the earnings through change with this person. A third person seems to be part of their issue.

Tuesday is about you being completely physical, doing something active, passionate or even aggressive. Walk, kick box, dance, do something to your image or identity, cut your hair, begin a diet, enter a gym, just put your energy and your passions into yourself, your needs, your body.

Wednesday requires balance between your desires to tend to yourself and the demands or responsibilities to a partner. Talks are going to get more passionate, angry or aggressive now where money is concerned, this being the money you earn or spend. You are under the emotional energy of change again today so you may do something spur of the moment for yourself.

Thursday is the New Moon in your income zone. This is the best two weeks to begin a new earnings position, to go after one, to open up an income making venture, to buy a possession or deal with one you have, or to tackle issues surrounding income.

Friday is the heavy talk, meeting or news regarding the changes you are pushing with the friend or a change that is pushing you through them, all going back to ‘show me the money’. How are you spending your money, how are you making it, how is the friend playing into it, how is the third party in the mix? The work you are doing behind the scenes or the retreat you are involved in now is due to expand through the transformations you push for today.


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